• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Coping

One week later, in the early afternoon sunlight, Arc lies on his bed in Derpy’s house staring up at the ceiling. There is a small knock at the door.

Arc doesn’t not move. “Come in…”

The door slowly opens as Derpy and Dinky enter together. They are both wearing black dresses. There is a familiar black suit draped over Derpy’s back.

“Arc? We… we brought over your suit. “

Dinky nods sadly. “It’s almost time to go, dad.”

He slowly sitting up and looks over to the pair. “Thank you.”

Arc stands and takes the suit off Derpy’s back and heads for the bathroom. Dinky turns to her mother. Dad’s been really depressed this past week.

Derpy pats Dinky’s head. “Please try to forgive him, dear. He’s suffering so much right now!”

Dinky nods. “I understand, mom. But I wish there was something we could do to help him!”

“So do I, Dinky. So do I.”

A short time later Arc emerges from the bathroom. He walks over to the couch and sits down heavily! Derpy and Dinky walk over to him and sit down on either side.

“Thank you for being here with me you two. It really means a lot right now.”

Derpy nods. “You were there for me when I needed help. I’ll do the same for you here and now.”

Dinky leans against her father’s side. “Me too dad.”

Arc puts his arms around them and holds them close.

“Sorry I haven’t been much for company lately. I know you two were looking forward to a family vacation.”

“It can wait, Arc. This is a hard time… for all of us.”

They sit there for a time in silence. Eventually Arc pulls out his pocket watch and looks at the time. He stands up slowly.

“We should get a move on.”

Derpy and Dinky nod as they follow Arc out the front door. In a short time, they arrive at Light’s Hope. The trio walks around to the back patio. The Mane 6, Ember, Sereb and Auriel are waiting for them in black outfits. Twilight walks over to Arc.

“I… I don’t really know what to say right now other than I’m sorry and we’re here for you.”

Arc nods. “Thank you, Twilight. All of you, really.”

He sighs.

“I’m sorry, but would all of you please excuse me for a few minutes?”

Arc turns and walks across the field toward the stone marker. Ember follows him but stays a respectful distance away.

Rarity looks to Derpy and Dinky. “How’s he handling it?”

Derpy looks down sadly. “About as well as one would expect.”

Applejack sighs. “Arc’s strong. But… he’s suffering greatly!”

Pinkie looks over. “How can you tell?!”

Rainbow Dash lands next to the pink pony. “Even I can see it, Pinkie! That spark… that… zest for life. It’s not there right now!”

Fluttershy nods with determination! “We’ll all have to lend him our emotional support in his time of need then!”

Everyone assembled nods. Auriel turns to Twilight.

“Twilight? What happens now?”

“We’re going to Dodge Junction for the funeral.”

Auriel looks to her friend confused. “What’s a funeral?”

Applejack removes her hat and places it over her heart. “It’s where you say your last goodbyes to the departed before they are buried.”


Pinkie tamps the earth beneath her hoof. “Uh huh. You see, everything comes from the soil. And in the end, everything returns to it. It’s the circle of life!”

Rarity looks to Auriel. “Don’t demons bury their loved ones?”

Auriel frowns. “Kinda. What’s left of them anyways.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Say what?”

“When a demon dies, their family comes together to speak of their deeds before eating them.”

Fluttershy looks horrified! “…what?!”

“We believe that if we do so they will live on inside us. In this way, we never truly have to say goodbye! I know it must sound revolting to all of you, but that’s how we do things in Tartarus.”

Twilight looks over to Arc. “I wonder what customs humans have for times like these.”

Meanwhile… Arc walks over to the stone monument and kneels down in front of it.

“Hi mom. You remember that mare I told you about a while back? Well, she’s on her way to you now. I’m sure you two will get along great! Just… keep her company until we’re all together again, okay?”

He leans forward and opens his pocket watch. A tear courses down his cheek.

“She… she looks like this! Keep an eye out for her, okay?”

Arc is silent for a time.

“Mom? Do you think you could tell her something for me when you see her? Tell her… that I miss her more than words can say, and that I look forward to seeing her again! The three of us can have tea together and catch up!”

There is the whine of engines approaching from the north. Arc closes his pocket watch and stands up.

“I’ll talk to you later, mom. Sounds like my ride’s here.”

Arc quickly makes his way back to Ember. She puts her claws on his shoulders and looks him in the eye.

“Arc… I’m here for you. Now more than ever!”

“Thanks Ember.”

The Lunar Destiny touches down. The gangplank is lowered and everyone slowly makes their way aboard. A familiar face greets them as they enter the ship. Twilight looks up, surprised!


Arc looks to her. “Princess Cadance? What are you doing here?”

The Princess of Love stands before them in a simple black dress. “I am here to escort your fiancée to Dodge Junction, Arc.”

“Is she… in the hold?”

Cadance shakes her head. “No Arc. Her casket is in your cabin. She deserves better than to be treated like cargo.”

“Thank you. But it’s not my cabin anymore.”

She walks over to Arc and puts a hoof on his shoulder. “Listen Arc. You’re… very important to this land! As long as you’re aboard ship, that cabin is yours! She’s there now… waiting for you…”

Arc nods sadly. “I’d… like to spend some time with her before we arrive.”

Applejack remover her hat, respectfully. “We understand, sugarcube.”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah. Take all the time you need.”

Sereb turns to walks away. “We shall be in the Observation Deck if you need us.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. Enjoy the view everyone.”

Everyone heads for the Observation Deck as Arc turns to walk to his cabin. Twilight gestures with a hoof.

“This way everypony.”

Fluttershy turns around. “Aren’t you coming, Ember?”

“I… have somewhere else to be right now. I’ll meet up with everyone later.”

Ember hurriedly walks down the corridor. Pinkie looks to the others, confused.

“What was THAT all about?!”

Sereb sighs. “As Arc suffers, so does she.”

Auriel nods. “The two of them are very close after all.”

As Cadance, the Mane 6, Sereb and Auriel head toward the Observation Deck Arc quickly makes his way to his old cabin. He puts his hand on the doorknob and takes a deep breath.


As Arc steps into the room he finds several large stands of flowers surrounding the casket. Shakily he walks over to it, opens the lid and puts a shaking hand on Cherry Jubilee’s cold fetlock.

“I’m here… Cherry.”

He stares at her for a long time, the tears flowing freely.

“You’re… just as beautiful now as you ever were, my love!”

Arc looks at Cherry’s face and forces a smile.

“I… I had hoped the two of us would of had a long and happy life together. But… that isn’t going to happen. I’ll always remember and cherish the time we spent together! You won’t be forgotten, Cherry! Ever!”

Arc pulls over a chair and sets it down next to the casket. The sun is just beginning to set. He looks out the window and sighs.

“Cherry. I had wanted to watch the sunset with you again! But… not like this.”

Sometime later the trees of Cherry Hill Ranch come into view as the ship lands. Arc stands up and sighs.

“I guess I should go and take my beating from Ruby.”

Arc walks over to the door. Opening it, he finds Ember sitting on the floor across the hallway.

“Ember? What are you doing here?”

She stands up slowly. “Just waiting for you to come out. I told you I was here for you, and I meant it!”

“Why not just come inside though? It’s certainly more comfortable sitting on the couch!”

“I just thought you would like some alone time with her. I’d just be in the way.”

Arc puts a hand on Ember shoulder. “Thanks, I appreciate the thought. Um… do you think you could do me another favor though?”

“Name it.”

“Go have some supper with the others. I’m sure they’re worried about you.”

Ember frowns! “They’re worried about you as well!”

Arc nods. “I know they are. Please tell them I’ll see everyone tomorrow morning at breakfast.”

“Sure. But what will you be doing?”

“I’m going to give my… condolences to Ruby. Losing her sister has got to be one of the worst moments in her life!”

“Aren’t you afraid she’ll be angry?”

Arc sighs. “Probably. But this needs to be done! I’m going down there and take whatever Ruby dishes out! You and Sereb can take one of the VIP rooms. By now I’m sure the Captain has issued quarters to the others. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to make sure Ruby is all right.”

He walks down the corridor as Ember shakes her head.

“Even after all she did to him, Arc is still concerned for Ruby’s feelings. Amazing…”

Arc makes his way down the gangplank and slowly walks toward the house as the sun finishes setting and the moon begins to rise. He stands at the front door and takes a deep breath.

“Well… here goes nothing…”

Arc lightly knocks on the door. There is no response. He knocks again, this time with slightly more force! Again silence!

“There are lights on inside…”

He waits a few minutes before trying the door. Finding it unlocked he slowly opens it and steps inside. Arc looks around the Living Room but sees and hears nothing.

“Where could she be?”

There is a small sound from upstairs.

“Guess that answers my question.”

Arc slowly makes his way to the stairs and quietly climbs them. Following his ears, he heads for the first room at the top of the stairs on the left. It is slightly ajar. Peeking inside he sees Ruby lying face down on the bed. A black dress sits on the bed next to her, presumably for tomorrow morning. He knocks lightly.

“Ruby? Can I come in?”

Upon hearing his knock, Ruby jumps to her hooves on the bed and spins around to face the door!

“Who… who’s there?!”

He slowly pushes open the door. “It’s me, Ruby. I…”

Arc is cut short as Ruby glares at him and pounces headlong off the bed! He catches her! As the pair tumble down the stairs together, Arc wraps has arms around Ruby in an attempt to protect her! When they reach the ground level Arc lands heavily on his back with Ruby on top of him! She jumps up and begins hitting him in the chest with her hooves!


Arc lies on his back, wincing with every blow! “Yes… yes, it is Ruby! Go ahead! I… I deserve this!”

Slowly Ruby’s blows become weaker and weaker until she is barely tapping Arc’s chest. Her face is red with anger and she is breathing heavily! After a few moments her eyes fill with tears. She lays down on Arc’s chest as she bursts into hysterics! Arc wraps his arm around Ruby and holds her tightly as he strokes her mane.

“It’s okay, Ruby. Just let it all out.”

Ruby does not acknowledge him, but does so for quite some time!

“Arc… why…?”

He looks at Ruby as he continues to stroke her mane. “Why what?”

Ruby slowly raises her head from his chest to look him in the eye as the tears continue to fall!

“Why… why are you so nice to me?! I’ve been NOTHING but cruel to you since… since that day!”

Arc nods and wipes away a tear from Ruby’s eye. “Because of Cherry.”

“What?! But… but I… I tried so hard to keep you two apart!”

“I know, and I forgive you for that. But you see, if Cherry was here now, do you think she would want us to be fighting? Do you think she would want to see you so sad?”

Ruby looks down sadly. “I… suppose not. But… how can you forgive me for what I did… just like that?! I mean… I threw you out of this house, said such terrible things and even now as we fell down the stairs, I know you were trying to protect me!”

Arc puts a hand on Ruby’s cheek. “You weren’t exactly yourself then, Ruby. Sadness, grief, loss, pain and anger… these things can make us do things we wouldn’t normally do to those around us.”

Ruby sniffles. “I… I’m sorry. You must miss Cherry as much as I do. Maybe even more!”

Arc looks away from Ruby as a tear escapes his own eye. “Y… yeah. I do…”

She puts her front hooves on Arc’s chest and pushes herself up. “I mean, you two were going to…”

Arc winces in pain.

“Arc?! What’s wrong?!”

Arc motions for Ruby to let him up! She quickly does so as he moves to a kneeling position in front of her.

“You… you’re very strong, my little pony. I think you may have bruised a couple of my ribs earlier.”

Ruby stands up quickly! “Oh Arc, I’m so sorry! Let’s get you something for that!”

She leads Arc to the kitchen and pulls out a chair!

“Please have a seat!”

As Arc sits down, she quickly runs to the freezer and removes an ice cube tray! Emptying it onto a dish towel, she quickly wraps it up she sets it on the table in front of him! Arc opens his shirt and winces in pain.


Ruby looks at Arc’s bruised chest and gasps! “Oh my Celestia! What have I done?!”

Arc puts the icepack to his chest! “That does feel good!”

“Arc, I am SO sorry for that! Are you certain you’re okay?! I can take you to see the doctor if you would like!”

“Thanks Ruby, but I’m fine. We have medical facilities aboard my ship in the unlikely event this doesn’t do the trick.”

The two are silent for a time. The only sounds to be heard are the crickets outside. Ruby sits down in a chair across from Arc. He looks out the window at the rising moon.

“This place… it’s so peaceful.”

Ruby sighs. “It… it’s a bit TOO peaceful these days.”

“I understand.”

“My sister… she was the one who kept things going around here for as long as I can remember! With her gone, Cherry Hill Ranch just feels so… empty!”

Arc nods. “Are you going to stay?”

Ruby nods with conviction! “Yes! I’m going to do my best to keep the ranch going… for Cherry!”

“I’m sure it’s a really big job. Are you up to it?”

“Not really. But our two employees have been helping me keep things going! They’ve been a big help since… you know.”

“Friends and family are very important, now more than ever. Have they worked here long?”

Ruby bites her lip. “I… I think Cherry hired them after I left all those years ago. They were my replacements.”

“You don’t resent them, do you?”

“Not at all! Cherry did what she had to! In fact, I’m quite grateful to them for being there for my sister when I wasn’t! This place is way too much work for one pony to handle alone!”

Arc puts a hand on Ruby’s fetlock. “I’m glad to hear you’re not trying to shoulder this burden alone. Anything I can do to help?”

Ruby shakes her head. “Thank you for the offer, but you’re already doing plenty! Not to sound rude or ungrateful but why did you come, Arc?”

“I just felt you needed someone to talk to right now. That and I don’t mind admitting I was a bit worried about you.”

Ruby suddenly looks away. “Worried? W-why should you be worried?”

“My mother died years ago and there wasn’t anyone around I could talk to! I didn’t want you to go through what I did.”

“I… um… th-thank you.”

“Ruby, you’re hiding something, aren’t you? Listen, if there’s something you don’t want to tell me, it’s okay! I don’t want you to feel like I’m trying to drag it out of you. But I’m here if you need to talk.

She sighs and turns back to face him. “Arc? Can… can I tell you something?”


Ruby clops her front hooves together nervously. “Promise it’ll just stay between us?”

“I promise. You can tell me anything!

She looks toward the stairs, sighing. “Would you follow me, please? There’s something I want to… no… that I NEED to show you!”

“Um… okay. Lead the way.”

The pair stand up. Arc follows Ruby upstairs to the first room on the left. She proceeds to stand in the middle of the room. Smiling, Ruby looks around fondly at the items on the walls.

“This is Cherry’s room. I… I’ve been spending a lot of time in here lately.”

Arc looks around the small but tidy room. “It’s pretty!”

She sighs. “Yes, it is! Like she was… “

Ruby slowly walks over to the bed and puts her front two hooves on the covers. She gestures to the black dress laid out.

“This… this is the dress I was planning on wearing tomorrow.”

“I’m sure you’ll look quite nice in it.”

Ruby shakes her head. “That… isn’t the problem.”

She seems to be having trouble finding the words for a time. Eventually Ruby starts looking around at the shelves and various items hanging on the walls.

“Everything in here had some special meaning to Cherry and I. Some are older than we are!”

“Family heirlooms?”

“You could say that.”

She points a hoof at a small tin cup sitting on a shelf.

“Cherry and I won that together at our first Town Fair.”

Arc walks over and looking at the cup more closely, reading aloud. ‘First Prize – Cherry Jubilee and Ruby Jubilee’. What was the competition?”

Ruby looks at the cup sadly. “The Seven-Legged Race. A pair of foals have to run a race with two of their hooves tied together. I know it must sound silly, but we loved every moment of it! Back then we were inseparable!”

Arc turns away from the shelf to looks at Ruby. “So, what changed?”

“After our parents died, we had a big fight on what direction to take the ranch. It’s not something I’d like to go into detail about, but… let’s just say we both said a lot of things we didn’t really mean.”

“So, you left?”

Ruby nods sadly as she turns back toward the bed. “At the time it seemed like the right thing to do! We weren’t making any progress as neither of us was willing to compromise!”

She looks down sadly.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about… everything, I guess. About our past… how great it was to make amends… and… how happy you made my sister.”

“But aren’t those all happy memories?”

“They are! But… this also reminded me of all the time we lost thanks to our petty argument! If I had just been willing to compromise, then we would have had the chance to create so many more memories together!”

Arc walks over to Ruby and puts a hand on her shoulder. “Ruby, you shouldn’t think too long about what could have been. Neither of us can change the past.”

“I know that, but…”

“I miss her too, Ruby. But I’m still glad I had the chance to know Cherry! While our time together was very short, I’ll always cherish the time we spent together!”

Ruby continues to look down at the dress. “I… I miss her so much! Had I known this was going to hurt so badly…”

She takes a few moments to compose herself as Arc waits patiently.

“Do you still have that pocket watch?”

Arc reaches into his pocket and pulling out the watch. “I do.”

“Do you know what my father gave my mother?”

“I don’t.”

“His favorite rope.”

Arc looks confused. “A… rope?”

Ruby nods. “It may not seem like a very romantic gift, but it was very special to him, as it once belonged to our grandfather! In giving it to her, he was saying that she was far more important than any material item to him!”

“Wow! Who knew a simple thing like a rope could mean so much?!”

She does not take her eyes off the dress lying on the bed as she pointing a hoof sadly. “It’s been hanging on that nail over the dresser with that pocket watch for as long as I can remember.”

Arc looks to the wall over the dresser.

“Um… Ruby? I don’t see a rope.”

Ruby steps a few paces back, still not taking her eyes off the dress on the bed. “I… moved it.”

Arc looks to Ruby, warily. “Where to?”

She looks down at the floor, sadly. “It… it’s under my dress.”

Arc steps forward and slowly pulls the dress to one side. A very old looking rope quickly comes into view. He quickly notices it has been tied into a hangman’s noose! Arc picks it up and looks to the mare next to him.


She walks over to the window and looking up at the moon, sadly. “I… I laid out my outfit for tomorrow. So many memories were going through my mind. I don’t know what came over me, other than I… I wanted our whole family to be together again. For Cherry and I to be together again. The knot was tied but I just sat there staring at it.”

"What stopped you?”

Ruby looks down at her hooves. “I heard someone knocking at the door. Somehow that brought me back to reality. When I saw what I was about to do, I threw the rope under my dress and broke down crying! I guess that’s where you found me.”

Arc walks over to the window to stand behind Ruby. He putting his hands on her shoulders.
“Yeah. I guess you weren’t exactly in the mood to answer my knocks. Sorry for just barging in like this.”

Ruby puts a hoof on Arc’s hand. “It’s okay. I really needed to tell somepony about this anyways. That and I didn’t exactly greet you as I should.”

She suddenly turns around, wide-eyed!

“Are you sure you’re okay after that?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I’ll be fine. Truth be told I’ve taken worse in the line of duty.”

“I’m sure you have, but…”

“Please Ruby. Let’s just put that event behind us now.”

“I feel awful about it, but if that’s what you want.”

“I do. Now tomorrow is going to be a rather… busy day. How about you get some rest?”

Ruby nods. “I know I should, but… I just don’t think I can sleep after what happened.”

“Can I offer you a room aboard the Lunar Destiny? All things considered, you really shouldn’t be alone tonight.”

“Thank you, but I… I want to stay here.”

“How about we go downstairs and sit down then? I’ll stay with you until you fall asleep.”

Ruby nods, leaving the room with Arc behind her. “You don’t have to do that, Arc. I know you must be tired too.”

Arc shakes his head as the pair walk down the stairs together. “I’m not leaving you alone tonight Ruby!”

They walk over to the couch. A dying fire smolders in the fireplace. Arc puts a few more logs on the coals and sits down with Ruby. She lays her head on his knee as they star into the fire.

“Thank you Arc.”

Arc strokes her mane. “What are friends for?”

“I’m sorry for… everything.”

“Like I said earlier, it’s in the past.”

Ruby looks up at him! “No, no! I mean… EVERYTHING!”

“I don’t quite follow.”

“It seems like every time you’ve come here there’s been some kind of problem that needs addressing! Cherry and I always felt bad about that.”

Arc shakes his head. “Don’t. I loved every minute I spent here with you two!”

The two are silent for a time just enjoying the fire.

Ruby sighs. Her body fully relaxed. “Arc? Can I ask you something personal?”

Arc nods as he continues to stroke her. “Go ahead.”

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I was just wondering what it was about my sister that made you fall in love with her.”

Arc looks up at the ceiling. “That’s a tough one. I guess it was her sweet personality and happiness that originally made me want to befriend her.”

“Anything else?”

“Not really. I mean, she was pretty and all! But being a different species, I wasn’t attracted to her… in ‘that’ way.”

Ruby yawns “For what it’s worth, my sister always thought you were quite handsome! She told me after her proposal that she didn’t mind you being a human at all! Even if…”

Her voice trails off as she falls asleep

“Even if what, Ruby?”

Ruby does not stir.

“Oh well.”

Arc carefully gets up and fetches a pillow and blanket from upstairs. He returns to cover the sleeping mare on the couch.

“Rest now, Ruby.”

He stretches out on the rug in front of the fireplace. Soon he is fast asleep as well.

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