• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Shadows of the Past

The following day Arc, his squad, Ember, Sereb, Derpy and Dinky walk down the corridor of Canterlot Castle. Viktor tuns to Arc.

“This is going to be great, sir!”

Arc nods. “I’ll say We’ve missed the last two wormhole windows.”

Derpy smiles at him. “It’s not like you could have helped it, Arc.”

Sereb nods. “So much going on around here.”

Dinky turns to her mother. “You’ll like Earth, mom! There’s so many things to see and do!”

Arc laughs. “Yeah! And Dinky hasn’t even scratched the surface yet!”

Ember looks confused. “What do you mean?”

“All of you haven’t seen anything other than my hometown and the neighboring town. It’s a great big world out there.”

Dinky giggles. “I want to see it all!”

“Maybe one day, sweetheart. Right now I’m just glad to be going home for Christmas.”

Derpy looks confused. “What’s that?”

“It’s a holiday that means different things to different cultures. Mine celebrates the birth of Jesus, while others, such as a group of people called the Jews, celebrate what they call Hanukkah. I’m not really sure what it entails, but to each their own.”

Ember looks to him. “So what do you do at Christmas?”

“We’re going to celebrate by spending family time together, giving presents, having a family meal together, and decorating a tree. Christmas in my hometown is a wonderful thing to behold.”

Xenos looks confused. “Why is that, sir?”

“It’s difficult to put into words. You just have to see it for yourself.”

The group enters Princess Celestia’s room. Sunburst has already tuned the machine in advance.

“We’re ready anytime you are, sir!”


Arc points to a number of robes lying on the bed and looks at his squad.

“You guys know the drill.”

Everyone walks over to the bed and picks up a robe. Arc walks over to a nearby shelf and takes a small robe off it.

“Hold on a minute, Dinky. I had one specially made just for you.”

Dinky trots over to her father and takes the robe with her magic. “Thanks dad!”

Derpy looks confused at the robe in front of her. “How exactly do I put this thing on?”

Arc walks over to her. “I’ll help you.”

He carefully drapes the robe over Derpy’s body as she sits on her haunches.

“Now just put your front hooves through here. There you go. Nothing to it!”

As he ties the sash around her waist, Derpy stands up slowly and looks over her shoulders at the garment.

“Thank you. But I still don’t understand why I have to wear this.”

Arc puts a hand on Derpy’s shoulder. “You’ll understand when you come out the other side.”

She looks to him nervously. “Does… does it hurt?!”

“Only if Sunburst miscalculates and we fly out the other end like a rocket.”

Sunburst looks over to him. “I think this time will be much better in that regard, sir. My apologies for the rough transition the last time.”


Hugh walks over to him with the others. “We’re ready to go sir!”

Viktor grins. “I can’t wait to get back on the Internet!”

Xenos laughs. “I miss television!”

Max shakes his head. “Those things I can do without. But having hands and fingers are something else!”

Arc nods. “That they are.”

He turns back to Sunburst.

“How much longer until we can safely open a portal?”

“Two minutes, sir.”

Ember grabs her leather jacket and slings it over her shoulder. “Oh, I am SO looking forward to wearing this again!”

Xenos smiles at her. “Me too! The whole clothes thing really grew on me!”

Dinky hops up and down excitedly. “Yeah! I mean… I really liked being able to change my appearance so easily!”

Derpy looks at her daughter, confused. “Change your… appearance?!”

Max nods. She means by changing her clothes, ma’am.”

She looks down at her robe and frowns “I… don’t really care much for this. But I’ll wear it if I have to.”

Arc turns to her. “Something on your mind, Derpy?”

“It’s just…”

Sunburst interrupts. “Ready over here, sir!”

Arc nods. “Start it up.”

He does so. Within moments the wormhole forms and stabilizes. Arc turns to the others.

“Ember, Sereb, and I will go through first. Then you can activate the transformation sigil, Sunburst.”

“Understood sir! Proceed when ready!”

Arc turns to Ember and Sereb. “You two ready?”


Ember grins. “Let’s do this!”

The trio steps through the portal and are gone. Sunburst pushes a few buttons before looking up to Arc’s squad.

“Transformation sigil ready! Go ahead, everypony!”

“Let’s go, boys!”

“Right behind you, Max!”

“Here we go!”


They vanish. Derpy and Dinky slowly walk toward the wormhole together. As they near, Derpy turns to her daughter nervously.

“Dinky, I… I don’t know if I can do this!”

Dinky takes her mother’s hoof. “It’s okay, mom. I’m here for you. Let’s go together!”

Derpy nods and approaches the wormhole with her daughter. They step through it and vanish from sight. A few moments later they step out the other side of the portal as it closes behind them. Arc’s squad stands tall as humans beside him. Sereb is just finishing the spell to change Ember into her human form. She looks down at her hands and frowns.

“Whew! That’s never pleasant!”

Derpy looks around. “Are we… is this…?”

Arc walks over to her and puts his hands on her shoulders. “Yes Derpy. Welcome to Earth.”

Dinky turns to her father. “Let’s get mom inside! She’s shaking!”

Max nods. “Good idea!”

Arc takes Derpy’s hand and leads her toward the house. She takes a few shaky steps before falling to the ground.


Hugh nods. “It’s okay, Miss Derpy.”

Viktor looks at her, understanding. “We weren’t very good at walking on our hind legs when we first came here either.”

Xenos shrugs. “It just takes some practice.”

Dinky and Arc help her up. “Don’t worry mom! I’ll help you!”

Derpy slowly stands up, albeit shakily. “I… I was practicing. But I guess not enough.”

Arc tosses his keys to Max and puts his arm around Derpy’s waist.

“Just lean on me, Derpy. And don’t worry! I won’t let you fall.”

Derpy shakes and nods her head. “Th-thank you, Arc.”

Max unlocks the back door and they step inside the kitchen together. Viktor walks quickly to the living room.

“I’ll get the heat turned up.”

Arc nods to him as he turns to the others. “Good. Hugh, get the police scanners up and running.”

“Yes sir!”

“Xenos, you and Max go get dressed.”

Xenos grins as he heads toward the basement with Max. “Jeans here I come!”

Arc looks at Derpy. “Let’s get you upstairs and into some clothes.”

Dinky accompanies her mother and father up the stairs. “I’ll help you pick out something nice, mom!”

They make their way to Arc’s parent’s room. Arc leads Derpy toward the bed and helps her sit down.

“Are you okay, mom? I know it isn’t the warmest in here, but you’re still shaking!”

Derpy nods. Her voice cracking. “I… I’ll be okay sweetie!”

Arc frowns. Clearly not convinced. “Well… let me see if I can find you something to wear.”

He stands and walks toward the closet as Dinky sits down next to her. “Mom? What’s bothering you?”

“Dinky… I… I just…”

Suddenly Derpy stands shakily. She unties her sash as quickly as possible and allows the robe to fall to the floor! Turning red as a beet, she tries to run to a corner of the room, but falls to the floor! Hastily crawling to the corner and bringing her knees up to her chest as she continues shaking and begins to cry! Wide-eyed at her mother’s sudden outburst, Dinky grabs the robe off the floor and rushes over to her mother’s side!


Arc rushes over and blushes heavily at Derpy’s naked human form! “D-Derpy?!”

Dinky puts the robe over her mother’s bare shoulders! “Mom, you have to…”

Derpy cries out hysterically as the robe touches her skin. “NO! PLEASE STOP!”

Arc grabs the blanket off the bed and hastily throws it over Derpy’s shoulders! He then pulls her into onto his laps and holds her close.

“Derpy?! What’s gotten into you?!”

Derpy sobs uncontrollably as she leans into Arc’s chest. “I… I’m sorry! I’m SO sorry, Arc!”

Dinky wraps her small arms around her mother’s midsection. “We’re here for you, mom! Whatever it is, we can help!”

Arc nods. “Go ahead and let it all out, Derpy.”

Derpy cries for some time before she is able to speak. She wipes her eyes and takes a few more breathes before finally being able to speak!

“I… I’m sorry you two. It’s just… I’m not used to wearing clothes. You see… the last time I did was…”

She is silent for a time as she sniffles. Arc nods, understanding.

“Was when you wore your magic cloak, right?”

Derpy nods silently.

“I… it only reminds me of… my loneliness back then.”

Dinky snuggles up to her mother as she looks down at her and smiles.

“You see Dinky, like I told you before, back then I was always alone.”

Dinky looks up. “But you’re not alone anymore, mom! You have dad and I! Not to mention an entire town full of ponies who care for you!”

“I know! But… the feeling of that robe on my skin only reminded me of those terrible days!”

She looks up at Arc, the tears still streaming down her face.

“P-please! Don’t make me wear these things!”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m sorry, Derpy, but you really have to. Humans need to stay covered up.”

Dinky nods. “Yeah mom! I saw how you reacted when you took off your robe! You instinctively tried to cover up your no-no parts!”

Derpy does her best to stifle the sobs. “I… I did?”

Arc nods. “Yes. How do you feel with that blanket on though?”

“Okay, I guess. To be completely honest with you, it kinda reminds me of… that first time you held me.”

“You mean, back when I figured out you were pregnant?”

Derpy nods. “Y-yes. My robe tore and you saw me for the first time.”

Dinky looks confused. “What did dad do back then?”

Derpy smiles at the fond memory. “He grabbed a blanket, wrapped me up in it, and did about what he’s doing right now.”

Arc nods. “Right. You and I fell asleep on the couch together. Why was that so different from your robe?”

“It felt… different. The blanket didn’t feel like I was trying to hide, like the robe had. But instead made me feel somehow secure! That and your loving arms holding me helped a lot!”

“What if I found you something a bit less… restricting? Would that help?”

Derpy wordlessly nods. Arc slowly lets go of her and stands up.

“I think I might have just the solution.”

Arc makes his way back to the closet and pulls something out before returning to Derpy. Dinky looks at the garment in her father’s hands.

“What’s that, dad?”

“It’s a human dress. You look about the right size, Derpy. This should be a bit more relaxed than your robe was.”

Derpy accepts the dress. “Thank you, Arc. It’s very nice.”

Arc nods and turns to walk toward the door. “Well, I’ll leave you to change then.”

Derpy looks up, confused. “You aren’t going to stay and help me get dressed?”

Arc does not look back as he blushes heavily. “That’s… not appropriate, Derpy.”

“Is it because I’m a human now? I know you’ve said time and time again how humans are much more modest than ponies are. But it doesn’t really bother me if you see me without…”

There is a knock at the door. It opens and Ember sticks her head inside.

“Everything okay in here? You’re taking quite a while!”

Arc throws the door open wide and grabs Ember’s hand! “Perfect timing! You see, Derpy needs a bit of help putting on the dress I picked out for her!”

“Oh… I can do that.”

He darts out the door. “Thanks Ember! You’re a lifesaver! Take over!”

Arc closes the door behind him as Ember looks to Derpy with a confused look on her face. She walks over as Dinky helps her mother up.

“You okay?”

Derpy nods as she wipes her red and puffy eyes. “Yes. I am now.”

Dinky takes the blanket off her mother as Ember picks up the undergarments.

“We start with these.”

Derpy looks confused. “What are they?”

“Panties, mom.”

Ember and Dinky help Derpy get dressed. Dinky begins to brush her mother’s hair.

“You look really pretty, mom!”

Derpy smiles, slightly embarrassed. “Do I?”

Ember nods as she puts a pair of socks on Derpy’s new feet. “That you do! I doubt even Arc could resist someone as good looking as you!”

Derpy blushes slightly as she whispers to herself. “That… that would be… nice, I suppose.”

“Did you say something, mom?”

Derpy sighs and shakes her head. “No dear! Just talking to myself.”

Ember looks up at her as she puts a pair of shoes on Derpy’s feet. “You know, that dress belonged to Arc’s mother.”

“It did?”

“Yeah mom. Everything in that closet was his parent’s!”

Derpy looks around. “Then… this was their room?”

Ember nods. “Yup. He let me sleep here last time. But I think you and Dinky should share it now.”

Derpy looks confused. “But where will you sleep?”

“There’s a Guest Room down the hall. Besides… you two should be together.”

Dinky puts the brush down as she finishes. “How’re you holding up, mom? You okay in that dress?”

Derpy smiles as she closes her eyes. “Yes sweetie. I feel… safe, somehow.”

Ember stands up and surveys her work. “Well, I’m done!”

Dinky looks up as she finishes putting her mother’s golden hair into a ponytail. “Me too!”

She stands to join Ember in looking her mother over. Derpy looks to them nervously.

“Do I really look okay?”

Ember points to a vanity mirror on the other side of the room.

“How about you take a look yourself?”

Derpy stands up wobbly. “I… I’d like that!”

Dinky and Ember help her to the vanity seat. Derpy sits down and sees her reflection for the first time since becoming a human. She slowly brings a hand to her cheek.

“Oh… oh my! I… I look… nice?”

Dinky nods. “I’m not the greatest at beauty treatments, but I think so, mom!”

Ember shrugs. “Neither am I, but we did our best!”

Derpy smiles as a tear escapes her eye. “I… I’ve never thought of myself as pretty before! Mostly because of my eyes!

Ember leans over and smiles at her. “Well, a human has smaller eyes than a pony. That condition you have is far less noticeable here.”

Dinky nods. “Dad never said anything about it! So I doubt anyone else will!”

Ember looks toward the door. “Why don’t we see what Arc thinks? Ask him if you pass for a human mare?"

Dinky runs to the door. “I’ll get him!”

She turns the knob and opens the bedroom door to see Arc waiting patiently in the hallway.

“Dad! Mom’s ready!”

Arc walks towards the room. “Well then, let’s have a look.”

He steps inside as Ember helps Derpy up. She stands unsteadily with her hands folded in front of her as she sheepishly looks up at him.

“How… how do I look?”

Arc blushes slightly. “Um… really pretty!”

They are silent for a time before Derpy breaks the silence.

“Ember tells me this was your mother’s dress.”

“It… it was. But it’s yours now. In fact, I think you should have all her old clothes. A special outfit for a special person.”

Derpy looks up, surprised. “What?! But… but I couldn’t!”

Arc takes her hand. “My mom would have loved you, Derpy. I’m sure she would be happy to know such a special girl had inherited her clothes.”

“But they’re so important to you, aren’t they?!”

“They are. But then again so are you. Now why don’t we head downstairs? Everyone else should be dressed by now. Other than Ember, that is.”

Ember walks toward the closet. “Just give me a minute or two.”

Arc turns back to Derpy and Dinky. “I think that’s our cue to leave.”

Derpy slowly makes her way over to the bed and sits down. “Dinky, go with your father. I want to talk to Ember.”

Dinky nods. “Okay!”

“Don’t be too long now, you two.”

She and Arc leave the room and close the door behind them. Ember takes her clothes out of the closest.

“Something wrong?”

Derpy shakes her head. “Not… exactly. I just wanted to know something.”

Ember walks over to the bed and lays out her choices. “Is it about… him?”

Derpy nods. “Yes. Tell me, does he look at you… differently when you’re a human?”

Ember removes her robe and shakes her head. “No. Arc has always looked at, spoken to, and treated me like he always has. Human or dragon.”

“I see. One more question. And please keep this between us.”

Ember turns toward Derpy and tosses the robe on to the bed. “Sure! What is it?”

Derpy looks Ember’s bare body up and down. “Tell me, do I… look like you?”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“Do we… physically look similar?”

“I guess so. Why?”

Derpy blushes slightly as she looks down at herself. “I can see why he was so embarrassed earlier. Human mares are so… different from ponies!”

Ember nods as she begins to get dressed. “Did something happen?”

“Kinda. You see…”

Derpy retells the story of how she had lost control and threw off her robe while Arc was picking out some clothes for her.

“You did WHAT?!”

Derpy sighs. “I just… panicked and crawled into a corner! It was the only thing I could think of to do!”

Ember grabs her jacket and puts it on. “While I don’t understand his reasoning, Arc says humans aren’t supposed to see each other without clothes on. I mean… you just saw me get dressed right now, and I didn’t feel at all strange.

Derpy shrugs. “I think I understand what he means! As soon as my robe was off, I felt somehow…I don’t know… exposed, I guess! That’s why I tried to get away!”

“What did Arc do?”

“He wrapped me up in a blanket and hugged me along with Dinky. Just like he did for me… back then.”

Ember sits down on the bed next to Derpy. “Back when?”

Derpy tells Ember the story about how she and Arc met, and how he had looked after her even without knowing who she was at the time. Ember stares at Derpy, amazed.

“I knew he was a nice guy and all, but… wow!”

Derpy smiles. “Even since that time in my life, I’ve felt penned in if I’m covered up.”

Ember sighs. “Is that why you always sleep by the fireplace uncovered?”


“But what about when you and Dinky sleep in Arc’s bed?”

Derpy looks down at her hands and smiles, blushing slightly. “I guess being close to my two favorites are enough of a comfort.”

Ember stands up. “Look Derpy. If you ever need to talk about this, Arc and I are always here for you.”

Derpy shakily stands. “Thanks. But we should probably get downstairs now. Everypony’s probably worried about us!”

“Agreed. Need some help?”

She makes several unsure steps toward the door. “I… think I can make it.”

Ember opens the door for her. Arc is just coming up the stairs.

“Everything okay up here?”

“Yes, Arc. We were just talking and got a bit carried away. Derpy and I are coming downstairs now.”

Derpy sheepishly steps out of the bedroom. She watches every step she takes as she shyly walks toward him.

“Arc, I…”

“Hey! Look out!”

But he’s too late. Derpy misses the first step and falls toward him! Arc lunges forward and catches her before she topples headlong down the stairs! Breathing a sigh of relief, he turns to her.

“Are you okay?!”

Derpy, with her arms around his neck, blushes. “I… um… thank you…”

Arc turns and puts his arm around her waist. “Why don’t I help you down the stairs?”

She nods nervously. Every step very deliberate. “I… I don’t know if I can do this!”

Arc smiles at her. “Sure you can! We’ll have you walking like a human in no time!”

Ember turns around and walks back into the room. She begins removing her clothes from the closet and bringing them to the guest room. As she does so, she smiles and mutters to herself.

“Derpy… I wish I could be as pretty to Arc as you are.”

Together Arc and Derpy reach the bottom of the stairs and make their way to the living room. Dinky is sitting on the couch watching cartoons. As Arc and her mother walk slowly into the room she jumps up to help Derpy to the couch.

“This way, mom! You can do it!”

Derpy nods. “Thank you sweetie, but I need to practice walking if we’re going to be here for a while.”

Arc looks around. “Where’s everyone else?”

Dinky looks to him as she helps her mother walk around. “They’re in the basement. I guess Viktor had quite a bit of papers to go over! Not sure where they came from though!”

Arc nods. “He’s doing research on the Internet.”

Derpy looks over, confused. “What’s the Internet?”

“Yeah dad! You didn’t mention that before!”

Arc thinks for a moment before responding. “It’s kinda like a really fancy television and phone, I guess. You can learn anything from looking things up on it.”

Derpy smiles sheepishly. “How about walking?”

“Well… almost anything.”

After some practice Derpy seems to become more comfortable walking. Arc and Dinky flank her.

“You’re doing great, mom!”

Arc nods. “That you are. Should we let go of you now?”

Derpy nods nervously. “Y-yes!”

The pair step back and allow Derpy to walk on her own. She does so, albeit slowly.

“You’re doing it, mom!”

“Good job, Derpy! I knew you could do it!”

Derpy walks to the kitchen door and back toward Arc. As she nears him, she trips. Arc reaches forward to help steady her.

“I got you!”

Derpy pants, wide-eyed. “Thanks…”

She looks down at the floor and frowns.

“This is tough! I… I’m so high up!”

“I know it’s not easy, mom. But dad helped me learn! We’ll do the same for you!”

Arc nods. “That we will. But I think all you need is a bit of practice.”

Derpy nods as she continues to look down. “These hands are going to take some getting used to as well.”

Dinky wiggles her own fingers and smiles. “I like being a human!”

Arc laughs. “So do I!”

Dinky’s stomach suddenly growls. Derpy looks over to her.

“Are you hungry, sweetie?”

“I guess I am.”

Arc nods. “We should get to work making lunch.”

Derpy looks nervous. “We?”

“It’s the perfect chance to help you learn to walk and pick things up with your new hands.”

“I don’t know…”

“Come on, mom! You have to start somewhere!”

Arc takes her hand. “That and if you drop something, we can just clean it up.”

Derpy smiles at him. “Okay then! Let’s do it!”

“Follow me!”

Arc leads Dinky and Derpy to the kitchen. Dinky looks around excitedly.

“What should we make?!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Hmmm… how about something that exists in both Equestria and Earth?”

Dinky looks to her father happily! “You mean…”

“Yup! Let’s make pizza!”

Dinky grins. “Can we try some different combinations?!”

“Sure! We’ve got plenty of dried fruits and vegetables. Sorry I don’t have anything fresh. Have to go shopping.”

Derpy smiles. “That’s okay! It will still be fun trying new things!”

He takes the flour out of the cupboard. “That it will. And as a family as well!”

Arc begins making the dough with Derpy as Dinky sorts through the various toppings. A few minutes later he hands it to Derpy, who carefully begins to work the dough with a rolling pin.

“Like this, Arc?”

Arc tosses some more flour on the dough. “Yup. Keep rolling and we’ll have our crust in no time.”

Dinky holds up some packages. “How about ham and pineapple?!”

Arc smiles at her. “That’s actually a popular combination here, sweetheart.”

She looks at the package in her hands. “Is it good?”


Derpy looks confused. “Ham?”

Arc nods. “It’s from pigs.”

Derpy frowns at the packaging. “Pigs?!”

Dinky nods. “It’s what hamburgers are made of, mom!”

Arc shakes his head. “No Dinky. That’s beef.”

“Oh. I thought from the name…”

He turns to Derpy. “I let Dinky try some of my burger last time she was here.”

Derpy nods, turning a bit green. “That’s… I don’t know how I feel about that!”

“It was really good, mom!”

“Please think about your mother, Dinky. Remember how you felt when I ordered that burger the first time.”

Dinky sighs. “I guess it made me feel a little grossed out.”

She turns to her mother.

“Sorry mom.”

“It’s okay sweetie. But I’d rather you didn’t eat things like that in the future.”

Dinky frowns. “Awww… Dad, say something!”

“If your mother says no, then you should do what she says.”

Dinky sighs. “Okay.”

She goes back to looking over the ingredients with her father.

“How about diced tomatoes and pineapple? I don’t think anyone has ever tried that before.”

Dinky nods. “It could work. Let’s try it!”

Derpy spreads tomato sauce over the dough. “Okay!”

They assemble a half dozen small pizzas and one large cheese. A short time later the house smells of cooking food. Derpy looks through the oven door.

“It certainly smells like pizza!”

Arc chuckles. “Who knows! Maybe Dinky’s come up with the latest pizza topping craze!”

Dinky sniffs the air hungrily. “We’ll know soon enough!”

A few minutes later Arc removes the pans from the over and sets them out to cool. He turns to his daughter.

“Dinky, would you please tell everyone it’s lunch time?”

Dinky runs down the basement stairs. “Okay!”

Derpy sighs. “She’s growing up so fast.”

“That she is.”

“It seems like only yesterday Dinky was still in diapers!”

Arc frowns. “It really wasn’t that long ago, thanks to Kronos.”

“Is something wrong?”

Arc sighs. “It’s just… I’m rather tired of… whatever Kronos is meddling in our affairs! We’re treated like pieces on a game board!”

“I’m not a huge fan of what Kronos did either. But it didn’t hurt Dinky, nor did it take her away from us!”

“I suppose not. However, that’s not really much consolation.”

Derpy nods. “I know. But it’s all we have to hold onto.”

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