• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Comparing Notes

Author's Note:

-The princesses were found in a dazed state in their room at Light's Hope. Cause unknown.

-Shining Armor reported them acting normally when he brought them breakfast earlier that morning.

-Rose reports her sensors did not detect any unauthorized personnel entering or leaving the princess' room that night, nor the facility at any time.

-Redheart smelled alcohol on their breath. Further examination showed no sign of physical trauma.

-Luna and Cadance only had a single drink each the previous night.

-Shining Armor also reports Luna asking for some alone time to discuss private matters with Cadance.

-Ember accused Goldstone of committing the crime, as he's been leering at the females all through the summit.

-Goldstone changed glasses with Cadance after he ‘tripped’ and ‘accidentally’ grabbed her backside.

-Fiona and Goldstone talked at length about an unknown topic. Taking into account their past, this is highly unusual.

-Rutherford saw Kane leave the Dining Room during the celebration.

-Tugem followed Kane when he left.

-Rutherford claimed a cupcake tasted bad. Poison or cultural tastes?

A few minutes later there is a knock at the door.

“Come in.”

Trixie enters and salutes.

“Trixie has brought Prince Tugem as ordered, sir.”

“Thank you. Send him in.”

She returns to the corridor. A few moments later Tugem steps inside and walks over to Arc. He gestures to the table.

“Have a seat, Prince Tugem.”

“Thank you, Lord Arc”

They sit down across from one another as Tugem speaks.

“First, let me extend my well-wishes on behalf of the ogre race.”

“Thank you. Hopefully we can figure of what caused this soon.”

“I will help in any way I can. But I am certain you have something to ask me to reach that goal.”

“Yes. What can you tell me about last night? Anything strike you as out of the ordinary?”

Tugem nods. “A few things, yes.”

Arc holds his pencil at the ready. “Go ahead.”

“First of all, I found it very odd that the hydra did not eat or drink anything. Especially since they seemed to enjoy the past meals very much.”

“That is true from what I’ve seen. The Marquis especially likes cupcakes. Are you certain neither of them ate anything? I mean, could they have done so when your back was turned?”

Tugem thinks for a moment. “That is certainly possible. While a bit out of character for me, I also want to point out that I did step out for a bit. The large wolf named Kane seemed a bit out of sorts, so I decided to follow him.”


“Yes. He seemed agitated.”

“Did you speak to him?”

“That I did.”

“Might I ask what about?”

Tugem sighs.

“Lord Arc, I understand that you’re trying to get to the bottom of this matter and it’s very important that everything said here is accurate. Might I ask you to keep what I say next a secret?”

“I’ll try.”

“Kane and I walked the corridors for a time together. He confided in me his feelings of… what is the word… insecurity for the future.”

“What do you mean?”

“He told me of his battle with your friend Sereb. How he was defeated so soundly after a fairly short time under you tutelage. Such things have worn heavily on him for some time now, or so he said.”

“Sereb beating him had THAT big of an impact?”

“So it would seem. He’s been training especially hard in hopes of regaining his title.”

“Is he planning on challenging Sereb here?”

Tugem shakes his head. “No. Matriarch Iris has forbidden it on the grounds of this being a peace summit.”

“That’s a relief. Anything else you saw?”

“Yes. When I rounded the corner to enter the Dining Room I saw Queen Fiona speaking to Lord Goldstone.”

“Well, talking is the whole point of the summit.”

Tugem frowns. “Agreed. However I believe I saw her drop something into his glass.”


“I didn’t actually see anything leave her paw, mind you. For all I know she might have just been waving it dismissively. However nothing befell Lord Goldstone, so I assumed I was mistaken.”

Arc frowns as he writes. “Thank you for your time, Prince Tugem.”

Tugem nods as they stand and walk to the door together. “It’s my pleasure, Lord Arc. I do wish the princesses a speedy recovery. But I would like to ask you one thing.”


“The officer whom led me here. She has a very similar appearance to the mare whom enslaved my fellow ogres some time ago.”

“She is indeed the very same mare, yes.”

Tugem narrows his eyes. “Equestria must have a very effective rehabilitation program.”

“A lot has happened since that time, and Trixie has gone through quite a bit since then. Most of it bad. But she’s been able to rise above it after paying for her crimes.”

“I’m sure you understand this puts me in a very awkward position.”

“Yes, I understand that. That’s why I originally had her aboard my ship. But right now I need her here to oversee security.”

“This is your base, and that is your choice. But I’d like you to know one thing. I’ll be watching her very closely.”

Arc nods. “I’m sure you’re concerned, but…”

“I am. However, my father will be very interested in hearing her fate and current state of freedom. Truthfully, I would like to be able to give him a favorable report.”

“Yes, well… she’s shown herself to be quite brave in the face of adversity in the recent past. More so than what she displayed to your people.”

“My father trusts your judgement, and so do I. Thank you for the chat.”

Tugem leaves the room. He stops and looks at Trixie wordlessly for a moment. She looks down ashamedly as Tugem continues on his way.

“Trixie assumes you would like to see King Felix and Queen Fiona next, sir.”


“Trixie will fetch them.”

“Thank you.”

She salutes and turns to leave as Arc closes the door and returns to his table. A few minutes later the king and queen enter. Arc stands and walks over to them.

“Thank you for coming. Please be seated.”

The pair nod and do so. Felix is the first to speak.

“I do hope we can be of some help, Lord Arc.”

Fiona nods. “Yes. Your princesses’ health is of the highest importance to us.”

“As it is to me. Now then, did you see anything strange last night?”

Felix sighs. “It might be nothing, but I distinctly saw the larger wolf looking at the younger one angrily for quite some time.”

Fiona nods. “I saw that too. Eventually he left the room. Presumably to get some air and blow off some steam.”

“Did he say anything?”

Felix shakes his head. “Not a word to anyone from what I could hear.”

Fiona sighs. “Yes. He didn’t even leave Matriarch Iris’ side until later in the evening.”

“I see. How about the others?”

Felix thinks for a moment. “At one point I heard Princess Cadance yelp.”

Fiona frowns. “That letch Goldstone had his talon on her back!”

“The surprise must’ve made her drop her glass. He seemed very apologetic over the whole event. Perhaps it really was an accident.”

Fiona shakes her head. “No! He must’ve done it on purpose to feel her backside!”

“What happened after that?”

“I didn’t see. His face makes me so sick every time I see it that I had to turn away.”

Felix nods with conviction. “Agreed. As soon as we saw Princess Cadance was all right we stopped watching.”

“Did anything else that night strike you as odd?”

Fiona shakes her head. “Not particularly, no.”

“Is there anything else you can add that might be helpful?”

Felix frowns. “I don’t believe so, Lord Arc.”

Arc sighs and soberly turns to Fiona.

“Queen Fiona, I’d like to ask you a couple questions.”


“Yes. I need to clear up a few things.”

“I’ll do my very best to answer.”

“I’m sure you will. Now then, you said that you and your husband can’t stand the sight of Lord Goldstone, is that right?”

Fiona nods angrily. “Yes. That is correct.”

Felix frowns. “You know what he proposed to my wife during out last visit! That griffon is a maggot at best!”

“Agreed. However, Queen Fiona, you were witnessed having what was described as an in-depth conversation with him. Is that right?”

Fiona looks away nervously. “I… suppose I did speak to him for a few minutes at least.”

Felix frowns. “When did that happen?!”

“When you returned to the room for a fresh set of raiments.”

Felix clears his throat. “Oh.”

He turns to Arc, slightly embarrassed.

“I accidently spilled champagne on myself.”

“That’s understandable. But I’d like to know what your wife was discussing with Lord Goldstone.”

Fiona sighs. “One of his favorite subjects, money.”

Felix turns to his wife. “Money?! We’re not opening trade with him, or anyone else in the Griffon Kingdom if I have anything to say about it!”

“Yes, Felix. However I only did that to lure him into a false sense of security.”

Arc frowns. “You were setting him up for something?”

“I was, Lord Arc. As you’ve no doubt noticed, griffon culture is based on economic standing and personal image above all. Since I couldn’t hurt him financially, I decided to do the next best thing and hurt his image.”

Felix looks nervous. “What did you do, Fiona?”

“Nothing too terrible. I just sprinkled a little Abyssinian Itchweed into his glass.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “In his glass? What would that have done? Made his throat itchy?”

Felix shakes his head. “It only does that if applied topically.”

Fiona chuckles. “Right. If ingested the subject begins to sneeze uncontrollably almost immediately. There’s also no cure for it, so he would have been forced to endure the humiliation for the next hour or so.”

“Are you certain that’s all it does?”

Felix nods. “That we are. It’s a very old prankster’s trick in Abyssinia, after all. Everyone recognizes the effects immediately.”

Fiona laughs. “True. But no one outside our country would recognize the symptoms.”

“Did it work?”

“Sadly, no. I watched him for a bit, but he didn’t take a drink.”

Felix sighs. “He must’ve set the drink down at some point without tasting it. After all, I didn’t hear any sneezing from his direction.”

Arc frowns. “I believe I can explain why not.”


“Do you remember how he made Princess Cadance drop her glass?”

Felix nods. “Yes. He must’ve dropped his own as well.”

“No. Someone said they saw him offer his own drink to her to apologize.”

The king and queen gasp.

“Wha-what?! But I didn’t hear anyone sneeze that night! She must not have drank it either!”

Felix shakes his head. “She did.”

“Are you certain?!”

Felix nods. “I am. There were a few political chuckles later. I turned around just in time to see Princess Cadance put the empty glass on a passing servant’s tray.”

Fiona puts her face in her paws.

“This is terrible! Lord Arc, I’m so very sorry about this! Equestria has done nothing but treat us and our subjects with the greatest of dignity, respect, and charity! And THIS is how I repaid you for that!”

Felix puts an arm around his wife’s shoulders. “But if she didn’t sneeze she must be immune to its effects.”

“She drank it and then took ill! What else could it have been, Felix?!”

Arc sighs. “Do you have any more of that plant? I’d like to have it analyzed.”

“Of course!”

She reaches inside her robe. Pulling a small satchel out of an inner pocket she places it on the table in front of Arc.

“This is all I have.”

Arc nods. “It should be enough.”

Taking the satchel Arc heads for the door. Opening it he finds Trixie waiting patiently.

“Take this bag to Nurse Redheart aboard The Equinox. Tell her to test Princess Cadance’s blood for it.”

“Yes sir.”

Trixie takes the bag with her magic and hurries down the corridor with it. Arc shuts the door and turns back toward the pair. Fiona slowly stands and hangs her head sadly as he approaches.

“Lord Arc, I… I’d like to make a statement.”

“Go ahead.”

“First, I’d like to formally apologize to you for causing this mess. Second, I’d like to turn myself over to you for prosecution on the condition that Equestria does not retaliate against Abyssinia for my grievous error.”

Felix gasps. “What? NO! I can’t lose you, Fiona!”

Fiona takes her husband’s paws in hers. “Lord Arc was merciful once before. He can’t very well do so a second time. I’m sorry, but I need stand trial for my crime.”

She turns back to Arc.

“Would you please call a guard to take me to the dungeon?”

Arc shakes his head. “I can’t do that, Queen Fiona.”

Felix looks to Arc, hopefully. “You’re pardoning her?!”

“Not exactly. First of all, I don’t have a dungeon here. Second, I’m going to wait for the official report from Nurse Redheart. But I don’t think you did this.”

Fiona looks to him confused. “But the evidence is overwhelming!”

“I believe you’re forgetting one thing. If this weed did indeed put Princess Cadance in such a state, how is it Princess Luna was also affected?”

Felix nods. “That’s right! Only Princess Cadance drank from the glass! Or so I’m assuming!”

“Right. Queen Fiona, your little attempt at revenge was most certainly foolish at best.”

She nods sadly.

“However, assuming the lab report agrees with my analysis, I’d be willing to forget the whole thing.”

Felix grabs Arc’s hand and shakes it heartily. “Thank you very much, sir! But what about the princesses?! They’ll most certainly be upset when they learn of this!”

Fiona nods sadly. “Then I’ll take any punishment they deem fair.”

Arc shrugs. “They usually trust my advice. When this is over I’ll ask them to forgive your mistake.”

Felix looks nervously at him. “Do you think it’ll work?”

Arc nods. “Trust me. When I tell them what you were trying to do to Goldstone they’ll probably want to give you an award.”

Fiona looks to him as a tear escapes her eye. “Thank you very much, Lord Arc! I give you my word that this will never happen again!”

“This is most certainly not fair to your nation, Lord Arc! After all, you’ve done so much for us, and we haven’t been able to return the favor in kind!”

“We can talk about that after the lab report comes back.”

Fiona nods soberly. “Lord Arc? I do have a request.”

“What is it?”

“To show my sincerity, I’d like to be detained until my innocence is proven.”

Felix sighs. “I too will join my wife in stocks.”

“Very well. Both of you will be placed under house arrest here at Light’s Hope until further notice. I’ll have Lieutenant Trixie escort you back to your room.”

Fiona nods sadly. “Thank you. This is certainly more than I deserve.”

They head for the door. Arc opens it and Trixie approaches.

“Take the king and queen back to their quarters. They’re not to leave their room until further notice.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc watches as they walk away. Felix puts his arm around his wife’s shoulders. She turns back and mouths the words ‘I’m sorry’ before putting her head on her husband’s shoulder. Twilight’s voice rings out behind him.

“Arc?! What’s going on?!”

“Queen Fiona is being held while some evidence is examined.”

Rainbow Dash looks confused. “What about her husband?”

“He’s agreed to be detained with her.”

Applejack looks around cautiously. “We should probably talk privately, Arc.”

“Agreed. Please follow me.”

Arc leads them into his quarters and shuts the door behind them. They head over to the fireplace and sit down on the rug as Arc picks up his notepad and heads for the couch.

“Go ahead, Twilight. What did you learn from the Forsaken and the Hydra?”

Twilight clears her throat as she materializes a scroll. “Sereb said he overheard Queen Fiona talking to Lord Goldstone about monetary policy.”

Rarity nods. “Right. Nothing illegal though.”

Fluttershy looks suddenly concerned. “You didn’t have her arrested for that did you, Arc?”

“No. She confessed to something else.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “What though?!”

“I’ll tell you at the end. Anything else from Sereb?”

Applejack shakes her head. “No. But his brother Kane said he overheard Lord Gestal whispering to his daughter about how to use a bad situation to gain leverage.”

Arc sighs. “He’s a politician, so it would make sense that’s his stance. While I don’t really like it, that’s how the Griffon Kingdom works.”

Pinkie hops over. “Oh! Matriarch Iris said she saw Lord Gestal’s bodyguard watching Lord Goldstone closely! Maybe he suspects he’s up to no good?!”

Twilight sighs. “Maybe. But it is his job to protect them.”

Applejack nods. “He was probably just being cautious.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “There was that last comment the Matriarch overheard.”

Pinkie grins. “Tell him! That was the juiciest bit!”

Rarity turns to Arc. “Matriarch Iris overheard Lord Goldstone refer to certain diplomats as ‘Equestria’s pets’.”

“Not sure how I feel about that. But I suppose muttering to himself isn’t actually a crime. How about the Hydra? Did they see or hear anything?”

Twilight sighs. “Hydra Prime Ikis said he sensed something out of place.”

“Could he be a bit more descriptive?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Something about it being exotic. Not native to Equestria.”

Rarity sighs. “While we’re not sure it would help. We felt it best to bring the matter to your attention, Arc.”

“Good. No detail is too small right now. How about the Marquis?”

Twilight looks over her scroll again as she speaks.

“It’s probably nothing, but he said he saw Princess Luna pretend to take several sips from her glass before pouring it into a napkin.”

Arc looks up, confused. “Wait. You mean she didn’t drink anything at all?”

Pinkie shakes her head. “Not that he could remember!”

Rarity nods. “Indeed. However, that’s everything we uncovered. How did you do, Arc?”

Arc sighs and look as his notes. “Here’s what I found…”

He reads off his own list of discoveries to the group. Twilight looks to him, clearly impressed.

“Looks like you were able to learn quite a bit!”

Pinkie grins at him. “Yeah! How’d you get them to tell you all that?!”

Arc shrugs. “I just asked. Same as you did I suppose.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Yeah? But you got WAY more info than we did!”

Rarity smiles. “Indeed. I think I understand though.”

Applejack turns to her. “Can you explain it to us then?”

“Certainly. When you trust somepony completely you naturally tell them things you wouldn’t normally disclose.”

Twilight nods as she puts a hoof to her chin. “Arc certainly has the respect and trust of everypony attending the summit.”

Fluttershy thinks for a moment. “I wonder how much more he could’ve learned had he been the one to ask the questions of the Hydra and the Forsaken?”

Arc sighs. “It may yet come to that.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “What are you talking about, Arc? You told us earlier that Queen Fiona confessed.”

“She did, yes. But what happened was foolishly accidental. That and I don’t see how what she did could’ve taken down the princesses like that.”

Pinkie gasps. “What?! Then why is she in jail?!”

“She’s not really locked up. It’s more of a house arrest sort of thing. That and it was her idea. She was very remorseful.”

Twilight sighs. “So where do we stand now?”

“I’ve sent a substance to The Equinox for testing. We should hear something from Nurse Redheart soon.”

Rainbow Dash looks over to Twilight. “Should we… I don’t know… try to collect some more evidence, or something?”

“You mean like the glasses?”


Applejack shakes her head. “That’s going to be a bit tricky.”

Pinkie nods. “Yeah! The dishes are washed in a very powerful detergent that removes EVERYTHING from them!”

Arc frowns. “Including the evidence, right?”

Applejack nods. “Yup.”

Rarity turns to Pinkie. “Is there a chance they’re still there?”

Pinkie shakes her head. “Nope! Saffron is very good at making sure no dishes sit around unwashed! They were probably dried and put away hours ago!”

“Great. That’s literally all we had to go on. Now all that’s left to do is wait.”

Sometime later Arc’s earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Redheart. I’ve completed my analysis of the blood samples and that substance you sent me.”

“Good. Let’s start with that powder.”

“It is a plant called Abyssinian Itchweed. An extract used solely for practical jokes it would appear.”

Pinkie whispers loudly to Arc. “Was there any left?! If so, I’d like some!”

“Not now, Pinkie. Was there any of it in either princesses’ body, Redheart?”

“No, sir. If they did ingest some I can only surmise that their alicorn bodies were able to filter it out before any negative effects took hold.”

“Are you completely certain of this?”

“Yes sir.”

“I see. How about their blood samples? That substance you found in it earlier.”

“As I said earlier, the toxin is very similar to that which was used to poison you. However it has been strengthened to the point that the antidote we have on hoof will be largely ineffective.”

Applejack sighs. “So whomever made it originally reformulated it so we couldn’t easily counter them again?”

“Correct. I’d need to alter the antidote for it to work.”

Arc frowns. “Any ideas on that?”

“A theory, yes. “

“Let’s hear it.”

“If I could increase the potency of the antidote it might be able to match the strength of the toxin.”

Twilight sighs. “But there’s no known way to do that.”

“Agreed. I might be able to slowly bring them out of it with continuous doses of the antidote. However it would be a long drawn out process over several months.”

Rarity gasps. “The diplomats certainly won’t wait that long!”

“Agreed. Do we need to go get more of this antidote for you?”

“No, sir. We’ve found a way to synthesize it.”

Fluttershy looks hopeful. “You can’t make it any stronger though?”

“Sadly, no. I’ve done my very best, but it’s not enough. What are your orders for the princesses’ treatment, sir?”

“I might have an idea. Start treatment as best you can for now. I’ll come see you in a bit with a possible alternative. Arc out.”

He touches his earring and sighs. Rainbow Dash hovers over to him.

“So you have an idea, huh Arc?!”

“Kinda. I’ll have to talk it over with Redheart though. Sounds good in my head though.”

Applejack suddenly frowns. “Wait a minute! I just thought of something!”

Pinkie looks to her. “Oh! Is it a way to save the princesses?!”

“Not that kind of idea. I was just thinking that nopony’s interviewed our guests from the Griffon Kingdom yet.”

Arc nods. “That was intentional, Applejack.”

Rarity frowns. “Is it because we have a treaty with them?”

“Not really. I have my own suspicions about their potential involvement. Before interviewing any of them I wanted to know everything I could from the others. But right now the princesses’ treatment takes priority.”

Twilight nods in agreement. “What can we do in the meantime?”

Arc stands up. “Why don’t all of you go have some lunch? It’s about noon after all.”

Fluttershy looks to him. “And you, Arc?”

Rarity nods. “Yes. It’s not like you to miss a meal.”

Arc sighs as they walk out the door together. “I’ll be along later. Right now I have to head back to The Equinox.”

As Twilight and her friends head down the corridor together Arc turns to Trixie. A few moments later she hurries past them. Rainbow Dash frowns and turns to Twilight.

“I don’t really like Trixie having free reign over this place.”

Applejack nods. “Me either. And as a lieutenant no less!”

Rarity turns to them. “Arc certainly seems to trust her.”

Fluttershy looks after her, meekly. “That and she seems to be doing a good job for him from what I’ve seen.”

Pinkie frowns. “She did do a lot of bad things before though! What do you think, Twilight?!”

“It might sound kinda strange after the past her and I share. But I honestly believe she’s changed.”

Rainbow Dash narrows her eyes. “How?! I still remember Arc telling us about the whole ogre enslavement fiasco!”

Applejack purses her lips. “Well, the memory of her attacking Canterlot Castle is still in the forefront of my mind.”

Twilight shakes her head. “She wasn’t in her right mind though.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “When was she ever?!”

Twilight sighs. “Well, I’m with Arc on this one. She deserves a second chance.”

Applejack turns to her. “You mean a fourth or fifth chance, right Twilight?”


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