• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - A Special Treat

Later that evening, Arc lays on his bed in his royal raiments. He stares up at the high ceilings as he waits. A knock on the door rings out and Hammer walks in along with Ember and Scootaloo. Ember is the first to speak.

“Looks like you’re ready.”

Hammer grins. “Yeah.”

Scootaloo looks him over. “Very nice, Big Brother.”

Arc sits up at the sound of the small filly’s voice and looks to her.

“Scootaloo?! What are you doing here?!”

Scootaloo sighs. “Decimus sent me out to gather intel on the state of affairs here in Equestria.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You mean…?”

“He had the same idea you did!”

Ember laughs. “Using her as a spy, that is.”

Hammer chuckles. “Sneaky.”

Arc tousles her mane. “I guess.”

Scootaloo clears her throat and attempts to change the subject. “What’s with the getup there, Big Brother?”

“These are just my royal raiments. Not sure why exactly you told me to wear these, Ember.”

“You’ll want to look your best for tonight, Arc.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “But for what?”

“I think I know why. But I’m still waiting for the final confirmation before rushing to a conclusion.”

Hammer grins. “You’ll just have to trust us.”

“Oh, I am.”

Ember appears confused. “Then what’s the problem?”

Arc sighs. “Nothing really. I’m… just not much for surprises. Especially after what’s happened in the past.”

Scootaloo tilts her head to one side. “Big Brother?”

“Surprises just kinda remind me of what happened to Cherry nowadays.”

Hammer looks suddenly nervous. “So… we shouldn’t be doing this?”

Arc looks out the window at the setting sun. “It’s okay, I guess. After all, I can’t live in the past forever. Cherry wouldn’t want that. Speaking of which, how’s she doing in New Ponyville, Ember?”

“I’m told very well. The orphans all really like her. Probably even more so now that she has Eidolon’s Ward full time.”

“So she’s happy over there?”

Hammer points to the sigil in the middle of the floor. “Why don’t you just go see for yourself one of these days?”

“I’d love to, of course. But I’m just always so busy.”

“She probably misses you, Arc.”

“And I’ve missed having her in my head. But at the same time she deserves the freedom to choose her own path. Not just sit in my head and be forced to do and see what I want to. That and if she’s happy over there I don’t want to be the one to take her away from all that.”

Scootaloo smiles. “That’s really nice of you, Big Brother.”

Ember looks to the clock. “Yeah. Um… but in any case we should be going.”

Hammer grins. “It’s almost time.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I still don’t get what’s going on.”

Ember motions to Scootaloo. “We’ll explain it to you. Come on, Scarlet Filly.”

Scootaloo shrugs as she follows the pair out the door. Arc stands and walks over to the balcony door to look outside. Gazing at the sunset before him he smiles slightly as he muses to himself.

“Guess I’ll just have to wait and see exactly what they have planned for me. And if what Ember said is to be believed, which I do, I won’t have long to wait.”

A short time later there is a knock at the door. Chuckling, Arc walks toward it as he talks to no one in particular.

“I wonder whom that could be.”

Reaching the door, he opens it to find Rarity standing there with a large smile on her face. The colorful sunset shining through the windows behind her strike Arc as being just perfect. After a few moments of silence she speaks.

“Good evening, Arc. Might I come in?”

“Oh! Um… yes, of course.”

Stepping aside to allow the mare into the room Arc closes the door behind her and turns to face his guest.

“So what brings you here tonight, Rarity?”

“Well, you do remember how we all agreed that you needed to take periodic breaks, correct?”

“Um… kinda.”

“Well… the girls and I have planned a little relaxation for you tonight in honor of all you’ve done for both Equestria and us.”

Arc chuckles. “Have you now?”

“Yes indeed. And I believe that you’ll be most happy with what we have picked out for you.”

“I look forward to it.”

Rarity motions to the door. “Are you ready?”

“Sure. Let’s do it.”

“My, you’re anxious tonight! Now then, all that’s left to do is to fetch your evening’s companion.”

Arc appears surprised. “But isn’t that you?”

Rarity giggles. “Perhaps another time, Arc.”

“I’m confused.”

“Remember, you and I have probably spent more time together than everypony else combined.”

“Oh… I just thought…”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “Arc?”

Arc shrugs. “Sorry. I was under the impression that you were planning some kind of date for you and I tonight.”

“Originally I was. However I also want to share you with the others. And the best way to do that is to allow you to get to know all of them more intimately.”

“So who did you six settle on?”

Rarity smiles. “It was actually ten. Ember and Hammer wanted in on this as well.”

Arc groans. “Oh boy. How did that go?”

“We eventually decided to just draw straws on the matter to settle it.”

She gestures to the door with a hoof before continuing.

“And the one whom drew the longest straw is waiting for you behind that very door right now.”

“I see. Well, I probably shouldn’t keep them waiting.”

He takes a step toward the door as Rarity runs to stand between him and it.



“Let me leave first. I want to look her over beforehoof. Make sure everything is perfect before I head back to my room and you two get underway.”

“Oh. Um… okay.”

Rarity giggles as she trots to the door. “She’ll knock when ready.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

Rarity leaves the room as Arc sits down on the couch. He nods and smiles sadly.

“Really thought it would be a date with Rarity. But I suppose she is right about one thing. If we’re going to form a herd I need to get to know the others too. Still wonder whom they picked though. Well… I suppose there really is no way to know for certain since they were chosen at random.”

Several minutes later there is a knock at the door. Standing, Arc straightens his raiments and glances in the mirror for a moment before walking over to the door. Taking a deep breath, he opens it.

Before him stands Fluttershy in a beautiful green dress draped over her back. Its hem has a row of silk flowers sewn onto it with a blue sash laid over the mare’s backside for decoration. A butterfly choker holds the dress in position and matches her earrings perfectly. He notices that Fluttershy’s mane has been meticulously brushed and adorned with silk flowers held strategically in place by barrettes. Green slippers adorn her hooves with yellow tight fitting silk stockings. Patterns of vines snaking up the stockings help pull the entire outfit together. Arc gasps at the sight.

“I, um… Fluttershy?”

She smiles nervously and turns her head to ‘hide’ her face behind her mane as she speaks softly.

“May… I come in?”

“Yes, of course.”

Arc steps aside to allow her to slowly enter the room. Although clearly nervous, Fluttershy moves with an elegance Arc hadn’t noticed before. Or perhaps it was just to prevent her knees from shaking. She comes to the center of the room and turns back to face Arc as he closes the door.

“Do I… look okay to you?”

Arc nods. “Very! You look amazing!”

Fluttershy turns away slightly at the compliment as she blushes. “Th-thank you.”

“I… admit that I don’t really have anything planned for tonight, so…”

“That’s alright. Rarity took care of everything already.”

“She did?”

Fluttershy nods as she reaches into her mane. Pulling out a small card she gives it to Arc sheepishly.

“Sorry. I didn’t really have anywhere to put this, so Pinkie just kinda… shoved it in there.”

Arc chuckles as he accepts the card. “That does sound like something she’d do.”

Fluttershy smiles nervously as Arc looks it over. He nods as he reads.

“It’s an itinerary.”

“A… what now?”

“It’s a schedule of things to do.”

“Oh! Um… that… should help.”

“It says here that Twilight has ordered a carriage to be waiting for us on the castle drawbridge at 7:00.”

Fluttershy looks to the clock. “That’s in ten minutes.”

Arc nods. “Right. We should probably get going then.”

“Um… okay.”

Opening the door for her, Arc and Fluttershy make their way down the corridor toward the main entrance. As they arrive the pair spot a royal carriage waiting for them. A stallion opens the carriage door and turns to Fluttershy with his hoof extended respectfully.


Shakily giving him her hoof, he gently steadies the mare as she enters the carriage. Following her, Arc sits down across from Fluttershy whom is wringing her hooves nervously. The stallion turns to Arc from the doorway.

“Where would you like to eat, sir?”

Arc turns to Fluttershy. “Anywhere special you’d like to go?”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “Anywhere is fine with me.”

“There are any number restaurants, sir. Shall I pick one for you?”

“That will not be necessary. Take my date and I to ‘The Tasty Treat’.”

The stallion looks confused. “Where, sir?”

“It’s just off of Restaurant Row.”

“Forgive me, but I’m not familiar with that establishment.”

“Do you have a map?”

“Yes sir.”

Reaching into his coat the stallion produces a folded map. Opening it he looks it over carefully before turning it to Arc.

“I don’t see it on here, sir. Perhaps you are mistaken?”

“Trust me, it’s there.”

Looking over the map, Arc points to a spot next to what is labeled as an alley.

“Tell those pulling the carriage to take us here.”

“Yes sir. I’ll do that at once.”

Closing the door, he walks over to the other stallions. Explaining the situation to them they nod and get underway. Arc turns back to Fluttershy as they begin to move.

“And we’re off.”

“Y-yes, we are.”


Fluttershy nods shyly. “I am. This is actually my first date.”

Arc smiles at her. “Well… if it makes you feel any better, think about it this way. Tonight is my first date with you too.”

Fluttershy puts a hoof to her chin. “That… kinda makes sense. But it doesn’t help me know what do to.”

“Just enjoy yourself.”


“Let’s just take it one step at a time, okay? After all, a good meal is a perfect way to start things off on the right foot.”

“Oh… okay.”

Sometime later they arrive at their destination. The stallion from before unhitches himself and walks over to open the carriage door. Bowing as he does so, he turns to Arc.

“Your destination, sir.”


He helps Fluttershy down as the stallion looks to him.

“Shall we wait here for you, sir?”

“Yes, please.”

Fluttershy gasps. “But isn’t it a bit too cold for standing around, Arc?”

“Agreed. You four can wait inside the carriage if you’d like. I think I saw some blankets overhead.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Extending his arm to her, Fluttershy nervously takes it as they walk down the narrow street. She gasps as the sound of dripping water rings out loudly nearby. Arc looks down to her and smiles.

“Not to worry. I’ll keep you safe.”

Gulping, Fluttershy nods in agreement. A few minutes later they come to their destination. Arc opens the door and escorts his date inside as a bell rings out overhead. Looking around, they see several other groups gathered around various tables. Coriander Cumin hurries out of the kitchen to greet them. Gasping at the sight of Arc, he bows respectfully.

“Welcome back to ‘The Tasty Treat, sir! Can I show you and your friend to the private dining area?”

Arc shakes his head. “Oh, I wouldn’t want you to have to go to all that…”

Fluttershy squeezes Arc’s hand lightly. Looking down at her, she nods fearfully. Arc turns back to Coriander Cumin.

“On second thought, I believe that would make my date much more comfortable.”

Coriander Cumin motions with a hoof. “Right this way, sir.”

Leading the pair into a dimly lit room, he walks over to a small table in the center. Lighting the candles in the middle of the table, Arc pulls back a chair and looks to Fluttershy.

“Have a seat.”

Fluttershy nods and slowly walks over to the chair. Carefully sitting down, she allows Arc to push the chair forward slightly before sitting down across from her. Coriander Cumin smiles at them.

“Can I start you two off with some drinks?”



“Are you thirsty?”

“I… I am, actually.”

Coriander Cumin smiles at her. “We have water and a number of juices, miss.”

“Can I… have some apple juice please?”

“Yes, ma’am. And for you, sir?”

Arc folds his hand as he looks his date in the eye. “Make that two.”

“Right away, sir.”

The stallion leaves the room but returns shortly with two glasses of apple juice along with menus.

“Forgive me, but I forgot to bring these with us from the front.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s fine.”

“I’ll let you look them over for a bit.”

Fluttershy nods shyly. “Thank you.”

As he leaves the room, the stallion closes the door behind him. Fluttershy yelps and jumps slightly as it clicks shut.

“Are you okay?”

Fluttershy nods fervently. “Y-yes. Like I said, I’m just a bit nervous. Sorry about that.”

“No need to apologize for it. I know you’ve always been a bit… timid.”


“Actually, I was quite surprised when you voiced a desire to join the theoretical herd.”

Fluttershy appears surprised. “You… you were?”

Arc nods. “Yes. In truth, I didn’t really know you were interested in me.”

Fluttershy smiles nervously and blushes. “Honestly I’ve always thought you were… interesting. But after you spared that Ursa Minor’s life at the peace summit, well… I knew I wanted to get to know you better.”

“Well, feel free to ask me anything you’d like.”


“Sure. Whatever you want to know.”

“Okay. Um… I need an honest opinion about something.”

“What is it?”

“What do you think of my dress?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Think?”

“Do you believe it’s… overdone?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. In fact, I think you look absolutely amazing in it!”

Fluttershy blushes slightly. “R-really?”

“Yes! I mean, you’ve always been really pretty to me. But that dress really draws out your natural beauty.”

“While I thank you for saying so, I’m not really much for dressing up. I’m actually much more comfortable with nothing on.”

“Oh! Well… if you’d feel better, you can certainly slip out of that dress.”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “Oh, no. Rarity worked far too hard on this to do that. That and I… really do like looking my best for you.”

“Alright. Whatever makes you comfortable.”

Fluttershy glances at the menu. “That just leaves the problem of what to order.”

“What kind of things do you eat?”

Fluttershy looks away nervously. “Oh, you know. Pretty much the same things everypony else eats.”

“Then I think you’d like pretty much anything on the menu. Uh… how do you feel about spicy food?”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “I don’t really like that. Uh… unless that’s what you want to order, I mean. This is also my first time eating at a restaurant.”


“Yes. You see, my parents were very poor when I was growing up in Cloudsdale. “

Coriander Cumin returns with an order pad.

“Now then, have you two decided on what you’d like to eat?”

Fluttershy smiles weakly. “Well, I… um…”

Arc points to the menu. “Can we get two of these sampler platters, please? My date is rather unsure of what to eat.”

Coriander Cumin nods as he writes. “Yes sir. Coming right up.”

He takes the menus and hurries out of the room. Fluttershy appears relieved.

“Thank you, Arc. Truthfully I didn’t really know what to say.”

“Yes, I could see that. You weren’t kidding when you said you never went out to eat, huh?”

Fluttershy sighs. “Things like that weren’t something my parents could afford.”

“I see. So you never once went out?”

“No. The best they could do was take-out. And even that was only on somepony’s birthday, or something equally important.”

“What other occasions were there?”

“Well… when I graduated from school my parents took me to the local ice cream shop for a single cone.”

“What did your parents do for a living?”

“My father works at the Rainbow Factory. He was promoted a few years ago, so he now makes a decent living. And my mother was a stay at home mom. She was always pretty busy taking care of my younger brother, Zephyr Breeze.”

“Taking care of? You mean more than just when he was a colt?”

Fluttershy sighs and nods. “Yes, he’s what one might call… the black sheep of the family.”


“Zephyr, he… doesn’t really take life seriously. Nor does he stick with any one thing for long.”

“What does he do for a living?”

“He goes through stages. Find a job, earn some money, move out of our parent’s house, quit or get fired, be evicted, and move back in with our parents while he looks for a job to begin the cycle yet again.”

“How long has this been going on?”

“Pretty much his whole adult life. Zephyr probably works harder trying to get others to do his work for him than he would just doing it himself.”

“At least he has a bit of a safety net, what with your parents letting him come back every time.”

Fluttershy groans. “I think that may be the problem.”


“He knows that every time he gives up my parents will be there to clean his mess up.”

“You may be on to something there.”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “I’m sorry, Arc. We’re supposed to be having a nice date, and all I’m doing is complaining about my family.”

“I’m glad you did.”

“But why?”

“Because if we form a herd, they’ll be my family too.”

Fluttershy puts a hoof to her chin. “I… guess that’s true.”

“While it honestly wasn’t my intention to dig up unpleasant memories, I’m glad you shared that with me nonetheless.”

A short time later Coriander Cumin returns with a cart carrying two large trays of food. He uses his magic and sets them down before the pair with a smile.

“Two variety platters for the lovely couple. Can I get anything else for you two?”

Arc shakes his head. “No thank you. This looks great.”

Fluttershy smiles as she looks over the food before her. “Thank you, sir.”


He leaves the room to allow the pair to eat. Fluttershy sniffs at the food cautiously as Arc chuckles.

“I know it looks a bit strange. But believe me when I say that you’ve never tasted anything quite so flavorful.”

Fluttershy gulps nervously. “I’ll… give it a try.”

Taking a small bite she chews cautiously before gasping happily.


Arc nods as he holds up a fork. “I knew you’d like that one. Try this.”

Putting the fork to her lips Fluttershy takes a bite.

“Unbelievable! How have I never heard of this place before?!”

“Their food isn’t exactly well known around Equestria.”

“The girls would love this!”

“Derpy, Dinky, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle came here with me once before.”

“Did they like it?”


“That’s good. Truth be told, I don’t always eat the best, what with so many animals to care for.”

“Oh really? I wouldn’t have guessed it by looking at you.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Yes! Sometimes I even…!”

Her face suddenly grimaces as she drops her fork onto the plate and stops talking. Arc appears concerned.

“Fluttershy?! Are you okay?!”

“Y-yes. Fine.”

“You sure?”

Fluttershy nods as she silently picks up her utensil and goes back to eating. Sometime later they finish and sit back happily in their chairs.

“That was quite the meal.”

“I agree, Arc.”

Coriander Cumin enters the room with the check. Setting it down, he turns to Arc.

“How was everything?”

“Great, as usual.”

Fluttershy smiles at the proprietor. “Very interesting flavors, sir.”

“I am glad you liked it, miss.”

He turns back to Arc before continuing.

“Forgive me, sir, but will you be paying with bits or shall I send this bill to the castle?”

“I’ll pay for it myself.”

Removing a bag of bits from his ring he sets them on the table before turning to Fluttershy.

“Shall we be off?”

“Yes. Let’s.”

Standing, Arc takes Fluttershy’s hoof and leads her out of the room as Coriander Cumin begins clearing the table. He looks after them and smiles.

“Have a nice evening, you two.”

The pair reach the street and look to the carriage. Arc turns to Fluttershy.

“Is there anything else you’d like to do?”

Fluttershy appears suddenly nervous again. “Nothing in particular, no. Um… did Rarity have any suggestions?”

Arc nods as he pulls the card from his pocket. “She says there’s a performance at the Canterlot Symphony Hall.”

“That sounds nice.”

“Or we could head to Market Avenue. Many of them stay open late for the nobles.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “I’m not much for crowded places.”

“Ah! Here’s one! There’s an indoor nature preserve right here in Canterlot!”

Fluttershy gasps. “I didn’t know that!”

“Want to go see it?”

“Yes indeed!”

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