• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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REMASTERED - Chapter 5 - Draconian

A few weeks pass. Arc walks slowly down the road with Twilight and Rarity. Spike follows some distance behind and scowls as Rarity looks up at Arc.

“You’re doing better these days.”

Twilight nods happily. “Yes. And thanks to these daily walks you’re getting stronger.”

Arc sighs. “Lying down for weeks at a time has that effect. While I wasn’t what one would consider strong…”

Rarity interrupts him. “There are other things just as important though.”

“Oh? Like what?”

Twilight smiles. “Like being strong of mind. It’s very impressive how you’ve been able to learn and retain so much knowledge from your homeland without the aid of reference guides.”

“I’m not the smartest out there, but I did do well in school.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Humans have schools?”

“Oh yes. Schools, shops, town halls, that sort of thing.”

Twilight looks up at him. “So pretty much everything we have here in Equestria?”

“Equestria… is that the name of the country or the planet? Sorry if that’s a silly question.”

Rarity giggles. “We never told you about our world’s geography, so it’s a logical question.”

Twilight nods.” Yes, this country is called Equestria. It’s one of several on the planet Equus.”

“What are the others?”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “There’s the Crystal Empire to the north. While it’s technically a sovereign land, it’s generally seen as a part of Equestria.”

“We sort of annexed it after the fall of the evil King Sombra.”

Arc frowns. “Why?”

Twilight shrugs. “It made sense at the time. After all, with nopony on the throne the land was in chaos. Princess Celestia sent her niece there to govern until a more permanent solution could be reached.”

Rarity giggles. “But they got along so well that the position was made permanent.”

“Right. Oh, and her name is Princess Cadance. She’s an old friend of mine.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “So you’re friends with royalty then. Are you… um… royalty too, Twilight?”

“No, no. I’m as common as they come. The only reason I know the princesses is due to my position as Princess Celestia’s personal student.”

Rarity sighs. “However right now Princess Cadance is in Canterlot with Princess Luna governing the land.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not really, no. But the population is a bit… unnerved with Princess Celestia’s sudden exodus from the land.”

“Where did she go?”

Rarity shrugs. “Some kind of diplomatic mission in a faraway land. Hopefully she come home soon.”

“Princess Celestia… that name’s come up a lot in the books you brought me to read, Twilight.”

“I would hope so. She’s been on the throne for over a thousand years.”

Arc gasps. “Woah! How long do you ponies live?!”

Rarity laughs. “About as long as humans do normally.”

Twilight nods. “Right. Princesses are a special case, after all. They’re the embodiment of all three pony races.

Rarity turns to him. “The strength of the Earth Ponies, the magic of the Unicorns, and the flight of the Pegasi.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, if it works it works.”

Twilight looks up. “Everypony respects and admires her for her past deeds and for bringing peace to the land.”

“From what I’ve seen this place is pretty quiet. Well, other than the monster attack when I arrived.”

Arc looks around the deserted streets and sighs.

“I just kinda wish I didn’t empty the streets every time I go out.”

Spike frowns. “They’re just understandably scared.”

Twilight frowns at him as she speaks. “Well, we aim to change that.”

Arc raises and eyebrow. “How?”

“By taking these walks for starters.”

Rarity nods. “They’re for more than just exercise. It’s a way to get you out into our society. Let ponies know you aren’t a threat to them.”

Spike rolls his eyes. “Even though it doesn’t seem to be working.”

Rarity sighs. “This might take quite some time. After all, the population’s minds aren’t changed in a day.”

Twilight looks ahead with a look of determination on her face. “Well, we have to start somewhere.”

Arc winces. “Agreed. But… might we head back now?”

Rarity turns to him. “Getting a bit tired?”

“More sore than anything else.”

Twilight points a hoof. “We’re not that far from the library. This way.”

A few minutes later they arrive. Rarity runs ahead to open the door as Twilight watches Arc carefully. Spike, as before, continues to watch from the rear. They head back upstairs and help Arc sit down on the bedside. He groans contentedly.

“It does feel good to get off my feet.”

Rarity appears concerned. “Are you alright?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I’m okay.”

Spike walks into the room with a note in his claws. Heading to his friend he holds it up.

“This was on the kitchen table, Twilight.”

“Oh? Well, let’s take a look at it.”

Unfolding the paper she reads it quickly before sighing.


Spike raises an eyebrow. “Bad news?”

“Kinda. It’s from Lyra. She was going to come by and stay with Spike while I did some shopping this afternoon.”

Arc appears surprised. “Something happen to her?”

“She has a sick friend whom needs her right now. It says here that she just dropped this note off on her way over there.”

Rarity turns to Twilight. “I could stay and watch Spike for you, Twilight.”

“Oh would you? That would be wonderful!”

Spike frowns. “Can’t I come with you, Twilight?”

Twilight shakes her head. “It’s just a bunch of little errands, Spike. Nothing too interesting for you, I’m afraid.”

“I wouldn’t mind tagging along…”

Twilight interrupts him. “Remember what happened last time you got bored?”


Rarity appears surprised. “What happened?”

“Without going into detail, let’s just say that Spike isn’t allowed back in ‘Sofas and Quills’ ever again.”

Rarity nods. “Well you just leave him to me.”

“Thanks, I won’t be long.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Was there anything you needed?”

“No thank you. I think I’ll just take a bit of a nap while you’re gone.”

Rarity gestures to Spike. “Come along. Let’s give Arc some quiet time.”

She leads the young dragon out of the room as Twilight follows. Reaching the bottom of the stairs Twilight turns to him.

“Be good for Rarity.”

“I will.”

Twilight heads for the front door and grabs her saddlebags. Using her magic to put them on, she hurries out the door as Rarity turns to Spike.

“Why don’t we have a little snack.”

Spike grins and nods. “Okay!”

Heading for the kitchen, Rarity puts the kettle on the stove as Spike roots around in the cupboard.

“I know there’s a box of that tea you like in here somewhere, Rarity.”

Rarity giggles as she turns on the flame. “It’s fine, Spike. Whatever you want me to make is fine.”

“Hot cocoa?!”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Um… it isn’t cold outside though.”

Spike grins. “Yeah, I know. But that stuff is GOOD!”

“Very well.”

She pulls out the can of cocoa mix as Spike sets two mugs on the table. As the kettle whistles Rarity pulls it off the heat and walks over to the table as Spike finishes spooning the mix into the mugs. Filling them with the boiling water she returns the kettle to the stove and motions to the table.

“Why don’t we sit down and have a little talk?”

“Uh… okay.”

Spike sits down as Rarity does the same. Looking to him, she sighs.

“I wanted to talk to you about Arc.”


“You never take your eyes off of him.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

Well… it’s a bit disconcerting.”


“Would you like somepony always staring at you?”

“But somepony needs to watch him!”

Rarity sighs. “And you think that somepony is you?”

“Why not?! After all, you and Twilight are getting too close to him!”

“Are we now?”

Spike nods fervently. “Yes! It’s not safe!”

“Can you tell me why?”

“Because he’s a human, and humans eat meat!”

“I understand that, Spike. However I don’t think he’s going to try and cook us.”

“How can you be so sure?!”

“Because he’s not the first meat eater to come to town.”

Spike’s eyes grow wide. “He’s not?!”

Rarity shakes her head. “Not at all. There’s another creature who moved to town some time ago.”

“Does Twilight know about this?!”

“Oh yes. She’s good friends with them.”

“And she knows they eat meat?!”

Rarity nods. “Completely.”

“How can she be okay with that?!”

“Because Twilight looks past what’s on the surface and tries her best to give others the benefit of the doubt.”

“But this creature could be dangerous!”

“I agree. However he’s never attacked anypony or made any kind of attempt to eat us.”

Spike clenches a fist. “Are they at least being watched?!”

Rarity nods. “Oh, yes. That I can say for certain.”

“Good! By who?!”


“What?! When?!”

“Right now.”

Spike gasps. “But I don’t eat…!”

Rarity interrupts him. “Spike… haven’t you ever stopped to consider why you have such sharp teeth?”

“Because it makes it easier to chew the cores of apples?”

“No. Because dragons are meat eaters.”

“We… we are?!”

Rarity nods. “Yes.”

“Why didn’t anypony tell me?!”

“Twilight’s been meaning to do that for awhile now. But she told me that she just hadn’t been able to find the right conversation to broach the subject.”

Spike quickly gets up from the table and backs away from the mare before him.

“Rarity, get back!”

“Why, Spike?”

“Because you’re in danger!”

“Am I?”


“How so?”

“Because I’m a meat eater!”

Rarity smiles as she stands. Walking toward him Spike slowly backs up nervously.

“Rarity, no! You have to stay away!”

“I’m not afraid.”

“Well, I am!”

“Of what?”

“That I might hurt you!”

Backing into a corner, Spike squeezes his eyes shut as Rarity stops right in front of him. Without a word she wraps her front hooves around him in a hug. Spike gasps.

“Rarity! What… what are you doing?!”

“Giving my friend a hug.”

“But… but I might eat you!”

“Then go ahead.”


“Go ahead, Spike. My neck is mere inches from your teeth.”

Spike gasps. “You… you want me to eat you, Rarity?!”

“If you want to, sure.”

“But… but I don’t want to!”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re my friend, Rarity! That and I could never EVER see myself hurting you!”

“You’re a meat eater though. Don’t you want to eat me?”

Spike shakes his head vehemently. “Not at all!”

“So you’re saying that you don’t want to eat me?”


“But how can you resist the temptation to do so?”

“Because… because you’re my friend, Rarity! I could never hurt you!”

Rarity lets go of Spike and looks him in the eye.

“And we trust you not to.”

“How though?”

“Spike… Twilight watched you grow up from a newborn to a handsome young dragon. She raised you to only eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, and occasionally gemstones. You’ve never once tried to hurt anypony and be don’t believe that you’ll start anytime soon.”

“But I could!”

Rarity nods. “Yes, I suppose so. But we’ve given you the benefit of the doubt. All we ask for now is that you do the same for Arc.”


Spike sighs and nods as he continues.

“…alright. I’ll keep watching him though.”

Rarity nods. “Yes. Please do.”

“But I thought…”

“We’re watching, yes. While Twilight and I do trust him, he’s also still very weak.”

Spike bows his head. “Fine. I’ll do as you say, Rarity.”

Rarity pats his head. “Thank you, Spike.”

Sometime later the pair enter the bedroom together. Spike carries a tray with a mug of hot chocolate on it. As they near the bed Arc opens his eyes and sniffs the air before turning to them.

“Is that…?”

Rarity nods. “We thought you’d like this.”

Spike cautiously approaches the bed with the tray. Arc takes the mug and gives it a sip.


He looks to Spike and gives him a thumbs up.

“Good work on this.”

Rarity nods. “Yes, well… it’s not much to add mix to hot water. But we’re glad you like it.”

Spike clears his throat loudly as he looks to Arc. “I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“You’re not going to eat my friends, are you?”

Rarity gasps. “SPIKE!”

Arc sighs and shakes his head. “No, I’m not.”

“Sorry for being so forward. But it’s been bothering me for a while.”

Rarity frowns at him. “Tact, Spike!”

“I just didn’t know how else to word it.”

Arc turns to the dragon as he looks him over. “As long as we’re on the subject, can I assume you eat meat too?”

Spike shakes his head, visibly shaken at the prospect. “No, never!”

“Might I ask why not?”

“Because it’s gross!”

Rarity sighs. “Ponies here don’t do such things, so Spike doesn’t have a source of meat to try.”

Spike wrinkles his nose. “And I don’t want to either!”

“How do the other dragons deal with it?”

Rarity appears confused.” Other… dragons?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. There have to be others, right?”

Spike sighs. “Nah. It’s just me.”

“You’re the only dragon in Equestria?!”

“Well… there’s the Dragon Lands across the ocean. But I’m all there is around here.”

Arc looks Spike in the eye. “Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Do you ever get… lonely?”

Spike raises an eyebrow, confused. “No, why would I?”

“Well… being the only one of your kind, I just kinda figured…”

“But I’m surrounded by all my friends.”

Rarity steps forward. “Spike.”

“Yes, Rarity.”

“Arc just means do you miss the company of other dragons?”

Spike appears confused. “But I’ve only ever met two others.”

Rarity nods. “So you don’t know then.”

“I guess.”

“What I mean is, you can’t miss what you never had.”

She gestures with a hoof toward Arc.

“However, he’s spent his entire life with other humans. All of this is so new to Arc.”

Arc nods. “Think about it this way. How would you feel if you woke up in an strange new country surrounding by unknown creatures?”

“I… don’t think I’d like it very much.”

Rarity sighs. “Now you understand how Arc feels.”

Spike bows his head. “Sorry. I guess… that I just didn’t think about it too hard.”

Arc shrugs. “What’s done is done.”

He thinks for a few moments before continuing.

“But… from one non-indigenous creature to another… I could always use a friend.”

Spike appears nervous. “A… friend?”

Arc nods. “After all, it makes life that much easier.”

“I’d… like that. I think.”

Arc extends a hand. Spike slowly approaches and takes it. Giving the claw a good shake, Arc looks Spike in the eye and chuckles.

“Guess we’re making history.”


“First human to befriend a dragon.”

Spike grins. “Or you could look at it the other way.”

Rarity appears confused. “Spike?”

“I’m also the first dragon to befriend a human.”

Arc laughs. “That too!”

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