• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Appeals

Arc enters the Main Hall and stands there for a few moments... listening.

“It's... just so quiet without the orphans here.”

Raven walks into the Main Hall. She appears quite shaken!

“Raven?! Are you all right?!”

Raven walks over to him, trembling! “Commander! Princess Luna herself is waiting for you in your office! She looks... rather upset!”

Arc sighs. “I guess she must want to continue our ‘conversation’ from earlier. I didn’t think she would follow me all the way back here though! Thank you Raven. Wish me luck...”

Arc walks toward his office. He pauses just outside the door, reaching for his ring to call forth his armor, but stops himself.

“No. I can do this.”

Arc takes a deep breath and enters the office. Luna is sitting on a couch in front of the fireplace, patiently. She does not look at Arc as he approaches and sits down on the couch opposite her. A long silence ensues.

“Arc... I just came here to tell you... just how MAD I am right now…”

He sighs inwardly. “Here it comes...”

“...at myself!”

Arc looks up at her, confused. “Huh?”

"I want you to know that, I'm sorry. I am so... SO sorry for what I said to you back at the castle! There really wasn't any excuse for it! You... don't deserve to be treated so... thoughtlessly! Especially after all you did for me the other day! Taking me in as a guest at your base. Listening to me when I needed somepony to talk to. Allowing me to live out my lifelong dream of playing with other foals! Sheltering me when danger came! And rushing off to protect my friend Princess Cadance from Trixie.”

“Princess Luna! I...”

She holds up a hoof for silence. “Please Arc! Let me finish! That and... I understand if your angry right now. It's okay! Really it is! I’d only like to ask one thing of you. Please... keep protecting the innocent as you always have. If not for my sake, then for theirs.”

Luna looks down at her hooves before rising from the couch sadly.

“Well, I should probably go now. I just felt I had to at least try to make this right! I'm sure by now your completely sick of seeing my face and listening to my voice. Good-bye Arc... I... I hope someday you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Princess Luna turns to walk away. She suddenly stops and turns around.

“I'm sorry for interrupting earlier. Was there something you wanted to say to me?”

Arc rises and walks over to her. “Actually... yes.”

“Go ahead.”

Luna waits as Arc slowly approaches. He stops directly in front of her.

“I just wanted to say… I forgive you, Princess Luna.”

Luna looks up at him, confused. “What?! But... but how can you forgive me so easily?! I thought you would be furious with me!”

“I was never actually mad at you Princess Luna. I was, however, sad because I thought you didn't need me anymore.”

“Equestria will always need you! Never forget that! But I said such terrible things to you, and you kept a level head! Why didn't you put me in my place back there? You are most certainly stronger than I am... physically anyways!

Arc shakes his head. “All that would have accomplished would have been you and I being pushed further apart. I could have attacked you! Believe me, the thought did cross my mind! But what would happen to Equestria if I had... you know... gone too far? This land needs the Princess of the Night now more than ever!”

“Well, you could have outsmarted me! In that state, I most certainly wasn't thinking before I spoke!”

Arc nods. “Again, for the same reason. In your state of mind at the time, talking would have been useless.”

“Well, thank you for not... giving me what I really deserved back then... or now, I suppose.”

Arc nods and smiles at her. “You are welcome.”

“Arc, I know this might not be the best time to bring this up but, would you please return to Canterlot Castle with me? We need to talk about Trixie.”

“Is she all right?!”

“Yes, as far as I know she is doing just fine. But there is a bit of a problem. Come. We should probably talk about this with Cadance present as well.”

Arc nods, confused. “Um... okay.”

He calls forth his armor and opens a portal to his quarters in Canterlot Castle. The pair walk through and quickly make their way down the hall.

“Let's head over to the Infirmary and see how Trixie is doing.”

“Sounds good to me!”

They arrive at the infirmary. All but a couple guards have been discharged. The doctor quickly approaches Arc and Luna as they enter!

“Princess Luna… Hero of Light! This is indeed quite a pleasure! What can I do for you today?!”

“We have come to see Trixie. How is she doing?”

“Much better! It's amazing how much the body can heal from just a little rest! She is awake and talking almost as if nothing happened!”

Arc smiles! “Does that mean she can be discharged?”

The doctor nods. “Yes indeed! She is strong enough to leave anytime. Do you wish to see her?”

Luna nods, a bit sadly. “Thank you doctor. Please lead the way.”

The doctor leads them to a private room where Trixie is sitting up in bed and talking excitedly to Shining Armor who is still wearing the full plate armor from earlier!

Trixie laughs! “Wow! Having a real friend is much more enjoyable than I ever imagined! I should have done this years ago!”

Shining Armor nods happily! “I know! You're one of the most interesting mares I've ever met! Hopefully you can get out of bed soon and I can show you around Canterlot! I'd also like you to meet my little sister...”

Arc interrupts. “Trixie! How you feeling?!”

“Quite a bit better, thanks to you Arc!”

Arc looks over at Shining Armor. “Glad to see you making a friend, too!”

Trixie appears nervous. “You're not... jealous of Shining Armor, are you Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all! What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t let you make other friends?!”

“I guess that makes sense!”

He walks over to the bedside. “Well, we have a bit more good news for you! The doctor says you can leave the Infirmary any time you're ready!”

“Really? Great!”

Trixie throws back the covers and stands up!

“I'm ready to leave right now!”

Luna shakes her head. “That's... not as simple a matter as you would think. You see, the two of you are still escaped prisoners.”

Shining Armor looks down and nods. “I... suppose that's true.”

Trixie sighs. “After what I did, I guess I do deserve this...”

“Come on Princess! Can't you just… I don't know… pardon them or something?!”

“There would need to be a hearing before any action could be taken.”


She looks over to Trixie and Shining Armor.

“We could do it right now. That is, if the two of you are up to it!”

Both Trixie and Shining Armor nod! “We're ready!”

Arc turns to Luna. “Can I come too?”

“Normally this would be between them and us princesses. However, I will make an exception for you Arc.”


The party walks to the Audience Chamber where Princess Cadance is waiting. Upon seeing Luna enter she jumps up and runs over to her!

“Luna! I'm so sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier! Can you ever forgive me?!”

Luna nods. “Yes, all is forgiven. I deserved it anyways. But right now, we have more pressing matters to attend to.”

Cadance appears confused. “Oh? What could be so important?”

“We need to hold a hearing on what to do with Shining Armor and Trixie here.”

Cadance sighs and nods. “I suppose they ARE still prisoners.”

“Princess Luna and Princess Cadance take their respective places as Luna stomps her hoof.

“This hearing is called to order. We will start with Shining Armor. Step forward.”

Shining Armor does so. “Yes princess.”

Luna looks down at him. “Please tell us exactly what you did to earn a life sentence.”

Shining Armor recalls the story of how he was ordered to break into Light's Hope and kidnap Trixie. How he had failed and was jailed for questioning his commanding officer. He also recalls the events of the wagon ride to the prison during which he escaped and made his way to Ponyville to warn Arc of the coming danger to the princesses!

Luna nods and turns to Trixie. “I see. Is this what you witnessed as well?”

She nods. “Yes ma'am!”

Luna looks to Arc. “And is this what he told you as well?”


“Did you believe him?”

Arc nods. “If I hadn't, I would have sent him right back to jail, and Princess Cadance would most likely be dead now along with most of Canterlot.”

Luna nods. “You raise a good point Arc. Very well! Shining Armor is officially pardoned for the crimes levied against him!”

Trixie smiles at her friend! “Congratulations Shining Armor! You're free now!”

“Yes. I only hope the princesses will be so generous with your case as well Trixie.”

Luna clears her throat before continuing. “Step forward, Trixie.”

She does so, albeit nervously.

“Now, please know that your case is a bit more... difficult, as you have already been found guilty and have only added to your crimes by attacking Canterlot.”

Trixie looks down at her hooves. “I... um... I understand.”

Cadance uses her magic to pick up the Alicorn Amulet from where Arc threw it earlier. “Can you please tell us where you got this?”

Trixie recalls how the Dark One gave it to her and how she only wanted to use its power to save them both from being eaten by wild beasts in the woods! Cadance turns to Shining Armor.

“Is this true?”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes Princess! Trixie was only trying to help! Please forgive her!”

Cadance turns to Luna. “What do you say, Luna? Can we really just let her go?”

Luna sighs. “I'm afraid not.”

Arc looks over, angrily! Wait! Why not?! She was willing to sacrifice her OWN life to stop her OWN attack!”

“Please Arc! I'm sorry, but the law is very clear on this matter. In attacking Canterlot Castle and a princess, Trixie has committed insurrection! The law clearly states that she must be... banished to Tartarus to pay for her crimes.”

Shining Armor’s eyes grow wide! “But... no! Please have mercy! I'm begging you!”

Luna shakes her head, sadly. “I wish I could Shining Armor. Really I do! But... my hooves are tied in this matter.”

Princess Luna uses her magic and opens a portal to Tartarus.

Cadance looks to the condemned mare before her. “Know this, Trixie. Should you come to terms with your crimes and truly be reformed, the gates of Tartarus will no longer hold you! Only then will you be able to leave that wretched land and return to Equestria.”

Trixie nods, sadly. She slowly walks toward the portal. “Arc... Shining Armor... please don't forget about me. I'll always remember you two.”

Arc uses his telekinesis magic to pull Trixie toward him!


Luna sighs. “Please Arc. Don't make this any more difficult than it needs to be. There are some rules that even a princess can't break!”

“I understand that, but would you at least grant Trixie on last bit of mercy?”

“What would you have us do, Arc?”

He turns to Trixie. “Um… did you ever have… breakfast this morning?

“Well, no but...”

Arc quickly turns back to the princesses! “You see! We can't send Trixie off to Tartarus without so much as a last meal, can we?!”

Trixie’s pupils shrink as she mutters. “LAST meal?!”

Luna thinks for a moment. “Well... I suppose not. I will have the guards bring some food here. However, as soon as she finishes eating it, I will banish her. But only on the condition that you and Shining Armor say your goodbyes now and promise not to interfere with Trixie's banishment further.”

Arc nods. “I suppose I can do that.”

Shining Armor hangs his head sadly. “I agree as well.”

Arc and Shining Armor approach Trixie and embrace her. A Royal Guard leaves to fetch some food.

Shining Armor sighs as he hugs Trixie. “I... guess this really is goodbye then. Sorry about all this...”

“Me too. We were just getting to know each other. I'll miss you Shining Armor.”

Arc stoops down to give Trixie a hug. “I'm sorry that this happened Trixie. While I disagree with the law, there's really not much I can do about it!”

Trixie nods. “It's okay Arc. I made my choices. Now I have to live with the consequences.”

She walks forward and embraces Arc, tears in her eyes.

“Thank you so much, Arc! I promise I'll never forget what you did for me!”

The two hold each other for quite a long while before finally breaking the embrace.

“Now Arc... go... leave me... to pay for my crimes!”

Arc sighs as he slowly turns to leave the Audience Chamber. “I guess there’s nothing more to say. Come on, Shining Armor. We should be going now.”

Shining Armor does not take his eyes off of Trixie. “No.”

Arc turns back! “What?”

Shining Armor looks to Princess Luna. “Please, grant me one last request! I... I wish to be banished to Tartarus along with my friend Trixie!”

Cadance’s eyes grow wide! “Are you mad?! That would be a death sentence for both of you! Why would you want to do such a thing?!”

“I understand that Trixie has committed terrible crimes and must now pay for them. But... I won't let her face this alone! I... if I am to fall in battle, I wish to do so protecting my friend!”

Trixie shakes her head! “Shining Armor, please no! Live on! There's no reason for you to throw your life away for me!”

Shining Armor grabs Trixie and holds her tightly!

“No Trixie! I'm going with you and that's the end of the matter!”

Arc sighs. “Well, I don't really like the direction this is going but... I don't think you have much say in the matter, princess.”

Luna nods. “It appears we don't. Very well, Shining Armor. You may accompany Trixie to Tartarus. Although it may not be much, we wish the two of you well in the future... whatever it may hold for you.”

Trixie and Shining Armor nod! “Thank you!”

The Royal Guard returns with the food for Trixie. Princess Cadance motions for another guard to approach her. She whispers something to him. The guard quickly leaves the room to carry out his task!

Arc turns. “I guess I’ll l be off then. Sorry you two, but there are others who need the Hero of Light's help. You two take care now.

Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward, puts his helmet on and opens a portal

“Goodbye sir! Please look after Twily for me!”

Trixie looks down softly. “Well... bye.”

Arc nods his head, steps through the portal and is gone.

Cadance turns and whispers to Luna. “I thought Arc would put up more of a fight than that!”

Luna nods. “As did I.”

A Royal Guard approaches Trixie and gives her a plate of food. She sighs, sits down and starts to eat!

“I guess I should enjoy my last meal...”

Trixie slowly eats the food. She turns to Shining Armor.

“Would you like some too?”

He shakes his head. “No thank you. I'm... not really hungry.”

Trixie looks up at him, a pleading look in her eyes! “Please! I know you haven't eaten either! Just... eat... please.”

“Well, okay.”

Shining Armor eats a bit of the food along with Trixie. Soon the plate is empty. She turns to him and whispers.

“Why didn't you ask for any food for yourself?!”

Shining Armor whispers back. “I didn't want to push our luck.”

Luna clears her throat. “Are you two prepared?”

Cadance looks up as the guard from earlier returns to her side. “Wait! There is something I want Shining Armor to have first!”

She accepts something from the guard and walks it over to Shining Armor.

“This was a given to me by Princess Celestia herself. I'm not much for fighting, so I think you should have it. It may not look like it at first glance but it is quite powerful. With these armaments you may just stand a chance in Tartarus. I pray it is enough.”

Shining Armor takes the sword and throws it over his shoulder. “Thank you Princess Cadance. That is very kind of you.”

Luna nods. “Shining Armor, aren't you forgetting something?”


Luna uses her magic to levitate the Large Shield over the Shining Armor.

She smiles! “After all, what is a knight without his shield.”

“Thank you. I will use it well.”

“I'm sure you will. Although I am not sure how, I believe we will cross paths again one day.”

Shining Armor forces a smile. “I hope it is under better circumstances.”

Luna nods. “As do I...”

She again opens a portal to Tartarus. The pair look into it for a moment.

“Ready, Trixie?”

“No! But... I know I can't put this off any longer.”

Shining Armor takes Trixie's hoof in his own as the pair begin to walk forward.

As they enter the portal, he turns to her. “Whatever happens, don't let go of my hoof, okay?!”

Trixie nods. As they enter the portal everything goes black for both of them.

Cadance turns to her as Luna closes the portal. “I can't believe what just happened! Somepony actually VOLUNTARILY entered Tartarus!”

Luna nods. “Like Twilight did?”

Well, I guess this situation is somewhat similar. If Arc had been here to see it, I'm sure he would have been quite impressed!”

Luna’s eyes narrow. “Somehow I get the feeling that Arc somehow is going to do... something.”

“But what?!”

Luna closes her eyes and smiles. “Who knows? But I do trust him now. He won't let us... or Equestria, down.”

Meanwhile in Tartarus, Trixie slowly regains consciousness.

“Ugh... my head!”

She looks up to see Shining Armor lying on the ground still holding her hoof.

“Shining Armor, wake up!”

Shining Armor slowly opens his eyes. “Did anypony get the number of that bus?”

“Are you... okay?!”

Shining Armor shakes his head in order to clear it. “I think so. Just a bit... woozy. And you?”

“I'm fine.”

The pair look around the room. They appear to be lying on a giant sigil on the floor. The chamber appears to only have one large wooden door.

Trixie stands up slowly. “What do we do now?”

“Well, we can't stay here. Come on! We have to find some kind of shelter.”

The pair walk to the door and slowly open it. Before them stretches a vast, barren wasteland.

Trixie turns to Shining Armor. “I bet you regret coming with me now.”

“No, I don't. But don't worry! I'll protect you!”

A voice speaks to the pair out of nowhere.

"Hello there."

Shining Armor draws his weapon and looks around. “Who's there?!”

“Now, now... there's no need for violence! We're all friends here in Tartarus!”

Trixie’s eyes grow wide! “Wait! That voice! It... it's YOU!”

“I guess there's no fooling you.”

A figure in a black robe suddenly appears a short distance in front of the pair. It removes its hood and turns to them! Trixie’s face lights up!


He removes the robe and returns it to his ring. “None other!”

Trixie runs forward and jumps into Arc's outstretched arms!

“But I thought you said there were others who needed your help right now!”

Arc nods. “That I did. But I was talking about you two!”

Shining Armor looks at Arc and smiles! “Help us? I thought you promised the princesses you wouldn't interfere.”

“No. I said I wouldn't interfere with your BANISHMENT! You're now in Tartarus... banished! Promise kept! I didn't say ANYTHING about not helping you reach the Gates of Tartarus!”

“Wait! You mean?!”

Arc nods. “Yup. If Trixie is indeed as repentant for her crimes as I believe she is, her passing through the barrier will be no problem.”

He turns to Shining Armor.

“And seeing as how you committed no crime, you will be able to pass freely!”

Shining Armor nods. “I'll only leave if Trixie leaves!”

Arc turns around. “Good to know! Now let's not dawdle. This may be my third time here, but if the past has taught me anything it's that this entire place is nothing but bad news!”

He leads Trixie and Shining Armor south.

“Third time, Arc?!”

“Yes, Trixie. Let's not give the Demon King another chance at me though, eh? I doubt he's gotten over his last defeat. This time he may do something COMPLETELY brainless!”

Shining Armor looks at Arc, dumbfounded! “So, let me get this straight! There is a Demon KING here, and you have already beaten him TWICE?!”

Arc grins! “What can I say? I like to be thorough!”

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