• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 10 - A Trying Time

Early the next morning Arc steps out of the bathroom and into Twilight’s room. The Hoof Maidens are just putting the finishing touches on her outfit. As he walks over to them they bow respectfully. Holding up a hand, he speaks.

“Please, don’t let me interrupt your duties. Carry on.”

They nod and get back to work as Arc sits down in a nearby chair to observe. He watches as one brushes Twilight’s mane while another does her makeup. A short time later they step back and look Twilight over before speaking.

“You are now ready, your highness.”

Twilight smiles at them. “Thank you.”

Bowing, they move to the side of the room and wait silently as Arc stands and looks his friend over for a moment before turning to the Hoof Maidens in order to address them.

“Good work. Now then, return to the ship and await further orders.”

Raising a gauntlet, he opens a portal for them. The pair disappear through the swirling energies as Twilight grins and looks to him as she does a little twirl.

“So how do I look?”

Arc gives her a thumbs up. “Very nice!”

“Are you sure? I’m worried this black dress may send the wrong impression.”

“Nah. It’s simple, appropriate, and goes well with your crown.”

He looks to her head before continuing.

“Which I must add is currently missing from your head.”

Twilight giggles as she points to the vanity nearby. “Not to worry. It’s just over there.”

“I would have thought the Hoof Maidens would have done that for a dressing princess.”

“Normally, yes. However I have a standing order that they refrain.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“It’s something I’d just rather do myself.”

Arc smiles at her. “Are you sure there isn’t some other reason for it?”

Twilight sighs as her ears droop. “Is it that obvious?”


Walking over to the vanity, Twilight picks up her crown with a Telekinesis Spell. Levitating it in front of her she looks at it for a long moment before turning to Arc.

“I... have mixed feelings about this thing.”

“Your Element?”

Twilight nods as she turns to face him. “Yes. On the one hoof, the Elements of Harmony are what brought my friends and I together originally.”

“The six of you complement each other perfectly.”

“They’re the best friends anypony could have ever asked for, of course. And I wouldn’t trade them, or the time we’ve spent together, for anything in the world.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “But it’s not all rainbows and harmony, is it?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No... no, it isn’t. It’s also a reminder of my duty to Equestria and its inhabitants.”

“A heavy burden to bear.”

“I’m seen not only as the Princess of Friendship, but also as the leader of the Elements of Harmony as well.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I have heard you referred to as both in the past.”

“This really is a lot of responsibility.”

“That it is.”

“And sometimes I just feel so... alone in it.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “But you’re not, Twilight. Luna and Cadance are your ruling co-princesses. And eventually maybe even your mentor again.”

Twilight sighs. “Princess Celestia is the main reason I keep going.”


“You have to understand that it’s... it’s hard for me to do this. I know we’ve had this conversation in the past, of course. However...”

She glances at the crown momentarily before continuing.

“...I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to my position.”

“What about Princess Celestia?”

“If I were ruling by her side, like Luna did for years before I came along... I think I’d be much more comfortable in my role.”

“You wouldn’t get jealous?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not at all. She’s the best at what she does, after all.”

“You know, she too started off the same way.”

“Logically that has to be the case. However she’s the best mare for this job.”

Arc smiles at her. “I believe you’ll get there one day, Twilight.”

Twilight appears confused. “Get where?”

“To the point where you’re comfortable sitting on the throne.”

“I’m beginning to question that. Strongly, I might add.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, if it really becomes too much for you, no one says that you have to stay the ruling monarch.”

Twilight walks toward the window to look outside. “Yes, I believe Luna could take over for me in that regard. Then I could rule by her side until Princess Celestia is able to come back. And after that...”

She trails off and smiles sweetly as she turns and looks Arc in the eye.

“...after than we could... you know...”

“Get married?”

“It wouldn’t have to be anytime soon, mind you. I mean... it’s not like I’m trying to rush you into tying the knot.”

Arc chuckles. “I would hope not. After all, we haven’t even told the others about your proposal yet.”

Twilight grins. “But I am looking forward to it, yes.”

She looks away for a moment before continuing.

“Um... I... I did have an idea about that very thing this morning though.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Oh? About what?”

“The problem at hoof. Equestria needs a ruler, after all. Me... Princess Celestia... Luna... Cadance... it doesn’t really matter all that much which of us sits on the throne. Just that somepony does.”

“Someone whom cares about the land and its inhabitants, you mean.”

“Naturally. But it’s ultimately just a matter of maintaining stability. And as long as that’s in place and being actively carried out, everything else is secondary.”

“Where are you going with this, Twilight?”

“I was thinking that maybe... maybe you and I could...”

She smiles nervously before continuing.

“...rule together.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “But only a princess can sit on the throne. Well, baring extreme circumstances, that is.”

Twilight nods. “I know, Arc. That’s what the law says. What it’s always said.”

“Then why did you suggest...?”

Twilight interrupts him. “Because the law could be changed.”

There is a long silence. Eventually Arc breaks it.

“So you’re saying... that you want me to lead the country... by your side?”

“Not quite. In truth, I would like to rule it by YOUR side.”

Arc gasps. “What?!”

“After all, you did such a good job as Lord Regent! Luna and Cadance both respect you and your decisions as does the rest of the nation! Even internationally!”

“Twilight, I can’t...!”

“We could get it passed, at least temporarily! I’m sure of it!”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Twilight.”

“Why not?!”

“Because the nation needs an alicorn princess on the throne. Not someone whom more or less fell into this land haphazardly.”


Arc interrupts her. “And it needs an alicorn because they represent all three pony races.”

Twilight sighs. “I suppose so. But I... I would still rather rule in your shadow... than in the spotlight.”

Arc smiles at her. “Maybe you need to have a talk with the other princesses about your feelings on ruling.”

“That would probably be for the best. After all, I want to be the very best wife I can be for you.”

“And you feel you couldn’t do that as a princess?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not properly, no.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’d always have to put you second.”

“Like I am now?”

Twilight puts a hoof on the glass before continuing. “Kinda, yes. But remember, you’ve also made it very clear that you don’t want to marry me and the others before retiring.”


“So how is that any different to me wanting to step back from my job?”

Arc steps forward and puts a hand on her shoulder. “Because you’re a princess now, Twilight. Mind... and body.”

He glances down at her wings before continuing.

“You can walk away from your job, yes. However, for better or worse, you are now... and always will be... an alicorn.”

Nodding, Twilight sighs.

“I know you’re right, Arc. But I still feel like I’m going to be short-changing you as a wife.”

“We all will be at some point.”

Twilight turns around, confused. “Huh?”

“There will be days when we’re too busy for one another. Applejack during harvest season. Rarity when her orders grow. Derpy when she has to work late at the orphanage.”

He bows his head before continuing.

“And me... when I have to fly across the globe to deal with something.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “It kinda makes sense when you put it that way.”

“We won’t always be readily available for one another, Twilight. But we’ll do our best to utilize the time we do get.”

Twilight nods and looks at the clock before turning back to him. “Yes, of course. Um... “

“Almost time to go.”

“Right. I didn’t want to make it sound like I was trying to brush this conversation off though. After all, we have a lot more to say on this subject.”

“And we will. But right now we need to take care of this matter.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Once and for all.”

A knock rings out. Arc turns to the door and opens it with a Telekinesis Spell. Ashe steps inside wearing a simple black robe and closes the door behind her. Twilight smiles and walks over to her along with Arc.

“Good morning, Ashe.”

Ashe smiles at her. “Likewise, Twilight. You’re looking well.”

Twilight nods to her outfit. “I hope this will be acceptable attire.”

“It will be, yes. As I told you the other day, griffon customs state that simple black attire should be worn when going before the court.”

She looks to Arc before continuing.

“I’m glad to see your Equestria tailor was able to make you something so quickly.”

Arc tugs at the neck. “As am I. But at the moment I feel less like a diplomat and more like an anime schoolboy.”

Twilight giggles. “Well I think you look very nice, Arc.”

Ashe turns to Twilight. “Agreed. Now then, I wanted to go over the procedure one last time before we go.”

Arc frowns. “Again?”

“This needs to be done right.”

Twilight nods. “We don’t want to offend the king right now, Arc. After all, he’s presiding over this case.”

Ashe motions to the door. “Exactly. Now then, when we leave this room the guards will escort us directly to the Throne Room. By now it’s been made ready for this event with two large separate tables facing the throne. We will enter and sit down together at one of them. Which one doesn’t matter unless Lord Goldstone is already there. Obviously then we’d sit at the other one.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And he’ll be sitting with his council at that point?”

Ashe nods. “Arbiter Ghaleon has volunteered to speak on his behalf, yes. Any witnesses or those giving testimony will be seated with him at that point. In this particular case it will mostly be character witnesses.”

Twilight grimaces. “And he gets to go first, right?”

“Exactly. However, we have the right to cross-examine the witnesses when they’re done giving testimony for Goldstone.”

Twilight frowns. “What would we ask them though?”

Ashe shrugs. “Not much probably.”

Arc frowns. “You mean you don’t know who’s going to be there?”

“I do not.”

Twilight gasps. “Then how are we supposed to be able to cross-examine anypony?”

Ashe sighs. “It’s just how the legal system works here in the Griffon Kingdom. The offender has the advantage.”

The court proceedings as you described them the other day sound somewhat similar to how we do things back on Earth. Well, other than the defense presenting their case first and not knowing what’s going to be brought as evidence or whom will testify. Can I assume that after they’re done we’ll have the right to call our own witnesses and present testimony, Ashe?”

“Yes. When the defense rests their case we will then have the same chance to present the king with our own evidence and testimony.”

Twilight groans. “But they can question our witnesses and evidence too, right?”

Ashe sighs. “Right. After all, fair is fair.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Then closing arguments.”

Ashe nods. Both sides will be allowed to say what they want at the end to wrap up their presentation, yes. Then King Guto will adjourn the court for the day before retiring to his office in order to be allowed to consider the matter in its entirety. At that time he’ll be able re-read every bit of testimony as recorded by the court stenographer and will be able to review every physical piece of evidence privately at his leisure.

Twilight looks suddenly worried. “But the real question on my mind is... will the king believe us over Lord Goldstone?”

Arc nods as he turns to Ashe. “That is the ten thousand dollar question.”

Ashe bows her head. “I’m skeptical that he will. After all, that would involve him being forced to admit that a high ranking official was allowed to commit such crimes some time ago and not stopped until now. That’s not something that would be easy for him to do. Or in the best interest of the nation either.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But I thought you told me the other day that the case is going to be aired on the radio? How could he ignore what we have to say in front of the entire country?”

“It will be, yes. However that’s on the insistence of my father and the other two lords. And a few other legal minded griffons high up the chain of command.”

Arc chuckles. “Sounds to me like they just figured that they couldn’t hide it under the rug.”

Twilight appears confused. “Is that not the norm here though?”

Ashe grins wickedly. “Normally that would be the case, yes. However, I may have... accidently talked about the matter a bit too loudly in the presence of the castle staff as well as a number of griffons elsewhere.”

Arc frowns. “The rebels?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Other nobles actually. Covertly, of course.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Might I ask how?”

“Simply put... the grapevine.”

“The what?”

“Nobles are notorious gossips, Twilight. All I had to do was ask a few of them if they’d ‘heard the latest’ about Lord Goldstone. Then when they said ‘no’ I would tell them that I heard about it from someone else and give them a sordid detail or two. When they left to tell their friends I did the same several more times, but with completely different information.”

Twilight frowns. “But wouldn’t that make for a story that doesn’t add up?”

“Normally, yes. However, when those busybodies found out there was more information out there to be found, they went into gossip overload looking for it.”

Arc smirks. “And by ‘looking’ you mean asking everyone in their respective social circles if they’ve heard the latest?”

Ashe nods. “Exactly. This led to their commoner servants hearing about it too. And they far outnumber the nobles.”

Twilight grins widely. “So one might say that the government caved to the will of the citizens.”

“I suppose so, yes.”

“Good. This is a step in the right direction.”

Ashe appears confused. “Twilight?”

“Governments need to be as transparent as possible. Keeping things, especially the wrongdoings of their top officials under wraps, just proves to everypony that they shouldn’t be trusted.”

“Agreed. Hopefully this goes well and justice is served.”

Arc looks to the clock. “We should probably get moving then to get this ball rolling.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes. Are we ready?”

Arc and Ashe both nod. Walking toward the doors together, Arc pushes them open. The guards step forward and surround Twilight and Ashe as they pass. Taking his place behind them Arc falls into step as the procession advances. As they walk Twilight whispers to Ashe.

“No going back now.”

Ashe nods soberly. “That there isn’t.”

“Any last minute advice?”

“I’ll let you know if I think of any.”

Coming to a truly massive set of doors they stop and wait. Ashe looks to Twilight.

“The Throne Room.”

“What are we waiting for?”

“To be allowed inside.”

“Are we early?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No. They must me making some last-minute preparations, or something.”

Twilight looks around. “What about Lord Goldstone?”

Ashe shrugs. “He really should be here. That is unless he’s running late. Not advisable though.”

“I suppose it’s not a good idea to be late for something like this.”

“The king doesn’t like to be kept waiting though. And since we’re here and our legal opponent isn’t...”

She puts a talon to her chin before lowering her voice and continuing.

“This whole thing just became MUCH harder!”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“Don’t you see, Twilight?! Goldstone knows not to be late for something like this! And since we’re right on time, the door is closed, and he’s not here out here there’s only one other place he could be!”

Twilight grits her teeth. “In the Throne Room!”

Ashe nods soberly. “With the king!”

“Do you think they’re conspiring together?!”

“It stands to reason that he would. Considering what’s at stake, I mean.”

“If this matter came to light it would make him look bad as this land’s ruler!”

“Agreed, Twilight.”

“What do we do?!”

“Continue on as planned.”


Ashe sighs as the doors in front of them slowly begin to open. “It’s all we can do.”

The procession enters the Throne Room together. Ashe and Twilight walk down the red carpet toward the throne. King Guto sits there silently watching them as they do so. Lord Goldstone sits at the other table going over some papers. Approaching the opposite table, Ashe and Twilight sit down as Arc takes his place between them. As the rest of the group from outside, which includes the rest of the Council of Lord and a large number of nobles, steps into the Throne Room the guards at the door close and seal them before turning to face forward and stand there silently. Looking around the room for a moment, the king turns to an aid and speaks.

“Begin the transmission.”

A nearby griffon presses a few buttons and nods silently to the monarch. King Guto looks out and speaks.

“This court will come to order.”

He pauses before continuing.

“We’ve come here today to officially examine the accusations against Lord Goldstone.”

Turning to Ashe, he continues.

“You may begin.”

Ashe nods and stands. Gesturing to Twilight, she speaks.

“As the ambassador for the Griffon Kingdom to Equestria, it is my duty to bring their leaders here today in order to lodge their complaint before the court for judgment.”

Looking to Twilight, Ashe nods. Taking a deep breath, Twilight stands and points a hoof at Goldstone.

“As the ruling princess of Equestria, I hereby officially accuse Lord Goldstone of sexually assaulting a mare during a visit to Canterlot Castle.”

King Guto turns to Goldstone.

“You have heard the complaint. How do you plead?”

Goldstone replies soberly. “Not guilty, your highness.”

“Are you represented by honorable council?”

Ghaleon stands. “I speak for Lord Goldstone, sire.”

The king looks to Ashe.

“And you speak for Equestria, ambassador?”

Ashe nods. “With Princess Twilight’s blessing, yes.”

“Very well. “

He returns his gaze to Ghaleon.

“You may make your opening statement.”

Ghaleon steps to the front of the table and looks to the king as he speaks.

“Sire, Lord Goldstone has served as a member of the Council of Lords for many years now. In that time, there has never been a single claim brought against his character, business dealings, or official conduct. He was primarily responsible for holding our nation’s economy together throughout the years with his keen business sense and ability to find opportunities where none were thought to exist.”

He gestures to Goldstone before continuing.

“Why would he, a griffon of extreme wealth, power, and influence, go after a common mare? Of another species, no less?”

Ashe stands. “Objection, your honor! The opposing council is implying that the victim is beneath the accused in status!”

“Overruled. Arbiter Ghaleon was merely stating a fact, ambassador.”

Ghaleon continues as Ashe sits down. “We do not know why this particular time was chosen by Equestria. Why they did not bring these charges sooner. What they hope to gain by...”

Twilight places her front hooves on the table as she angrily prepares to stand. However, Arc puts a hand on her shoulder and holds her down. Silently turning to her he shakes his head. Grimacing, Twilight looks forward as Ghaleon continues his opening statement. As he concludes the griffon sits down. The king looks to Ashe.

“You may now make your opening statement, Ambassador Ashe.”

Taking a deep breath, Ashe stands and makes her way to the front of the table. Clearing her throat she begins to speak.

“Your honor, we come here today seeking justice. Justice for a crime committed some time ago on Equestrian soil. As per our two nations treaty, they have the right to petition the court for legal action against our citizens in the event a law is broken. Under the terms of the treaty, they can request that a griffon accused of a crime be extradited to Equestria to stand trial there before a court of law. However, as Lord Goldstone is protected from legal action by his position within our nation’s government, we are here to prove that the charges as presented are indeed true. It is the princess’ hope that you will render a ‘guilty’ verdict and strip Lord Goldstone of his power and position in order to return him to the status of an ordinary citizen. Princess Twilight will then make a motion to extradite him to Equestria to stand trial there for his crimes. She assures me that he will be treated as any other facing judgment and that I will be permitted to be present at any and all official hearings and the trial itself.”

Arc and Twilight sit there listening as Ashe continues for some time. She talks of the judicial system and her hopes to reach an amicable solution for both nations. Eventually she sits down to signal her intent to continue the trial. King Guto looks to Ghaleon.

“You may make your defense.”

“Yes, your honor.”

Ghaleon steps to the front of the table and looks to the crowd.

“I call Lord Gestal to the stand.”

Gestal steps forward and sits down in the witness stand. Ghaleon walks over to him.

“Lord Gestal, how long have you known the accused?”

“Nearly my entire life. He and my family have always been close.”

“And have you ever known him to do anything... promiscuous?”

Gestal shakes his head. “I have not, no.”

“Can you elaborate why that would be?”

Ashe stands. “Objection! The question is speculative!”

Guto frowns. “Sustained. Arbiter?”

“I will rephrase the question.”

Ghaleon thinks for a moment before continuing.

“Do you believe that the accused is a very busy individual?”


“Can you explain to the court what a typical day’s duties would be for him?”

Ashe again stands. “Objection! Again, the question is purely speculative!”

Guto shakes his head. “Overruled. Lord Gestal’s position on the Council of Lords means that he has intimate knowledge of Lord Goldstone’s day to day activities.”

Gestal speaks. “He is in charge of all economic affairs. Writing policy, tax codes, foreign trade, governmental business dealings, diplomacy...”

Ghaleon holds up a talon as he interrupts. “You needn’t go on, Lord Gestal. That’s a very impressive workload he has. Was it all assigned to him by you?”

“It was, yes.”

“And do you believe that he is capable of doing all that work alone?”

“Lord Goldstone has told me in the past that he is able to, yes.”


“With the help of aides, yes.”

Ghaleon turns away from the stand. “No further questions.”

Guto turns to Ashe. “Ambassador?”

Ashe stands. “No questions, your highness.”

Returning to her chair, Ashe sits down. Twilight turns to her and whispers.

“Why not press him on what Goldstone’s responsibilities entail?!”

“It’s not key to the case at large.”

“But you could have...!”

Ashe interrupts her. “Please, Twilight. We need to play our cards carefully here.”


“This is a game for the nobility here. The stakes are high and their interest is piqued.”

Twilight frowns. “I’m not sure if that is good or bad.”


Ashe looks over her papers as she continues.

“But we can’t go on the offensive just yet.”

Ghaleon calls the other two members of the Council of Lords to testify. However when the time for cross-examination comes Ashe has no questions. Next, Ghaleon calls forth a member of the nobility. Ashe leans close to Twilight as the griffon is questioned.

“Here’s an opportunity.”


“That’s Gerard. He’s a well-known business mogul here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Twilight appears confused. “How can he help us?”

Ashe smirks. “By answering a few very simple questions.”

As Gerard finishes answering a question, Ghaleon turns back to his table.

“No further questions.”

Guto looks to Ashe. “Your witness, ambassador.”

Ashe stands. Yes, your honor.

Walking over to the stand, she looks Gerard in the eye and motions to Goldstone with a talon before speaking.

“From your earlier testimony it sounds like you know the accused very well. Is that correct?”

Gerard nods. “Yes. I’ve known Lord Goldstone personally for many years.”

“How many would you say?”

“At least thirty.”

“That’s quite some time.”

“It is, yes.”

“So you would say that you’re close to the accused?”

“I am.”

“Would you say that he and you are friends?”


“Tell me... what is Lord Goldstone’s favorite book?”

Gerard appears confused. “I’m sorry, what?”

“I asked you what Lord Goldstone’s favorite book is.”

“Well... I don’t really know.”

“That’s understandable. How about what kind of music he listens to?”

“I... have no idea.”

“His favorite food?”


Ghaleon stands. “Objection! These questions are irrelevant to the case, your honor!”

“Sustained. Please come to the point, ambassador.”

Ashe nods. “Just one more question, your honor.”

Guto frowns. “Very well. However you’d best start making sense.”

Ashe turns back to Gerard. “When is Lord Goldstone’s birthday?”

Gerard raises an eyebrow. “...what?”

“I thought you said you were a good friend of his.”

“I am!”

Ashe leans on the witness stands as she speaks. “Let’s get this straight. You don’t know Lord Goldstone’s favorite book, preferred music, favorite food, or even his birthday. However, you claim to be close to him.”

“Well... I...”

“Can you tell me one specific thing about him personally other than his business and dealings?”

The courtroom is silent for a few moments as Gerard thinks. Eventually he sighs and shakes his head.

“No, I guess I can’t.”

“So you can’t exactly say that you’re close to the accused, can you?”

Gerard frowns. “We are though! The two of us have conducted numerous business dealings in the past!”

“Business dealings, yes. However, the fact remains that you don’t really know anything about Lord Goldstone outside of the office, do you?”

“It... there’s more to knowing someone than what you asked!”

“Fine. Name one thing then. One personal fact about Lord Goldstone.”

Gerard seethes. “I already told you that I CAN’T!”

“Then you can’t really be a character witness, now can you?

Gerard remains silent. Ashe walks back to her table.

“No further questions.”

Sitting down she turns to Twilight.

“That should put a dent in their future testimony.”

Twilight looks over at Goldstone’s table. “I think you’re right. It looks like he and Arbiter Ghaleon are having a hard time picking another witness.”

Ashe grins slyly. “We just eliminated pretty much all of them. I imagine that his plan was to call the other members of the Council of Lords as a sign of strength before the nobility character witnesses took the stand. Goldstone then would have pulled it all together by making a speech on his own behalf portraying himself as the victim.

Twilight smirks. “Now he doesn’t really have any reason to take the stand as there’s nothing for him to work with.”


Goldstone and Ghaleon deliberate for a few more moments as the king impatiently taps the arm of his chair with a talon.

“Arbiter, do you have any other witnesses to call, or not?”

Ghaleon looks to the king with a pained expression on his face. “I... do not, your honor.”

“Have you anything else to say or add to the record at this time?”

“No, your honor. We rest our case.”

“Very well.”

The king turns to Ashe before continuing.

“You have the floor, ambassador.”

Ashe stands. “Thank you, your honor.”

Walking to the front of the room, Ashe begins to speak.

“I would like to present my physical evidence. With the court’s permission, I will display a visual recording of Lord Goldstone committing the crime.”

Guto nods. Very well, ambassador. How shall we view this... alleged act?

Ashe gestures to Arc. “Lord Arc has the items required to make this happen. Might he set them up now?”

“Very well.”

Arc stands and walks to the side of his table. Removing the projector from his ring he begins setting it up as Twilight stands.

“If it pleases the court, might I speak on the merits of the device before us, your honor?”

Guto nods. “Very well, Princess Twilight.”

Twilight motions with a hoof. “This magical projector is capable of showing the memories of those whom interact with it.”

Arc sets a crystal on the table next to her. Twilight picks it up and holds it aloft as she continues.

“This small gem is a link to the device. It also acts as a repositor which allows us to view the memories at a later date.”

Guto raises an eyebrow. “For what purpose, Princess Twilight?”

“Reference, your honor. Think of how difficult it would be if you had to send for somepony to recite to you a fact that could otherwise be easily recorded in a book.”

She motions to the crystal before continuing.

“Or in this case, an audio/visual recording.”

Setting the crystal down on the table again, she holds out a hoof to Arc. He removes another crystal from his ring and gives it to her.

“However, if it pleases the court, I would like to display the authenticity of this device first. Ambassador Ashe has volunteered to demonstrate with a recent memory.”

Ghaleon stands. “Objection! How can we be sure that what will be shown will be the truth, your honor?!”

“Overruled. We haven’t seen anything yet, arbiter.”

He sits back down as Twilight gives the crystal to Ashe. Motioning for the lights to be dimmed, she concentrates as images form on the screen. Twilight, Arc, and Gestal are seen sitting around a table sharing a meal. The conversation plays back for a few minutes before Ashe sets down the crystal and looks to the king.

“As you can see, your honor, the device was able to accurately display a recent meal we shared with my father.”

Guto looks to the lords sitting in the front row. “Lord Gestal. Was what we saw accurate in its depiction?”

Gestal nods. “Yes, your highness. It was a completely accurate depiction.”

Twilight picks up the other crystal. “Shall we move on to the record of the events of the night in question, your honor?”

Guto leans back on his throne and folds his talons in front of his face. “Proceed.”

Giving the crystal to Arc, he puts it into the machine and closes the lid as Twilight speaks.

“To all those listening at home, the audio you’re about to hear is very graphic in nature. It may be wise for younglings or those whom are sensitive to the subject matter to leave the room for a short time.”

She looks to Arc and motions to the machine. The lights are again dimmed as he presses a button. The scene of Raven being dragged toward the bed plays out in its entirety. It culminates with Flash Sentry escorting a visibly shaken Raven from the room and down the corridor. As Arc turns off the machine Ghaleon stands.

“Objection, your honor! We can’t be sure that what we saw was truly what happened!”

“Sustained. Provincially however.”

Ashe appears confused. “Your honor?”

“This evidence, while impressive, certainly does not prove beyond a shadow of a doubt what happened during the time in question.”

“Shall we continue with our testimony then, your honor?”

“Yes, indeed.”

The king waits as Ashe whispers to Arc. Nodding soberly, he raises a gauntlet and opens a portal before stepping through. Ashe looks to the king and speaks.

“Lord Arc will return in a moment, your highness. In the meantime, I would like to say...”

Meanwhile, Arc reappears in his quarters aboard The Equinox. Flash Sentry is holding Raven’s hoof on the sofa. Walking over to the pair, he sighs.

“It’s time, Flash Sentry.”

Nodding, the stallion stands. Raven maintains her hold on his hoof as she speaks.

“Please be careful!”

Flash Sentry smiles at her. “I will.”

Arc smiles at her. “Don’t worry, Raven. With all the guards in the Throne Room, no one is going to be able to do anything to anyone without getting annihilated.”

Flash Sentry pats her hoof. “And if they believe my testimony that means you won’t have to set hoof in there.”

Raven grimaces. “That... would be nice, yes. But I’m still worried about you! They might not listen! Or worse yet, retaliate against...!”

Flash Sentry puts a hoof on her cheek. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take for you, my dear. After all, I want you to be able to live your life free from fear.”

“But I’m safe back in Equestria!”

“I know, Raven. However, you don’t.”

Raven appears confused. “Flash?”

“You still cry out in your sleep. Begging for him to stop. Well, I’m going to MAKE him stop here and now!”

He kisses the top of her head and smiles as Raven takes his hoof with a sad smile.

“I love you, Flash Sentry!”

“And I love you too, Raven.”

Smiling at her one last time, Flash Sentry turns to join his commanding officer. Motioning to the portal, Arc leads the way through the swirling energies. The pair reappear behind the table as Ashe wraps up her speech.

“I would now like to call a direct witness to the crime. The guard whom burst into Lord Goldstone’s room to confront him.”

She motions to the witness stand. Flash Sentry steps forward as Arc again sits down next to Twilight. Ashe walks over and begins her examination.

“Would you please state your name for the court?”

“Flash Sentry.”

“You were a guard in the castle?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“In your own words, can you please tell us what happened on the night in question?”

“I was patrolling the castle, as per my orders, when I heard muffled screams from nearby. Looking around, I was able to discern what room it was coming from. Being the VIP quarters, I decided to peek through the keyhole before knocking. However ,when I did that I immediately saw a griffon dragging a young mare toward the bed.”

“And did you see whom was doing this?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

He points a hoof before continuing.

“It was Lord Goldstone.”

“Are you certain absolutely certain of this?”

Flash Sentry nods soberly. “I am, yes.”

“Upon seeing what was happening, what did you do next?”

“I rushed into the room and positioned myself between Lord Goldstone and the victim.”

“For what purpose?”

“She was clearly terrified at what had just happened. I was trying to guard her against any further harm.”

“What happened next?”

“Lord Goldstone and I argued for a time. He was yelling at me to get out of his room and that the mare was there of her own free will. Naturally we didn’t get anywhere other than a screaming match during which the victim cowered in a corner and sobbed.”

“Did she leave the room under her own power?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No, ma’am. I had to help her out of there.”

“Where do you go?”

“To the Royal Gardens. I didn’t really know what to do, and only thought to get her out of the castle and to a place where I figured she wouldn’t be found by Lord Goldstone again.”

“Did he find her?”

Ghaleon stands. “Objection! The present course of questioning is irrelevant to the case!”


Ashe turns to the king. “I’m only trying to establish the full course of that night’s antics, you honor.”

“Then it had best start making sense quickly, ambassador.”

Ashe turns to Flash Sentry. “What happened next?”

“We were found by my former commanding officer, Captain of the Royal Guard Decimus, and thrown into the dungeon.”

“Just to clarify, both you and the victim were jailed?”

“Yes, we were.”

“On what charges?”

“Insubordination and assault officially.”


“Neither of us was ever given a fair trial during which we could have plead our cases.”

“I see. So you were both jailed for a crime that was never investigated?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“How did your commanding officer hear about this matter?”

Ghaleon stands. “Objection! Ambassador Ashe is asking the witness to speculate on something that he isn’t sure of regarding the situation as a whole!”

Guto frowns. “Sustained. Unless the witness can prove that Lord Goldstone sent his commanding officer after him that night.”

Flash Sentry looks down at his hooves. “I... can’t.”

Guto looks to Ashe. “No assumptions, ambassador.”

Ashe returns her gaze to Flash Sentry and continues. “Was that the end of the matter?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No, ma’am. After we were released, both the victim and I were transferred to a new post outside of Canterlot.”

“Was there a reason given for the transfer?”

“None, ma’am.”

Ashe turns and walks toward her chair.

“No further questions.”

Ghaleon stands and walks over to the witness stand. Looking the stallion up and down a few times, he begins his cross-examination.

“You claim to have seen the entire matter with your own eyes, correct?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Just like you said in your testimony earlier?”

“Exactly as stated.”

“I am a bit confused about something you stated. You testified that you were walking by the suite in question while on patrol. Is that correct?”

“Yes sir, I was.”

“Would you please state your current rank for the court?”

“Colonel of the Equestrian Guard.”

“So you are a fairly high ranking officer in the military then?”

“One might say so, yes.”

“Then why were you on guard duty in the first place?”

“At the time of the incident I was a sergeant, sir.”

Ghaleon smirks. “A sergeant, you say?”

“Yes sir.”

Ghaleon puts a talon to his chin thoughtfully. “Very interesting. Tell me, how does one rise through the ranks of the military?”

Flash Sentry appears confused. “Sir?”

“I’m asking how someone is promoted in Equestria.”

Ashe stands. “Objection! This is irrelevant to the case!”

King Guto looks to Ghaleon. “Arbiter?”

“I’m coming to my point, sir.”

“Objection overruled. The witness will answer the question.”

Ghaleon turns to Flash Sentry. “Now then... tell me how someone is promoted.”

“Well... by following orders, being efficient, and doing what needs to be done, I suppose.”

“And whom does this... promoting?”

“Generally one’s superior officer.”

“And they dictate whom is promoted as well as whom is not?”

“Yes sir.”

“How often is something like that done?”

“There is no specific timeline. Just when they believe somepony is ready.”

“And your commanding officer believed that you were ready for promotion?”

Ashe stands. “Objection! That’s speculation!”

Guto nods. “Sustained.”

“Well then, can you tell us whom you commanding officer is?”

“At the time of the incident it was Captain of the Royal Guard Decimus.”

“And now?”

“Hero of Light Arc.”

“Are you saying that Lord Arc is your commanding officer?”

“Yes sir.”

“Just to be sure that there is no chance for error here, would you please point at your commanding officer.”

Flash Sentry lifts a hoof and points it at Arc. “That’s him.”

“So Lord Arc, one of the individuals whom initially brought these charges before the court, is also your commanding officer?”

“Yes sir.”

“Did he order you to testify here today?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “No sir.”

“So you came here of your own free will?”

“Yes sir. When I heard that this case would be brought before the court I volunteered to come and tell what I saw.”

Ghaleon turns back to his table. “No further questions.”

As the arbiter heads to his seat, Twilight turns to Ashe.

“How did he know the colonel was under Arc’s command?!”

“He was fishing for information. Looking for something that could be used to discredit the witness.”

Arc sighs. “And he found it.”

Ashe nods soberly. “Arbiter Ghaleon’s specialty is seeking the truth. That’s why Lord Goldstone chose him to be his representative.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “I don’t get it. Isn’t he afraid that he’ll be found out?”

Ashe shakes her head. “No. It’s actually quite brilliant. With the arbiter’s attention focused solely on defending against our witnesses’ testimony, he doesn’t have time to look at Lord Goldstone’s actions.”

Arc frowns. “So what do we do, Ashe?”

“Keep going and hope for the best.”

Twilight grimaces. “That doesn’t sound like a very good plan.”

Ashe sighs and nods. “It isn’t. But it’s all we can do.”

Guto looks to Ashe. “Your next witness, ambassador.”

“But we’ve already brought an eyewitness of the crime to the stand, sir. Are you not convinced of their testimony?”

Guto frowns. “I am not. They are a subordinate of Lord Arc whom helped bring the charges forward. That is a conflict of interest to this court.”

Ashe nods soberly. “Very well.”

“Call your next witness.”

“I would like to call to the stand... the victim herself.”

She turns to Arc. He frowns and opens a portal. Together, he and Flash Sentry step through to return to Arc’s quarters aboard The Equinox. They find Raven pacing nervously. Arc looks to her and sighs.

“They didn’t go for it.”

Raven motions with a hoof. “Yes, sir. I heard on the radio.”

Flash Sentry walks towards her. “Ashe believes that your personal testimony is needed to drive this case forward.”

“But... but, I can’t!”

Arc nods soberly. “I know it’s hard, Raven. What happened to you was certainly terrible and needs to be brought to light.”

Flash Sentry bows his head. “But if you just walk away now they’ll most likely exonerate Goldstone.”

Raven shudders. “That vile griffon won’t be convicted even if I do testify though.”

Arc sighs. “Maybe not. However we have to try, Raven.”

Flash Sentry puts a hand on her shoulder. “I know you didn’t want what happened. However if we don’t stand up and tell our story then he’ll just keep on doing it.”

Arc nods soberly. “How many other victims do you think are out there, Raven? Ten? Twenty? A hundred? Maybe even more. But right now you’re in a unique situation here, you can actually do something about it.”

He gestures to the portal before continuing.

“Through there is the courtroom in which Goldstone is sitting. You have a chance to tell everyone in there, as well as the entire country who’s tuned in to listen, exactly what was done to you on that night.”

Raven’s ears droop as she looks at the floor. “They won’t believe me any more than they did Flash Sentry though.”

Flash Sentry sighs. “Only because I’m a subordinate of the commander. You have nothing to gain by lying in their eyes.”

Arc nods. “You’re our case’s last hope. So are you going to testify... or should we end the proceedings now?”

There is a long pause as Raven considers what to do. Eventually she nods sadly and walks over to Arc.

“I’ll come, sir.”


Flash Sentry looks to Arc. “Might I come too, sir?”

“Yes, I suppose so. Just stay by my side though.”

“Yes sir.”

They step through the portal and return to the courtroom. Ashe walks Raven over to the witness stand and helps her sit down before speaking.

“Will you please state your name for the court, miss?”

“R-Raven. Raven Inkwell.”

“Please tell the court in your own words what happened in the night in question.”

“I was tasked with delivering a message to Lord Goldstone regarding his audience times the following day. However, when he answered the door I was beckoned inside his quarters. Thinking it to be merely a matter of security I did as he asked and entered the room. As he closed the door, however, I felt a talon on my flank.”

“Who’s talon, miss?”

“Lord Goldstone’s.”

“Are you certain of this?”

Raven nods. “Yes. He and I were the only ones in the room.”

“What happened next?”

“I thought it to simply be a mistake or perhaps a custom of his land and moved to step forward. However, he followed me as I did so.”

“With his talon still on your flank?”

“Yes, ma’am. It made me feel very uncomfortable to be touched in such a way, so I quickly gave him the written schedule and told him what it was.”

“And then you left?”

Raven shakes her head. “I tried to. However he told me to stay as he had... questions.”

“Questions regarding the paperwork you brought?”

“No, ma’am. They were about... pony anatomy.”

“Can you give the court an example?”

Raven grimaces. “He... Lord Goldstone asked how... foals were made.”

“And your response?”

“The simple version one would tell a growing foal whom asked.”

“And then?”

“I felt... something touch my tail.”

“What was it?”

Raven puts a hoof to her stomach. “Lord Goldstone’s talon. He stroked the underside of my tail and followed it to my... genitals.”

“Did you tell him to stop?”

“I did, yes, as I turned to quickly leave the room.”

“And did he let you go?”

“No. As I neared the door he stepped forward and tackled me. I felt a talon holding my muzzle shut while the other snaked over my belly. Even though I screamed as loudly as I could, it wasn’t very loud with my mouth held shut.”

“As much as I hate to ask, what happened next?”

Raven’s voice cracks as she speaks. “Lord Goldstone, he... he picked me up and started walking toward the bed. Then he said... ‘I’m about to give you the greatest honor of your worthless life. So just lie still and don’t resist.’ And that was when the guard rushed in to stop him.”

“Sergeant Flash Sentry?”

Raven nods shakily. “He and Lord Goldstone, they... there was a lot of yelling. I don’t really remember exactly what they said to one another. But at one point Flash Sentry helped me up and out of the room.”

“To safety?”

“The Castle Gardens. We weren’t there long though, as a contingent of guards soon arrested us.”


Raven nods. “They were sent by Captain of the Royal Guard Decimus.”

Ghaleon stands. “Objection! The witness is speculating!”

Guto looks to Raven. “How do you know you were arrested under Decimus’ orders?”

“Because he told us that we would be locked up until Lord Goldstone left the castle.”

“Objection overruled. Continue, ambassador.”

“So you were held without charges in the dungeon until Lord Goldstone left Equestria?”

“Yes. Then we were thrown out of the castle. Forcefully.”

“Did you report this matter?”

“I wasn’t able to enter the castle to petition the princesses about it, no. After that I was sent away from the capital on a new assignment.”

“Along with Flash Sentry?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“How did that make you feel?”

“Like a piece of office equipment. Something that is meant to serve a purpose and discarded when no longer useful. Nothing I had done up until that point was taken into account and I was sent away without so much as a word regarding what was done to me nor my past deeds in pursuing my duty to Canterlot.”

She bows her head as a single tear courses down her cheek.

“I was treated as if I was a lifeless doll... an embarrassment to be swept under the rug and hidden far away from the public eye.”

“And what is it that you want from this court?”

“Just... to see to it that this doesn’t happen to anypony else. Ever.”

Ashe turns back to her table. “No further questions.”

Guto looks to Ghaleon. “Arbiter?”

“No questions, your honor.”

Nodding, the king returns his gaze to Ashe.


“I... um...”

She turns to Twilight whom bows her head and nods. Sighing, Ashe speaks.

“We... rest our case.”

Guto raises an eyebrow. “You do? Are you certain?”

Ashe nods. “Yes, your honor.”

“Just to be perfectly clear, you’re saying that you have no other evidence to present or witnesses to call, Ambassador Ashe?”

“That is correct, your honor.”

Guto leans back on the throne and lays his talons on the armrests. “I must say that you don’t really have much of a case here in terms of testimony or tangible evidence, ambassador.”

“We have presented all that we have, your honor.”

“Very well. The evidence as presented by both sides is certainly clear to me. Now then, I shall take a short recess to think about what I’ve heard here before returning to render my verdict.”

The king stands and is escorted from the Throne Room by his guards as Arc walks over to the witness stand. Looking Raven in the eye he smiles.

“You did great.”

“Thank you, sir. But I don’t think it was enough.”

“Maybe not. However we all did our best with what we had. Now then, why don’t you head back to The Equinox along with Flash Sentry and...?”

He is cut off as a guard hurries past them and down the corridor that the king walked through mere moments ago. A few minutes later King Guto returns and again sits on his throne. Looking to Ghaleon, he speaks.

“I’ve just been informed that an individual outside has approached the guards with additional testimony regarding this case for Ambassador Ashe. Do you have any objections?”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “None, your honor.”

Guto calls out to the guards at the door. “Admit the witness!”

The doors open and a griffon is led down the aisle. They are escorted to the witness stand and sit down as Goldstone bristles. Guto turns to Ashe.

“You may address the witness now.”

“Yes, your honor.”

Standing, she walks over to the witness stand and looks the griffon over for a few moments before speaking.

“Please state your name for the court.”

“M-my name... is Galena.”

“I’m told you have something to tell the court regarding this case. Is that true?”

Galena nods. “I do, yes. For you see, I too was victimized by Lord Goldstone.”

Those in the audience gasp and murmur to each other as Ashe appears genuinely surprised at the revelation.

“You... you were...? Can you tell us your story?”

“Lord Goldstone hired me to be his secretary a number of years ago. At first I was excited to be elevated to such a grand position. However, I quickly found out the hard way what my duties would be.”

“Can you elaborate on your job?”

“I was expected to schedule his meetings and take care of the paperwork on his behalf. Normal clerical duties similar to what I had done in the past. However, there was so much more that he asked of me. Demanded actually.”

“Such as?”

“S-stress relief.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Stress relief?”

“Some days were harder on him than others. And during those days he would...”

She bows her head before continuing.

“...he would call me into his office and... and rape me.”

Ashe gasps. “How often?!”

“At least three times a week.”

“And this has been going on for YEARS?!”

Galena nods sadly. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Did you ever report it?!”

“Whom would I tell? Lord Goldstone is over everyone.”

Ashe puts a talon to her forehead as she speaks. “You said earlier that you’ve been his secretary for years now. Is that correct?”

“It is.”

“So... just doing a bit of mental math here... are you saying that you’ve been... been raped... how many times?”

“Hundreds of times.”

Ashe shakes her head in awe. “This is... just so incredible! Tell me, what made you come forward today?”

“I was listening to the case from the office as I worked. That mare whom came forward earlier really touched me with her story. She didn’t deserve what happened to her. Not like I did.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “You... you’re saying that you deserved to be raped?!”

“Yes, ma’am.”

The courtroom audience murmurs as Ashe frowns.

“Can you... can you please tell the court why you feel that your rapes were somehow... justified?”

“Because of the personal crimes I committed to help him do it.”

“You... helped him rape you?”

Galena shakes her head. “No, ma’am. My own backside was ravished often, yes. However, even that wasn’t enough for him. Lord Goldstone wanted more than I could give him. And I was told by him that, as per my secretarial duties, it was my job to help him in whatever capacity he deemed necessary.

“I still don’t understand. How are you in any way at fault here?”

“Because... I would provide him with other victims.”

Ashe’s eyes grow wide “You mean...?!”

Galena looks down shamefully at her talons. “Yes... it’s due to my actions that others were put into a position where they were vulnerable.”

“Can you give me an example?”

“Once during a party Lord Goldstone ordered me to have a servant take him to a private office to take my phone call. But that was just to get him alone with her so that he could... make her work late.”

“Work late?”

Galena nods. “That was the code he used for... having sex with me or another victim. Lord Goldstone would tell me that I had to ‘work late’, which meant I was to come into his office to be... be violated. Or he would order me to set up a specific class of servant, or individual, to ‘work late’ depending on his desires that day.”

Ashe grimaces. “And how long has THIS been going on?!”

“As long as I’ve been his secretary. So years.”

“I... I... don’t know... how to...”

Ashe turns to King Guto as she walks toward her table slowly.

“...no further questions.”

Ghaleon stands and walks over to Galena. He looks her over for a moment before speaking.

“That’s quite the story you tell, miss.”

“It’s the truth, sir.”

“I find it very convenient that you choose now to come forward with this matter. That you somehow miraculously reached your breaking point during the trial for Lord Goldstone for which all the nobility were gathered to witness.”

“This is the only time I would be able to have my voice heard though, sir.”

“Very well. Tell me this then. When was the last time you were allegedly raped by Lord Goldstone?”

“Today, sir. Just before leaving his home to attend these proceedings.”

Ghaleon rolls his eyes. “While he was under house arrest, no less.”

“As per the kings orders, Lord Goldstone was allowed to be kept in the loop regarding national affairs. Which meant I was required to report to him at his private residence daily for... ‘briefings’ as he called them.”

“And did anyone else witness this alleged rape?”

Galena shakes her head. “No sir. It was done in his office.”

“So you don’t actually have any proof of what you’re saying?”

Galena frowns. “Oh, I have proof.”

“Then present it now.”


She stands and steps on her chair before turning around and raising her tailfeathers to those assembled. Reaching back to pull her labia apart with a talon, she plunges the other inside herself. Gasping in pain, Galena a circular motion for a moment, she then pulls them out to display a gooey white substance. Looking over her shoulder at Ghaleon, she speaks.

“I’m assuming you’re familiar with the pungent scent of griffon semen, sir.”

Ghaleon looks away in disgust. “It... certainly is ejaculation, yes. However, that certainly doesn’t prove that it came from Lord Goldstone.”

Ashe stands. “You are right, it doesn’t. However, a simple medical test can determine if the witnesses’ claims are legitimate.”

Guto nods soberly. “Then we would have the truth.”

Galena looks to Ghaleon angrily. “Yes. But not all of it.”

“What are you saying?”

She points a talon at her backside. “Look again. See those stitches?”

Ghaleon nods. “I do, yes.”

“They were made aboard Lord Arc’s airship.”

Ghaleon clenches a fist. “WHAT?!”

King Guto stands angrily. “You admit to colluding with Lord Goldstone’s opposing council in this matter?!”

He motions to the guards as he continues.

“Seize Lord Arc!”

The guards rush forward and surround the table with their weapons drawn. Twilight’s horn glows as jumps up and grits her teeth.

“Lord Arc is MY subject! And I will not allow a single hair on his head to be harmed!”

Arc stands slowly. “It’s okay, Princess Twilight. While I appreciate you defending me, the nation needs to know the reason Galena was aboard my ship in the first place.”

Ghaleon turns back to the griffon before him. “Did Lord Arc cause this harm to you?”

Galena shakes her head as she sits back down. “No. In fact, he did nothing but his best to help me. You see, I was sent by the head of the secretarial pool with the Equestrian’s court date, to be delivered directly to the princess herself. However when I arrived, I... I went into Laying.”

The audience gasps as Ghaleon continues his questioning.

“You mean you were with egg?!”

Galena nods. “Yes. Lord Arc was however unaware of this and took me to his ship. He made sure that it was delivered safely by a medical professional.”

She looks to Goldstone angrily and points an accusatory talon at him before continuing.

“And it was HIS egg!”

Goldstone stands and gasps. “WHAT?!”

“That’s right! You told me to get rid of it and I did!”

Galena points to Arc before continuing.

“I turned my egg over to Lord Arc’s custody to be hatched and raised in Equestria!”

Guto frowns. “Is this true, Lord Arc?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, your honor. This griffon did come aboard my ship to lay her egg.”

Ghaleon sneers. “And you took it?!”

“I did.”

Guto clenches a talon. “For what purpose?”

“As per our treaty, Equestria is obligated to take into custody any youngling whom is without parents able and/or willing to care for them.”

Ghaleon rolls his eyes. “But this is an egg!”

Twilight looks to the arbiter out of the corner of her eyes as her horn continues to glow. “True. However a case could be made that it is a viable life and will become a youngling shortly.”

Ashe waves a talon dismissively. “Legal semantics aside, Lord Arc was simply following the letter of the law when he took the egg from this mother.”

Arc steps around the table to face the king as the griffon guards slowly back up. “If you’d prefer to continue debating the case of the surrendered egg, we will await the proper legal forms to be filled out and sent to Equestria.”

Twilight nods soberly as she gestures to Arc. “However, as it stands, Lord Arc did the right thing in accepting the egg.”

“It is currently sitting in an incubator within the Little Hooves Orphanage under the watchful eye of Matron Coco Pommel.”

He gestures to the guards before continuing.

“Now then, might you call off your forces?”

Twilight plants her hooves firmly. “Unless you want this situation to devolve VERY quickly.”

There is a tense silence as the king motions with a talon. The guards sheath their weapons and step back. He turns to Ghaleon.

“Any other questions?”

Ghaleon shakes his head. “No, your honor.”

“Then I shall again retire to my chambers to consider the...”

Arc’s earring chirps. Touching it, he frowns.


“Sir, this is Lemon Hearts! I’m receiving a priority one emergency transmission!”


Guto frowns. “Lord Arc, is there a problem?”

“Maybe. One moment, your honor. Go ahead, Lemon Hearts.”

He puts a hand over his earring to listen privately. Nodding, he speaks a few moments later.


Looking to the king, Arc continues.

“I’ve just received word from my Communications Officer that there is another witness whom wishes to testify on this matter.”

Goldstone scoffs as he looks to the king. “How much more of this farce must I endure, your honor?!”

Guto nods soberly. “Lord Goldstone is indeed correct, Lord Arc. I don’t see how any more testimony could possibly change the outcome of...”

Ashe interrupts him. “Your honor, the law clearly states that any and all pertinent information, evidence, or testimony must be heard as long as the court is in session. Which as you know, we currently are.”

Guto sighs. “Very well. Bring forth your evidence, testimony, or whatever it is, Lord Arc.”

“Yes, your honor.”

Taking a deep breath, Arc channels his power into the crystals on his chest. Holding out his gauntlet, he opens a portal. A few moments later two figures step out together and approach him. Goldstone’s eyes grow wide as he leans forward and gasps.

“What the...?!”

Ashe quickly stands and bows respectfully. “Welcome, your royal highnesses.”

Arc gestures to the newcomers. “Your honor... may I present to you King Felix and Queen Fiona. Rulers of Abyssinia.”

Guto nods. “Good day to you both. I’m told you have something to tell the court about a certain case I’m presiding over.”

Felix nods angrily. “That we do!”

Fiona points a claw at Goldstone angrily. “About HIM!”

Twilight gestures with a hoof. “Why don’t you two take the witness stand then so we can talk about this.”

Galena stands and walks over to Ashe as the monarchs take their places. Arc silently follows them with a second chair and sets it down next to the first before returning to his place with Twilight. Ashe walks over to the stand in order to begin her examination.

“Please state your names for the court.”

“Felix. King of Abyssinia.”

“Fiona. Queen of Abyssinia.”

“Might I ask what brings you here today?”

Felix frowns. “We had turned in to listen to these proceedings via radio.”

Fiona nods angrily. “After all, it’s not every day a lord is put on trial.”

Felix gestures to the defense’s table. “My queen and I heard the testimony of the young mare as well as that of the guard whom rescued her.”

“However, when the young griffon gave her testimony we knew we couldn’t sit idly by any longer.”

“Some time ago Lord Goldstone came to our land on his annual sales trip.”

Fiona sighs. “At that time the Griffon Kingdom was the primary source of food for Abyssinia.”

Felix motions to Arc with a wave of his paw. “However, that all changed when Lord Arc provided emergency aid to our land.”

“He provided us with food in addition to giving our country the technology and supplies to grow plants and fish in specialized greenhouses.”

Felix folds his paws over his chest. “This allowed us to become self-sufficient in terms of feeding out citizens.”

“Thanks to this, we had no need of the food Lord Goldstone had brought. However, he tried to strike a deal on canned and jarred sustenance for emergency situations.”

Ashe nods. “Did you accept his offer?”

Felix shakes his head. “We were unable to do so, as our land was still reeling from the catastrophic loss of our military forces and siege from the Storm King’s larcenous activities. So we didn’t have any money to speak of.”

Fiona grits her teeth angrily. “But he was still willing to make a deal.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “What kind of deal?”

“He offered to give our land some supplies from his ships in exchange for an evening with me.”

Felix bares his teeth angrily. “In the royal bedchambers, no less!”

Ashe’s eyes grow wide as she gasps. “What?! But... but you’re the QUEEN!”

Fiona scoffs. “That mattered little to him.”

Felix snarls. “Lord Goldstone is a true business mogul! He saw an opportunity to gain something he wanted and he went for it!”

Ashe puts a talon to her forehead as she leans against the witness stand. “I... I can’t believe this! To sexually accost a foreign royal, in their own land no less, is just...!”

Ghaleon stands and interrupts her. “Objection, you honor! This proceeding has devolved into nothing short of the Equestrians grasping at proverbial straws!”

He points to Ashe’s table before continuing.

“Twice now you have attempted to adjourn this court in an effort to consider this case privately! And twice now Ambassador Ashe has seen fit to prolong this event by ‘miraculously’ pulling witnesses seemingly out of thin air! This isn’t something where the goalpost is moved to create a moving target that Lord Goldstone has to defend himself against! It goes against everything...!”

Suddenly the Throne Room doors burst open and the guards from outside are roughly pushed inside. They are joined by the other guards as Arc, Twilight, Ashe and pretty much everyone in the audience stands and turns to see what’s going on. The guards form ranks in an effort to quell the mob’s advance and restore order. Ghaleon points at Arc as he yells at the top of his lungs to be heard over the din.



Felix shouts. “RIGHT!”


Arc looks to Twilight. “We need to do something!”

“But what?!”

Ashe returns to the table. “These griffons are really mad about something though!”

Arc grimaces. “Let me try to figure out what exactly is going on here.”

Standing, he hurries over to the group and pushes past the guards. Approaching a random griffon, he talks to them for a few moments before moving on to another. Repeating the process a few times, Arc returns to his table as reinforcements arrive to attempt to restore order. He calls out loudly.


The group slowly begins to calm itself. After a few moments Arc turns to King Guto and speaks.

“Your honor, I’ve just spoken to a few of these griffons and found a common complaint.”

Guto raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“They all claim to have been sexually assaulted by Lord Goldstone.”

Ashe gasps as she gestures to the crowd. “But there are hundreds here!”

Twilight looks out over the crowd. “Please raise a hoof... err talon, I suppose, if you were an unwilling victim of Lord Goldstone’s sexual advances.”

Every talon in the group is raised as they begin calling out various charges.

“He raped me as I was cleaning his office!”

“I was bent over a desk!”

“When I was scrubbing the toilet he shoved my head into it and raped me from behind!”

“That beast pulled me onto a sofa and violated me as I was interviewing for a position in one of his businesses!”

One female griffon holds up a youngling. “This is his son!”

Another griffon joins her. “And his daughter!”

“He got me pregnant TWICE!”

Arc looks to King Guto and frowns.

“Still think I made this all up?”

Ashe points a talon at the group as she speaks. “We need to investigate these claims, you honor! The law demands it!”

The griffons continue hurling their accusations at the court as Goldstone silently seethes. Eventually he jumps on top of his own table, knocking everything to the floor, and yells.


As the din of their charges continues, Ghaleon takes a deep breath and calls out loudly.


Everyone suddenly stops talking and calling out. Looking around the room, Ghaleon pauses before continuing.

“This is not the way justice works in the Griffon Kingdom! We have rules and regulations! There are ways to bring forth charges against others! But charging in her as a mob isn’t one of them!”

Goldstone seethes. “Agreed! However, at this point I don’t see how I could possibly get justice here!”

He turns to the king before continuing.

“Your honor! I call for the ‘Battle of Truth’!”

Guto gasps. “What?!”

Ashe frowns. “But that hasn’t been done in hundreds of years!”

Goldstone looks to her. “It’s still an active law on the books! And I’m demanding my rights as a lord under it!”

Arc turns to Ashe. “Is that what I think it is?”

Ashe nods soberly. “Probably. It’s a trial by combat. The victor is seen as being on the side of righteousness and their position held as being true.”

Guto frowns. “I will have to consult with my legal experts on this matter before allowing it, Lord Goldstone.”

“Very well, sire! I shall await your response under protective custody!”

The kings stands. “Court is adjourned for the day!”

Rising, King Guto is escorted through a side door by his personal guards. Ghaleon and some of his guards lead Goldstone out a different door as the crowd continues hurling charges and insults at the disgraced lord. As they walk, Goldstone muses to himself as he smirks.

“This matter isn’t over, Lord Arc. Not by a long shot.”

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