• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Difficult Conversations

The pair drive back toward Angel Grove. Lily turns to Arc.

“That was a pretty good movie!”

“I’ll say. You’ve always liked Star Wars, haven’t you?”

Lily nods happily. “Very much so. And you?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s okay I guess. What’s your favorite part?”

“I really like the premise of good versus evil and the Force.”


“Yes. I mean, the Force itself isn’t good or bad, right?”

“I suppose not. It’s really just bending to the will of the one who uses it.”

“Right! And their choices. What if the force was real though?!”

“A sobering thought. People running around with super powers.”

Lily’s face lights up excitedly. “You don’t suppose the Hero of Light is a force user, do you Arc?!”

Arc chuckles. “I doubt it. After all, it was just a movie.”

Lily sighs. “You’re right. But I wish it was real.”

“I don’t.”


“Think about it. Always on the run from the bad guys. No family to call your own. No permanent home. I wouldn’t want to do it.”

“Do you think they get lonely? After all, they do have their friends.”

“I guarantee it.”

They arrive back at the restaurant. Arc and Lily walk toward the exterior stairs as Arc turns to Lily apologetically.

“Sorry for such a hectic night.”

Lily smiles at him. “Don’t be. After all, it’s not your fault those bikers chose to show up and start a fight.”

“I don’t think they’ll be trying something like that anytime soon.”

“Hopefully you’re right. I’d hate for Roberto to have to go through a night like that again.”

Arc mutters to himself. “They just might come back.”

“What was that Arc?”

“Oh, uh… nothing. Just thinking to myself.”

Lily opens the apartment door and the pair step inside the warm entryway. The sound of laughter can be heard coming from the Living Room. Lily calls out as Arc closes the door.

“We’re back!”

Max stands up respectfully as they enter. “Welcome back you two.”

Arc looks around. “Hi Max. Where’s Ember and Sereb?”

Shelly smiles at Arc. “She wasn’t feeling well, so I told her to rest in my room. Sereb followed her in there.”

Lily looks worried. “Oh dear! Is she alright?!”

Max nods. “I’m sure it was just fatigue. Nothing to worry about, ma’am.”

“Did you two have a nice time?”

Arc nods. “That we did.”

“Were you there at Roberto’s when that terrible fight broke out by any chance?”

Lily shudders. “Yes. It was quite the experience! But how did you know about that, Shelly?”

Max points at the television. “We were watching a little TV at the time when there was an interruption.”

Shelly nods. “They had live coverage of the Hero of Light knocking some sense into those ruffians. I just wonder how he knew there was trouble there.”

“Arc called him.”

“He did?”

Arc chuckles. “Yes. Like I said before, we gather info for him. It was just a lucky break I was there when that gang showed up.”

Max smiles. “The Hero is quite dependable, after all.”

Shelly nods. “You must’ve had the best seat in the house, Lily.”

Lily turns to her friend. “Truth be told, I was hiding in a bathroom at the time.”

Arc nods. “Your safety was more important, Lily.”

Max looks to Arc nervously. “After the news, Shelly and I tuned in to ‘The Thought Around Town’.”

“Guy Smiley’s show?”

Shelly nods. “Yes. Lily and I watch him nearly every night.”

Lily sighs. “Did he talk about the Hero of Light again?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Anything good?”

Shelly shakes her head. “Mostly about how he was endangering the public with his so-called reckless antics.”

Max nods. “The footage of that motorcycle hitting Minerva Moore was the highlight of his show.”

Arc frowns. “Wait, what?!”

Lily gasps. “I didn’t know anyone was injured.”

“The reporter and the cameraman were fine!”

Shelly looks confused. “They were?”

“Yes. The Hero of Light pushed them out of the way just in time.”

“I believe you, sir. But that’s not what his show or the news broadcasted.”

Lily frowns. “The news is against him too?”

Shelly shrugs. “They probably just assumed when the camera got smashed that their staff had also been injured.”

Max shakes his head. “Yes. But now the public thinks he’s some kind of maniac!”

Arc nods. “I hope the news posts a retraction tomorrow.”

Shelly sighs. “As do I. But the damage has been done I’m afraid.”

“In any case, we should probably get home soon, sir. Shelly and Lily need some rest.”

“Agreed. Can you wake up Ember for me please?”


Max leaves the room as Lily gives Arc a hug.

“Thanks for the night out.”

She looks up and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.

“You were very brave tonight.”

“I… thanks.”

Ember, Sereb, and Max return to the Living Room. Ember yawns.

“Welcome back you two. Have a nice time?”

“Yup. You okay?”

Ember looks away nervously. “I… yeah.”

Arc turns to Lily and Shelly. “We need to get Ember home. Shelly, the three of us will have to go out sometime when you’re feeling better.”

“I’d like that.”

Arc heads for the door with the others. “Take care you two.”


“Good night, everyone. Thanks for looking after me, Max.”

“My pleasure, ma’am.”

They shut the door behind them. Lily turns to Shelly.

“We should get you to bed. Did you have a nice time here at home?”

“I did!”

Meanwhile, Arc and the others get in the Jeep and head for home.


“Yes, Max?”

“I… I’m sorry the news made you look like that tonight.”

“No more than I am.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Um… did I miss something?”

“You can see it on the morning news, Ember. Hopefully by then the truth will have come to light.”

Sereb growls. “I have noticed humanity often times prefers fiction over fact.”

“That may be. But let’s hope it ends well for you, sir.”

Arc nods silently as they pull into the driveway. The group heads inside and down to the basement. Viktor and Hugh are busy going over innumerable papers. They look up as the others enter. Hugh looks over.

“Sir! Are you alright?!”

“No worse for wear, I suppose.”

“Hugh and I have been looking into this gang you fought tonight, sir.”

Ember frowns. “Fought?!”

Xenos laughs. “Don’t worry, Ember. It was pretty one sided.”

Hugh nods. “You didn’t miss much.”

“In any case, did you guys find out anything about those bikers?”

“Yes sir. They’re pretty notorious in Farburg.”

Viktor holds up some notes. “Messing with honest folks, vandalism, and a bit of theft mostly.”

Hugh shrugs. “Nothing too threatening. Kinda like the Shards here in Angel Grove.”

Ember groans. “Do they have weirdo, magic-wielding girls on their side too?”

“Um… no. Nothing like that in the news anyways.”

Ember turns to Arc. “We can take them out easily.”

Sereb growls. “Agreed.”

“We’re not rushing into anything. Right now I think we all need a good night’s sleep.”

Ember looks away. “Y-yeah.”

Xenos frowns. “Something wrong, Ember?”

Max pipes up. “She was a little sick at Shelly’s place earlier tonight.”

Hugh turns to Ember. “Feeling better?”

“I am. Just… need to get some rest.”

Viktor puts down his papers. “I think we all do right now.”

Arc yawns as he heads for the stairs. “Agreed. Good night everyone.”

Arc, Ember and Sereb head upstairs together, they part ways at their rooms.

“Goodnight Ember.”

Ember clears her throat. “I, um… goodnight.”

She quickly enters her room and closes the door behind her. Arc looks to Sereb, confused.

“Something happen earlier?”

Sereb nods as Arc opens his door. “Yes.”

Arc sighs as he closes the door behind them. “Are you going to tell me about it?”

“Ember will do so when she is ready.”

“Are you certain?”

“I am.”

Arc sighs. “Fine. I’m too tired to argue anyways.”

He flops down on his parent’s bed and sighs contentedly.

“Nothing like a nice soft bed after a hard day.”

Sereb jumps up and makes himself comfortable. “Agreed.”

Arc rolls over and closes his eyes. In a few minutes he is asleep. A few hours later there is a knock on his door. He sits up.

“Wha… come in.”

Ember opens the door and walks in. She has bags under her eyes and does not appear to have slept.

“Something wrong?”

“Yeah, Arc. I… uh… kinda need to talk to you.”

Sereb stands up. “I shall give you two some privacy.”

“Thanks, Sereb.”

Sereb steps out into the hallway as Ember closes the door behind him.

Come over here, Ember. You look terrible! Is it the illness from before?”

Ember sits down next to him and shakes her head. “No. I’m fine.”

“Do you need to talk?”

“More than you know!”

“Okay. I’m listening.”

“I… it’s just… you see…”

“Take your time, Ember. I’ll wait.”

Ember looks down at her hands. “Arc, I… have you ever seen something you didn’t fully understand, but wish you hadn’t?”

“Um… not really sure what you mean. Can’t you just tell me what’s bothering you?”

“I… I know I should! But… look, can I talk to you and Cherry in your, um… Sanctuary I think you called it?”

“It’s fine with me. How about you, Cherry?”

“Of course. Anything to make you feel better, Ember.”

Ember sadly nods as she climbs into bed with Arc. He covers them with the blankets and lies down.


Ember nods wordlessly as she presses her face against his chest. A few moments later Arc feels tears dripping onto him. He telepathically calls out to Cherry.

“Something is really wrong here. I’ve NEVER seen her quite like this before!”

“Agreed. This is just so unlike her! Do you think she’s still sick?”

“No way to know until she tells us.”

“But she won’t do that until you two fall asleep.”

“I have an idea.”

Arc looks down at Ember.

“You still awake?”

She wordlessly nods.

“Come here.”


Arc pulls her tightly to himself and begins to rub her back.

“Just relax now. Everything’s going to be alright.”

Ember sadly nods as she presses her body even tighter against Arc and continues to cry.

“That does feel good.”

“Your muscles are loosening up as well. Whatever is bothering you, we’ll get through it together.”

Ember sighs. “I sure hope so, Arc.”

“Have I ever let you down before?”

“No, but…”

“Then trust me. I’m here for you.”

Ember nods. A short time later he hears her breathing slow as she drifts off to sleep. Arc closes his eyes.

“See you soon, my friend.”

Arc opens his eyes to see Cherry Hill Ranch in the sunset. Ember is sitting sadly on the porch swing. He walks over to her and sits down as Cherry walks out of the farmhouse.

“Still a human, Ember?”


Cherry sits down on the other side of Ember. “This is a dream, remember? You can be anything you want to.”

Ember sighs. “It wouldn’t make this any easier.”

“Why don’t you tell us what’s on your mind?”

Cherry smiles. “I can leave if that would make you feel better, Ember.”

Ember shakes her head. “No, Cherry. I want you to hear this too.”

Arc takes her hand.

“Whatever it is, you can tell us.”

Cherry puts a hoof on Ember’s knee. “Right. We’re your friends!”

Ember takes a deep breath. “Okay… here goes.”

She pauses to collect her thoughts.

“You see… tonight at Shelly’s place, I… uh… was just pretending to be sick.”

Arc looks to her, confused. “You were faking?”

“Why, Ember? That’s not like you.”

Ember sighs. “You see… Shelly and Max were having a really nice conversation. Sereb was lying in Shelly’s lap as she stroked him. Everything seemed perfect.”

Arc smiles. “I’m glad you four had a nice time.”

Cherry smiles. “No shame in that.”

Ember nods nervously. “That’s actually what has me worried.”

Arc frowns. “Which part?”

“I’ve seen you get mad before, Arc, and I gotta say it kinda frightens me.”

“It doesn’t happen very often. But I didn’t know my anger was enough to intimidate a dragon.”

Cherry nods. “Me either. Is that what has you so uptight?

“No. I’m just kinda nervous about telling you the rest of the story.”

Arc pats Ember’s hand. “I won’t get mad. Promise.”



“Okay. Here goes then. I was listening to the two of them talk and… well… your friend Shelly, she…”

Ember’s voice trails off.

“She was… flirting with Max.”

Arc looks confused. “She was?”

“I’m almost positive, yes.”

Cherry frowns. “What’s wrong with that?”

Ember turns to look Arc in the eye. “Max is a really smart stallion. He’s strong, brave, and has great leadership qualities.”

“That he is. I can always count on him.”

“I’m glad you feel that way, Arc. Because he… he was kinda… flirting back.”

Ember turns away suddenly and blushes.

Cherry nods. “So you think he has a thing for Shelly?”

“I don’t know. Maybe he was just being nice to her.”

“What does that have to do with you being sick?”

“It made me feel a little uncomfortable actually. I said I was feeling sick to… to get out of there.”

Cherry smiles. “Seeing such things can make others uncomfortable, yes. Nothing to be ashamed of, Ember.”

“Shelly suggested I rest in her room. Sereb followed me to make sure I was alright.”

Ember is silent for a time before continuing.

“I… I’m sorry, Arc.”

“Sorry? What for?”

“I shouldn’t have left them alone. Who knows what they did?!”

“Shelly isn’t the kind of girl to fall for a guy the moment they meet, Ember.”

Cherry nods. “And Max doesn’t strike me as the kind of stallion who would take advantage of a helpless mare.”

“But I should have BEEN there!”

“It may have actually been for the best.”

Cherry sounds confused. “Oh?”

“It gave Shelly a chance to have some one-on-one time with someone other than Lily and I. Max wouldn’t have done anything to her.”

“Are you sure?”

“Ember. You know Max as well as I do. Do you think he would have done anything inappropriate?”

“I… I guess not. But you see her and Lily like little sisters!”

Arc nods. “That’s right. But they’re adults now. And if they want to see someone, I’m all for it.”

“So you’re not mad?”


“I just thought you’d be upset that I left them to their own devices.”

Cherry giggles. “I’m sure Sereb was listening in the whole time anyway.”

Arc shrugs. “Probably not intentionally, but yes.”

Ember breathes a sigh of relief. “That’s really a load off my mind! I mean… I remember how protective you were of your daughter when Moonlit Dusk showed up. I thought you were going to gut him right then and there when he told Dinky off!”

“There’s a difference. He was scum.”

Arc puts an arm around Ember’s shoulders as he continues.

“You don’t need to be afraid to talk to me about something, Ember. This is what friends do, after all.”

Cherry nods. “Yes. Arc’s very understanding.”

Ember puts her arms around Arc and smiles. “Thanks for the talk. I feel a LOT better now!”

“Thanks for telling me. But I think I’ll have a talk with Max later about this though.”

Cherry turns to him. “Arc?”

“It’s all well and good for him to be interested. But we’re not going to be on Earth forever. When Princess Celestia is found, it’s unlikely that my squad will be staying here.”

“I… suppose that’s true.”

“While I’m not against them seeing someone here, I’m a little worried about them forming attachments that won’t last.”

Cherry sighs. “Do they have to go back to Equestria?”

Arc nods. “I’m assuming yes, as they’re still part of the military.”

Ember stands up. “Well, we should probably get to bed soon. It’s still pretty late.”

“Um… Ember?”

Yes, Arc?”

“We ARE asleep. Remember?”

“Oh… right. So what do you two do here?”

Cherry giggles. “Talk mostly.”

“Yup. Enjoying the quiet and each other’s company.”

“Should I leave you two alone?”

Cherry shakes her head. “No, no! You’re welcome here, Ember.”

“Right! Say, do you two want to do some baking?”

Cherry nods. “That sounds lovely, Arc!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Cooking? Aren’t we asleep?”

Arc takes Ember’s hand as Cherry takes his. “We are. That’s what makes cooking and eating so enjoyable. No cleanup!”

“Right! And spending time together.”

“There’s that too.”

They head into the farmhouse together. The next morning Ember awakens in Arc’s arms.


“Good morning. Hungry?”

Ember nods sleepily. “I kinda am. How is that possible?”

“You mean after we baked and ate all night?”

Ember pulls herself up by his shoulder. “Yeah.”

“Remember, it was a dream. None of the food, the farmhouse, the sunset or even the other sights and smells were real.”

Ember looks down sadly. “Oh.”

Arc puts a hand under her chin and raises it to look her in the eye. “Hey. You, me, and Cherry were very real. As were the experiences we had back there.”

Ember takes his hand and smiles. “Thank you for sharing your special place with me.”

Cherry giggles. “It’s nice to have company sometimes.”

Arc chuckles. “That it is.”

He moves to stand but his foot is apparently asleep.


Ember moves to catch him. Arc falls into her arms as the pair crash back down onto the bed together. There is a knock at the door as Max hurriedly enters.

“Sir! I…!”

Max stops dead in his tracks as he sees the pair in such a position. He blushes heavily as he turns away respectfully.

“Oh, um… I… s-sorry for interrupting, sir, but I… we…”

Ember looks to Max as Arc quickly rolls off of her. “What’s the matter with you, Max?! Spit it out!”

“We just… uh… received a phone call from… ah… the hospital.”

Arc sits up quickly. “The hospital?!”

“Y-yes sir! It… it’s about your friend, Frank.”

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