• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Ghosts of the Past

After giving Natalya quite a bit of time to get everything out of her system, Arc walks over to the bathroom door. Knocking lightly, he calls out to her.

“Um... you okay in there, Natalya?”


“Can I come in?”

“That might not be a good idea, sir. I’m... not exactly at my best right now.”

“That’s okay. I just want to check on you.”

“Okay. You can come in then.”

Pushing open the door, Arc sees the young griffon lying on the floor in front of the toilet. As she sheepishly turns to face him, Arc immediately sees the vomit caked all over the front of her chest. Smiling weakly, she speaks.

“Just... give me a minute to get cleaned up.”

She reaches for a washcloth as Arc quickly chimes in.

“Um, Natalya?”

“Yes sir?”

“Remember, no one is doing laundry here I would imagine.”

Natalya draws back. “Oh... right.”

“How about you and I take a portal back to The Equinox and get you cleaned up there instead?”

“Thank you, sir. That would help.”

Calling forth his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Stepping through with Natalya, the pair find themselves in his quarters aboard The Equinox. Gesturing to the adjoining bathroom, Arc speaks.

“Here you are. One restroom complete with full laundry services.”

Natalya looks away nervously. “Um... I’m sorry to ask this of you, but... would it be alright if I used your shower, sir? I feel really... REALLY dirty right now.”

Arc nods soberly. “I understand. Sure, go ahead.”

“Thank you. I won’t be long.”

Arc looks to her as she heads for the bathroom. “And while you’re doing that I think I’m going to pop back over to the manor and grab those two books we left over there on the bed.”

Natalya turns to him, confused. “But why, sir? I mean, it’s not like I want to keep those filthy things.”

“Because I don’t want someone like Gabby walking in there and finding them.”

“Oh... right. Makes sense.”

“I’ll be back in a bit.”

Opening a portal, Arc steps through as Natalya disappears inside the bathroom. Returning to the manor’s Main Hall he looks around for a few moments.

“Uh... which way was that room again?”

Sighing, Arc starts walking.

“I’ll just have to figure it out.”

Sometime later he steps through a portal back to his quarters aboard ship with the books under his arm. Natalya is just walking out of the bathroom as he sets them on the table.

“Sorry for taking so long, sir. I... may have kinda zoned out in there.”

“Don’t worry about it. I just got back myself.”

Natalya appears surprised. “Really? Did something happen?”

Arc chuckles. “Yeah. Got lost a few times in there.”

Natalya sighs. “Such can happen in a noble’s manor. Moreso I would imagine while in the biggest one.”

Arc motions to the vanity nearby as he himself heads for the bathroom. “Feel free to use my mirror to take care of yourself.”

“I shall, yes.”

“Right. Now then, if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to shower myself.”

Natalya shudders. “Believe me, that much I do understand.”

Closing the door behind him, Arc quickly sheds his clothes, turns on the water as hot as he can stand, and jumps into the shower. Scrubbing his body vigorously, he muses to himself.

“Grossest thing I’ve ever read. Well... things, I guess. While I always knew Goldstone was a sick freak, even I never thought he would have been plotting to go after his own kids in such a way.”

Shuddering, he pulls back the shower curtain to grab another bar of soap and washcloth from the cabinet across the room with a Telekinesis Spell. Latherin up yet again, Arc continues his earlier thought.

“If I do donate that place to the Equestrian government like I suggested earlier, I’m going to suggest to Twilight that the room be scrubbed completely by a hazmat team before gutting the whole thing out and having it redone completely!”

Quite some time later he emerges from the bathroom in a cloud of steam. Natalya is sitting on the sofa waiting for him. Arc turns to her and calls out.

“Sorry for making you wait.”

“It’s okay, sir. Like I said before, I understand.”

Standing, she looks to the books on the table before continuing.

“Um... what should we do with these?”

Arc clenches a fist. “Part of me wants to burn them right now.”

“Agreed. But I should probably still tell my siblings about what we found.”

“You sure about that, Natalya? I mean... I’m a fully grown adult and I’m still sicked by what’s in there.”

Natalya sighs. “Gallus can take this knowledge right away certainly. Gabby... she probably should know about this when she gets older. After all, she still thinks our father was innocent of the crimes brought against him.”

“I’ll leave that decision up to you. They are your siblings, after all.”

“Thank you, sir. But we should probably get back to the estate now and look for more... information.”

Arc shudders. “Yes, well... I think I’ve learned enough about your dad for one lifetime.”

“Then how about we look through the rest of the manor and see if we can find any more cultural artifacts that may be worth saving?”

“Twilight would appreciate that I’m sure.”

“Where should we start then?”

Arc puts his hand on his chin thoughtfully. “Well... I can open a portal back to the estate’s Main Hall. Then we could just go in the opposite direction everyone else went earlier.”

“Sounds like a plan, sir.”

Opening a portal, the pair step through. Emerging in the Main Hall again they see Gabby trotting toward them with Heathcliff following as best he is able. She giggles happily and runs over to them.

“There you two are!”

Natalya looks away nervously. “Um... hey, Gabby. Having fun?”

Gabby nods happily “Loads! This really is a cool house, isn’t it?!”

Natalya puts a talon to her stomach. “I, uh...”

Arc interrupts her. “Have you two been back to the study yet?”

Heathcliff shakes his head. “No, Master Arc. I’ve been quite busy entertaining Mistress Gabby here. But I would assume that those whom stayed there are quite alright.”

Natalya turns to look down the corridor. “Why don’t we see if we can find Gallus and Ambassador Ashe on the way?”

Gabby grins. “Sounds fun!”

The young griffon bounds away as Arc, Natalya, and Heathcliff follow her. A considerable walk later they approach the open door of the study. Entering, Arc sees Twilight surrounded by what can only be described as a mountain of books all around her. Ashe and Gallus sit at a table reading over a few of them as Hammer relaxes in a nearby chair with her feet up on a coffee table. Natalya is the first to speak.

“Find anything, Gallus?”

Gallus shakes his head. “Just a lot of meaninglessly large rooms that didn’t really appear to serve any practical purpose other than to waste space.”

Ashe sighs. “In a word, ‘no’. And you two?”

Natalya puts a talon to her belly and grimaces. “Kinda did.”

Gallus looks up. “Oh? What did you find, sis?”

“I... don’t really want to talk about it.”

Heathcliff appears concerned. “Mistress Natalya?”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Was it really that bad?”

Arc groans. “Let’s just say... that it’s something Natalya should talk over with her siblings at some point privately. And hopefully never ever speak of again after that.”

Natalya attempts to change the subject as she looks to her brother. “So what are you two reading?”

“Just some books about the life of King Grover and Goldstone the first.”

Ashe nods. “Indeed. Apparently they were very good friends prior to the forming of the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Something happen between them?”

Gallus shrugs. “Just a couple things. One built a massive fortune through business. And the other became king.”

Ashe holds up a book. “Apparently Goldstone, meaning the first to have that name of course, was very shrewd. He delighted in trying to find out of the ordinary ways to earn his money.”

Hammer looks over. “What did that have to do with King Grover though?”

Gallus smirks. “He liked high adventure and danger. Things that Goldstone was keen to find as well. But for the profit aspect more than the thrill of it.”

Ashe closes her book. “According to these old tomes, the pair shared what they found right down the middle. So Grover himself was greatly enriched by his adventures with his friend.”

Heathcliff nods. “The Goldstones have always been able to find profit where none is thought to exist.”

Gallus shrugs. “Well, the common consensus among historians was that Grover showed Goldstone that profit was more than just how many bits one collected.”

Natalya frowns. “What do you mean?”

Ashe puts a talon on her book. “Grover showed Goldstone that by investing his wealth in helping others he could reap benefits far more than one could hope to earn otherwise.”

Twilight looks up from her own book. “Like the Idol of Boreas.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Uh... what now?”

Heathcliff chimes in. “The Idol of Boreas, madam. The griffons of that time period rallied behind it, as it gave them great pride.”

Gallus nods soberly. “When the demons in southern Equestria were starving, Grover flew his airships over there to deliver food and other critical resources that they needed.”

Ashe looks out the window at the city. “And as a sign of thanks for his generosity, they gave him the idol.”

Twilight stands. “Which he indirectly used to bring the griffons together and form the Griffon Kingdom.”

Gallus holds up his book. “Our ancient ancestor apparently took those lessons to heart.”

Ashe gestures with a talon outside. “He used his fortune to invest in government buildings, basic infrastructure, and early social programs for the fledgling country.”

Twilight smiles as she walks over to Arc and Natalya. “According to those books, he was the one whom got the Griffon Kingdom off the ground and helped lay the ground work that allowed them to became a proud nation on the international stage.”

Arc frowns. “So what changed?”

Ashe appears confused. “Lord Arc?”

“You said that Grover used the Idol of Boreas to unite the griffons and Goldstone funded the government initially. That sounds pretty benevolent compared to the Lord Goldstone of this generation.”

Hammer scoffs. “I’ll say! Total one-eighty from that guy in the books!”

Natalya shakes her head. “My guess would be that the lessons of the past were slowly lost to time.”

Gabby frowns. “But they were still together as a nation, right?!”

Heathcliff nods. “Mistress Gabby is potentially correct. After all, who’s to say that it wasn’t something else that pushed the nation off its rails?”

Gallus folds his talons over his chest. “Maybe. However, it still looks like the theft of the Idol of Boreas was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back to me.”

“So it would seem, yes.”

Twilight lays her book on the table as she turns to the others and speaks.” Perhaps. But who’s to say that history can’t repeat itself?”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “I don’t get your meaning, princess.”

Arc frowns. “Are you saying that you’d like them to fail again, Twilight?

Gallus rolls his eyes. “I wouldn’t worry too much about that though. After all, there can’t be too much further for our nation to fall. I mean, our country today is a far, FAR cry from the land described in those ancient history books.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, no. Quite the opposite, in fact. I was referring to the origins of the country itself.”

Gabby flaps her wings. “What’s that mean, Princess Twilight?!”

“Think about it this way. The griffons of that time period originally rallied behind Grover, as he possessed the Idol of Boreas. It gave them all a source of pride and united them all. Then Goldstone paid the bills to build things to get the country started.”

She looks to Natalya before continuing.

“What if the griffons of today had something else to rally behind? Something they could take pride in like they did in the past.”

Heathcliff tilts his head to one side, confused. “But what would be the source of this pride, your highness?”

“How about themselves?”

Gallus frowns. “Taking pride in oneself?”

Twilight nods as she turns to Ashe. “You said that things are improving for the common griffons. If this trend continues, a case could be made for them to take pride in their own accomplishments. Their own... advancements.”

Gallus puts a talon to his chin thoughtfully. “It sounds good. But factories and better working conditions can only do so much.”

Natalya thinks aloud as she puts a talon to her beak. “Infrastructure.”

Gabby looks to her sister. “What was that, Natalya?!”

“The first Goldstone used his money to build infrastructure.”

Gabby frowns. “Infra… what now?!”

Heathcliff counts on his talons as he speaks. “That would include bridges, guards, government buildings, and running water.”

Natalya nods. “Very basic things that all civilizations need in order to survive.”

She looks to Twilight before continuing.

“If the griffons really could rally behind something as you suggested a few moments ago, Princess Twilight, they could take pride in it. Such as a better life through honest and fair paying labor. We could build on that initial burst of pride like the first Goldstone did.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Build on it?”

Natalya turns to her. “As in use that as a starting point to give the public even more to be proud of.”

Gallus sighs. “But how would we do that?”

Natala picks up a nearby book. “Through education.”

Hammer appears confused. “But I thought that only the rich could go to school here.”

Heathcliff nods. “Yes, that is correct, ma’am.”

Natalya smiles. “What if they could though? Let’s say that the Griffon Kingdom adopted similar schooling policies as Equestria has had for pretty much forever?”

Hammer grins. “Meaning that every youngling would be provided a basic education at no cost to them or their families?”

Arc nods as he puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “I would imagine that such a thing would cause the next generation to potentially be just as educated as the nobility.”

Gallus shrugs. “Maybe not that much, no. But at the very least give them a chance to be more than they currently are.”

Ashe smiles broadly as she considers this. “An educated general public.”

Twilight giggles. “Something no griffon alive today would ever dream of happening.”

Gabby frowns. “How could we do that though, Natalya?!”

“By building schools in every town and hiring teachers to staff them.”

Heathcliff shakes his head. “The government would never agree to such a thing, Mistress Natalya.”

Hammer groans. “Yeah. They don’t seem to be the type to spend money on things outside of the military or their own fat, lazy butts.”

Natalya nods as she smiles. “Righty you are, Hammer. And that’s where my plan comes in. If they won’t pay for it, we will.

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “How?”

“With the funds from our father’s estate. Like we were told, the law won’t allow us to take that money out of the country en masse. But we can invest in domestically. So I’d like to use it to finance a number of schools for all.”

She turns to Arc with a hopeful look in her eyes.

“That is, if it’s okay with you, sir.”

Arc nods approvingly. “It’s your inheritance, Natalya. Do with it what you will.”

Twilight grins. “I think that’s an absolutely amazing idea!”

Ashe looks to Natalya. “That it is! Very generous too!”

Heathcliff smiles wistfully. “Younglings all going to school. I never thought I would live to see that day that such a thing would be possible.”

Hammer grins. “I’m not seeing any down side to this idea either.”

Twilight turns to Ashe. “What about the law? Would the government here have any reason to block such a thing?”

Ashe shrugs. “Not really, no. But it’s worth pointing out that if they really wanted to they could theoretically block anything. That and with the news of the late Lord Goldstone’s sordid affairs becoming public knowledge, this family’s name isn’t exactly one that evokes an air of trust at the moment.

Heathcliff bows his head. “Especially by the Council of Lords.”

Gallus groans. “They might say ‘no’ just because it’s funding would be linked to the Goldstone name.”

Ashe nods. “Very true. However, I have an idea on how to prevent such a thing from happening.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Lord Arc could personally request a meeting before the Council of Lords regarding a proposed new business idea.”

Gallus grins as he makes air quotes. “Yeah. A new ‘business idea’.”

Ashe continues. “He could promote such a thing as merely a goodwill gesture from Equestria to the Griffon Kingdom.”

Twilight turns to her friend. “They would certainly hear you out at least, Arc.”

Arc nods. “All under the guise of trying to deepen ties with the Griffon Kingdom and use the Goldstone wealth to try and help make up for the sins of the past.”

Natalya smiles. “I do believe you could convince them, yes.”

Gallus sighs. “All well and good. But this would be a temporary fix at best.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “How do you figure that?”

“As rich as our estate is, even its grand wealth is still finite. If we run out of money, the schools will close, younglings will be back on the streets, and the country will be right back to where it was before.”

Ashe shakes her head. “Not necessarily. After all, an estate that’s well managed can sustain even a large family for innumerable generations by then simply living off the interest and investing wisely.”

Arc taps the tabletop as he speaks. “The money in the bank will, of course, be lent out by the bank to others seeking capital and repaid. We get part of that interest as does the bank.”

Hammer grins. “They get rich while you do too!”

Twilight gestures out the window. “It’s also worth pointing out that since the money is remaining within the country, it will help their economy by soothing the uncertainty that comes with a fortune of this size changing hooves.”

Heathcliff nods. “Moreso if it’s announced that the new lord of the estate plans to use their wealth for the betterment of younglings.”

Gallus chimes in. “Then those younglings grow up and are able to get better jobs since they’re well educated.”

Ashe points a talon up. “Income levels increase for more griffons, allowing them to purchase more goods and services.”

Gabby nods happily. “And nicer houses! Like my room!”

Arc chuckles. “That too.”

Twilight continues. “The increased collective intellect of the country will most likely lead to new ideas along with better ways of doing things. Industry will become more efficient and cost effective as well as safer.”

Natalya makes a sweeping motion with her talons. “And such things will ebb out into other sectors too.”

Hammer grins widely. “Until it touches everything! In a positive way, I mean.”

Arc counts on his fingers as he speaks. “The Griffon Kingdom’s younglings get schooling. Equestria appears to be an even greater ally than originally thought. The economy here grows steadily. And life becomes better for all. I’m honestly not seeing any downsides whatsoever to this idea.”

Heathcliff nods fervently. “Indeed, Master Arc. However, that still hinges on you being allowed to do such a thing with the money.”

Twilight looks to the ambassador. “Do you think you could set up a meeting between Arc and the Council of Lords, Ashe?”

Ashe nods. “I do believe that such a thing would be in order regardless. After the transfer of such a large estate, it’s traditional for the new lord to have a short conversation with the council anyways.”

Gabby gasps. “What about?!”

“Condolences for the loss of their predecessor and inquiries on their plans for their newly acquired estate.”

Gallus frowns. “A meet and greet?”

Natalya sighs. “Sounds like it, yes.”

“Which I will be able to set up after Lord Arc is officially wed to Natalya.”

Arc smiles at her. “Thank you, Ashe. But what about...?”

He is cut off as his earring chirps. Reaching up, Arc touches it before speaking.

“Arc here.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts! We’ve just received an emergency transmission from the Lunar Destiny on the border of the Badlands!”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest and shakes her head. “Well, that particular treaty didn’t last too long.”

Twilight calls out. “What happened?!”

Lemon Hearts continues. “Colonel Flash Sentry reports that a changeling approached the ship, which as you know is acting as the temporary border crossing station between our two nations, and delivered a message to them from King Thorax!”

Arc frowns. “What did it say?”

“Just that the king needs to see you right away, sir!”

“Nothing else?”

“The exact message was, ‘I need to speak to Hero of Light Arc right away regarding a very delicate diplomatic matter. Please come at once.’.”

Twilight grimaces. “This doesn’t sound like a very good idea.”

Hammer nods soberly. “Agreed.”

Arc sighs. “I’ll head out there and meet with him in a few minutes. Send word to Colonel Flash Sentry to expect me, Lemon Hearts.”

Twilight gasps. “WHAT?!”

“Yes sir.”

“Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection as he turns to a positively livid Twilight.

“It’s most likely a trap, Arc!”

Hammer jerks a thumb toward the princess. “Twilight’s probably right about that! We can’t trust those bugs any further than we can throw em!”

Arc shrugs. “So what do you want me to do about it?”

Ashe turns to him. “You should probably take some troops with you, Lord Arc.”

Natalya shudders. “Agreed.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “You want him to bring troops to a ‘very delicate diplomatic matter’?”

Gabby nods fervently. “I would!”

Gallus scoffs at his little sister. “You can’t even spell ‘delicate’!”

Hammer looks to Arc. “How about I come with you then? I can watch your backside.”

Twilight frowns. “Considering what happened the last time we were there, I’d feel more comfortable if you went with more than just one individual, Arc. Why don’t I come as well?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Twilight?”

“If it’s a diplomatic matter I may be able to help.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Am I the only one that remembers what we all went through over there recently?”

Natalya steps forward soberly. “I’ll go too.”

Gallus appears surprised. “You, Natalya?!”

Gabby gasps. “Why?!”

“Because I’m still a warrior. And I’d like the chance to help repay all of Lord Arc’s Kindness.”

Arc sighs. “While I do appreciate the sentiment, I’d feel a lot better if you stayed here where it’s safe, Natalya.”

Ashe steps forward. “If I may, Lord Arc. As Natalya’s fiancé, you and she are supposed to stay together whenever possible.”

Gallus raises an eyebrow. “How is something like this not worthy of an exemption though?”

“The law just says ‘whenever possible’. While it’s most certainly ambiguous, as I said the other day, the powers that be will be expecting you to follow our customs as closely as possible, Lord Arc.”

Natalya folds her talons pleadingly. “Please let me come along, sir! I really do want to help if I can!”

Arc nods. “Alright, Natalya. We’ll get you a weapon from The Equinox before we leave though.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “I’m still coming to watch your back though, right?”


Twilight bows her head. “Might I suggest taking Sereb as well, Arc?”

“I thought we should keep this group small.”

Heathcliff chimes in. “There is strength in unity, sir.”

Ashe nods. “That and he can sniff out trouble and hopefully tip you off before it becomes a problem as well.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Well, I suppose that’s true. But I kinda wanted to go alone just in case it did turn out to be a trap. Remember, magic now works in the Badlands. If things did get bad, I could just blast or teleport my way out.”

Twilight narrows her eyes. “Arc. Take Sereb.”

Arc smiles nervously. “Yes dear.”

Touching his earring, Arc makes the call to Lemon Hearts. Finishing, he looks to Hammer and Natalya.

“Ready to head back to the ship now?”

Ashe frowns. “What about us?!”

Gallus shrugs. “We could just hang out here.”

Gabby points toward the corridor. “I wanna sleep in that nice room here with my name on the door!”

Twilight looks to the bookcases. “And I still have a lot of books to go over.”

Heathcliff nods. “Don’t worry, Master Arc. I’ll see to it that they’re comfortable and fed.”

Arc turns to Ashe. “You want to stay here or go back to the ship?”

“I should probably be aboard The Equinox in case any messages or additional paperwork come in regarding your current situation.”

“Alright. Let’s go.”

Twilight walks over. “Arc?”

Arc turns to her. “Yes, Twilight?”

Flapping her wings to get some air, Twilight leaps forward and wraps her front hooves around Arc’s neck. Returning the hug, he smiles and speaks.

“Have fun over here while I’m gone.”

“I will. And you be careful in the Badlands.”

Kissing him on the cheek, Twilight allows Arc to lower her down to the floor. As her hooves touch down, she looks up at him and smiles sadly.

“Hurry back.”

Arc pats her cheek. “I will. Count on it.”

Opening a portal, Arc motions at the others to step through. Turning back to Twilight, he playfully salutes her.

“See you later, princess.”

Stepping through his portal, Twilight watches as it closes behind him. Gallus walks over to her.

“Um... you okay, Princess Twilight?”

Gabby looks to her brother. “Maybe she just needs to rest?!”

Heathcliff approaches. “Would you like me to show you to a private suite, your highness?”

Twilight nods sadly as she turns toward the door. “Yes, I... I’d like to be alone for a bit.”

Leaving the room with Heathcliff, he escorts her to a nearby suite. Gesturing with a talon, he turns to Twilight.

“I hope this will be adequate for you needs, Princess Twilight.”

“Yes, it will be fine.”

“Shall I wake you for lunch?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, thank you. I’m... not very hungry at the moment.”

Heathcliff bows as he steps back. “Very well, your highness. Rest well.”

As the door is closed, Twilight walks over to a large bed on one side of the room and lays down. Staring out a window across the room, she is able to see The Equinox parked at the Skyport in the distance. Closing her eyes, she sighs.

“Be careful, Arc.”

Meanwhile, Arc, Natalya, Ashe, and Hammer step through the portal into Arc’s quarters aboard The Equinox. Closing it, Arc heads for the door.

“Your armor is in storage down in the Cargo Hold, Hammer. “

Hammer grins. “Then let’s go dust it off.”

Arc looks over his shoulder as they step out into the corridor. “And we’ll see about getting you a weapon, Natalya.”

Ashe raises a talon. “I have griffon style armaments in my suite that she can use.”

Natalya appears relieved. “Thank you, Ambassador Ashe.”

Arc nods. “Alright. Meet us back here at my quarters in twenty minutes then.”

They part ways. Ashe and Natalya make the short walk to her suite. Entering, Ashe opens a large wardrobe to expose an armor rack.

“Here we are. Let’s get you ready.”

Removing the pieces of the armor one by one and handing them to Nataly she is soon fully armored. Opening a drawer, Ashe pulls out an extremely high quality sword and shield. Turning back to Natalya she holds them out as she speaks.

“I’m not sure what weapons you’re used to, but this is all I have here.”

Natalya accepts them. “They’re fine, thank you.”

Adjusting herself a bit before attaching the sword and shield to her belt, Natalya looks herself over in a large mirror nearby.

“Everything appears to be in order.”

“Yes, you look fully prepared for battle now.”

“That’s true, yes. But I am curious.”

“About what?”

“Why would a peace ambassador be carrying around such things? Especially since our current mission is of an economic nature.”

“After reading the reports of Lord Arc’s other expeditions I’ve decided to always be prepared for trouble when accompanying him.”

Natalya frowns. “That seems a bit pessimistic to me.”

“I prefer to think of it as simply being prepared.”

Ashe gestures to the armor on Natalya’s body before continuing.

“And it would appear that I was right to bring it this time.”

“I can’t really argue with that, I suppose. Um... but can I ask you something a bit... personal.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“From one griffon to another, how do you personally feel about the state of our nation?”

“That we need things to change. Drastically.”

“In what way?”

“Pretty much everything really. Economic, judicial, legislative, monetary policy, diplomacy, and any number of other things that I can’t think of off the top of my head.”

Natalya nods. “I really can’t argue with that. We don’t really have any say in what happens within our own land.”

“Right. Take you for example. You were sold into slavery without any sort of a trial. And now you have to be a part of a more or less forced marriage in order to protect both your family and our countries’ economies from collapsing. Something no one should ever have to experience.”

“Do you... think I’m doing the right thing by marrying Lord Arc?”

Ashe sighs. “Not so much the ‘right’ thing. But the only thing you can do at this point.”

Natalya smiles sadly. “I... admit that I was really scared when I was made Lord Arc’s slave. Not just because I thought I was losing all my freedoms, but because of... what’s traditionally done to female griffon slaves.”

Ashe clenches a talon. “Another shortcoming of griffon culture.”

“After I was cleaned up properly, I resigned myself to such an act and presented myself to Lord Arc.”

“I do hope he went easy on you.”

Natalya smiles. “He... he didn’t do anything to me.”


“Which was a surprise to me as well. And a relief too, as he’s quite a bit... bigger than I am.”

Ashe shrugs. “I’m guessing that’s just because he walks on two legs.”

“But I am a bit worried about what will happen when he and I get married. I’m sure you know what is traditionally done the night after the wedding.”

Ashe nods soberly. “To say nothing about the day of.”

Natalya appears confused. The day of?

“We should... probably talk about it after this business is concluded. With Lord Arc present, mind you.”

“Um... alright.”

Ashe heads for the door. “But for now, I suggest we do as Lord Arc said and meet him back at his quarters.”

Leaving her room, the pair return to Arc’s quarters. Seeing Hammer, Arc, and Sereb waiting for them, they call out. Natalya presents herself to the group for inspection.

“I’m ready.”

Ashe puts a talon on Natalya’s shoulder. “Luckily everything fit.”

Sereb nods. “Hello again, miss.”

Hammer grins. “Looking good, Natalya!”

“Thank you, lieutenant. Um... you appear prepared as well.”

Arc looks around at the group. “If everyone is ready, we should probably get moving.”

Holding up a gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Motioning for the others to step through, Ashe calls out after them.

“Be careful over there!”

Arc nods as he prepares to follow. “We will be.”

Reappearing in the master quarters of the Lunar Destiny, Arc leads the group out the door.

“Let’s get to the Bridge and see what this is all about.”

Hammer frowns. “Yeah. The sooner we get this thing figured out the sooner we can get out of there.”

Natalya grimaces. “Do you expect trouble, sir?”

Arc sighs. “Unfortunately, yes.”

Sereb growls. “It was not long ago that we were marching the Badlands on our way to do battle!”

“Well, with any luck we won’t have to fight and just ‘battle’ with words at the very worst, big guy.”

Arriving at the Bridge, Arc spots Flash Sentry standing next to the captain’s chair waiting for him. He salutes as they approach.

“Good day, sir. My apologies for the short notice.”

Arc nods as he steps forward. “It’s fine, colonel. What’s the situation?”

“One of the new changelings approached the border recently. I ordered a few guards to approach them and ascertain what exactly they wanted.”

He points to a scroll on a nearby console before continuing.

“They gave our soldiers that scroll and said it was for you, sir.”

Arc reaches out and picks up the scroll. “Let’s see here.”

Opening it, Arc reads aloud.

“It says, ‘I need to talk to Hero of Light Arc right away regarding a very delicate diplomatic matter. Please come at once.’”

Sereb frowns. “That is all?”

Arc nods as he rolls it back up. “Yup.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Definitely not a trap.”

Natalya grimaces. “I do admit that his lack of any kind of details is certainly... suspicious, yes.”

Arc sighs. “Then all we can do is head out there. With luck we should be able to reach the hive tomorrow afternoon.”

Flash Sentry quickly chimes in. “Begging your pardon, sir, but I don’t believe that will be necessary.”


Flash Sentry points a hoof out the window. “Have a look.”

Walking over to the window, Arc looks out to see a changeling standing some distance away at the border waiting patiently. Turning back to Flash Sentry, Arc speaks.

“So he’s waiting to escort us there?”

Flash Sentry nods. “Such was the only other thing they said. That they would provide transportation.”

Hammer frowns. “If by ‘transportation’ he means a shortcut, I’m all for it.”

Sereb looks out the window at the horizon. “Perhaps there is a faster route hidden beneath the sand.”

Natalya raises an eyebrow. “Like underground caverns?”

Sereb sighs “Wishful thinking, I know.”

Flash Sentry taps the comms. “I’ve already notified Canterlot of the event. Princess Luna has the military on standby, just in case.”

Arc nods. “Good. Continue observing and let me know if you see anything else.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Yes sir.”

Arc turns to the others. “Well now, I guess all that’s left to do here is to get started.”

They nods silently as Arc leads the way off the Bridge. Arriving at the Main Hatch, he calls forth his armor and looks to the others.

“Anyone want to stay here?”

Hammer groans. “Just open the darn door, Arc!”

Arc shrugs. “Just checking.”

Pressing the nearby button, Arc walks out onto the deck with the others. Sereb approaches and beckons him.

“Shall I ferry you down there?”

“I should probably walk.”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah, you should ride, Arc.”


Natalya turns to him. “It would be interpreted as a sign of strength. And a precaution.”

Sereb nods. “For if things go wrong.”

Hammer grins. “And it makes you look REALLY cool!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Alright, I’ll do it.”

Getting into the saddle, Arc looks down at Sereb and motions to the changeling.

“Let’s get down there.”

Nodding, Sereb begins walking as Hammer and Natalya fall into step behind them. Approaching the lone changeling, Arc looks down at them and speaks.

“I’m told that your king wants to speak with me.”

The changeling bows respectfully. “That is correct, sir.”

“What about?”

“He did not say.”

Hammer frowns. “Awfully convenient of him.”

Natalya looks to the changeling. “Any guesses though?”

“None, ma’am. But...”

Arc frowns. “But what?”

“Well... he did seem very... worried when ordering me to deliver the message to your ship.”

Sereb looks over his shoulder at Arc. “What shall we do?”

Arc shrugs. “I guess we’ll head over there and find out for ourselves.”

He turns to the changeling before continuing.

“Apparently you’re supposed to take us there, correct?”

The changeling nods. “Yes sir. Are you ready to depart?”

“I guess so.”

“Very well.”

Turning, the changeling’s horn glows. Arc draws his spear from the ring as Natalya and Hammer take up battle ready positions. As they do so however a portal forms. The changeling turns and looks to them, clearly surprised.

“I... I mean you no harm!”

Arc groans. “Providing transportation?”

“Yes sir. This will take us directly to the primary hive cluster.”

Natalya eyes the swirling energies suspiciously. “It looks kinda like one of your portals, Lord Arc.”

Hammer frowns. “I still have a bad feeling about this.”

Sereb growls. “As do I.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, it sure beats walking across the desert. Again.”

He looks down at Hammer and Natalya.

“You two can stay here if you want.”

Hammer scoffs. “Heck no! Where you go, I go!”

Natalya looks to him respectfully. “Agreed.”

Arc shrugs. “Alright. I’ll go first though.”

Patting Sereb’s side, Arc motions for him to advance. Walking forward through the portal, Arc looks around to see the hive directly in front of him. A number of tents are pitched in front of it. Turning to their guide as they emerge, he speaks.

“Something wrong with the hive itself?”

The changeling frowns. “We’re demolishing it.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“King Thorax has declared it necessary for us to move on from that chapter in our history. He has therefore ordered that it shall be rebuilt in a more... horizontal fashion.”

Natalya appears confused. “Horizontal?”

Sereb growls. “For what purpose?”

“To be somewhat less imposing, I would imagine.”

Arc shrugs. “Admittedly, that would be an improvement.”

Their guide points with a hoof. “But in any case, King Thorax is currently inside the hive overseeing the deconstruction personally. Shall I take you to him.”

Arc nods. “Please do.”

Stepping forward, the changeling leads the group toward the hive. Passing numerous changelings hard at work, they eventually come to a large set of double doors. Arc dismounts and looks to their guide.

“So he’s in there?”

“Yes sir.”

Hammer points to the door. “What’s in there?”

“Queen Chrysalis’ personal chambers.”

Sereb growls. “So he has moved into her quarters?!”

Natalya shrugs. “It kinda makes sense to me.”

Arc turns to their guide. “So do we just walk in, or what?”

“I shall announce you and your entourage, sir.”

Entering the room, the changeling closes the door behind them. Hammer turns to Arc.

“I don’t like this.”

Arc sighs. “Neither do I.”

Natalya looks around nervously as she puts a talon on her weapon hilt. “What should we do?”

“Just keep your eyes open for the moment.”

Sereb sniffs the air. “I shall call out any danger I perceive.”

Hammer draws her gun. “So will I.”

A few moments later the changeling returns. Looking to Arc, he speaks.

“The king will see you now, sir.”


“He does however request that you enter alone though.”

Hammer frowns. “Uh... that’s not suspicious at all.”

“Due to the nature of the conversation...”

Natalya interrupts the changeling. “Considering that your two nations have been at each other’s throats for centuries, that isn’t a good idea.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “That is correct.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Then go back in there and tell Thorax that he can see all of us together. And that I’ve brought only my most trusted allies with me.”

“I will inform him of your terms at once, sir.”

As the changeling enters the room again, Natalya turns to Arc.

“Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Lord Arc.”

“It’s fine. And your concerns were certainly factual and valid.”

Hammer looks to Sereb as she lowers her voice. “Think he’ll go for it?”

Sereb snorts. “If he wishes our aid, yes.”

Arc nods. “Right. Remember, we’re just one portal away from walking out of here.”

Natalya looks to his gauntlet. “Perhaps you should test that, sir.”

“Good idea.”

Raising his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal with ease. Poking his head through it, he looks around for a few moments before pulling out and allowing it to close.

“Saw the master suite aboard the Lunar Destiny, so we’re in business.”

Hammer levitates a piece of nearby rubble. “Magic’s still on too.”

Sereb looks around. “Let us be sure that such continues to be available to us.”

A few moments later the changeling opens the door and beckons for them to enter.

“King Thorax will see all of you now.”

Arc leads the way inside. Walking past several tarps and other deconstruction implements, they spot Thorax pacing by the bed nervously. He looks up as they approach and smiles strangely.

“Th-thank you for coming, sir.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I’m told you’re having some kind of... issue.”

Thorax grimaces. “You... could say that, sir.”

Hammer groans. “Just tell us what the problem is then!”

Natalya nods. “Yes, perhaps we can help.”

Thorax takes a deep breath. “Alright. But... it’s really, REALLY shocking!”

Arc sighs. “Then I think we’d best get to it.”

Thorax motions with a hoof. “Please follow me.”

Walking over to a very creepy looking statue of Chrysalis (yes, she really had a statue of herself in her own room) Thorax puts a hoof on the horn. Pushing it back, a slight click is heard as a secret door next to it opens. Motioning to it, Thorax enters with Arc and company in tow. Making their way down a narrow corridor, they eventually come to a large, dimly lit room filled with boxes of some kind covered with heavy cloths. Hammer frowns as she looks around.

“Something in here low key smells.”

Natalya puts a talon over her beak. “Kinda reminds me of rotting fruit.”

Thorax puts a hoof on a nearby table. “It is. Or was.”

Looking over the table they see a number of wrinkled husks that were, presumable at some point, fruit. Only the stems poking out of the tops indicate that they were originally edible. Arc turns to Thorax.

“So I’m assuming you didn’t bring me all the way out here to tell me that your former queen liked fruit?”

Thorax shakes his head. “No, changelings back then didn’t eat food. We got our nutrition from draining love and absorbing minerals through our carapaces via nutritional fluid.”

Sereb frowns. “Then why did your queen have such things?”

Thorax looks to Arc. “This is the reason.”

Putting a hoof on one of the boxes, Thorax removes the cover. Looking down, they see that what they had presumed to be simply a box is actually a very sturdy looking cage. Inside of it lies a skeleton. Natalya gasps as she looks to the king.

“What... is that?!”

Thorax bows his head. “We... believe it to be... an equine.”

Hammer frowns. “You mean it’s a pony?!”

“Most likely.”

Arc motions to the rest of the cloth coverings around the room. “And the others?”

Thorax gestures with a hoof. “See for yourself, sir.”

Turning, Arc grabs a cover and rips it off. Inside he finds another skeleton with a horn on its skull. Hammer does the same and calls out.

“I got one over here with wings like a pegasus does!”

Natalya puts a talon to her stomach as she uncovers a cage of her own. “This is monstrous!”

Arc looks to Thorax angrily. “So Chrysalis was killing ponies?!”

Thorax nods sadly. “It would appear so.”

“And as her right hand, you knew nothing about this?!”

“Believe me when I say that I honestly didn’t.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “What the heck was she even doing to them?!”

Thorax points a hoof at a book lying next to the rotten fruit. “According to that, they were... snacks.”

Arc walks over to the table and picks up the book. Opening it, he quickly begins flipping through the pages. Natalya looks to Arc as she speaks.

“What does it say, sir?”

“It’s a journal of how much love she was able to suck from each victim as well as personal notes about them.”

Sereb growls. So they were experiments to her?!

Hammer looks over his shoulder. “Are they logged by name?”

Arc shakes his head as he closes the book. “Just a number. Probably matches a number on the cage somewhere.”

Natalya clenches a talon. “She didn’t even bother to ask whom they were!”

Thorax looks to Arc soberly. “Rest assured that the Changeling Nation will cooperate fully with your investigation into this matter, sir. Um... but there is one other part of this you need to know about first.”

Arc groans as he sets down the book and looks over the cages again. “Please tell me there aren’t more of these elsewhere in the hive.”

“Not that we’ve been able to locate, no.”

Hammer looks over to Arc. “From a security standpoint, it would make sense to keep them all in one spot.”

Sereb turns to look behind them. “Since the only entrance to this place appears to be within Chrysalis’ room, it is not likely anyone else could have accidently discovered this.”

Natalya appears confused. “What else could there be to tell us then?”

Thorax sighs. “I... just need to show you. Please follow me again.”

Leading the group out of the secret room and through the door back to the corridor, Thorax eventually stops in front of a set of doors. Turning to Arc, he speaks.

“This is the Spawning Pool. It’s...”

Arc interrupts him. “I know, Thorax. Remember, I was here already.

Hammer shudders. “Some of us would kinda rather forget. Well… certain parts of that ordeal.”

Thorax facehoofs. “Oh... right. Sorry about... everything.”

Sereb growls at the king. “What are we doing here?”

“There was something else we found in that secret room. I ordered it moved here for... um...”

Hammer frowns. “For what?!”

“Medical aid.”

Arc’s eyes grow wide. “You mean there was a survivor in there?!”

Thorax nods. “Yes sir. Please follow me.”

Pushing the doors open, Thorax leads the group over to a green cylinder-like object filled with fluid. Arc looks to it and frowns.

“Please tell me you’re not trying to do to them what was done to me.”

Thorax shakes his head. “No, sir. We’re giving them all the nutrient solution that we have left in an effort to save them. However, they were badly malnourished when we found them earlier today.”

Sereb growls. “And you just now thought to contact us?!”

“Forgive me, but our first thought was to try and stabilize the victim.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Still seems kinda suspicious to me.”

Natalya puts a talon on the pod’s outer wall. “Let’s just think about saving this pony’s life before we get distracted placing blame on others.”

Arc nods. “Right. Um... can we get them out of there safely?”

Thorax looks to the green cylinder. “Any changeling can open the pod and release them, yes. However, I suggest having Equestrian medical staff and a proper hospital on hoof before doing so.”

Sereb turns to Arc. “Perhaps it would be best to return them to the ship for medical aid.”

“All things considered, they’re not set up for this sort of thing.”

Natalya looks to Arc. “Taking them to a real hospital may be prudent.”

“Sounds good.”

Turning to Thorax, he continues.

“Can you help us transport them?”

Thorax nods. “I can lend you a special cart for moving them, yes.”

“Very well. If you’ll have them loaded up, I’ll take them to Equestria for help.”

“Right away.”

Motioning to the drones attending to the pod, they quickly move it onto a cart and step back. Thorax looks it over before speaking to Arc again.

“It’s ready to move, sir.”

“Good. Ah... but how do we open it once arriving in Equestria?”

Thorax sighs. “The safest way would be for a changeling to accompany you and do it themselves.”

Hammer frowns. “So... come with us.”

Natalya gasps. “But aren’t they the king?!”

Thorax groans. “Kinda. However, the treaty requires all changelings entering Equestria to do so at the border checkpoint.”

Arc waves a hand dismissively. “I’ll authorize an exemption then. After all, we just need you to open the pod once it’s taken to a hospital room, I would assume.

“Actually, a large shower room might be better. I’m assuming the hospital you have in mind would have something like that.”

“Probably. I can call ahead and have things made ready at Ponyville Hospital. We’ll all go there together, you open the pod, and I’ll send you back here.”

Sereb nods. “Your subjects will need you back as soon as possible, after all.”

Thorax smiles nervously. “I will do whatever I can to help, of course.”

Arc reaches for his earring. “Good. Then let’s get started.”

Touching his earring, Arc relays the information to Lemon Hearts. A short time later his earring chirps.

“Go ahead.”

“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts. I’ve just received word from Ponyville Hospital that they are ready and standing by.”

“Good. And they understood our needs?”

“Yes sir. Doctor Horse’s staff has made a large shower room ready for you and are standing by.”

“Thank you. Arc out.”

Touching his earring, Arc severs the connection and turns to Thorax.

“Are you ready to go?”

Thorax nods. “I’ve informed my aides that I’ll be stepping out for a bit. They’ll continue working on our demolition project while I’m gone.”

“Then let’s get started.”

Raising his gauntlet, Arc opens a portal. Motioning for them to enter, Hammer and Natalya push the cart with the pod on it through. Sereb follows Thorax closely along with Arc. Arriving on the other side they see Doctor Horse waiting for them with a number of medical staff. The doctor motions with a hoof.

“This way!”

Leading the procession past the reception desk, they rush down the corridors toward the staff showers. Entering, they find the nurses inside waiting for them. Doctor Horse calls out.

“Get two showers set to warm water, stat!”

They rush to do so as the cart is carefully moved into the shower area. The nurses push the shower heads to be pointing toward each other as the pod begins to shed water. Doctor Horse turns to Arc.

“We’re ready for you to remove the patient, sir!”

Arc looks to Thorax. “Looks like you’re up.”

Nodding, he steps forward. His horn aglow, Thorax begins casting a spell. A few moments later the pod splits open and green slime flows forth. As several orderlies rush forward to remove the pony from the slime two nurses bring forth a special gurney. The orderlies pull them from the pod and lay the goo covered victim on the gurney as the other cart is removed. Carefully the nurses begin washing away the slime as the doctor approaches Arc and motions for him to follow. Walking to the changing area adjoining the showers, he turns and speaks.

“As soon as they’re cleaned up we’ll begin examining this individual, sir. But I’d like some more information on what exactly happened to them.”

Arc turns his head. “Thorax?”

Thorax sighs. “It appears that they were imprisoned and starved from what I saw when they were found. The nutrient solution you’re washing from around their body now was put there to try and remedy their condition as well as keep them alive while we called for help from Equestria.”

“Any idea what else we should look for?”

“Nothing I can think of, no. Sorry.”

Doctor Horse looks to Arc. “How shall we get in touch with your regarding this matter, sir?”

“Notify my base with any updates to their condition that you come up with. But I would like to have someone try to identify them as soon as possible.”

“Yes sir, that’s standard procedure for anypony whom is unconscious and potentially a victim of a crime.”

An orderly enters the room with a camera and passes Arc and his group. They take several pictures of the pony’s head, body, and cutie mark before stepping back. Walking over to the doctor, they speak.

“Got some decent shots, sir.”

“Very good. Now we just need to send them in to Canterlot for processing.”

Arc holds out a hand. “I’ll take them.”

The orderly gives Arc the pictures. “Here you are, sir.”

Arc accepts the photos and glances at them. “Thank you. With any luck we’ll be able to...”

He stops talking as he looks at the picture on top of the victim’s face. Frowning, he shoves the photos into Hammer’s hands and run into the shower area. Making his way past the nurses, Arc looks over the pony lying there for a long moment before running back to the others and opening a portal.

“Hammer, you and Natalya keep Thorax here at the hospital! Sereb, you’re with me!”

Sereb grins. “I am with you my friend!”

The pair disappear through the swirling energies and are gone. Hammer looks at the pictures, confused.

“I don’t understand why Arc was so upset by this.”

Natalya looks over at the photos. “Do you recognize the victim?”

Hammer shakes her head and shrugs. “No, never seen them before.”

She looks the Thorax as she puts the photos in her pocket and frowns before continuing.

“But you apparently have something to do with it.”

Thorax bows his head. “I’ll cooperate with you to the best of my abilities.”

Doctor Horse looks to the group. “We need to finish washing and examine the patient now. Please head to the Waiting Room.”

Nodding, Hammer, Natalya, and Thorax leave the room together. Heading to the Waiting Room as suggested they sit down and make themselves comfortable. Half an hour later a portal opens and Arc runs through with a mare as Sereb brings up the rear. She pushes past everyone else and slams her hooves down on the receptionist’s desk.

“Where is he?!”

The receptionist gasps. “Wh-who?”

Arc joins her. “The patient I brought in a while back!”

“I... I’ll check!”

Picking up her telephone, she dials a number. A few moments later she is connected.

“The, ah... Hero of Light wishes to know of the condition of the patient. Yes... yes, I see. I’ll inform him.”

Putting down the receiver she turns and looks back to Arc.

“He’s in Treatment Room #5. I’ll...”

Without another word the mare bounds past the desk and down the corridor with Arc and Sereb hot on her heels. Natalya stands along with Hammer as she turns to her.

“Who was that with Lord Arc?”

Hammer shrugs. “Beats me. Probably a family member of the John or Jane Doe.”

Thorax appears confused. “The what?”

“The unknown victim. Back on Earth that’s what we call someone who can’t tell us their name.”

Thorax grimaces. “I hope I’m wrong about whom that was with the Hero of Light.”

Natalya points a talon down the corridor. “Should we follow them?”

Hammer frowns. “I think we’d better. But slowly.”

Making their way down the corridor, they take their time getting to the room. Meanwhile, the mare bursts into the room and looks to the nurse whom confronts her.

“Ma’am, please let the doctor...”

“Get out of my way!”

Arc motions for her to move. “We need to see them right now! National security concerns!”

The nurse steps aside as the mare pushes past Doctor Horse and looks over the victim. Carefully turning the unconscious pony’s head one way and then the other, she looks them over silently for a long moment. Moving to the foot of the bed she lifts the sheet to see their flank before turning to Arc, barely controlling their rage.

“What... happened?!”

Arc sighs. “We’re not fully sure yet.”

Doctor Horse looks over from the bed. “I’ve only just begun to examine the patient, miss.”

Arc nods. “Give him some time. This is one of those things that really shouldn’t be rushed.”

The mare points a hoof at the bed angrily. “That’s an Equestrian hero you have lying there!”

Arc looks to her. “So you’re absolutely, one hundred percent sure that’s him, Tempest?”

Tempest nods as she again looks to the stallion lying on the bed. “Yes. That’s Decimus.”

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