• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 12 - Bed Talks

Arc and Twilight walk down the corridor toward his quarters. Entering, he gestures to the couch.

“Why don’t we have a seat?”

“Th-thank you.”

As they sit down, Twilight looks out the window nervously. Arc turns to her.

“So… um… you’re a princess now.”

“Yes, I… I suppose I am.”

Arc looks her over for a few moments. “Other than the crown and wings, I don’t really see anything new.”

Twilight sighs. “Princess Celestia told me that I would change slowly over time. It’d be gradual enough that I wouldn’t really notice. It would help ease me into my new role.”

“Are you… okay with that?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”


“After all, you should have seen how happy everypony looked at my coronation.”


“They were cheering, and laughing, and waving, and… and…”


Twilight: …and my parents looked SO proud of me. Oh! And Princess Celestia as well. Everypony just…

Arc: Twilight!

<She stops talking as Arc continues.>

Arc: That wasn’t the question.

Twilight: Huh?

“I asked if YOU were okay with this.”

“With what?”

Arc: Becoming a princess.

Twilight sighs. “Princess Celestia needed me.”


Twilight frowns. “I don’t know!”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Twilight breaks it.

“Sorry. But I… I just… I was just told that I was needed.”

Arc shakes his head. “Did Celestia stop to ask if that’s what you wanted though?”

“Nopony asked about that. I mean… I could have said ‘no’, of course. But… Princess Celestia’s done so much for me over the years. I just didn’t want to… you know…”

“Let her down?”

Twilight nods as Arc frowns.

“That is really… loyal of you, Twilight. But what she was asking wasn’t something simple.”

“It looked that way.”

Arc appears confused. “Huh?”

“I just went with her to the Celestial Realm. We saw all my actions portrayed on screens all around us before I was picked up by very powerful magic and changed into an alicorn… somehow.”

“I don’t mean the process was simple, Twilight. What I meant was that she asked too much of you.”

“It really isn’t a problem for me. After all, I’ve been listening to her for almost as long as I can remember.”

“She asked you to leave behind everything and everyone you’ve ever known to take a thankless job that saps your energy and mental stability.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Oh, I don’t think it’s THAT bad.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “You haven’t ruled yet, Twilight.”

“How would you know…?”

He looks at her silently for a time as Twilight processes what he said. Eventually she nods soberly.

“I… guess you would know, huh?”

“Yeah. I really don’t want that burden placed on you.”

Twilight sighs. “Well, it already was. Nothing to do about that.”


For a few moments no one says a word.

“I’m sorry, Twilight. But I just didn’t like how this matter was apparently decided for you without any kind of consent.”

“And I appreciate that. But what’s done is done.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I did think your coronation speech was very nice.”

Twilight appears surprised. “You… you were there?”

Arc nods. “On a balcony some distance away, yes. I saw the whole thing.”

“Why didn’t you…?”

“I hadn’t gotten my memory back yet. But at the time I felt something was very wrong. In my mind I was certain I knew you. However that was all. Just a feeling.”

“Could you bring me up to speed on what exactly happene?”

Arc sighs. “Now would probably be a good time, yes. Better get comfortable. This is going to take a while.”

He takes several hours to explain his and the Scarlet Filly’s exploits to Twilight. When done, she appears rattled.

“That’s… just so much to take in!”

“You don’t believe me?”

“Oh, I do. But… it’s beyond an adventure. At least any that my friends and I ever went on.”

“Yeah, I suppose so.”

“Dinky went after you, you know.”

“She did mention that.”

“And we went after her.”

“Thanks. From what I was told, she and her friends were in over their heads.”

“They’re okay, mind you.”

“Yeah. But I… I don’t know what I would have done had that not been the outcome.”

“You don’t want to lose her, I know.”

“You’re right. I don’t. But at the same time I know that I can’t just shelter her from everything.”

Arc looks at Twilight and smiles as he puts a hand under her chin.

“Kinda like you.”


“Yes. I really don’t want the life of a princess for you, Twilight. But as things stand, I can’t really change that for you.”

“You could, yes.”


Twilight smiles and blushes. “You forget… we’re looking at forming a herd, Arc. If you wanted, you could just make me give up my position as a Princess of Equestria as part of the marriage vows.”

“I don’t think you understand…”

“Remember, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make this work after all.”

“And I do appreciate your enthusiasm. But I don’t want you to think that I can control you like that.”

“But you can! You’re the Hero of Light, after all.”

“And you’re a princess. But even if you weren’t, our herd doesn’t mean that you and the others will be my property… right?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “Kinda. At least that’s how it worked in the past.”


“That’s why Princess Celestia outlawed it years ago. She wanted to free everypony from such things.”

“And you knew this the whole time?!”

Twilight nods. “I did, yes.”

“Then why did you suggest forming something like this?!”

Twilight smiles as she looks Arc in the eye. “Because all of us trust you, Arc. You’ll never make us do anything that we don’t want to. And even if you did, the girls and I all understand that it would be what’s best for us.”

“I… I don’t want to… it wasn’t my intention…”

Taking a deep breath, Arc continues.

“Twilight, you and the others are individuals with rights and feelings like everyone else. Do they know what herds entail?”

“Yes. That was the first thing we talked about.”

“What were their feelings about that?”

“They all said roughly what I already did. We all want you to be with us for the rest of our lives. And we’d be very happy with you caring for and protecting us.”

“Aren’t you afraid that I could just lord over you?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, Arc. We know you would never do that.”

“How can you be so sure?!”

Twilight puts a hoof on his hand. “Because we know you, Arc. It isn’t in your nature to hurt others. I mean, look what you did with the Scarlet Filly.”


“Yes. She’s literally your… what did you call it again?”

“My thrall.”

“You own her. Mind, body, and soul. But you refused to use her in such a manner as her father did.”

“She deserves better than that.”

“Right. That’s why we have no qualms about turning our lives and hearts over to you to do with them as you wish, Arc.”

“Even if we do this, I refuse to take any of you as property.”

Twilight smiles as she leans against him.

“And that’s why we trust you so much. You care for us so much that our happiness is always in the forefront of your mind.”



“Are you still okay with all of this?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, you ARE a princess now.”

“I am, yes. But I’m still the same mare inside. With the same feeling, wants, and desires.”

“Does the law say anything about an alicorn princess joining a herd?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. But all laws regarding herds were nullified when they were banned. Remember, such things don’t apply to you though.”

“About that… am I still the Hero of Light.”

Twilight sits up, confused. “Um… yes. Why wouldn’t you be?”

“Well, Decimus was appointed to the position, so I just thought that maybe that would have revoked my… authorization, I guess.”

“The law doesn’t say how many Heroes of Light there can be at once. Remember, the previous ones were a duo. But they still shared the same power and responsibilities.”

“What about when Celestia finds out I’m still alive? Couldn’t she just… fire me, or something?”

“I actually already considered that. Checking the law, I found that the Hero of Light is a lifetime appointment and cannot be removed under normal circumstances.”


“Well, there is a section that states how appointments work. A simple majority of the currently sitting princesses have to agree on the matter for somepony to be elevated to the position. At the time that was Luna and Cadance, so you’re appointment was completely legal.”

“That’s good. So Celestia can’t just unilaterally dismiss me, huh?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. There’s another part of that legal section that does state how to remove a Hero of Light though.”


“Just like with appointment, removal has to be agreed upon by a majority of the sitting princesses. It’s never been done before, but the language is in there.”

“So we could use that to remove Decimus from his position?”

“Yes. But Princess Celestia would never agree to that. After all, she’s always telling my how much she admires him. Their family has served for generations though, so they’re pretty well established friends.”

“But I can still take him out, right?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. As you know, the Hero of Light is effectively above the law. Meaning that they’re the only ones whom could confront one another. Again, on paper. But do you really think it’ll come to that?”

Arc sighs. “I can’t see it ending any other way.”

“Princess Celestia will be furious though.”

“I’m already mad enough that he burned down Ponyville.”

“But she could…!”

“We can’t just let either of them continue on, Twilight. Both of us are here to serve the public and to protect the innocent, after all. And to do nothing would mean betraying the trust of those whom look to us for safety.”

Twilight sighs. “Yes, you’re right. I’m just a little… nervous about having to do this to my friend and mentor.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “But that’s why Celestia put you here.”


“She knew you would do what’s right for the nation.”

“I’ll certainly try. But I can’t do this alone.”


“If you have to… remove Princess Celestia, that is.”

“You won’t have to. I’ll be there by your side until either Luna or Cadance comes back to help.”

“Do you promise?”

Arc nods. “Yes, Twilight. Believe me when I say that I won’t leave you alone with such a burden.”

“Thank you, I do appreciate that.”

She looks up at him as he smiles.



“I… I love you.”

“And I love you too, Twilight.”

Putting his hands on her cheeks, Arc draws close to her. Their lips meet as they share a passionate kiss together. Twilight wraps her hooves around his neck and leans into the embrace. Falling backwards to lie on the couch, they continue kissing for some time. Eventually Twilight breaks the embrace. She lies on his belly, smiling happily.

“That… was incredible!”

Arc chuckles. “First time?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. But it just felt right.”

Arc grins as he muses to himself. Twilight appears confused.

“What is it?”

“I was just thinking. What I’m doing right now… most only dream about.”


“Kissing a princess.”

Twilight giggles. “And more someday, right?”

“You still want foals, huh?”

“Yes. But at the same time we’ve accepted that it’s probably not possible for us to be impregnated by you. Even with Auriel’s help, that is.”

“And you’re all okay with that?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. Auriel can still be the one to carry on your bloodline. And we’ll all help raise the foals that she bears for you.”

“I’d… like that.”

“To make foals with Auriel?”

“To raise them in a loving home.”

Twilight giggles. “We’ll all do our best.”

She locks lips with him again before they fall asleep together on the couch together. Napping for a time, Arc eventually wakes up and carries Twilight to the bed. Laying her down, he carefully takes his place next to her and gently strokes her mane as he muses to himself.

“I never thought I’d feel this way about someone. Let alone a group of someones.”

Cherry giggles telepathically. “Or ponies for that matter.”

“Yeah, well… life’s kinda strange sometimes.”

“I know you’ll make them very happy, Arc.”

“Thanks. It’s just… I still wish you could be a part of it.”

Cherry sighs. “Arc, we’ve gone over this. You need to move on and find others to share your life with.”

“Yes, I know. I just mean that I wanted you to be part of the herd.”

“I’d have loved that, Arc. But what can’t be, can’t be.”

Arc groans inwardly. “Yeah. But it doesn’t change how I feel.”

“Me either. The real difference is that I’ve gotten past it.”

“Can I ask how?”

“It’s… complicated. Your mindset changes a lot after death, I suppose. It broadens your horizons a bit. Let’s you see that which you couldn’t when alive.”

“I don’t really get it.”

“Sorry, but I don’t really know how else to describe it.”

Twilight opens her eyes and looks to Arc.

“Did you say something, my dear?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Dear?”

Twilight blushes. “S-sorry! I thought I was still dreaming!”

Arc grins. “Nope. You’re awake.”

Cherry calls out audibly. “Arc and I were just talking.”

Arc nods. “Sorry if we woke you.”

“It’s alright. “

Rolling over, Twilight lays on top of Arc. Putting her hooves around his neck, she sighs contentedly.

“Someday this may be the norm for all of us.”

“I hope so.”

“Do you think we could live in Canterlot, Arc?”

“Not sure how the others would feel about that.”

“They’d all have their own private rooms to do with as they wished. And we could have a really big communal one for… fun times.”

“Don’t you think you should run that by Princess Celestia first.”

Twilight gasps. “Oh no!”

“What’s wrong?”

“She HATES humans!”

“Um… yes, I know. Do you think that’ll be a problem?”

“It will be!”

“So… what should we do?”

Twilight jumps out of bed and starts pacing. “Idon’tknow, Idon’tknow, Idon’tknow!”

“Maybe Canterlot wouldn’t be the best place for everyone then.”

“But I have to live there! I’m a princess!”

“Cadance doesn’t.”

Twilight stops to consider this. “I…! I suppose that’s true.”

“How about Ponyville?”


Arc shrugs. “We’ve all already put down roots there. Everyone has a job already too.”

“But where would we live? Nopony has a house that could fit us all.”

“Well… I suppose we could hire someone to build one for us.”

“Build one? You mean from the ground up?”

Arc nods. “Sure. Like you said, everyone could have their own room and personal space. That way we would have a place to call our own while still living together.”

“Where would we build it?”

“I’m not sure. We’d have to talk to the mayor about building permits and parcel sizes first.”

Twilight giggles. “You forget that the law doesn’t apply to you, Arc.”

“That may be. But I do try to follow it whenever possible. After all, you can’t enforce the law if you don’t first obey it yourself.”

“I guess that makes sense. But we’d need a huge place to make that work! Something along the lines of a literal mansion.”

“I have most of the money I’ve been paid as the Hero of Light, and all my wages as the Lord Regent.”

“Is that a lot?”

Arc chuckles. “My safe at Light’s Hope was full to bursting last I knew. I finally had to call Canterlot and tell them to start depositing my pay in the bank.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “You’ve been having your pay kept at the base?”

“I didn’t like the idea of Filthy Rich having my money in his bank.”

“Fair enough. I’ll try to help if I can too.”

“Sorry if this sounds rude, but… how much does a princess get paid?”

Twilight shrugs. “I don’t actually know. Princess Celestia told me an account had been created at the Canterlot Bank in my name. But I didn’t ask any more about it at the time and haven’t inquired as to how much is in it.”

“With housing, food, clothes, and utilities paid for I can understand why you wouldn’t check regularly.”

“Exactly. But I’ll try to keep up on this better in the future.”

“It’s fine, Twilight. After all, nothing’s going to happen anytime soon.”

“It’s not?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Remember, I have yet to deal with the Celestia and Decimus matter. And even if it was resolved tomorrow, all of us need to get together and see what exactly it is that we want.”


“First and foremost that this whole herd thing is what we really want.”

“That we do.”

“I don’t want to form something like this only to find that we can’t coexist.”

Twilight sighs. “Admittedly, I would be sad if only some of us formed a herd, of course. But at the same time everypony needs to be in agreement here.”


“The question now is where do we start?”

“By talking.”

“Like we are now?”

Arc nods. “Right. It’s like building a house. There’s lots of planning, meetings and things written out on paper before even one spoonful of dirt is moved. A blueprint needs to be agreed upon before we should even consider actually doing anything.”

“Taking it slow.”

“I know that probably isn’t what you or the others want to hear. But it’s for the good of everyone.”

Twilight giggles. Arc appears confused.

“Not exactly what I was expecting.”

“I’m just so very happy, Arc.”

“That I’m dragging my feet on this?”

“No. You’re concerned enough to force us to think about this rationally. Anypony else would have jumped at the chance to marry this many mares.”

“And a princess.”

Twilight grins. “Right."

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