• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Preface - Volume 29 - Aftermath

In our previous volume, Arc returns to Damocles Base to meet with Hammer. She tells him of an earlier meeting between the three sisters and the general. Admitting that she felt strange every time Mustang took a sip of his drink, she recommends that Arc acquire a sample. Admitting that he already has, she appears surprised. Informing Hammer that he needs more clearance to continue the case, she gives him her ID badge before leaving for the night. Using it to enter the research lab, Arc makes his way to Doctor Rieper’s lab. Finding his computer password protected, Wiseman appears and reveals the code to be ‘Knowles’ before vanishing. Accessing the files, Arc finds many reports on the three sergeants, Diva, and even the general himself. Printing out some, Arc downloads the rest to a flash drive before cloaking and leaving the office. Walking down the corridor, he literally bumps into Mio, whom he is forced to drag back into her room as Stingray exits. Mio covers for Arc and doesn’t tell her sister outside the door of her visitor. Sitting down, she asks him why he didn’t allow her to be killed in the cave some time ago before offering to join him half-heartedly. Allowing Arc to leave without reporting him, the pair part ways.

Heading for home, Arc makes a copy of the files taken from Rieper’s computer before running the flash drive over to Hammer’s apartment. Showing her what he found, Hammer takes the drive and hurries to the computer in her room. Arc waits on her couch as she goes over every report one by one. Finding him asleep on the couch, she drags him to the bedroom to show off what she’s found. Admitting that her case has been completed to her satisfaction, Hammer gives Arc the tool box filled with cash. Beckoning him to her, Arc admits he has another case that he may or may not return from. Hammer volunteers to join him, but Arc refuses. Kissing him passionately, she watches him leave.

Arc stands outside her apartment for some time, thinking. Unable to tell her the truth, Arc slides the keys to the military jeep and the badges under the door and step out into the rainy night air. Walking for a time, his emotions get the better of him and Arc throws away his raincoat. A short time later a large vehicle pulls up next to him and Marshal Raynor gets out. Ordering Arc into the vehicle, the pair talk about what he did to Hammer as they drive. Reaching his house, Arc tells his old friend of his plans to leave town. Asking him to take care of Shelly and Lily, Arc shakes the man’s hand and heads inside his house. Derpy meets him in the kitchen. Taking him upstairs for a shower and dry clothes, she waits for Arc in the hallway. As he leaves the bathroom she guides Arc to the room she and Dinky sleep in for a good night’s rest together.

The next morning Arc sends his squad to an undetermined location while he heads to Shelly’s Kitchen with Derpy and Dinky. Arriving, he heads upstairs to see his friend Shelly. Finding her clutching her stomach he rushes her to the bathroom where she effectively blows up the toilet. Helping her pull her pants back up, Arc brings her back to the sofa. Heading downstairs to tell Derpy and Dinky to come up with the food when it’s ready, he returns to Shelly’s side with a glass of juice, which he adds medicine to. A short time later Derpy and Dinky arrive with food and drinks. As Derpy tries a cheeseburger Shelly suddenly doubles over in pain. Arc carries her to the bathroom hurriedly, leaving the confused pair behind. Not wanting to leave her alone, Arc volunteers to stay with her. Shelly instead requests Max to spend the day with her. Leaving the bathroom Arc calls for him on his earring before opening a portal for the young man. Explaining the situation to him, Arc orders him to wait ten minutes before entering via the front door. Returning to Shelly in the bathroom Arc removes her clothes and helps her into the shower. Bathing her carefully, he eventually calls out for Derpy to bring him a sundress from Shelly’s closet. Asking how Arc and Lily are able to put up with all her extra needs, Shelly tells Arc that she should be put in an assisted living home so that he and Lily can live out their lives happily. Arc of course refuses, saying that he and Lily will care for her as long as they are able. As he sets the now clean woman on the lid of the toilet she wraps her arms around him, grateful for such a good friend in both him and Lily.

Arc carefully carries Shelly back to the living room and sets her down on the couch as Max arrives. Leaving his friend in the care of Max, Arc and his family head downstairs to pay for their meal and inform Lily of Shelly’s condition. Instead of leaving they choose to help in the kitchen until the restaurant closes at two o’clock. Returning upstairs with Lily they find no trace of either Max or Shelly anywhere in the apartment. Spotting the pair in the backyard having a picnic Arc and the others walk outside to join them. Shelly invites Max and the others to supper, to which Arc mouths the word ‘no’ to Max. Disobeying his commanding officer Max accepts the dinner invitation. Derpy and Lily help Shelly back to the house as Dinky brings up the rear with the picnic basket and blanket. Explaining to Max that it isn’t fair to either her or him for a romance to form, Arc orders Max to break up with Shelly before the night is over.

Leaving Shelly’s Kitchen, Arc drives Derpy and Dinky home. Heading to the basement he opens a portal and guides them through. They arrive at the campsite well outside of town. Escorting the pair into the large tent nearby, he gives Dinky a swimsuit as well as two for her mother to choose from. Leaving, he allows them to change in private. A short time later, however, Dinky emerges to tell her father that Derpy is having trouble tying the top of her bikini. Helping rectify that situation they head for the beach. Spotting the squad along with Ember, Auriel, Rose, and Sereb, Arc and his family run over to join them. Announcing the farewell party for all of them, they head into the water to play. As Arc attempts to show Derpy how to float, the Charger surfaces nearby. Approaching the machine, Arc is pulled inside by a strong hand and lands in Hammer’s lap. She asks to join the party and helps Dinky practice her swimming before her and Arc head out along to talk privately. Confessing to him that her sisters did not believe the evidence he brought her, she asks again for his help. Telling her that he is unable to due to his new “client”, she accepts and locks lips with him passionately.

Sitting in front of the fire late that night, Derpy approaches Arc. He tells her of Hammer’s desire for them to have a relationship, and his own regret for having led her on. Retiring for the evening to the tent, they fall asleep together with Dinky. The next morning Arc makes his way to the beach to find Ember and Auriel whom had spent the night on the beach. Finding them, Ember informs him of Auriel’s desire to join his future herd. Returning to the campsite they pack up and return home via portal. Spotting Max’s unmade bunk the begin to search the house for him. No sooner had they begun as Rose announces the Jeep approaching the house. Entering via the back door Max is surprised to see everyone in the kitchen waiting for him. Asking to speak to his commanding officer privately the pair take a portal back to the campsite from last night. Heading to the beach to make sure no trace of their stay was left behind Max turns to Arc and tells him on last night’s activities. He returned home, but was unable to sleep. Returning to Shelly’s apartment in the wee hours of the morning, she invited him into her bed. Furious, Arc hits Max for bedding his friend. Swearing that he did not violate Shelly, Arc yells at Max for having formed an attachment with a terminally ill Shelly. Returning to the basement, he orders Max to make his bed and think about what was said.

Arc climbs the stairs to the main level. Announcing they are heading to Shelly’s Kitchen for breakfast, they leave via the front door. Walking to the restaurant, they order omelets as Arc heads for the kitchen to speak privately with Shelly. She asks how Max is doing after her behavior last night. Appearing relieved that he is alright, Shelly tells Arc of their plans to begin dating. Telling him to look for someone special himself, she informs Arc of Lily’s feelings for him. Informing Shelly of his own relationship with Rarity back in Ponyville, she agrees to tell Lily if Arc will wait in the pantry. A short time later Lily enters and sits down on the floor next to him. Wishing to hear about Rarity, she is pleased that someone special has captured Arc’s attention. Not wanting to let him leave without living out one of her lifelong dreams, Lily asks Arc to kiss her. Doing so, Arc tells her that he could feel the love in her kiss before they stand and return to the kitchen together.

Returning to the house, Arc sends his squad out for supplies as he leads the others to the basement. Sending Derpy and Dinky back to Equestria, he asks Ember and Sereb to start the laundry. Finding Max and Rose in the living room, they tell him of Max’s intention to desert. Horrified, Arc demands to know the reason. Confessing his feelings again for Shelly, Max tells his commanding officer that he was planning to lie low until the mission was complete before going to see Shelly and start a new life with her. Later, when the squad returns, Arc goes over the plan with all of them along with Ember, Sereb, Rose, and Auriel. They express happiness and honor at being allowed to stand by Arc’s side through everything that led up to this. Before adjourning, Arc has everyone line up in their armor and/or disguises to take a commemorative photo. Printing it out on high quality paper, he hands out copies to everyone before putting the rest in his ring for safekeeping. Heading upstairs, Arc calls Minera and asks her to meet him on the station’s roof. Taking her back to her apartment, they Blink down for a private conversation. Asking her to have a chopper ready to broadcast his getaway, Arc and Cherry tell the young woman of their intention to leave Earth permanently. Devastated, she tells Arc of her feeling for him and her desire to come with him. Disallowing it, Arc does allow Minerva to raise his mask just enough for them to share a farewell kiss before he and Cherry leave via portal.

Returning to his house Arc decides to take a shower before heading to bed. Several times he calls out to Cherry, whom is downstairs. Entering his room, Arc finds Ember and Auriel waiting for him. Climbing into bed together they go over an idea from Auriel. She asks to join his herd and agrees to have his children. In addition, Auriel promises to try and augment his sperm to be compatible with Ember. Falling asleep, Arc is awakened sometime later by Sereb whom reports a disturbance. Heading downstairs he finds Max awake. He confesses to his commanding officer that he cannot return to Equestria and leave Shelly behind. Arc reminds him that they’ll be wanted men after tonight which would endanger both Shelly and Lily. Convincing Max to say goodbye to Shelly, Arc drives him over to the apartment. Unable to lie to Shelly, Max tells her the truth about him not being human and from another world. She believes him to be lying and slaps Max before running to her room and locking the door. Sadly, Max leaves her pendant on the table and leaves. After driving Max home Arc heads for Hammer’s apartment. Finding her gone, he writes a note and leaves. Returning home Arc finds Max sitting sadly on the front steps. Admitting he told Shelly the truth, he and Arc sit together sadly on the steps.

Waking later that night, Arc and company eat a bowl of soup around the kitchen table before heading out. Boarding their new vehicle, the Landmaster, they start their drive. Rose stops outside Arc old church where he enters to pray and ask for protection during the mission for all of them. Returning to the vehicle, they leave town and head for the secluded beach from before. Switching to amphibious mode, they drive into the lake and toward an underground hatch. Hacking it, Rose drives them inside the base and parks in the Maintenance Bay.

Exiting the Landmaster, Arc sends his squad on their mission before cloaking with Ember. Auriel picks up Sereb and leads he to Doctor Rieper’s quarters. Telling him that the dog in her possession has magic, she insists that he be tested immediately. Heading for the doctor’s office, he confirms Auriel’s claims before being knocked out by his own nameplate. Arc takes his badge before hiding the man in his closet and ordering a Sleeping Spell cast on him. Proceeding to General Mustang’s quarters, they repeat the previous ruse. With the general distracted, Sereb casts a Sleep Spell on him before letting Arc and Ember in. Grabbing the second badge they continue on their way. The general sits up and calls Diva. Ordering her to teleport to his quarters in a few minutes, he considers just how easy Auriel was to manipulate.

Arriving in his quarters, Diva expresses her distaste for being summoned at such a late hour. Being told that Arc is again in Damocles Base, she drops her badge and heads for the door. The general stops her and assures her that they need to do nothing. As Arc makes his way toward the vault with Rose, Auriel, Ember, and Sereb, he calls out a impromptu plan. Approaching the soldiers with a cloak over him, he attempts to impersonate the general as Auriel fools the guards into thinking she is Diva. Inserting their badges, the general’s lights up and releases the lock. However Auriel’s does not. One of the soldier’s spots Rieper’s face on her badge and confronts her about it. Seeing no other alternative, Rose decloaks and grabs Arc from behind. Taking him hostage she convinces the guards, with Auriel’s help, that she has the general. Using her Maria’s badge the door opens allowing the group to enter. Rose orders the commander to follow them. No sooner has the door closed however than she attacks, stabbing the soldier in the gut. Revealing that he was not a man but a machine, she allows Auriel to examine him and verify her claim. Agreeing he was indeed an android, Arc shrinks him down and puts the body into a bag before storing it in his ring. Turning, they walk down a corridor with a large double door along with a smaller door. Entering the large door they see a terrible sight.

Arc turns to Ember to get confirmation that the creature before them is indeed Celestia. Nodding, they try to free her, but fail. Removing his guardanium knife, Arc focuses his magic to deftly slice through the chains. After shrinking her down, Arc gives the princess to Ember to hold as she appears to recognize her voice. Returning to the vault door they attempt to coerce the guards into letting them pass again with Rose having Arc hostage. However the real general presents himself and confronts them. Ordering his forces to remove Arc from the base and kill the others, Auriel leaps forward to create a barrier. Everyone strengthens it and allows it to expand in order to crush the androids between it and the wall. Hurrying to the Maintenance Bay they drop off Ember and Celestia at the Landmaster before calling for the squad to help them free the Shards. Running back to the lab over an alarm klaxon, Rose takes point and fires at all enemy forces as she takes their shots. Arriving, they seal the door as Auriel and Viktor get to work releasing the Shards from their tanks. In an effort to buy some time, Rose forces her way back into the corridor to act as distraction. Sereb joins her along with the squad as Arc acts as the last line of defense. Spotting an android with a grenade, Arc throws himself into the doorway to block the shrapnel from hitting Auriel and Viktor. Heavily gouging his armor, Arc successfully does so. Freeing the Shards, Arc heads out to help his forces as the others get the Shards moving around in an effort to prepare them to make a run for it. Heading back the way they came with the Shards, Arc and Auriel take point as Rose guards the rear.

Coming to a stop, Rose announces a squad is waiting for them ahead. Using a nearby computer terminal, Auriel hacks into the security cameras. Spotting a contingent of androids waiting for them outside the Maintenance Bay, they create a diversion with an explosion before lobbing several Equestrian grenades at their enemies. Rushing forward Arc and his friend along with the Shards make short work of those left. Entering the darkened Maintenance Bay, they quickly find themselves locked in with Hammer and her own androids. Hammer insists that she and her sisters are doing the right thing imprisoning the Shards. Having heard enough, an enraged Auriel transforms back into her demon form and lunges at Hammer. Taking out everything in her way, Arc and his followers join her in finishing off the androids. When asked to surrender, Hammer Blinks to the door and tries to escape. However, Snake is able to somehow pull her back with a Telekinesis Spell. They pummel Hammer for several moments before Arc is able to intervene and save her. Ordering the Shards to head for the Landmaster, Arc helps bandage Hammer’s bleeding arm. As the others are safely brought to the vehicle, Arc announces his plan to implement Hammer into their escape.

Driving to the main entrance in a shrunken down Landmaster, Arc exits the vehicle and enters the elevator room. The androids point their weapons at him menacingly as he looks to Stingray and Mio. Offering to exchange Hammer for safe passage out of Damocles Base, they step onto the elevator with the Landmaster and begin the long ride to the surface. As they wait, Hammer’s sisters are able to convince her that Arc was not the man she thought him to be. Finally admitting to them, and herself, that Arc is gone for good. Stingray and Mio promise to give Arc a chance should he return, as Hammer was so enamored with him. Sereb hops out of the vehicle with the Shards and begins returning them to normal size. Meanwhile, Stingray pulls something out of her belt and conceals it… waiting for just the right time to strike.

As Arc opens a portal to allow the Shards to escape, Snake turns and thanks him. As the pair shakes hands Stingray throws a knife at Arc. Pushing Snake through the portal, it bounces off his armor and lodges itself into Rose’s arm. Using the confusion to her advantage, Hammer turn and grabs the knife to stab Rose in the side. Mio Blinks her sister to safety next to Stingray. Challenging them, Arc splits his forces into three groups to engage the sisters. Beating them with Ember’s later help, Stingray throws a grenade at them in a last ditch effort to stop Arc. Seeing this, his squad dogpiles him as the bomb goes off. Hugh, being on top, takes several large chunks of shrapnel through his armor as does Hammer. As the others help the injured back to the Landmaster, Arc grabs Stingray and throws her next to the now more injured Hammer. Dropping a med-kit at his feet he turns and walks away as Stingray does her best to treat her sister’s lacerations. Meanwhile, General Mustang watches the scene from the safety and comfort of his quarters with an almost nude Diva on his lap. Telling her to go topside and help the three sisters, she grabs her clothes and complies as the general continues to watch.

Arc enters the Landmaster to ascertain the condition of Hugh and Sereb. Viktor volunteers to watch over his friend as Rose takes his spot at the station. Auriel returns Arc’s spear, but not before removing his helmet and planting a passionate kiss on his lips. Leaving the vehicle, Arc walks to the massive overhead door. Kneeling down, he removes the bomb taken from the safehouse in apartment building’s basement and primes it. Mio shields her sisters as Arc detonates the device remotely. Blinking through the now destroyed door, he blasts the turrets defending the base. Ordering his forces to go, the Landmaster speeds past him and across the bridge. As reinforcements near the top of the elevator, Arc blasts the power lines with his Hand Cannons plunging the base into darkness. Calling forth a magically powered motorcycle built from the chassis of his father’s bike, Arc makes his way away from the base. As the sergeants look after him, Diva appears and punishes them for their failures before opening a portal and ordering them inside. Running to a large aircraft, they enter as Diva takes off. Arc notifies Canterlot of his success as Rose detects the craft approaching.

Diva orders Stingray to prepare herself as she launches drones to attack the Landmaster. As they go for the vehicle, Arc fights them off skillfully. Minerva flies overheard in her chopper and broadcasts the event live as Mio launches in a smaller aircraft to attack the Hero and his friends. Firing a missile, Arc is knocked off his motorcycle and plummets to the pavement. However instead of hitting the ground, Arc finds himself suspended in the air as time stops. Looking around he spies Wiseman and Kronos nearby. Informing him of the likely failure of the mission without his aid, Kronos turns back time slightly to allow Arc another change to emerge victorious. Begrudgingly accepting, he finds himself back on the bike as time slowly begins to flow again.

Rose calls to Arc as time flows again. Laying his bike down, the missile whizzes past both Arc and the Landmaster. Getting up, he looks at the smaller craft that shot at them. Placing a sigil, he Blinks into the plane and chokes out Mio. Grabbing her staff, he removes the one taken from the Safehouse and Blinks to the larger aircraft. Announcing himself to Diva, he detonates the staves doing massive damage to the cockpit. Opening a portal, Arc returns to his bike on the ground as Diva warns Stingray and Mio about the plane’s damage. Riding after the Landmaster, Arc spots a large tank fall from the plane and miss him. Continuing on, he calls Sunburst to start his part of the plan. Signaling to The Equinox, Tight Ship gives the order to take off. Leaving the hanger, they head for a spot outside of Canterlot where Sunburst is set up. Activating his lager version of the S.P.E.A.R, they fly through it and appear on Earth. Tight Ship addresses the crew and informs them of their success as well as Arc’s mission. Meanwhile, Rose calls out another incoming craft. Looking back they spot the charger coming after them at an insane speed. Coming to the rendezvous point, Arc orders Max to stop at the foot of the bridge. Calling for his friends to join him in battle, Hammer and Stingray open the hatches and peek out at them. Offering Arc a position with The Organization, he turns it down and prepares to fight along with his squad, Sereb, and Rose.

Engaging Stingray and Hammer in the Charger, Arc and his forces fight on but with little chance of success. His squad falls to shrapnel, Rose to a shell, and Sereb while pushing Arc to safety from Mio’s missile. Looking around at his fallen friends, something inside Arc snaps. A burst of power overtakes him as his crystals glow and golden wings spring forth from his back. Reaching out, he crushes Mio’s craft while ripping her from it. Turning to the Charger, he throws the plane at it demolishing both vehicles. Mio watches helplessly as she hears Stingray and Hammer coughing inside their tank, unable to escape the smoke within. Begging Arc to spare her sisters, Arc relents and rips open the hatches. Bleeding and bruised, the pair topple out of the tank but are quickly picked up by Arc’s magic as he muses on how best to finish them. Feeling a touch on his boot, Arc looks down to see a critically injured Rose looking up at him with a pleading gaze. Sighing, he releases the three women and calms his powers. As the wings vanish Arc shrinks down the Charger and puts it in his ring. Apologizing to Hammer as Sereb helps the others into the Landmaster, he turns and gets in himself. Taking the controls, Arc drives the vehicle toward his waiting airship. Ordering his troops to the deck, they assemble and open fire at the oncoming drones as the ship’s shields are dropped. As the Landmaster screeches to a stop inside the Cargo Bay, Tight Ship orders the ship to take off as the cannons destroy the bridge and their pursuers. Flying on, Moon Dancer picks up flying drones after them. Ordering his troops back to the deck, Arc joins them along with Shining Armor and Trixie in returning fire. Running out of ammo, Arc orders all power transferred to the engines. As they near their destination Auriel takes the Bloodstone from the Landmaster and Blinks outside the ship. Turning, she channels the stone’s power in a final effort to destroy their assailants. As the ship speeds away, Arc sees that Auriel cannot hope to keep up. Blinking, he free-falls toward her, grabs the demon, and Blinks the back to the ship. Strapping in for transdimensional jump, they find that the ship does not have enough velocity to make it through. Wiseman appears and smashes the approaching drones with a massive Telekinesis Spell as he pushes The Equinox through the portal. Arriving back in Equestria, the ship crash lands in the Canterlot Castle Hanger. Using the O.R.B system, they are able to keep the ship intact. Luna calls them on the radio to confirm that Arc and company are alright. Nodding, Arc informs her that Celestia is safely back in Equestria.

However, many questions remain. Why did Mio allow Arc to leave her quarters without reporting him? Will Hammer carry the torch for Arc forever (I sure hope not)? How long will Marshal Raynor be able to go against his better judgment? How long does Shelly really have to live? What the heck was Max THINKING?! Okay, admittedly that one was justified. What sick pleasure is General Mustang getting from making out with Auriel? Why does Diva blindly follow Mustang’s orders? What will the Organization do now without their source of magic? Will Arc finally be able to retire? How will the doctors in Equestria bring Celestia back to her senses?

Time will tell. Sooner or later… time will tell.

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