• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Jailed and Nailed

Arc groans and opens his eyes. Attempting to look around he sees only darkness on all sides. As he tries to rise a strong hoof pushes him back down.

“Stay down!”

Arc grunts. “Diva?!”

Sunset Shimmer shakes her head. “Not at the moment.”

Stomping him roughly with a hoof, she grins.

“As you just felt, I’m not a human right now.”

“I see it did little to temper your attitude.”

Sunset scoffs. “And I see that your experiences did nothing to teach you how to avoid capture.”


“You really don’t remember at all, do you?”

“Enlighten me.”

“You attempted to kidnap Princess Celestia after blackmailing her into a meeting with threats of holding Princess Twilight hostage.”

“I just wanted to talk.”

Sunset scoffs. “Say what you will. You’re already in our custody.”

“The Council of Shadows?”

“If only you were so lucky.”

“Then who?”

“Equestria’s, you fool.”

“Equestria? Why would they arrest me?! You’re the real criminal here!”

A massive blow wracks Arc’s body as claws are dragged along his back. Hearing a snarl, a familiar voice rings out.

“Address the mistress with all due respect!”

Arc grimaces. “Kane?!”

“It is I, yes.”

“I should have left you with the ogres!”

“Most likely. However that is neither here nor there.”

Sunset nods smugly. “Agreed. However you have bigger problems now.”

“Do I?”

“Yes. You are currently on your way to Equestria’s highest security penitentiary commonly known as ‘Luna Bay Prison’.”

“For what?!”

Kane chuckles. “Many crimes, too numerous to remember or recite.”

“But not to worry. Equestrian law says you’ll receive a fair trial.”

“Good. When?”

“After all the evidence in your case has been reviewed and approved by the judge in question.”

Sunset grins. “That’s going to take quite a while as there’s a lot of it. In the meantime you’ll be a prison inmate.”

She leans in close and whispers in his ear.

“Do try not to die before then. I’d hate to have to tell your family and friends of your demise.”

Suddenly furious, Arc attempts to break free from his bonds. Sunset rolls her eyes.

“Give it a rest. Those chains are made of the strongest substances known to ponykind.”

Focusing his magic, Arc attempts to Blink out of the restraints. However instead of reappearing elsewhere a surge of magical electricity flows into Arc. He cries out in pain as Sunset grins savagely.

“What… what the…?”

“Did I forget to mention the magic feedback system? You try to cast a spell and the mana will be drained from you only to be redirected back in a rather… painful manner. But I’m sure you already know that.”

Arc breathes heavily. “I’ll… I’ll beat this. And when I do… you’ll be one of the first I come after, Diva!”

“Go ahead. First of all… you won’t get out.”

Kane nods. “Second, we’d find you if you did.”

“Third, you’d only add to the truly astronomical list of charges levied against you.”

Kane grins toothily. “Do be smart about this.”


Sunset nods. “Just sit back, relax, eat some slop, get some sleep… and let us deal with the day to day monotony of protecting Equestria.”

“And what makes you think I’ll do that?”

Kane growls. “Because you don’t really have a choice.”

Sometime later, the sound of metal clanging can be heard. Numerous voices ring out as Sunset turns and walks away. Strong hooves step toward Arc and drag him out of the vehicle. Unable to properly move, Arc finds that he has no choice but to endure the pain of his skin on concrete and steel. Eventually he is thrown onto a hard metallic table of sorts. A few moments later there is a cool sensation of metal on his neck as a collar is fastened and locked into place. Voices bark orders to one another as his clothes and magic ring are forcefully removed. Innumerable hooves and magical auras go over his body searching for weapons or other contraband. When they are satisfied the ponies leave the room with his belongings (or what’s left of them.) Arc is left lying on the table for a time, naked and alone. A hissing sound is heard as a chemical is released into the chamber. His eyes heavy, Arc loses consciousness. Sunset watches from the control room with several guards along with a stallion and mare. She turns to them and nods soberly.

“He’s all yours, warden.”

The warden nods stoically. “Thank you. You may inform Princess Celestia that her assailant will not be causing any more trouble.”

His assistant nods. “I’ll see to that personally.”

Sunset produces a document. “In any case, sign here.”

The warden looks it over carefully before signing and returning it to Sunset. She looks it over before speaking.

“I’ll take this back to the princess personally.”

The mare nods. “Please do. I’m sure she’ll be very interested to hear that…”

Sunset turns and walks out the door. The mare turns to the warden.

“That was… unexpected.”

“She’s probably on a tight schedule. But in any case, I want to see this prisoner in my office immediately.”

“Yes sir. I’ll gather a contingent of guards at once.”

Sometime later Arc groggily awakens. Still able to see nothing, he turns his head to look around. Hooves are placed on his shoulders as the cloth is removed from his head. Arc notices they are in a spartan looking office in front of a large desk. Looking down at himself he spies a bright orange one piece jumpsuit. Guards surround them on all sides of the room as the stallion in front of the desk speaks.

“Welcome to Luna Bay Prison.”

Arc squints as his eyes adjust to the light. “General Virtuous Lance?”

“Hello again.”

He gestures with a hoof to the mare next to him.

“I assume you remember my aide-de-camp.”

“Lieutenant Spitfire?”

Spitfire looks at him angrily. “Don’t ask for any favors!”

“What… am I doing here?”

“Prisoners are not permitted to speak unless spoken to!”

Virtuous Lance sighs. “He asked a valid question, lieutenant.”

Turning back to Arc, Virtuous Lance clears his throat and begins to speak.

“You’re charged with kidnapping a princess in addition to attempted blackmail of royalty and attempting to kidnap a second princess.”

“I am?”

Spitfire nods. “As of now, yes. However we’ve been informed that many, MANY more charges will come in the future as they are examined.”

“Such as…?”

Virtuous Lance narrows his eyes. “Pretty much everything you did as the Hero of Light.”

“What?! But Princess Luna said that the Hero of Light was above the law!”

Spitfire smirks. “Indeed. However Princess Celestia believes you manipulated the other two princesses into appointing you.”

Virtuous Lance nods. “If found to be true, every action you took as the Hero of Light constitutes fraud. Anypony you killed will be counted as murder, even if done in self-defense.”

Arc sighs. “Great. What now?”

Spitfire clears her throat. “As per Canterlot’s orders, you’ll be placed in with the general population until your court date.”

Virtuous Lance points to Arc’s collar. “As you’ve no doubt already felt, you’ve been fitted with the latest in anti-magic technology to prevent you from escaping.”

“The shock?”

Spitfire grins. “Try all you’d like. The more powerful the spell, the more you’ll hurt yourself.”

Virtuous Lance puts a hoof on Arc’s file laying on the desk. “Please bear in mind that any trouble you cause here will be part of the court record.”

“I recommend you don’t dig yourself in any deeper.”

“As per the law, I’m required to ask if you’d like to make a statement to be made part of the official record regarding your case. Would you?”

Arc looks up. “Who will see it?”

“The court as well as Princess Celestia.”

“Alright. Here’s my statement.”

Spitfire rolls her eyes and pulls out a paper and pencil. “Go ahead.”

“Not guilty.”

Spitfire looks up, her brow furrowed.


Arc is silent as the pair stare each other down. Virtuous Lance clears his throat.

“Is that all you’d like to say, sir?”

Nodding, Arc turns to Spitfire.

“Did you get all of that?”

“I did.”

Virtuous Lance looks to Spitfire. “Take him to his cell and see to it that statement is sent to Canterlot.”

“Yes sir.”

She looks to him and grunts.

“This way, maggot!”

The guards grab Arc and help his stand. Shuffling as best he is able in the restraints, he is led out of the office and down the corridor. Arc looks to her.

“Where am I going?”

“Level five. The pit.”

“I assume that isn’t good?”

“For the country it is. Not so much for you.”


Spitfire rolls her eyes. “All prisoners are divided into security levels. One are the lowest security while five are the worst of the worst. Murderers, rapists, and traitors mostly. You’ll be surrounded by the most vile Equestria has to offer.”

Twenty minutes later they come to a large iron cage in the middle of an otherwise empty room. Spitfire stops and motions for the guards to open the door as she gestures for him to step inside.

“This will be your home from now on. Be sure to play nice, or else. Now turn around and let my troops remove your shackles.”

Arc does so as the guards close and lock the door before unlocking his restraints. They clatter noisily to the floor as they drag them through the bars. Arc looks to Spitfire as he rubs his wrists and frowns.

“Thanks for walking me here. You may go, lieutenant.”

Spitfire frowns. “I’m sorry, what?”

Arc shrugs. “Am I supposed to be guarded 24-7?”

“That won’t be necessary. Level five prisoners do that for each other.”


Spitfire smirks. “You’ll find out. And don’t expect anypony here to give a damn about whom you used to be.”

“Does that go for you too?”

Spitfire looks away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You and I both know I don’t belong here.”

“What I believe is not relevant. And don’t think I owe you anything because of last time.”

“Last time?”

“I was ordered to disable your ship. Nothing more.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Didn’t question that at all, did you?”

“Soldiers don’t ask questions. They just get the job done.”

Arc nods soberly. “I’ll remember that.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“No. Not that it would do me any good. After all, I’m in here and you’re out there.”


“By the way… why do they call this ‘the pit’?”

“You’ll see.”

She motions to a guard up in the observation tower. Pressing a button, the floor of the cell drops out. Yelling, Arc falls some distance into a pool of slimy green water. Gagging, he makes his way to the surface just in time to see Spitfire poke her head over the edge and grin.

“Any other questions?”

Arc spits out some slime. “No.”

Spitfire mock salutes. “Have a pleasant stay.”

She nods to someone Arc cannot see. The doors overhead close, plunging the room into total darkness. A few moments later a dim bulb flickers to life over a nearby table. On it is a ratty towel and dry jumpsuit. Removing his clothes, Arc tosses them under the table, dries himself, and puts on the fresh clothes as he mutters to himself.

“At least they gave me shoes.”

As he finishes dressing, Arc notices a paper and a parcel on another nearby table as the bulb over it comes on. Walking over to it, he spies the words ‘cell assignment’ and ‘prisoner ID’ The package appears to be nothing more than a few spare changes of jumpsuits. Sighing, Arc looks toward the only other door in sight.

“Guess this is for real. Might as well get to my cell and meet my fellow convicts.”

Opening the door, Arc is immediately hit with the stench of unwashed flesh, urine, feces, and a few other things he’d rather not think about. Everyone around stops talking and gazes at the newcomer. Nodding curtly, he looks at his paper and starts walking. A massive stallion walks over to him and knocks the parcel from his hands.


Arc frowns. “Excuse me?”

“You can’t even hold on to your stuff. Keep that up and you won’t have nothing in a day or so.”

Arc nods as he kneels down to pick up the package. “I’ll remember that.”

The stallion grins. “Do that. But as long as you’re down there, my underside could use some… maintenance.”

“Does it now?”

“Yeah. So make your lips useful and do a good job. Prove yourself to me and I might just make you my pet.”

Arc scoffs as he moves to stand up. “I’ll pass.”

The stallion puts a massive hoof on the top of Arc’s head and growls.

“This isn’t a request, fresh meat! Get to it!”

Grabbing the stallion’s hoof, Arc pushes him back as he stands up with his parcel.

“I don’t swing that way.”

“You’ll do what you’re told, or bleed! Which is it going to be?!”

Arc chuckles. “Oddly enough, I was going to tell you the same thing.”

Charging forward angrily, the stallion lunges at Arc. Turning and stepping out of the way, Arc allows the stallion to pass before planting his foot firmly between his hind legs. Crashing to the floor, the stallion curls up into the fetal position as unearthly squeals and moans are heard coming from him. Arc looks around the room and frowns.

“Anyone else want me to service them?”

Those gathered turn to look away as Arc looks down the corridor.

“I thought not.”

Continuing on his way, Arc only has to punch three stallions in the head, crack five ribs, and fracture eight hooves on his way. So considering where he is I guess you could say he made it there relatively easily. Coming to the door with the proper number on it Arc takes a deep breath before opening it and stepping inside. His ‘room’ (and I’m using that term generously) consists of nothing more than a single bulb overhead, a mattress lying on the floor, and a foul smelling hole in one corner. Tossing his pack of clothes on the bed, he spies a small key on the floor. Looking over to the door he tries it. Amazingly, given its condition, it works.

“Well, at least that should keep my clothes safe.”

There is suddenly a knock at the door. Frowning, Arc walks over to it as he muses to himself.

“I hope it isn’t the welcoming committee. Or worse yet, that horny stallion from earlier.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc turns the latch and opens his door. A small stallion grins up at him.

“Good day to you, sir. I’m the…”

Arc steps back and points. “Wait a second! I know you!”

“Yes sir. I sold you some furniture quite some time ago.”

“Right, uh… Fortunate…”

“…Ire, sir.”

“Yeah, it’s all coming back to me. Uh… won’t you come in?”

Fortunate Ire shakes his head. “Nah. It’d send the wrong message to the other inmates.”

“They’d think you’re a stoolpigeon, or something?”

“A what?”

“A sellout.”

Fortunate Ire appears confused. “But I am.”


“Yeah. I’m kinda the commissary down here.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, a sellout is… forget it. Why are you here?”

“In prison or talking to you now?”


“I’m in here for… shall we say, less than legal business practices.”

“Ripping off customers?”

Fortunate Ire shakes his head. “Quite the opposite. I always came through for everypony whom hired me. But my sources weren’t always completely on the up and up. As for why I’m here talking to you, I always introduce myself to any new customers whom arrive.”

“Sorry, but I don’t have any bits.”

Fortunate Ire chuckles. “Not to worry. Nopony does. Or at the very least aren’t supposed to. We use a bartering system down here mostly. There’s an understood standard, but it’s kinda subjective. What you want to trade is worth as much as somepony is willing to give you for it naturally. Unless you’re looking for a loan, that is.”


“Say you wanted a bag of cereal from me, or anypony else for that matter. If I gave it to you on loan the standard repayment rate is 1:3.”

“So you give me one bag and I have to pay you back with three?”

“You’re catching on, yeah.”

“But what if someone didn’t pay up?”

“Then the King hears about it. He gets too many complaints about an individual and they get their legs broken by his thugs.”

He looks Arc up and down before continuing.

“You’ll probably be hearing from him soon.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But I haven’t had time to rip anyone off.”

Fortunate Ire shakes his head. “No, no, no. I mean for recruitment.”

“To become an enforcer?”

“Exactly. You get plenty of benefits. Leeway when bartering for goods, a position of power around here, and more food than the rest.”

“I’m not really looking for employment though.”

Fortunate Ire chuckles. “Good luck with that. When the King wants somepony to work for them, they do. Besides, it’s pretty easy work.”

“Thanks for the heads up.”

“No problem. So, you looking for some goods to make yourself a bit more comfortable here?”

“Like I said earlier, I don’t have anything to trade for yet.”

Fortunate Ire points a hoof at his packet in the corner. “Yeah, you do.”

“Those are just clothes.”

“We call those ‘starter packs’ around here. They sometimes have a bit more than just clothes wrapped up in there.”

“Uh… like what?”

“Shampoo, combs, magazines… stuff like that. But the most sought after is candy.”


Fortunate Ire nods. “Chocolate to be precise. If you’ll take a look maybe we can do business.”

“Maybe later. So… what exactly can you offer me?”

“Edible items mostly. But a few other things naturally. Soap, toilet paper, non-sugary snacks, coffee, noodles, sleeping pills, and whatnot.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Why do I get the feeling that’s not all you stock?”

Fortunate Ire chuckles. “Always knew you were a smart customer. Yeah, I can get you contraband too.”

“Like what?”

“Alcohol, drugs, chewing gum, disallowed books, banned food, and a few other things for certain individuals. You want something, just ask.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. But aren’t you worried someone will turn you in?”

Fortunate Ire rolls his eyes. “To who?”

“The guards.”

“Have you seen any?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Now that you mention it, no.”

“There you go.”

“Care to explain that?”

“Because this is ‘the pit’. We can do pretty much anything we want down here, as we’re self-governing.”

“The King and his enforcers?”

“Right. He’s the final say down here. You want to complain, go see him. Not advisable, but he’s there.”

“What about me?”

Fortunate Ire appears confused. “What about you?”

“I’m still the Hero of Light, you know.”

Fortunate Ire shakes his head. “Fancy titles don’t mean a thing down here. You’re no more special than anypony else.”

“Anything else I should know?”

“Keep your head down, keep things civil, follow the King’s rules, and things can be bearable down here. Try to go against the powers-that-be will be met with… correction.”

“Thanks for the heads up.”

Fortunate Ire grins. “No problem. You’re the customer, and I’m the wheel stallion. But in any case, there should be three nasty looking stallions on their way here now to administer your Baptism.”

Arc frowns. “I’m guessing that’s not shower time.”

“This happens to everypony down here. You’re challenged to a fight to determine your rank.”


“Do more damage to those stallions to increase it. A higher rank means more and better food for you, a slightly nicer room, and an advanced place in the general pecking order down here.”

The sound of hoofsteps rings out as several burly stallions walk calmly toward them. Fortunate Ire points.

“That’s them now.”

Arc sighs. “Great.”

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