• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Royal Assistance

Meanwhile, Derpy trots in place nervously in front of the Town Hall. Twilight and her friends rush over to her.

“Any sign of them?!”

Applejack shakes her head. “Nothing, sugarcube.”

Pinkie gasps. “You don’t suppose they went into the Everfree Forest, do you?!”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Not helping, Pinkie!”

Twilight rolls her eyes. “I doubt it. Dinky and the others are smarter than that.”

Fluttershy walks over. “But where could they have gone?”

Rarity sighs. “And why?”

Twilight shrugs. “We’ve asked everypony in Ponyville if they’ve seen them. So far not a trace though. But they couldn’t have gone far.”

Rainbow Dash points with a hoof. “Let’s expand our search to the outskirts.”

Derpy grins. “Maybe one of the foals at the orphanage knows something.”

The mares rush toward the edge of town and the Little Hooves Orphanage with Derpy in the lead. Arriving, they find everyone outside planting a small garden as Cheerilee and Peachbottom instruct them. Coco Pommel looks up as they approach.


“Dinky’s missing! Has anypony seen her?!”

The foals all shake their heads as Pipsqueak speaks.

“We haven’t seen much of her since the funeral.”

Aquamarine nods. “Yeah.”

Glynda gasps. “Can we help?”

Ginny motions with his talon. “The younglings and pegasi could try to spot her from the sky.”

Geoffrey points to the building. “I’ll run and get her other friends.”

Applejack sighs. “They’re missing too.”

Glynda gasps. “What?! Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle?!”

Rarity sadly nods. “Gone before breakfast.”

Cheerilee puts a hoof over her mouth. “This is terrible! Do you suspect foul play?!”

Derpy shakes her head. “No. She left a note saying she was going to try and find her father. But no other information.”

Peachbottom walks over. “Have you checked over at Light’s Hope? Perhaps she went to her father’s grave.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Been there, done that. Nopony there. Just their saddlebags.”

Twilight sighs. “We believe the message in the note was literal.”

Fluttershy looks toward the woods. “She and her friends must think he’s alive out there.”

Rarity nods resolutely. “I too am holding out hope for that.”

Applejack removes her hat respectfully. “It’s not likely. After all, as powerful as Arc is, if he really was okay I know he would have come back right away via portal.”

Pinkie looks down at the ground. “Or at least sent a message!”

“Gallus and I will help you look if that’s okay with you, Miss Pommel.”

“Of course. Take all the time you need.”

Joining the search, Natalya and Gallus fly away with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash as the others turn to leave the grounds. Derpy turns to Rarity and Applejack.

“How are you two holding up?”

Applejack sighs as she puts her hat back on. “Not the greatest. Big Mac and Babs Seed are still out looking. Nopony’s told Granny Smith yet. She thinks we’re all running errands.”

Rarity hangs her head. “I’m very worried, of course. However, I take solace in the fact they’re together.”

Twilight grimaces. “I hope they have the foresight to stick together… wherever they are.”

Derpy smiles. “I’m sure they will.”

She stops and puts a hoof to her forehead. The others rush to Derpy’s side.

“You okay, sugarcube?”

“I… just feel a bit… lightheaded.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her own head. “It’s the worry, I’m afraid. I’ve felt the same since hearing then news.”

Pinkie nods. “We should get you home, Derpy. A nap will do you good.”

Twilight turns to Derpy. “Pinkie’s right. You should rest.”

“Alright. But just for a bit.”

Arriving back at Derpy’s house Twilight and her friends help her over to the couch.

“There you are, sugarcube. Now just rest.”

“I… do feel better lying here. But…”

She pats the cushion with a hoof before continuing.

“…my house just feels so empty now. Like it’s lost its… I don’t know.”

Rarity sighs. “I know how you feel. My own home just won’t be the same without Sweetie Belle.”

“Nor will Sweet Apple Acres without my little sister.”

Twilight forces a smile. “They’ll come back. That is, unless we find them first.”

Pinkie nods happily. “Of course! As soon as we can, we’ll go back to looking for em!”

“I’m half expecting her to just bound through the door any moment.

Derpy looks to the sigil in the corner.

“Like Arc used to…”

Pausing, Derpy sits up and turns her head to get a better look.

“What’s that?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “A piece of paper.”

Derpy bounds off the couch and runs over to it.

“It’s from Dinky’s school notebook!”

Pinkie gasps. “Goody! Maybe it’s a ransom note!”

Twilight glares at her friend. “Pinkie!”

“What? Then we’d at least know where they were.”

Derpy unfolds the paper and begins to read it. Gasping, she turns back to the others.

“Dinky’s found something!”

Twilight smiles. “Arc?!”

“No, no! Like her original note said, they went looking for Arc, of course. But according to this latest note they actually found some clues!”

Rarity gasps. “What?!”

Applejack runs over. “Are they okay?!”

“Yes, she says they’re all doing well. Apparently Sereb went with them.”

Twilight frowns. “I thought he left with Ember.”

Pinkie shrugs. “Must’ve come back for some reason!”

“They found Arc’s sigil gauntlet along with some clues from the scene of the crime!”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “So they’re in Canterlot?!”

Sounds like it.”

Rarity heads for the door. “We need to get over there right away!”

Twilight runs in front of her friend to block their advance. “Wait a second. Let’s finish here first.”

“Apparently they’ve left Canterlot to look into another lead and want us to do the same.”

Applejack sighs. “How?”

“Well, according to the official report, Princess Celestia blasted Arc through the windows to the east. However his body was never found.”

Twilight’s ears droop sadly. “Yes. What about it?”

“Dinky says they found Arc’s gauntlet in the lake to the west.”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide. “WHAT?! How did it get THERE?!”

“She thinks the princess and Captain Decimus may not have been honest about what happened back then.”

Twilight narrows her eyes. “To what end?”

“That the captain may be covering up the truth.”

“But Princess Celestia would NEVER lie about… ANYTHING!”

Pinkie frowns. “But who wrote the report?”

Applejack nods. “Pinkie’s right. Decimus probably wrote it himself and convinced the princess she was delusional, or something.”

Twilight gasps. “She was!”

Rarity frowns soberly. “All the more reason we need to get to the bottom of this!”

“Right. Dinky says as much here. Twilight, she wants you to go to Canterlot and see if you can get your hooves on any reports written about that night.”

“I… suppose I can do that. After all, I do have standing access to the Archives.”

Applejack motions to the door. “We can take the train to Canterlot this afternoon.”

Pinkie grits her teeth. “What about that creep Decimus though! He might think something’s up if we start asking questions!”

Applejack sighs. “Right. He might even do something drastic.”

“I doubt that. If something were to happen to me, Princess Celestia would turn the country upside-down looking for whomever did it.”

Rarity stomps the floor angrily. “Either way Arc deserves to be avenged. Or at the very least, have the truth about what happened that day be known.”

Derpy nods. “Let’s meet at the train station in three hours.”

Applejack grins. “I’ll be there.”

Pinkie hops up and down. “Me too!”

Rarity beams. “As will I!”

Twilight nods. “Count me in! And we’ll be sure to let Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy know as well.”

Derpy looks to all of them happily. “Thanks everypony. It’s good to know that Arc was planning to marry so many dedicated mares.”

The other’s force smiles and nod silently as they lead Derpy back to the couch. Meanwhile, Arc and Snowflake sit in the kitchen eating with Shadow and Sunshine.

“I don’t like this.”

Sunshine looks to her husband. “It’s very nutritious though.”

Shadow shakes his head. “No, I mean the beast sitting at the table.”

Snowflake frowns. “He’s not just a beast. I picked out a name for him.”

“Good. Now I know what to yell. What did you choose?”

“Big Brother.”

Sunshine raises an eyebrow. “That’s a rather… unique name.”

“I know, mom. But it just kinda came to me last night when I woke up in the barn with him.”

Shadow rolls his eyes. Well, call him whatever you want. Now let’s finish eating so we can get to foraging. After all, the shop won’t stock itself.

A short time later they move to leave the cottage, Snowflake turns to her mother.

“We’ll be back in time for supper.”

“Be careful out there.”

“Don’t worry. Big Brother will watch out for me.”

Sunshine smiles nervously. “Yes, I’m sure he will.”

“Come on, you two. Daylight’s burning.”

The trio heads out into the forest together. Shadow turns to Arc.

“Keep a close eye on Snowflake. She’s not much use in a fight, as I’m certain you’ve noticed.”

Snowflake frowns as Arc nods.

“I’ll do my best.”

Later that day, Derpy along with the Mane Six board the train to Canterlot. As the train flies down the tracks they look out the window silently for quite some time. Eventually Twilight speaks up.

“I’m sure we’ll be able to get some answers from our own investigation here.”

Derpy sighs. “I sure hope so. Maybe then Dinky can come home.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “I still think we should be out there looking for them!”

Pinkie shrugs. “Where would we start?!”

Fluttershy looks out the window. “How about the countryside surrounding Canterlot?”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “That’s quite a bit of land.”

Applejack grimaces. “It’d be like searching for a needle in a haystack.”

Rarity forces a nervous smile. “Yes. But now we know Sereb is with them. I’m sure they’ll be alright with him around.”

Rainbow Dash taps her hoof impatiently. “I sure hope so. But I’m going to fly around when we get there.”

Twilight nods. “Fine. We’ll meet you at the castle at dusk.”

As the train pulls up to Canterlot Station they disembark. Rainbow Dash flies off at top speed while the others turn to Twilight as she points a hoof.

“The castle is this way. Follow me everypony.”

Making their way down the street, Fluttershy looks to Applejack.

“What do you think we’ll find?”

“If we’re lucky, answers.”

Pinkie looks nervous. “And if we’re not?”

Derpy sighs. “Then we’d better hope Dinky and her friends can be persuaded to come home.”

Twilight turns to Derpy. “Do you really think they’ll do that?”

Derpy shakes her head. “No. She’d never give up so easily. After all, she’s Arc’s daughter.”

Twilight spots a large tome in a shop window along with some designer quills and inkwells. She turns to the others sheepishly.

“I’ll catch up with all of you in a few minutes. Somehow I forgot to bring quills and notepads. We’ll need them for the Archives.”

Applejack chuckles. “Alright, sugarcube. We’ll meet you outside the Audience Chamber.”

Twilight nods and enters the shop as the others continue on. Arriving at the castle, they are stopped by a platoon of Royal Guards stationed at the drawbridge.

“State your business!”

Derpy steps back nervously. “We’re here to… um…”

“Do you have an audience scheduled?”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “N-no. We just got into town.”

Applejack looks hopeful. “Right. But our business won’t take too long.”

“Nopony is to be admitted to the castle without either a royal summons or a scheduled audience.”

Rarity gasps. “What?! But Princess Celestia always has time for all her subjects!”

“Not at the moment she doesn’t. The princess is still quite weak from her battle with the Hero of Light. She’s been asked to keep audiences to a minimum until further notice.”

Pinkie grits her teeth. “What?! Who’s idea was that?!”

“Captain Decimus. Now then, if you don’t have either an appointment or royal summons, please…”

Twilight walks over with several quills sticking out of her saddlebags.

“What’s going on?”

Derpy sighs. “They won’t let us in.”

Applejack nods sadly. “Decimus’ orders.”

Twilight frowns. “Let me speak to them.”

Approaching the guard, she clears her throat.

“Excuse me sir, but my name is Twilight Sparkle. I’m the personal student of Princess Celestia, and as such she has given standing orders that I be admitted immediately and at any time.”

“We’ve heard of you, Miss Sparkle. My apologies, bit Captain Decimus gave strict orders not to admit anypony without either an appointment or royal summons.”

“Very well. But I can’t imagine her being too happy when she finds out I was turned away like this.”

Twilight turns to her friends.

“What do you think she’ll do to them?”

Applejack chuckles. “Have them guard the dungeons for a double shift?”

Pinkie rubs her hooves together wickedly. “Make them taste the food for poison?”

Fluttershy smile shyly. “Yell at them maybe?”

Rarity turns her nose up indignantly. “Tar and feather the louts?”

Derpy shrugs. “Fire them?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Oh, no. She’d do all of the above. After all, when Princess Celestia finds out my friends and I were turned away…”

“P-please, Miss Sparkle! I’d like to allow you entrance, but… if Captain Decimus found out about it I’d get much worse!”

Derpy looks to the officer. “Excuse me, sir. But did his orders say anything about Princess Luna?”

Pinkie gasps happily. “Good idea! Maybe she can help us!”

“Well… I suppose they didn’t. However, Princess Luna has turned over daily audiences to her sister and is not currently seeing anypony. If you’d like I can call for Captain Decimus to come out here and see you. But I wouldn’t recommend that.”

The guard lowers his voice and looks around before speaking.

“He’s a bit… on edge these days.”

Twilight nods. “Tell you what. You ask Princess Luna if we can see her, and I promise not to tell Princess Celestia about this.”

“The best I can do is make the request on your behalf.”

“Very well.”

The guard hurries off. Applejack frowns.

“Who does Decimus think he is?! Not letting anypony in to see the princess, my hoof!”

Pinkie giggles. “It’s a good thing you were here, Twilight!”

Rarity nods. “Indeed. But now I’m worried this won’t be as easy as we thought.”

Twilight sighs. “Agreed. Things are… not right here.”

A short time later the Royal Guard returns.

“Princess Luna’s aide has agreed to see you and your party, Miss Sparkle.”

Pinkie pulls out her Party Cannon. “Did somepony say PARTY?!”

Fluttershy rolls her eyes. “It’s just a figure of speech, Pinkie.”

Twilight nods apprehensively. “Right.”

She looks back to the guard.

“An aide is better than nothing. Lead the way.”

Crossing the drawbridge, Twilight and her friends are quickly admitted and led down several corridors. Looking around, they see that patrols are everywhere and armed to the teeth. Derpy turns to their escort.

“What’s going on?”

“Captain Decimus has ordered the castle be put on high alert to protect Princess Celestia.”

Rarity gasps. “Was there an attempt on her life?!”

“I’m… not at liberty to say.”

Leading the mares to a small office the guard knocks before opening the door and allowing Twilight and the others to enter. A heavily armored stallion sits behind a small desk as the guard salutes him.

“Twilight Sparkle and company here to see you, sir.”

“Return to your post.”

“Yes sir.”

He leaves the room as the stallion stands up and hurries over to them.

“H-hello again.”

Twilight appears confused. “I’m sorry, but do I know you?”

“Not exactly, no. I was stationed at Light’s Hope until… the incident.”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin. “Wait a second. You were Arc’s sergeant, right?”

“Yes. My name’s Sandstorm Mirage. But after the commander’s death I was reassigned as Princess Luna’s aide.”

Derpy looks hopeful. “Can my friends and I see her please?”

“I can ask her highness, of course. But she hasn’t seen anypony in many days. However since you’re a friend of the commander I’m sure she’ll grant an audience. Please wait here. This won’t take long.”

Sandstorm Mirage leaves the office as Derpy turns to Twilight.

“Do you think she’ll really agree to see us?”

“No idea. I don’t have any kind of relationship with her, so…”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “You mean she doesn’t like you?”

“Pretty much.”

Fluttershy smiles. “Well, after you did such a wonderful job of organizing the summit, I’m sure she thinks higher of you now.”

Pinkie shrugs. “I dunno. She seemed to be giving Arc all the credit for that.”

Derpy appears confused. “Really? Was that a bad thing?”

Rarity shudder. “Yes and no. Princess Luna didn’t like a few of the choices I made back there. But Arc took the blame for them.”

Applejack nods. “I remember that. But she seemed to approve of them as soon as Arc told her that he was responsible.”

Twilight sighs. “Arc had her complete trust back then. Kinda like my relationship with Princess Celestia.”

Derpy smiles at her. “You both do seem to have an open door policy.”

“Yes, well… Arc’s was mandated by a standing order. He could see the princesses any time.”

Rarity frowns. “I thought you had the same agreement with Princess Celestia.”

“I did too.”

Sandstorm Mirage returns a short time later.

“Princess Luna will see you now.”

Applejack looks hopeful. “All of us?”

“She said Miss Twilight and all her friends are to come see her in her private chambers.”

Twilight gasps. “What?!”

Pinkie giggles. “It means her room, silly!”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “That’s a bit out of the ordinary, isn’t it?”

Rarity nods her head fervently. “Very. The princesses typically don’t entertain guests in their bedrooms, after all.”

Derpy appears confused. “Why’s that?”

Fluttershy looks nervous. “It’d normally cause a scandal, I think.”

Sandstorm Mirage nods. “Right. But those were her orders. If everypony is ready we can head over there right now.”

Twilight steps forward. “Alright. Let’s go.”

The sergeant escorts the group to the large double doors bearing Princess Luna’s cutie mark. He turns to them.

“Here we are. Shall I announce you, or do you need a few minutes?”

Applejack frowns. “A few minutes for what?”

“Most staff members need to work up their courage before going in there. If you’d like, I can help you with that.”

Derpy smiles. “You can?”

Rarity appears nervous. “How?”

Sandstorm Mirage walks across the corridor to a small decorative cabinet. Opening it he pulls out a tray containing a decanter and several glasses.

“A bit of a stiff drink to loosen your nerves.”

Applejack gasps. “Really? Ponies are THAT afraid of her?”

“Yes. She’s rather… abrasive sometimes. The commander was the only one with whom she acted… um…”

Pinkie moves her hoof in a circular motion. “Acted…?”

“…like a normal mare, I guess.”

Rarity appears suddenly nervous. “Did she… ever entertain Arc in her chambers?”

“Just once from what I’m told.”

Derpy smiles. “That was nice of her.”

Pinkie grins. “When was that?!”

“After he took her out for dinner. But if none of you need some of this liquor to calm your nerves, I need to announce you. We mustn’t keep the Princess of the Night waiting.”

He knocks lightly before entering. Rarity sighs as she looks at her reflection in a pane of glass.

“I… didn’t know I was sleeping with somepony who’d shared a bed with royalty.”

Applejack walks over to her. “You okay, sugarcube?”

“After all, what chance does a small town mare have against a princess? Whomever she want’s, she gets.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Rarity?”

“And if he makes her happy, doesn’t she deserve…”

Derpy puts a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “I agree with you. They both deserve the best. But Arc never really seemed too interested in the princesses.”

Fluttershy nods. “Right. It’s always been business between them.”

“Are you sure?”

Pinkie grins. “It might not be. He asked me to get a pineapple as a gift for her before their date. That’s not easy to do. Or cheap for that matter.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “A… pineapple?”

Pinkie shrugs. “Eh. It’s her thing.”

Sandstorm Mirage opens the door and looks out at the mares.

“You may enter.”

Stepping aside, he allows them to pass through the door. Closing it behind them he turns to the princess whom is staring out a window.

“Twilight Sparkle and her friends, your highness.”

“Very good. You may go now, sergeant.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Walking backwards, he nervously steps out the door. Twilight cautiously approaches the mare.

“Princess Luna?”

The alicorn slowly turns around and walks toward them.

“I know why you’re here, Twilight.”

“You… you do?”

Luna nods. “Yes. You’re here to see my sister.”

“Um… kinda.”

“But she was too busy to see you.”

“That’s not exactly correct, but…”

“So you or one of your friends came up with the idea to ask for an audience with me.”

Derpy raises a hoof nervously. “I think that was my idea, your highness.”

Luna turns and walks back to the window. “Well, if that was your intention, you wasted your time.”

Applejack frowns. “Your highness?”

“I don’t see much of Celestia these days.”

Twilight gasps. “Is she okay?!”

Luna sighs. “Yes and no. Yes, as her wounds have healed nicely after she had rested enough to regain her alicorn regenerative abilities. No, as she’s virtually a prisoner here in the castle.”

Fluttershy takes a step back. “Prisoner?!”

“I’m sure you noticed all the guards patrolling the corridors on your way here.”

Pinkie grits her teeth. “Yeah! What’s going on?!”

“Captain Decimus ordered it. He thinks to protect us from future abductions.”

Applejack steps forward. “Begging your pardon, Princess Luna, but he might be onto something there.”

Rarity nods. “Yes. Your sister was taken right under the guards noses.”

“That may be. But I do believe they’ll find she and I are not easy targets any longer. However I doubt you came here to inquire about the state of the castle. Tell me your little request so that I might inform you that I am powerless to do anything to grant it, and you can be on your way.”

Applejack frowns. “My sister’s missing.”

Rarity nods. “She ran off to Canterlot with my daughter and her friends.”

Luna sighs. “Then report it to the guards. Why did you think I would be able to…?”

Derpy steps forward soberly. “The third missing filly is Arc’s daughter.”

Luna is silent for a time before turning to them.

“Tell me everything you know.”

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