• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Hammering Things Out

Arc begins the drive home as Ember’s voice rings out in his ear

“Is she gone?”

“Yes, I’m just pulling away.”

Viktor breathes a sigh of relief. “Good! I kept thinking she was luring you into a false sense of security, sir.”

Sereb shakes his head. “Her voice was that of a woman whom was genuine and sincere though.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “You can hear that?”

“To a degree, yes.”

Arc clears his throat. “In any case, she did tell us a few things.”

Ember frowns. “But will it be of any use?”

“I think so. Either way I had an excuse to eat at Roberto’s. That’s always a win in my book.”

Sereb puts a paw over his face and shakes his head as Arc continues.

“Say, did you guys put Dinky to bed yet?”

Viktor nods. “Yes sir. Ember took her upstairs right after you left.”

“She seemed pretty tired after spending half the day at the park with those kids down the street.”

“Mia and Alex? Yeah, they love to play outside. In any case, I’ll be home in a bit. Oh! What about Auriel?”

“We found her asleep on the couch watching yet another documentary.”

Ember chuckles. “She’s obsessed with those things!”

“I can think of worse things she could be doing. But in any case, feel free to shut things down and head to bed, Viktor.”

“Thank you, sir. But I’d like to get to work on that audio footage.”

Ember laughs. “What for? To hear those two eating?”

Sereb sighs. “Listening to it may yield facts that were otherwise overlooked.”

Arc nods. “True. But do it tomorrow. It’s late.”

“Yes sir.”

A short time later Arc pulls into his driveway. Getting out he walks into the house. Ember is waiting for him at the table.

“Everything okay?”

Ember nods as he closes the door. “I just wanted to make sure you were really okay. There’s no way I could have slept without seeing your first.”

“Well, as you can see, I’m fine.”

“Um… can I ask you something real quick?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“To tell you the truth… last night I went to your room to… um… snuggle.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Why am I not surprised?”

Ember frowns. “I stopped!”

“That’s a first.

“Yes, well… as I got closer to the bed I saw Auriel curled up next to you. Something you want to tell me?”

“Fine. But it needs to stay between us.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… okay.”

“Auriel crawled into bed with me because she had a bad dream.”

Ember is silent for a time before continuing.

“How old is she?”

“Give her a break, Ember. She’s just having trouble adjusting to being so far from home. After all, we can’t all be emotional rocks like you.”

Ember looks away nervously. “Y-yeah. Right.”

Arc yawns. “Well, I’m heading to bed. Long day.”

“I’ll be up directly.”

“Don’t stay up too late.”

“I won’t.”

Arc heads upstairs as Ember chuckles to herself.

“Auriel too, eh? You’ve got more suitors than anyone I’ve ever heard of, Arc. When you retire and settle down you’re going to have to purchase a MASSIVE bed custom made for all of us.”

She stops and thinks for a moment.

“I wonder if Auriel would be interested in that. She seems pretty shy around others. Then again, she’s probably the only one among us whom could bear Arc’s children in her true form. I can just imagine how Twilight and the others would take THAT?!”

Meanwhile, Arc heads upstairs to his parent’s room. He removes his formal attire and drapes it neatly over a chair as Cherry calls out to him.

“Well, that was certainly interesting.”

“Yeah. I didn’t really expect Hammer to be so… so…”


“Exactly! Up until now I just assumed she and the others were just violently evil. But if Hammer is any indication they’re almost, and I hate to say this… normal.”

“Other than Diva, right?”

Arc nods. “Yes, other than Diva.”

He stretches and yawns.

“Well, I think I’ll go check on Dinky before I hit the hay for the night.”

Stepping out into the dark hallway Arc glances down the stairs. Cherry giggles.

“Sounds like Ember’s raiding the refrigerator.”

Arc shrugs. “She’s welcome to have a midnight snack.”

Opening the bedroom door, Arc spots Dinky lying on her side of the bed. Moonlight spills over her and the covers she’s kicked off. Smiling, Arc walks over to her and pulls the sheets up to her shoulders. Her eyelids slowly open half way.


“No, sweetie. It’s me.”

“Hey dad. Did you have fun on your date?”

“Yes. We can talk more about it tomorrow morning. Now get some sleep.”

He leans forward and gently kisses her forehead as the little girl closes her eyes and goes back to sleep. Returning to the hallway Arc hears a strange sound. Cherry calls out to him.

“What was that?”

“I’m not sure. But it’s coming from Auriel’s room.”

Stepping toward the door he listens for a moment before slowly opening the door and peeking inside. He spots Auriel thrashing violently on the bed as she grits her teeth and sweats profusely. Rushing over to her Arc shakes the young woman awake. Her eyes fly open. As she spots his concerned face she throws her arms around his neck and pulls herself close to him. Sighing, Arc sits down on the bed.

“It’s okay, Auriel. I’m right here.”

Auriel buries her face in his chest to muffle the sobs. Arc pulls her into his lap, feeling the skin of her sweat covered back as he does so. After several minutes Auriel is able to compose herself.

“It… it happened again, didn’t it?”

“Judging by the sounds I heard from the other end of the hallway, I’d say so, yes.”

Auriel sighs and rests her cheek against his chest.


“Nothing to apologize for. But you should probably go take a shower. It’ll help you clear your head and wash away that sweat.”

“I… um… okay.”

Standing, Arc carries her out the door and to the bathroom. Setting her down on the toilet he turns and flicks the light switch. As expected, Auriel sits there completely naked. Arc sighs as he turns on the water for her.

“Auriel, I don’t mind comforting you after you’ve had a nightmare. But could you at least wear something to bed?”

“I… will from now on. If it bothers you, that is.”

“It’s okay. I know it’s part of your culture, and all.”

As the showerhead flows with water he turns back toward the door.

“There you go.”


Arc stops.

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t… really want to be alone.”

Arc shakes his head, but does not turn around. “I’m not getting into the shower with you.”

“Well, would you at least stay here?!”


Auriel steps into the shower as Arc sits down on the lid of the toilet.

“Thanks for doing this, Arc. I know humans don’t like seeing others uncovered.”

“It’s okay. This time anyways.”

Allowing the water to wash over her for a time, Auriel eventually reaches for the soap. Unfortunately it slips out of her hand. Reaching down, Auriel’s head catches one of the knobs. The surprise causes her to instinctively jump back. Losing her footing she falls and smacks the back of her head on the wall. Arc hurries over and pulls back the shower curtain.

“Auriel! What happened?!”

“I… don’t really know.”

Turning off the water he helps her out of the shower. Picking the young woman up, Arc carriers Auriel to his parent’s room and sit her down before returning to the bathroom for a towel.

“Are you okay?!”

Auriel nods woozily as Arc begins to towel her off. “I… why is everything spinning?”

“You must’ve hit your head.”

“I did, yes. But things are starting to come back into focus.”

“Do you want me to take you to the hospital?”

Auriel shakes her head. ”No. I’ll be okay.”

“So what was your dream about this time?”

“It was about… I don’t actually remember.”

“That’s pretty normal for humans.”

“Well, there was lots of fire.”


Auriel shrugs. “Maybe. All I know for certain was that I was alone and scared.”

She looks up at him and smiles as her cheeks redden.

“But I feel a lot better when you’re with me.”

“Yes, well… I should probably help you back to your room now. We both need to get some sleep.”

“I… um… Arc?”

“What is it?”

“Could I please stay here with you?”


“I’m sorry for being such a burden. But last night the dreams didn’t stop until I came in here.”

Arc sighs. “Okay.”

Reaching over Arc grabs the sheet. He drapes it over Auriel before lying down and turning off the lights.

“Good night, Auriel.”

“Good night.”

A short time later Arc falls asleep. Auriel looks up at him momentarily before she presses her face against his chest.

“Twilight was right. This feels amazing!”

The next morning Arc and company sit around the table eating breakfast. Arc is the first to speak.

“Everyone sleep well?”

Dinky nods happily. “Yeah! The beds are really comfy here, dad!”

Ember chuckles. “I did.”

Auriel blushes. “So did I.”

Viktor looks over. “Sir, are you sure Hammer didn’t do anything to you last night?”

“Positive. Why?”

“I just haven’t been able to get that question out of my mind all night. I mean, we saw her turn Bloodletter into that… that THING!”

Ember nods. “He does have a point, Arc.”

Sereb growls. “Trust not thine enemy.”

Dinky looks to her father sheepishly. “If she’s really that bad… maybe the others are right, dad.”

Cherry sighs. “You can’t be too cautious, Arc. Not with those three.”

“I appreciate everyone’s concern, but the stakes of our upcoming mission are too high. We need every advantage if we’re going to pull this off.”

“What exactly are you hoping to accomplish by befriending Hammer, sir?”

Ember frowns. “Yeah! It seems like a colossal waste of time to me.”

“At the very least we might get more information on that facility or her so-called sisters. But if we’re really lucky, at best I might be able to turn Hammer to our side.”

“Make her a mole, sir?”

Arc nods. “Something like that.”

Dinky appears confused. “You’re going to turn her into a… mole, dad?”

“No sweetheart. It’s an expression that means she’ll report back to me everything our enemy is planning.”

“Wouldn’t that be dangerous for her?”

Sereb nods. “It would indeed.”

Viktor sighs. “I can’t imagine her sisters reacting well to her being a traitor. Should she be found out, that is.”

Arc nods soberly. “It’s a calculated risk, I know, but…”

“Dad, she’s a really nice lady! I don’t want to see her get hurt for this!”

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I don’t think I’ll get that far with her anyways. We’re more or less just brainstorming right now.”

Auriel sighs. “I agree with Dinky on this one. While I only met that woman briefly she didn’t strike me as a bad human.”

“That may be, but…”

Cherry calls out to them. “Why don’t we table that idea and move on to what you learned last night, Arc?”

“Good idea. Victor, after breakfast I want to go over the audio recordings of my date last night.”

“I got up early this morning and did that already, sir.”

Ember grins. “Working hard, huh?”

“Just trying to regain the commander’s trust after I… you know…”

He looks over apologetically at Auriel as Arc speaks.

“Commendable. What did you learn?”

“What I took from your conversation last night was as follows…”

He pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and begins to read.

“Hammer didn’t appear to know what a ‘vase’ was supposed to be used for. Nor did she seem to understand that the heart-shaped box you gave her was filled with chocolates.”

Ember frowns. “Admittedly that was more than a bit strange. But what does it prove?”

Viktor chuckles. “That she’s very naïve, for starters.”

Cherry sighs. “I too thought several things she said during the course of the evening sounded very strange. But please continue.”

“Next, she admitted to being a desk sergeant in an office somewhere. However, according to the public records there are no officially recognized facilities anywhere within a reasonable distance.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “Could she have been lying?”

Arc shrugs. “Most likely. But I was more surprised that she and her sisters were all sergeants AND were working together.”

“What’s wrong with that, dad?”

“I’m not fully sure, but I think the military tries to avoid family members being stationed together. Other than married couples, I believe. That and what are the chances all three of them were stationed together without someone very powerful pulling some strings?”

Ember frowns. “A sobering thought.”

“Hammer also admitted her sisters are looking to cozy up to the base commander. In Equestria that would be considered fraternizing.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Eh?”

Viktor looks up. “A enlisted soldier trying to date an officer isn’t allowed.”

Ember grits her teeth angrily. “But Hammer said the commander was interested in a colonel!”

Arc chuckles. “That’s different, Ember. They’re both officers. Sergeants aren’t. Keep going, Viktor.”

“She also identified the a fore mentioned base commander as being a man named General Mustang.”

Arc grins. “Yes. It’s nice to know our enemy finally has a name.”

Sereb nods. “We will need more information on this individual if we are to triumph however.”

“Agreed. But we can talk about that later.”

Viktor clears his throat. “When arriving at Roberto’s Pizza, Hammer apparently didn’t know what any of the food was, nor did she appear to understand the drinks.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Yes, that is very unnerving.”

“How so, dad?”

“Well, you can’t live in this country for very long without at least HEARING about pizza. It’s extremely popular.”

Ember grins. “You’re saying it would be like living in Equestria and not knowing who the princesses are?”

“Exactly. They come up in conversation all the time.”

“I’d also like to point out that Hammer claims she doesn’t go out much, sir.”

Ember looks to Arc. “That would help explain her not knowing what those foods were.”

Auriel shrugs. “Maybe she just works all the time like Twilight and I do.”

“It’s a possibility. However she must’ve been young once. A big of me thinks she’s lying, while the other can’t imagine what she hoped to gain by doing that.”

Viktor frowns. “What about her mentioning the parties they have on base? Such a level of familiarity is typically not allowed in the Equestrian military.”

Arc nods. “Nor is it allowed on military bases generally, as far as I know.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Then why is General Mustang doing so?”

Ember shrugs. “Maybe because there’s no one around who can tell him not to?”

Viktor looks to Arc. “Right. He’s the highest ranked military officer over there, after all. But I can’t see why he would put up with Stingray and Mio’s alleged attempts at seduction.”

Sereb chuckles. “Why would he not? He is a male, after all.”

“Generals are usually elderly men. He should be too old for such things.”

Ember grimaces. “I think we’re getting off topic here. Let’s get back to real evidence… or lack of.”

Arc nods. “Fine. Viktor?”

“When you mentioned The Rider’s on the news getting their heads handed to them by the Hero of Light at Roberto’s Pizza, she sounded genuinely surprised.”

Arc frowns. “Well, yes and no. While I admit she did seem somewhat surprised to hear that, at the same time her facial features led me to believe she knew they were up to SOMETHING.”

Ember sighs. “We could only hear the conversation though. I wish Rose had been there to record some video footage.”

Arc chuckles. “That would have been more than a little suspicious. Bringing another girl on a date raises a bunch of questions.”

“Then there was the end of the conversation. You pressed her on the details of her job, sir. To which she claimed it was a secret.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “That’s not surprising.”

Auriel appears confused. “Why’s that?”

Arc sighs. “She can’t be telling others what goes on inside the base. There’s a lot of sensitive data in there, I’m sure. Especially whatever comes across her desk.”

Sereb nods. “Hammer did say she was a desk sergeant.”

Ember turns to Viktor. “I didn’t really expect her to tell us anything of note in that regard anyways. But what she said on the drive home was quite the surprise.”

“You mean about the stars?”

Ember frowns. “Yeah! Who doesn’t see THEM?!”

Arc grimaces. “I took it to mean she’s so busy with her job that she doesn’t have time for such things.”

“It could also have been literal, sir. If she really is stationed at that underground base with her sisters and Diva, as she hinted, that could mean she spends a lot of time down there without coming up to the surface for extended periods of time.”

Arc shrugs. “Both are equally possible.”

Sereb perks up his ears. “Perhaps Rose and the others can catch a glimpse of her or her sisters entering and leaving.”

Viktor sighs. “They haven’t yet. But Hammer could have simply been on leave.”

Arc nods. “Right. I’ll find that out in time.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “In time?”

Ember frowns. “Yeah, what are you talking about, Arc? Your date’s over and done with.”

“Don’t you remember the last thing Hammer said when I dropped her off?”

“She told you to call her anytime, sir.”

Arc nods. “Right.”

Auriel appears worried. “Are you?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Why would he?! This lead’s a dud!”


“Glad you agree with me, Arc.”

“No, Ember. I was answering Auriel’s question.”

Ember gasps. “Say what now?”

“She asked if I was going to call Hammer.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

“I am.”


“Because, like I said earlier, Hammer can be of help to us. Whether she knows it or not.”

Dinky grins. “Maybe you should invite her over for supper, dad.”

Auriel looks nervous. “That might not be a good idea.”

“Agreed. I really don’t want Hammer to know where we live. If she wises up to me, I want to be able to just disappear.”

Viktor shudders. “Right. We don’t want an angry ex-girlfriend banging on our door, sir.”

Arc nods. “Exactly. Wait, what?”

Ember snickers. “He’s right, you know.”

“About which part?!”

“Hammer being your girlfriend.”

“She is NOT my girlfriend!”

“It kinda seems like she is, dad.”

Arc groans. “Not you too, Dinky!”

“Like I said, I kinda like her, dad!”

Sereb frowns. “Do not form attachments to her, small one. She is still an enemy of Equestria.”

Viktor grits his teeth. “Or is she?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Of course she is! What else could…?!”

Arc sighs. “I believe Viktor is suggesting that Hammer isn’t what she seems.”

Dinky appears confused. “What else could she be?”

“Perhaps she is from Equestria like we are.”

Ember nods soberly. “That would explain why she didn’t know about the food at Roberto’s.”

Arc chuckles. “And how she seemed so strange when I picked her up. Nailing the heart to the wall was a dead giveaway that she isn’t from around here.”

Sereb growls. “She does not bear th scent of Equestria. However it is possible that she is not of this world.”

“Right. The commander is doing this as a matter of national security. However, that leads us to the other big question on everyone’s mind right now.”

Auriel nods. “Where do we go from here?”

Ember grunts. “Right.”

They all look to Arc whom nods soberly.

“There’s only one course of action that makes sense right now.”

Sereb turns to him. “What is that?”

Arc stands up. “See about scoring another date with Hammer.”

Ember frowns. “I don’t really like that idea.”

Arc frowns. “I’m not a huge fan of it either. Human or not, until Rose and the guys figure out some kind of schedule for that base, Hammer is our only other link to it.”

He heads for the Living Room as Auriel calls out after him.

“So your plan is to continue dating Hammer?”

“For now, yes. Like I said, it’s really all we have right now.”

Sereb sighs. “Perhaps you should give her a call then.”

Arc stops in the doorway. “I was just going to do that. But I think I should hold off.”

Ember grins. “Good.”

“If I call her now, the morning after, it might make me look like I’m either desperate or obsessed.”

“Understandable, sir. You don’t want to scare her away.”

Sereb shakes his head. “Hammer did not sound like someone who is well versed in the art of personal relationships though, Arc. She most likely does not understand what to do next herself.”

“Meaning my dad could call her now and she wouldn’t know it wasn’t a good idea?”

Sereb nods. “Exactly.”

“Well, there’s something else I want to do before then.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Does it involve Hammer?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Take Dinky camping.”


“Yes. You and I could go join Rose and the others out in the woods for a couple days.”

Sereb sighs. “I am certain they are capable of carrying out their duties without additional aid, Arc.”

Arc walks over to stand behind Dinky’s chair. He puts his hands on her small shoulders.

“That’s true. But the whole reason I brought Dinky with me was to spend more time with her.”

Dinky grins. “This is going to be so much fun!”

“Why don’t you head upstairs and put together a bag with some extra clothes and whatnot, sweetheart?”


Jumping out of her chair she runs upstairs as Arc calls out after her.

“And take a quick shower before we leave!”

Dinky calls out from the stairs. “Okay dad!”

Arc turns to Ember. “Want to come?”

“I think I’ll just stay here with Viktor.”

She looks to Auriel.

“But I think Auriel would love to go with you.”

“I would?”

Ember nods. “Yes. You needs to get out more anyways.”

Arc grins. “I guess that’s true. You’re welcome to come with us.”


Ember kicks her chair under the table.

“I mean I’d love to come.”

Arc heads toward the stairs. “Good. We’ll head over there after a trip to the sporting goods store for supplies. Let’s get packed.”

Ember stands. “I’ll help her get ready.”

“Thanks, Ember. I’m going to take a quick shower before we go though.”

Auriel looks to Ember, confused. “So you think I should do this?”


“But why?”

“Well, it’ll do you good to get out more. There won’t be anyone in the woods except for our friends, and I know you do like to study plants.”

Auriel’s face brightens. “That’s right! I need to research various plants here for Twilight!”

“That and it’ll give you some time with Arc.”

“It will?”

Ember nods. “Sure! Don’t you know what he’s going to the sporting goods store for?”

“No. What?”

“Another tent.”


“Don’t you get it? You and him can have some more snuggle time.”

Auriel blushes. “I… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Ember chuckles. “I saw you in Arc’s bed these past couple of nights, Auriel.”

“Are you mad?”

“Nah. Truth be told you looked really cute snuggled up to him.”

“I’ve been having trouble with nightmares lately.”

“Are you sure that’s not just an excuse to sleep in his bed?”

Auriel shakes her head and sighs as she stands. “I wish it was.”

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