• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Preface - Volume 24 - In My Time of Need

In our previous volume, Arc orders the diplomats taken to their rooms to rest and recover from Sunset Shimmer’s paralysis spell. Twilight tell Arc and her friends her and Sunset Shimmer’s past. How they attended Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, and Sunset’s eventual expulsion. Rarity admits her true feelings for Arc to the rest of the Mane 6. They are receptive and wish her and Arc well in their future relationship. She invites Arc to her room, and the pair spend the night together.

Arc and Rarity awaken the next morning as Applejack bangs on the suite door. Hurriedly putting on a magic cloak, Arc Blinks through the side of the ship to “escape”. As Rarity makes herself presentable, Applejack spots Arc’s tunic on a chair. She presses Rarity on her progress in the pair’s relationship before revealing her own jealously. Rarity does her best to coach her friend on how to talk to Arc about her own feelings. Arc returns to his quarters to find Eidolon’s Ward sitting on the couch waiting for him. She tells him of her writings regarding her perception of the living world and the location of said-writings under his bed. As he heads to the Dining Room, Arc finds the Mane 6 along with the delegates sitting around the table. All appear somewhat tired. Yona and Smolder return from the Little Hooves Orphanage before Arc escorts the delegates back to the airships.

Arc calls a school meeting at the Little Hooves Orphanage to inquire on the staffing problems that have befallen them. Coco Pommel reports that any new hire quits upon seeing the griffon younglings. He pledges more troops to help with after school tutoring. As Arc, Ember, and Sereb walk back toward Light’s Hope there is an emergency transmission from Max back on Earth. He reports a frantic phone call from Lily, saying only that Arc is needed back there at once.

Returning to Earth via a very unstable portal, Arc immediately heads to Shelly’s Kitchen. As he enters, Arc finds a VERY upset Lily along with Snake, Jackal, and Wolf on the couch. They explain to him their flight from the hospital with Frank. Suspecting foul play, Snake had removed Frank’s IV (terrible idea, I know). As their boss become more coherent, the trio decided he needed to get away and helped him escape. In an effort to protect Shelly and Lily from harm, Frank and the others relocated to the former Shard Base outside of town. The old run down house still stood, albeit even more run down then before. Frank tells the trio of how he and Arc formed the Shards together, and Arc’s former rank of lieutenant.

Stocking up the old Shard hideout, Arc and Frank decide to track down his former lieutenant, Diva. Lacking any real leads, Jackal volunteers to walk with Sereb all over town looking for her scent. Snake is assigned to return to the current Shard hideout in order to inform Frank of any changes there. Arc volunteers the Hero to infiltrate the hospital in order to retrieve Frank’s property from the patient lockup.

Arriving at the hospital with Arc, Rose confesses some disturbing changes to her overall perceptions. Arc assures her that such things are simply her becoming more human-like. Finding a pair of hospital scrubs, Arc magically incapacitates a nurse and takes her employee badge for use as a disguise for Rose. Taking the unconscious nurse’s belonging to the patient property lockup, Rose turns them over to the security guard on duty. Putting them in the proper rack, the guard returns to the front desk as a shrunken Arc steps out of the bag. Disabling the security camera, Arc shrinks down Frank’s things and stuffs them in his ring before escaping to the corridor to meet up with Rose. Returning to the private restroom, Arc gives Rose her original clothing back.

Dropping Rose off at his house, Arc returns to the abandoned house. Entering, he gives the clear package to Wolf. As his friend is asleep, Arc tells Wolf to have Frank call him later when he wakes up. During the drive home Arc confesses to Cherry his frustration with his father for never having made any attempt to contact him. Returning home, Ember reports that Rose has been acting strangely since Arc dropped her off. Lily calls to tell Arc that Shelly has dim recollections of Frank and his gang being in the apartment. Arc volunteers to drive over and reassure Shelly that Frank is safe. As he is talking, Frank calls. Putting Lily on hold, he talks to Frank regarding their plan to find the missing lieutenant. He volunteers to return to the house with Sereb and take Snake, along with Jackal, back to the Shard Base for the lieutenant’s scents. Heading to Angel Grove with samples of Stingray, Hammer, Mio, and Diva’s scents, Arc drops Jackal and Sereb off on a street corner in an attempt to sniff them out.

A week later Sereb finds a familiar scent during one of his walks. Jackal gives Arc the address before returning to the abandoned house. Arc, Sereb, and Ember drive out there to scout out the potential lead. Entering, Arc confesses once having an addict friend whom lived in the building. As the party heads to the basement, Sereb directs them to an old door at the end of a corridor. Viktor detects anti-magic wards within. With no other options, Ember prepares to break the door down. Rose stops her just in time.

She informs them of what appears to be a magic bomb on the other side of the door. Arc and company head to the nearby Boiler Room and, after shrinking themselves down, follow the ductwork to the room in question. Returning to normal size they look around the good sized room, but see little more than crates. Examining them, they discover vials similar to the ones found at the underground factory. Putting them in his ring for safekeeping, Arc discovers a secret entrance to the sub-basement via a magical crate. Dropping down they discover it to be a secret weapons cache for the missing Shard lieutenants. Taking the items found within, they also discover several strange looking uniforms. Satisfied with their haul, Arc opens a portal back to his house.

Arc and his friends go over the items taken from the apparent safehouse. Later, they return to the hospital in an attempt to locate Frank’s chart. After donning the scrubs from their previous visit, Arc instructs Rose to head to the Records Room. She enters and requests the file from the nurse on duty within. However, she flubs when asked her name, as it doesn’t match the one on her badge. As Rose freezes up, Arc casts a Sleep Spell on the nurse as she goes for the alarm. Failing in that, the nurse hits the panic button, summoning security. Arc returns to normal size and moves to hold the door as Rose takes the keys and searches for the file. Finding it, Arc opens a portal and dives through it with Rose. Landing in the middle of the woods Arc comforts his friend as she deals with her failure during the mission. Meanwhile, Doctor Rieper hacks the hospital security files and watches the footage from earlier. Spotting Arc, he muses over how he acquired magic.

Returning to Arc’s basement, the pair report their success in finding Frank’s hospital file. Arc opens a portal back to the hospital for Xenos, as he was forced to leave his vehicle there when they fled. Xenos drives it home, allowing Arc and Rose to head to the abandoned house outside of town. Convincing Frank that Rose is a real nurse, he allows a blood sample to be taken for analysis. Arc sends the sample back to Canterlot to be studied by Doctor Whooves.

A few days later Arc, Rose, and Ember return to Canterlot Castle for a consultation with Doctor Whooves and Sunburst. Spike leads them into the office where a very tired looking Lead Sage greets them. Sunburst reports on the magical resistances of the uniform’s tunic and pants. He also claims the matching cape is very durable, inasmuch as to prevent an attack from the rear. The hat is somehow enchanted to increase magical abilities as well as look very stylish. Doctor Whooves arrives to give his own report a short time later. He announces that the patient in question was needlessly harmed by the hospital staff whom did little, if anything, to treat his underlying condition. The so-called “treatments” were slowly increased as time went on with no notes on what they entailed. Sunburst reveals the magical nature of Hammer’s gun and Mio’s staff and advises Arc on their use. Spike gives Sunburst another cup of coffee which is laced with sleeping powder given to him by the doctor. Arc carries him to the couch before leaving the office with Ember and Rose.

Arc, Ember, and Rose head to Redemption Village. Presenting the items to Mythic Honor, he is able to quickly identify each enchantment on the uniform. After looking over Hammer’s gun he shows Arc how to properly channel magic into it. Looking over Mio’s staff however, he warns against its use due to possible magical overload. After a frantic transmission from his squad, Arc and Ember return to Canterlot Castle. Forgetting that Sunburst is still unconscious, Arc convinces Spike to run the S.P.E.A.R. and send them back. He successfully does so, but in doing so transports the pair high in the sky. Ember is able to fly them both to safety before Arc opens a portal back to his basement. Arriving, he learns that there is trouble at the old Shard Hideout. Racing up the stairs he jumps in his Jeep and heads over.

Arriving at the run down house Arc enters to find Frank asleep as usual. However, various objects float aimlessly around the room. Awakening the young man, everything falls to the floor. Calling Minerva, Arc asks for a meeting at her apartment. She agrees, and hurries home as Arc takes a portal there. Cherry suggests they talk over a meal. Arc makes a hasty reservation at Roberto’s Pizza as Minerva and Cherry head to her bedroom for something more appropriate for the occasion.

Minerva drives Arc to the pizzeria as he stays cloaked. Entering, she heads to the private dining room to meet up with the Hero. As they eat, Arc explains his problem and suspicions regarding Frank’s treatment along with Doctor Rieper alleged actions. Hacking into the hospital’s system, Minerva scans the personnel records, but does not find an entry for Rieper. Hoping to gain an interview, Minerva volunteers to accompany Arc and Cherry on another trip to the hospital for more information. Arc begrudgingly agrees.

The next day Arc meets Minerva and Dave in the middle of nowhere. Boarding the unmarked news van they head for the hospital together. Shrinking himself down, Arc rides in Minerva’s pocket. They interview the hospital administrator, a woman named Rosa Morales. Touring the hospital, they eventually come to the offices. Arc Blinks down and over to one belonging to Doctor Rieper. Asking Minerva for a distraction, she pretends her foot is hurt. Rieper leaves his office to tend to her as Arc looks over his laptop in a cabinet. Deciding the contents are far too valuable to leave behind, Arc shrinks the device down and stores it in his ring. However, as he tries to Blink out of the cabinet, he finds himself repelled by some kind of ward. Cherry suggests cutting their way through the door gasket with the guardanium knife. Successfully escaping the office, Arc Blinks back to Minerva’s pocket and tells her to end the interview and get out of there. She does so, thanks Rosa, and walks away with Dave. Meanwhile, Rieper returns to his office, finds the empty cabinet, and calls security on Minerva and her cameraman.

As Minerva and Dave round a corner they are stopped by security. Arc attempts to put them to sleep with a spell, but fails for some reason. As they near the office Rose calls out to him. She warns him to escape using any means necessary. Arc Blinks to the floor, returns to normal size, and pushes the security guards away. Leading the pair up to the roof Arc opens a portal and spirits the three of them away to the sigil in the woods just outside the Shard Base. He and Minerva return to her apartment to look over the contents to the stolen laptop. Minerva finds emails between Diva and Rieper in addition to information regarding testing being done on Frank as a child.

Returning home, Arc and company prepare to eat supper. The phone rings and Arc moves to answer it. However he is surprised to hear Diva’s voice on the other end. She admits to having kidnapped Minerva, and offers to trade her for the laptop. Arc and Sereb hurry out the door to meet up with Diva and her henchmen as the others observe from their stations in the basement.

Arc and Sereb run through the dark forest on their way to the ruined hospital. Sereb senses they are being followed. Spotting something in the trees above, Rose calls out. Wiseman reveals himself and offers his aid in helping Minerva. The catch being he will handle the situation his way. Continuing on their way, the pair arrive at the hospital grounds. Spotting a light behind what’s left of the building, Arc opens a portal and sends Sereb back home. Continuing on alone, Arc finds Diva waiting for him. She reveals Minerva as Arc shows her the laptop. However, as they make the switch Diva takes back Minerva as Stingray, Hammer, and Mio leave with the laptop. Intending to keep her hostage, Diva opens a portal and drags Minerva toward it. Left with no other choice Arc calls out to Wiseman for aid as he closes his eyes. The robe figure materializes behind Diva, teleports Minerva over to Arc, grabs Diva, and tosses her through her own portal before following her. Opening his eyes, Arc spots Minerva lying on the ground in front of him, unconscious. Picking her up, he opens a portal of his own and steps through.

Returning to his basement via sigil, Arc hands off Minerva to Eidolon’s Ward. She takes the unconscious woman upstairs to the shower in an effort to clean her up. Waking, Minerva discovers that she is unable to see. After being taken to Arc’s parent’s room, Cherry volunteers to stay by her side through the night. Meanwhile, Wiseman appears downstairs before Arc, Ember, and Sereb. He tells them of his trip to the enemy stronghold and his talk with Diva and her superior. Informing Arc that it is safe for Minerva to return home, he vanishes.

The next morning Arc brings Minerva her breakfast in bed. Cherry informs him that she is temporarily blind from the flash last night. In an effort to make up for it, Arc volunteers the aid of his squad to help Minerva work from bed. After he leaves the room Minerva asks Cherry about the Hero’s love life. Cherry tells her about his love interests back in Equestria and does her best to coach Minerva on ways to impress Arc.

Returning to the kitchen, Arc informs his squad of their need to assist Minerva with her work. The phone rings, and Arc goes to answer it. Snake asks if Frank is still at the old house outside town before revealing that others at the Shard Base have reportedly seen their boss walking the hallways. Before Arc can call for Rose, Frank appears before him. His friend teleports them to Shelly’s Kitchen. As Lily escorts them to a table Frank informs Arc that he has become aware of a mysterious new power within himself. As he does so, Frank appears to be in pain. With a burst of power he Blinks himself and Arc far into the countryside, leaving Shelly and Lily wondering what had happened.

Regaining his composure a short time later, Frank is able to return the pair to their booth. He then asks Arc to arrange a meeting between himself and the Hero of Light in hopes of turning the warrior, and Arc, to his side. Leaving the diner, Arc returns home with Rose and Xenos in the Jeep. Later that night Arc, Ember, Sereb, and the squad head for the Shard Base. The squad watches nearby as Ember flies overhead and Arc rides Sereb to meet Frank behind the building. The young man Blinks them to his office inside. Informing Arc of the existence of The Garden, Frank proceeds to inform Arc of his belief that there may have been others kept prisoner by Diva and her ilk. Frank announces the new goal of the Shards… the destruction of The Garden and those whom run it. Ember calls out a warning over Arc’s earring.

Reporting something approaching the Shard Base at high speed, Arc and Frank Blink up to the roof. As the newcomer crosses the courtyard Frank and Arc move to meet them halfway. Revealing herself to be Diva, Frank attacks with a knife. However Arc stops the blade in midair with a Telekinesis Spell. Diva exposes to Frank the fact the Ember is flying overhead and the squad is hiding nearby. Several devices materialize and begin forming a barrier over the base. Arc hurries to the one Mio is attempting to fix. He is able to distract her as Frank and Sereb take her down and Ember destroys the device. Diva calls for a replacement unit and defends it along with Mio as she powers up the machine. As Sereb lunges at Diva, he is suddenly knocked away by a very large object.

Sereb looks up to see the object that attacked him is none other than his brother. The device hums as it deploys the final section of the barrier. Arc’s squad barely makes it under as the Shards chase after them. Extending an offer, Diva again asks Arc to join her and the Organization in making the world a better place. Arc, having put two and two together, reveals Diva’s true identity as being… Sunset Shimmer. Diva calls in another strange device which begins spraying out clouds of a strange gas. Failing to break through to them, the Shards fall one by one. Opening a portal, Diva’s forces leave along with her. Rose calls out a warning about the devices overloading. Arc grabs Frank and retreats to the tree line with Frank. After the explosion, and dust clears, Arc and Ember peek out to see that the Shards have vanished. Rose informs them that they were teleported away rather than obliterated. As Arc opens a portal, he order the others through as he convinces Frank to follow them. Returning to the basement Arc removes his helmet and mask to reveal his true identity to Frank. After introducing the young man to everyone Arc opens a portal back to Equestria to find someone that can help Frank control his powers.

However, many questions remain unanswered. What happened to Sunset Shimmer after she made her way through the Crystal Mirror? Will Applejack ever be able to confess her true feelings for Arc? Will Frank be able to survive whatever was done to him? How many other safe-houses do the three sergeants have? What will Doctor Rieper’s next move be? How exactly did Wiseman convince Diva to leave Minerva alone? Will the young reporter be okay? What does Diva intend to do with the now captured Shard members?

Time will tell. Sooner or later… time will tell.

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