• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Painful Debriefing

As The Equinox reaches its cruising altitude Arc turns to Wrangler.

“Any damage to the ship?”

Wrangler shakes her head. “None, sir. The O.R.B. took it all.”

“Lemon Hearts?”

“The command center… isn’t very happy with us right now.”

Soarin sighs. “We’ll explain everything next time we’re there.”

Tight Ship frowns. “Indeed.”

Arc looks to the pilot. “You okay over there?”

Thunderlane lies slumped back in his seat. “Let’s just say… that is something I’d like to never have to do again, sir.”

“Understood. Now if everyone will excuse me, I need to get back to the Infirmary.”

As Arc leaves the Bridge the crew look to one another, dumbfounded. Soarin is the first to speak.

“Did… that really just happen?”

Tight Ship facehoofs. “If you mean did we really just break out of Canterlot Castle, then the answer is a solid ‘yes’.”

He looks at the now closed Bridge door and sighs.

“But I for one would like to know exactly why.”

Thunderlane calls out. “What heading should I set, sir?”

Moon Dancer puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “The Hero of Light didn’t actually say.”

Lemon Hearts turns to Soarin. “While the nearest hospital is probably Cloudsdale, I get the feeling we won’t exactly be welcomed there.”

“Probably not.”

Tight Ship sighs. “For now set a course to the Crystal Empire.”

Wrangler looks over. “What if that isn’t what he wants?”

Tight Ship frowns as he stands and walks toward his office. “Then he should have specified before leaving.”

Meanwhile, Arc heads for the Infirmary. Entering, he finds Redheart looking over the pair. She turns to him.

“I’m still examining the patients, sir.”

Arc grimaces as he looks at them. “That’s going to take a while, isn’t it?”

Redheart nods. “I’m afraid so, sir.”

“I’ve told the crew to get us to a hospital.”

“That’s very important right now. But you should probably check on the others. Make sure everypony’s okay. I’ll try to have some answers for you by then.”

“Good idea.”

Leaving the Infirmary, Arc smells food cooking. Heading down to the Mid-Deck he finds everyone in the Cafeteria eating happily. Max spots his commanding officer. Hurrying over to him he salutes.

“Forgive us, sir. But we were quite hungry after that mission.”

“It’s fine. Um… where are your… uh… you know…?”

“Please follow me, sir.”

Leading Arc to a pair of bunkbeds a few steps down the corridor, Max points. Arc spots Hard Hat on one bunk and Stellar Flare on another.

“Are they alright?”

Max nods. “Yes sir. We were afraid that they would refuse to come, so we just went straight for the direct approach. A bit of sleeping gas worked wonders.”

“Good work. How much longer until they wake up?”

“It should be anytime. But we could speed that along with some smelling salts if you’d like.”

“That would probably be a good idea. I’d like to be here when they awaken.”

Max nods and walks over to a med-kit on the wall. Pulling out two small packages, he hands one of them to Arc. They break them open and hold the exposed packs under the mare and stallion’s noses. Coughing, they come around in short order. Hard Hat is the first to speak.

“Wut the…?”

Stellar Flare looks around groggily. “Where… are we?”

Arc clears his throat. “Aboard The Equinox. Mid-Deck to be exact.”

The pair sit up groggily and look at him, wide-eyed.

“Sir! We… we heard you were…!”

Stellar Flare gasps. “Dead and buried!”

Arc chuckles. “The rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated. In any case, you’re both here because I need your help.”

Hard Hat appears confused. “With what, sir?”

“I’m not fully sure yet. But it was important that I take you both away from Canterlot Castle.”

Stellar Flare puts a hoof to her forehead. “I admit, it hasn’t been the best working experience I’ve have to date. But we do have our duties to do.”

Hard Hat nods. “Yeah. Decimus is looking to have the new airship in the air in the few days’ time.”

Max frowns. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”


Arc sighs. “We… might have sabotaged it.”

Stellar Flare narrows her eyes. “Define ‘sabotaged’, sir.”

“Blew up the O.R.B. and destroyed the engine room.”


Hard Hat groans. “But why, sir?!”

“I didn’t want Decimus in control of a ship that powerful. He’s already got too much as it is.”

Stellar Flare rolls her eyes. “But sir, he IS the Hero of Light, just like you are!”

Arc clenches a fist. “All things considered, he’s not worthy of that title.”

Hard Hat shrugs. “He’s not exactly the most congenial stallion I’ve met. But his past exploits can’t be ignored, sir.”

“He was behind the poisoning of Luna and Cadance, attacked Light’s Hope after trying to sabotage the peace summit, and has been confirmed to be working with enemies of the state.”

Hard Hat bows his head. “We’ve heard the reports, sir. But it’s a really tough pill to swallow.”

Stellar Flare nods. “Right. He’s an accomplished hero to this land. The idea that he could fall so far is very hard to believe.”

“Come with me.”

They walk upstairs to the Infirmary. Standing in the doorway, Arc points to the hospital beds. Redheart is examining the patients diligently.

“I rescued these two from the castle dungeon. They were arrested for speaking out against Decimus and his policies regarding Ponyville.”

Stellar Flare frowns. “What’s wrong with them?”

“Redheart is trying to figure out the extent of the damage.”

He turns to her.

“Pull the sheets back.”

Redheart raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“I want to see the superficial damage.”

Doing as she is told, Redheart carefully pulls back the covers. Stellar Flare and Hard Hat gasp in horror. Innumerable cuts and bruises dot their bodies with dried blood, pus, and excrement caked in their coat and manes. Arc turns to the pair.

“You still think Decimus is a hero?”

Stellar Flare turns away and retches. “This is terrible!”

Hard Hat looks to Arc. “Why… why would he do this?!”

“To send a message.”

Stellar Flare gasp. “To whom?!”

“Anyone whom would speak out against him. Has this happened before?”

Hard Hat shakes his head vehemently. “Never, no!”

Stellar Flare bites her lip as she turns to Arc. “It… may have.”


“There were a few assistants whom spoke up a few days after your death, sir. As is policy, I reported the matter to the powers that be. A few hours later a squad of Royal Guards came and took them away.”

Hard Hat frowns. “What happened to them?”

“I was told they were reassigned elsewhere. At the time I just figured it was because we couldn’t have anypony working on such a project whom wasn’t totally loyal.”

She looks at the pair on the beds and puts a hoof to her stomach.

“Did I… damn them to a similar fate?! Or something far, far worse?!”

Arc sighs. “I don’t know. We’ll see if an investigation can be started once we reach the Crystal Empire.”

Hard Hat raises an eyebrow. “The Crystal Empire?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I took The Equinox back with the blessing of Princess Cadance herself. Getting you two was part of the infiltration plan, after all.”

Stellar Flare appears confused. “I don’t understand, sir. Why us?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. Right now I need to have a debriefing and announce to the bridge crew exactly what we were doing.”

Redheart covers the pair up again as Arc and company leave the room. Touching his earring, he calls out.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Lemon Hearts here. Go ahead, sir.”

“I need Captain Tight Ship and Commander Soarin in the Cafeteria at once for a meeting.”

“They’re on their way, sir.”

“Good. I’d also like you to turn on the intercom so the rest of the Bridge Crew can listen in and participate as needed.”

“Yes sir, I’ll take care of it.”

“Very good. Arc out.”

Touching his earring to sever the connection Arc returns to the cafeteria to find everyone finishing their snack. He walks to the front of the room soberly. A few minutes later Tight Ship and Soarin enter. Arc clears his throat and begins to speak.

“Alright. Time for a debriefing everyone.”

Hammer chuckles. “My first one here in Equestria.”

Rose smiles. “Fortunately that mission appeared to go well.”

Auriel turns to him nervously. “Did it, Arc?”

Arc sighs. “For the most part, yes.”

He looks to the captain and commander.

“Let me start by bringing the ship’s crew up to speed on this. Can you hear us on the Bridge, Lemon Hearts?”

“Loud and clear, sir.”

“Good. Now then, as I’m sure you now know, the point of that mission was not to conduct a scientific experiment. Although we were planning to comply with that aspect of it had the situation not changed so drastically.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “I still say we should have taken that creep down!”

“Another day, Rainbow Dash. In any case, our mission was multi-faceted and fully supported by Princess Cadance herself. One… we needed to disable the new airship being constructed to safeguard the skies.”

Hammer laughs. “We did that job but GOOD, eh blue!”

Rainbow Dash grins as she ‘fist bumps’ Hammer. “You know it, cupcake!”

Stellar Flare frowns. “But that’s what that ship was built to do, sir.”

Hard Hat nods. “Yes, it was to be an improved version of this one.”

“That may be. But we couldn’t have let it fall into Decimus’ hooves. I think we all remember the crimes he committed against Equestria and the princesses themselves.”

Tight Ship sighs. “We understand that, sir. However he’s currently the nation’s Hero of Light as appointed by Princess Celestia herself.

Soarin nods in agreement. “I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.”

“I question that strongly. But please let me finish explaining the rest of our mission. Second… we were to find and steal the plans for the improved engines and O.R.B. system from the Royal Archives. That would ensure that the engineers would be unable to repair the damage to the new ship’s core components.”

Rose smiles. “That mission was accomplished successfully.”

Sereb grins. “No problems we couldn’t handle.”

Auriel looks to Arc. “I took the plans and notes with me. They’re safely in your office.”

“Good. They may come in handy later.”

Stellar Flare frowns. “Sir, you shouldn’t just take things like that from the Royal Archives!”

Hard Hat nods. “If you really wanted them, you could have just made a request as the Hero of Light.”

Applejack narrows her eyes. “Seeing as he’s a fugitive, I don’t think that would have gone over too well.”

Stellar Flare looks to Arc, clearly confused. “I’m sorry, a what?”

“There’s currently a one-million bit reward on my head. Dead or alive.”

He reaches into his ring and pulls out the notice Scootaloo got from Decimus. Walking over to Stellar Flare he holds it up. Her eyes grow wide as she looks it over.

“This is… there has to be some sort of mistake!”

Hard Hat gasps. “Yeah! The Hero of Light can’t be pursued and arrested like this! He’s above the law for a reason!”

Applejack grits her teeth. “Those posters were all over Ponyville.”

Rarity nods. “And Canterlot.”

Pinkie frowns. “Yeah! How did you two not see them?!”

Stellar Flare sighs. “We don’t go out much.”

Hard Hat puts a hoof to his forehead. “Too busy with the new ship project.”

“Well, that brings me to the third objective. Capturing both you and Hard Hat.”

“Us, sir?”

“But we’re nopony special.”

Arc chuckles. “On the contrary. You’re both experts in the fields you occupy. We believed that together the two of you would have found a way to repair that ship. That couldn’t be allowed to happen. And lastly… while everyone was either completing their objectives or causing a distraction, I went to the dungeon with my squad to liberate Steel Hammer and Silver Hammer.”

Tight Ship frowns. “You broke criminals out of the dungeon, sir?!”

Soarin gasps. “Why, sir?!”

“Because their only crime was speaking their mind in front of the wrong individuals.”

Stellar Flare sighs as she turns to the captain and commander. “I saw them. Tortured and bloody, the likes of which I’d never seen before.”

Hard Hat shudders. “Yeah. It was like something out of a horror book!”

Max bows his head. “They were in really rough shape.”

Viktor appears anxious. “I hope Redheart can help them.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. But they need a LOT of work done on them.”

Hugh looks hopeful. “I’m sure they’ll get the help they need at the hospital.”

Arc looks to the overhead speaker. “Right. We just need to get them there. Lemon Hearts, what’s our heading?”

“As per the captain’s orders we’re returning to the Crystal Empire.”

“Good. Now then, I’m sure some of you have questions. Feel free to ask them now.”

Wrangler raises a hoof. “Are we really fighting Canterlot?”

Arc shakes his head. “Just Decimus. At least for now.”

Soarin stands. “Why didn’t you just return to Canterlot and announce yourself, sir? After all, you’re still the Hero of Light.”

Arc clenches a fist. “The last time I was there, Celestia herself nearly killed me with her horn. Literally.”

Tight Ship frowns. “Why would she do that, sir?!”

“I’m of the opinion that Decimus is somehow controlling her actions. Forcing her to do whatever he says.”

“Sir, I disagree. I spoke to her just a few days ago via hologram.”

Lemon Hearts sounds surprised. “You did, sir?”

“Yes. She inquired if I would return to Canterlot to command the new ship for its first mission.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “What was it supposed to be?”

“Patrolling Equestrian airspace.”

Wrangler turns to the captain. “For what purpose, sir?”

“She had information that a dangerous terrorist group was planning something big against her and wanted to be prepared.”

Auriel gasps. “A terrorist group?!”

Hammer pulls her gun. “Bring em on! I’ll give em some terror!”

Max stands. “Sir, we can’t let this group attack!”

Hugh nods fervently. “We have to do something!”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s exactly what Decimus wants.”

Viktor grits his teeth. “Either way, if it means protecting the citizens we need to act, sir!”

Xenos stomps a hoof. “Yeah! They’re counting on us!”

Arc grimaces. “Think about it this way. If Celestia said that, the information had to come from somewhere.”

Cherry calls out to them. “But where?”

Arc slams a fist down on the table. “Decimus. Don’t you see? To him, WE’RE the terrorists!”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “But we only did what was necessary.”

Rose sighs. “That is true. However it most certainly will not be reported that way.”

Arc sighs. “Right. I’m just waiting to see how he spins it.”

He looks to Tight Ship.

“What do you say, captain? “

“I… don’t know what to think.”

Soarin frowns. “Me either.”

Wrangler puts a hoof to her forehead at her console. “This is a LOT to take in, sir.”

Arc looks to the speaker. “Is anyone coming after us though?”

Lemon Hearts shakes her head. “No chatter on the radio, sir.”

Moon Dancer frowns. “Scanners show nothing.”

Thunderlane grins. “Skies look clear to me.”

Fluttershy smiles nervously. “The only ship capable of catching us was damaged, after all.”

Stellar Flare looks to Arc. “Sir?”


“I’d… like to help.”


“Remember, I’m the Chief Engineer of The Equinox. I’d like to be allowed to retake my previous position.”

“That’s fine.”

Hard Hat stands and salutes. “I’ll join you too, sir. Not sure what I’ll be doing, but I serve the ponies of Equestria… not Decimus.”

“Thank you. Now then, when should we arrive, Lemon Hearts?”

“Due to the modifications to the engines, by first light tomorrow morning.”

“Good. Everyone did great out there tonight. If no one has anything else to say, we should all get some rest now.”

Nodding, the captain and commander stand and head for the door. As they leave Soaring turns to Tight Ship.

“What do you make of all this, sir?”

Tight Ship sighs. “I don’t really know. Let’s stop by the Infirmary though.”

Entering, they spot Nurse Redheart next to Silver Hammer’s bed with the bathing cart. She looks up at them as they enter.

“Good evening, you two.”

Tight Ship removes his cap. “Sorry to barge in like this. Can you tell us how they’re doing?”

“Very poorly, I’m afraid. Their bodies have been through severe trauma.”

Soarin frowns. “From the dungeon?!”

Redheart shakes her head. “No. For a prolonged period of time. Years even.”

Tight Ship appears confused. “Explain.”

Redheart points a hoof at their x-rays. “There’s evidence of innumerable injuries on several of their bones. I also found a large number of scars under their coats.”

Soarin gasps. “They’re supposed to just be a blacksmith and jeweler though. Not exactly dangerous jobs there.”

Tight Ship turns to the nurse. “Could it have been one large accident years ago?”

Redheart shakes her head. “I don’t think so. The injuries are literally all over their bodies. To the best of my knowledge there is no single accident that could have befell them that would leave such things behind.”

Soarin frowns. “How many would it take to do that?”

“At least a dozen for each of them. Frankly I’m surprised I didn’t find massive amounts of painkillers in their blood samples. Some of the former wounds would have left behind some very painful permanent damage.”

Soarin looks to Tight Ship. “None of this makes sense. They along with Hero of Light Arc were from Ponyville, so it makes sense that they would know each other. But…”

“True. However I find it hard to believe, from a tactical standpoint, that he would risk so much to save two ponies. After all, it’s just not strategically sound.”

“Do you think there’s more to this matter than we’re being told, sir?”

Tight Ship nods as he motions for Soarin to follow him. “Yes, commander. I guarantee it.”

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