• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 12 - Last-Minute Vacations

Arc leaves Coco Pommel’s office. Turning to walk down the stairs he sees Dinky standing there looking sad.


“Dad, I… I need to talk to you.”

“Oh? What is it?”

“Can we go somewhere private?”

“Um… sure.”

Arc looks around before gesturing to a door.

“In here.”

Leading Dinky into a more or less empty room he closes the door behind them. Dinky looks confused.

“What is this?”

“It’s a storage room. When I helped design the original building I asked Hard Hat to leave this space largely untouched.”

“But why, dad?”

Arc shrugs. “At the time I figured Coco Pommel could use it for future projects. That was, of course, before the addition was built.”

He sits down on the floor and leans against a wall as Dinky does the same.

“Now then, what’s on your mind, sweetheart?”

“I… today at the castle… Kronos spoke to me.”

Arc frowns. “Oh? What did they want?”

“Kronos said there was a lot of bad things in your future, dad.”

“Did they say anything specific?”

Dinky shakes her head. “No.”

“I question just how reliable Kronos really is. Do they know everything or nothing?”



Dinky sighs. “Kronos knows what MAY happen, as well as numerous other possibilities. They use their experience to try to figure out the most likely outcome.”

“Sounds creepy. And a waste of time to tell me bad things are going to happen without giving some kind of advice on how to avoid it. Unless they told you something more, that is.”

Dinky shakes her head. “Sorry. The last bit was that you’ll survive, but no details.”

“So Kronos says bad things are going to happen, I’ll survive, but they won’t give specifics?”

Dinky nods. “Sorry I don’t have better news, dad. But I’m worried about you!”

Arc smiles at her as he puts an arm around her shoulders. “Thanks, Dinky. I’ll be happy when all of this is a distant memory.”

“Me too, dad. But can we do something special?”

“What did you have in mind?”

A short time later Arc and Dinky leave the storage room. They head downstairs together as Dinky turns to her father.

“I can’t believe we had the same idea, dad!”

“Me either. But it sounds like your friends are playing out back. Would you like to join them?”

“Kinda. But what about mom?”

“I’ll help with lunch. You go have fun, sweetheart.”

Dinky grins as she runs off. “Thanks dad!”

Arc returns to the Kitchen. Derpy hurries over to him.

“Arc, have you seen Dinky?!”

“She went outside to play with the others. Why?”

Frank turns to him. “Shortly after you left she seemed upset by something.”

Derpy nods. “I was worried about her.”

“Dinky met me outside Coco Pommel’s office. She just needed to have a talk.”

“So everything’s okay?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Derpy. More so than you know.”


“Coco Pommel agreed that you need some time off.”

“I do?”

Frank nods. “You do work very hard, Miss Derpy.”

“Frank’s right. And not to worry, as Dinky and I have come up with the perfect way for you to relax.”

“Really? How?”

“A few days back on Earth.”

“But what about the orphans?”

Frank chuckles. “I’ll watch over the kitchen duties. Arc’s soldiers will be here to help out most days anyway.”

“Right. And if things get really bad, Saffron is right down the road.”

Derpy smiles. “Well, I’ll have to talk to Miss Pommel about it first, but…”

Arc interrupts her. “I already took care of that. Remember?”

Oh… right.” When should we leave?”

“After lunch. Remember , we can’t leave Frank with all this unexpected work.”

Frank calls out from the stove. “I do appreciate that.”

Sometime later Arc and company leave the orphanage together. Dinky trots ahead happily as Arc and Derpy follow.

“It’s nice to see Dinky so excited, Arc. She’s been rather down in the dumps lately.”

Arc nods. “She was happy when we were on Earth recently.”

Derpy smiles up at him. “I think she just missed being with you.”

“That makes sense. Truth be told, I’ve missed you two as well.”

Cherry giggles. “Well, you’ll need to make up for lost time then.”

Arc grins. “Sounds like fun.”

They arrive at Derpy’s small house. Dinky trots through the door happily and runs over to the sigil.

“Come on! Let’s go!”

Arc and Derpy laugh as they enter and join Dinky. He calls forth his gauntlet and powers up the sigil. A moment later they find themselves in Arc’s room in Canterlot Castle. Dinky grins and heads for the door.

“I can’t wait to get back!”

Derpy smiles at her daughter as they head down the corridor. “You like being a human girl that much, sweetie?”

“Yeah! Humans have fingers and toes!”

Arc chuckles. “And filly Dinky has magic.”

Dinky laughs. “But Earth has cartoons and pizza!”

Derpy giggles as the looks to Arc. “She’s really taken to your homeworld, hasn’t she?”

Arc nods as he sees Dinky trotting ahead of them down the corridor. “That she has.”

Derpy sighs. “I… do wonder what the best course of action is for her.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let’s not talk about it right now.”

The trio arrives at Princess Celestia’s room. Sunburst is waiting for them as usual. He calls over as they enter.

“Just a few minutes, sir.”

“Okay. Time enough for Dinky put on a robe.”

Dinky runs for the changing area. “I’ll hurry!”

Derpy looks to at Arc, nervously. “Do I have to… put one on too?”

Arc shakes his head. “After what happened last time, no. But don’t worry. I have a plan.”

Reaching for his ring Arc pulls out his magic cloak. He drapes it over Derpy as Dinky trots out in her small robe.

“I’m ready!”

Arc smiles at her. “So is your mother.”

A few moments later the wormhole forms. Derpy shudders as she looks to Arc.

“This part still makes me nervous.”

“Want me to carry you?”

“Please do.

Arc kneels down and picks Derpy up before turning to Sunburst.

“Activate the transformation sigil.”

Dinky grins. “So we’ll be humans when we arrive?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, sweetheart.”


Sunburst looks up. “Ready, sir.”

Dinky runs ahead of them as Arc looks down at Derpy.


She nods wordlessly. Arc steps forward and through the swirling energies. They emerge to a very happy looking little girl grinning back at them as she wiggles her fingers and toes happily.

“That’s better!”

Dinky looks to her mother who still has the cloak wrapped around her.

“You look great, mom!”

Derpy smiles. “Thank you, sweetie. But I’ll feel better when I’m inside.”

Arc looks to her. “This a bit too constricting?”

“Kinda. But I’ll restrain myself.”

Arc carries Derpy inside and up to his parent’s room. He sets her carefully on the bed as Dinky runs to the closet.

“Let’s find you something to wear, mom!”

“A nice dress please.”

Arc turns to the door. “I’ll give you some privacy for this. Take care of your mother, Dinky.”

Dinky calls out from the closet. “I will!”

Arc leaves the room as Dinky hurries over to her mother with an outfit for each of them.

“You never got to wear this last time you were here, mom!”

“I suppose not.”

Dinky tosses her robe aside and picks up her undergarments. Derpy sighs and removes her own cloak.

“Is something wrong, mom?”

“Not… really. Why do you ask?”

“You just seem kinda sad.”

“I think your father and I need to have a talk.”

Dinky looks nervous. “What about?”

Derpy smiles at her daughter. “No need to be afraid, sweetie. It’s nothing bad.”

A short time later Dinky pokes her head out the door and looks to her father.

“We’re all dressed, dad.”

“Good. How about we…”

“Um… mom says she wants to talk to us about something.”

“Oh… okay.”

Arc steps into the room. He sees Derpy sitting on the bed in a modest tan dress. She looks over to him nervously.

“Do I look okay?”

“Yes, Derpy. You really do.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah, mom! You look great as a human!”

“Dinky said you had something to talk about.”

Derpy nods. “That I do. Would you two please sit down with me?”

Arc and Dinky take their places on the bed on either side of Derpy. She looks to them one at a time before speaking.

“I’ve… been doing a lot of thinking lately.”

“About what, mom?”

“After this is all over… after your father rescues Princess Celestia… regarding where should we live?”

Arc looks confused. “In your house in Ponyville, of course.”

Derpy sighs. “I don’t know about that. Dinky might be happier here on Earth as a little girl.”

“What about you?”

Derpy smiles at Arc. “Either place works for me. As long as I’m with you and our daughter, everything will be perfect.”

Dinky frowns. “But… but your job!”

“I can always find one here on Earth.”

She sighs and looks down at her lap.

“Back in Equestria… I don’t have any family other than you two. That and Dinky seems to be putting down roots here on Earth.”

“But mom…!”

Derpy holds up a hand for silence before continuing.

“I think it might be best if we relocate to Earth after you retire, Arc.”


Dinky gasps. “But Miss Rarity and her friends! What about them?!”

“Maybe they’d like it here as much as you do, sweetie.”

She turns to Arc and smiles.

“That and I think you’d be happier here among other humans then back in Equestria.”

Arc sighs. “Derpy, I… I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“Truth be told… I’ve been thinking about my future for quite some time now as well. This very question has been knawing at me lately too.”

“It has, dad?”

“Yes, Dinky. And I’ve come to a decision.”

Derpy appears nervous. “What is it?”

“That after my retirement… I’d like to stay in Equestria.”

Dinky turns to her mother. “What about Miss Shelly and Miss Lily though?!”

“Could we bring them with us?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. They have a life here in Angel Grove now. The restaurant is their pride and joy. I can’t ask them to throw away everything they’ve worked to create for themselves and follow me to another world.”

Derpy smiles broadly. “That’s… very noble of you, Arc.”

“But what will you tell them, dad?!”

“I was thinking of saying we were moving to your homeland across the sea. That would certainly be a decent enough cover story.”

Derpy looks hopeful. “You could still come back and visit them once in a while too.”


“Yes, sweetheart?”

“What about… telling them the truth?”

Derpy gasps. “About Equestria?”

Dinky nods. “Yeah.”

Arc shakes his head. “They’d never believe that.”

“Why not? It’s the truth, after all.”

Arc sighs. “Well, I suppose it is. But it’s just such a crazy story.”

Derpy turns to him. “Arc, I think Dinky has a point. They’re very nice human mares and deserve the truth.”

“I… I’ll think about it.”

“Please do, dad!”

There is a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

Max pokes his head inside and looks to Arc.

“Sir, there’s been a rather disturbing development. Can we see you downstairs?”

Arc stands up. “Sure.”

Derpy looks to Max. “Have you and the others had lunch yet?”

“No, ma’am.”

Dinky jumps up. “We could make something for them, mom.”

“Exactly what I was thinking, sweetie.”

Arc chuckles. “Thanks, Derpy. I’ll see what this is about while you two do that.”

They head down the stairs. Derpy and Dinky walk to the refrigerator as Arc and Max descend the basement stairs. The squad along with Ember, Rose, Sereb, and Auriel are waiting for them around the table.

“So what’s up?”

Xenos frowns. “Things have escalated, sir.”

“What do you mean?”

Hugh sighs. “There was an announcement on the news this morning”

Ember grimaces. “Yeah. And it sucks!”

Sereb growls. “Indeed.”

Rose turns to Arc. “The government has issued a decree ordering a nightly curfew.”

“What?! Why?!”

Auriel sighs. “They’re claiming it’s a matter of national security.”

“What led up to this?!”

Ember shrugs. “No idea. We were just watching TV when they broke in to make the announcement.”

Viktor nods as he pushes a paper across the table to Arc. “There wasn’t much online either, sir. Other than what we’ve already told you, that is. Here’s the official statement.”

Arc reads it and grits his teeth.

“This is just beyond strange. But I get the feeling our foes at the base are behind it.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “But why?”

“However I have a hunch.”

Rose looks worried. “What is it?”

“They must be close to something big.”

Auriel gasps. “Like a breakthrough?”

“Exactly. General Mustang must not want anyone moving around needlessly.”

Max groans. “That makes it harder for us to move as well.”

“Not really.”

Xenos looks to him, confused. “Sir?”

“I’ve commissioned some new vehicles from Sunburst and Canterlot. We should be able to move around undetected soon.”

Hugh smiles. “Like your Jeep, sir?”

“Something like that, yes. However it’s much bigger and will be able to carry quite a few extra passengers.”

Sereb grins. “Such as the princess?”

“Exactly. Once we rescue her we’ll have need of a larger vehicle to transport her to safety.”

Max nods approvingly. “Back here, sir?”

“Maybe if things go smoothly, that is.”

Ember frowns. “But you don’t think it will, do you?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m not that lucky.”

Auriel looks to the nearby shelf. “Why not just take the portable recall unit with us, Arc? We could use it as soon as we’re topside and make our way safely back to Equestria.”

Rose shakes her head. “That would require us to leave the unit behind. Our enemy would be free to take it once we were gone.”

Xenos laughs. “Let them have it! We could just destroy the S.P.E.A.R. back in the castle one we’re though!”

Viktor nods. “That would work. After all, without the main unit, it would be like opening a door to nowhere.”

Arc frowns. “True. But they might be able to reverse engineer that thing. Find some other way back there. We can’t risk it.”

Ember sighs. “I think we’re overlooking one important thing.”

Sereb turns to her. “Oh? What would that be?”

“There has to be other ways back to Equestria. Remember, Arc was able to travel there long before the S.P.E.A.R was even thought of.”

Arc nods. “Through the mirror.”

Hugh looks over. “What if we destroyed that too?”

Max shrugs. “There’s probably other ways back home that we don’t even know about.”

Arc nods soberly. “Right. Think about this too. Diva, or Sunset Shimmer as Twilight knows her, got back to Equestria AND inside Light’s Hope somehow.”

Cherry calls out. “Our opponents are truly resourceful. Don’t take them lightly.”

Rose looks to Arc. “We should also endeavor not to lead them back here. This hideout could be of use to us in the future.”

Auriel tilts her head to once side, confused. “I don’t understand. Once we get the princess what reason would there be to return?”

Sereb growls. “The general will need to be dealt with at some point.”

Xenos clenches a fist. “Right! If we let him continue on he might find a way to recapture Princess Celestia. Or another princess for that matter.”

Arc sighs. “We’ll take it one step at a time. The princess will be found and liberated. General Mustang can wait for another day.”

Ember turns to Arc. “What about the captured Shard members?”

“I’m hoping we can rescue them during the mission. If not, I’ll come right back here with troops.”

Max frowns. “Why not use force for the initial attack, sir?”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. It would certainly get the job done.”

“I don’t want to risk them having time to move Princess Celestia to another location. After all, it took Sunburst over a year just to find her.”

Rose sighs. “If they move her, he’ll have to start all over again.”

Arc nods. “Right. Once we get her then we can make some noise if need be.”

Ember groans. “So you have a plan to carry all this out?”

“Most of it. I’m still working out the details in my head. It’ll probably take one more trip inside the base to set up a few things though.”

Ember appears hopeful. “Need some company?”

Arc shakes his head. “This time I’m soloing it.”

Auriel gasps. “Are you sure about that, Arc? I’d be willing to come along.”

“I’m sure. There hasn’t been any problems the last couple of times.”

Sereb grunts. “Third time’s the charm?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I sure hope not. But after this final scouting mission I’ll be able to fully plan our operation.”

Viktor looks to him, hopeful. “Can we help, sir?”

Hugh nods. “If it’s a secret we fully understand though.”

“For now I’m keeping it to myself. However, before we move out I’ll need everyone to memorize every detail just in case.”

Auriel shudders. “In case what?”

“In case I don’t make it.”

Ember scoffs. “HA! You’ll be fine! It’s the safety of the forces stationed there I’m worried about!”

Sereb growls. “I will see to it you make it through this, Arc! Or I shall die trying!”

Max nods soberly. “Us too, sir!”

Xenos clenches a fist. “Yeah!”

Hugh grins. “We’re with you to the end, sir!”

Viktor gives him a thumbs up. “These guys won’t know what hit em!”

Arc smiles. “Thanks everyone. I’m glad I can count on you.”

He sniffs the air.

“Smells like Derpy and Dinky have lunch almost ready. Why don’t we adjourn to the Kitchen for now?”

Rose clears her throat. “One last thing. When do you want to carry out this mission, Arc?”

“Ultimately as soon as possible. I believe Princess Celestia has waited long enough.”

Viktor sighs. “But we can’t until the gear from Canterlot is ready.”

Arc nods. “That would be Saturday.”

Hugh raises an eyebrow. “Tomorrow, sir?”


Max grins. “So that would mean…”

Arc stands and looks around the table soberly.

“Yes. Sunday evening… we attack.”

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