• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - Surprise Visitor

The occupants of Light's Hope enjoy a rather peaceful night's sleep. However, about 4 A.M. PST (Pony Standard Time) Derpy rushes into Arc's room. A look of fear on her face.

Derpy runs up to the bed and shakes Arc awake with both front hooves! “Arc! Wake up!”

“Derpy? What's wrong?”

“There's some kind of disturbance in the hall! Shouting and fighting!”

Arc throws the covers off, stands, calls forth his armor and spear and walks quickly toward the door. “Great! Just when I finally thought I was going to get a good night's sleep, we get invaded!”

He leaves his quarters with Derpy at his heels. A short distance down the hall Arc spots several guards trying desperately to detain an out of control stallion! He is opening every door he comes to and peering inside looking for something. The mad pony comes to Luna's door! Before he can lay a hoof on the knob, Arc Blinks over to him and knocks him away with the butt end of his spear!

“Oh no you don't!”

Several Royal Guards and Sandstorm Mirage slowly surround the crazed stallion! Flash Sentry comes running down the hall from the opposite direction! When the stallion spots who is before him, he falls to his knees, all four of them, and looks up to him!

Derpy runs over to join him! “Arc! Be careful!”

Arc turns to his soldiers! “Keep your distance! He may be dangerous!”

The stallion shakes his head frantically!

“I'll handle this!”

Arc returns his spear to his ring and cautiously approaches the stallion. Ember and Coco Pommel walk out of Arc's quarters and quickly approach the group.

Coco Pommel looks at the stallion, wide-eyed. “Don't hurt him, Arc!”

Arc slowly approaching the stallion. “No promises Coco Pommel!”

Princess Luna opens her door and peeks out!

“What in the world...”

Flash Sentry looks over to her. “Princess Luna, please stay in your room! The commander has this situation well in hoof!”

Arc looks to the stallion. “Who are you?”

The stallion makes some unintelligible noises.

“Um... what? Why did you break into my base?!”

The stallion shakes his head!

“Did you come here looking for my help?”

He nods frantically!

“Is Ponyville under attack?!”

The stallion shakes his head.

“Is there some kind of imminent danger to Equestria?!”

The stallion pauses and then nods.

Arc looks around. “Can someone please get this thing off his head? I'm not much for twenty questions!”

Several guards do their best to remove the device, but meet with failure.

Sandstorm Mirage looks to Arc apologetically. “Sorry sir! I'm not even sure what this thing IS!”

Princess Luna walks up. “It's a Magic Nullifier. This is an experimental model that was designed to suppress the magical powers of the most powerful unicorns!”

Sandstorm Mirage takes a step back! “If he's that powerful, maybe we shouldn't try to take this off!”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, I can't understand him as it sits.”

He turns to Luna.

“What do you think? Can you get this thing off of him?”

Luna nods. “I can, but like the sergeant said, he must be very powerful to warrant such precautions! This is your base Arc. What do you want to do?”

Sandstorm Mirage looks nervous! “After we take this off, he could go berserk!”

Coco Pommel walks toward the stallion and looks him in the eye for a long moment.

“Arc... I think you should take it off. He hasn't actually hurt anypony here and he obviously wants to tell you something very important!”

Arc sighs. “Okay, as much as I hate to put you in harm’s way Princess Luna, I want you to take this thing off him!”

Arc calls forth the Spear of Righteousness from his ring again and holds it to the back of the stallion's neck. Forcing him to lie on the floor!

“Now I don't want to see so much as a flicker from your horn while the princess is anywhere NEAR you! Understood?!”

The stallion slowly nods his head as Arc looks to Flash Sentry and his troops.

“If he so much as looks at Princess Luna, take him down!”

The troops nod in agreement. Coco Pommel sits down opposite from Arc next to the stallion. She puts a hoof on his back.

“Please don't move! I don't want to see you get hurt!”

The stallion nods and lays his head on the ground.

Arc looks apprehensively to Luna. “Do it.”

Luna holds her glowing horn close to the stallion's head for a few moments before the Magic Nullifier slowly falls to the floor. Her task finished, she steps back. The stallion does not move as Arc quickly positions himself between Luna and the stallion.

Arc looks down at him, still aiming his spear at the stallion. “All right! On your feet, SLOWLY!”

The stallion slowly rises to his feet to look at Arc.

Coco Pommel looks over at him! “Aren't you...?”

Arc lowers his spear, surprised! “Wait! I know you! You're Captain Decimus' lieutenant, right? I thought I told you to get out of here!”

The lieutenant bows his head, ashamed. “Yes, at least I was until the other day. After I failed in my mission to kidnap Trixie, I returned to him to report my failure… and tell him that what he was doing was wrong! Next thing I knew, I was prison bound with a court martial and a life-sentence, compliments of my former superior officer.

Arc sighs angrily! “I really hate that guy!”

The lieutenant nods. “You've got company!”

Luna looks past Arc. “So... are you an escaped prisoner then?”

The soldiers suddenly raise their weapons to battle ready position!

He nods. “Yes... I guess I am.”

Arc shakes his head in an effort to try and make sense of the situation. “I don't get it! If you're a fugitive, why did you come here?! After you broke in here and attacked my forces, you had to know I would just arrest you!”

“Because you are the only one I can trust to listen to what I have to say, Hero of Light! The princesses are in great danger!"

“Follow me to my office. There I’ll give you my undivided attention!”

Arc turns to the Royal Guards.

“Wake my squad and send them to my office at once! Then resume your patrols.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc, Ember, Derpy, Luna, Coco Pommel, Flash Sentry and the lieutenant head to Arc's office. A minute later Arc's squad arrives.

Max glares at the intruder. “What is HE doing here?”

Hugh thinks for a moment. “Maybe he broke in?”

Viktor chuckles. “Well, looks like whatever his job was, he failed at it again!”

Xenos notices a stark lack of blood. “The commander must have gone easy on him!”

Arc turns to his squad. “Sit down and listen! We've got big problems!”

The squad senses the gravity of the situation and readily obeys!

Arc sits down on the couch next to Derpy and turns to the stallion. “Alright, I'm listening. What's this about a threat to the princesses now?”

The lieutenant fills them in on what he witnessed.

“I see. Where is Trixie now?”

“When I left her, she was levitating up to a cloud to get some sleep.”

Coco Pommel looks out the window. “Well, it is the middle of the night.”

Ember growls at what she has heard. “Arc, you don't actually BELIEVE a word this stallion is saying, do you?!”

Max nods. “Ember is right sir! For all we know, this could be Decimus leading us into a trap! We go to Canterlot Castle armed for war and he takes us out! He could always say he mistook us for assassins! A nice clean cover-up!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Not a bad theory. It does sound like something Decimus would do. But there's just one problem.”

Derpy looks confused. “What's that Arc?”

“What if he is telling the truth.”

Luna grimaces! “Arc. If there really is a threat, we should notify Canterlot Castle at once so Captain Decimus can rally a defense! And although I am sure you are quite capable of doing so, the protection of Canterlot and the princesses is the job of the Captain of the Guard. Not the Hero of Light.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “So, what are we going to do now, sir?”

Arc stands. “We should notify Princess Cadance at once of a possible threat. If Trixie really has gone off the deep end, everyone in Canterlot is in danger!”

He walks over to his desk and sits down. Reaching over he activates his Emergency Comm-Link! A few seconds later a rather haggard looking hologram of Cadance appears. She looks at him angrily!

“ARC! I have just finished a twelve-hour paperwork session. Unless Equestria is LITERALLY ON FIRE...!”

He interrupts. “There is a very angry, magically enhanced, evil super-pony heading for Canterlot.”

Cadance blinks a few times, confused. “I'm sorry... what?!”

Luna walks over to stand next to Arc. “Cadance. It may just be a false alarm, but we have reason to believe Trixie has acquired a dark magical item that has brought her magical abilities to alicorn levels! Apparently she was not too thrilled with her prison sentence and now seeks revenge on us! Inform Captain Decimus to rally the troops and prepare for battle!”

Cadance nods, suddenly awake! “Very well! Arc, can you keep Luna safe at Light's Hope?”

“Yes. She doesn't know Princess Luna is here though. We can use that to our advantage!”

“What do you mean?”

“I will leave my troops here to protect Princess Luna. In the meantime, I will come to Canterlot Castle and deal with Trixie... personally.”

Cadance sighs. “While I appreciate the thought, I am sure Captain Decimus and his forces are capable of repelling the attacks of a single unicorn. Besides, who’s to say this isn’t some kind of diversion?!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Well in that case, I will come and keep you company during the attack. You'll need a last line of defense established anyways. That and if anyone is foolish enough to attack Light's Hope, my soldiers will make them regret it!”

“Very well. I will be waiting in the Audience Chamber.”

The Emergency Comm-Link fades to black as Arc turns to his troops.

“Until further notice Light's Hope is officially on lockdown!”

Arc reaches under his desk and presses a button. Magic Barriers appear over every window and all exterior doors lock.

“Sergeant, inform Raven and Saffron that they are to join the orphans in the Barracks along with Princess Luna in the event of an attack! Everyone not fighting ready will stay there until I lift the lockdown!”

Sandstorm Mirage salutes! “Yes sir!”

“Lieutenant! You will command Light's Hope while I am gone. In the event of an emergency you have full authority to take whatever steps you deem necessary to protect the barracks and its occupants!”

“Yes sir!”

Arc turns to Coco Pommel and Derpy and speaks in a very serious voice. Derpy, get Dinky. I want the three of you to stay with the orphans in the barracks.

“You can count on us Arc!”

Coco Pommel nods soberly.

“Ember, you're with me! Grab the Magic Cloak the lieutenant left here on his last visit.”

“All right!”

“Any questions?”

The lieutenant looks over anxiously! “What about me?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “What about you?”

“I want to help too!”

Arc sighs. “Fine. You'll come with me as well. Meet me in the Main Hall and I'll give you your assignment.”

“Yes sir!”

The lieutenant nods. Ember looks to Arc as if he’s lost his mind!

”You don't really trust him, do you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. That's why he's coming with us. Keep your friends close and you enemies closer.”

“Alright. If you say so!”

Arc turns to leave the room. “Everyone rally in the Main Hall now!”

He turns to Flash Sentry.

“Flash Sentry, defend this base!

“Yes sir!”

The lieutenant turns to Sandstorm Mirage.

“Wake every guard and tell them to report to Main Hall at once!

Flash Sentry heads for the door.

“I need a weapon!”

Sandstorm Mirage nods at his friend and salutes. “Right this way!”

Everyone parts ways as they hurry to carry out their instructions! Arc runs down the hall to the Hammer's guest room.

Arc enters the room and flips on the lights! “Steel Hammer, Silver Hammer, we've got trouble!”

Steel Hammer sits up groggily. “What's going on?”

“No time to explain! All of you get to the armory and bring any weapons and armor that are in usable condition to the Main Hall!”

Silver Hammer jumps out of bed! “Yes sir!”

Arc calls forth his armor and opens a portal to Derpy's house! He grabs the Spear of Hope from its place over the mantle. Running out the front door he heads for the Golden Oaks Library and pounds on the door! A few moments later Twilight answers sleepily.”

“Arc? What going on?”

“Twilight, we have an emergency! Get the Elements of Harmony and the others and get to Derpy's house as fast as you can. I'll meet you there!

She nods! “Alright!”

Twilight runs inside to get the Elements of Harmony as Arc hurries to the Hammer's blacksmith shop. As expected, he finds the door locked.

“Sorry about this Steel Hammer...”

Arc kicks the door down in one blow and runs inside! He opens a portal to Light's Hope's Main Hall tosses through the Spear of Hope! Using his magic, he picks up every weapon and suit of armor he finds and throws them through the portal! Spying a Large Shield in the corner he grabs it and tosses it through the portal as well before closing it! Arc runs across town back to Derpy's House. Twilight and her friends have just arrived!

Applejack waves as he nears! “Arc, what the hay is...”

Arc opens a portal to Light's Hope's Main Hall. “Everyone in! Talk later!”

They look confused but follow Arc's instructions. Stepping out the other end of the portal in Light’s Hope's Main Hall they are surprised to see so many soldiers putting on full battle armor! They are more astonished to see Princess Luna herself there!

Arc turns to Twilight. “I'll be right back! Everyone armor up!”

He runs quickly down the hall deeper into the base as Twilight runs over to Luna. “Princess Luna! What's going on here?!”

“Canterlot will soon be attacked! Perhaps even Light's Hope itself will fall victim to an invasion!”


Rainbow Dash looks to Luna, uncertainly. “Well, what do we do?!”

Luna glances down the corridor. “Wait for Arc to get back. He will tell you what to do.”

Arc reaches the vault. Opening the door, he grabs the Spear of Devotion and quickly heads back to the Main Hall and gives the spear to Coco Pommel!

“Take this and keep the orphans safe!”

Coco Pommel takes the spear and nod, soberly. “Anypony so much as TOUCHES one of them and I'll make them regret it!”

"Okay everyone, listen up! I'm heading out now to defend Canterlot Castle! Should the castle fall, our base would be the next logical tactical target! All of you who are stationed here will take your orders from Flash Sentry until I get back! Remember, Light's Hope must NOT fall!”

All the troops salute Arc! He picks up the Large Shield he found earlier.

“Ember, give me the cloak.”

She runs up and hands the cloak to Arc. He turns to Captain Decimus’ former lieutenant, who is already clad in full plate armor, and gives him the cloak and shield.

“Put this on and stay cloaked! You're coming with me to Canterlot as a final surprise to the invader! Stay close and stay hidden!”

He salutes Arc respectfully. “Yes sir! I won't let you down!”

Arc turns to the others as the lieutenant puts the robe on and activates the cloak as ordered. “Ember, lieutenant, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Pinkie Pie on the sigil! We have to go, NOW!”

They step on the sigil as Arc turns to Flash Sentry.


Arc activates the sigil and teleports everyone to his quarters in Canterlot Castle!

“To the Audience Chamber! Hurry!”

They leave Arc's room to find the entire castle on high alert! All assembled run with Arc toward the Audience Chamber! Two of Captain Decimus' elite guards block the door to the Audience Chamber! The Elite Guards shout to them as they approach!

“Only the Hero of Light is to be allowed entrance!”

Arc does not slow down. “MOVE, OR BE MOVED!!!”

The guards dive out of the way as Arc charges through the doors to find Princess Cadance pacing the floor nervously in front of Captain Decimus. Upon their quick entrance the Captain spins around and draws his blade deftly!

“Princess Cadance! What's the situation?!”

Captain Decimus rushes over to Arc, angrily! “I gave orders for only the Hero of Light to be...”

Arc interrupts him. “SHUT UP! We don't have time for this, Captain!

Cadance turns to the assembled ponies and Ember. “Captain Decimus has sent scouts to verify the danger. They followed the route the prison cart would have taken and found it, along with the guards... or what was left of them! At the speed Trixie is moving they estimate she should be here by dawn!

Twilight’s eyes grow wide! “Trixie?!”

Cadance looks to her childhood friend. “Do you know her Twilight?”

Applejack looks nervous. “She... uh... performed her magic act in Ponyville a while back, princess.”

Pinkie jumps up and down happily! “Oh! It was AWESOME! She did magic tricks and magic fireworks and stuff!”

Rarity shudders! “And she turned my mane GREEN! It was simply ghastly!”

Rainbow Dash scoffs! “She claimed to have taken down an Ursa Major! But when Ponyville was attacked, she admitted it had all been a lie. Twilight had to take care of the beast herself!

Fluttershy smiles to her friend. “Thank you for not hurting him Twilight! After all, it was just a baby!”

Twilight nods. “Needless to say, she was almost chased out of town for her tall tales! Arc, not that I mind, but you didn't really need to bring us all here to deal with the antics of Trixie! She’s nothing but a showpony!”

Cadance shakes her head. “I agree with Arc's decision Twilight. This is not the Trixie you know! She has somehow obtained an item called the Alicorn Amulet. It has raised her magical abilities to be a match for my own Alicorn Magic!”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes grow wide! “Wait! You mean...?”

Cadance nods. “Yes, Rainbow Dash. For all intents and purposes, we are about to fight... an alicorn!”

Captain Decimus looks at Arc and his entourage, scoffing. “Your Highness, my guards are more than capable of defending this castle against ANY threat. We need not involve the Hero of Light in this!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest “Like it or not, Captain, I'm not going ANYWHERE until Trixie is taken care of!”

Captain Decimus explodes indignantly! “I WILL NOT STAND FOR...”

Arc walks toward Captain Decimus, his group standing behind him. “Unless of course you think you are capable of MAKING me leave!”

Captain Decimus looks at the rather sizable force behind Arc. “Fine! Just don't get in my way! Now if you will excuse me, I have an enemy to slay! You may stay here and protect the rear!

Captain Decimus quickly leaves the Audience Chamber

Applejack scowls! “How generous of him.”

Sunburst rushes into the Audience Chamber with a book!

“Your Highness! I've heard we are about to be invaded by a pony wielding the Alicorn Amulet! Is this true?!”

Cadance nods. “Yes Sunburst. We could use your advice on this matter.”

“This is the only book I have that even mentions the Alicorn Amulet! Apparently in addition to giving the wearer the magical powers of an alicorn, it will also give them the same immortality of a princess!”

Twilight turns to Sunburst, amazed! “Immortality?! You mean she will live forever?!”

“Yes! But it goes so much further than that!”

Cadance steps forward. “Perhaps I can explain it better. You see... alicorn magic allows our bodies to regenerate at an accelerated rate. It's why we don't age.”

Rainbow Dash thinks for a moment. “I guess that makes sense. But... why would that be such a problem?! I mean... can't the guards just, oh I don't know, stab Trixie through the heart?! End it quickly!”

Cadance shakes her head. “It's not that simple. Arc, may I borrow you spear for a moment?”

“Um... I guess so.”

Cadance takes the Spear of Righteousness out of Arc's hand with her magic. She looks it over a moment... before pointing it at herself and plunging it into her side! All assembled gasp! Arc runs forward and pulls the spear out of Cadance as she falls to the floor, shouting! “Princess Cadance! Have you lost your mind?!

Cadance grimaces in pain. “Just wait...”

All assembled, other than Sunburst, are astonished to see the gaping wound slowly close and the blood disappear! In a minute, no trace of the injury can be found!

Sunburst approaches Cadance and points a hoof at the spot the wound used to be! “As you can see an alicorn is, for all intents and purposes, unkillable!”

Cadance shakes her head. “That's... not completely true. My body had to use a lot of energy to heal itself! We can't receive a mortal wound through normal means! But we could, in theory, die of exhaustion!

Arc looks out the window and sees the horizon beginning to glow from the coming sunrise.

“We don't have much time now. Princess Cadence, what of the citizens of Canterlot?!”

“Captain Decimus has already spread the word to the citizenry that everypony is restricted to their homes until further notice! The streets will be deserted!”

Twilight sighs in relief. “What about the Town Guards?”

“Captain Decimus has them defending the Gates of Canterlot.”

Ember is suddenly horrified! “WHAT?! They'll be annihilated! You're okay with this?!”

Cadance looks sadly at Ember. “I trust that Captain Decimus knows what he is doing.”

Arc nods to his friend. “I'm with Ember on this one. How could he throw away the lives of his soldiers?!”

“He's not! They all volunteered to protect the citizens! Nopony was forced into this assignment!”

Ember turns and walks toward the door. Rarity looks to her.

“Ember darling, where are you going?!”

“To help the Town Guard hold the gate! Maybe Trixie can be stopped before she even gets into town!”

Arc moves to join her. “I'm coming with you!”

Ember turns to face him. “No Arc. You have to stay here and protect Princess Cadance.”

“But what about you?!”

“I'll be okay. I have the Spear of Courage to protect me, after all. Don't worry! I'm not about to fall to Trixie of all ponies! See if you can figure out a plan. I'll buy you as much time as I can.”

Arc begins to protest further, but stops. “Very well then. Give em hell, Ember!”

Ember nods and runs out the door. Twilight walks quickly to Sunburst.

“Can I see that book? Maybe there is something in it that we can use to defeat Trixie.”

Sunburst nods. “I suppose so. But I've already looked over it thoroughly.”

Sunburst gives the book to Twilight who wastes no time opening its pages.

“Please be something!”

Upon reaching the corridor, Ember realizes she has no idea how to find the Main Entrance!

“Screw it!”

Ember jumps through a window and flies toward the Town Gate.

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