• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Job's End

Arc returns to the military jeep. Driving down the road, a warm summer rain begins to fall. Cherry calls out to him.

“Hammer isn’t going to be happy about this.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, it’s the truth.”

“No, no! I mean about what you said to Mio.”

“That was the truth too. But admittedly I am happy neither of them know that Arc and the Hero of Light are one and the same.”

“It’s certainly better for your health.”

Arc frowns. “Theirs too.”

“Are you talking about you having to fight them someday, or Hammer’s feelings for you?”


Sometime later Arc pulls into his driveway. He gets out and runs inside. Ember and Auriel are waiting for him in the Kitchen. Ember is the first to speak.

“How did it go?!”

“Perfect. Did Derpy and Dinky head to bed already?”

Auriel nods. “Yes, they’re sleeping soundly in the bed you and I slept in the other night. I hope that was okay.”

“Sure. Whatever makes them comfortable. Everything’s set up for Sunday at the base too.”

He pulls the flash drive from his ring and holds it up.

“I even got a little bonus.”

Auriel eyes the device. “What is it?”

“A copy of Rieper’s research data on Hammer and her sisters. I need to download this to the computer before I give the drive to Hammer.”

Ember sighs. “I guess that’s good news.”

“You’re still not happy about me helping her, are you?”

“Of course I’m not happy! I still remember all the crap she did in the past!”

“Fair enough. Let me run downstairs and take care of this real quick.”

Arc descends the stairs as Auriel turns to Ember.

“You really don’t like Hammer, do you?”

“Not in the least!”

“Is she really that bad?”


“You know her better than I do. But it seems that Arc trusts her. Shouldn’t you do the same?”

Ember looks away. “I… I can’t.”

“Well… if you can’t trust her, can you at least trust Arc?”

Ember sighs. “Yeah, I suppose so.”

Auriel smiles. “He seems to really like her. At least from what came over his earring the other day.”

“She is NOT joining his herd!”

“What if Arc wants her to?”

Ember clenches a fist. “I’ll cross that bridge IF we get to it!”

A short time later Arc returns.

“There. Now we can see what he’s been up to as well as Hammer.”

Ember looks to him. “Arc?”


“I… uh…”

Auriel clears her throat loudly. “She’s worried about you.”

“Because of Hammer?”

Ember sighs. “Yeah.”

“You don’t need to worry about that much longer. Remember, day after tomorrow is the mission. After that we’re done here.”

“That’s… kind of a relief, I suppose.”

Arc frowns. “I’m confused.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “Ember thinks you have feelings for Hammer.”

“You don’t, right?”

Arc avoids her gaze. “Kinda.”

Ember furrows her brow. “Kinda?!”

Arc sighs as he looks out the window. “At first it was just an information gathering mission. But now… I don’t really know what to think.”

Ember groans. “She’s working for the ENEMY, Arc?! Can’t you see it wouldn’t work out?!”

“I… do. But the same was said not that long ago by someone else.”

Ember grins. “Glad to see someone else has sense. Who was it?”

“Your father.”


“Remember, he didn’t want you to be a mate of a non-dragon.”

Ember gasps. “But that’s different! We could make it work!”

“Just like Hammer and I could work. If that’s what we both wanted, I mean.”

Ember looks away. “Is that what you want?”

“I think… I think she’s a really nice person. The only problem right now is she’s on the wrong side. So, like you said, I don’t see this working out as-is.”

He sighs and looks at the flash drive.

“I need to go meet Hammer and give her this evidence. I’ll be back later.”

Arc turns and leaves. Auriel frowns.

“That went well.”

Ember sighs. “It really didn’t.”

“I know. You’re feeling threated by Arc falling for a real human girl, aren’t you?”


Auriel says nothing but continues to stare at Ember.

“Maybe a little.”

Auriel nods. “So talk to him about THAT! Speaking ill of that human girl will only put Arc in a bad spot.”

“I’ll try when he gets back.”

“If he gets back.”

Ember frowns. “What?”

Auriel grins mischievously. “Maybe this time they’ll spend the night together.”

Ember grits her teeth. “If she tries anything, I’ll…! Um… I’ll…”

She sighs.

“I’ll hope that Arc has a nice time.”

Auriel nods approvingly. “Much better.”

“How are you not jealous?!”

“Because I want Arc to be happy. Same as you I thought.”

Meanwhile, Arc gets back into the military jeep and backs out of the driveway. Cherry sighs.

“Ember didn’t sound too happy.”

“No she did not.”

“Are you worried?”

“Not really.”


“I think that if she got to know Hammer they’d really hit it off. The two of them have more in common than either of them knows.”

Cherry giggles. “Agreed.”

“But for now let’s just get this over with.”



“What are you going to tell her?”

“Not really sure.”

Sometime later they arrive at the apartment building. The rain continues falling as Arc gets out and runs for the door. Hurrying up the stairs he knocks on the door. A few moments later Hammer answers.

“Come on in!”

Stepping aside she allows Arc to pass. He notices she is wearing a rather short skirt and a revealing top that doesn’t match. She takes his raincoat and hangs it up on a peg near the door. Turning to him she takes his hand and leads him over to the kitchen table before doing a small twirl to show off the outfit.

“So how do I look?”

“Um… nice, Hammer.”


“Yes. But we should probably talk about what I found at the base today before it gets too late.”

Hammer appears suddenly serious. “Is it bad?”

“Yeah. You should probably sit down.”

Nervously Hammer does so. Arc sets the folder on the table and opens it.

“These are reports I took from Doctor Rieper’s office computer.”

Hammer gasps. “You hacked his computer?!”

“Something like that.”


Arc shrugs. “Professional secret. Now then, I found this information on his so-called pheromone research.”

He slides a paper across the table to her.

“Here’s his analysis of you.”

Hammer reads the paper over silently. Arc waits patiently for her to finish.

“So I’m resistant?”

“He notes either that or the fact you don’t have enough contact with the general to be affected.”

“And my sisters?”

Arc sighs as he slides two additional papers across the table to her. “Not so lucky.”

Again Hammer looks the papers over. The blood drains from her face as she reads.

“This is… MONSTROUS!”

Arc nods. “I agree.”

“Are you ABSOLUTELY sure about this?!”

“I am.”

Reaching into his pocket Arc pulls out the flash drive. He sets it on the table between them.

“This contains everything on that computer regarding the experiment’s results for you and your sisters as well as Mustang himself. Fortunately, Rieper made weekly reports chronicling the experiment.”

Hammer’s hands shake as she picks up the drive. Arc continues.

“I didn’t have time to go over it in great detail back there. But I’m guessing it shows their condition favoring Mustang more and more as time went on.”

Hammer quickly stands up and hurries out of the room. She proceeds to what Arc assumes is her bedroom and closes the door. Cherry calls out to him.

“Um… what do we do now?”

“Let’s wait a bit.”

“You really need to get some sleep though, Arc.”

He yawns. “Well… maybe. I’ll wait for her on the couch though. This might take a while.”

Standing, Arc makes his way over to the couch and lies down. Meanwhile, Hammer pours over her computer screen for quite some time. She reads every line of text as well as Rieper’s personal notes.

“General Mustang… are you the victimizer… or a victim as well?”

She puts her face in her hands and sighs.

“Sisters… you’ll be okay. Arc said all I have to do is…”

Hammer gasps and stands up quickly. Hurrying back to the Living Room she spots Arc sprawled across her couch. Smiling she walks over and nudges him.


He slowly opens his eyes and sits up as Hammer takes her place next to him.

“Sorry. I guess I must’ve dozed off.”

Hammer shakes her head. “It’s me who should apologize. After all, I left you out here two hours ago.”


He looks over to the clock.

“I guess I needed sleep more than I thought.”

Hammer grins. “Well, if your activities regarding my case were any indication, I would agree.”

“Yes, well…”

She grabs his hand and pulls him toward the bedroom.

“Let me show you what I found.”

Approaching the computer Hammer sits and pulls up a few windows.

“It looks like you were right about proximity being a key factor. Look here! Diva’s readings are off the charts!”

Arc frowns. “Truthfully, I was kinda hoping to be wrong about that part.”

“And my sisters are acting weird because they’ve been around the general much more than I have.”

“Now you just need to figure out a way to keep them away from him for a while.”

Hammer shudders. “That I will. I just hope they believe me when I confront them with this.”

“It’s all there in black and white. If they won’t believe this evidence, nothing will change their minds.”

Hammer nods and stands up.

“Right. But in any case…”

She walks over to the bed and pulls a toolbox out from behind the headboard. Looking at it a moment she turns and hands it to Arc.

“Here. You’ve certainly earned this.”

Arc sits down on the bed and opens it to reveal the rolls of cash. Sighing, he closes the toolbox and sets it aside.


Hammer sits down next to him. “Something wrong?”

“Well… kinda. Sorry, it’s about another case I have.”

“Oh? Can you tell me about it?”

“It’s in regards to a missing individual.”


Arc shakes his head. “No, they’ve been gone for well over a year.”

“Are you sure they’re still… you know… alive?”

“Yes. In fact, I’ve already tracked them down.”

Hammer grins. “So what’s the problem? Just go get em and collect your reward.”

“It’s not that simple. This is most likely a bona-fide kidnapping. If their assailants see someone coming they’ll hightail it out of there. Or at the very least move the victim. I need to be ready and have a sound plan for this one.”

“Need a hand?”

Arc shakes his head. “No thanks. It’s… going to take me quite a ways away.”

“Like… to another town?”

“No, Hammer. Another country entirely.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Another… country?!”


“But… you ARE coming back… right?!”

Arc sighs. “If things go well, yes. But if things get messy… let’s just say I might not be seen again.”

“Then take me with you!”

“You can’t leave your sisters, Hammer. They need you too.”

“I…! You’re right.”

“Thanks for the offer though.”

Hammer sighs. “Considering what you did for me, it’s the least I could do.”

She grins widely at him.

“So… now that my case is solved, I’m not your client anymore, right?”

“I suppose not.”

“In that case, why don’t you and I have a little alone time together?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry, but I should to get going. I need to catch a flight day after tomorrow. Lots of packing and other things that need doing, after all.”

“…oh… I see.”

She looks down sadly at the bed as Arc stands up.

“I… should probably let you get to bed too.”

As he turns to leave Hammer grabs his hand, pulls him down on top of her, and plants a kiss firmly on his lips. They continue kissing for some time before Arc pulls back.

“I… um… why did you…?”

Hammer grins as she puts her arms around his back. “Because I wanted to.”

“But I… might never return.”

“I believe you will. And when you do…”

She leans in close and whispers in his ear.

“…I’ll show you the time of your life, handsome.”

She gently kisses his cheek before sitting up with him.

“Um… thanks. You take care.”

Arc heads for the door. Hammer calls out after him.



“Aren’t you forgetting something?”


Reaching down with a bare foot she picks up the toolbox and holds it up.

“Your reward, silly!”

“Oh… right.”

Extending a hand he pulls the box off her foot. Hammer lets out a soft moan as he does so.

“You come back safely, you hear?”

“I’ll try, Hammer. But… don’t wait for me, okay?”

“No promises there.”

She stands and walks over to him. Pressing her body against his, Hammer looks him in the eye as she continues.

“You’re the most amazing man I’ve ever met. I don’t see how anyone could possibly hold a candle to you, Arc.”

“You’re really special too, Hammer. Take care of your sisters.”

“I will.”

Giving her a quick kiss on the forehead, Arc turns and heads out the front door. Hammer stares at it for a long time. Eventually she crawls into bed and lies back with her signature grin plastered across her face.

“You’ll be back, Arc. And when you do, I’ll show you what this gal can REALLY do!”

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