• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Brainstorming

Sometime later Arc, Derpy, Dinky, Hammer, and Ember walk down the corridor together. Dinky turns to him.

“I can’t wait for you to see the new settlement, dad!”

Derpy smiles. “It’s very cozy, yes.”

Hammer shrugs. “Meh. It’s okay.”

Ember chuckles. “Better than I thought it would be myself.”

“Remember, I was there when it was designed.”

“But a picture is worth a thousand words, dad.”

“I suppose so. However…”

A familiar voice rings out in Arc’s head.

“Big Brother?!”


He stops walking and puts a hand to his forehead. Hammer grabs his arm.

“You okay, Arc?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just getting a message from Scootaloo.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “That’s still kinda creepy.”

Scootaloo calls out telepathically. “Can you hear me?!”

“Loud and clear.”

“What happened?! I’ve been trying to call out to you most of the night!”

“Sorry. I was unconscious. Can I assume you just got up?”

“Yeah. Haven’t even used the toilet yet. Are you okay?”

“I am now.”

“Where are you?”




Scootaloo gasps. “Without your gauntlet?!”

“Yup. Granted it took a lot out of me though. How are things in Canterlot?”

“Not good. They’ve just released a new wanted poster of you.”


“New charges were added.”

“Breaking out of jail?”

Scootaloo sighs. “No… for the murder of the warden and the mass murder of the other prisoners at Luna Bay.”


“The guards there all say they saw you butchering them.”

“How many were killed?!”

“All of those whom tried to escape.”

“I wasn’t even out there for more than a moment to get Spitfire!”

“That I saw you do.”

“So you’re a witness that says I didn’t do it.”

“According to the official report, you committed the crime shortly after I was called back to Canterlot by Decimus.”

Arc grits his teeth. “He’s behind this!”

“Probably, yes. But what should we do about this?”

“I’ll run it by the others. See what we can come up with.”

“Let me know if I can help.”

“I will.”

Sighing, Arc turns to the others. Hammer is the first to speak.

“Something wrong?”

“We’ll talk about it in a bit. Right now we really need to get to the Town Hall.”

Leaving the ship, Dinky leads the way down the main street. The Abyssinians they pass bow respectfully. Ember grins as she nudges him.

“They’ve got this all figured out.”

“What do you mean?”

“You know. The whole bowing and scraping bit.”

Hammer chuckles. “Nice to see that they understand just how great you are, Arc.”

“I could do without it.”

Derpy giggles. “You were never much for such things.”

“Nah. It’s just not in my nature.”

“Well, you did save their land, dad.”

Ember nods. “And taught them how to feed themselves without having to rely on the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc shrugs. “I just gave them the tools. They’re the ones whom used them.”

Arriving at the edge of town they pass through a large gate. On the other side sits The Equinox on a new landing pad. Walking under it, they see the new town before them. Grinning, Dinky gestures with a hoof.

“Welcome to New Ponyville, dad!”

“It’s very similar in style to the old town.”

Hammer grins. “That helped the ponies feel right at home.”

Ember sighs. “I’m not much for the name myself. But everyone else seems to like it.”

Arc looks around. “Where are the other citizens?”

Derpy points a hoof. “Already at work in the aquaponics farms.”

Hammer wipes her forehead with the back of her hand. “They get an early start to avoid the hottest part of the day.”

Ember shrugs. “Why I don’t know.”

Arc turns to her. “Is it true that dragons literally swim in lava?”

“Yeah, why?”

Arc looks at her, as do the others wordlessly. Eventually his point sinks in.

“Point taken.”

Arc chuckles. “In any case, what about my other friends?”

Dinky bounds ahead. “They’ll meet us in the Town Hall. This way everypony.”

Walking toward a building that looks exactly like the one that stood in Ponyville, Dinky pushes the doors open and trots inside. Sitting around a table are Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Sereb… whom sits in a corner watching them all carefully. They smile as he and the others approach. Sereb is the first to speak.

“Welcome back.”

Rarity smiles warmly. “It’s so good to see you back in one piece, Arc.”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah! We thought Princess Celestia would have vaporized you again!”

Applejack frowns. “Rainbow Dash!”

Pinkie giggles. “No such luck on her part it seems!”

Fluttershy groans. “Not you too, Pinkie.”

“What?! He’s fine!”

Arc sighs. “Not really.”

Twilight gasps. “Did Princess Celestia hurt you?!”

“Truth be told, someone else got the drop on me.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Really? Who?”

Dinky gasps. “They must’ve been REALLY strong!”

“It’s a long story. So why don’t we sit down and I’ll tell you.”

Arc and the others take their seats. Clearing his throat, Arc speaks.

“While I was doing my best to feel Celestia out during our meeting in Ponyville, she continually insisted that my appointment to Hero of Light was illegitimate.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Uh… how?”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes, both Luna and Cadance agreed.”

“She believes I somehow manipulated them into that.”

Applejack sighs. “If you had put them into an altered state of mind that would be true, yes.”

Pinkie raises a hoof. “Oh! Like somepony getting married to a stranger in Las Pegasus while they’re drunk?!”

Fluttershy rolls her eyes. “Something like that, Pinkie.”

Rarity gasps. “But they weren’t. We all saw them appoint you, Arc. They were just fine.”

Arc groans. “Try telling that to her.”

Dinky shakes her head. “She must still be under Decimus’ control.”

Sereb growls. “Agreed.”

Hammer smacks her fists together. “Whatever. I sure hope you showed her but good, Arc.”

Twilight appears nervous. “Did she get hurt badly?!”

“Not at all. In fact, someone got the drop on me before I could take my first swing.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Who?”

“Sunset Shimmer along with Kane.”

Twilight and Sereb’s eyes grow wide as they call out in tandem.


Applejack grits her teeth. “Her again?!”

Fluttershy hides behind her tail. “Eep!”

Rarity seethes. “That traitor!”

Rainbow Dash shadowboxes. “Let me at her! I’ll make her pay!”

Arc sighs. “Tempest says she’s part of the Council of Shadows now.”

Dinky frowns. “So she’s that much more dangerous.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “Anyone can be taught to bleed!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What about your brother, Sereb?”

Ember turns to the wolf. “Yeah. Don’t you want to rescue him?”

“I have no brother!”

Rainbow Dash attempts to change the subject. “So they took you down, Arc?!”

Applejack purses her lips. “They must’ve been training awfully hard.”

“Maybe. But they worked as a team when they did it. Before I knew what was happening I saw Sunset Shimmer’s hoof knocking me out. Next thing I knew I was on my way to Luna Bay Prison.”

Derpy gasps. “That must’ve been one fast trial.”

“Didn’t get one.”

Applejack frowns. “Wait! That’s illegal!”

Twilight bows her head. “Not really. A case like Arc’s would have taken a long time to gather evidence for. As a flight risk, he would have been detained in the meantime.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “In a maximum security prison?”

Twilight nods sadly. “Nothing else could have held you.”

Hammer grins. “And it did. For a little while, that is.”

Ember looks to Arc. “So where do we stand?”

“On the way over here I got a message from Scootaloo.”

Rainbow Dash starts gushing. “Is she okay?!”

“Fine. In fact, she led a contingent of soldiers on a secret mission to stop a mass escape that was forming. No one got away.”

Fluttershy appears relieved. “That’s good.”

Pinkie nods fervently. “Right! Those bad ponies need to be locked up!”

“Agreed. But after reinforcements showed up she returned to Canterlot on Decimus’ orders.”

Hammer shrugs. “Might as well. All the action was done, right?”

“Not in the least. The guards that came with her slaughtered every prisoner whom had been recaptured outside the wall.”

Derpy gasps. “What?!”

Rarity’s eyes grow wide. “Did they try to run for it again?!”

“According to the official report, probably yes.”

Sereb frowns. “And you don’t believe that, do you?”

“Scootaloo told me that they were surrounded and had already surrendered. But it makes sense why Decimus would have done such a thing.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Oh?!”

“Because he’s now officially charged me with the mass murder of those prisoners.”

Everyone cries out together.


Applejack scoffs. “What a liar!”

Rarity nods prudently. “He most likely ordered the whole thing himself!”

Arc sighs. “Probably, yes. After all, he’s the one whom knew about the plot to escape before it even happened.”

Dinky grits her teeth. “That monster!”

Hammer groans. “Well, at least it can’t get any worse.”

Arc turns to her. “Wanna bet?”

Ember sighs. “You’ve hit the bottom, Arc. Nowhere to go from here but up.”

“Sunset Shimmer showed up and killed the warden.”

Fluttershy gasps. “But why?!”

“To blame that on me too.”

Sereb growls. “But there is no proof of that deed.”

“Spitfire walked in and saw me in there with the body. Naturally she blamed me for the murder after both Sunset Shimmer and Kane told her they saw me do it.”

Derpy gasps. “How terrible!”

Ember groans. “Digging through rock now, Arc.”

Arc nods soberly. “Scootaloo tells me he’s already had new wanted posters printed with the new charges.”

Applejack bows her head. “You’re his scapegoat now, Arc.”

Pinkie seethes. “That meanie will do everything he can think of and blame it on you!”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Right!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “So we need to do something about it.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“An invasion!”

Arc groans. “Ember…”

“Nothing to lose at this point! Your reputation is now officially trash in Equestria! Might as well finish off Decimus and Celestia while you’re at it!”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide at this. “What?! NO!”

Arc shakes his head. “Celestia’s probably still being influenced. If anything, we need to save her.”

Derpy appears nervous. “But what if she’s with Decimus on this?”

“Then I’ll do what needs to be done.”

Applejack groans. “How?”

Pinkie sighs. “Right! Arc’s lost his ring!”

Fluttershy bows her head. “And with it, the Dagger of Eternal Slumber.”

Twilight looks away nervously. “No, he didn’t.”

Sereb looks to her. “Miss Twilight?”

She reaches into her saddlebag and pulls out the ornate sheathe. Exposing the dagger with her magic, she holds it up soberly.

“I’ve kept it safe, as promised.”

Arc nods. “Thanks.”

Rainbow Dash raises a hoof. “So… crazy idea here.”

Applejack sighs. “I don’t think anything could be considered ‘crazy’ right now.”

“Could it be possible that Decimus and his ilk wanted Arc’s ring to get that dagger?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “It’s possible, I suppose.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “But isn’t it also standard procedure to confiscate a prisoner’s belongings prior to incarceration?”

Fluttershy nods. “I think I’ve heard that somewhere before.”

Hammer groans. “That’s how it’s done back on Earth too. Can’t have prisoners having a bunch of belongings, after all.”

“So my dad’s ring is… where exactly?”

Derpy sighs. “Wherever he was processed.”

“I’m guessing that was the prison itself.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “So we’ve gotta go all the way to Luna Bay to get it?!”

Dinky frowns. “That’s quite a trip!”

Sereb looks out the window to the west. “So it would seem, as Arc doesn’t have a sigil there to recall to.”

Ember grins wickedly. “Fine. Let’s take the ship there and tear that place apart!”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

Twilight turns to him, confused. “Really?”


Applejack shrugs. “Well, he does need that spear back too.”

Rarity grins. “And his armor’s in there as well!”

Fluttershy lowers her gaze. “That’ll come in handy when facing Princess Celestia and Captain Decimus.”

Ember nods. “Right. Can’t have Arc dying on us now.”


Sereb turns to him. “This is quite surprising, Arc.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Normally you do your best to avoid conflict. However at the moment you’re suggesting doing the exact opposite.”

“Yes, well… this situation is a bit different than the others we’ve faced before.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Twilight looks to Arc. “I don’t see how.”

Arc stands and walks over to the window. Looking out at the scenery before them, he sighs before speaking.

“Everything else I’ve done has with the full support of Canterlot, the princesses, and the Equestrian military on standby. Had things not worked out as planned, they could have come to the rescue.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “But now they’re the ones we’re fighting!”

“Yes. I’ve done my best to play by the rules before. Even though they didn’t apply to me in this position.”

Dinky nods soberly. “And the citizens have always respected and admired that attitude, dad.”

“However I can’t keep doing that.”

Derpy gasps. “Arc?”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Right. If the enemy isn’t going to play by the rules, we can’t either!”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Glad everyone’s finally coming around to my way of thinking!”

Sereb growls. “Decimus and his allies must fall! No matter the methods required!”

Twilight taps the table with a hoof to get everyone’s attention. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. After all, I’m still a princess of Equestria.”

Arc nods. “I understand that, Twilight. But remember that me and my forces are also not beholden to you.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Arc?!”

Rarity nods. “That’s correct. Princess Celestia created this position for just such a situation, after all.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! We need to act!”

Applejack smacks the table with a hoof. “Darn right!”

Pinkie hops out of her chair. “The ponies of Equestria are suffering right now under Decimus! They have to be made free again!”

Dinky looks to the mares. “As the Element Bearers, aren’t you supposed to help too?”

Twilight sighs. “I… suppose so. But we don’t have the same legal protections as the Hero of Light.”

Sereb frowns. “Then what will you do, Princess Twilight?”

“Princess Celestia needs to see reason. I might be able to do that if I…”

Ember interrupts her. “You had time to try that before!”

Hammer makes a fist. “Right! Now it’s our turn!”

Arc sighs. “I won’t hurt anyone, Celestia included, unless forced to do so, Twilight. Sorry, but that’s the best I can offer.”

Twilight nods. “That’s reassuring, Arc. But I’d still like to hold onto the Dagger of Eternal Slumber.”

Dinky frowns. “But, Miss Twilight…”

“Fine. You can for the time being. But if I feel that I might need it you need to return it on my command.”

“I don’t know if I can do that, Arc.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Then we should take it now!”

Arc holds out an arm, stopping Ember’s advance as he looks to Twilight.

“Very well.”

Derpy frowns. “Arc?”

“I’m trusting you to do the right thing, Twilight. Not just as a princess, but also as my friend.”

“Th-thank you.”

Hammer groans. “What’s the plan then?”

“First things first. We fly back to Luna Bay and get my stuff back.”

Sereb points to The Equinox through the window. “That will be a bit difficult in a ship this conspicuous.”

Ember sighs. “Right. Anyone sees us and the navy will show up.”

Rainbow Dash clops her hooves together. “Bring em on!”

Applejack appears hopeful. “But isn’t your ship the fastest around, Arc?”

“Supposedly, yes. That and I’d rather escape than needlessly fight our own military right now.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “Do you have a route picked out, Arc?”

“I do.”

He instinctively reaches for his ring before frowning and looking to the others, sheepishly.

“Uh… anyone have a map?”

Pinkie raises a hoof. “Oh! I do!”

Reaching into her mane, Pinkie pulls out a neatly folded map of Equestria. Smiling, she gives it to Arc.

“There you go!”

Dinky appears confused. “Um… do you always walk around with maps in your mane, Miss Pinkie?”

“Doesn’t everypony?!”

Rarity shakes her head. “No. That’s what saddlebags are for.”

Pinkie groans. “Aw… but they’re so cumbersome!”

Arc sighs as he unfolds the map. “In any case, let’s see here.”

Laying the map down on the table, he picks up a nearby pencil and looks it over for a few moments before drawing a line.

“How about this? We fly southwest over the Dragon Lands to avoid the ocean.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Avoid the ocean?”

Hammer frowns. “Why?”

“There’s always the possibility that Decimus or his allies in the Griffon Kingdom could be lying in wait.”

Twilight nods. “But flying through another nation’s airspace would assure you that they couldn’t be there, right?”

“Exactly. Ember?”

“It’s fine with me. I can send word to my father to inform the rest of the dragons of the trip.”

Hammer grins. “So that’s taken care of. What then?”

“From there we fly due west toward the coast of Equestria. We’re going to pass right over the Southern Temple so as to avoid major Equestrian airspaces as well as the Badlands.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with the Badlands?”

Fluttershy shudders. “It’s supposed to be the homeland of the changelings. They might not take kindly to our presence.”

Twilight nods soberly. “And the magic based engines might not work properly over it.”

Rarity appears confused. “Why’s that?”

Twilight shrugs. “Nopony knows. It’s supposed to be an anti-magic area for some reason.”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “Bet I could make it!”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Across a scorching desert?”

Sereb shakes his head. “You’d fall from lack of water before reaching the other side.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “Let’s not test that theory.”

“Agreed. We’ll fly south of the Badlands and across the Forbidden Jungle until we come to Luna Bay. From there I plan to follow the coast northwest until coming to the peninsula where we tested Auriel’s original artificial sun.”

“Why there, dad?”

“Because there’s no one living around there.”

Ember nods. “And it’s not likely to be patrolled regularly like inland would be.”

Sereb grins toothily. “We would also be over land most of the time in case an emergency landing was required.”

Hammer frowns. “Hopefully not though.”

“Right. From there we’ll continue northwest over the bay to land just west of the prison.”

Rainbow Dash points a hoof. “But it would be a shorter flight to land to the east of the facility, Arc.”

“Very true. But we’d be open to attack from reinforcements there.”

Ember gestures to the west of the prison. “If we were here, they’d have to fly over the prison to get into firing position.”


Rarity looks to Arc. “So who’s going on this one?”

“Me along with my squad, Sereb, and Ember.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “What about us?!”

“This is very illegal, Rainbow Dash. I don’t want any of you to get into more trouble than you already are.”

Applejack grins. “We don’t mind.”

Fluttershy nods. “Right.”

“Thanks, but this should be a quick and easy smash and grab mission.”

Derpy appears confused. “A what?”

Hammer chuckles. “Smash and grab. It’s where you go in hard and fast, grab what you can, and get out before anyone tries to stop you.”

“Right. The prison does have plenty of guards, but nothing we can’t handle.”

Pinkie frowns. “But we’d still like to come!”

“Next time. I’ll have need of all of you on a future mission after all.”

Rarity smiles. “You will?”

“Yes. Until then we need you six especially to stay safe.”

Twilight sighs. “Very well, Arc. We’ll do as you say.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “We will?”

Applejack frowns. “Yes. We will.”


Twilight turns to Arc. “However I would feel better if you took Rose with you, Arc.”

Ember nods. “Not a bad idea.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “That metal chick?”

Sereb sighs. “More or less.”

“I suppose her sensors would be of help locating my ring.”

Derpy smiles. “And avoiding trouble.”

“Please take her, dad!”

“Alright. You talked me into it.”

Hammer appears hopeful. “Me too?”

“I think we have enough…”

Ember interrupts him. “Come on, Arc. The more the merrier, right?”

Arc groans. “Fine.”

Hammer grins. “I call shotgun!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Uh… I don’t know what that means.”

Arc sighs. “I’ll explain it to you later, Ember.”

He turns to Twilight.

“Tell Rose to report to The Equinox right away.”

“Very well. But when are you going?”

“As soon as possible. Within the hour if Captain Soarin can have the ship ready.”

Rarity gasps. “But you just got here!”

“I know. However I really need to get my stuff out of there.”

Pinkie nods fervently. “Right! Who knows when something will come up that requires Arc’s attention?!”

“Exactly. I’ll have time aboard ship to come up with a more concrete plan as well.”

Ember grins. “We’ll help too.”

Hammer turns to the door. “Right. Let’s get moving then.”

The Mane Six stand and look to Arc sadly. Applejack is the first to speak.

“Take care out there, sugarcube.”

Pinkie mane deflates. “Watch out for baddies!”

Fluttershy shudders. “And angry woodland creatures.”

Rarity smiles and bats her eyelashes. “Come back safe, my dear.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! And we’ll throw you a party, or something!”

Twilight nods. “Remember, stealth over everything, Arc. You don’t have your armor at the moment.”

Hammer gives them a thumbs up. “We’ve got this!”

Ember clenches a fist. “Right!”

Sereb growls. “They will know fear!”

“Thanks everyone. I’ll be back before you even know I’m gone.”

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