• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Present and Past

Fluttershy heads for the door.

“I have to go see them!”

Arc steps toward her. “Wait, Fluttershy! I’ll come too!”

The yellow pegasus stops dead in her tracks and looks over her shoulder nervously.

“Oh! Um… that might not be a very good idea.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… why not?”

“Indeed. I would have thought they would be interested in meeting…”

“My parents are very… shy individuals.”

Applejack sighs. “I can attest to that.”

Pinkie nods. “Once when I tried to welcome them to Ponyville they both ran away screaming! No idea why!”

Rarity rolls her eyes. “I wonder.”

Rainbow Dash flies over. “Well, I’ll come with you, Fluttershy. They already know me.”


Windy Whistles calls out after her daughter. “See you back at the house, dear.”

The two Pegasi leave the room and head down the corridor together. Bo Hothoof turns to Arc.

“Tell me, sir. Will you be staying in town long?”

“At least until the investigation into this matter is complete.”

Windy turns to him. “Do you have a place to stay?”

“My ship has quarters for me whenever I…”

Bo interrupts him. “You might be better off staying with us.”

Twilight appears confused. “He would?”

Windy nods. “Right. It’ll help show everypony in town that our family has accepted you.”

Rarity smiles. “It might be helpful in terms of putting everypony’s mind at ease.”

Ember shrugs. “I think every little bit counts right now.”

Sereb looks to Arc. “Indeed.”

“Well… alright then. But only if I wouldn’t be imposing.”

Bo grins. “After what you did for my employees, it seems the least we can do.”

Scootaloo raises a hoof. “Can I come too?”

Windy giggles. “We have room for you as well, yes.”

Twilight looks to the door. “I’ll head back to Canterlot with Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie then.”

Ember grins. “Have a nice trip.”

Flash Sentry steps toward Arc. “Sir, perhaps it would be safer for Princess Twilight to return to the capital via portal.”

“Agreed. Everyone ready?”

Applejack nods. “I am.”

Pinkie grins. “Me too!”

Rarity bats her eyelashes at him. “Take care of yourself, Arc.”

“I will.”

Holding up his sigil gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. He waves as the mares pass by and vanish from sight with Flash Sentry taking point. Closing the portal he turns to Bo Hothoof.

“Shall we be off?”

Bo looks at the spot where the portal once stood. “Uh… yeah, sure.”

Windy gasps. “How did you…?”

Ember clears her throat. “Hammer, Sereb, and I will head back to The Equinox now, Arc.”

Arc nods. “Sure, go ahead.”

Hammer grins. “We’ll help with the factory investigation tomorrow too.”

“I’ll join you in the morning then.”

Bo turns to Arc. “As will I, if that’s allowed.”

“That would probably be quite helpful.”

Windy points a hoof. “In the meantime, why don’t we head back to our house? I’ll get some supper cooking and we can talk.”

Bo chuckles. “Be careful, sir. When my wife gets to talking, there’s no stopping her.”

“That’s fine with me. I too enjoy a good talk.”

Heading out the doors to the street, Scootaloo turns to Arc.

“Big Brother?”


“Will Fluttershy’s parents really be okay?”

“I think so, yes. After all, everyone from the other night was able to walk out of there. Albeit slowly.”

Bo turns to the pair. “How about my secretary?”

Scootaloo grimaces. “Fluttershy’s mom?”

Windy nods. “Yes, her family and ours have been friends for three generations.”

“They’re like family to us.”

Arc sighs. “Unfortunately I’ve never met Fluttershy’s parents, so I don’t really know what they look like.”

Scootaloo looks away nervously. “I’m sure Rainbow Dash can fill us in when she gets back later.”

Arriving back at the house, Bo opens the door with Windy and leads them inside.

“Welcome to our home.”

“Yes, we’re happy to have you.”

Scootaloo turns to the stallion. “We were here earlier.”

“You were?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Rainbow Dash brought us here to… to meet her mother.”

Windy sighs. “I apologize for that.”


“When our daughter and the Hero of Light arrived, I… may not have been the most gracious host.”

Arc smiles at her. “It’s fine. “

Scootaloo shrugs. “Rainbow Dash didn’t really give you time to say much either.”

Bo grins. “Well then, we have some making up to do.”

Windy gestures with a hoof. “Yes indeed. Now then, why don’t I head to the kitchen and get some food cooking while you show our guests to their room, Bo?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

He turns to Arc and Scootaloo.

“Right this way.”

As Windy Whistles walks toward the kitchen the three of them head upstairs together. Pushing open a double door they look around a large room with two rather ornate looking beds.

“I hope this will do, sir.”

“It looks very nice.”

Scootaloo nods. “Yeah. Thank you, sir.”

“Anything for the Hero of Light and Scarlet Filly. Now then, I’ll let you two settle in while my wife cooks. Feel free to look around the house as you see fit. My home is your home.”

“Thank you.”

The stallion leaves as Scootaloo walks over to a window and looks outside. Arc moves to join her as she puts a hoof on the glass.

“It’s just so surreal.”

“I know what you mean, Scootaloo. We’re literally in a house made of clouds.”

“Surrounded by Pegasi.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… is that good?”

“Real Pegasi.”

“Hold on just a minute there. You ARE a real pegasus.”

Scootaloo sighs as she pulls off her cloak and tosses it aside. Flapping her miniscule wings, she sighs.

“I can’t even get off the ground though. Well, clouds in this case… unless I go into my Crimson form.”

“So what?”

“Big Brother?”

Arc kneels down to her level. “Scootaloo, you’re so much more than just your wings.”

“Well, I don’t really feel all that important.”

“Are you kidding?! Rainbow Dash’s dad was really impressed just by meeting you!”

Scootaloo puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “He kinda was, yeah.”

“And he didn’t even know you were a Pegasus.”

“But isn’t that a bad thing?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really. After all, I’ve never heard anyone anywhere in Equestria complain about someone based on their race.”

“Why do you suppose that is?”

“Probably because each race has its own advantages and disadvantages. Pegasi can fly. Unicorns have magic. And Earth Ponies are strong and dexterous.”

“But I can’t fly!”

“And no one looks at you differently for that fact.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Everypony except Rainbow Dash, you mean.”

“She was a bit… overzealous when meeting you, granted. But you’re just really impressive to her.”

“Can’t see why.”

“Because she likes things that are awesome.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “I’m awesome?”

Arc nods. “Yes. She totally has some serious hero worship going on.”

“That I noticed.”

“How did it feel?”

“How did what feel?”

“Having someone making a big deal about you.”

“Kinda… nice, I guess.”

“And she’s seen you without your cloak on too. Small wings or not, you’re her hero.”

Scootaloo grins. “Thanks, Big Brother.”

“Just pointing out the facts.”

Sometime later there is a knock at the door. Scootaloo runs to answer it. Bo stands there patiently and smiles at them.

“Supper’s ready, you two. I hope you’re hungry.”

Scootaloo giggles. “I kinda am.”

Arc stands. “Me too.”

They leave the room and head downstairs with their host. Bo leads them to a large Dining Room as his wife flies out of the kitchen with two large covered dishes. As she spots them, her wing misflaps and she drops her dishes. Arc gasps.


Holding out a hand, he grabs the falling dishes with a Telekinesis Spell. The spilling food floats back into their respective containers as if time itself had been rewound. Setting the dishes down gently on the table Arc looks to their nervous hostess.

“Are you alright, ma’am?”

“Oh yes, I’m fine. Just a bit of a flutter there.”

Bo appears relieved. “It’s a good thing you caught that, sir! It’s my wife’s famous Potato Soup!”

Scootaloo sniffs the air. “That does smell good.”

Windy motions to the table. “Why don’t we sit down and eat before it gets cold?”

Arc looks around. “Is Rainbow Dash back yet?”

Bo shakes his head. “Not yet, no.”

“But it’s not like her to miss a meal.”

Scootaloo shrugs. “Maybe she just doesn’t know the food is ready.”

Bo chuckles. “We always eat at the same time, so…”

The doors to the Dining Room burst open and Rainbow Dash flies through. She lands and looks to her father, chuckling.

“Sorry I’m late.”

Bo frowns. “Rainbow Dash! You know better than to burst in here when we have company!”

Wind nods soberly. “Yes, dear. It isn’t proper manners to do so. After all, the Hero of Light is a very important figure in our land.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s fine. Frankly, I was kinda expecting her to do that.”

Scootaloo sighs. “You too, Big Brother?”

At the sound of her voice Rainbow Dash gasps and hurries over to Scootaloo.

“You’re here too?!”

“Um… yeah.”

“Are you staying for supper?!”

Bo nods. “I invited her and the Hero of Light to stay with us while they’re in town.

Rainbow Dash gasps happily. “AWESOME!!!”

Windy gestures to the table. “Well then, now that we’re all here, let’s sit down.”

They do so as Windy flies around the room serving everyone else. She looks to Arc as she puts a bowl of Potato Soup on his plate.

“I do hope you like this, sir. Admittedly I was a bit nervous cooking for you, as I’m not sure what you like.”

“This will be just fine, thank you.”

“Yeah, mom. Arc here isn’t a picky eater at all.”

Bo glares at his daughter. “What did you call him, young mare?!”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Uh… Arc? What else would I…?”

Windy puts a hoof to her daughter’s mouth as she turns to Arc apologetically. “Forgive her, sir. Rainbow Dash isn’t usually so… rude.”

Scootaloo frowns. “I don’t get it.”

Bo nods angrily. “Rainbow Dash! You will address the Hero of Light respectfully!”

Arc turns to Bo. “Sir, I’m sorry but there seems to have been a bit of a miscommunication here.”

“There has?”

Arc nods. “Yes. You see, I’ve known your daughter since arriving in Ponyville.”

“That’s right. We’ve been friends ever since. Even before he became the Hero of Light.”

Windy tilts her head to one side, confused. “So you’re on a… familiar basis?”

Arc chuckles. “Oh yes. Truth be told more than…”

Rainbow Dash interrupts. “Hey mom, why don’t you offer Arc some of that special cider in the basement?!”

“Should I have?”

Bo grimaces. “It doesn’t have any… pep to it though.”

“That’s good! He doesn’t like alcohol!”

Arc nods. “Right. Bad memories. But you don’t have to…”

Windy takes flight. “Nonsense! I’ll go fetch a bottle right away!”

She hurries back to the Kitchen as Rainbow Dash turns to her father.

“Dad, does the cellar door still stick?”

Bo nods. “That it does. I should go help you mother open it. Would you please stay with our guests, dear?”

“Sure dad.”

Bo leaves the room as Arc turns to Rainbow Dash.

“You sure did a good job getting them out of here.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Um… thanks?”

Scootaloo turns to Arc. “Is that normal?”

“Not really.”

Rainbow Dash smiles nervously. “Well, you see… I… uh…”

She wrings her hooves as Arc looks at her evenly.

“You still haven’t said anything to them, have you?”

“Sure I did! I greeted them when I flew in here!”

Arc frowns. “I meant about us.”

Rainbow Dash sighs as her ears droop. Shaking her head she looks to Arc, sadly.

“No, I haven’t. But it isn’t for the reasons you think.”

“She did just come home, Big Brother.”

Arc keeps his gaze on Rainbow Dash. “Right. But I get the feeling there’s more to it than that.”

“You see… my family has been friends with Fluttershy’s for a long time now.”

“And you worry that they won’t approve of you, her, and the others forming a herd?”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Yes and no.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

“Well… mostly ‘yes’ then. I mean, it’s illegal and not even close to culturally acceptable here!”

Arc shakes his head. “We’ve gone over that though, Rainbow Dash. I can do what I want, or ask for an exemption via royal decree.”

“There’s another reason though. But I gotta warn you two… it’s a big one.”

Scootaloo groans. “What could possibly be bigger than the first one?”

“My parents have… kinda arranged a marriage for me.”

Arc eyes grow wide. “Wait! You’re ENGAGED?!”

“…sort of.”

Scootaloo puts a hoof on her head as she rests an elbow on the table. “This whole conversation is over my head.”

Arc frowns. “It doesn’t make much sense to me either.”

“You see… when Fluttershy and I were foals we used to play together a lot.”

Scootaloo shrugs. “What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing. But her brother was kinda… um… awkward.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Fluttershy has a brother?”

“Yeah. Name’s Zephyr Breeze.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “She did mention that to me not too long ago.”

“What else did she say?”

“Rainbow Dash… are you engaged to him?”


Arc looks at her silently for a time. Eventually she groans and rolls her eyes.

“It was my parent’s idea!”

Scootaloo frowns. “That you two should get married?”

“They’ve always wanted to join our two families through a marriage. That and I was his only friend when we were growing up.”

Scootaloo rolls her eyes. “So they just assumed you liked him?”

“Something like that.”

Arc shakes his head. “Why not just tell them the truth?”

“Because it would kill them along with Fluttershy’s parents! I’m their only daughter, so they see this as their only chance!”

Scootaloo looks to Arc. “This doesn’t sound very fair to me.”

“It isn’t. At least not from my point of view. Does this happen a lot in Equestria, Rainbow Dash?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “No. Arranged marriages are actually illegal.”

Scootaloo sounds relieved. “That’s good.”

“So they can’t actually force you to get married?”


Scootaloo frowns. “Then what’s the problem?”

“I don’t want to marry Zephyr Breeze, of course. But at the same time I still can’t tell my parents ‘no’.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Well, you have to do one or the other.”

“Not necessarily.”

Scootaloo narrows her eyes. “Not sure I like where this is going.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. Why do you…?

The doors to the Dining Room open as Rainbow Dash’s parents return. Each of them have a bottle of cider in their hooves along with glasses. Windy looks to Arc apologetically.

“Sorry for taking so long.”

Bo points a hoof over his shoulder. “That door was really stuck this time.”

Arc nods. “It’s fine.”

Windy looks over at him as she pours a glass of cider. “I hope you weren’t too bored.”

“Not at all. Rainbow Dash was just telling us about her past.”

Scootaloo puts her hooves on the table and stands. “Yes, she was! And I have to say that I…!”

Arc stuffs a yeast roll in the filly’s mouth.

“Now, now. You’re still a growing foal, Scarlet Filly.”

Rainbow Dash smiles nervously. “That’s right! How about I get you some more soup there?!”

“I just…!”

Arc calls out to her telepathically.

“Drop it and roll with whatever Rainbow Dash says.”

Scootaloo sighs. “…don’t want to eat too much. Have to stay in shape.”

Windy smiles at the filly. “Well, I wouldn’t worry about that. My cooking is all very healthy. Please have some more.”

Arc continues telepathically as Rainbow Dash ladles more soup into Scootaloo’s bowl.

“Don’t say another word about Rainbow Dash getting married.”

“But it isn’t right, Big Brother!”

“I know. However it’s making her really uncomfortable. Look at her face.”

Scootaloo looks at the rainbow maned mare. She is sweating nervously and overfilling the bowl before her.

“That’s enough for me, thanks.”

Rainbow Dash snaps back to reality. “Huh? OH! Sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. I’ll be sure to eat it all.”

Sometime later they finish eating and sit back from the table. Arc turns to Windy Whistles.

“That was quite the meal, ma’am.”

Scootaloo nods. “Yes, thank you.”

“Glad to see you’re still the best cook around, mom.”

Windy smiles. “Thank you. I’m glad everypony liked it.”

Bo looks around the table. “Anypony up for desert?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not me. I’m pretty full.”

Scootaloo leans back and pats her belly. “Me too.”

Windy turns to her daughter. “Rainbow Dash?”

“N-no, thanks.”

Bo raises an eyebrow. “Really? That isn’t like you.”

“I’m just… trying to watch my figure like mom’s been telling me to do for years.”

Windy eyes her daughter slyly. “Ah! Do you have a special somepony then?!”

Bo appears hopeful. “Is his name ‘Zephyr Breeze’ by any chance?!”

“What?! NO!”

Arc looks to Windy. “I don’t believe I know that name.”

“He’s the colt of another family that’s close to ours.”

Bo nods. “Rainbow Dash has been playing with him since they were little.”


Windy giggles. “They were so cute together. Our daughter and him used to play a game they liked to call ‘wedding’.”

Bo laughs. “Those two have been ‘married’ over a hundred times already.”

“We were just foals back then though!”

Windy smiles at her daughter. “That may be. But you two are still so cute together.”

Bo grins. “Yes, you are. I can still remember back when…”

Rainbow Dash jumps up and frowns. “I’m really tired. Heading for bed now.”

Windy appears surprised. “Oh! Um… good night, dear.”

Without another word, Rainbow Dash flaps her wings and flies out the door. Bo turns to Arc sheepishly.

“You’ll have to excuse our daughter’s behavior.”

“Yes, she’s usually not so rude.”

Arc chuckles. “Oh, don’t worry about her. I’m used to it.”

“Maybe we should follow her lead, Big Brother.”

“That might not be a bad idea. I am pretty tired, and we have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”

The four of them stand and face one another. Bo is the first to speak.

“Well, I’ll show you two back to your room.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something, Big Brother?”

“Ah! It is about that time.”

Turning, Arc walks to the large window overlooking the town. The sun has sunk to its lowest point in the sky. Taking a deep breath, he holds out his hands and presses down. As the sun sinks he lifts his palms and raises the moon to its proper place. Bo and Windy gasp.


“That it was!”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “But he does this every day.”

Arc nods. “Twice actually.”

Windy smiles nervously. “Forgive us, but we just thought Princess Twilight was taking care of that.”

Bo nods. “I didn’t even realize that a non-alicorn could do such a thing.”

“Typically, no. It’s just something I had to learn when I became Lord Regent the first time.”

Windy raises an eyebrow. “And Princess Twilight?”

“Not yet powerful enough to do that, no.”

Bo looks to his wife. “I’m sure she’ll get there eventually.”

“Agreed. Just give it some time.”

Arc looks to the doors. “Yes, well… I am rather tired after doing that.”

“Of course, sir. Please follow me.”

Bo escorts Arc and Scootaloo back to their room before returning to help his wife clear the table.

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