• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Exodus

Arc returns home with Hammer and Sereb. As they reach their destination Arc turns to her.

“How’re your legs?”

Hammer winces. “Stiff and sore mostly.”

Sereb looks her over. “Can you walk?”

“I think so.”

Arc gets out of the driver’s seat. “Well, I’ll help you inside.”

Hammer blushes slightly. “Thanks. Um… I’m sorry about the smell.”

“It’s… fine, Hammer.”

Arc walks around the vehicle to the rear passenger side. Opening it, he puts his arm around Hammer’s shoulders and allows her to lean on him. Sereb follows after returning to his Cub Form. Entering via the back door he helps the woman upstairs and into the bathroom. Sitting her down on the toilet seat, he steps back and looks her over.

“Are you sure nothing’s broken?”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. Diva really did a number on me. But I don’t think she wanted to cause any permanent damage. Uh… do you think you could help me get undressed and into the tub though?”


Carefully removing her clothes, Arc helps Hammer into the shower. Aiding her in sitting, he turns on the water and adjusts it before handing her the shower nozzle and looking down at her.

“Think you can manage from here?”

“Yeah, I got this.”

Arc turns to leave. “I’ll wait outside.”

Hammer grimaces. “Um… please don’t think less of me for this, but… I really don’t want to be alone right now.”

“What if I just sat on the toilet here?”

“That would be fine.”

He closes the shower curtain and sits down. Hammer grimaces slightly as the warm water washes over her body. Arc is the first to speak.

“Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Stingray got the drop on you, right?”

Hammer clenches a fist angrily. “Yeah. In the corridor leading to the apartment.”

“What was it she wanted?”

“To bring me back into the fold. My sisters and I… we’re a team. Always have been.”

“You think that whole kidnapping bit was her idea?”

Hammer shakes her head. “No way. That whole thing had ‘Diva’ written all over it. Stingray must’ve been under orders to bring me in for interrogation.”

“What kind of things did they ask you?”

“Where I’d been exactly.”

“Did you tell them?”

“No, I didn’t rat you out. In fact, I refused to tell them anything about anything.”

Arc sighs. “I’m sure Diva didn’t like that.”

“Actually she did.”


“It gave her a chance to torture me.”

Arc frowns. “How?”

“A lot of punching, kicking, and some… um… electrocution.”

“Wait, what?”

Hammer sighs. “That’s part of the reason I pissed myself. She put electrodes… down there just so I would do that. I really did have to pee after a few hours anyways.”

“All that just to get to me?!”

“I guess.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead and sighs. “Hammer, I’m really sorry you had to go through that on my account.”

“Don’t be. After all Diva and Stingray were to blame for that. But I still can’t believe that Stingray would DO that to me!”

“Betray you?”

Hammer nods. “Right! I mean, I know that orders are orders but…!”

“Maybe she didn’t know what was going on in there. Is that possible?”

“Not a chance. That cell is specifically designed for… intensive questioning, after all. She HAD to know what would happen to me inside. By the way, did you run into her while you were in there?”

“She was waiting just outside the door when we arrived.”

Hammer sighs. “I’m guessing she was there to help me to the infirmary when Diva finished with me.”

“You would know better than I.”

Hammer groans. “Well, I guess that kills my plans.”

Arc looks up, confused. “Huh?”

“I was planning to go job hunting after Christmas. You know, start pulling my weight around here.”

“But now they’ll be looking for you.”

Hammer winces. “Actively I would imagine. Looks like I’m stuck inside.”

She grins and giggles as Arc peeks inside the shower to check on her.

“What’s so funny?”

Hammer reaches out and puts a hand on his face. “Truth be told, I was looking for an excuse to spend more time with you. While I admit this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, it is a nice thought nonetheless. But I’ll find some way to pay you back for those ruined clothes I was wearing.”


Arc’s eyes grow wide before he continues.

“Hammer, I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“A few minutes after you left last night we had a visitor.”

“Who was it?”


Hammer gasps. “Your fiancée?”

“That might be a strong word right now, but yes.”

“Is she here?”

Arc nods. “Derpy, Dinky, and Rarity are at Shelly’s Kitchen helping out.”

Hammer shrinks back nervously. “Uh… does she know about me?”

“Yeah. I told her what happened and how you were staying with us now when we were in bed last night.”

Hammer grins wickedly. “You and Rarity got horizontal! Way to go!”

Arc sighs. “No. But I do feel a bit bad now.”

“What for?”

“Two-timing you and her. Well… more so if you want to talk about the others.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “You feel like you’re cheating on them?”

“Kinda am.”

“I thought you said they wanted to form a… what did you call it again?”

“A ‘herd’.”

Hammer snaps her fingers. “Yeah, that thing. How’s us just lying together in bed fully clothed, for the most part, any worse than that?”

“I… I don’t know. But I don’t feel right about it.”

“Which part?”

“Any of it right now!”

Hammer puts a hand on his. “Arc? Do you care about me?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I do.”

“Do you care about all of them?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What are you getting at?”

“It just seems like you’re overthinking this.”

“How so?”

“Look, they’re okay sharing you, right?”

Arc nods. “They said that before, yes.”

“And you’re okay being shared?”

“By them, yes.”

Hammer grins. “So what’s a few more gonna do?!”

Arc appears surprised. “You… wanna to join too?”

Hammer puts a hand to her face thoughtfully. “Well, not necessarily. I mean, I’d have to meet everyone first and see how we got along.”

“Really? What would your sisters say about you getting involved in something like this?”

“Mio would be all for it if it made me happy. On the condition she could study and observe my new sister wives, that is.”

“And Stingray?”

Hammer frowns. “She’d definitely not approve of such an arrangement.”

“That’s not surprising.”

“Then again… maybe she would.”

Arc looks up. “What do you mean?”

“The night you and your friends attacked Damocles Base, Stingray and Mio had to help me back to my apartment. They told me, amongst other things, that you weren’t coming back and that I should get over you.”

Arc sighs. “Kinda deserve that.”

“Yeah, well… I think they saw just how much I cared for you, because they told me later that they both promised that if you did come back that they’d give you a fair chance.”

“I’m not sure if I should be happy or horrified.”

Hammer chuckles. “Either way, that doesn’t happen too often. Them actually banding together to agree with me.”

“In any case, I don’t think I’ll be strolling into that apartment anytime soon to try and get them to make good on that promise.”

“Me either.”

They are silent for a time as Hammer rests her head on the wall to allow the water to soothe her injured body.

“Hey, Arc?”


“I… just wanted to say thanks… thanks for coming to get me. That really means a lot.”

“Considering what I put you through when I attacked Damocles Base, it seemed the least I could do.”

Hammer turns her head and looks at him soberly. “Look, Arc… I don’t hold all that stuff against you. After all, you had a job to do and you did it. No one was killed and my sisters and I sustained only minor injuries. Mission accomplished. Um… but do you think you could do me one favor?”


“Help me out of here. My fingers are starting to get all pruney.”

Chuckling, Arc stands up. Heading for the shower he turns it off and helps Hammer out. Wrapping her up in a large bath towel he helps her over to his parent’s old room and lays her on the bed.

“How do you feel now?”

Hammer rubs her bruised arm. “Like a steamed clam. Well, a clam that’s been tenderized.”

“In a lot of pain?”

“I’m sore, but I think I’ll be okay. Do you think you could look me over though just to be sure?”

“If you want me to.”

Pulling back the towel, Arc looks Hammer’s body over from top to bottom.

“I’m seeing a lot of bruises and some light scratches on your face. But other than that you look okay.”

“That’s a relief. Any major swelling anywhere?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not that I see, no.”

Hammer grins wickedly. “Good. One last question though. Do you like what you see?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Ha, ha.”

“I’m serious! Do I look good to you?”

“Well, I do think that you’re very pretty, yes.”

“With or without clothes?”

Arc frowns. “Now you’re just doing that on purpose.”

Hammer laughs. “Kinda. But I really would like your honest opinion on that matter.”

“Like I said, you look fine. But let’s get some clothes on you before you catch a cold.”

Fetching her some clean clothes along with undergarments, Arc carefully slides fresh panties onto Hammer. She moans slightly as he does so.

“Don’t get any funny ideas.”

Hammer bites her lower lip and squeezes her eyes shut. “I can’t help it! This just feels SO GOOD!”

As he finishes dressing her Sereb knocks lightly on the door. Arc calls out.

“Come in.”

Entering, the wolf looks to Arc nervously.

“The others have returned.”


“They were gone for a few hours.”

Hammer turns to Arc. “Is this going to cause a problem?”

“I… don’t know. But I do want you and Rarity to meet right away. That is, if you’re feeling up to it.”

Hammer nods. “I’m really sore right now, but I think I’ll manage.”

“Okay. I’ll go tell everyone what happened and bring her upstairs.”

Hammer nods as Arc leaves the room. Heading downstairs he finds everyone in the living room taking off their coats and boots. Dinky runs over to him happily.

“We’re home, dad!”

“Welcome back. Did you have a good time?”

Scootaloo grins. “Yeah! I didn’t know cooking was so similar to what my mom used to do!”

Rarity smiles as she steps away from the coat hooks. “Needless to say, we all had a great time and I for one LOVED meeting your childhood friends!”

Derpy appears confused. “So where did you go, Arc?”

“Uh… Wiseman called and asked me to meet him outside the restaurant… in my Jeep.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow, confused. “But I thought you said your friend borrowed it last night.”

“She did. Apparently her sister set that up to kidnap her.”

Dinky gasps. “What?!”

Scootaloo grits her teeth and runs for her coat. “We have to rescue her!”

Arc shakes his head. “Wiseman and I already did that. “

Derpy appears relieved. “Is she alright?!”

“Yes. Hammer’s resting upstairs.”

Rarity turns to him. “Is there anything we can do for her?”

“Actually I was kinda hoping you could talk to her, Rarity.”


Arc nods. “Yeah. Just a quick meeting.”

Derpy shrugs. “We could get lunch ready while you and Arc do that, Rarity.”

“If you really want me to, then yes. I’ll do it.”

“Great! Right this way.”

Arc leads Rarity upstairs to his parent’s room. Entering, Rarity walks over to the bed with Arc.

“Hammer, this is Rarity.”

“H-hi there.”

Rarity smiles nervously. “Hello.”

Hammer nods. “Arc’s told me a bit about you already.”

“Yes, he mentioned that. Um… he also told us about your… ordeal earlier this morning.”

“Yeah, it… wasn’t the best time I’ve had.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Hammer looks to Rarity and speaks.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Are you really a… pony?”

Rarity nods. “Why, yes. I’m a unicorn. Is that a problem?”

“No. I mean, after all, Dawn and Daisy are ponies too. Or Derpy and Dinky if you prefer.”

Arc nods. “Personality-wise, they’re the same as humans. At least in my opinion.”

Rarity giggles. “Truth be told, the girls and I were talking about that very thing when last we had tea.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Which part?”

“About humans and ponies. The conversation was roughly what Arc just pointed out. How we’re really the same when you get right down to it.”

Hammer shrugs. “Only difference would be our histories, I suppose.”

Arc shakes his head. “That’s actually pretty similar too.”

“It is?”

Rarity sighs and nods. “I suppose so. It’s filled with war, senseless violence, and intolerance.”

Hammer turns to the young woman. “Hey, uh… can you do something for me, Rarity?”

“What is it?”

“Come closer.”

Rarity steps toward the bedside and sits down. Hammer looks her over for a few moments before taking her wrist. She looks up into Rarity’s face for a long moment before responding.


Rarity raises an eyebrow. “I beg your pardon?”

“My fingers can feel your heartbeat. It’s pretty high. Or is that normal?”

“I’m a little… nervous at the moment, yes.”

“Because of me?”



“That you might want to take Arc for yourself.”

Hammer smiles. “Nah. You seem like a really nice gal. I wouldn’t do that to ya.”

Rarity appears relieved. “Thank you very much!”

“At least not if you let me join that herd your forming.”

Rarity gasps. “What?!”

Arc sighs. “Oh boy. I still haven’t agreed to anything in that regard.”

Hammer grins. “Well if you do, keep me in mind.”

Rarity appears confused. “You… want to be part of a herd with… ponies?”

“I’d like to be able to discuss it with you and the others if I could.”

“That would probably be for the best. We all need to get to know each other a lot better before committing to something like this.”


Arc clears his throat loudly. “Well, why don’t we head downstairs for lunch now? It smells like it’s coming along nicely.”

“Yes, it does. Can I help you up, Miss Hammer?”

“Sure. But please just call me ‘Hammer’.”

“Very well. If that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do.”

Extending her arm, Hammer takes it and limps out the door with Arc following them closely. Hammer turns to Rarity.

“So Arc tells me you have your own business.”

Rarity nods. “I do. Carousel Boutique is my pride and joy. We sell the most fashionable dresses.”

She turns to Arc and smiles.

“And the most debonair clothing for human heroes as well.”

Arc chuckles. “Quality all the way.”

“We aim to please. But why do you ask?”

“I just thought it a bit strange. Ponies wearing clothes, and all.”

“Mostly just for special occasions. But there are a few whom prefer to be a bit more decorative at all times.”

Reaching the kitchen they sit down to a simple meal of soup and sandwiches. As Derpy clears the table Dinky looks to Hammer.

“Are you really okay, Miss Hammer?”

“I will be in a day or so. Thanks to your dad and his friend, that is.”

Arc frowns. “Calling Wiseman a friend is really pushing the definition of that word.”

Rarity appears confused. “What is he then?”

“Lazy mostly.”

Hammer smiles. “He can’t be all that bad. After all, he helped you rescue me earlier today.”

“Yes, well…”

His earring chirps. Frowning, he touches it.

“Arc here.”

“Arc, this is Cadance!”

“Is something wrong?”

“Kinda. You see… things have been escalating in Equestria these past few days. Shining Armor here just returned from confirming the reports.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “They have? I haven’t noticed anything different.”

Shining Armor’s voice rings out. “It’s been kept quiet, but yes.”

Arc frowns. “What’s going on?”

“Decimus’ troops have become much more stringent in their duties.”

Scootaloo narrows her eyes. “How so?”

Shining Armor shuffles some papers in the background. “I have confirmed reports in hoof of two ponies being taken from their homes in Ponyville on suspicion of treason.”

Derpy gasps. “What?! Who?!”

“The local blacksmith and his wife.”

Arc seethes. “Treason?! Them?!”

Cadance sighs. “Our sources tell us that they’ve been rather… vocal lately about your innocence, Arc. Decimus is intent on stopping that kind of talk before it gets out of hoof.”

Dinky appears suddenly worried. “What’s going to happen to them?”

Cadance groans. “I don’t know for certain. But I also can’t imagine it’s going to be good. While I hate to ask for you to come back, at the moment you’re the only one who can legally stand up to Hero of Light Decimus.”

Sereb looks to him. “What shall we do, Arc?”

Standing, Arc looks around the table for a moment before responding.

“Everyone get packed. We’re heading back to Equestria. Cadance, you can expect us to return in roughly one hour.”

“Very well, Arc. I shall inform Sunburst to ready the Crystal Mirror to summon you and your friends back.”

“Thanks. I’ll call back where we’re ready to leave.”

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