• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Forced Relaxation

Arc awakens early the next morning. Looking down, he spies Auriel once again laying on top of him. Smiling, he wraps his arms around her. Looking out the window for a time as he strokes her back, Arc eventually sighs and pats her cheek.

“Auriel? Time to wake up.”

She slowly opens her eyes and smiles sleepily.

“Thank you for the date.”

Arc chuckles. “Good morning to you too.”

Auriel smiles and traces his chest with a claw. That it is.

“Sleep well?”

“The best.”

Arc sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed. “Good. Because I assume today is going to be rather busy.”

Auriel nods soberly as she puts her claws on Arc’s shoulders. “The day of the attack.”

“It has to end.”

“I know.”

Auriel puts her arms around Arc’s neck as she hugs him from behind before continuing.

“And we’ll do that together.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah.”

“Something wrong?”

“Kinda. Part of my really wants to revert back to the whole ‘lone wolf’ persona right now.”

“You’re afraid someone will get hurt today?”

“That’s pretty much guaranteed.”

“And you’d like to avoid that.”

“I don’t see how I could. Well, other than going down there alone.”

“But that didn’t exactly go well the last time you tried it.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Sunset Shimmer and Kane double teamed me. I was down and out before I could do a thing.”

“Not trying to sound critical of your past decisions, but this could have been resolved back then if you had done what we’re doing now.”

“I know. Which is why we’re sticking to this plan.”

Auriel’s grip on Arc tightens as her puts a hand on her arm.


Auriel nods silently as Arc pats her hand.

“Remember, I’ll have my new armor this time.”

“And an army at your back.”

“That too. Not to mention you powering the device that will allow us to get inside Light’s Hope.”

“I know you have to do this, but…”

She pauses to compose herself for a moment before speaking again.

“…but I just can’t stand the thought of losing you.”

Arc nods. “That’s why I’m doing this.”


“We’re going all-in to stop Celestia as well as protect Equestria from Decimus and Gaston. No solo fights on the way.”

“And you’ll have your infiltration team too.”

“Right. So I guess you could say that everything has been accounted for.”

“You and I both know that’s not possible.”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose no plan survives contact with the enemy. But we’ve done our very best.”

Auriel gently kisses his cheek. “So have I.”

“Yes, I’m sure you have.”

“But why don’t I go over it again?”

Arc chuckles as he stands up. “Sure. That and I have quite a few things to get done before it’s go time.”

Auriel nods and stretches. “I’ll probably be on the Bridge until it’s time to take off.”

“Alright. I’ll come see you later.”

She heads for the door as she talks.

“Looking forward to it.”

Arc calls out to Auriel as her claw touches the doorknob. “Uh… aren’t you forgetting something?”

Auriel appears confused. “No, I don’t think so. What do you…?”

“Clothes, for starters.”

Looking down at her naked body Auriel giggles nervously.

“Oh my! Got a bit ahead of myself there.”

Arc chuckles as he tosses her the black dress from the other night. “Right.”

Catching it, Auriel hurriedly puts the dress on and turns again to the door as Arc calls out to her again.

“Call if you need anything!”

“I will!”

She rushes out the door as Arc shakes his head and grabs his own clothes.

“Her and Twilight… cut from the same cloth.”

Dressing, Arc heads for the door and proceeds down the corridor toward the castle hanger. Entering he spies Twilight pointing a hoof toward a pile of crates as Spike tries desperately to keep up.

“Twilight, please! Everything’s here!”

“We have to be ABSOLUTELY sure though!”

“And we are!”

“How can you be so certain?!”

Spike points a hoof at the clipboard in his claw. “Because you’ve gone over this list six times now!”

“Then the seventh should be a…!”

Arc walks over. “Good morning you two.”

Spike groans. “That and it’s morning!”

Arc frowns. “Please don’t tell me you’ve both been at this all night!”

Twilight smiles guiltily. “Um… how was your date last night, Arc?”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Very nice actually. But I do wonder something now.”

Twilight sweats slightly as she looks away innocently. “What… would that be?”

“Did you set me up with Auriel so you’d have a chance to organize this?”


Spike frowns. “That’s a definite ‘yes’.”

Arc sighs. “Twilight… why?”

Twilight bows her head as she turns to Spike. “I just wanted to do something different.”

Spike raises an eyebrow. “Different?

“Right. It’s been a long time since you and I did this, Spike.”

“Did what?”

“Spend quality time together.”

“Well, you and Auriel are always so busy with whatever.”

“Right. So I got rid of her for a night.”

She groans before continuing.

“That sounds worse when I say it aloud.”

Arc chuckles. “Yes it does.”

Spike shrugs. “Well… I did enjoy working with you again, Twilight. But we’re done.”

“I suppose you’re right, Spike. Why don’t you get some sleep now?”

“Sure. Just as soon as you do.”

Twilight looks toward the rising sun. “I don’t think that’s in my immediate future.”

Spike turns to Arc. “Come on! Back me up here!”

“Spike’s right, Twilight. You need to get some rest.”

“Well… I suppose I could sneak in a quick nap before audiences start in two hours.”

Arc groans. “Cancel them for the day.”

Spike grins. “Good idea.”

Twilight gasps. “What?! I can’t do that!”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s a normal part of the day! And it’s a firm rule that audiences must commence if at all possible!”

Spike facepalms. “Twilight… you MAKE the rules!”

Arc nods. “That you do.”

“But I…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Twilight, please. Call for Kibitz and tell him that audiences are cancelled for today.”

Spike begins trying to push Twilight toward the door. “Yeah! You need to rest!”

Twilight ears droop as she sighs. “I’m too tired to argue.”

Arc turns to Spike. “Head to Kibitz’s office and let him know.”

Spike grins and salutes. “Yes sir!”

Scampering away to carry out Arc’s instructions, the young man calls out after him.

“I’ll take Twilight to her room!”

“Meet you there!”

Kneeling down, Arc looks Twilight in the eye before speaking.

“Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”

Twilight smiles sleepily. “Yes sir.”

Standing, he motions for Twilight to follow him. Together they walk through the Hanger. Arc turns to her.

“In any case, I do want to say ‘thank you’ for last night.”

Twilight grins. “Hopefully you two got to know each other a bit better.

“That we did. You and Auriel are really similar.”

“We are?”

“Yes. Both of you work too hard and sleep too little.”

Twilight sighs. “I didn’t really notice that until Auriel came around.”

“It’s like looking in a mirror, eh?”

“Something like that. Is she still in bed?”

Arc turns to her, confused. “I thought she’d have been here by now.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not that I’ve seen, no. You don’t suppose she’s in trouble, do you?”

“I don’t think so, no. She probably just headed back to her room to get cleaned up, or grab something to eat first.”

The sound of footsteps running toward the Hanger rings out. Auriel hurries inside and over to the pair breathlessly.

“Sorry for taking so long!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Auriel?”

Twilight gasps. “What’s wrong?”

“I… was on my way here from Arc’s room. But then I realized I was still wearing my dress from last night.”

Arc chuckles. “Nothing wrong with getting changed.”

“Yes, well… I need to get to work now! Thank you for last night, Arc! You too, Twilight!”

The demon hurries toward The Equinox. Arc and Twilight turn and continue on their way. As they reach the corridor Twilight speaks.

“She really is dedicated.”

“That she is.”

“Can I ask you something, Arc?”


“Is that… what I look like when I’m working?”

“Pretty much.”

Twilight sighs. “I… should probably do something about that then.”

“Nothing wrong with wanting to get the job done though.”

“There is if I look like THAT!”

“A few well-placed breaks would fix the problem.”

Twilight giggles. “Yes, I suppose that would help.”

“What’s so funny?”

“You talking about breaks.”

“Guess that’s like the pot calling the kettle black.”

Twilight sighs. “I think we all could stand to change.”

“Yeah. But let’s focus on the task at hoof.”

“What did you say, Arc?”

“That we should focus on the task and hand.”

Twilight smiles at him. “No, you didn’t.”


“You said ‘at hoof’.”

Arc chuckles. “I guess I did.”

Twilight grins. “Next you’ll be sprouting a tail or horn.”

“Or wings.”

“Now THAT would be funny!”

They enjoy a good laugh as they walk. Eventually the pair reach Twilight’s room. Entering, Arc leads her over to the bed.

“Here we are.”



“Can we… talk?”

“Guess we can’t put off this conversation any longer.”

Her horn aglow, Twilight casts a Telekinesis Spell and closes the doors before returning her gaze to Arc and speaking.

“It’s about… you know…”


Twilight nods. “Right. I… um… need to know how far you’re willing to go.”

“Like I said before, I’ll do what needs to be done.”

Twilight bows her head. “Yes…”

Arc puts a hand under Twilight’s chin. Raising it, he looks her in the eye.

“Remember, that’s a last resort though.”

“I know. But…”

Twilight thinks for a moment before continuing.

“Princess Celestia… she’s always been there for me. She’s more than just a teacher.”

“A good friend?”


“And you don’t want to lose her.”


“That might not be in the cards though.”

“I… understand.”

Arc nods soberly as he holds out a hand to her. “Good. Then you understand what I need from you.”

Twilight sighs and nods. Soberly she pulls aside her dress with a hoof to reveal a sheath fastened to her belly. Her horn aglow, she levitates it to Arc and puts it in his hand before sadly looking to him.

“There. The Dagger of Eternal Slumbers.”

Arc looks the sheath over before pulling out the blade and looking it over.

“Razor sharp.”

“As it was when you gave it to me.”

“Thanks for keeping it safe.”

“I still don’t understand why you left it with me though.”

“In case my meeting with Celestia didn’t go as planned I didn’t want it on my person or in my ring for her or Decimus to nab.”

Twilight grimaces. “But I’m certainly not capable of keeping something like this safe from anypony!”

Arc chuckles as he puts the blade in his ring. “True. But think about it this way. The last place the Council of Shadows would have thought to look for it would have been on a princess’ body.”


“I try. But you really need to get some sleep now.”

“Yes, I know. However I still have a whole list of things to…!”


“I know, I know.”

Pulling back the sheets, Arc helps Twilight into her bed and covers her up. She smiles up at him sleepily.

“Be sure to wake me if something comes up.”

“We can handle whatever pops up. You just rest.”

Nodding, Twilight lays back and closes her eyes. Arc looks down at her and smiles before leaning over and kissing her forehead.

“Pleasant dreams, Twilight.”

Quietly backing out of the room, Arc closes the door behind him slowly and softly. As he turns around however he spots Spike running toward him.

“Kibitz says that he’ll see to it that the message is relayed to the proper individuals.”


Spike looks toward the now closed door. “Did Twilight go down already?”


“That’s impressive!”


“Usually I have to beg on bent knee for her to do that. How’d you do it?”

“I just stated the facts as I saw them. She really did need to get some sleep. Just like you do.”

Spike nods and yawns. “Yeah. I’m pretty tired myself.”

Arc motions to the doors. “Why don’t you join her?”


“Sure. The bed’s certainly big enough for you both.”

“I haven’t done that since I was a baby!”

Arc chuckles as he pushes open the door. “Sweet dreams.”

“But… isn’t that inappropriate?”

“How so?”

Spike puts two claws together nervously. “I mean… aren’t you and her… you know…?”


“You said it. I didn’t.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I suppose we kinda are. Even though there’s nothing official between us as of yet. Um… how much do you know about… that?”

“Twilight explained everything to me a while back. Well, as best she knew how, that is.”

“Good. Then that means you understand, right?”

“Sort of. It means that she’s off-limits to everypony else, right?”

“Everyone other than her number one assistants, that is.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?”

Arc grins. “Positive.”

Spike chuckles. “Okay then.”

Arc pulls open the large door enough for Spike to enter the room. He tiptoes over to Twilight and hops up onto the bed. Getting under the covers he closes his eyes and sighs contentedly. A few moments later Spike feels two hooves pulling at him. Opening his eyes he spies Twilight holding him close. Smiling, he snuggles up to her and thinks to himself.

“I’ve missed this.”

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