• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Taken

A few days later Decimus sits in his office going over paperwork. Hearing a small knock he looks over.

“Come in.”

Scootaloo enters with her traditional cloak. Decimus looks up as she approaches the desk.

“It looks like the guards are prepping for a mission in the Hanger.”

Decimus nods. “In a manner of speaking. Princess Twilight has ordered it prepared for a trip back to Ponyville.”

“Want me to go with her?”

Decimus shakes his head. “That will not be necessary. She’s requested only a single platoon to join her.”

“Then I suppose she’ll be pretty well protected. Not that it’s a dangerous place, I guess.”

“For a normal pony, no. But for a princess every movement is a risk.”

“Understandable. I was surprised with Princess Celestia didn’t try to put a stop to this trip though.”

Decimus chuckles. “She can’t because she doesn’t know about it.”


“Celestia’s a princess, yes. But so is her protégé. Neither can tell the other what to do legally. And I don’t answer to either one of them as the Hero of Light, so there’s no reason for me to try and step in here.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Aren’t you worried about her though?”

Decimus shakes his head. “No. My spies report that the former Hero of Light’s ship, The Equinox, is still in Abyssinia. And even he can’t do anything to her from there.”

“Well… as long as you’re certain of that, I’ll keep patrolling the grounds then.”

Decimus stands. “Just a moment.”

Walking over to her, Decimus smiles.

“I just wanted to say… that you’re doing a fine job, Scarlet Filly.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Someday in the future you’ll make one heck of an officer. Perhaps even be the one to take over for me.”

“Well, that’s quite a ways down the road.”

“No reason not to plan for the future though.”

“True. But at the moment I’d prefer to focus on the here and now. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to do.”

Scootaloo leaves the office as Decimus smiles and nods.

“So young and so focused. You’ll serve our future purposes well, my dark little filly.”

Picking up his phone he dials a number and waits before speaking a single sentence into the receiver.

“It’s a go.”

Meanwhile, Twilight and Spike go over their saddlebag’s contents again. Spike nods approvingly as he checks the final item off his list.

“That should do it!”

“Are you sure, Spike? I still feel like we’re forgetting something.”

Spike rolls his eyes. “Maybe we should go over everything again.”

“Great idea! I’ll…!”

“It was a joke, Twilight.”

“Either way, it’s not a bad idea.”

There is a knock at the door. Tossing the list aside, Spike heads for the door as he mutters to himself.

“Perfect timing.”

Opening it, he spies Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage standing in the corridor. Motioning for the stallion to enter, he steps aside to close the door. Turning to face Twilight, he salutes respectfully.

“Princess Twilight, the chariot is ready for departure.”

Spike raises an eyebrow. “Chariot? Why not a ship?”

Twilight sighs. “Decimus offered me the Lunar Destiny to ferry us to Ponyville, yes. But I requested a chariot instead. No need to prep a vessel as large as that for such a short trip.”

“But what about guards?!”

“I’m having a platoon follow us.”

“That’s more than Princess Celestia usually has around her.”

Twilight nods as she grabs her saddlebags. “Yes, I know. But it was the easiest way to get Decimus off my case. Between my magic and their numbers, we’ll be fine.”

Walking to the Hanger, Sandstorm Mirage escorts Twilight to a large chariot. She and Spike embark and take a seat as the Pegasi Royal Guards fall into step behind the vehicle. Twilight looks to Sandstorm Mirage.

“Thanks for setting all this up.”

Sandstorm Mirage salutes. “Just doing my duty, princess.”

Twilight turns to the stallions pulling the chariot. “Let’s get moving.”

Nodding, they start running and take flight. The Pegasi behind them do the same. Flying higher and higher they eventually rise above the clouds. Spike turns to Twilight.

“This brings back memories.”

“That it does. It feels like only yesterday that Princess Celestia was sending me to Ponyville for the first time.”

Spike grins. “And you didn’t like it one bit!”

“At the time, no. Now I wouldn’t have traded that for anything in the world.”

Sometime later they begin to descend. Twilight giggles.

“I’m looking forward to taking on another research project here!”

Spike appears hopeful. “Can we make a run to Sugarcube Corner first?”

“I suppose so. After all, Auriel isn’t much for keeping sweets around.”

“Why not? Doesn’t she like them?”

“Oh, she does. But anytime we had something sweet in the pantry or refrigerator she would devour it in no time.”

“How about a cake then?”

Twilight smiles. “I was thinking more along the lines of cupcakes. After all, that way if you’re trying keep track of how many…”

Spike gasps and points downward. “SWEET CELESTIA!”

“What is it, Sp…?!”

As the town comes into sight, they see the charred remains of homes, businesses, and even the Town Hall. Twilight turns to the drivers.

“Get us down there!”

“But your highness, the Pegasi following us have yet to form a defensive perimeter.”

Twilight seethes. “NOW!!!”

Nodding fearfully, they waste no time landing the chariot in the center of town. Twilight and Spike jump down to the ground and look around, dumbfounded. Spike is the first to speak.

“What… happened here?!”

“I don’t know, Spike!”

She turns to the Pegasi guards as they land.

“I want every one of these buildings searched from top to bottom!”

“Princess Twilight?”

“We have to check for survivors! Start from the north and work your way…!”

“Begging your pardon, Princess Twilight, but that’s already been done.”

Twilight gasps. “It has?!”

The guard nods. “Yes, your highness.”

“How many of the citizens survived?!”

“According to the reports… none.”

Spike grits his teeth. “Not one?!”

The guard shakes his head. “I’m afraid not.”

Twilight grabs the guard by the front of his armor. “Who did this?!”

“It was the former Hero of Light Arc, your highness. He set fire to the town before killing everypony here. Including the guards stationed at the base down the road.”

Twilight falls to her fetlocks. “…what? Are you sure that’s what happened?!”

“Yes, ma’am. The few guards whom escaped with their lives and made it back corroborated the story.”

Twilight seethes. “And where was Decimus when this was going on?!”

Spike nods angrily. “Yeah! Light’s Hope is just down the path!”

“He and his forces tried to stop the previous Hero of Light, but failed.”

Twilight looks at the destruction around her. “This… this can’t be happening!”

Spike puts a claw on her shoulder.

“It’s okay, Twilight. Somepony had to make it out. That and I can’t imagine Arc doing something so heinous!”

Twilight sighs. “I agree. But for now let’s head to the library. Maybe Auriel saw or heard something.”

Running, Twilight and Spike make their way past the rubble toward the library. Rounding a corner they gasp at the sight that greets them. The remains of the tree lie before them in a charred mess. Books (or what’s left of them) cover the lawn in various states of destruction and decay. Broken glass from the windows is strewn around the lawn. Neither says a word for several seconds. Eventually Twilight shakes her head to clear it and runs toward the tree, screaming.


Entering through a large hole in the trunk, presumably where the door used to be, Twilight and Spike run to the basement. Looking around they find nothing but ruined lab tables and equipment. Twilight falls to the ground, utterly defeated.

“Auriel… she… didn’t make it.”

Spike puts a claw on his friend’s shoulder. “I didn’t see any bodies on the way here. Could they have been lost to the fire?”

“Maybe. But that’s not likely.”


“Yes. I don’t see EVERYPONY just sitting in their homes as they burned around them!”

She turns back to the guards whom followed them inside.


“I’ve read the reports, princess. The investigation team took the liberty of collecting the bodies and returned them to Canterlot for study.”

Spike frowns. “Study?!”

Twilight glares at him. “They deserve proper burials!”

“The powers that be wanted that too. But everypony was so badly burned that identifying them wasn’t possible. Eventually it was ordered that their bodies be collectively cremated and disposed of.”

Spike points a claw. “Disposed of?! Those were our FRIENDS!”

“There wasn’t anything else to do, your highness.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Were there ANY survivors?!”

“None other than the few guards I mentioned earlier.”

Spike gasps. “What about Sweet Apple Acres?”

“Burned to the ground along with the orchards. It appeared he knew exactly where every household was in and outside the town limits.”

Twilight groans. “And… the orphanage?”

“I do believe it’s still there.”

Spike smiles sadly. “In ruins or still standing?”

“Mostly intact.”

Twilight gasps. “What?!”

“The Hero of Light attempted to burn it down, but our forces were able to put it out before being slaughtered.”

“Take me there!”

“Your highness, maybe this is a bit much for…”


Nodding, the guard turns and leads Twilight out of the basement. Returning to the road, the platoon escorts her and Spike through the town toward the outskirts. Looking around they see only the barest skeletons of what were once houses. Twilight shudders.

“This is just so… AWFUL!”

Spike frowns. “Yeah. Why would anypony DO this?!”

The guard turns to her. “We don’t know, your highness. But other than Light’s Hope, the Little Hooves Orphanage was the only building still standing when reinforcements arrived.”

Arriving at the orphanage, they look it over. Spike is the first to speak.

“It looks okay.”

“Our forces were able to put out the fire before it got out of hoof.”

Twilight grimaces. “What about the orphans?”

“Gone. Presumed taken by Hero of Light Arc.”

Spike turns to Twilight. “We should check inside to be sure though.”


Entering, they walk to the center of the Main Hall as a light rain begins to fall. A low rumble rings out as a flash of lightning momentarily illuminates the room fully. Spike gasps.

“A storm?! Now?!”

Twilight sighs. “That only means the Rainbow Dash didn’t make it. With no weather pony to keep things in check, it was only a matter of time until…”

The guard notices something and draws his weapon.

“Hold it right there!”

Spike’s eyes grow wide. “What is it?”

“There’s somepony here!”

Twilight looks around. “What?! Where?!”

“In the shadows over there! I saw them when the lightning…!”

The sound of footsteps rings out as they near. As he approaches, the guards take a step back.

“Who… are you?”

Removing his helmet, Arc’s face comes into view. The guards shakily take a step backwards toward Twilight. She pushes past them and runs toward her friend.

“Arc! You’re…!”

The guards hurry forward and grab Twilight.

“Hero of Light Arc?! Princess, WAIT!!!”

Twilight stops and looks back.


“The former Hero of Light is a criminal, remember?!”

Arc clears his throat. “I’ve come here to see Princess Twilight.”

“Defensive formation!”

They move to surround Twilight, weapons at the ready.

“Somepony get the princess out of here! We’ll keep him busy as long as we can!”

Twilight frowns. “No.”

“Your highness, please run!”

“Don’t let our sacrifice be in vain!”

“Stand down, everypony.”

Nervously, the guards step back and allow Twilight to pass. She walks calmly to Arc and looks up into his eyes soberly.

“I need to know one thing.”

“What is it?”

“Did you burn down Ponyville?”

Arc shakes his head. “No.”

Twilight nods sadly. “I… believe you. Do you know who did?”

“Decimus and his forces.”

“Princess, he’s manipulating you! The reports clearly stated…!”

Twilight turns to him angrily. “Reports are just ink on a page!”


“I could write a report the said a horde of pandas did this!”

Spike nods. “Yeah! But that wouldn’t make it true!”

“Either way, we need to take the former Hero of Light into custody.”

Arc draws his spear. “Do you now?”

“Yes! We are sworn to uphold the will of the princesses and the law!”

The sound of hoofsteps echoing nearby rings out. Turning, they see Coco Pommel walking down the stairs with her saddlebags. She looks at the guard as she speaks.

“Very commendable, Lightning Burst.”

“M-Miss Pommel?!”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“But how did you know…?”

Coco Pommel smiles as she approaches the group. “Like I told the sergeant that was here the other day, I remember every foal I’ve ever cared for.”

“Please get behind us, ma’am! We’ll do our best to protect you from this criminal!”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “That will not be necessary.”

“Miss Pommel?”

Walking over to Arc, she turns back to the guards.

“What was written in the report is not the truth.”

Lightning Burst narrows his eyes. “What are you saying, Miss Pommel?”

“That Decimus is a lying, manipulating, and kidnapping stallion.”

Arc nods. “I called a friend of mine whom lived here that night. They were screaming that guards were breaking into their house. Rushing here I found everyone in town held prisoner here in the orphanage.”

“There’s no way that could be…!”

Coco Pommel interrupts him. “…true?”

Lightning Burst nods fervently. “Right! Hero of Light Decimus was elevated to his position by Princess Celestia herself!”

Coco Pommel sighs. “So was Matron Tempest.”

The guards look to one another and murmur amongst themselves as Coco Pommel continues.

“As capable a ruler as she is, even Princess Celestia makes mistakes. While I’m sure she does her best, nopony is infallible.”

Arc steps forward. “Decimus was the one whom kidnapped the residents and sent them here. Decimus was the one whom authorized force to be used against the innocents whom wouldn’t come quietly. And Decimus was the one whom set fire to this building with many still inside.”

Coco Pommel nods. “Right. Had Arc not have shown up to fly everypony to safety, this story may have ended very differently.”

Twilight grins. “Wait! So nopony died?!”

Arc nods. “Just Decimus.”

Coco Pommel points a hoof out the window. “Everypony else escaped via The Equinox.”

Twilight gasps happily. “So my friends are still alive?!”

Arc smiles at her. “Yes. They’re safe from harm in Abyssinia right now.”

The guard frowns. “We heard you fled there after running from the griffon airships.”

Coco Pommel sighs. “While his ship could have theoretically taken them on, Arc worried that having civilians in the ship at the time would only endanger them.”

“I went straight to Canterlot in an effort to end this thing right away. That was a mistake, as I hadn’t considered the safety of the ship’s passengers.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What… exactly was your plan anyways?”

“To confront Celestia regarding Decimus and his actions against the citizens of Ponyville.”

Spike appears relieved. “So, just… talking?”

“I was prepared to take morel… drastic action.”

Twilight grimaces. “You mean… removing her from power?”

“As a last resort, yes.”

“But…! But you CAN’T!”

Lightning Burst turns to Twilight. “Begging your pardon, princess, but he can.”

Spike shrugs. “I guess that’s true.”

Arc frowns. “I was told that the whole reason the Hero of Light position was created was to be a force to reel in an out of control princess should they go rogue. Luna said that I would have full authority to bring the situation back under control.”

Coco Pommel nods soberly. “As it stands, Princess Celestia is acting very strangely. She no longer holds audiences with anypony. No longer corresponds with officials whom run the various government facilities such as this one. Not only that, but she has sequestered herself away from the public eye while blockading the capital with foreign warships. And last but not least… she attacked the legitimate Hero of Light when he was doing his duty to apprehend two criminals whom had kidnapped and manipulated her.”

She looks Twilight in the eye evenly before proceeding.

“If that isn’t considered ‘out of control’, then I don’t know what is.”

“But… she must have a good reason for doing such things!”

Arc sighs. “That may be. But she needs help. Is Emerald Dream making any headway over there?”

“Princess Celestia… isn’t seeing her anymore.”

Spike gasps. “What?! Why not?!”

“She said that there wasn’t time anymore.”

Arc frowns. “She’s making no attempt to heal her mind, Twilight. I have to remove her from the throne.”

Lightning Burst grimaces. “But who would run the land, sir?! Equestria needs a princess on the throne if at all possible!”

“And we’d have one.”

Arc gestures to Twilight.

“My plan was to take Celestia into custody and replace her with Twilight.”


“Yes, you.”

“What about you?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Me?”

Twilight nods. “Couldn’t you just become the Lord Regent again?!”

“Only if there were no available princesses. Or extenuating circumstances.”

Lightning Burst looks to Twilight. “As a princess you’d be next in line for the throne, your highness. Not the Hero of Light.”

Twilight gasps. “But we can’t just fly in there! The griffon blockade would shoot you on sight, Arc!”

Spike steps forward. “That’s why Arc asked me to get you here.”

Twilight appears confused. “You, Spike?”

“Right. Remember that book we read?”

“What about it?”

“Rose suggested it to Arc, as she knew you wouldn’t be able to resist rushing back here to verify what you read.”

Arc nods. “I’m sorry for the deception, Twilight. But I needed you here to make my plan work. All I want now though is you cooperation.”

Twilight looks over her shoulder to the guards.

“We’re here for you, princess.”

“But what should I do?!”

“That’s not for us to say. We’re sworn to protect you, after all.”

Coco Pommel shakes her head. “No, you’re not.”

“Miss Pommel?”

“The oath every soldier takes is a vow to protect Equestria and its inhabitants. Not exclusively the princesses.”


“If you really believe in what you’re doing, then I can’t stop you. However, I thought I taught all of you better than that.”

Twilight turns to Arc and nods soberly.

“I’ll agree to think about it. But right now I need you to do something for me.”

“What is it?”

“Take me to see our friends.”

Spike gasps. “Twilight?”

“I need to see that they’re safe.”

“You don’t think Arc hurt them, do you?!”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, Spike. But I’d like to hear their side of this story before making a final decision.”

Arc nods. “Very well.”

He looks to Coco Pommel.

“Did you get everything you needed?”

Coco Pommel pats her saddlebags. “Yes. All my most important files are in here.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Files?”

“In case Decimus comes back. These really need to be kept safe.”

Arc nods and powers up his crystals before opening a portal. Concentrating, he turns to the guards.

“Head on through.”

“But, sir…!”

Twilight points a hoof. “You heard the Hero of Light! MOVE!!!”

Nodding, the guards step through with Coco Pommel. Spike hops up on Twilight’s back as she heads for the swirling energies. She turns to Arc and smiles.

“I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Thanks. But right now we have work to do.”

Twilight nods as she and Arc walk into the portal and vanish.

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