• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Preface - Volume 16 - Companions and Caves

In our previous volume, Arc returns from Earth and is immediately summoned by Shining Armor. He requests that Arc continue Captain Decimus’ tradition of an annual “date night” with the princesses. Arc agrees to take out Princess Luna.

Returning to Light’s Hope, Arc reassures Raven of his intentions to go after Lord Goldstone. He then walks to the Little Hooves Orphanage to inspect the construction plans with Coco Pommel and Hard Hat. Before leaving Arc extends an invitation to the Matron, allowing her to use Light’s Hope as a temporary Orphanage during the construction. Returning to his base’s Cafeteria Arc informs Ember and Sereb of his date with the princess. Ember “volunteers” to help him prepare.

Arc, Ember and Sereb head to Carousel Boutique to get him a new suit for said date before heading to Sugar Cube Corner for information on what the Princess of the Night likes. Pinkie suggests a pineapple for mysterious reasons. The trio then heads for the Golden Oaks Library for a book on proper royal etiquette.

A couple days later Arc takes a sigil to Canterlot Castle. Proceeding to Princess Luna’s room with the pineapple and a bouquet of Lavender, he is met by Shining Armor and Trixie. They give him a few words of encouragement before leaving. Arc knocks on the door and is escorted inside. Princess Luna is wearing a beautiful dress with deep purple and blue body. Her dress is layered with several different darker shades that flow over her like the ocean’s waves. The crown she wears is white with several precious looking dark stones set into its frame, while her mane is held in place by several strings of pearls that are both functional and elegant. Two locks of her mane flow regally past her cheeks and her feet are clad in silver colored hoof-guards that extend higher than her normal footwear. They take a carriage to a fancy restaurant and enjoy a very light meal. Seeing his date is still hungry, Arc suggests a detour in their plans.

Sending away their carriage, Arc places a sigil and teleports himself and Luna back to Carousel Boutique. He escorts her inside and, after shrinking her down to the size of Rarity, acquires a dress to cover her wings and cutie mark. The pair return to Canterlot via sigil and head for a unrated restaurant call “The Tasty Treat”. After enjoying a wonderful meal together they pay for the food and leave. The owner, Coriander Cumin, goes to bed and says good night to a picture of his daughter, Saffron.

After supper the pair head to Canterlot’s Shopping District to look for a present for Cadance. Luna spots a pendant the resembles her friend’s cutie mark. They purchase it and return to the castle. Arc helps Luna to her bed and heads to Shining Armor’s office to report the princess’ safe return. He then recommends the captain take Cadance out himself before returning home.

Returning home, Arc finds Derpy and Dinky asleep on the mat in front of the fireplace. Putting them in his bed, Arc falls asleep on the couch. He enters the Sanctuary to spend some time with Cherry. The next morning over breakfast Arc tells Derpy and Dinky, along with Ember, about his date. Derpy and Dinky leave for the Orphanage as Arc and Ember head to Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie asks about the night in a not so subtle way as she brings them some cupcakes. Afterwards they head to Rarity’s to pick up Luna’s clothes from last night. They speak about Arc’s date before mentioning to him Twilight’s recent activities. Arc heads to the library to check on her and Auriel. They show him their experiments in trying to grow plants without sunlight. Cherry suggests finding a substitute sun. Twilight agrees and shows everyone her current project on the other side of the lab.

Pulling a white sheet off a lab table Arc and company are stunned to find a very lifelike doll that heavily resembles Cherry. She explains the power source of the doll before activating it. Twilight beams with pride as her creation stands and follows basic commands. However, when her systems are fully brought online the android begins to cry. Twilight rebukes her. Arc confronts his friend about trying to replace Cherry. Angrily, Twilight orders the android, whom has been named Rose, to lie down on another examination table to be dismantled. Arc stops Twilight and orders her to give him all or the research data and blueprints on Rose. Taking them, the burns the papers in front of Twilight before leaving. Twilight, understandably furious, goes to bed to catch up on her sleep.

Arc, Ember and Rose return to his quarters at Light’s Hope where Rose answers their questions as she rewrites her programming to cope with the unexpected errors. After a system restart Rose jumps up and plants a kiss directly on Arc’s mouth. When asked why, she answers that she is Arc’s fiancé, and such things are normal. She shows the pair her R-Cannon and L-Blade and describes her combat capabilities.

The next day Arc takes Rose to Canterlot Castle to bring her before the princesses. They believe Rose is too dangerous and side with Twilight in ordering her disassembly. Arc is able to convince them to give Rose a chance by comparing her innocence to Luna’s past misdeeds. Rose is given a chance to prove herself and Arc returns home with her.

Returning to Derpy’s house, Rose helps unsuccessfully to help in making supper. After ruining every dish and nearly burning Dinky she looks around remorsefully at her mistakes. After cleaning up the Kitchen, Arc takes everyone to his quarters at Light’s Hope where they enjoy a nice family meal with food from the Cafeteria. Derpy and Dinky retire for the evening, and Arc heads to the Bathroom for a shower.

While thinking in the shower Arc is suddenly jerked back to reality as he feels two hands wrap around him from behind. Covering himself up with a towel, Arc’s foot slips on a bar of soap Rose dropped earlier. He crashes to the floor hitting his head and knocking him out. Waking, he finds Rose crying in front of him. She urges him to have her dismantled, but Arc disagrees. After dressing he heads to be and speaks to Cherry about the matter in the dream world, their Sanctuary. The next morning Arc awakens to find Rose in his bed pressed up against his chest. Arc, Rose and Ember head to the Cafeteria together for breakfast. Afterwards Arc and Rose head to the Library together. Arc attempts again to apologize to Twilight for his words and action the other day. Seeming to have failed, Arc turns to leave. As he does so, Twilight relents and accepts his apology and offers one of her own.

The pair sit down and have a heart to heart talk about what led them to say the things they did yesterday. Arc felt that Twilight was trying to replace Cherry. Twilight believed her actions were necessary to help Arc through the recovery time. Auriel and Rose return to the lab as the demoness shows Arc her progress on plant essence research. She shows him her P.E.E.L., and how they can used it to extract magical essence. Twilight explains how she used the device to create Rose’s heart. Afterwards she shows Arc the Dragon Fruit bushes she and Auriel have been tending. Gasping, Arc opens a portal and tells Rose to return with Ember. She does so, and a short time later Ember and Sereb hurry into the basement. Ember verifies that the plants are indeed Dragon Fruit from her homeland. They hurry to Canterlot to inform the princesses of the incident. They are immediately admitted and Arc requests absolute privacy. Luna explains the gravity of the situation as well as Ember being hatched in Canterlot by Celestia.

Ember explains the origins of the Bloodstone Scepter and how her father used the Gauntlet in an attempt to free her of the task of becoming the next Dragon Lord. Luna brings up an ancient treaty with the Dragon Lands which has kept the peace for centuries, and how violation could nullify it. Arc volunteers to go to see the Dragon Lord about making restitution. Ember, Sereb, Twilight, Auriel and Rose volunteer to accompany him. On the way out they stop by Brightwing’s office to consult with them. Brightwing informs them that she has already reported the smell of the Dragon Berries to her homeland. Joining the group, they teleport to Ember’s house to find the city preparing to assault Equestria. Making their way to the Throne of the Dragon Lord, Arc explains the situation and attempts to negotiate a peaceful solution. Hydra Prime Ikis accompanied by The Marquis side with Arc’s logic. Matriarch Iris and Sereb’s brother Kane follow the Dragon Lord’s will.

Sereb challenges his brother for the title of Warchief in an attempt to change his tribe’s course. Using what Arc has taught him he is able to overcome his opponent and emerge victorious. He orders the tribe to stand down from their part in the invasion. Torch is most impressed by his improvement, but still insists on restitution. He requests the destruction of Rose in return for the safety of Equestria. Rose readily agrees. She says goodbye to her new friends and steps forward to accept her fate.

However, Brightwing teleports Rose away in the nick of time. She informs Torch that Rose’s destruction would make the Dragon Lands just as much at fault as Equestria. The Dragon Lord then requests an ancient artifact known as the Dragon’s Tear instead. Arc and company head back to Canterlot Castle to ask the princesses about the artifact. Luna tells them that the relic lies in the southern temple. She points it out on the map and sends Arc and company there aboard the Lunar Destiny.

They board the mammoth ship and begin the roundabout trip around the Badlands toward the temple. Eidolon’s Ward spends the night talking to Rose while the rest of the group sleeps. Rose expresses an interest in learning more about Cherry to better serve and please Arc.

The next morning the group heads for the ship’s armory for weapons and armor for the group. They pack medical supplies and survival gear for whatever lay ahead. Twilight attempts to tell Arc something, but fails. Arc meets the others at the Main Hatch and goes over the plan.

Arc, Ember and Rose huddle under a magic cloak together. Arc Blinks them up on top of the outer wall and together they walk it to the temple’s entrance. After making sure it’s safe, Arc radios back to the ship for Twilight, Auriel and Brightwing to do the same. Meeting just inside, the group descends into the temple interior. Following the center path, the group soon comes to a large stone door that lead to the Inner Sanctum. Seeing four indentations they surmise that the door requires four separate keys to open. Retracing their steps they take another path and soon find a strange looking stone on a pedestal. A mysterious voice identifies itself as the guardian of the temple and proposes a riddle to the group for the right to take the keystone. Twilight answers correctly and retrieves the stone. The second riddle is answered by Auriel. Afterwards they stop for a bite to eat and to nap before continuing on.

The group awakens and continues on their way. Finding the last two keystones, they retrace their steps and return to the large door. Placing the keystones in the door, it slowly opens. Entering they are greeted by Ahuizotl. He allows them to take either gold or an artifact. Choosing the Dragon’s Tear from around his neck, they leave and return to the entrance of the tunnel.

As they near the entrance Twilight again tries to confess her feelings to Arc, but again fails. He tells her to be careful as they make their escape. Returning to the others they find them watching the out of control statues, sphinx and Rocs overhead. Deciding to test the defenders combat skills Arc dashes out into the courtyard and engages them. He is overwhelmed and takes a large stone spear to the gut. Rose dashes out and retrieves him before further harm can come to him. After resting Arc orders the Lunar Destiny to prepare to give them covering fire as they make a run for it.

When the ship is in position Arc and company make a run for it. The Lunar Destiny’s cannons hold the statues back for some time as Arc and Ember take point. Arc Hand Cannon is damaged as it his arm from one of the beast’s teeth. Continuing on, Twilight is grabbed by a Roc who badly wounds her. She is put on Sereb’s back as Brightwing loses control of herself and transforms into an adult dragon. Somehow able to use her powers, she casts a shield over the group as they limp out of the gates. Two statues inside the barrier come to life. Ember engages them but is unable to keep them down. Wiseman dashes inside the barrier to dispatch their opponents before finishing off the rest of the temple’s defenders.

Rushing the critically injured Twilight to the Infirmary, Redheart gets to work attempting to save her life. Rose treats Arc’s injuries while Ember does the same for Auriel. Lemon Hearts enters and reports Wiseman is aboard in the Library. Arc goes to him in an attempt to learn about him. He is given a paper with a strange sigil on it.

Taking the paper back to the Infirmary, Arc is told Twilight is most likely paralyzed from the waist down. Casting the sigil below her bed, Arc activates it. A few moments later Twilight wakes up and looks over to him. Everyone is amazed until Arc reaches into her mane to reveal the Dragon’s Tear. Standing, Twilight and Arc head for the Library for a private conversation. She confesses her true reason for building Rose was to give him a special companion to love. Twilight admits to her earlier attempts to poison Arc with tea containing Dragon Fruit extract. Twilight finally confesses her intention to make him fall in love with her due to her deep feelings for him. Arc holds her as she confesses everything through her tears.

The next morning Arc, Ember, Rose, and Twilight return to the Dragon Lands and present the artifact to Torch. He teleports them to a cave far to the north of the Crystal Empire. Opening a large long sealed door they find Ember’s mother. Torch uses the power of the Dragon’s Tear to revive her. However it only allows them a short time to speak before Cinder’s life fades away and the pair lose her again.

Even now many questions remain unanswered. Will the Little Hooves Orphanage be ready on time? What happened to Luna after the date? What of Coriander Cumin and his restaurant? Will Twilight and Auriel be able to construct an artificial sun? What role will Rose play in Arc’s future? How will Equestria and the Dragon Lands relationship survive these events? How will Celestia take the news of Ember’s new role when she returns? What of Ahuizotl’s fate? Will Sereb be able to handle being the Warchief? How has the second death of his mate affected Torch? What of Ember who had to lose her mother before her eyes?

Time will tell. Sooner or later… time will tell.

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