• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 14 - Sweet Dreams

Arc, Twilight, the Hammers, Sereb and Ember leave Captain Decimus' room. They head down the hall together toward the Dining Room.

Arc looks out the window. “It's getting a bit late. Why don't you all spend the night and head back to Ponyville tomorrow?”

Twilight nods. “Thank you, Arc! I'd like that!”

She looks a bit embarrassed.

“Um... can I ask you a kinda... weird favor Arc?

He turns to Twilight, confused. “Um... what is it?”

“Can I... um... can I... please... sleep in your bed tonight?!”

Twilight's face turns a deep shade of crimson as she quickly looks away! Ember turns to her, wide-eyed and her mouth agape!

“Wow. Just... wow.”

Steel Hammer frowns. “That was rather... inappropriate, Twilight.”

“I think she just wants to sleep in that bed so she can see Princess Cadance, dear.”

Sereb nods. “Understandable.”

Twilight continues to blush, unable to look at Arc. “Y-yeah, that's it! Sorry, but I just didn't know how to say it!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “That's actually not a bad idea, Twilight. Princess Cadance was looking rather depressed last time I saw her. I think this whole situation is getting to her.”

“Th-thank you! This means a lot to me! Is there somewhere I can get to work reading these books?”

Ember points a claw down the corridor. “How about Arc's room! You're going to be sleeping there tonight anyways!”

Arc nods. “It's okay with me.”

Steel Hammer turns back toward Captain Decimus' quarters. “We'll see to it your squad knows about the change.”

Silver Hammer follows her husband. “Be back in a bit!”

“Thanks you two!”

Arc and company admire the stained-glass windows that line the hallway on their way to the dining room.

“The princesses sure must like these windows!”

Sereb nods. “Each one is like a work of art.”

Twilight laughs! “Did you know each one tells a bit about Equestria's history?”

“Really?! I never heard about that!”

“It's true! Look at that one over there! It tells the story of how my friends and I used the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon!”

Arc looks confused. “Nightmare Moon?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I'm sorry Arc. Somehow I keep forgetting you weren't born here. This might sound a bit strange but, to me at least, it feels like you've always been here!”

“I feel the same way! But I digress! Tell me about this Nightmare Moon.”

Twilight continues as Silver Hammer and Steel Hammer return to join the group. “

“A thousand years ago she threatened to cover Equestria with eternal night! Princess Celestia tried to reason with her, but she would not be dissuaded! For her crimes, she was banished to the moon for 1,000 years. Not that long ago her banishment ended and she returned to finish what she started! To make a long story short, my friends and I found and used the Elements of Harmony to restore her to her original form.”

Arc nods. “Was that Princess Luna by any chance?”

Twilight looks to Arc, surprised! “It was! How did you know?”

“After Trixie attacked Canterlot Castle, there was a rather loud... discourse between her and Princess Cadance. They spoke of her banishment and how it was actually only one of two options available to her sister. Let's just say it was a rather heated conversation the details of which I’d rather not repeat.

Ember looks confused. “I don't get it! If there was another option, why banishment?”

Steel Hammer looks to Ember. “The only other option would have been to kill her sister!”

Silver Hammer nods. “Fortunately for our friend she chose not to!”

“So... it was Nightmare Moon who is, or I guess was, Princess Luna who wanted to conquer Equestria? Or did she want to destroy it? I'm a little confused on that part.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “The general consensus is that she wanted to rule Equestria alone with eternal night.”

Sereb frowns. “Without the sun how would crops grow?”

Ember nods. “I agree with Sereb on this one. She may not have been actively trying to do so, but her actions would have eventually led to mass starvation!”

Steel Hammer sighs. “I guess the lesson to be learned is that we shouldn't let our goals blind us to their effects on ponies around us.”

Silver Hammer nods. “Agreed!”

The group continues on down the hallway. Twilight points a hoof at another window.

“Here's something you might find interesting Arc! This window was dedicated to the previous Heroes of Light after their disappearance long ago!”

Ember studies the window carefully. “Any idea what happened to them?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Nopony really knows. They helped us liberate Arc and you from Tartarus! However, that was the first time they had been seen in years!”

Arc turns to walk down the hall again. “Well, at least I was able to thank them properly before they retired for good.”

Sereb follows Arc closely. “Where did they go?”

“They're... around.”

Another window catches Arc's eye.

“What the...”

Everyone stops to look. Before them is a stained-glass window of Arc holding his spear aloft as he stands over Tempest! He is flanked by sad looking foals.

Ember looks at it, surprised! “It... it's YOU Arc!”

Steel Hammer nods. “Nice portrayal!”

Twilight looks to Arc, apologetically. “I'm sorry Arc. Cadance showed me this when I came to check on her. It was supposed to be a surprise!”

“The New Beginnings Orphanage! But... why?!”

“Cadance was upset that you hadn't been getting any recognition for all your hard work! Normally if somepony accomplished all that you have, they would have a lapel FILLED with medals!”

Ember looks to Twilight angrily! “So why hasn't he received so much as a ‘thank you’ card then?!”

Steel Hammer sighs. “Medals for bravery or accomplishment are awarded by Princess Celestia herself. Perhaps the princesses did not want to break with tradition?”

Ember looks away indignantly! “Seriously?! Were they afraid Celestia would be ANGRY at them for honoring a brave and selfless HUMAN?!”


Twilight sighs. “I... don't really know.”

Silver Hammer walks over to Arc and smiles up at him. “Don't worry Arc. When Princess Celestia hears of all the good you've been doing I'm sure her tone towards your race will soften!”

“Right! Even she won't be able to deny the good that lies within your human heart!”

Arc sighs. “I hope you're right! While it's not of paramount importance, it would certainly strain our working relationship.”

As the group rounds a corner yet another window catches Arc's eye.

“Okay! Whomever is in charge of laying out these windows has gone too far this time!”

Ember looks at the window, grinning! “Looking good Arc!”

Before them stands a freshly completed window depicting Arc seated on Equestria's throne. A large group of assorted ponies kneel before him! Steel Hammer looks confused.

“What's wrong with it Arc?”

Arc sighs. “I... don't really care for the sight of me being elevated above others.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Like it or not, you becoming Lord Regent is a part of Equestrian history now!”

Silver Hammer nods. “You ARE the Lord Regent after all, Arc.”

Sereb looks to Arc. “Indeed. However, the lord of the land should be first and foremost a servant.”

“Well put Sereb!”

Twilight walks over to Arc. “I'm glad you feel that way Arc. But right now everypony needs somepony to look up to! You're a shining example of what it means to be a hero and a protector of the innocent!”

Arc kneels down to Twilight's level. “Thanks Twilight! I just hope it's enough to keep our land safe from invasion!”

The Hammer’s join him.

“I wouldn't worry about that.”

“You should be more confidant in yourself, Arc. We are!”

Arc stands again and looks to his friends. “Thank you everyone. Not trying to cut this conversation short, but we should probably be getting to the dining room! By the smell of things supper must be ready.

Ember sniffs the air and smiles. “You don't have to tell me twice!”

Arc and company quickly make their way to the dining room and sit down together.

“It's good to share a meal with friends!”

Twilight nods! “I'll say! We haven't had time to do anything together in quite some time Arc!”

Ember sighs. “I too miss our adventures together!”

“Hopefully that will change soon. I'm looking forward to sleeping in my own bed again!”

Steel Hammer chuckles. “Missing Light's Hope, Arc?”

“No... Derpy's house.”

Silver Hammer smiles. “So how is little Dinky handling this?”

“She's very strong and understands why things are the way they are right now. But that doesn't change the fact I would rather be there raising her than leading Equestria!”

“That's really sweet Arc!

Sereb nods. “Perhaps it should be immortalized in a window.”

Arc laughs! “Please, no more windows!”

They finish their meal and leave the Dining Room as the sun begins to drop

Silver Hammer looks to the others. “We'll see you back at your room in a bit Arc.”

Steel Hammer nods! “Indeed. It's been awhile since we were here last.”

“Sure. Enjoy your walk!”

The Hammers part company with the others who continue to Arc's room. The guards part to allow Arc and his party entrance. Twilight appears somewhat sad despite the large crate of books in the corner of the room. Sereb looks over to her.

“Are you alright miss?”

Her ears droop as she answers. “This room... it just feels so... empty without Princess Celestia.”

Arc walks over to Twilight. Kneeling down and putting his arms around her, he does his best to console her.

“We're going to get her back Twilight. I promise!”

Twilight puts her hooves around Arc's neck and returns the hug as she begins to tear up. “Thanks. I know you will! But that doesn't make this any less painful! I... I already lost my teacher! And now Cadance is...”

Arc picks up Twilight and walks over to the bed. “It's okay Twilight. Why don't you lie down and have a visit with Cadance?”

Twilight sniffles as Arc lies her down on the bed. “Thanks... I... I'd like that.”

Ember walks over and covers Twilight with a blanket. “I think you could use the rest. You've been working too hard, haven't you?”

Twilight yawns. “I'll have plenty of time to rest when the princesses are cured!”

Arc sighs. “That's nice and all Twilight. But I'm sure none of them want to see you work yourself to exhaustion!”

Sereb nods. “Working too hard will only lead to ineffectiveness.”

“Get some sleep now, my friend. Lord Regent's orders.”

Twilight smiles and closing her eyes. “Thanks... good night.

Arc turns to Sereb and Ember. “Follow me.”

He leads the pair to the hallway and quietly closes the door behind them before turning to a nearby guard.

“I'm expecting some friends to come by later. Their names are Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer. Allow them full access to these rooms.”

“Yes sire!”

Arc turns back to Ember and Sereb. “Why don't we take a walk ourselves? It's not often we have time to burn these days.”

Ember nods. “Sounds good to me!”


As the trio moves down the corridor together a Royal Guard quickly approaches them.

“Lord Arc! There is a Miss Emerald Dream on the phone for you in your office. She claims to be under orders to contact you for further instructions.”

Arc nods. “Thank you. I'm on my way!”

They walk quickly toward his office. Ember looks to him concerned.

“What's this all about, Arc?”

“I… I can't really talk about it. It's a rather... sensitive topic right now.”

Entering the office, he quickly sits down at his desk and picks up the phone.

“Lord Arc here.”

A rather nervous female voice crackles on the other end of the line.

“Um... hello sire. My name is Emerald Dream. I was told you... needed my services for something?”

“I do. Where are you right now?”

“I… I just got off the train and am calling from the Ponyville Train Station.”

“Very good! Stay right where you are. Someone will be there shortly to pick you up.”

She nods. “Th-thank you sire! I'll do as you say!”

Emerald Dream hangs up the receiver and mutters to herself.

“Huh... I wonder what he meant by ‘pick me up’.

Meanwhile back in Arc's office, Ember looks to Arc!

“Arc, what is going ON?! Who is Emerald Dream?”

Arc sighs. “She's a... therapist. Now I don't want this getting around, but let's just say there is someone at Light's Hope who is in need of counseling after a rather... traumatic past.”

Ember nods. “Well if that's the case, do you want me to escort her to Light's Hope?”

“Thank you Ember, but I'll handle this personally.”

Arc holds out his hand and opens a portal.

“I'll see you two back at my room in a little while.”

He steps through the portal and is gone. Ember shakes her head.

“It finally happened...”

Sereb looks to her confused. “Oh?”

“Arc's finally cracking under the pressure of his responsibilities!”

“Are you sure?”

Ember nods. “What other conclusion could we come to? I know Arc's past was rather dark. Thankfully he's seeking help!”

Sereb nods. “What should we do?”

Ember thinks for a moment. “We don't want him knowing that we know! After all, he was really insistent on keeping this a secret.”

“While I am not convinced, I will do as you say.”

“Good. After all, it wouldn't do to have it become public knowledge that the Lord Regent was undergoing psychiatric help!”

Meanwhile, Arc materializes in Derpy's House. He sighs as he looks around the empty living room.

“I guess Derpy and Dinky aren't home yet. Maybe next time.”

He quickly leaves the house and heads for the train station. Upon reaching the platform he finds it empty other than a single unicorn sitting patiently on a bench. She has a dark green coat with a light green mane. Her cutie mark is that of a pencil and notepad. She appears to be dozing. He walks over to her.

“Miss Emerald Dream?”

The mare slowly opens her eyes. It takes a few moments for her eyes to focus as she slowly raises her head. Upon seeing Arc, she quickly jumps off the bench and bows respectfully!

“S-s-sire! P-please forgive me! I'm so sorry for making you take the time out of your busy day to come all this way to meet me!”

Arc kneels down to her. “Rise, my little pony. Look at me.”

Emerald Dream slowly obeys, visibly shaking! Whether from Arc's appearance, his station as Hero of Light and Lord Regent, or his reputation Arc does not know. He slowly holds out a gauntlet to the shaking mare.

“Would you please come with me? I need your help.”

Emerald Dream slowly reaches out to take hold of Arc's hand, confused. “You... you need MY help?”

Arc raises his other hand to open a portal. “Yes. Don't worry. Everything will be explained shortly.”

She looks toward the portal, nervously. “Wh-what is THAT?!”

“It's how I get around Equestria quickly.

“Is it... safe?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. Don't worry, I do this all the time.”

“Well... okay.”

Arc and Emerald Dream enter the portal. A moment later they arrive in Arc’s personal quarters in Light’s Hope. The mare looks around, confused.

“Where... are we?”

Arc gestures to the couch. “My base on the outskirts of Ponyville. Please have a seat and I'll fill you in on what needs doing.”

Emerald Dream sits down as Arc slowly paces in front of the fireplace.

“Can I assume whatever we speak of will stay between us?”

Emerald Dream regains her professional composure and nods. “Yes. I always keep the specifics of my sessions private.”

“Good. Now I have a problem with one of my key aides that needs to be addressed.”

Emerald Dream removes a pencil and notepad from her saddlebag. “What seems to be the problem, sire?”

“Her name in Raven Inkwell. Before she was stationed here, my secretary was sexually assaulted by a Lord of Griffonstone. Although this event happened quite some time ago, she is still suffering from the emotional trauma. While I've done my best to support her emotionally, I feel it's time to solicit professional help! That's where you come in.”

Emerald Dream nods. “Is the patient still working?”

“Yes. At her request she is still actively my aide.”

“Good. If left inactive, the mind can twist and distort the memories of traumatic events! A sense of normalcy is good in the short term. However she still needs to face this rather than try and repress it.”

“Agreed. When I found out she was doing just that, I ordered her to undergo therapy. And here you are.”

Arc stops pacing and turns to face Emerald Dream.

“You may order whatever treatment regime you deem necessary to help Raven, up to and including temporarily halting her duties. I... don't want to see her lying in a puddle of her own tears ever again!”

Emerald Dream looks up from her notepad. “You care very much for her, don't you?”

“I do. She didn't deserve what happened to her. Now I'm sorry to rush things here but I have many other things to do tonight. Please wait here and I'll bring Raven for a quick meet and greet.”

“Yes sire!”

Arc leaves his quarters and heads to the Main Hall. Raven and Flash Sentry are sitting together at her desk. They both appear surprised to see him.

“Commander?! What brings you here!”

Flash Sentry jumps up. “Is there trouble sir?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I just came to tell you two that the therapist is here to see Raven.”

“Wh-what?! Where are they?!”

“In my quarters. Come with me Raven. This is just a quick meeting before bed.”

Flash Sentry takes hold of Raven's hoof as he looks at Arc. “Can I come too sir?”

Arc nods. “Yes. However it is up to the therapist on whether or not you may join Raven's counseling sessions.”

“Thank you, sir!”

Arc leads the pair back to his quarters. They enter and sit down on the couch.

“Raven, this is Emerald Dream. She's here to help guide you through this.”


Emerald Dream nods. “Raven.”

“And this is Lieutenant Flash Sentry.”

“Sire? This is most peculiar. What does the lieutenant have to do with this?”

“I think I'll let Raven tell you about it.”

“Very well. Raven, would you like a short session before bed? If not, we can get started bright and early tomorrow morning.”

“I... think I'd like to talk. Waiting until tomorrow won't make it any easier.”

Emerald Dream nods. “You're very brave Raven. We'll work through this together!”

“Lieutenant, after this session I want you to see to it Emerald Dream is given one of our guest rooms. She will be staying here until further notice.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc steps onto the sigil in the corner of the room. “Good. Well, I need to get back to Canterlot. Call if you need anything!”

He activates the sigil and is gone. Emerald Dream looks at the sigil, her mouth agape.

“Tell me. Does he do this often.”

Flash Sentry nods. “All the time.”

“But how?!”

Raven shrugs. “I have no idea.”

“Well then... let's get to it, shall we?”


Meanwhile, Arc returns to Canterlot Castle. He quickly makes his way back to his quarters. The Hammers, Ember and Sereb are sitting around the fireplace talking quietly. Twilight is lying where Arc left her, and appears to be sleeping soundly. Ember looks to Arc as he approaches them.

“Hey Arc! How did it go?”

“Okay, I guess. We had a short conversation before I had to rush back here. Did I miss anything?”

Silver Hammer shakes her head. “No Arc. We were just chatting about local Ponyville events before you got here.”

Steel Hammer looks out the balcony door. “Isn't it time to raise the moon though?”

Arc nods. “Yeah, I guess it is.”

He walks onto the balcony with the others and goes through the motions as they look on. Sereb watches as the moon begins to rise.

“Had I not seen it for myself, I wouldn't have believed it.”

Silver Hammer looks to him concerned. “How do you feel Arc?”

Ember nods. “Yeah! Any more problems doing that?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. I think I'm getting the hang of it now. But we should all be getting to bed. Steel Hammer, if you and Silver would like to share my bed with Twilight, I'm sure Princess Luna would enjoy seeing you two.”

Steel Hammer nods. “Thank you Arc. We accept.”

The group steps inside from the balcony. Sereb is the last on in. He uses his paw to close the door. The sound of it is just enough to rouse Twilight from her sleep.

“Ugh... what?”

Sereb sighs. “My apologies for waking you, miss.”

Silver Hammer looks to Twilight, hope in her eyes! “Did it work?! How are they?!”

Twilight looks around, confused. “How long was I out?!”

Ember thinks for a moment. “About an hour I guess. Why?”

She sighs. “I… I didn't enter the Lunar Realm. Come to think of it, I didn't even dream!”

“Hmmm... Princess Luna did seem a bit confused on how I was able to go there without even knowing about the existence of Realm Magic.”

Silver Hammer nods. “So... what do we do now?”

Arc walks to the door, opening it to speak to a Royal Guard. “Have Sunburst come to my quarters. We need his insight on a magical based experiment we’re running.”

“Yes sire!”

Arc closes the door and turns back to the others. “If anyone knows about Realm Magic, other than the princesses of course, he should. That and I can't really think of anything else to do!”

A short time later there is a knock at the door.

“Come in!”

Sunburst enters the room. “You sent for me sire?”

“Yes. My friend Twilight here just finished a short nap in my bed. However, she was unable to enter the Lunar Realm. Can you give us any insight as to why?”

Sunburst nods. “My guess would be that only beings of great magical power have the fortitude to do so.”

Ember frowns. “You mean like an alicorn?”


Steel Hammer looks to Arc. “Then why was Arc able to do so?”

“Now again this is only a guess, but I would imagine he was able to transverse the winds of Realm Magic due to his extremely powerful magic. I would even go so far as to say that, other than an alicorn, Lord Arc may very well have the most powerful magic in Equestria!”

Twilight smiles and sighs. “That's really impressive! I've studied my whole life to get where I am now in magical proficiency! But Arc has surpassed me in less than a year!”

Ember grins! “And without spending all his time in a library!”

“Lord Arc, have you ever considered creating your own spells? A being as powerful as you should have no problem bending magic to your will!”

Ember nods. “He already has.”

Twilight looks confused. “Wait, what?!”

“It's true. I learned quite a while ago how to focus large amounts of magical energy into my spear. Then by slamming it into the ground, I could release all of it at once in the desired direction! The result was a Sonic Wave as I like to call it.”

Sunburst looks him up and down. “Fascinating! Do you need a focus of some kind to use this magic?!”

“I CAN do it without the Spear of Righteousness. The down side is it's not nearly as effective. But in any case, let's get back to the question at hand. Twilight and the Hammers would really like to see Princess Luna. Any ideas, Sunburst?”

Sunburst ponders the question for a few moments. “...I suppose it might work...”

Arc nods. “I can work with “might’. Tell me more!”

“Very well sire. It may be possible for somepony to ‘piggyback’ to the Lunar Realm on your magic coattails so to speak.”

“Great! How do I do that? Some kind of spell?”

Sunburst looks embarrassed. “Um, well... it's not exactly what I would call magic. More of a... proximity matter as it were.”

Ember frowns impatiently! “Spit it out Sunburst! You're not making any sense!”

Arc nods. “I think I get it Sunburst. Any other ideas?”

“None sire.”

“Alright. Thanks for the advice. You may go.”

Sunburst quickly backs toward the door. “Yes sire! G-good luck!”

The stallion rushes out of the room. On his way down the hall he suddenly stops and shakes his head.

“Wait a minute! What did I just recommend?!”

Meanwhile back in Arc’s room, Sereb looks at the now closed door.

“What's gotten into him?”

Ember shrugs. “Well, at least Arc got what he was trying to say. So, what's the plan?”

Arc sighs. “I'm not exactly a huge fan of his idea, but if he's right, the only way to do this would be for Twilight, Silver Hammer and I to... sleep together.”

Twilight and Silver Hammer's faces turn a deep shade of red! Ember looks to Arc with a smile and a gleam in her eye!

“Can I come?!”

“No, Ember.”

“Why not?! We sleep together all the time!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “By ‘sleep together’ you mean crawling into my bed when I'm asleep, right?”

Ember shrugs. “Call it what you will.”

Arc turns to Twilight and Silver Hammer. “It's up to you two. I just want you to know that if this plan makes you too uncomfortable, I completely understand!”

Twilight looks to Arc, a bit embarrassed. “I... um... really do want to see Cadance again. That and I trust you not to do anything... bad to me, Arc.”

Silver Hammer looks to her husband. He nods.

“I'm okay with this as well. But I think I’ll sleep at the foot of the bed.”

Arc blushes slightly. “Steel Hammer? Um... I...”

“It's okay Arc. I trust you with my wife. Please bring her back to me safely.”

“I will.”

Arc walks over to the bed and gets in after removing his boots and recalling his armor. Twilight walks to the other side of the bed and lies down next to him as Silver Hammer lies at the end of the large bed.

“Well... good night you two.”

Twilight looks to Arc nervously. “Um... Arc?”

“Yes Twilight?”

“If what Sunburst said is correct, to make sure this works I really should be as close as possible to you.”

Silver Hammer raises her head. “What are you suggesting Twilight?”

Twilight blushes. “Maybe Arc should... put his arms around me?


“I'm sorry! It's just... I really want this to work! Sorry for being so forward.”

Arc thinks for a moment before responding.

“...alright Twilight. Come here.”

Twilight lays her head on Arc's chest while pressing her body against his. Arc puts his arm around her as he looks at her.


Twilight nods. Her face is beet red.

Silver Hammer lies her head back down. “I guess I'll be the ‘control’ test subject. We'll see if that's necessary, Twilight.”

Twilight closes her eyes. “Okay. See you in a bit then!”

Ember turns to Sereb and Steel Hammer. “Why don't we sit on the balcony and chat?”

“Very well.”

“Sounds good. We can let these three get to sleep in peace.”

The trio walk out to the balcony and close the door quietly behind them. Ember looks to Steel Hammer.

“I still can't believe you're okay with this! Ponies aren’t really known for sharing their mates!”

Steel Hammer smiles at her. “If it was anypony else, I wouldn't be.”

Sereb nods. “You must really trust him.”

“I do.”

Ember nods to him respectfully. “That's some hardcore trust there!”

Steel Hammer looks at the stars, smiling. “Silver and I owe everything to Arc. He's done so much for our family!”

“Really? Like what?”

Steel Hammer relates how Arc found Platinum Valve after she had shrunk herself and how he refused payment for the job! And the time he had gotten them out of their contract with Filthy Rich, and how Arc had hired them to help get back on their feet financially.

Sereb nods. “Arc is quite Generous and Kind.”

Ember sighs. “Yeah! I just didn't realize until now how much though!”

Meanwhile back in the room, Arc and Silver Hammer are sleeping peacefully. Twilight opens her eyes and looks up at Arc's face. She smiles as she gently nuzzles Arc’s chest!

“It's... everything I dreamed it would be.”

Twilight slowly raises her head to give Arc's cheek a quick peck before laying back down on his chest and closing her eyes.

“Good night Arc. I do hope this works...”

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