• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - The Griffon Kingdom

A short time later the Lunar Destiny touches down just outside the gates of Griffonstone. Ember looks to Arc as she calls forth her armor and spear.

“Are you sure about this, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head as they walk toward the Main Hatch. “No. But then again, I never am.”

Sereb frowns. “That is not reassuring.”

“If anyone else has an idea as to how we can get close to Lord Goldstone, I’m all ears.”

No one says anything as Arc stops in front of the hatch and Captain Tight Ship. “I was kinda hoping one of you would say something.”

Flash Sentry, clad in Honor Guard armor with his twin blades strapped to his back, nods soberly. “We’ll let you know if we think of anything. In the meantime, we got your back, sir!”

Sereb growls. “Indeed we do.”

Arc turns to face Tight Ship. “Good.”

“Sir! This is as far as I can take you. As soon as you enter the city, we’ll be taking off and returning to Canterlot.”

“I understand. Have a safe trip.”

“Yes sir. You too!”

Tight Ship pushes the button to open the hatch as Arc mounts Sereb and calls forth his armor. He turns to Ember as her and Flash Sentry prepare to step out onto the deck.

“How do I look?”

Ember takes her place just outside the door. “Like a formidable opponent!”

Flash Sentry nods as he stands opposite Ember to secure the deck. “Yes sir! You both look like you’re going to war!”

Sereb nods. “We need to exercise great caution for the time being.”

“Agreed, Sereb. But please keep quiet for now.”

Sereb nods and steps out of the mammoth ship with Arc on his back. Flash Sentry looks around and spots a small envoy at the base of the gangplank awaiting them.

“Looks like they rolled out the welcoming committee for us, sir.”

Ember nods. “Let’s not be rude.”

Ember and Flash Sentry descend the gangplank with Arc and Sereb in the rear. Two Griffon Royal Guards flank a more ornately dressed and armored female griffon. She has a light gray coat with white plumage and black wings. Her downcast eyes are a light shade of blue.

“Greetings… whatever you are.”

Flash Sentry looks to her, angrily! “This is Hero of Light Arc! Equestria’s greatest warrior!”

Ember looks at their hostess incredulously! “Show some respect!”

The griffon appears rather bored with her task. “My apologies… Lord Arc. I am Lieutenant Natalya. Aide to General Blackbeak, the commander of the nation’s Royal Griffon Defense Force.”

He nods to her, stoically. “A pleasure, lieutenant.”

“The general apologizes that he was unavailable to meet you himself, but duty called.”


Natalya gestures with a claw. “If you will please follow me, I’ll escort you to the Grand Aviary.”

Arc and company step into line behind her and the Griffon Royal Guards. As they walk the streets of the city they pass many run-down looking shops and homes. Natalya turns back to look at Arc.

“Forgive us if our land is not as… visually pleasing to you. We’ve been in a bit of an economic slump for many years!”

Arc nods. “Equestria has similar towns going through economic hardships.”

Natalya turns to face forward again, frowning. “The Griffon Kingdom is full of very proud citizens! We are capable of weathering any storm that comes our way!”

Ember mutters quietly under her breath. “I doubt that.”

Arc shoots her a warning glance before looking forward again. A short time later they arrive at the gates of a splendid looking palace. He looks around as they enter the castle.

“Nice place your council has. Do they live here?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No. A year or so ago, our former king returned to the land and retook his former residence and position.“

“Oh? My apologies, but we were not aware of this. Equestria was under the impression that the council still lead your nation”

She looks smugly over her shoulder. “Do be sure to inform them when you return, would you kindly?”

A short walk later they stop outside a large double door. Natalya pushes it open to reveal a modestly furnished, albeit large room.

“You and your personal servants will be staying here. I hope it’s up to your… standards.”

Arc dismounts Sereb and looks around. “It will do, thank you.”

“I will give you some time to settle in and allow your servants to attend to your needs before my commanding officer has time to see you.”

She gestures to a large book sitting on a nearby table.

“We’ve taken the liberty of providing you with a copy of a book that should bring you up to speed on our common laws and customs. Do have a look.”

Arc nods. “I understand. We’ll do that.”

Natalya turns to leave the room, but turns back as she steps across the threshold. “General Blackbeak asks that you do not wander the castle unaccompanied. It’s for your own protection!”

Arc nods and the lieutenant leaves them. Ember removes her helmet and sets it on the table next to the book.

“She seems… unpleasant.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Very proud that one.”

“Perhaps she is merely putting up a strong front for her commanding officer. It can’t be easy to greet a dignitary from a far-off land. Especially when they know nothing about them or their species.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Come on! They can’t be THAT ignorant of pony customs!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “I believe the commander was referring to himself as a human.”

“Right! Although I’m used to frightening others when first meeting them, it’s not a feeling I relish! Hopefully I can make a good first impression with the general.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Easier said than done I believe, sir.”

Ember sighs. “In any case, what should we do while we wait?”

Arc walks over to the book and picks it up. “I should probably read up on them and their culture so as not to offend them.”

Ember looks toward the door, frowning. “They seem the type to be easily offended.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Agreed! But they also don’t have any problem being offensive!”

“Right! The way she spoke to Arc when he arrived just makes my blood boil!”

Arc sits down in a chair and recalls his armor save for his helmet. “Let it go, Ember. Perhaps she merely spoke before thinking. We all slip up sometimes.”

Cherry speaks from the helmet. “That may be, but…”

Flash Sentry looks around the room nervously! A hoof on one of his blades. “Who said that?!”

“Sorry, Flash Sentry. I forgot to tell you of a rather happy surprise I had on my last trip to Earth.”

Arc informs the lieutenant of Cherry Jubilee’s soul residing in his armor and her ability to communicate with those around her.

“That’s quite the tale, sir! Forgive me, but are you certain she is who she claims to be?”

Arc nods. “I am. It’s truly her!”

“Your suspicion is normal, sir. Please protect my love, as I can do little to keep him safe as things stand!”

Flash Sentry nods, nervously. “I… will do my best!”

Cherry sighs. “Thank you. I may have eyes, but sadly lack the hooves to help should some danger befall my beloved Arc!”

Arc beckons the lieutenant to approach. “Would you like to read this with me, Flash Sentry?”

He walks over to Arc and stands behind him. “I would! As long as you don’t mind somepony looking over your shoulder.”

“Two heads are better than one!”

Cherry giggles. “Or three!”

Arc looks over to Ember. “Think you can observe the comings and goings of the town through the window?”

“I suppose so. What should I be looking for though?”

“Just observe their movements for the moment. We’ll see if their actions are consistent with what the book says they should be.”

Everyone takes their places as Sereb lies down on the floor in front of the door. Arc calls out, not looking up from the book.

“It says here griffons should put forth a show of confidence at all times. Regardless of how they really feel!”

Cherry frowns inwardly. “Sounds exhausting! Being forced to be that which you aren’t.”

Flash Sentry looks to the helmet nearby. “We all do that sometimes. For example, as an officer and aide to the Hero of Light, sometimes I have to put on a stern face to lead. Even if I’m feeling a bit… unprepared for the task ahead.”

Ember continues to look out the window. “Well, I never do that! Dragons are taught from a young age to always speak their minds!”

“I do appreciate that I can always count on you to give me an honest opinion, Ember.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Well, that trait may not be beneficial on this mission.”

Arc sighs. “Hate to say it, but he’s right.”

“So, what am I supposed to do?!”

Arc looks over to her. “My mother always used to tell me, ‘if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all’.”

Flash Sentry nods. “An Honor Guard typically doesn’t talk unless spoken to by their ward. It’s protocol. You don’t want to raise suspicions, do you?”

Ember sighs. “No. This isn’t going to be easy!”

“I’m confident you can handle it.”

He continues reading. Flash Sentry points a hoof at a passage.

“Says here that griffons are always striving to be better than they currently are!”

Cherry sounds confused. “What does that mean? “

“Judging from the context, it means they have a need to constantly be proving their worth to themselves as well as their peers.”

Ember shakes her head. “Looking at the rather shabby buildings I can see from here, they aren’t doing a very good job of it.”

Flash Sentry looks over to her. “You heard what Lieutenant Natalya said. Their economy is in a slump. Kinda hard to fix things when you’re on a budget, after all.”

“I suppose you’re right. But the griffons I saw on the way here seemed really down about something.”

Arc nods. “Maybe General Blackbeak can shed some light on that.”

“Begging your pardon sir, but I don’t recommend bringing that up. Remember what the book said about their pride? It’s unlikely they’ll open up to you about their problems. Not at this time, anyways!”

“Good call. That could be seen as an attempt to insult their pride! Not something an emissary like me should be doing!”

Ember nods. “Agreed! We’ll have to pick up more information on our own!”

Cherry reads along with them. “Yes. Or find somepony more pleasant to discuss this with.”


Arc shrugs. “It takes all kinds to make a kingdom. I doubt all griffons in this country follow this book’s teachings to a ‘T’.”

Ember looks to Arc. “Every country has those who don’t follow society’s norms. If we can find someone to…”

There is a light knock at the door. Arc stands, closes the book and calls forth his armor. He looks to Flash Sentry.

“Answer that, would you?”

Flash Sentry nods and moves to do so. Opening the door he finds Lieutenant Natalya standing there stoically.

“General Blackbeak will see you now.”

Flash Sentry nods. “I’ll inform Lord Arc. Please wait here.”

Lieutenant Natalya looks indignant as Flash Sentry closes the door. Ember walks over to Arc with him.

“Why did you call him Lord Arc?!”

“Because she did earlier! We would do well to build him up into something the griffons can respect!”

Arc motions for Sereb to approach him. “Sounds like a plan! In any case, let’s not keep General Blackbeak waiting.”

He climbs into the saddle. Ember shoots him a quizzical look.

“Uh… what are you doing Arc?”

Flash Sentry nods, equally confused. “Are you going to ride Sereb INSIDE the castle?!”

“That I am! A being of my station can’t be WALKING, now can I?”

Ember rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “I suppose not… Lord Arc.”

Arc grins as Sereb and the others walk toward the door. “I’m glad you see it my way!”

Flash Sentry and Ember open the double doors and bow to Arc slightly as he passes. He looks down to Natalya, an air of confidence in his voice.

“Lead the way, Lieutenant Natalya.”

She nods and leads them down the corridor.

“So, what can you tell me of your commanding officer, lieutenant?”

“The general has defended these lands for many years. As his father and grandfather did before him.”

Arc nods. “The neighboring countries give you much trouble?”

“Nothing we can’t handle! That much I assure you!”

“Has the general seen much combat over the years?”

Natalya nods intensely! “Plenty! He’s an accomplished warrior and tactician!”

Arc smiles. “I’ll remember that!”

“And you, Lord Arc? Have you been in many battles?”

“More than I care to remember.”

“We… we’ve heard the rumors of your fighting prowess. If I may, just how strong are you?”

Arc looks to her. “I could ask you the same.”

“I did not mean any disrespect, Lord Arc. While I am confident in my own abilities, I’m sure I would fare rather poorly against an opponent such as you.”

“Let us hope that we never meet on the battlefield, lieutenant.”

In short order they reach their destination. Lieutenant Natalya opens a large wooden door to reveal a rather posh office. A middle aged griffon is sitting behind a large desk going over paperwork. True to his name, he has a black beak, a dark brown coat and light brown wings. He does not look up as they enter. Natalya approaches her commanding officer and salutes.

“Sir? Lord Arc is here to see you.”

The general nods, not looking up from his work. “Oh? What does he want?”

Natalya looks uncomfortable. “He’s… here at the Equestrian princesses’ request. Perhaps they wish to be allies.”

Blackbeak looks up from his paperwork and eyes Arc and his entourage. “Do they now? Is this true… Lord Arc?”

“Something like that.”

“How do I know you aren’t just here to scout us out for weaknesses?!”

“I suppose you don’t.”

General Blackbeak is silent for a time. He appears to be weighing that which is before him.

“Perhaps you are here to spy on us. Perhaps not. Tell me, Lord Arc. Do you have faith in your companion’s fighting abilities?”

“I do.”

“In all my years, I have yet to actually witness the fighting prowess of Equestrians. Would you be so kind as to indulge my curiosity?”

Arc nods. “Very well. Shall we spar?”

The general shakes his head. “I would much rather spectate.”

Natalya turns to the general. “Sir, I would be honored to fight for you!”

“Very well, lieutenant! However not against Lord Arc himself! If any of what I’ve heard about him is true, you wouldn’t stand a chance!”

Arc nods. “Perhaps one of my Honor Guards then? They will not go easy on you though!”

He dismounts Sereb.

“Or if you prefer, my mount Sereb here would also enjoy a good workout!”

Sereb growls as he takes up a battle stance.

General Blackbeak smiles at the prospect. He turns to Natalya.

“The choice is yours, lieutenant. Whomever you chose, make us all proud and put up a good fight!”

Natalya points a claw at the group. “I choose all of you!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

She looks to him with determination! “Yes!”

Blackbeak nods. “Very bold, lieutenant! Perhaps there is hope for you yet! However, you may only fight one-on-one!”

“Yes sir!”

The general walks toward the office door. “To the Arena then!”

He leads the group out of the office and toward the rear of the castle. The corridor quickly opens to the pit of a large open-air stadium like structure. The general gestures around them as they walk to the center of the arena floor.

“This is the Gladiator’s Arena! A place where arguments can be settled one way or another! But I assume OUR arena dwarfs Equestria’s!”

Arc nods. “Equestrians are more… peace-loving. We don’t have any stadiums for this purpose.”

Natalya makes a face. “Ponies. Always afraid to get their hooves dirty!”

Flash Sentry steps forward. “If Lord Arc will permit it, I will show you just how wrong you are!”

Arc nods. “Whom will you fight first, lieutenant?”

Natalya looks over the three carefully. Eventually she points a talon at Ember.

“I think I’ll warm up with the weakest looking of the three!”

Ember steps forward, spear in claw, angrily! “I’ll show YOU who’s weak!”

Arc turns to the general. “We should probably step back.”

Blackbeak laughs! “Why? Are you afraid of being hit by your guard’s flying body?!”

“Not at all! I just thought you would prefer a… a better view from above is all. Perhaps the stands?”

He crossing his claws over his chest as he sits down. “I shall be just fine here! Choose a weapon from the racks, lieutenant!”

The general turns to Ember.

“You may wish to do the same, guard! Griffon weapons are of the highest caliber and quality!”

“Thank you, but I think I’ll stick with my current weapon.”

Blackbeak turns his head to look at Arc. “Your guard chooses to fight with a handicap?! She must be quite reckless! Would you like to order her to use a better weapon?”

Arc shakes his head. “She knows what she’s doing.”

“Very well.”

Ember and Natalya face off in front of the general as she returns from the weapon rack with a spear, pointing it tauntingly at her opponent.

“I’ll try not to hurt you TOO badly… whatever you are.”

Ember takes up a battle-ready position. “I was going to say the same thing to you!”

The general looks at the combatants. “Begin!”

He turns to Arc.

“Don’t worry! We have excellent medical facilities here for…”

A moment later Natalya crashes into a wall! The general’s head snaps forward at the sound!

“What the…? Natalya?! What happened?!”

Natalya sits up dizzily. “I… don’t know, sir!”

Ember nods angrily as she rubs her claw. “I introduced her face to my fist!”

General Blackbeak frowns.

“That and I missed it! Perhaps your guard merely got lucky, Lord Arc.”

Arc nods. “Perhaps she will do better against my other guard.”

Blackbeak nods as Flash Sentry and Ember trade places. “Yes! I’m looking forward to seeing how a pony fights after all!”

Natalya stands, dusts herself off, picks up her spear and turns to face Flash Sentry.

“I’ll be more careful this time, sir!”

“See that you do! Begin!”

Natalya charges at Flash Sentry as he draws his blades and hovers above the ground. He waits for her to approach before flying a couple feet to the side and tripping her with the back of his blade. Natalya falls to the ground! She quickly gets to her feet and glares at him!

“That was a dirty trick! Stand still, coward!”

Flash Sentry holds his blades out in a taunt. “Fine! Come at me then!”

Natalya does so. Flash Sentry does not move. As she nears him again, he drops to the ground, let’s go of his own blades and grabs her spear! As he rolls onto his back, he uses her own momentum to toss her across the yard with his back hooves!

Arc nods and telepathically speaks to Cherry. “I taught him that one myself. Use your opponent’s own momentum against them!”

“It’s very ingenious and effective!”

Blackbeak yells to his subordinate! “Lieutenant! You can do better than that!”

“I will, sir!”

She flies at Flash Sentry. He dodges with her spear as she grabs his own blades as she passes!

Natalya brandishes his weapons. “Ha! Now I got you!”

Flash Sentry gets into a battle-ready stance. “Maybe not. Show me what you can do with those!”

Natalya flies toward him! “Fine!”

As they meet head-on, Flash Sentry deftly knocks the blades from her claws as she passes with one quick motion. He then kicks her in the flank, knocking her down. She rolls over to see him standing over her pointing her own spear toward throat.

Natalya frowns. “Fine. You got me!”

Flash Sentry lets her up. She turns to face her commanding officer, head down in evident shame. The general looks to Arc, incredulously.

“What was THAT, Lord Arc?!”

“I like to call it ‘gaining the upper hand’. Turn your opponent’s strengths into weaknesses.”

Blackbeak shakes his head! “No, no! I mean, why didn’t he finish her off?!”

Ember frowns. “What?!”

Arc feigns confusion. “I am here on a peaceful visit. It would have tarnished my reputation with your country to come here and have my guards start killing members of your military, would it not?”

“I… suppose it would have. Very well! Thank you for the exhibition, Lord Arc.”

He turns to walk away. Natalya looks after General Blackbeak.

“Please sir! Give me another chance! I can beat them! Watch!”

She grabs her spear from Flash Sentry. Before anyone can stop her, she flies headlong at Sereb, clearly furious!


Sereb plants his paws firmly on the ground. As she nears, he deftly smacks the spear out of her talons with a wave of a powerful paw! A moment later he pins her to the ground with his other paw! Sereb applies just enough force to keep her down without hurting her. The general turns around and shakes his head at his lieutenant’s current position.

“Lieutenant Natalya, you have brought great shame to the Griffon Kingdom this day! Not only were you unable to defeat these mere guards, but you further shamed yourself, and me mind you, by failing to stand against Lord Arc’s pet!”

Natalya looks to him with desperation in her voice. “Please sir! I… I can do better! I know I can!!!”

Blackbeak sighs. “Perhaps one day.”

He turns back to Arc.

“Lord Arc. It is customary for dignitaries to be given a griffon servant during their stay. For that reason, I am assigning Natalya to your service. She isn’t much, but I hope you will be more pleased with her services in the future than I am currently.“

Natalya runs after the general as he turns to leave!

“But sir! I’m your aide!”

General Blackbeak turns to face her and puts his claw on her shoulder as he looks down at her disapprovingly.

“Not anymore!”

With one quick motion he tears the insignia from her uniform and tosses it on the ground before walking away. Natalya falls to her knees utterly defeated.

Ember turns to Arc. “What exactly did we… do?”

He frowns “I’m not really sure. But I didn’t like the outcome!”

Flash Sentry sighs as he puts away his swords. “Neither did I.”

Natalya composes herself and slowly approaches Arc. With evident sadness in her voice, she bows.

“I… I’m at your service… Lord Arc. Shall I escort you and your guards back to your room?”


Natalya nods sadly. “Very well, sir. Please follow me.”

She slowly leads them back to their room and opens the door for them.

“I… don’t believe there’s anything else planned for you today. If you would like, I can schedule something.”

Arc shakes his head as they enter the room. “No, thank you. I think I’m going to familiarize myself with the book you mentioned earlier.”

“Very well. I’ll see how your lunch is coming then.”

She turns to leave.


Natalya turns and sighs. “Begging your pardon sir, but I’m a Footpad now.”

“A what?”

“A… common guard.”

“What do I call you then?”

“Just Footpad. The right to have an individualized name in the military is for officers only.”

Arc frowns. “I see. What if I don’t want to call you ‘Footpad’?”

Natalya looks down. “You are free to call me whatever makes you happy… sir.”

“How about just Natalya then?”

Natalya looks up at him, confused. “If that is what you want, then that is also my wish. By your leave, I’ll let you get back to your studies.”

“Thank you.”

She leaves the room and proceeds down the corridor, muttering to herself.

“Equestria’s Hero of Light isn’t what I expected him to be. I wonder… why is he really here?! What reason would the leaders of Equestria have for sending their greatest warrior on a peace mission?!”

She stops and looks back at Arc’s door. A gleam of hope in her eyes!

“Maybe if I can figure out what he’s REALLY up to, the general would reinstate me!”

She smiles slyly!

“I’ll figure it out, Lord Arc! You’re up to something! I just know it!”

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