• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Two Wrongs Don't Make a...

Doctor Horse steps into the room as Ember closes the door behind him.

“Would everypony please sit down?”

Everyone does so. Arc looks to the doctor, nervously!

“Doctor, talk to me!”

Doctor Horse sighs. “Cherry Jubilee's condition is... complicated, to say the least.”

Ember looks hopeful! “But she's going to be okay though... right?!”

“The accident caused her a great many bumps and bruises. However, the real injury was to her head. Apparently when the debris fell on her she took quite a blow!

Derpy’s eyes grow wide! “Oh no!”

Arc appears terrified! “Are you saying she's sustained a closed head injury?!”

“Yes, Lord Arc.”

“Does she have any... brain damage?!”

“Our tests in that regard have been inconclusive. We won't know the effects of the damage, if any, until she wakes up.”

“How long do you think she'll be out?!”

“Again, there's no way to know for sure. Although probably not longer than a few days. Now I want all of you to know that she may yet be just fine with a bit of rest!”

Sereb frowns. “But...?”

Doctor Horse sighs. “There's also a small possibility that she...”

The doctor seems to be having trouble finding the right words to say.

“...she might have some degree of… impairment. Trouble talking or walking is a very real possibility! The blow was quite severe! I wish there was a way to know for sure.”

Arc stands and walks toward the window. He looks out over the Crystal Empire. The sun has begun to set.

“Doctor... do you have any good news for us?”

Doctor Horse nods. “Yes.”

“What is it?”

“She's alive.”

Arc nods sadly. “Can... can I see her?”

Doctor Horse shakes his head. “I'm sorry, but...”

Ember puts a claw on the doctor's shoulder and soberly nods her head.

“...but I suppose a short visit would be fine. If you would follow me please.”

He leads the group down the hall to the Intensive Care Unit. Doctor Horse stops in front of the door.

“Please be very quiet as the patient needs her rest.”

Everyone nods. As the doctor opens the door, they see Cherry Jubilee lying on the bed unconscious! Aside from the bandages on her head, she appears to be sleeping! Arc slowly enters the room. Every step appears awkward and forced as if Arc is unable to comprehend the sight before him!


As the others move to enter the room, Ember puts out her arm and closes the door softly.

“Miss Ember?”

Ember sighs. “Let's give Arc some time alone with Cherry Jubilee, shall we?”

Derpy nods! “Agreed. This has to be very hard on him!”

“But mom, I thought dad needed us right now!”

Derpy puts a hoof on Dinky's head and pats it. “And we are! We're right here when he needs us!”

Ember kneels down in front of Dinky. "You see… there are some things in life that you just have to do on your own. This is a very personal moment for Arc and Cherry. You'll understand one day.”

Dinky starts to cry. “But... I really want to help him!”

Sereb nods. “We all do little one. We all do.”

Meanwhile, Arc slowly makes his way to Cherry's side. He pulls up a chair next to the bed and takes her hoof in his hand.

“I'm here... Cherry. You're not alone in this. I... I just wanted to say... I... I'm sorry. I NEVER should have let you and Derpy go out there alone. This is all my fault.”

A tear runs down Arc's cheek and falls onto Cherry Jubilee's fetlock as he holds it to his face and kisses it!

“I... I've wanted to spend more time with you for quite a while now! Even after I was crowned Lord Regent and sat on the Equestrian throne... the truth is... all I really wanted was to sit with you on your front porch and watch the sun go down again! Be with the one I... love!”

Arc strokes Cherry's face gently.

“Cherry. You have to get better! I... I don't know what I would do without you in my life!”

He kisses Cherry on her cheek as he continues to hold her hoof for some time as the sun goes down outside the hospital window. At twilight there is a small knock at the door. Arc does not seem to notice it. Ember quietly enters the room and walks over to Arc. She puts a claw on his shoulder.


He does not take his eyes off of Cherry. “Yes Ember?”

“We've just received word from General Virtuous Lance that he and his forces will be here shortly. What do you want him to do?”

Arc squeezes Cherry Jubilee's hoof. “Right now Ember, I don't really care.”

Ember sighs. “Look Arc, I know you don't mean that.”

“Kinda do Ember.”

She points a claw at the door. “Arc? Do you know who's outside that door?”

Arc does not respond.

“Your loved ones. They all care about you and what you're going through right now, as do I. Now I know you would rather sit here with Cherry, but right now we have a job to do.”

He nods and slowly gets up. “I... I know. Thank you, Ember.”

Arc gently puts Cherry Jubilee's hoof back under the covers before leaning forward and kissing his fiancée on the forehead.

“I'll be back as soon as I can Cherry.”

Arc leaves the room quietly with Ember. Derpy and Dinky are waiting for him.

“Arc? Are you okay?”

“We're worried about you dad!”

Arc shakes his head sadly. “No Derpy. And I don't think I will be okay until Cherry wakes up. But... I have to keep moving forward! For Cherry, for you and Dinky... for Equestria!”

Ember walks over to Sereb’s saddlebag and retrieves the radio.

“Arc. The General's on the line. He needs to know what you want him to do!”

He takes the radio from Ember.

“General Virtuous Lance, this is Arc. Do you read me?”

“Yes sir I read you. My troops and I will be entering Crystal Empire airspace momentarily. What are your orders?”

“Head for the Crystal Castle and land your ships near the Lunar Destiny. I'll meet you there shortly.”

“Yes sir! Virtuous Lance out!”

Arc hands the radio back to Ember as he turns back to Derpy and Dinky. “We have to go meet the general at the castle. Derpy... I know this might sound selfish, but...”

Derpy forces a small smile. “Do you want Dinky and I to stay with Cherry Jubilee, Arc?”

Arc nods! “Please! I... I just don't want her to have to wake up alone.”

“Don't worry dad! We'll look after her for you!”

Derpy nods! “Right! Go do what you have to Arc!”

“Thanks you two! Ember, you and Sereb are with me!”

Sereb nods! “Very well.”

Ember grins! “Right behind you!”

Arc, Ember and Sereb leave as Derpy and Dinky enter the hospital room together.

“Mom? I'm still worried about dad! Will he be okay?!”

“I hope so sweetie! The knowledge that Cherry Jubilee is still alive may very well be the only thing keeping him going! I don't really want to think about what would happen if she...”

Meanwhile, as they reach the street Arc mounts Sereb and looks to Ember. “Care for a ride?

She nods! “Sure!”

Ember jumps in the saddle behind him! She wraps her arms around Arc's midsection as Sereb runs toward the castle!

“I understand why you like riding so much now!”

Arc nods! “So you enjoyed keeping the saddle warm for me then?”


“Hopefully we'll have more time to ride in the future! Not into battle mind you though! By the way, good job defending the city today you two! Victory with no casualties on either side! Flawless!”

Ember nods. “We did our best.

“As was commanded.”

Arc and company soon arrive at the castle. They don't have long to wait for General Virtuous Lance and his troops to arrive. As soon as the ships touch down the soldiers disembark! Lieutenant Spitfire is the first one out!

“Line up! Form ranks!”

Virtuous Lance runs over to Arc and kneels respectfully.

“Reporting as ordered, sir!”

“At ease, general.”

Virtuous Lance stands before Arc as his soldiers finish lining up. Arc and Ember hop down and stand next to Sereb.

“I’ll address the troops now.”

Virtuous Lance steps aside respectfully. “Yes sir.”

Arc turns to the soldiers. “Everyone listen up! Earlier today the Crystal Empire suffered an unprovoked attack by our neighbors in Yakyakistan!”

He gestures to Ember and Sereb.

“My personal guards here were able to turn back their assault with misdirection and guile! However, I don't believe such actions will work on the yaks a second time! I want all of you to have a hearty meal and a good night's sleep, as you may soon be called upon to take up arms against our enemies!

Arc looks over to General Virtuous Lance.

“Is there anything you would like to add, general?”

“No sir. I think you've said it all.”

The general turns to his troops.

“Lieutenant Spitfire will lead the company to the Mess Hall, then to the castle's Dormitory! Dismissed!”

Lieutenant Spitfire and the soldiers salute Arc and enter the castle. Arc turns to General Virtuous Lance.

“General. May I see you in the Throne Room please?”

“Yes sir!”

Arc, Ember, Sereb and Virtuous Lance make their way to the Throne Room. As they enter Ember closes the door behind them. Arc gestures to a chair

“Have a seat!”

The pair sit down across from each other.

“General, are you familiar with General Wind Rider?”

“I am! He's one of Equestria's greatest fliers and a natural leader! We went to school together as foals, so I guess you could say were familiar with each other!”

Arc nods. “When was the last time you spoke to him?”

Virtuous Lance rubs his chin with a hoof. “I guess it's been almost a year now. We fell out of contact when Princess Cadance left him in charge of the Crystal Empire! I'm sure he's been very busy running the country lately!”

Ember sneers! “Oh, he's been busy alright! Busy selling us out!”

Virtuous Lance stands, flabbergasted! “WHAT?!”

Arc nods. “I came to see him when I first arrived. The yaks had begun their assault of the Western Gate and his plan was to surrender!”

Sereb growls. “He claimed to have the citizen's best interests at heart.”

Ember looks disgusted! “If he did, he would have evacuated them sooner!”

Virtuous Lance shakes his head in disbelief! “Why… why would he do that?!”

“I don't know general, but I had to go over his head and order his commanders to raise the alarm!”

Ember nods! “But wait! It gets WORSE!”

Sereb approaches the general. “He stole the Crystal Heart and went to the commander of the yak invasion in hopes of negotiating peace.”

Arc sighs. “That was after I relieved him of command to coordinate the defense myself.”

Virtuous Lance looks to Arc. “It's... just so overwhelming! Are you absolutely certain of this sir?!”

Ember nods! “I was there, general! To save his own life he even went so far as to offer to betray Lord Arc and the empire by revealing where the city was most vulnerable! I ‘rescued’ him from the yaks and sent him back to the castle under guard!”

Arc clenches a fist, enraged! “He escaped by causing a diversion! During which my fiancée was... very badly injured!”

Virtuous Lance bows his head. “I'm very sorry to hear that sir! Will she be all right?!”

“Only time will tell on that count.”

Thunder Wing enters the Throne Room and hurries over to Arc! He bows and removes his helmet.

“Sir! The Crystal Defenders have completed their search of the city and found no trace of the traitorous General Wind Rider! However, I've just received word that our sentries reported seeing him flying west!”

Ember rushes over! “So send some troops after him!”

Thunder Wing shakes his head! “We can't! A large snowstorm has blown in and made flight nearly impossible!”

Arc nods! “Anything in that direction of note?”

Virtuous Lance stands and walks over to the window. “The only place would be Yakyakistan. Although I'm not sure what he hopes to accomplish by going there.”

Ember bares her teeth angrily! “Maybe he's trying to sell us out again?!”

Sereb growls! “He knows his actions have made him a fugitive in this land. Perhaps he is hoping to gain amnesty from our enemies.”

Arc nods and sighs. “That's the only thing that makes sense. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.”

Virtuous Lance nods. “Yes sir. What is your plan?”

“I will fly to Yakyakistan early tomorrow morning with Ember and Sereb. Prince Rutherford and I have much to… discuss.”

“If I may suggest sir, you should take my troops and I with you tomorrow.”

Ember frowns. “Wouldn't that be seen as an act of aggression?!”

Sereb nods! “At this point a show of force may be in order.”

Virtuous Lance turns to Sereb. “Agreed. It would be wise to show the prince that if he refuses to talk peace you are fully prepared to take action against him!”

Arc stands. “Very well, general. I'd like you to stay here though. The Crystal Empire needs someone to look after it while I'm away. Can I count on you?

“Yes sir. Might I suggest taking Lieutenant Spitfire along? She is fully qualified to command the troops if you are planning on becoming otherwise distracted.”

“Thank you for the offer, general. I accept.”

Arc walks over to Sereb and removes the Crystal Heart from his saddlebag. He looks at it intently before walking over to him.

“General, why don't you have a good meal and rest. I'm sure tomorrow will be a busy day.”

“Thank you sir.”

Arc gives Virtuous Lance the Crystal Heart.

“Please return the this to its proper place... wherever that is. Dismissed.”

General Virtuous Lance accepts the heart and leaves the room. Arc rests his hands on the large table in the middle of the room.

“Ember, would you please tell Tight Ship to have the ship battle ready tomorrow morning?”

“I can do that.”

“Feel free to use my quarters aboard ship to get some rest. Someone should enjoy that bed!”

Ember nods. “Thanks! I think I will! Can I assume you'll be heading back to the hospital now?”

Arc nods.

“Yes. I want to spend the night there with my betrothed. That and I'm sure Derpy and Dinky would like some rest!”


“Yes Ember?”

She walks over to Arc and takes his hands in her claws as she looks him in the eye.

“Cherry Jubilee is going to be okay! I just know it!”

Arc nods and squeezes Ember's claws.

“Thanks Ember. I hope you're right.”

Sereb turns toward the door. “We should go now Arc.”

“Yes. Let's go.”

Arc mounts Sereb who ferries him back to the hospital. The pair return to Cherry Jubilee's room to find Derpy and Dinky sitting in some chairs in the corner of the room. Dinky is sleeping peacefully against her mother. They approach the pair quietly.

“How is she?”

Derpy shakes her head. “There's been no change. Look Arc, I wanted to apologize for earlier. What I said and did was uncalled for!”

Arc walks over to Derpy and sits down next to her.

“Derpy. When I told you and Dinky to go back to Ponyville, I wasn't trying to push you two away. All I wanted was to be sure neither of you would be in harm's way.”

She looks down at her hooves. “I know that! It's just... we don't want you to be in harm's way either!”

He forces a smile. “Thank you for the thought. But... this is what I'm meant to do! My ‘cutie mark’, if you will.”

Derpy sighs. “I understand that! But... Dinky and I would be heartbroken if you were to... you know.”

Arc looks to Cherry lying on the hospital bed, sadly. “Yeah... I understand how you feel.”

A nurse enters the room pushing a small hospital cot on wheels. When she notices Arc, she quickly bows, respectfully!

“S-sire! Forgive the intrusion! I was only bringing this cot to your friends so they didn't have to sleep in chairs!”

“It's alright nurse. Thank you for taking such good care of my friends! You may go.

The nurse quickly leaves the room! Derpy gestures to the cot. “Arc, you should probably get some rest now. It's been quite a day for you!”

Arc yawns. “Agreed. But you and Dinky need some rest too. How about I take you two to the castle? I'm sure they must have some guest rooms!”

“What about you?!”

“I'll spend the night here with Cherry. I don't want to leave her side!”

Derpy puts a hoof on Arc’s hand. “I don't think you should be alone! Dinky and I would be willing to stay here with you!

Arc stands up. “Very well.”

He picks up Derpy.

“Arc? What are you doing?”


He walks over to the cot and lays Derpy down before picking Dinky up and laying her next to her mother. Arc covers the pair with a blanket.

“Get some rest you two. I'll watch over all of you.”

Derpy nods and yawns. “Okay. But please get some rest yourself!

She quickly falls asleep as Dinky snuggles up next to her. Arc takes the opportunity to finish lowering the sun and raise the moon. He sits down next to Cherry and takes her hoof in his hands.

“Rest well Cherry.”

Arc rests his head on the blanket. Soon he is fast asleep! That night he dreams of happier times while visiting Cherry Hill Ranch. He and Cherry Jubilee sit on her front porch together. The engagement pendent hangs from her neck glistening in the sunset.

Cherry sighs contentedly! “Beautiful...

Arc puts a hand under Cherry’s chin and turning it to face himself as he smiles at her.

“Yes... yes you are, Cherry.”

She looks into his eyes happily! “Oh Arc! You say the sweetest things!”

Arc looks at her and she at him for a long moment before she closes her eyes. He moves forward slowly to kiss the beautiful mare sitting with him. A moment before he does so, her body suddenly tightens and she lets out a yelp of pain!


She winces in pain! “I... I'm sorry.”

Arc looks at her side. There is an arrow buried deep in her chest! Blood spills forth from it freely!


He clutches the wound and looks around frantically! There is no one in sight! Arc gets up quickly and removes his tunic! Pressing it against the steady flow of blood in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding!

“It's okay Cherry! You're going to be okay!”

Arc turns his head toward the house!


Cherry Jubilee looks to him, a pained expression on her face. “She... she's not in there. Remember?”

Arc looks around and yells! “SOMEONE... ANYONE?! PLEASE HELP!!!”

She puts a hoof shakily on Arc's cheek, a weak smile on her face.

“I... I'm sorry, my love. I had... looked forward to... a long and... happy life with... you. But... I guess... that's not going... to happen!”

“Cherry! W-what are you saying?!”

Tears fall from her emerald green eyes. “I'm saying... that... I'll... always... love you. Good... bye... my... lo...ve.”

Cherry Jubilee's body goes limp as she breathes her last! Tears roll down Arc cheeks as he cries out on the edge of madness!

“Cherry...? CHERRY!!!”

Arc clutches his dead fiancee's body tightly! He looks around to see everything around him fading away! First the orchards, then the house! Even the sunset vanishes from sight! Soon the pair are surrounded by nothingness! Arc looks down sadly at Cherry’s body. A small smile on her face.

“Don't worry my love. With luck I'll fade away with everything and we can be together again.”

Arc looks at Cherry lovingly. He gently strokes her mane. Suddenly she too begins to disappear!

“What?! NO! Please God, no!”

He clutches Cherry Jubilee's body with all his might, but she soon disappears! There is nothing left but her pendant! Arc picks it up shakily, looking at it a moment before falling backwards to lie on his back and stare up into nothingness with a blank look on his face!

“I... I have nothing left...”

Arc lies there for what feels like hours.

“W-why?! Why is everyone gone… every THING gone?! Yet I remain! WHY?!”

Arc clutches the pendant to his heart tightly, crying out into the darkness! As semblance of sanity leaving him!

“Dear God, PLEASE!!! Take me too! I... I can't live like this!!! Do you hear me?! I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS!!!”

There is not a sound. Not ever the movement of air. Arc puts both hands on the pendant and squeezing his eyes shut! Screaming… begging for the release of death!


Arc awakens to Derpy and Dinky shaking him!


“Dad, wake up!”

Arc raises his head with a gasp! His neck snapping to look at the unconscious mare lying in the bed before him!


“It's okay Arc! She's unchanged from last night!”

“Did you have a bad dream dad?”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Y-yeah. I... I dreamed Cherry... died. Right in my arms no less! Then everything faded away... except, me.”

Derpy puts a hoof on his knee. “It was a dream Arc! None of that really happened!”

“I know... but that didn't make it any less painful.”

There is a quiet knock. Sereb turns.

“I will answer it.”

He opens the door to see Ember standing in the hallway.

“Sorry, but is Arc up yet?”

Sereb nods. “He is. We all are.”

He steps aside and allows Ember to enter. She looks to Arc soberly.

“Arc. It's time.”

Arc nods and stands up, sighing. “I'm ready.”

He turns to Derpy and Dinky. Smiling, he kneels down to hug them both.

“I'll be back as soon as I can. Take care of Cherry Jubilee for me.”

“We will dad.”

“Be careful Arc!”

Arc and Ember leave the room as Sereb follows them. Ember looks to him as they walk down the hall.

“Arc. I don't mean to question you, but are you sure you want to do this?”

“Do what?”

“Lead an army to Yakyakistan! I mean, they're not the sharpest tools in the shed, but even they will see this as a rather hostile move!”

Arc nods as they continue on. “I know that Ember. But they haven't given us much of a choice! The time for talking may well be behind us! One way or another, this will end today!

Ember and Sereb follow Arc outside the hospital! The streetlamps are lit, but no one else seems to be up yet.

“General Virtuous Lance is waiting for you with his troops aboard the Lunar Destiny, Arc.”

Sereb nods. “We shouldn't keep him waiting.”

“Agreed. Let's go!”

Arc mounts Sereb and pulls Ember up behind him. Within minutes they board the Lunar Destiny! General Virtuous Lance, Lieutenant Spitfire and Tight Ship meet then below deck. Virtuous Lance and all his troops salute Arc as he approaches!

“Sir! Preparations are complete!”

Tight Ship nods! “We can move out as soon as you give the order, sir!”

Spitfire salutes! “We're ready to take on Yakyakistan anytime sir!”

Arc nods “Very good.”

Tight Ship points a hoof at a nearby crate. “Sir, Captain Shining Armor asked me to deliver this to you!”

Ember eyes the crate. “What's in it?”

Tight Ship shrugs. “No idea, miss. It was a last-minute addition to our cargo.”

Arc nods and walks toward the crate. “Well let's have a look then.”

He calls forth his spear and uses it like a crowbar! The crate opens to reveal a pile of metal plates with a scroll on top. Arc reads it over and looks to Sereb.

“It looks like this is a present for you, my friend.”


Arc begins to unpack the crate. “Apparently this is a suit of armor from the Hammers! They heard that war was coming and wanted to keep you safe!

He nods respectfully. “I am honored.”

Sereb uses his magic to remove his saddle. Ember and Arc work together to outfit Sereb with his new armor. It is composed of white mithril plate-mail very similar in appearance to Arc's own! Arc puts the saddle back on Sereb’s back and adjusts it to accommodate the new armor.

“There you go!”

Ember nods approvingly! “Looking good Sereb!”

He walks around to get the feel for his new adornments.

“I could get used to this. Although it feels like something is missing.”

Arc walks back to the crate and removes a brown burlap sack. “I think you'll need this.”

He turns back to Sereb and removes a helmet from the sack. Puts it on Sereb's head and attaching the strap Arc steps back to look his steed over.


Sereb nods. “Much.”

Arc hops up into the saddle. The pair walk around the deck.

“It feels a bit different, but I could get used to this. How about you, Sereb?”

“Moving feels a bit... odd. I believe I just need to get used to the changes.”

Ember grins. “Now you two are all matchy!”

Virtuous Lance nods soberly. “If the sight of you two coming after them doesn't scare the yaks, nothing will!”

Spitfire agrees with the general. “Very dignified, sir!”

Arc dismounts Sereb. “Alright, I think we're ready. General, you had best disembark now.”

Spitfire looks confused. “Sir?”

“General Virtuous Lance is staying here in the Crystal Empire.”

“But sir, the general is a critical part of this mission! Why would you leave him behind?!”

Arc sighs. “With General Wind Rider gone, there isn't anyone to lead here! I need him to look after the home front while we're gone.”

Spitfire sighs. “Yes sir…”

Virtuous Lance nods to Arc. “Very well sir. As I said yesterday, I shall leave Lieutenant Spitfire with you.”

“Thank you, general. You are dismissed.”

General Victorious Lance salutes and leaves the ship as Arc turns to Tight Ship.

“Let's get underway, captain!

Tight Ship salutes and heads for the Bridge! “Yes sir!”

Arc turns to the soldiers. “All of you prepare yourselves for what lies ahead! Lieutenant Spitfire will tell you what to do when the time is right!”

The soldiers salute Arc as he walks past them. He stops in front of the lieutenant.

“Lieutenant Spitfire, I'd like a word with you. Follow me.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc, Spitfire, Ember and Sereb head to his cabin as the ship lifts off. They step inside as Ember closes the door behind them.

“What did you want to say, sir?”

Arc walks over to the window. “All of you, please come here. I want you to see something.”

Spitfire, Sereb and Ember walk forward and stand next to Arc. He gestures out the window at the Crystal Empire below.

“Take a good long look. This is what we're fighting for! Home and hearth!”

Arc turns to Spitfire.

“I wanted you all to see this as I lay out my plan.”

Ember smiles as does Sereb! “Plans are good!”


“When we get to Yakyakistan I will disembark first on Sereb, flanked by Ember! Lieutenant, you will lead our forces off the ship and form battle lines. Keep your distance from the city though! You and the other soldiers are really my fail-safe!”

“I'm confused, sir. I thought we were taking the fight to the yaks!”

Arc nods. “We are, in a matter of speaking. I still want to talk to Prince Rutherford! If he refuses to talk peace, then I suppose we will have no choice but to attack! That is the final solution though! You will hold our forces back until that time! Do you have any questions?

Spitfire shakes her head. “No sir!”

“Very well. Dismissed.”

She salutes and leaves the room. Sereb approaches Arc and sits down next to him as they stare out the window together.

“Arc. Do you think it will come down to violence?”

“If what I've heard about the yaks is true, then probably yes.”

Ember looks confused. “Then why are you bothering to...”

“I have to try!”

Within the hour the Lunar Destiny lands outside the walls of Yakyakistan. Arc, Ember and Sereb disembark. Arc rides Sereb in full battle regalia!

“Ready you two?”

Ember nods as she calls forth her own spear and armor “As ready as I'll ever be.”

“I am ready as well.”

The trio walks to the gates. Arc pounds on them with his spear! A yak's head comes into view through the door hole.

“What you want?!”

“I'm here to see Prince Rutherford.”

The Yak Sentry frowns at the group! “Who you?! You not yak!”

Arc nods. "You're right, I'm not. My name is Arc! Equestria's Hero of Light and current Lord Regent."

The Yak Sentry appears confused.

“Um... so which one are you? Lord Regent Arc or Hero of Light Arc?”

Ember turns to him. “Arc, why don't you let me handle this?”

Arc shrugs. “Go for it.”

Sereb steps back to allow Ember to speak with the Yak Sentry.

“Prince Rutherford recently sent a group of yaks to attack the Crystal Empire. Could you please tell the commander of the mission that... um... the pretty bird from yesterday is here to see him?”

The sentry nods. “Um, okay. You not-yaks wait here!”

He turns and walks away. Arc and Sereb turn to Ember.

“What was that all about?!”

Sereb puts a paw over his face and shakes his head. “Some of us are trying to forget yesterday, Arc.”

Ember facepalms. “That makes two of us, Sereb.”

A few minutes later there is a commotion on the other side of the gates! Suddenly the door hole flies open and the Yak Commander peeks through! He smiles happily at Ember!

“Pretty birdie came to visit!”

“Um... kinda. I brought Lord Regent Arc. He wants to talk to Prince Rutherford.”

“What about Hero of Light Arc?! Yaks want meet this legendary warrior of stories!”

Ember thinks for a moment. “Uh... he might show up if the Lord Regent calls him.”

“Good enough for yak! Come inside pretty birdie!”

The door hole closes and the Yak Commander orders the gate opened! He runs forward with several icicles wrapped in paper!.

“Pretty birdie! Yak make this for you!”

Ember accepts the bundle. “Thank you. But why?”

“Is sign of affection between two yaks! Not sure how birds do it, but yak ways are best! All you come this way! Meet Prince Rutherford now!”

The Yak Commander leads the group to a large fire pit.

“Not-yaks, wait here! Yak bring prince!”

He rushes away as Arc turns to Ember.

“Good work Ember! Although I'm still a bit in the dark on what exactly you said.”

Ember sighs. “Our encounter yesterday taught me a bit about how they think.”

“Any advice?”

She nods. “A bit. Here's what I know...”

A short time later the Yak Commander returns with a very well adorned yak who appears to be quite a bit larger than those around him! He walks over to his spot in front of the fire and sits down as the commander introduces him.

“Lord Regent Arc! This yak leader, Prince Rutherford!”

Prince Rutherford looks disdainfully at Arc. “Hmph! So you king of Equestria, eh?! Yaks not impressed!”

Sereb growls! “Oh, I think he would surprise you.”

Prince Rutherford turns up his nose! “Yaks never surprised!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Oh really?! I'm told my bodyguard here was enough to turn back your invasion force.”

Prince Rutherford gives him a dismissive wave! “Bah! Not-yaks get lucky sometimes!”

“Nevertheless, you cannot deny that a yak was defeated by a non-yak!”

Prince Rutherford smiles coyly! “Yaks know what you trying to do! You not-yaks trying to get yaks to release pony prisoner!”

Arc looks confused. “Prisoner? I wasn't aware anyone had been taken prisoner.”

Ember shrugs. “Not from what I saw yesterday.”

“It ponies who has been trying to negotiate Crystal Empire's surrender for some time now! Yaks finally get tired of him! When he come here yesterday after battle, we lock him up!”

“General Wind Rider?!”

Prince Rutherford nods! “Ya! Thanks to him, yaks now know ponies are cowards! We take land and treasures! Fill with yaks! Strong and brave!”

Arc shakes his head angrily! “I never sent him to negotiate ANYTHING!!!”

Ember seethes! “That traitor!”

“You no believe yaks?! Yaks show you!”

Prince Rutherford leads Arc, Ember and Sereb to a small building with several large cells. In the farthest one sits General Wind Rider! Upon seeing Arc, he jumps up and runs to the bars!

“Lord Arc! You've got to get me out of here?! These yaks are crazy!”

Ember points a claw at him, angrily! “THEY'RE CRAZY?! Who was trying to sell out Equestria?!”

Wind Rider shakes his head! “I was TRYING to save lives!”

Sereb growls at the general. “Starting with your own?”

“Well, I can't lead if I'm dead, can I?!”

Arc stands there looking him over as he clenches his fists! “Ember? Is he... the one?!”

Ember nods. Not taking her eyes off of Wind Rider, coldly. “Yes.”

Prince Rutherford nods! “You see! Not-yak admit it! So Pony King... you want try negotiate for your general?!’

Arc grits his teeth! “No...”

He raises a hand toward Wind Rider. The stallion suddenly begins gasping for breath!

“What... are... you... doing?!”

Arc walks slowly toward the cell as the pony inside struggles to breathe!

“You hurt someone VERY special to me yesterday during your escape. I'm here to return the favor... scum.”

Prince Rutherford looks on, confused. “Uh... what you doing?”

Arc grins wickedly! “Just making an example of a traitor.”

Ember puts a claw on his shoulder. “Arc! Are you sure this is what Cherry would want you to do?!”

Sereb nods. “There is no glory in killing a defenseless prisoner.”

Arc considers this for a time before releasing his magical hold on the general's throat! Wind Rider falls to the floor, gasping for breath!

“Equestria would be much better off without a mentally unstable MONSTER like you on the throne!”

Arc looks to him, incredulously! “I'm a monster?! YOU left a young mare for dead under a cartload of goods!”

Wind Rider shrugs.” I'm sure she'll be fine. Besides, you can't have a war without losing at least a FEW civilians.”

Ember lunges forward with her spear, furious! “YOU'RE DEAD!!!”

Arc grabs Ember and holds her back. “Not a chance, Ember! If anything, he's mine!”

She turns around and storms out of the building.

“Tell you what, general. If Cherry survives, I'll be lenient and just send you to Tartarus! If she doesn't... I will PERSONALLY execute you!"

Prince Rutherford nods approvingly! “Impressive! Pony King strong leader!”

Arc turns around to leave the building. “You keep him Prince Rutherford. In my custody, he wouldn't live too long!”

Wind Rider gulps as the group returns to the fire pit.

“Maybe I wrong about you Pony King! You show great strength in harshly dealing with traitors!”

Arc nods. “Thanks... I think.”

“So... if you not here for general, why you come see yaks?!”

Arc sits down across from Prince Rutherford. “I was hoping to reach a peaceful settlement.”

Prince Rutherford jumps up. “Peace? PEACE?! After what your bodyguard did to my forces yesterday?!”

Ember points a claw at him angrily. “YOU attacked the Crystal Empire!”

Sereb angrily nods. “We were only defending our lands.”

Arc stands up as well. “Come now Prince Rutherford, be reasonable! You didn't lose any soldiers and neither did we! Can't we just go back to the way things were?!”

“NO! Yaks want all pony lands, and yaks want them NOW! How far Pony King willing to push yaks?!”

“Do you really want to know?”


Arc nods. “Alright. Have one of your yaks look outside the gates and tell you what they see.”

Prince Rutherford turns to the commander. “Go see what out there?!”

“Yes, Prince Rutherford!”

The Gates of Yakyakistan open and the Yak Commander leaves the city. A few minutes later he returns to Prince Rutherford's side.

“So? What you see out there?”

“Yak see snow... mountains... more snow... rocks... pony soldiers... warship... birds... sky...”

Prince Rutherford stops him! “Pony soldiers? Warship?!”

Ember nods and grins! “Yup! If you won't be reasonable, we'll go to war right here and now!”

Arc folds his arms. “Now you know just how very far I'm willing to go, Prince Rutherford.”

Prince Rutherford appears to consider the ramifications of his next action for a moment before shaking his head angrily!

“No peace! Yaks not back down from a fight! Have pride in selves!”

Arc sighs. “Is there nothing I can do or say to change your mind?”


Ember looks to Arc. “I guess you really have only one option left.”

“Yeah... I was hoping it wouldn't come to this though.”

Arc walks over to Prince Rutherford.

“What you not yak think you...”

Before he can finish his sentence, Arc punches Prince Rutherford in the mouth! The surrounding yaks quickly come to stand behind their leader!


“Challenging your leadership! I challenge you to a... what was it called again Ember?!”

“A Yakni-Kai.”

Arc points at Prince Rutherford. “Yeah! Whatever she said!”

Prince Rutherford frowns. “WHAT?! You can't do that?!”

Arc laughs. “Why not? Are you perhaps AFRAID of losing to a not-yak?!”

“Yaks afraid of NOTHING!!! YAKNI-KAI!!!”

Two yaks use their horns to make a large circle nearby. Arc and Prince Rutherford make their way there together!

Prince Rutherford looks to Ember and Sereb. “Yaks not help if bodyguards not help!”

Arc nods! “Agreed.”

Prince Rutherford plants his hooves firmly and looks up! “Anytime Pony King ready... COME AT YAK!!!”

Arc calls forth his spear! “Ha! You think you can win against the Hero of Light?!”

He lunges at Prince Rutherford who is much more agile than his girth would suggest! The prince appears confused.

“Hero of Light?! I thought you Pony King?!”

“I am!”

Prince Rutherford charges at Arc headfirst! “How you Hero of Light then?!”

Arc catches Prince Rutherford and body slams him into the ground!


“Prince Rutherford! You not able beat Hero of Light! He too powerful!”

Prince Rutherford gets up and turns to his commander. “I... I must! For pride of all yaks! No worries! Yak think of something!”

“Ya! Like yak's plan to invade Crystal Empire! Good plan!”

Arc evades another charge by Prince Rutherford's horns. "Wait a second! Prince Rutherford, yesterday’s invasion was YOUR idea?!”

He spins around to again face Arc! “Ya! Traitor pony gave advice, but idea was mine!”

Arc seethes inside his armor. His face white with fury. “So... one could say that what happened to Cherry was partially YOUR FAULT?!”

“I suppose...”

Prince Rutherford is unable to finish his sentence as Arc throws his spear to one side and tackles him. The pair roll on the ground for a moment before Arc is able to get on top of him. Grabbing his opponent's ‘beard’, Arc punches Prince Rutherford in the face over and over again.

“You... did... this... to... CHERRY!!!”

Suddenly something hits Arc in the back. It pushes him off his opponent. He wastes no time getting to his feet.

“What the…?!”

Standing bravely between Arc and Prince Rutherford is a small, female yak! She looks to Arc, angrily!

“You leave my daddy alone you big bully!”

Prince Rutherford gets up, his nose bloodied! He quickly positions himself between his daughter and Arc!

“Yona! Yaks not interfere in Yakni-Kai! Must fight to end!”

Yona shakes her head! “But father, the stories! No yak can beat Hero of Light!”

“Yak will win! Or I die trying! Either way, yak fight to end!”

Prince Rutherford nods to a couple nearby yaks. They quickly come forward and carry Yona out of the ring. She screams frantically!

“Father, NO!”

He turns back to Arc. “Where were we?”

Arc shakes his head as if to clear it. “I... I think I was about to win.”

Prince Rutherford charges forward! “NO CHANCE!!!”

Arc uses his magic to pull the Spear of Righteousness to himself! He levels it at Prince Rutherford!

“This... ends... NOW!!!”

Arc nods. “I couldn't agree more.”

As his assailant nears Arc lowers his spear. It passes under the prince! As he himself sidesteps, Arc uses Prince Rutherford's own momentum to literally throw him out of the ring! The prince lands hard on his back! Yona cries out, still being held back!


Prince Rutherford does not rise. Arc walks over to him.

“Go ahead, Pony King... end it.”

Arc raises his spear over his head, angrily! “As you wish!”

Yona’s eyes grow wide! She screams as tears cascade down her cheeks!


Arc brings his spear down with such force that the shock wave is felt through the snow! Yona falls to the ground, sobbing! “Oh Father... why...? WHY?!”

There is silence. No one speaks or even moves! A low grunt finally breaks the silence. Prince Rutherford looks up, confused as he sees Arc's spear lodged into the ground next to his head!

“Pony King... why? Why you spare yak's life?!”

He pulls his spear out of the ground and looks over to Yona. “I... didn't want to see your daughter cry.”

Arc allows his spear to fall in the snow as he sits down on the ground with Prince Rutherford.

“How about this? My bodyguards and I, along with my army will get back in our ship and return home. In return, you promise not to invade Equestria. Do we have a deal?”

Prince Rutherford nods. “Yaks agree.”

Yona runs up to her father and pounces on him happily!

“Father! You okay?!”

“Yes Yona! Yak okay! Yak sorry though!”

Yona appears confused. “What for?”

“We not conquer Equestria! Yak had hoped to do so. That way I could take you there on vacation!”

Ember’s jaw hits the floor! “WHAT?! You feel the need to conquer a country to VISIT IT?!”

Prince Rutherford looks to her, confused. “Is that not pony law?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not to my knowledge, no. Who told you that?!”

“General Wind Rider! He say the only way yaks allowed to visit is if they conquer it first!”

Sereb turns to Arc. “Why would the general lie about such a thing? Many could have been killed in such a conflict.”

Prince Rutherford looks angry! “Yak don't know, but yak no like being lied to! Pony King, you take bad pony with you?!”

Arc nods as he uses his magic to pull his spear to his hand. “Sure. Although his fate has... yet to be determined.”

Prince Rutherford spits on the ground! “He better off with you! You leave him here, I kill him myself!”

The yak Commander nods! “I go get Pony General! Bring here!”

Arc sighs as the yak rushes off! “Prince Rutherford. You and the other yaks are welcome to visit Equestria any time you wish! I only ask that you follow all our laws and customs.”

Prince Rutherford nods! “Yaks will! You followed our rules, we follow yours!”

“Thank you. I hope this is the beginning of a true alliance between Yakyakistan and Equestria.”

The prince frowns! “Don't push it. Yaks still mad about general!”

Arc nods. “Understandable.”

The Yak Commander rushes up to Prince Rutherford!

“General pony gone! Escape!”

Ember facepalms! “Of course he did!”

Arc clenches his fists, angrily! “If he shows his face in Equestria again I'll make him regret it!”

Prince Rutherford nods! “Same here! We find him, we end him!”

“Agreed! Well, we should be getting back to Equestria now. Sereb?”

Sereb approaches Arc and allows himself to be mounted. Arc turns to Yona.

“Yona... I'm sorry I hurt your dad.”

Yona smiles happily! “Is okay! He go easy on you!”

Ember mutters to herself. “Right...”

Arc tuns to leave with Ember and Sereb. “Farewell Prince Rutherford. I hope when next we meet it will be under happier circumstances.”

They walk toward the gates. The Yak Sentry opens them as they near. The Yak Commander waves from the prince’s side!

“Goodbye pretty birdie! Come visit again soon!”

Arc and Sereb snicker to themselves. Ember turns to them angrily.

“Something you two find funny?!”

Arc and Sereb smile and reply in unison. “Nothing!”

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