• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Mass Infiltration

The following night Arc stands in his quarters aboard The Equinox. He looks around at his friends and squad.

“Is everyone clear on their part of the operation?”

Max nods soberly. “Yes sir.”

Xenos chuckles. “I think we have the easy part.”

Hugh sighs. “Assuming everything goes as planned, yes.”

Viktor turns to him. “Why wouldn’t it?”

Auriel looks to them. “You four HAVE to succeed though!”

Sereb nods. “Yes, you’re the first part of the plan.”

Cherry calls out to them. “And the signal for phase two to start.”

Arc turns to Fluttershy and Rarity. “You two have your disguises?”

Fluttershy blushes slightly. “Y-yes.”

Rarity giggles. “Don’t worry. We’ll be convincing.”

Pinkie grins as she pulls out her party cannon. “And if you’re not, the rest of us will finish the job!”

Applejack stomps a hoof. “That we will!”

Rainbow Dash clops her hooves together angrily. “They better HOPE we don’t get to that point!”

Scootaloo looks up to Arc. “I’ll be there to play my role as well.”

Sereb groans. “It’s a bit… unbelievable though.”

Cherry sighs. “He’ll believe it if it comes from the Scarlet Filly.”

“That’s what I’m counting on. Decimus has a, for lack of a better term… a sweet spot for her, after all.”

Scootaloo makes a face as she puts up her hood. “Ugh.”

Auriel frowns. “We can use that for only so long though.”

Rose nods as she turns to Arc. “But if this works, it’ll only strengthen his trust for her.”

“Right. And you, Auriel, and Sereb will be in position when the second signal goes out.”

Sereb growls. “That we will.”

Auriel appears suddenly nervous. “How will we know when…?”

Cherry interrupts her. “Sereb can hear things most of us can’t. He’ll notify you when it’s time to move.”


Arc looks at the clock on the wall before turning to his squad. “Looks like it’s almost time. But before we get underway I need to talk to you, Max.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc motions for the others to depart. “Head to the main hatch. We’ll meet you there shortly.”

They nod silently and head out the door. Arc turns to Max.

“I have something to say.”


“What happened back on Earth between Shelly and you… it shouldn’t have.”

“I understand your reasoning, sir. But I…”

Arc interrupts him. “No, Max. What I meant was… I was wrong. I never should have tried to come between you two like I did. Shelly was just so happy when you were around and I took that away from both her and you.”

Max sighs. “I don’t think it matters at this point, sir.”

“Kinda does.”

“What do you mean, sir?”

“When I was there recently, Shelly… asked about you.”

“Did she?”

Arc nods. “Yes. She wanted to know how you were doing. Unfortunately I couldn’t tell her, as I honestly didn’t know. But she did want me to tell you something for her.”

Max grins with hope in his eyes. “Yes?!”

“Shelly said that she’d like to see you again.”

“She did?!”

“But not until you’re ready to come clean and tell her the truth.”

Max appears confused. “I don’t understand. What I told her was exactly that.”

“That is true, yes. However it was really out there in terms of believability.”

“So I should have lied to her?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. But I should have backed you up when you did. Had I gone upstairs with you and told Shelly that you were being honest… she would have believed me, and in turn you.”

“Is there… possibly any chance we might go back one day, sir?”

“I hope so, Max. I really do. But right now we have a job to do. Can I count on you to do it with me?”

Max nods. “Yes sir. We’ll get this thing done and get out of here!”

“Good. I’d like you to know that I’m going to figure out a way to make this right between you and Shelly. Just… now really isn’t a good time.”

“I understand, sir.”

“Thanks. It’s more than I deserve right now.”

They head out the door and down the corridor to the main hatch. Rose turns to him.

“We’ve just begun our approach of the capital.”

Arc nods. “How much longer until we pass over the castle?”

“A few minutes. After one pass the ship will land inside the Hanger until the test is scheduled to start tomorrow morning.”

Arc turns to the pegasus beside him. “You ready, Rainbow Dash?”


Reaching for his ring he pulls out black saddlebags. Putting them on Rainbow Dash he turns to the others.

“Here we go.”

Casting the Matter Compacting spell on everyone other than Rainbow Dash, they quickly begin to shrink down. When they reach around six inches tall he stops. Carefully picking each one up, Arc puts them gently in the saddlebags before casting the spell on himself, Blinking into the bag, and calling out.

“Go ahead!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Hang on!”

Opening the outer hatch, Rainbow Dash runs out onto the turbulent deck. The roar of the engines is all around her as the cold night air blow across her coat and mane. Shivering slightly, she takes flight and dives straight for the castle below. Leveling off as she nears the ground, Rainbow Dash looks around for a few moments before spotting her destination. Landing in the middle of the Royal Gardens she looks all around for a few moments before calling out.

“The coast is clear.”

Arc pulls his guardanium knife and slices the bottom of the bag, making a large hole. Dropping down, he lands and catches each of his friends as they jump toward him. Motioning for them to line up, he casts the counter spell to return them to their normal sizes. Looking at them all for a few moments he motions for them to disperse, which they do. Turning to Sereb, Arc pulls a magic cloak out of his ring and quickly puts it on.

“No turning back now. We have to do this.”


Meanwhile, Scootaloo flies close to the ground out of the gardens and into Canterlot. Making several turns, she eventually comes to the drawbridge and hurries toward the Royal Guards on duty.

“I need to see Captain Decimus at once!”

The Royal Guard commander on duty rolls his eyes. “Oh, do you now? And whom shall I say is requesting such a late night audience?”

Scootaloo looks the stallion right in the face as her eyes glow red.

“The Scarlet Filly.”

Gasping, the stallion hurries inside. A few minutes later he returns with the captain. He looks pleased to see Scootaloo and even smiles at her.

“Ah, to what do I owe this pleasure, Scarlet Filly?”

“I’ve tracked my quarry to the castle, sir!”

Decimus raises an eyebrow. “Are you certain?”

Scootaloo nods with conviction. “Yes.”

“For what purpose?”

“It’s come to my attention that a new airship is being built and would make a tempting target.”

Decimus narrows his eyes. “How did you hear about that?!”

“I keep an ear close to the ground, sir.”

“Very well. We shall see for ourselves. Come with me.”

Scootaloo nods and falls into step with Decimus as they head inside the castle. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash and Hammer hurry quietly down the corridor toward the castle’s hanger. Peeking inside they find the room quiet with only a few lights left on for safety. Hammer turns to Rainbow Dash.

“Looks like the coast is clear.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “I’ll be the judge of that.”

She peeks around the corner, but sees no one.

“Now it’s clear.”

Hammer looks around. “I can handle this part myself. Why exactly did you come along?”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “To keep an eye on you, traitor!”

“Fine. Just don’t get in the way.”

Running into the massive room, she looks around for the target. Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to figure out where the ship is.”

“I’ll do that.”

Taking flight, she soars around the room silently as she looks around. A few moments later she lands behind Hammer.

“It’s this way. Follow me.”

Hammer shrugs. “Lead on.”

Walking for some time, they eventually reach a massive ship similar in size to the Lunar Destiny. Hammer gasps.

“Ponies sure don’t go partway when building a ship, do they?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nope. Now then, let’s get moving.”

Walking up the gangplank, they come to a card reader. Hammer pulls out a card from her pocket.

“Let’s see if this thing from Sunburst works.”

Inserting it, the door slides open. She puts it back in her pocket and silently motions for Rainbow Dash to follow her. They enter the massive ship and walk a corridor. Reaching a curve, the pair peek around it. The door to the Bridge lies ahead, but is guarded by half a dozen Royal Guards. Hammer kneels down as she draws back from the corner and checks her gun. Rainbow Dash frowns.

“What is THAT?!”

“A magic gun. Why?”

“Is it loud?”

“Well, it certainly isn’t quiet if that’s what you mean.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “That could tip off the other guards in here.”

“How do you know there are others?”

“How do you know there aren’t?”

“Good point. So what should we do?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I dunno. You’re supposed to be the soldier, aren’t you?”

“We could either rush em head-on…”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Like that plan!”

“…or lure them over here with a distraction.”

“That first idea sounds like more fun.”

“Well, the second one will let us get the drop in them. Less chance of us getting hurt that way.”

“What kind a distraction then?”

Hammer grins. “I’ve got just the idea.”

A few moments later Rainbow Dash crawls on her belly around the corner breathing heavily and waving a hoof.

“H-help! There’s a monster over here!”

The guards look at her quizzically for a few moments before something grabs her tail and pulls her roughly back. Two of the guards steps forward to investigate. As they round the corner Hammer grabs their helmets and slams them together as Rainbow Dash calls out in her best stallion impression.

“Take that, beast! You… help that cute mare! And don’t even think about taking advantage of her in that condition! Yes, I know she’s so toned and hot, but…!”

Hammer looks at Rainbow Dash and rolls her eyes. Frowning she continues talking.

“Look out! I think that pretty mare is sick or something! We need to hold her down! Stay away from her hindquarters though!”

She turns and looks toward the corner.

“We need some help restraining this nice-looking mare! Can you give us a hoof so we can get her tied up?”

Two more guards around the corner, but have their faces smashed against a wall by Hammer. Rainbow Dash grins as she continues.

“It’s not enough! We can’t hold her! Get help!”

The last two stallions run to comply. As they pass by, Hammer reaches out and clotheslines the pair. Rainbow Dash nods approvingly.

“Well, that’s that.”

Hammer chuckles. “And you wanted to rush em.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I thought it would be more fun!”

“How was my way?”

“A blast! But let’s get moving!”

“Wait! We can’t just leave them here!”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Why not?!”

She offers Hammer a sly smile as she continues.

“Or are you suddenly interested in more than just the mission?”

Hammer shakes her head. “No way! But someone walking by could spot them lying here!”

“So what are we going to do?”

“Follow me.”

Grabbing the four stallions by a hind leg, Hammer drags them to a nearby room. Tossing them inside the pair close the door and head for the Bridge. Entering, Rainbow Dash looks around at the numerous stations.

“Great. Which one is tactical?”

Hammer points. “That one.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “How do you know?”

“Trust me. I know my guns.”

Running over to the station, Hammer kneels down and opens an access panel. Reaching into Rainbow Dash’s other satchel, she pulls out some explosives. After setting them and priming the detonators, she replaces the panel cover and turns to the mare.

“One down.”

Rainbow Dash turns back to the door. “Now we head to engineering?”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. From there we can take out the engines.”

“Fine. Lead the way.”

“Follow me.”

Hammer leads Rainbow Dash through the door and toward the stairs. The pegasus appears confused and suspicious.

“How do you know it’s that way?”

“Because the engine room is always on the lower levels on human ships.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Uh… why?”

“To keep it separate from the Bridge and living quarters as much as possible.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Just…! Let’s go.”

“Fine. Just watch out for trouble.”

As they continue on their way the pair come across a few patrols. They are easily dispatched by either Hammer’s fists or Rainbow Dash’s hooves though. However as they near Engineering the sounds of several guards talking rings out. Grabbing Rainbow Dash as she hovers next to her, Hammer dives into a small storage room. Grabbing the doorknob, she quietly closes the door just enough to peek out as Rainbow Dash looks to her, dazed.

“What are you…?!”

Quickly putting a hand on her muzzle, Hammer holds the pegasus’ mouth shut as she looks through the crack in the door. A patrol of a dozen stallions marches by as they sit there in silence. As the sound of their hoof falls quiets Hammer releases Rainbow Dash’s mouth. She squirms loose and flies out the door angrily before turning back to the young woman angrily.

“Are you some kind of sicko?!”

Hammer frowns. “Sicko?! I grabbed you to save your life!”

Rainbow Dash makes a face. “You had your filthy hands all over me!”

“Fine! Next time I’ll just let you get caught! I mean, it’s not like I was grabbing at your chest, or anything!”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow, confused. “My chest? What’d be wrong with that?”

Hammer groans. “I was trying to stay away from your breasts, okay?! But sorry if I bumped them, or something!”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Well, next time try harder! I thought you were going to pop em!”

“Pop what?!”

“My breasts! I mean, they’re not very big, but still…!”

Hammer frowns. “What are you talking about?! My arm was WAY lower than that!”

Rainbow Dash hovers and points a hoof down below her belly. “Yeah! And that’s where they are!”

Hammer blushes as she looks down and spots the mare’s teats near her hips.

“Oh, um… I’m really sorry about that. On a human female they’re a lot… higher.”

Rainbow Dash looks at Hammer’s chest and sighs. “Yeah, I can see that. Sorry for blowing up.”

The mare turns to walk away before looking over her shoulder and grinning mischievously.

“Well, I guess we’re married now.”

Hammer gasps. “WHAT?!”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “I’m just messing with you… honey!”

Hammer breathes a sigh of relief as she chuckles. “Good. But in any case, let’s finish this up and get to the secondary point, cupcake.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Right behind you, babe.”

Entering the Engineering Deck, Hammer plants explosives on several different panels and activates them. After using all her explosives she turns to Rainbow Dash and gives her a thumbs up.

“All done. Now let’s get out of here.”

Rainbow Dash nods. “No arguments there.”

They leave the ship and head back to the corridor. As they leave, Hammer reaches into her pocket and pulls out a detonator. Turning it on, she looks to Rainbow Dash with a sly smile on her face.

“You wanna do it?”

Rainbow Dash nods heartily. “Yeah!”

Taking the detonator, a smile spreads across Rainbow Dash’s face as she brings a hoof down on the plunger. A large explosion rocks the ship and the platform. Hammer nods approvingly as she takes back the device.

“Good job, sweetheart.”

“You’re not so bad yourself, pumpkin.”

Hammer grins as she pulls a magic cloak from the saddlebags. “Which way is it to the next objective, sugar.”

Rainbow Dash gestures with a hoof. “Right this way, buttercup.”

Hammer cloaks and pulls Rainbow Dash inside the robe. Holding her carefully she hurries down the corridor as she looks down.

“Comfortable, precious?”

Rainbow Dash giggles. “Very much so, cutie. And take a left up ahead. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover.”

As the pair run, Decimus and Scootaloo approach from the opposite direction. Quickly surveying the scene before them, they spot smoke coming out of several large holes in the ships anterior and posterior. Several windows are blow out and numerous stallions are rushing up the gangplank to combat the flames. Decimus stops a team of medics as the hurry out the main hatch with a stallion on a stretcher.

“What happened?!”

“A mare along with a strange looking human-like creature ambushed us, sir!”

Decimus grits his teeth. “Human?! Are you certain of this?!”

“Yes sir.”

Scootaloo turns to the wounded stallion. “Was it the renegade former Hero of Light?!”

Stallion shakes his head. “No, miss. Of that I am certain. This one appeared to be a human mare.”

Decimus groans as he motions for the medics to continue onward. Finding the commanding officer on the ship’s deck they hurry over to him.

“Commander! Report!”

“The ship was infiltrated and bombed from the inside. While the Bridge is largely intact, it appears the attackers were able to completely destroy the new O.R.B. system.”

Scootaloo points a small hoof. “Then why is there smoke coming out of the back?!”

“I have reports that the engine room was also bombed.”

Decimus gasps. “How badly?!”

“Totally destroyed, sir.”

Decimus slams his hoof on the metal deck angrily. “Get this fire put out and the ship repaired as soon as possible!”

“Yes sir.”

He turns and walks down the gangplank with Scootaloo.

“This doesn’t make sense. The ship was capable of being flown away. Why not steal it?”

Scootaloo nods. “And the fact there’s a human mare running around now.”

“I believe that guard was either delirious or incompetent. The rogue Hero of Light was the only human in Equestria.”

Scootaloo turns to Decimus. “So you think he’s just here to cause wanton destruction?”

Decimus shakes his head. “No. He would never do such a thing without rhyme or reason. He’s after something.”

“But what?”

“We’ll find out. Since we didn’t encounter them on the way here, they must’ve run the opposite direction. Follow me!”

Meanwhile, Fluttershy and Rarity hear the blast some distance away. Turning to Applejack and Pinkie, Rarity nods soberly.

“There’s the signal.”

Fluttershy sighs. “Let’s get this over with.”

As they charge around the corner, the guards stationed at the door are surprised to see two mares run over to them in nurse uniforms. Rarity is the first to address them.

“How is she?!”


Rarity points to the door. “We received word that Princess Twilight was very ill and needed medical attention!”

“But we’ve heard nothing of the sort. Princess Twilight does not like to be disturbed after supper for any reason either.”

Fluttershy trots in place nervously. “But we really need to make sure she’s okay!”

Rarity nods. “Right! She could be dying!”

The guard sighs. “Very well. But understand that if something bad happens to you in there that it’s on your head.”

Pushing the door open, Rarity and Fluttershy rush into the room. Rarity uses her magic to close the doors behind them as Fluttershy runs over to Twilight. She finds her lying on a rug with a book in front of the fireplace.

“Um… h-hello?”

Twilight does not look up. “If this is about tomorrow’s meeting just leave the itinerary on the desk please.”

Fluttershy looks around nervously. “Oh… n-no, it’s not about any meeting.”

“Then what…?”

Rarity runs over and pulls something out of her uniform’s pocket. Levitating it over to Twilight, she slips it over her horn. Gasping slightly, Twilight looks up as her horn is touched.

“What are you…?! Fluttershy?! Rarity?! What’s…?!”

Rarity puts a hoof to her friend’s mouth. “No time for pleasantries, dear! Right now we need your help to safeguard the land!”

Twilight appears confused. “Safeguard… what now?!”

Fluttershy nods. “Please listen, Twilight. Here’s what we need you to do.”

Meanwhile, Applejack counts softly to herself.

“98… 99… 100.”

She turns to Pinkie and sighs.

“Time to do this.”

Pinkie grins wickedly. “Good! I’m tired of waiting!”

Applejack sighs. “I’d still rather wait for Rainbow Dash and Hammer though. More backup never hurt.”

“But we can’t wait for them anymore!”

“Yeah. Let’s…”

The sound of footfalls approaching grows louder as Hammer decloaks and pulls off the robe. Letting go of Rainbow Dash, they look to Applejack. Hammer is the first to speak.

“We late?!”

Pinkie grins. “Right on time actually.”

Applejack nods soberly. “Let’s do this!”

Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Hammer round the corner and charge the guards. Making quick work of the group, Hammer grabs the last semi-conscious guard and looks him in the in eye before grinning.

“Nighty night.”

Punching the stallion in the face, she tosses him aside as Rainbow Dash pushes open the door. They hurry inside and lock the double doors before running over to Twilight and the others. Hammer is the first to speak as she turns to Rarity.

“Is she with the program?!”

Rarity nods. “Yes. Now all that’s left is…”

Applejack puts a hoof on the furniture. “How attached are you to this table, Twilight?”

“Attached? Well, it’s really fancy, of course. But it isn’t what I’d call culturally significant. Why do you…?”

Without another word Applejack turns and bucks the table through the balcony doors, smashing them. It flies over the railing and deep into the Royal Gardens. Twilight gasps.

“Why in Celestia’s name did you…?!”

“You just need to trust us right now, sugarcube! Everypony out the balcony door and to the secret hatch below!”

Twilight frowns. “Secret… what now?!”

Pinkie smiles apologetically. “Sorry, Twilight! We’ll explain later!”

Fluttershy sighs as Rainbow Dash flies over to her. “Just say what we told you, okay?”

The yellow pegasus pulls a coil of rope out of her medical satchel and tosses it to Applejack as she runs over. As the others make their way to the ground, she quickly ties Twilight’s hooves together snugly and looks her over before making her own escape. Twilight frowns as she lies on the ground completely bound and unable to move. Sighing, she talks to herself.

“I really hope this plan… whatever it is… works.”

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