• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Down for the Count

Early the next morning Arc opens his eyes. While it is still dark and rainy out, he looks around and stretches as he muses to himself.

“Not the most comfortable night’s sleep I’ve ever had.”

Turning, he spies Applejack still completely covered by the blanket. Smiling, he reaches over and gently taps her shoulder.


Applejack groans as Arc continues.

“I thought you’d be the one to wake up first.”

Applejack groans. “Huh…?”

Arc chuckles. “Well, you’ve been up cooking breakfast every day since we got here.”

“Sorry about sleeping in. I’ll get you something to eat now.”

Arc shakes his head and smiles. “Sorry, I was just making a joke. After all, feeding me isn’t exactly your job.”

“Can you give me a minute? I feel kinda… off.”

“You okay, Applejack?”

“I… don’t know.”

Frowning, Arc pulls back the blanket. He sees his friend curled up on her seat, sweating profusely and shivering slightly. Putting a hand to her forehead he finds it hot to the touch.

“You don’t look good.”

Applejack smiles weakly. “I… think you’re right.”

Arc nods as he returns his seat to the upright position. “Let’s get you back to the house.”

“I thought we were supposed to stay here a few days!”

“We were. But you need a warm bed right now.”

Getting out of the Jeep, Arc walks over to the passenger door. Opening a portal nearby he reaches inside and extends a hand.

“Let’s go.”

Nodding, Applejack takes his hand and sits up. However as she puts weight on her feet they give way. Arc moves to catch her and wraps his arms around her midsection in a haphazard attempt to prevent her from falling face first into the mud. As he does so however the pressure against Applejack’s belly causes her to throw up. She turns away in an effort to divert it from him as she gags and coughs profusely.


“It’s okay. Let’s get you back to the house.”

Applejack nods weakly as she wipes her mouth. “Yeah. Help me up, will you?”

Arc does so as Applejack again tries to stand. She takes a few haphazard steps toward the portal with Arc before her legs again buckle. Reaching down, Arc picks her up and carries her toward the portal. Entering, they find themselves back in Arc’s basement. Her eyes suddenly wide, Applejack looks up to him with an urgent expression on her face.


Rushing toward the nearby bathroom, Arc enters and quickly sets Applejack down on the toilet. She hastily pulls down her shorts as Arc turns away respectfully. He closes the door and steps away to wait. The sounds of… you know… emanates from beyond the door for a few minutes along with numerous grunts and groans. Eventually Applejack calls out for him.


“I’m here. You okay in there?”

“Kinda. I think it’s done now.”

“Can I come in?”

“Probably not a good idea. It… doesn’t exactly smell like a grove of apple trees in here.”

“But you can’t really walk right now.”

“Give me a minute and I’ll crawl out.”

Arc groans. “Please let me help you.”

Applejack sighs. “Fine. Come on in then.”

Opening the door, Arc spies Applejack still sitting on the toilet. The young woman blushes as she tries unsuccessfully to finish pulling up her shorts. Walking over to her, Arc leans down.

“Put your arms around me please.”

Doing as she is told, Arc carefully helps Applejack stand up. Reaching around her, he slowly pulls her pants up to cover her bottom before repositioning to pick her up again. Carrying the young woman upstairs, Arc lays her down on his old bed and puts a hand on her forehead again.

“How do you feel?”


“Can you describe what you’re feeling though?”

Applejack puts a hand on her belly. “Well, I’m hot and cold at the same time. And my stomach wants to eject its contents out of both ends right now.”

“And you’re having trouble walking.”

“Just feel so… weak.”

“I think we should try getting that fever down first. It might help the other symptoms too.”

“Worth a shot. How though?”

“A warm shower should help. Can I help you to the bathroom?”

Applejack sighs. “I think you’ll have to.”

Picking her up again, Arc walks down the hall to the bathroom. Setting Applejack down on the closed toilet seat lid he gets the water going before turning back to her.

“Think you can undress and make it to the tub?”

Applejack nods shakily. “Y-yeah.”

“Good. I’ll head downstairs and get you some medicine while you do that.”

Applejack blushes slightly as he turns to leave. “Okay.”

Leaving the bathroom, Arc closes the door behind him. Heading downstairs he makes his way to the kitchen cupboard and checks the top shelf. Finding a bottle and measuring cup, he sets them on the counter. Turning to the refrigerator Arc pulls out a jug of orange juice and pours a cup. After returning it to its place he takes his time walking back upstairs to knock on the bathroom door Opening it a few inches he calls out.

“Applejack? Did you make it to the tub okay?”

“I did, yes.”

“That’s good. I have some medicine along with a glass of juice for you. Can I come in and give them to you?”


Entering, Arc walks over to the closed shower curtain. Slowly reaching inside he holds out the cup of medicine. Applejack takes it and cautiously drinks it. Coughing violently, she makes a face before giving the cup back to Arc.

“What was IN that stuff?!”

“It’s cough syrup that’s also good for headaches and fevers.”

“Well, they should probably try making it taste better!”

“A lot of adult medicine tastes bad. But it does work. In any case, take this.”

He holds out the glass of juice. Applejack grins as she downs the contents happily.

“That’s more like it!”

Arc chuckles. “Sorry I didn’t buy any apple juice when we were at the store last.”

Applejack coughs as she hands the glass back through the closed curtain. “It certainly helped with the aftertaste, thanks.”

“How’s the shower helping?”

“Well, I don’t feel cold anymore.”

“That’s a start.”

“And the steam is helping my throat a bit.”

“Good. Anything else I can get you?”

Applejack shakes her head. “I think I’m fine for now.”

Arc turns back to the door. “I’ll head back to your room for some fresh clothes.”

“Thanks, Arc. I’ll try not to stay in here too long though.”

“No, no. Feel free to shower as long as needed.”

Applejack gasps. “But that’ll cost…!”

“It’s fine, Applejack. After all, I want you to feel better soon. In any case, I’ll be right back.”

Leaving the bathroom, Arc heads down the hall. Opening a drawer he pulls out fresh undergarments and tosses them on the bed. Looking in another drawer he finds shorts and a t-shirt. Grabbing everything he returns to the bathroom and sets the clothes next to the sink.

“I’ve brought you some sleeping clothes to wear when you’re done in there, Applejack.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Sleeping clothes?”

“Shorts and a t-shirt.”

“But I can’t just head to bed when I get out of here!”

“Why not?”

“Because I have to help you get the campsite packed up!”

“I’ll handle that.”

Applejack moves to stand up. “Nonsense! Just because I’m feeling a bit under the weather doesn’t mean that I can’t…!”

“Applejack, please. Let me take care of the campsite while you stay here and get some rest.”

“I could…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Remember, it wasn’t too long ago that I had to help you to the toilet because you couldn’t walk there yourself. And that’s after you got done throwing up.”

“But I haven’t puked since you left to get me clothes.”

“So you vomited in there?”

Applejack grimaces. “…kinda.”


“It wasn’t very much. And I was able to swallow most of it back down. What did come out was just liquid though, so it won’t clog the pipes.”

Arc looks out the window at the murky dawn light. “Well, that’s not exactly encouraging. Anything else happen that you want to tell me about?”

Applejack blushes fervently. “Um… this might not be the best time to bring this up, but…”

She pauses before speaking again.

“…I need to get those clothes I was wearing earlier washed soon.”

“What’s the rush there?”

“Because I puked on them.”

Arc turns to the dirty clothes hamper. “Ah, right. I’ll run them downstairs to the washing machine.”

Applejack gasps. “Arc, wait!”

“What is it?”

“I need to tell you something else first.”


“Remember when you helped me to the bathroom earlier?”

“What about it?”

“I… didn’t quite make it.”

“You mean…?”

Applejack lowers her voice as she blushes deeper. “Yeah. There’s some… stuff in my undergarments.”

Walking over to the hamper Arc picks up the dirty clothes. Suddenly smelling the evidence he opens them up and peeks inside before looking back toward the shower.

“It’s just a little bit. Not much more than I used to do as a child when I was sick.”

“Just put them back in there. I’ll take care of it when I get out of here.”

“No need. I’ll run them downstairs and get these in the washing machine.”

Applejack groans. “I’m so sorry about this, Arc.”

“It’s okay. Accidents happen.”

“Um… can I ask for a favor though?”

“What is it?”

“That this stays between us.”

Arc smiles and nods. “Sure. No one else needs to know. But I just ask one thing in return.”

Applejack grimaces. “What’s that?”

“I want you to promise me that you’ll stay in the shower for as long as you need and then rest here at the house.”

Applejack sighs. “Fine. You win.”

“Thanks. Be right back.”

Leaving the bathroom Arc heads down to the basement with the soiled clothes. Tossing them into the washing machine, he adds detergent before setting the dials to ‘very hot’ and ‘heavy duty’ cycles. Starting it, he turns and heads for the basement bathroom. Turning on the exhaust fan, Arc closes the door and returns to the main level. Thinking for a moment, he turns to the cupboard and pulls out a water bottle. After filling it at the tap he heads upstairs to the bathroom again. Knocking lightly before entering, Arc heads for the shower again.

“They’re being washed now.”

“Thanks, Arc. And sorry again.”

“It’s fine. That and I brought you something else.”

Handing the water bottle through the curtain, Applejack takes it. She sounds confused as she speaks.

“What’s this?”

“Just water. Since you’re throwing up and having diarrhea I’d say you need to rehydrate.”

“Probably, yeah.”

“I should probably get back to the lake and pack things up there. You going to be okay for a little bit?”

“Sure. I’ll just kinda hang out in here until you get back if I can.”

“Sounds good. The water heater here is a pretty big one so you should stay warm in there. That and I’ll be back just as soon as I can.”


Calling forth his gauntlet Arc opens a portal and steps through. Applejack sighs and leans back to let the warm water wash over her naked body. Looking at the water bottle in her hand she opens it and takes a sip. Grimacing slightly, she sighs.

“Of all the times to get a stomach bug.”

Meanwhile, Arc arrives back at the campsite. Looking around, he sighs.

“And we were having such a good time too.”

Shrugging, he gets to work packing up the tents. After tossing everything into the trunk, Arc shrinks the Jeep down and picks it up. Opening a return portal he steps through and finds himself in his garage. Setting his Jeep in the middle of the floor he returns it to its normal size and pops the hatch. Grabbing the tents, Arc opens a portal and tosses them through along with the rest of their supplies before hopping through himself. Reappearing in his basement he drapes the tents over a table and chairs.

“That should help them dry. Now then, let’s see about the rest of the laundry.”

Sorting out their dirty clothes from the backpacks, Arc heads upstairs to get the hampers. Knocking lightly on the door, as he hears that the water has stopped, Arc opens it a crack and calls out.

“Applejack? You okay in there?”

“Yeah, I’m out of the tub now. Everything go alright on your end?”

“Yup. Got our stuff off the beach and the campsite too. Tents are drying downstairs as well.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

“Well, if you’re dressed can I get the hamper from in there? Want to get things sorted out for laundry.”

“Sure. Just a second.”

A few moments later the door opens and Applejack slides the hamper towards him. Arc takes it and looks up at her.

“How’s everything fit?”

Applejack looks down at herself. “It’s kinda baggy.”

“Night clothes typically are. Makes them more comfortable.”

Applejack suddenly sits down on the toilet lid heavily. “Woah!”

“You okay?!”

Applejack puts a hand to her forehead. “Sorry. I just got a bit lightheaded is all.”

Arc steps into the bathroom. “I’m carrying you to bed then.”

Applejack sighs as she begins to shiver again. “Yeah, I think you’ll have to.”

Carefully picking the young woman up, Arc takes her back to her room. Laying Applejack down, he covers her up with the blankets and feels her forehead.

“You don’t feel as hot as before.”

“That’s good, right?”

“Yeah. But I should have taken your temperature back then too. Sorry for not thinking ahead.”

“Oh well. No time like the present then.”

“I suppose. Let me get the thermometer.”

Heading back to the bathroom Arc opens the medicine cabinet and removes the familiar device. Returning to Applejack’s side, he uncovers her shoulder and raises her arm slightly. She looks to him, confused.

“Uh…Arc? What are you doing?”

“Taking your temperature.”

“From there?”

Arc nods. “That’s how it’s done on Earth.”

“Oh. Sorry. Back in Equestria you put that thing in the mouth.”

“We could do that too, yes. But that would require washing it after every use.”

“I guess that makes sense. What do I have to do then?”

“Just let me put this under your arm and I’ll start it.”

Applejack nods as Arc carefully lifts her arm to expose her pit. Carefully putting the device in the center he lowers her arm down and presses a button. A beep rings out as he looks to her.

“Now we just need to wait.”

A short time later the thermometer beeps. Arc pulls it out and looks at the display.

“A hundred one degrees.”

Applejack appears relieved. “So normal then.”

“Maybe for a pony that’s true. But a human has a lower temperature of ninety-eight point six.”

“That means I am feverish, huh?”

Arc nods as he turns off the thermometer. “It appears so, yes.”

“So what now?”

“Let’s start with how you feel.”

“The nausea and… other problem seem to have gone. Now I just feel really tired and achy.”

“Sounds like a flu-like bug.”

“Is that bad?”

“Well, it’s not good. But you’ll be fine with some bedrest.”

“Anything else I can do?”

Arc sighs. “You don’t like lying around, do you?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Not at all. I get so… so BORED if I’m just laying here.”

“How about I carry you downstairs to the couch then?”

“What for?”

“Then you could watch television at least. Would that help?”

Applejack shrugs. “I guess.”

Picking her up, Arc carries Applejack downstairs. Laying her down on the couch he returns upstairs for a pillow and blanket. Getting her situated he grabs the remote with his magic and turns on the television.

“Anything in particular you want to watch?”

“Not really sure. How about you pick something out?”

“Okay, let’s see here…”

Flipping through the channels one by one he stops at one as cheers erupt through the speakers. Applejack raises an eyebrow.

“What’s this?”

“A game show.”


“Sorry. It’s a show where people, called contestants, play games to try and win money or other prizes.”

“Sounds kinda interesting. What’s this one called?”

“Wheel of Fortune. There’s a puzzle where those playing have to spin the wheel and then guess a letter. If they’re right they get to spin the wheel again before trying another letter. The letters unlock as they say them and are lit up to reveal part of the word or phrase. If you think you know the answer you can try to solve the puzzle. Get it right and you win all the money from your spins.”

“That doesn’t sound too hard.”

“Maybe not. But I always liked watching it as a kid.”

“Then let’s see what the fun is all about.”

Arc nods and sits down at the opposite end of the couch. They begin watching together as Arc turns to her.

“Do you need anything?”

Applejack shakes her head. “I think I’m okay for now.”

“Should I get you a bowl in case your stomach sours?”

“That might not be a bad idea.”

Standing up, Arc heads for the kitchen. Grabbing a large mixing bowl he returns to the couch. Handing Applejack the bowl as he sits down, she places it on the floor in front of her before turning to him.

“Thanks, sugarcube.”

“No problem.”

“I’d hate to make another mess right now, after all.”

Arc chuckles. “Well, accidents do happen when you’re sick.”

“Speaking of sick, should you really be hanging around me right now?”

“Afraid I’ll get it too?”

“You could.”

“Not likely. One of the advantages of my Crimson powers is my immune system.”

Applejack gasps. “So you can’t get sick?”

“According to Scootaloo, no.”

“That’s a relief. I’d hate to give you this bug.”

“Thanks. Admittedly it doesn’t sound like much fun.”

Applejack puts a hand on her forehead as she pushes the blanket off. “Trust me, it’s not.”

“Getting hot?”

“Yeah. But now with the blanket off I’m too cold.”

“I have an idea.”

“What is it?”

“Something I used to do as a kid. Pull the blanket over yourself again.”

Doing as she is told, Applejack covers herself up again. Arc reaches down and uncovers her feet up to her knees.

“How’s that?”

“A… bit better.”

“You can go back to the other way if this doesn’t work out.”

Applejack shakes her head. “No, no. This is just fine.”

They go back to watching their show. Applejack frowns.

“How’d that fella know what the words were?”

“It’s a common phrase here on Earth.”

“The Golden Rule?”

Arc nods. “Yes. It means that you should treat others as you wish to be treated.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “But isn’t that kinda common knowledge?”

“You would think so, yes. But so many don’t follow it.”

“That’s a shame.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, we can’t control what others do.”


She raises her head and looks toward the end of the blanket. Arc turns to her.

“Something wrong?”

“I… don’t know. Can I ask you something a bit weird, Arc?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“How… how do my feet look?”

“Right now?”

“As a human, yes.”

“Pretty normal I’d say. Something the matter?”

“Not really. I just wanted to make sure since they’re feeling really achy right now.”

“Your feet?”

Applejack nods. “Yeah. Not sure why though.”

“It could be from all the walking we did yesterday.”

“But I do things like that all the time.”

“Not as a human though.”

“What should I do then?”

“Well… if you’d like I can massage them for you.”

“That might help. But only if you want to, of course.”

“Sure. One sec.”

Sliding over, Arc picks Applejack’s feet up and lays them in his lap. As they go back to watching television he slowly begins the massage. Continuing with the show, Arc watches as he firmly rubs her feet and ankles. Applejack bites her lip but says nothing as she squeezes her eyes shut. A few minutes later, as a contestant solves the puzzle, Applejack lets out a low moan. Arc turns to her.

“Sorry. Did I go too far?”

Applejack blushes profusely. “N-not at all! What makes you say that?!”

“That sound you made. I thought I hurt you.”

“I’m okay!”

“Should I stop?”

Applejack sounds almost desperate as she speaks. “Please don’t!”

Raising an eyebrow, Arc stares at her as she turns to looks back at the screen and continues talking.

“I mean… you can stop if you want to.”

“Is it helping?”

Applejack pulls the blanket up to her face as she speaks. “More so than you know.”

Arc chuckles. “Alright then. I’ll keep going.”

“Thank you, Arc.”

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