• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - In the Rainbow Factory...

Rainbow Dash leads the group through the streets of Cloudsdale. Most give them a wide berth as Scootaloo turns to Arc.

“I wonder whom they’re frightened of the most?”

“Probably me.”

Sereb growls. “I might be eliciting such a response.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Or it could be Ember with her armor.”

Ember frowns. “What about Arc?!”

“But I’m not wearing mine.”

“You of all of us should be!”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Come on! You don’t really think somepony’s going to take a shot at him, do you?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “Most likely not.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “I hope they do! It would give me something to direct all this rage towards!”

Arc sighs. “Not really helping.”

Scootaloo attempts to diffuse the situation. “Uh, so… Rainbow Dash…?”


“What’s your dad like?”

“He and my mom are usually pretty similar in personality.”

Arc groans. “Uh oh. Does that mean he’s not going to like me either?”

“Not really sure to be honest. But there’s really only one way to find out.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

Approaching the gates to the factory, they spot two Pegasi guards on duty. The look to the group nervously before addressing them.

“State your business.”

Ember smirks. “We’re here to see… um… someone.”

Sereb puts a paw over his face. “That cleared it up.”

Rainbow Dash steps forward. “I’m here with some dignitaries to see my dad.”

“Hello, Rainbow Dash. Didn’t know you were back in town.”

“Just got in this morning. Needed to talk to the old guy about something pretty important.”

“Do you have an appointment?”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Um, no.”

“We’re very sorry, but this facility is closed to all but employees and those scheduled to be here.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes as she gestures to Arc. “Don’t you two know who this is?!”

They look to Arc whom smiles and waves.

“Hero of Light Arc, we would assume.”

Ember taps her foot impatiently. “So let us in!”

“I’m sorry, but I have my orders.”

Sereb growls. “You have chosen poorly!”

Scootaloo puts hoof out to stop the wolf. “Easy, Sereb. We can’t just…”

One of the guards gasps. “Wait!”

He walks over to the filly and looks down.

“Are you the Scarlet Filly?!”

“Yes. Is that a problem?”

“Hardly! You were honored by Princess Celestia herself!”

“Do you have your medal with you by any chance?!”

Scootaloo looks to Arc. He nods. Reaching into her saddlebags she pulls out the award and holds it up.


“We’ll call for an escort to take you and your group up to see the foreman right away!”

Rainbow Dash glares at them. “Hey! Why didn’t you…?!”

Ember puts a claw over the mare’s mouth and hisses into her ear. “Don’t argue with someone when they’re giving you what you want.”

Frowning, Rainbow Dash nods. A short while later two other guards arrive and motion for them to follow. Walking through the factory, they notice a startling number of guards. Scootaloo turns to their escorts.

“Did something happen?”


“There’s just so many guards.”

“We’re on high alert at the moment.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Ember frowns. “Care to explain why?”

“We’re… not at liberty to say.”

“The foreman will have to make that decision.”

Arriving at a small office overlooking the factory floor they knock and enter. A large blue coated stallion sits behind a desk. His rainbow colored mane appears ruffled and unkempt. He also appears to be overworked as evidenced by his appearance along with the massive stacks of paper on his desk. Not looking up, he speaks.


The guard approaches. “The Scarlet Filly and her entourage to see you, sir.”

Sighing, the stallion continues working. “I thought I made it clear that I was not to be disturbed by…”

Rainbow Dash calls out. “Hi dad!”

The stallion drops his pencil and looks up. Grinning hugely, he quickly stands and runs over to Rainbow Dash. Picking her up, literally, he holds her close.

“Rainbow Dash! How’s my little gal?!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “I’m okay, dad.”

The foreman laughs as he motions for the guards to leave. “And I see you’re keeping quite the company these days!”

“Yeah, dad. Everypony, this is my dad, Bo Hothoof. Dad, this is…”

“The Scarlet Filly, Dragon Lord Ember, Warchief Sereb, and Hero of Light Arc!”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Um… right. How did you…?”

“I have a subscription to every major newspaper in Equestria! Every recent story involving you four I’ve saved!”

Returning to his desk, Bo pulls out a scrapbook and opens it. Pointing a hoof at the first page, he talks as he turns the pages.

“Here’s the first mention of you, sir! A small story about a new Hero of Light being chosen! And here’s the one about you liberating the orphans of Vanhoover! Oh, and let’s not forget the time you ran into that burning shop during the Cherry Festival in Dodge Junction!”

Setting the book down, he pulls out another and opens it.

“Then there’s the story of the Scarlet Filly taking down a gang a few at a time! Rescuing two kidnapped fillies! Escorting prisoners to Canterlot! Getting your award from Princess Celestia herself! Oh, it’s just too much to take in!”

Ember clenches a fist. “What about us?!”

Sereb chuckles. “Do we have scrapbooks as well?”

Bo nods. “You two share one, yes.”

Ember seethes. “Share?!”

“Yes. The media likes to portray you two as a duo, after all. Here’s you two…!”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Okay, okay! We get it, dad!”

“Sorry, sweetheart. I just got a little carried away.”

“We’re actually here on a very important mission.”

Bo looks through a stack of periodicals. “You are? I haven’t seen anything on that in the newspapers.”

“It’s not in there, dad.”

Ember grins. “Yet.”

Arc steps forward. “Sir, I’ve come here on the behest of Princess Twilight.”

“Oh? What for?”

“She says that Cloudsdale is siding with Princess Celestia and Decimus.”

“Well, of course we are. They’re in charge, after all.”

Sereb growls. “Not anymore.”

Ember clenches a fist. “Yeah. Those two left the capital and are hiding out in a stolen military base!”

Arc continues. “Princess Twilight is a legitimate leader and was appointed by Princess Celestia herself. With no one on the throne she was next in line to lead.”

Bo sighs. “I understand that. But it doesn’t exactly strike the public as legitimate when you have to install a leader by invading, sir.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “He had no choice, dad! Decimus didn’t want anypony on the throne!”

Scootaloo nods. “Yes sir. It was vacant at the time, save for Decimus himself.”

Ember smiles smugly. “I’m sure you understand the Order of Succession.”

“The Hero of Light is next to sit on the throne, yes.”

Arc shakes his head. “Unless there is a princess whom is ready, willing, and able to hold the position.”

Sereb stomps the floor. “We simply upheld the law as written.”

Bo sighs. “That may be true. But it’s not how most of Cloudsdale sees it.”

“Come on, dad! What else could he have DONE?!”

The stallion looks away and puts a hoof to his forehead before continuing.

“I… don’t know, Rainbow Dash.”

Scootaloo clears her throat. “Sir… maybe what the Hero of Light did wasn’t exactly what everypony thought he should do. But the fact of the matter is that had he not acted, Equestria would still have an imposter sitting on the throne.”

Arc nods. “Right. Sometimes I have to do things that even I don’t really want to do. Had there been another option I gladly would have taken it. But there wasn’t. Hate what I did if you want, but it needed to be done.”

Bo Hothoof nods and smiles.

“Well put, sir.”

Ember moves her hand in a circular motion. “So… is Cloudsdale going to join with Princess Twilight now?”

Bo shakes his head. “No.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Seriously?”

“I mean that it’s not my decision to make. Remember, I’m just the foreman of the largest company in the city. But that doesn’t make me leader of the town.”

Ember turns back to the others. “Someone wanna remind me why we came here again?”

“Because I believed my dad could come up with something that could help us.”

Bo nods. “That I can do.”

Scootaloo appears hopeful. “Sir?”

Bo gestures to a large window overlooking the factory floor. “As you’ve no doubt noticed, we’re under heavy security here at the Rainbow Factory.”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, they didn’t even want to let ME in.”

Sereb growls. “A decision they would have regretted.”

“The security is indeed warranted.”

Ember taps her foot impatiently. “So what’s going on?”

Bo sighs. “Ponies and materials have been disappearing from the facility lately. I’ve informed the powers that be, of course. But it’s still an issue with no end in sight.”

Rainbow Dash tilts her head to one side. “I don’t get it. What do you mean ‘disappearing’?”

“Literally. Workers clock in and start their shift. However they fail to clock out.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Perhaps a silly question, but could they simply have forgotten to clock out?”

“Not a chance, as they don’t return to work the next day.”

Ember shrugs. “A couple disgruntled workers walking off the job is normal though, right?”

“We treat our employees well, ma’am. While I admit that we’ve certainly had isolated incidents of certain individuals walking off, this is FAR too many workers to be simply a fluke.”

Sereb frowns. “How many workers are missing?”

“A dozen.”

Scootaloo looks to the stallion. “And how many employees do you have?”

“Two hundred fifty six on the payroll, including myself.”

Sereb growls. “That is around five percent of your workforce.”

“Right. It isn’t straining us at the moment. However, if this keeps up, we’ll start losing workers to resignations.”

Ember shrugs. “Yeah. I mean, who wants to work at a place where you might just disappear?”

Arc turns to Bo. “You said materials were disappearing too, right?”

“That I did. But those can be easily replaced. My employees are the ones at risk and need to come first.”

Scootaloo looks out an exterior window. “Have you informed the city guard?”

“Yes indeed. They’ve sent over extra guards and beefed up patrols around the plant inside and out.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “But no one to investigate this?!”

Bo shakes his head. “They told me an investigator would have to be sent from Canterlot. But no word on when that would be.”

He looks at Arc with a hopeful look in his eyes.

“Is that why you’re here, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sadly, no. In fact, this is the first I’ve heard of this matter.”

“Did you try actually sending somepony to Canterlot, dad?”

“I went there myself, dear. But they told me Princess Celestia wasn’t seeing anypony due to health reasons. A message was taken by them and I returned to Cloudsdale.”

Arc groans. “That must’ve been before Twilight took the throne.”

“Yes sir. However I didn’t have time to spend on another round trip. That’s where you come in.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “Huh?”

“Word of the missing workers has spread through the city like a northern trade wind. The citizens are beginning to panic. If you want them to be willing to follow Princess Twilight, this matter needs to be settled, and soon.”

Ember grins. “So if Arc solves this mystery the town will switch alliances?”

“As I said before, I don’t have a say in that. But it would go a long way in convincing the Town Council. They’re the ones whom make those decisions, after all.”

Arc nods. “We’ll look into this. While I can’t promise results, I’ll certainly give it my best shot.”

Bo appears relieved. “Thank you, sir. I’ll notify the guards that you’re to be allowed full access to the plant at once.”

Rainbow Dash takes flight excitedly. “That should help!”

Ember cracks her knuckles. “Yeah. And it’ll save a lot of guards losing their teeth.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “That won’t help our situation here.”

Sereb motions with a paw to the ponies below. “Or theirs.”

Scootaloo turns to Bo. “Can you tell us any more about this situation, sir?”

“Sadly, no. Like I said, workers come in but don’t leave.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “So they’re either being smuggled out somehow or are still here.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Like hiding, or something?”

Sereb shakes his head. “That seems a bit unlikely.”

Arc nods. “I agree. It doesn’t make sense to keep them where they could be found. So it’s likely they’re being smuggled out somehow.”

Ember clenches a fist. “So let’s find out how it’s happening and put a stop to it!”

Scootaloo sighs. “Easier said than done.”

Sereb growls. “Right. We need a plan.”

Arc snaps his finger. “I think I have one.”

He turns to Bo Hothoof.

“When do the workers leave for the night?”

“In exactly three hours.”

“Are there any night watch or after hours security?”

“Normally, yes. However for the safety of everypony we’ve pulled all our private security officers off of third shift and replaced them with Town Guards.”

Sereb frowns. “Is that normal?”

“It isn’t, no. But they’re better trained and more heavily armed and armored than our security guards.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Have any of them gone missing?”

“Not as of yet, no. But I’m worried that if this is allowed to continue they may become brazen enough to start taking them too.”

Scootaloo shudders. “A sobering thought.”

Sereb nods. “Whom is in charge of the Town Guards that patrol your facility?”

“They report directly to me.”

“At home, dad?”

Bo shrugs. “I’ve been sleeping here most nights in order to…”


“Somepony needs to be here to coordinate the guards.”

“Why you though?!”

“Because this factory and its workers are MY responsibility.”


Sereb interrupts them. “Pardon me, but if the workers are disappearing during their shifts, what exactly are you looking for?”

Bo sighs. “Anything, really. As it stands we literally have zero leads, no clues, and an increasingly unnerved workforce. I can’t just sit at home and wait for something to turn up.”

Arc looks to Bo soberly. “Sir, I need you to do something for me.”


“There will be no questions answered or reasons given at this time though.”


Rainbow Dash grins. “You can trust him, dad. Believe me, his skills are BEYOND impressive. And that’s coming from ME!”

“Very well. What do you want me to do, sir?”

“An hour before quitting time today I’d like you to make up some kind of an excuse and head back to your house.”

“But somepony needs to…!”

“It’ll be handled.”


Arc interrupts him. “That’s a question.”

“Yeah, dad. Don’t worry about it. We’ll…”

Arc shakes his head. “I’ve got it. Tell everyone that inquires that you’re going home to a nice homecooked meal with your wife and visiting daughter.”

Scootaloo grins. “Nopony would question that, right?”

Sereb shrugs. “Not likely, no.”

Ember turns to the pegasus. “You’d have to be seen leaving with him though, Rainbow Dash.”


Arc nods. “To make the story believable mostly.”

“But I want to…!”

“Rainbow Dash.”


“Trust me on this one.”

“I…! You see…!”

She groans and bows her head.


“Thank you. Now then, you stay here with your dad while the others and I head back to The Equinox.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “And what exactly will we be doing?”

“Making preparations, plotting, and planning.”

“Big Brother?”

Arc chuckles as he calls forth a gauntlet and opens a portal. “I’ll explain more aboard ship. Enjoy a nice evening with your parents, Rainbow Dash.”

“Uh… sure.”

“Stay here with your dad until the plant closes for the day. Then make sure everyone sees you two leave together.”

Rainbow Dash nods but says nothing. The others walk through the portal as Arc brings up the rear. Bo Hothoof turns to his daughter as the portal closes, confused.

“What do you suppose he’s up to?”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “No clue. But I do know one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“We need to do what he says.”

Bo chuckles as he looks out the window with his daughter. “Nice to see you finally listening to somepony.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah, well…”

“So… how about we get to work?”


Bo gestures to his desk. “This stuff doesn’t do itself, you know.”

“Don’t you have a secretary, or something?”

“I did, but she vanished with the others.”

Rainbow Dash groans as she walks toward the desk with her father. “Fine…”

Meanwhile, Arc and company reappear on the sigil aboard The Equinox. Ember turns to him and grins.

“So, I’m assuming this will be another example of problem solving ingenuity with a long and convoluted trail of clues, interviews, and accusations.”

Sereb sighs. “If so, this will take quite some time.”

Scootaloo grins. “I’m looking forward to seeing it play out, Big Brother.”

Arc chuckles. “While I’m glad to hear that, in answer to Ember’s question, no.”

“No, what?”

“With any luck this will be an open and shut case.”

He heads for the door with a grin on his face as he continues.

“I just need to enlist some very special help.”

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