• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 10 - The Home Stretch

Arc reappears on the sigil in his room and sighs. He looks around his private room in the castle.

“I never did spend much time in this room.”

There is the sound of movement from the bed. Arc calls forth the Spear of Righteousness and slowly creeps over to it! He whips back the covers to see Spike curled up!

Arc puts his spear away as Spike wakes up. “Spike?! What are you doing here?!”

Spike sits up groggily. “Sorry! I finished organizing the ship's library last night but couldn't find anyone aboard! I disembarked and found this room. It didn't look like anypony was using it so I lay down! Sorry if I caused any trouble!

“It's okay. This is the Hero of Light's quarters. I'm not using it these days though, so you can sleep here from now on.”

“Really?! Thanks! So, what do you want me to do today?!”

“Why don't you start with breakfast? You must be hungry.”

Spike shrugs. “I guess. Then what?”

“Stop by my office and I'll find something for you to do. Come on! I'll walk you to the Dining Room.”

Spike runs toward the door. “Oh boy! I can't wait to get started!”

Arc shakes his head as he mutters to himself. “Such determination for such a small dragon!”

He leaves the room to find Spike waiting for him partway down the corridor! Arc catches up and the two walk together. In a few minutes they reach the Dining Room. Ember and Sereb are just finishing their meal.

“Hey Spike! How did things go in the library!”

Spike gives her a thumbs up! “Mission accomplished!”

Sereb nods. “That is good to hear.”

“I'm just here to grab a bite before Arc gives me my next assignment!”

“We'll talk in a bit then.”

Spike sits down at the table. “Count on it!”

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave the Dining Room and head for his office.

“So, what do you plan to have Spike do?”

“I'll think of something, Ember.

“Do try to give him something somewhat meaningful He is a rather smart little guy!”

“I will.”

Sereb nods. “So, what's on the agenda for today?”

“Hard Hat and Plumb Bob are meeting me in my office first thing this morning. Knowing them they’re probably already there!”

The trio enters Arc's office to find Plumb Bob, Hard Hat and Kibitz waiting for them.

“Sorry for the delay. I hope you three didn't have to wait long.”

Kibitz shakes his head! “Not at all sire! Thee three of us just arrived ourselves!”

Hard Hat nods as he walks over. “You wanted to see us?”

Arc nods. “Yes. Why don't we all sit down?”

He sits down at his desk as Hard Hat and Plumb Bob sit down in the chairs in front of him. Ember and Sereb stand dutifully next to the office door.

“I assume you two have thoroughly inspected the ruins of the Baltimare Courthouse.”

Plumb Bob nods. “Yes sire! I noted every detail in my report.”

“We've yet to receive that report.”

Hard Hat looks to him, confused. “Odd. We sent it here quite some time ago!”

Ember shrugs. “Perhaps it got lost in the mail?”

Sereb frowns. “Not likely.”

Plumb Bob looks to Arc apologetically. “I'll have another copy sent over today.”

“Good. Kibitz, when we're done here, go with Plumb Bob and bring the report back personally.”

“It will be done sire!”

Plumb Bob nods. “We can give you the short version now.”

“Please do.”

Hard Hat shakes his head. “In all my years I've never seen anything like it.”

Plumb Bob sighs. “The cause of the fire is unknown. And to pull the wool over my eyes like this is really quite a feat!”

Ember frowns. “How about a guess?”

“My gut tells me it was magically based!”

Hard Hat nods. “Agreed. However, it doesn't follow the typical patterns of magical fire! We're stumped in that regard!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Are you saying it's some kind of unknown magic?”

“Pretty much! Although the only ones who know spells like that would be the sages of Canterlot!

Hard Hat frowns. “True. But they're all above reproach! Why any of them would stoop to arson is anypony's guess.”

Kibitz looks to Arc. “Sire, I know each and every one of the sages! None of them could have done this!”

Ember sighs. “Kibitz, I know you want to believe that their all angels now, but...”

“No, I mean they literally couldn't have done it as every one of them has been here in Canterlot since Princess Celestia… you know…”

Ember turns to Kibitz. “What about Sunburst? He could have left at some point!”

“I suppose so. But I've known him since he was a foal!”

Arc sighs. “Call him in Kibitz. While I do trust him, we do need to be sure.”

“Very well sire. I'll go get him.”

A few minutes Kibitz returns to the office with Sunburst.

“You wanted to see me sire?”

“Yes. It appears the fire at the Baltimare Courthouse was set by some kind of unknown magical spell.”

Sunburst frowns. “That's quite peculiar. The only ones capable of such things would be myself, the other sages, the princesses and possibly you sire!”

Ember turns to Sunburst, angrily. “HEY! Are you saying Arc did it?!”

“What? No! Of course not! Just that he has the power to do so! But he's been under guard almost constantly since ascending to the throne!”

Arc nods. “Have you or any of the other sages left the castle recently?”

Sunburst shakes his head. “No sire! We've been too busy to do much of anything since Princess Celestia vanished! You should see my office!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Come on now! How bad could it be?!”

A shiver runs down his spine! “You weren't there Ember! It was BAD!”

Sereb appears surprised! “It must truly be a sight for you to react in such a manner Arc.”

Ember turns back to Plumb Bob, eager to get the meeting back on track. “Do you at least know where the fire started?”

Plumb Bob nods! “I've gone over the blueprints of the building. The fire started in the Records Room. Of that much we're certain!”

“So, whomever started the fire WAS trying to cover up Judge Hawthorne's tracks!

“It would appear so, Ember. Plumb Bob have another copy of your report sent to Sunburst. Maybe he can make something of it.”

“I'll take care of it right away sire!”

He leaves the office with Kibitz. Hard Hat turns back to Arc.

“I was also told you wanted to see me about a building project sire.”

Arc nods. “That I do! The Baltimare Courthouse needs to be rebuilt, of course! But there is something that is of greater importance!”

He reaches into the desk and pulls out a piece of paper and a pencil. Arc quickly draws a sketch as he explains his idea. Hard Hat looks up at him astonished!

“I gotta say sire, this is unlike anything I've ever seen before!”

Arc looks to him confused. “Equestria doesn't have greenhouses?”

“They're kind rare, as food and flowers are so plentiful. But I was mostly referring to that contraption you want built INSIDE the greenhouse.”

Ember looks over at the paper. “Yeah Arc! What IS that thing?!”

“As you know Ember, I was a fairly avid gardener back on Earth. Purely amateur stuff and all, but I know my way around plants and how to grow them! Before I came to Equestria I was mulling over this very invention. It's not a new idea by human standards, but one that I found rather interesting!”

Arc picks up a pencil and points to a large reservoir.

“You see, this tank houses your fish. Not bitty cute ones mind you. Big plump one's that can be eaten!”

He points to a smaller reservoir at the top of the paper.

“The water is pumped to the top here where it is split into several different paths. Each path carries the water down these large pipes with the holes in the top.”

Arc hastily draws a mesh cup-like container containing small rocks.

“These holes will each have one of these cups fitted into it.”

Sunburst looks over. “What's with the rocks?”

Ember frowns! “Yeah! What are you building?! A rock cleaning station?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. The cups will be filled with pea gravel. They act as our growing media for the plants.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Growing plants with rocks?”

Hard Hat looks up. “Don't plants need dirt?”

Sunburst shakes his head. “Technically they do not. Only the nutrients FROM the dirt!”

Ember sighs. “Okay, so with no dirt where do you expect the plants to get their nutrients from?!”

“From the fish poop in the water.”

Both Ember and Hard Hat stare at Arc in disbelief. Sunburst takes a closer look at the drawing.

“It's a perfect example of a symbiotic relationship. The plants need the nutrients from the fish droppings, and the fish need their water cleaned somehow! It's a win-win for both the plants and the fish! The fish of course still need to be fed! I for one find this idea fascinating, sire!”

Ember looks up. “Okay Arc. It's a nice picture, but it sounds awfully complicated! Especially since Equestria is so fertile! Why would we ever need these things?!”

“We don't.”

“Then why...”

Arc interrupts! “But Abyssinia does! Ember, do you remember how the king and queen told us that they had to import all their food from the Griffon Kingdom?”

“Right. What about it?”

“What if they didn't have to?”

Ember nods. “They would be a lot more self-sufficient, that's for sure!”

Arc grins! “This could help ensure that starvation doesn't again rear its ugly head in that country!”

Hard Hat nods! “This won't make you any friends in the Griffon Kingdom! They don't take kindly to ‘outsiders’ moving into their business territory!

Arc frowns. “Well if they don't like it then they should have done something rather than just watch as their international neighbors starved!”

Ember nods. “Right! How could they do that?!”

“Probably because there wasn't any money to be made in it!”

“Yeah?! But it's not really good for business if all your customers die!”

Sunburst sighs. “Forgive me sire, but the griffons aren't much for long term plans.”

Ember looks away angrily! “Or hearts it appears.”

“Right! Hard Hat, I want a prototype of this system built as soon as possible in the Royal Gardens. Forego the greenhouse for the moment. Remember, this takes priority over the Baltimare Courthouse!

Hard Hat picks up the sketch and heads for the door. “I'll get to work on it right away, sire!”

Suddenly there is a knock at the door.

“Come in!”

The door opens and Spike walks in.

“Hey Arc! I...”

Spike looks around the office. Embarrassed, he turns to leave.

“Sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt your meeting!”

“Just a minute Spike! We're about done here anyways.”

Hard Hat heads out the door. “I'll let you know when I've got something knocked together, sire!”


Arc turns to Spike.

“I think I may have a job suited to your special talents!”

Ember looks at Arc, quizzically. “Really?!”

“What is it, Arc?”

Arc gestures to Sunburst. “I'd like you to meet Equestria's Lead Sage, Sunburst. Sunburst this is Spike.”

Spike extends a claw to Sunburst. “Hi there!”

“A pleasure!”

“Sunburst, Spike here knows all about libraries, sorting, cataloging and the like. I'd like you to take him back to your office and have him organize it!

“Please sire! My office isn't THAT bad!”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Really? How long was Princess Luna trapped under your books again?”

Ember’s jaw drops! “Wait, what?!”

Arc turns to the baby dragon. “What do you say? Are you up for a challenge, Spike?”

“Sure! I love putting things in order! When do I start?!”

“As soon as Sunburst takes you back to his office, which should be right now.”

Sunburst nods. “Very well sire! I'll continue my work on locating Princess Celestia!”

Ember looks over at her friend. “Be careful Spike!”

“I will! See you around Ember!”

Spike and Sunburst leave the office, as Ember looks to Arc.

“Are you sure about this?

Arc nods. “Yes. That is the most poorly organized unicorn I have EVER met! His office is literally a disaster area! If anyone could use an assistant, it's him!”

“You were kidding about Princess Luna being trapped in his office, right?”

“Nope. According to her it took three hours before the guards were able to free her. Why do you think every time I need to talk to Sunburst I have him come to me?!”

“Good call!”

Meanwhile... Spike and Sunburst make their way back to his office together.

“I do believe Lord Arc was a bit presumptuous in his assumption that I needed an assistant. However, I do welcome the company.”

The pair enter the War Room. Spike marvels at the sheer size of the operation.

“This is Canterlot's War Room. We're using it as a base of operations to find Princess Celestia.”

Spike nods. “Twilight told me her whereabouts were unknown. Any luck finding her?”

Sunburst shakes his head as the pair walk toward his office. “Nothing concrete yet. But we will find her eventually! Please keep any information you learn here under your hat! If the rest of the country knew where Princess Celestia REALLY was, it would cause a panic!”

“So where is she then?”


Spike looks confused. “Arc’s home world? Why?! HOW?!”

“We have no idea how it happened. But she must be rescued post haste!”

“I'll help however I can!”

They come to Sunburst’s office door. “I trust you will. Well this is my office. Have a look!”

Sunburst opens the door slowly.

“Be careful how you open this door. The rest of the décor also doesn't like sudden movements.”

“Uh... okay.”

Spike walks into the office and gazes around at all the books and tomes around him precariously stacked!

“SWEET CELESTIA! What happened here?!”

Sunburst sighs. “I know it's a LITTLE messy but...”

Spike facepalms. “This is going to take a while.”

Meanwhile... Arc and company held audiences as usual and completed the day's paperwork with plenty of time left over for a public appearance. As his platoon reenters the hanger with the chariot Arc sighs.

“I'm really looking forward to going back to my old job.”

Max chuckles. “We don't mind doing this sir!”

Xenos nods. “Yeah! It's good exercise!”

Hugh rolls his eyes. “Like you need it Xenos!”

Viktor grins! “Getting a bit of cabin fever sir?”

“Not exactly. I'm just not too thrilled with the bowing and scraping part of this job.”

Ember looks confused as they disembark. “What are you talking about Arc?”

Arc stops and sighs. “Everyone looks up to me now just because I'm the Lord Regent!”

Sereb nods. “I do believe they did so before.”

“That may be true. But now when everyone sees me, they immediately kiss the ground in front of them!”

Ember nods with determination! “As well they should! I mean... think of all you've done for this land! Even before you became Lord Regent!”

Max turns to Arc. “Ember's right sir! You're a living legend to most of this land!”

“That may be. But I'm not a true royal like the princesses are!”

Hugh looks Arc up and down. “You certainly look like a monarch to me sir!”

“I'm really just a commoner with a crown and fancy adornments. I mean, what if I put these fancy clothes and crown on you, Hugh?”

Hugh chuckles. “I don't think they would fit.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Funny. I mean... would it make you worthy of respect and praise?”

“I suppose not sir. But I'm not the Hero of Light, nor have I saved this land from war, pestilence and even an invasion from Tartarus!”

Max nods. “He's right sir. You are most worthy to wear the crown!”

Viktor thinks for a moment. “I'm sure even the princesses weren't BORN princesses!”

Xenos laughs! “Yeah! They must have been normal commoners as SOME point!”

Ember shakes her head. “Look Arc! Your humility during this time has been nothing short of extraordinary! But you can't keep doubting yourself like this! It's not good for the morale of the citizens or the military!”

Arc nods and sighs. “I know. I'll try harder not to sound so... you know.”

Ember puts a hand on his shoulder. “Just be the smart, wise, caring, and strong leader that everyone can look up to and the rest will fall into place.”

“I know it will. But doubt keeps rearing its ugly head.”

“You can always lean on us, Arc. We're here for you!”

Max nods! “Yes sir!”

Xenos chuckles! “We're here to the end!”

Hugh looks over with Viktor. “Indeed!”

“We won't let Equestria come to harm!”

“Thanks everyone. I needed that.”

Sereb nods. “What is next on today's list of things to do, Arc?

“Truthfully, I think that was it! For Kibitz's list that is. I need to head back to my office and make a few phone calls. Why don't you boys go get something to eat? I doubt pulling me around is particularly easy.”

Max nods. “Thank you, sir. We will.”

Hugh turns with the others. “Call us if you need us!”

“I will.”

Arc, Ember and Sereb head for his office.

“So, who do you need to call?”

“I… um… want to call Cherry Hill Ranch and make sure they received payment for all those cherries.”

Ember looks at Arc slyly. “Are you sure that's the ONLY reason?”

Arc smiles! “You got me. I also wanted to check up on Cherry. She was fine when I was there before, but... you know.”

Sereb nods. “We understand.”

The trio enters the office. Ember and Sereb sit down on the couch as Arc moves towards his desk. He sits down and picks up the receiver. The castle switchboard operator connects momentarily.

“Your call please.”

“Cherry Hill Ranch in Dodge Junction please.”

“One moment sire!”

A few moments later Arc is connected.

“Cherry Hill Ranch! Ruby Jubilee speaking!”

“Hi Ruby. It's… uh… Arc.

The tone of her voice frosts over immediately!

“Oh... it's you. What is it now?!”

“I just wanted to make sure you had been paid for all those cherries I took the other day.”

“Yes. The money is in the bank. It should help pay for a rather large chunk of our debt.”

“Glad to hear it! How is Cherry doing?”

Ruby snorts snidely! “She hasn't gotten her memory back it that's what you mean!”

Arc sighs. “I see. Is she at least doing alright?”

“Look, Arc! After you left the other day, something happened to Cherry! I don't really get it myself, but I think her mind was trying really hard to remember you! She just lay on the floor of the warehouse crying!”

“That's terrible! Is there anything I can do to help?!”

Ruby screams into the receiver! “There is! You can stay away from my sister! What happened to her was ALL YOUR FAULT! I don't want to see her looking so sad EVER again! If you really want to help, then STAY AWAY!!!”

She angrily slams down the phone as Arc quietly sets down the receiver. Ember looks over to him.

“I could hear that all the way over here!”

Sereb nods. “She is not handling her grief well.”

Arc looks to him, confused. “Grief?”

“Can you not hear the sadness in her voice? She may be angrier with herself then you, Arc.”

“But why?!”

Sereb sighs. “Ruby’s sister is her entire world. With her memory in such a state, it's as if a part of Ruby herself was broken.”

Arc sighs. “All the more reason for us to hope she one day remembers!”

Ember frowns. “Hope is all we have right now.”

The three are silent for a time. Eventually Arc reaches for the phone.

“In any case, I can't just sit here doing nothing! I have to keep moving forward!

Ember nods. “Agreed. What now?”

“I'm going to call Twilight and see how that cure is coming along. We need it now more than ever!”
Arc picks up the phone and waits for the operator.

“Your call please.”

“Golden Oaks Library in Ponyville, please.”

“One moment sire!”

A few moments later they are connected. Hearing the phone ring, Auriel carefully picks up the receiver. She holds it to her ear upside down.

“Um... hello?”

“Auriel? This is Arc.”

“Hi Arc! Where are you?! You sound very far away!”

Arc frowns. “So do you. Are you holding the phone upside down?”

“I'm not sure. Let me try something.”

Auriel turns the receiver around to the correct position.

“Is that better?”

Arc nods! “Much!”

“So what can I do for you?”

“I wanted to see how things were coming on a cure for the princesses. Can you call Twilight to the phone please?”

“Sure! Just give me a minute to find her.”

“Okay. I'll wait.”

Auriel sets down the receiver and heads to the basement lab. As Arc puts the phone down and turns on the speakerphone, he frowns confused.

“Find her?”

Meanwhile, Auriel looks around the lab.

“Let's see here... where did I leave Twilight...”

She thinks quietly to herself for a few moments before walking quickly over to a pile of papers in the corner. Pushing a stack to one side, she reveals the sleeping mare.

“Twilight? Arc's on the phone. He needs to talk to you.”

She slowly opens her eyes. “Huh? Where am I?”

“You looked cold so I covered you with some papers. I hope that was alright!”

Twilight slowly stands up. “Thanks for the thought. But next time a blanket would probably be more appropriate.”

Auriel nods. “I suppose it would be, yes! Silly me!”

Twilight walks up the stairs with Auriel. “How long was I out?”

“About twelve hours.”

“What?! Why didn't you wake me up?!”

“I'm sorry! You just seemed so peaceful sleeping there! That and you looked like you needed the rest.”

Twilight picks up the receiver. “I suppose so. Well, let's see what Arc needs.”

She hangs up the receiver after pushing the speakerphone button.

“I'm here now Arc. How are the princesses doing?”

Arc sighs. “Not so good, I'm afraid.”

Auriel looks around the room. “Arc? I can hear you but I can't see you!”

Twilight smiles. “It's coming from the telephone, Auriel. I'm just using the speakerphone so we can both hear him.”

“Oh... that's handy!”

Twilight turns back to the phone. “Doctor Whooves contacted us earlier about just that. I'm ashamed to say I was... rather out of it at the time. Lack of sleep will do that to a pony!”

Arc nods. “I understand. Just a quick recap then. The doctor reports that their vital signs are a bit… off.

“WHAT?! Why didn't he say so earlier?!”

Auriel sighs. “He did Twilight. You seemed a bit apathetic about it though.”

Twilight trots in place. “Oh dear! We've got to get that cure perfected as soon as possible then! Auriel, how are the current tests going?!”

“They're underway. We should know in an hour or so whether or not this treatment is viable. Sadly, we can't really speed this up any more than we already have.”

Twilight gets right up to the speaker, frantically! “Give it to me straight Arc! How are they doing in the Lunar Realm?!”

“That's complicated. Last night when I was there the rooms seemed to be distorted, the city below was gone and the stars were replaced with an empty void! I can't really think of any way to put it other than the Lunar Realm itself is slowly falling apart!

Auriel’s eyes grow wide! “But what about the princesses?! If the realm fades away completely...”

Arc shakes his head. “Even they don't know what will happen. When I saw them, they appeared much weaker than they have been previously! To make a bad situation worse, both princesses say they can't hear what's going on around their bodies anymore! I'm not trying to put undue stress on the two of you, but time really is running out!”

Twilight nods! “We can move everything to Canterlot! Arc, can you send a ship to come pick us up please?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I'll come get you myself! With luck I can teleport the two of you and all your equipment to Princess Luna's room!”

Auriel smiles. “That would certainly help!”

“Agreed! What do we have to do to prepare?!”

“Move as much equipment as you need to the center of the room! It will make teleporting it easier!”

“Will do!”

“Anything Sereb and I can do to help, Arc?!”

Arc nods. “Ember, you go to Princess Luna's room and make sure nothing is in the center of the room. If Doctor Whooves isn't there, get him! I'll be there in a few minutes.”

“I'll take care of it!”

Arc turns quickly back to the phone!

“You two still there?!”

“Yes, Arc! Is there anything else you need?!

“No. I'll be there shortly with Sereb. Just be ready to move!”

“Okay, bye!”

Twilight quickly hangs up the phone and turns to Auriel as the pair rushes toward the stairs!

“We have to hurry! It won't take long for Arc to get here!”

Auriel follows Twilight closely! “We'll be ready!”

Meanwhile back at Canterlot Castle Arc turns to Sereb!

“You ready to do this?!”


Arc runs out the office door with Sereb by his side! “To the princess' room then! Hopefully Ember is ready for us!”

Sereb nods. “I am certain she will not fail.”

“Yes, and neither shall we!”

Arc and Sereb reach the princess' room. Ember is waiting for him with Doctor Whooves, Shining Armor and Trixie.

“Ready here, Arc!”

Doctor Whooves looks over the myriad of machines that surround the two patients. “Please hurry! They're not getting any better!”

Arc runs to the center of the room and quickly places an extra-large sigil on the floor.

“Sereb, let's go!”

The large wolf rushes forward as Arc mounts him!

“Ember, we'll be back shortly! Shining Armor, you and Trixie take care of things here until I return!”

Shining Armor nods! “Don't worry about a thing! We'll take good care of them!”

“Yes! You can count on it!”

Arc activates the sigil! “See that you do! The fate of this land hangs in the balance!”

He vanishes from sight as Trixie turns to Shining Armor.

“Oh, I do hope they make it back in time!”

“So do I, Trixie.”

There is a frantic pounding at the door. Ember runs over to answer it.

“What is it now?!”

Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage along with Arc's platoon bursts through the door.

“C-Captain! The castle is under attack!”

Shining Armor’s eyes grow wide. “What?! NOW?!”

Max nods. “Yes! A large contingent of what can only be described as demons are breaking down the gates as we speak!”

Xenos looks over his shoulder angrily. “Our initial attempts to stop them have failed!”

Trixie looks frightened. “How many are there?!”

Viktor sighs. "Well over a hundred."

Ember frowns. “And no one saw them coming?!”

Hugh nods. “They teleported in just on the other side of the drawbridge!”

Trixie rolls her eyes. “Then raise it!”

Sandstorm Mirage shakes his head. “We can't! They immediately damaged the locking mechanism! It's inoperable! Captain... what do we do?!”

Shining Armor draws his blade! “We fight to protect the princesses until Arc gets back!”

Max nods soberly. “We're with you captain! All of us are!”

Ember calls forth her armor and spear. “Let me at em!”

“Trixie will fight too!”

Shining Armor looks at all assembled! “Alright! Sandstorm Mirage, you stay here with the princesses and Doctor Whooves! The rest of you follow me!”

Everyone follows Shining Armor quickly to the corridor! The sounds of battle can be heard not too far away! He quickly pushes over a table!

“Use the furniture! I want to see a barricade! Everypony move it!”

The Royal Guards quickly do so!

Shining Armor looks down the corridor as the demons lumber toward them! “Form ranks! We have to buy time for the Lord Regent!”

Max turns to Trixie. “Where is the commander anyways?!”

“Getting the cure for the princesses! He'll be back soon!”

Ember nods as she hovers overhead! “Until then, we have to hold them here!”

Meanwhile... Arc and Sereb teleport to Derpy's house. Arc quickly Blinks the pair outside!

“To the Library Sereb, and hurry!”

The pair are about halfway there when Arc's earring chirps!

“Arc here.”

Kibitz frantic voice rings in his ear! “SIRE! The castle is under attack!”

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