• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 1 - Taking the Throne

Arc, the new Lord Regent of Equestria sits upon his new throne, the Royal Guards and Sunburst stand ready.

Sunburst bows! “Lord Arc, what are your orders?”

He stands. “I need to notify my base of this. Is there a phone around here somewhere?”

Sunburst points a hoof at a nearby door. “The princess' office in right through that door, sire.”

“Thank you. Wait out here. I won't be long.”

“Yes, Lord Arc.”

Arc enters the spacious office and sits down in the posh desk chair. Picking up the receiver he dials Light's Hope.

Raven answers. “Light's Hope, Raven speaking.”

“Raven? This is Arc. There's a... situation here in Canterlot at the moment. Do you have a pen?”

“Yes commander.”

“Write this down. I need you to have Ember, Derpy, Dinky, Sereb, Twilight and her friends, and ALL base personnel in the Main Hall in fifteen minutes!”

Raven sounds confused. “Everyone commander?”

Arc nods! “Everyone! That includes you, Saffron, Auriel, and Cerulean Skies. I want Light's Hope EMPTY! Make it happen!”

“Yes sir! I'll see to it at once.”

“Good. I'm counting on you, Raven. Goodbye.”

Arc hangs up the telephone and leans back in the chair to rub his eyes.

“I can barely lead the soldiers in my base! How am I supposed to lead a COUNTRY?!”

He ponders this question for another few minutes before standing and leaving the office. Sunburst and the guards are waiting for him.

“I’ve ordered all my base personnel to assemble for transport to Canterlot in the next few minutes. When they arrive, I will brief everyone on my plans for our next move. But first I have a few questions for you Sunburst.”

“I'll do my best to answer them, sire!”

“First of all, who is in charge of the princesses' day to day activities?

That would be Kibitz, sire. He has kept the princesses on schedule for as long as anypony can remember!”

Arc nods. “Where is he?”

Sunburst frowns. “He's probably in his office having a conniption! With both princesses incapacitated, he probably doesn't know what to do!”

“After the meeting I want to talk to him. Now... about Captain Decimus...”

“He's currently in Cloudsdale inspecting the Rainbow Factory. Sadly, he's not due back until later today.”

Arc turns and slowly walks toward the door. “Fine. Leave a note on his desk telling him the new Lord Regent needs to speak with him immediately.”

Sunburst follows him. “Begging your pardon sire, but I don't think he'll like that.”

“Frankly, I don't really care! This matter is much bigger than his injured ego! In any case, take care of those matters and then go and inform Kibitz that I will need his help and advice after the meeting. I'm going to Light's Hope, as everyone should be assembled by now.”

Sunburst nods. “I'll see to it sire!”

Arc turns to the Royal Guards. “All of you report to the princess' quarters and see to it they are kept safe! I know this may sound a bit... boring, but remember, without them Equestria doesn't HAVE a future! I'll have more orders for you soon!”

He motions for one of the guards to approach and hands him the crown and scepter.

“Put these in the meeting room and then join the others in guarding the princesses.”

The Royal Guards bow and leave the Audience Chamber along with Sunburst to carry out their orders. Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward and places a sigil on the floor. He then activates the sigil and teleports to Light's Hope's Main Hall. As ordered, everyone is assembled and ready.

Twilight runs up to him! “We came as fast as we could Arc!”

Dinky looks at her father’s appearance, confused. "Dad? What's with the new cape?”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Commander? Is there trouble in Canterlot?!”

Arc nods grimly. “More so than any of you know.”

Sandstorm Mirage looks to him nervously. “Oh dear! What can we do to help?!”

Arc opens a portal. “Everything will be explained back in Canterlot. Everyone! Through the portal!”

They all quickly obey as Derpy approaches Arc!

“I've never seen you this serious before, Arc! Whatever has happened must be truly terrible!”

“Yeah dad! I'm... kinda scared!”

He kneels down to hug both of them. “Don't worry you two. I won't let anything bad happen to anyone! But now we have to go!”

Derpy and Dinky head through the portal. Arc is the last one through as the portal collapses. Everyone appears on the sigil in the Audience Chamber.

Ember looks around confused! “The Audience Chamber?! Arc, do the princesses know you put a sigil smack dab in the middle of this room?!?

Auriel looks confused. “Where are they anyway?”

Arc returns his armor to his ring. “Let's head to the meeting room now. I'm sure you're all confused right now, but everything will be explained in due time. Please trust me on this!”

All assembled nod. Arc leads them to the meeting room and allows everyone to enter before closing the doors behind them.

“Everyone take a seat. We have much to discuss!”

They do so. Arc sits down at the head of the table.

Rarity looks over to Arc with a smile! “I do hope you will let us in on the secret now, Arc!”

Rainbow Dash flies over to a chair! “Yeah! The suspense is killing me!”

Twilight looks toward the double doors. “Are Princess Cadance and Princess Luna on their way?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, they're not. They're... indisposed.”

Fluttershy looks nervous. “Um... shouldn't they be here? I mean, I know they must be busy and all, but this does sound pretty important.”

“Dad? Is... is everything okay?”

“Sadly, no. I was called to Canterlot earlier this morning on a matter of great urgency! However, when I arrived in the Audience Chamber, I found it empty. Save for Lead Sage Sunburst, that is!”

Twilight looks to Arc, confused. “Are you saying the princesses weren't the ones who summoned you?”

“No. He took the initiative and did so himself.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “That is quite the breech of protocol! When the princesses find out about this they will not be pleased!”

Sandstorm Mirage nods! “Yes! The Hero of Light isn't some lowly errand colt to be at the beck and call of every Equestrian official!”

Arc holds up a hand for silence! “He made the right choice. This is much bigger than him! Much bigger than all of us.”

Twilight’s eyes are suddenly filled with fear! “Arc... are you saying something has... happened to the princesses?!”

“Yes. At this moment they are completely unable to carry out their duties. Early this morning they were both found in their rooms, unconscious. So far, all attempts to wake them have been unsuccessful.”

Applejack gasps! “Are you saying all three princesses are now either out of the country or otherwise infirm?!”


Cerulean Skies appears frightened! “So... who's leading the country?”

Pinkie hops around the room happily! “Oh, oh! I know! It's probably the Captain of the Royal Guard, right?!”

“You're close Pinkie Pie. Truth be told, there is one individual that is in front of Captain Decimus in the Order of Succession.”

Derpy looks to Arc, confused. “There is? Who?”

Arc points to the crown and scepter in front of him on the table. “I am.”

All assembled gasp!

Raven turns to Arc, barely able to speak! “C-Commander! Are you saying...?”

He puts on the crown and picks up the scepter. “Yes. As of today, I am Equestria's Lord Regent. At least until the Princesses have recovered enough to again undertake their duties.”

Arc stands and walks over to the window. He looks out over Canterlot and the surrounding countryside.

“I... I'm really not prepared for this job!”

Flash Sentry stand at attention! “I doubt anyone in Equestria is sir! But know this... word of your deeds has spread throughout much of Equestria! It's likely you being in power at this difficult point in time will help to put the populace's minds at ease!”

Derpy nods! “So as of now, who knows about this?!”

Arc turns back to face all assembled. “Just Sunburst, the Royal Guards who were present at my hurried coronation and everyone in this room.”

Saffron turns to him. “Are you planning on informing the public, commander?”

Arc slowly paces the floor. “Yes. I need to consult with Kibitz, the Royal... uh... Schedule Maker, I guess. He should know how to set up a public speaking event. The public deserves to know!”

Applejack sighs! “Now I'm not trying to make you nervous or anything Arc, but how exactly are you planning on telling everypony about this?!”

Rainbow Dash nods! “Yeah! I mean, no matter how you say this, it's probably going to cause quite the panic!”

Rarity turns to Arc. “Rainbow Dash is right! Somepony could get hurt in the hysteria that follows!”

Max steps forward. “Well, what would you have the commander do?! It won't take long for the citizenry to notice the princesses aren't making their daily appearances!”

Twilight stands and trots in place nervously! “Oh, I do wish Princess Celestia were here! She would know what to do!”

She looks over to Arc with a pleading look in her eyes!

“Arc... please tell me! Is Princess Celestia safe?! I have to know!”

He turns away from the group with a pained expression on his face. “Twilight, I... look, we'll talk about Princess Celestia's diplomatic escapades later, alright?”

Twilight nervously agrees. “Okay. But I'm holding you to that!”

“Now, there is much work to be done. Time to get started!”

Arc turns to his Royal Guards from Light’s Hope.

“All of you were assigned to Light's Hope to watch over it and its inhabitants when I was away. I'm going to guess at the time some of you thought this assignment felt less like guarding and more like house sitting. All of you did very well protecting the orphans when the base was attacked, and I am very proud of each and every one of you! There's probably going to be a lot of legwork in our future. Can I count on all of you to do your part?”

The Royal Guards all bow to Arc and respond as one.

“Yes sire!”

“Glad to hear it! The princess’ lives may be in your hooves!”

Arc turns to Sandstorm Mirage

“Take all the guards from Light's Hope and see if you can track down Shining Armor and Trixie. You can start at the village just outside the Gates of Tartarus. Talk to the inhabitants there and see if you can find them.”

“Yes sir! Uh... sire... Um, what do I tell them?”

“Just say that I desperately need their help right now. I'm sure they'll come if at all possible! Dismissed!”

Sandstorm Mirage salutes. “On my way!”

He points his hoof at the Royal Guards.

“Alright everypony, you heard the Lord Regent! Let's go!”

Sandstorm Mirage and Arc's Royal Guards run out the door! Arc turns to Ember and Sereb.

“Ember... Sereb... I'd like the two of you to stay in Canterlot with me. I want you both close at hand in case things get... messy around here.”

Sereb nods. “As you will.”

“You can count on me Arc! I'm with ya!”

“Thanks. It will be good to have you two here watching my back.”

Arc turns to Saffron and Raven.

“Saffron, I'll need you to stay here in Canterlot. I know this will sound entirely selfish, but it will help more than you know to be able to look forward to your splendid meals!”

“Yes, Lord Arc! I will do my best to keep you healthy and strong!”

Arc smiles at her. “I'm sure you will. Go to the Royal Kitchens and inform the staff that you will be preparing my supper personally. You know how I like my fish!”

Saffron bows and leaves the room.

“Raven, you too will be staying in Canterlot with me as my personal assistant. You and Kibitz will have to work together to keep the clerical side of things moving along smoothly.”

“I'll do my best to help you, commander!”

“Thank you. head over to Kibitz's office and see how you can help. I'll be there later to see what needs to be done.”

Arc turns to look at Cerulean Skies.

“I'm really sorry for making you come all the way to Canterlot to make your statement.”

Cerulean Skies nods and bows. “It's the least I could do considering what you did for Baltimare! Maybe now justice won't be a luxury afforded only to those who can afford it!”

“I hope so too. Now, I want you to know that this matter is FAR from over, Cerulean Skies. Would you be interested in helping move things along in this case?”

She nods. “I would! What do you need me to do?”

“For Judge Hawthorne to be properly prosecuted, all the evidence against him needs to be properly gathered. You're probably the most familiar with his files. Do you think you could aid the investigation by sorting the papers for us?”

“I wish I could, but only individuals with proper clearance are allowed in the Records Room.”

“Yeah, about that... I don't like the fact you were let go for doing the right thing. I'm reinstating you as Baltimore Courthouse's secretary, with back-pay. Report to work in the morning. Lieutenant Flash Sentry will meet you there with a Royal Order that says as much. That is... if you still want your old job back after what happened.”

Cerulean Skies’ face lights up! “Yes! Thank you! I would!”

Arc smiles and nods. “Very well. Now, how about your injury? Are you physically able to do your job?”

“I am! Don't worry about that!”

“Good. Raven, see to it that Cerulean Skies receives her back-pay before she leaves. After she gives you her statement have some Royal Guards along with Flash Sentry fly her home.”

“Very well, commander.”

Flash Sentry turns to Cerulean Skies. “Don't worry miss! We'll make sure you get home safe and sound.”

Raven and Cerulean Skies leave the room together. Flash Sentry is not far behind them.

Arc sighs as he continues. “Now... there is one other matter to discuss. I’ve been informed that with the princesses out of commission this may appear to the surrounding nations to be a good time to invade Equestria! Sunburst has advised me to prepare to face enemy invaders on multiple fronts!

Ember brandishes her claws! “Bring ‘em on! I prefer a straight fight!

Derpy looks to him, frightened! “Arc? You aren't actually considering taking Equestria to war, are you?!”

“I really don't want to! However, depending on what the other nations do, I may have no choice!”

“But dad! A lot of ponies would get hurt!”

Arc kneels down and puts both hands on Dinky's shoulders. “I understand that sweetheart. Now don't you worry about a thing. We'll only resort to such actions if there is ABSOLUTELY no other choice!”

Xenos snorts! “I'm sure Captain Decimus wouldn't mind a skirmish or two.”

Max nods. “Indeed. Incidentally, what does he think about you sitting on the Equestrian throne sir?”

“Apparently he's in Cloudsdale at the moment. Somehow I don't think he's going to be too happy when he hears the news.”

Hugh frowns. “What are you planning to do?”

“I have a few ideas. Equestrian law is on my side, so unless he plans on doing something drastic, he doesn't really have any choice but to accept it!”

Sereb looks to Arc. “What do you mean by ‘drastic’.

“Like a coup. He would have to literally attack me to dethrone me!”

Rarity puts her front hooves to her mouth, shocked! “Oh my! Do you believe that's a possibility?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah! The last time he ordered his soldiers to take me down, they refused. And that was before my reputation as a warrior was forged!”

Max chuckles! “Right! The next time he does that, his troops may just attack HIM instead!”

Arc laughs! “That would be quite the sight to behold! In any case, I get the feeling today is about to get very busy! I want all of you to head to the dining room and have a good meal. Twilight you will come with me to see the doctor. Hopefully he can shed some light on this situation.”

All assembled leave the Meeting Room and head for the Dining Room, Arc and Twilight head for the princess' rooms together. Arc approaches a Royal Guard in the corridor.

“Guard, has the doctor completed his tests?”

“Nearly sire! He’s with Princess Cadance now!”

Arc nods. “Good. Continue your vigil.”

The Royal Guard holds the door open and allows Arc and Twilight to enter. They find the doctor looking over a chart as they enter.

“Any luck doctor... I'm sorry. I just realized I never actually asked for your name.”

The doctor smiles and nods at them.

“The name's Whooves. Doctor Whooves, at you service Lord Arc!”

“And I thank you for your that. The princesses very lives may be in your hooves! I hope you've been able to make some headway on this matter.”

Doctor Whooves hangs his head sadly. “Very little, sire! I've sent some blood samples to the lab for testing. The good news is they don't appear to be in any pain and are stable. However, the bad news is they don't appear to be getting any better!”

Twilight slowly walks up to Princess Cadance and takes her friend's hoof in hers.

“Cadance... it's Twilight. I'm here for you, old friend.”

Twilight looks at Cadance's motionless form.

“She's really just sleeping?!”

“Yeah, like Snow White!”


“Sorry Twilight. It's an old human fairy tale about a young girl who falls into a deep sleep from which she cannot be roused.”

Twilight looks to Arc, hopeful! “Oh? How did it end?”

“She was awakened when a noble prince saw her lying there and was so overcome by her beauty, that he bent down and kissed her.”

Twilight blushes. “I... I see. So... should we... um...”

Doctor Whooves shakes his head! “I see no medical reasoning for such a treatment being feasible!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. It's just a fairy tale parents tell their children. Nothing more.”

Twilight sighs. “Is there anything else, doctor?”

“I have carefully examined their bodies and cannot find any physical trauma. Up until this point they have both enjoyed perfect health.”

Twilight thinks for a moment. “Now that I think about it, I don't recall Cadance ever getting sick when I was a foal! Could she be immune to such things due to her being an alicorn?”

Doctor Whooves nods. “Yes. Alicorns are, as far as we know, immune to all known infections. I'll go over their medical records just to be sure. But I don't expect to find anything of interest there.”

“So, where do we stand?”

“I'm hoping the results from the lab will give me some kind of clue to what we're dealing with here. To be honest with you sire, I don't really know what else to do right now.”

Twilight looks down at Cadance. “Could this be some kind of magical attack against my friend here?!”

“I've already consulted with Lead Sage Starburst. He has confirmed that their current state is not due to magic.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “So... it's some kind of physical ailment then?”

“That is the only logical conclusion, miss.”

Arc sighs. “Great. So until those lab reports come in where kinda stuck, huh?”

“Sadly, yes.”

“Well, I know you're doing everything you can doctor. Now, I've assigned Lieutenant Flash Sentry here to investigate this matter. Please report anything you find directly to him. I wish I could look into this matter myself, but...”

Doctor Whooves nods. “I will, sire!”

Twilight turn back to Arc. “I do wish the two of us could take care of this problem together, Arc. But I understand the reasoning behind your decision. You can't lead Equestria AND figure out what is wrong with the princesses!”

“Don't worry Twilight! The collective might of Light's Hope's forces will figure this out! You can count on it!”

“Thank you! That makes me feel a bit better! If there is anything I can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask!”

Arc nods. “Thank you, Twilight. I may just take you up on that.”

He turns back to Doctor Whooves.

“Doctor. Can Princess Cadance hear us?”

“I'm sorry Lord Arc, but I really have no idea.”

Arc walks over to the bed and takes Cadance's other hoof. Holding it gently, he speaks to her quietly.

“Princess Cadance? Twilight and I are here now. Can you hear us?”

There is no response.

Twilight sighs. “It was worth a shot, Arc.”

“Sorry it didn't work, Twilight. Now if you will excuse me, I should go see Raven and Kibitz. Hopefully they can sort through the royal workload and help me keep Equestria moving along. You should probably get a bite to eat while we wait for the lab reports.”

Arc turns to leave the room

Twilight chases after him, nearly frantic! “Arc, wait! You said we would talk about Princess Celestia!”

Arc stops and sighs. “I did, didn't I”.

She uses her magic to try and pull Arc back toward herself as she speaks in a peeved voice! “Yes, you did! And I'm not taking ‘no’ for an answer, mind you!”

“Very well. Come with me Twilight. We should discuss this privately.”

Twilight nods! “Good! Lead the way!”

Arc leads Twilight back to his quarters in the castle and closes the door behind them. The sun has almost reached the noon-day position and gives the room a warm and inviting feeling. He gestures toward the couch.

“Have a seat. We have much to discuss.”

Twilight does so. Arc sits down next to her.

“Yes we do! Now Arc, I want a straight answer! Where is Princess Celestia?! WHERE IS MY FRIEND?!?!”

Twilight appears on the edge of madness with worry!

“I’ll tell you. But first I need you to promise me something.”

“Name it!”

“First, promise me you won't fly off the handle and do something... impulsive or irrational!”

Twilight glares at him! “What?! I never...”


She sighs angrily and narrows her eyes. “Fine. I promise.”

“Okay... now I'm sure this goes without saying, but what we are about to talk about here must not be repeated to ANYONE else, alright? Lives may hang in the balance!”

Twilight again looks worried. “O-okay. I promise! Look Arc, I understand that sometimes the princesses need to keep things from us to protect everypony! It's just... I really just want to know if she's safe and all! Princess Celestia is the most important pony in the world to me!”

Arc nods. “I understand what you're going through right now. It's the same with me and my father. I know he's out there somewhere, but I haven't seen or heard from him in years.”

“I know that, and I'm sorry. But... just knowing she's alive out there somewhere isn't very reassuring! I'm sorry for blowing up earlier. Please forgive me!”

“It's okay. Now... what do you know about Princess Celestia's recent activities?”

“Just what everypony else in Equestria knows. That her presence was needed to preside over some diplomatic summit in some far-off land. But that was so long ago! Now I know peace isn't something that happens overnight, but this is ridiculous!”

Arc sighs. “Everyone in Equestria has been lied to.”

Twilight chuckles. “I kinda guessed that considering the complete lack of contact from my mentor.”

Arc puts a hand on Twilight's shoulder. “The complete and Honest truth of the matter is... Princess Celestia isn't on a diplomatic mission of ANY kind.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “...what?”

“In reality, she's... missing.”

Twilight loses all sense of sanity! “WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!”

“Calm down Twilight! Equestria's best sages are working on the problem!”

Madness and rage in her eyes, she lunges at Arc, grabs his shoulders and shakes him violently!

“Problem? PROBLEM?! Princess Celestia is missing... AND YOU JUST CALL IT A PROBLEM?!”

Arc takes hold of Twilight gently. “Twilight, please! The princesses...”

She interrupts! Her face red with fury, Twilight pushing Arc away!

“Luna and Cadance told me she was at a diplomatic summit! What else are the three of you lying to me about?!”

Arc pushes back against Twilight and pins her to the couch. “Twilight! Stop it! Listen to me! THIS is why they told you that story! They knew you would react this way!”

She squirms, trying to escape from Arc's grip, furious! “Let go of me! I have to help Princess Celestia!”

“How?! You don't even know where to look!”

Twilight continues to resist! “I'll... I'll think of something! Now let me GO!!!”

She manages to get one of her front hooves loose from Arc's grip! Twilight swings it toward Arc in an attempt to escape but miscalculates and smacks him in the face hard! Seeing what she’s done, Twilight quickly brings her front hooves to her mouth with a quick intake of breath! Arc staggers backwards, stunned!

“ARC! I... I'm sorry! I just... I wasn't thinking! Please forgive me!”

Arc wipes blood from his mouth with a hand.

“For such a small mare you're pretty strong, Twilight.”

“Arc! You're hurt!”

He looks down at the fresh blood on his hand. “I'll be fine.”

Twilight jumps down from the couch and walks toward the door, sadly. “I'm really sorry about this. I'll head over to the dungeon now.”

Arc looks over to her, surprise. “The dungeon?!”

Twilight nods. “I just ATTACKED AND INJURED the Lord Regent of Equestria! The dungeon is where I belong, if not Tartarus!”

She uses her magic to open the door a few inches. Tt suddenly slams shut! Twilight looks back at Arc, confused.

“What the...?”

She turns back to see Arc’s arm outstretched, using his magic to hold the door shut.

“I don't recall giving you permission to leave!”

Twilight sits down on her haunches and bows her head. “I... I'm sorry... Lord Arc.”

The frightened unicorn suddenly finds herself picked up by Arc's magic! He slowly carries her back toward himself. Twilight squeezes her eyes shut!

“I... understand and will accept my... punishment.”

A few moments later Twilight feels herself in Arc's warm embrace. She opens her eyes and looks at him! Arc smiles at the trembling mare in his arms as he sits back down on the couch.

“It's okay Twilight! Really! I'm fine!”

Twilight looks him in the eye, astonished! “But... how can you even stand to LOOK at me?! I HIT you! You should hate me now!”

Arc sets Twilight back down on the couch next to him. “I'll forgive you for that, but only if you will do something for me.”


“I want you to take a good look at my face right now. Look at this cut. What do you see?”

Twilight looks at him. “Blood?”

“No Twilight. This is the result of acting without thinking! Now listen to me. We ARE going to find Princess Celestia, and we WILL help her! But if we do so without a plan, much worse than a cut lip could happen to her. Do you understand?”

“I... I do! And I'm really sorry for doing that, Lord Arc!”

He nods. “While you're at it, you can stop calling me that.”

“What?! But I...”

Arc interrupts. “Look Twilight! We're friends, right?”

Twilight looks away sheepishly. “Well, you're MY friend, yes. But I'm not much of a friend to YOU!”

“Don't say things like that, Twilight!”

“I'm sorry, but it's true!”

Arc shakes his head! “You're my friend, end of story! We've been through enough together that I don't want to hear you call me ‘Lord Arc’!”

“Well, what should I call you then?”

“Just call me Arc, as you always have! A fancy new title and a crown on my head doesn't change who I am or how I feel about you, my friend.”

Twilight looks at the blood on Arc's face. She slowly leans toward him and reaches a hoof toward it. Gently touching the wound she draws back and looks at the red liquid on her hoof for a few moments before turning back to Arc. There are tears in her eyes as she wraps both her front hooves around Arc's neck and begins to cry openly.

“I'm sorry, Arc! I am so... SO sorry for hurting you yet again!”

Arc holds the sobbing mare in his arms as he smiles and strokes her mane.

“I forgive you, Twilight.”

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