• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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*Chapter 11 - A Promise Kept

Arc, Ember, and the Mane Six board the train to Canterlot. As they sit down Arc turns to them and smiles.

“Thank you all for coming with me on this trip. These days it seems that every time I set out to complete what SHOULD be a simple task, it turns into a monumental, life-altering experience.”

Twilight looks to Arc and smiles as the train pulls away from the station. “It's no problem. That and I hope to be able to spend some time with my old foalsitter, Cadance. It's been so long since we last saw one another.”

Applejack turns toward Ember as the young dragon begins sharpening her spear. “Uh Ember... what the hay are you doing?”

“If the past is any indication, I plan on being ready for trouble.”

Rarity sits down and makes herself comfortable. “Suit yourself darling. But I’m certain that this will be a simple task.”

The several hour train trip is thankfully uneventful. As the train arrives at Canterlot Station the party disembarks. Arc steps out of the car and down onto the platform as he looks around.

“A quiet trip. I could get used to this.”

Ember looks around nervously. “Don't get too comfortable now. Remember, we've only just arrived.”

Arc and company make their way toward Canterlot Castle. As they approach the outer gates the party are stopped by two Royal Guards.

“Halt! State your business!”

Twilight steps forward. “Good afternoon, sir. I'm Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia. We've come here today on official business in order to bring something to the princesses.”

“I'm sorry miss, but the princesses are quite busy today. If your business is not of critical importance, please come back in a few days or so.”

Rarity seethes at this. “A few days?! We’ve come all the way from Ponyville! We can't wait around that long!”

“I am sorry, but those are the princess' orders, ma’am. That and they have far too many audiences today as it is.”

Arc approaches the guards and holds out the insignias given to him earlier that day. “I understand you have your orders. However, I have a promise to keep. These must be delivered to the princesses immediately.”

The guard sighs and turns to look at the insignias. As they come into his field of vision his eyes grow wide and he speaks in a nervous tone.

“I'm sorry, sir! We didn't know who you were! Forgive us! Please proceed!”

The castle guards and his subordinates just inside stand aside and allow the party to enter the castle with Arc in the lead. Applejack looks over her shoulder as they pass the guards.

“What the hay do you suppose that was all about?”

Rainbow Dash laughs. “Who cares! Arc got us in!”

Ember looks around nervously. “Can anyone else feel that?”

Pinkie appears to be having a seizure. “I do! My Pinkie sense is going crazy!”

Fluttershy appears ready to flee at a moment’s notice. “What... what is it?”

Ember narrows her eyes. “There's tension in the air. That can only mean one thing... preparations for war!”

Arc grimaces. “I certainly hope you’re wrong, my friend.”

“So do I.”

The group makes their way toward the Audience Chamber. There is a long line of important looking ponies waiting for an audience. Arc walks up to the nearby officer.

“Pardon me, but I need to see the princesses.”

The Royal Guard commander looks over the strange group that stands before him, clearly confused. “Yes, well… it will be many hours, as there are so many audiences ahead of you.”

He procures a scroll, most likely with other audience requests on it before speaking again.

“What is the purpose of your audience today?”

Arc produces the insignias and holds them up to the commander. “I have come on behalf of the Heroes of Light in order to present the princesses with these.”

Upon seeing the insignias, the Royal Guard Commander drops his quill and scroll and runs into the Audience Chamber. Awkwardly he passes the ponies who are currently addressing the princesses and kneels before them out of breath

“Your highnesses! I am very sorry to interrupt! But this is a matter of greatest importance!”

Princess Luna glares at him. “This had better be important, commander! You of all ponies must know that we are quite busy right now!”

“My apologies, Princess Luna. But I must report that a strange looking... creature... has just arrived with an entourage of ponies and a dragon! He bears the insignias of the Heroes of Light and requests an audience!”

Princess Cadance looks up at this and gasps. “I believe I know who it is. Thank you, commander. Send the group in at once.”

The Princess of the Night turns her attention back to the current audience.

“We will pick this up again at a later date.”

They bow and leave with the Royal Guard Commander. Meanwhile, outside the Audience Chamber, Arc and his companions attempt to figure out what they just witnessed. Fluttershy tilts her head to one side, clearly confused as she speaks.

“Well, that was odd.”

Twilight sighs. “I’ll say.”

Ember looks around suspiciously. “I don’t like this!”

Arc turns to her. “Well, what would you like? I mean… it’s not like we’re in any danger here of all places.”

Ember narrows her eyes as she puts her spear over her shoulder. “Maybe you aren’t. But think about it from my point of view.”

“What do you mean?”

Ember counts on her claws as she speaks. “Escaped dragon convict from Tartarus, armed and dangerous, surrounded on all sides by Royal Guards...”

Arc interrupts her. “Okay, you do have a point! Sheesh!”

The doors open and the previous audience leaves looking rather unsatisfied. The Royal Guard Commander from earlier approaches Arc quickly and salutes.

“The princesses will see you now, sir!”

“Thanks. That was fast.”

The commander leads them toward the door. As they do so, Arc and company walk past all of the other ponies waiting for their own audiences. Those assembled whisper to one another, wondering who this strange creature is that they rank such great importance. Arc enters the Audience Chamber first followed by Ember, Twilight and the rest of her friends. They approach the thrones and the Mane Six bow respectfully. Twilight does not raise her head as she speaks.

“Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.”

Cadance steps down from her throne and gives her friend a hug. “Twilight! Glad to see you're all right after the Tartarus incident!”

Luna approaches the group as well, stoically. “Indeed. However, I must say that I was less than pleased to hear that you chose a single life over the security of an entire country and its inhabitants.”

Twilight bows her head to. “I am very sorry, Princess Luna. The blame for that is all mine. Whatever punishment you deem to be fair I will gladly accept.”

“I shall leave that particular decision up to my sister when she returns.”

Luna turns to Arc and looks him up and down, clearly unimpressed. After a few moments she continues.

“I suppose that you must be the one Twilight risked everything to save.”

Applejack approaches Arc and stands by his side. “It wasn’t just Twilight, your majesty.”

Rarity steps forward as well. “We all played a part in the battle.”

Cadance looks to Luna. “As did I, if you recall.”

Frowning, Luna returns her gaze to the human before her. “Arc, was it? Tell me something. What is it about you that causes others to abandon all logic and reason?”

Arc appears confused. “I don’t understand what you mean.”

“As important as you may be to these little ponies, I cannot seem to understand why they would risk everything to liberate you from Tartarus.”

Arc sighs. “I've actually been wondering that myself. In all Honesty, I can understand why Twilight would go to such lengths due to our past but...”

He turns to the others before continuing.

“...but why did the rest of you do it?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Well, I guess you could say that it wouldn't be very Loyal of me if I let a pal of mine rot in Tartarus for a crime that they didn't commit!”

Rarity turns her nose up indignantly. “And I too could not stand idly by and let such an injustice stand! How could I have done anything less and still have been able to call myself the Element of Generosity?!”

Applejack nods soberly. “It wouldn't be very Honest of me to let the innocent pay for Twilight's mistake.”

Pinkie raises a hoof excitedly. “Oh, oh! Me next! From what I’ve heard, Tartarus must be a place completely devoid of any kind of Laughter! I couldn't leave my buddy Arc in there forever!”

Fluttershy looks around nervously. “Um... Arc is our friend. And... you know... Kindness and all...”

Arc chuckles. “Well, I suppose that we both have our answer now, Princes Luna. Apparently it all boils down to the Power of Friendship. That and I have to admit, I never would have gotten this far without the help of everyone here.”

The Mane Six call out in unison. “YEAH!”

Cadance laughs. “Can’t argue with that logic!”

Luna facehoofs. “Methinks you should be very grateful Arc, to have friends like these. Friends willing to go to hell and back for you.”

A small smile emerges as she continues.

“And, I confess, I am a bit jealous of you for that. However, I am sure you didn't come all this way to talk about the past. My commander tells me you have something to give Cadance and I.”

Arc steps forward. “Yes. I made a promise that I would deliver these to you personally.”

He holds out the insignias of the Heroes of Light. Picking them up with her magic as she sits down on her haunches, Luna stares at them for a few moments as the insignias come to rest in her hooves. A single tear lands between them. Turning away, Luna does her best to compose herself before speaking.

“Arc... please tell me... how... how did they... how did my friends... meet their end?”

“They didn’t.”

Luna appears confused. “What?”

“The Heroes of Light are still alive and well. But... let's just say that they found something much more important to protect.”

Luna nods. “I don't understand what that is supposed to mean. But I will, of course, respect their wishes.”

“Perhaps someday you will.”

“Only time will tell, it seems.”

There is silence for another few moments as Luna reflects on the past. Eventually she stands and turns toward the doors.

“All of you, follow me. We must lay these to rest at once.”

Exiting the Audience Chambers, the group walks down innumerable corridors for what seems like an eternity before stopping before a large door in the lower part of the castle. Twilight looks around before turning to Cadance and whispering.

“Isn't this the Forbidden Wing of the castle? What are we doing here?”

“Not everything down here is dangerous, Twilight. Some things are just very... precious to us princesses.”

Luna uses her magic to insert a very old key into a lock. As she turns it the doors open wide. Inside is quite bright with the light of day. A stark change from the dimly lit hallways. Luna turns to the group as she speaks.

“Come, everypony Enter the Mausoleum of the Heroes of Light with me.”

They step into the large brightly lit round room with pedestals all around the perimeter. A single small pedestal sits silently in the center. Princess Luna slowly walks toward a pedestal with the insignias.

“This part never gets any easier.”

She lays the two insignias next to each other on the pedestal in front of an old photograph of her standing with the previous Heroes of Light whom are clad in their signature armor. Luna looks at the picture for a long moment before turning back to the others.

“This was taken after their first successful mission.”

Cadance looks at the photo. “I don't believe I’ve ever heard you mention that before. What was the mission?”

“There were rumors of an assassination plot against my sister. The Heroes of Light set out to seek the truth.”

Luna is silent for a few moments before continuing.

“As it turned out, the rumors were meant to be merely a distraction while the real target was left largely unguarded. Fortunately, the Heroes of Light discovered the truth in time to foil the plot.”

She hangs her head silently as Arc looks over at the picture.

“Princess Luna... it was you, wasn't it? You were the intended target.”

Luna nods sadly. “Yes, that is true. I owe everything to those two.”

She looks back to Arc before speaking again.

“I…hope to see them again one day.”

Arc nods. “If I ever encounter them on my journey, I will certainly tell them.”

“Thank you.”

Luna stares at the photo for what seems a long time before turning away, uttering only a few parting words.

“So long… old friends. May you find happiness.”

Both princesses walk to the forefront of the room to a single item on a pedestal. Luna turns to face Arc.

“Now then, I want you to look around. Tell me… what do you see?”

Arc looks around for a few moments. “The insignias of many, many heroes.”

Cadence steps toward him and waves a hoof at the numerous pedestals. Each of them bearing a single insignia along with what appears to be a corresponding item of importance.

“These are the insignias of our nation’s fallen Heroes of Light. You see, every time Equestria was in danger, they answered the call of duty. Every one of them knew what their ultimate fate would be. Yet they still chose to take up their weapons and fight.”

Arc nods soberly. “And… you want me to do the same.”

Luna puts a hoof on a pedestal. “Yes. Please understand that one day your own insignia will be brought here and set next to the previous two. Knowing this... do you still accept the burden of a fore mentioned duty?”

“I do.”

Luna and Cadance each put a hoof on the pedestal soberly. Luna looks to Arc and speaks.

“With this insignia you will be known to all Equestria as the new Hero of Light. Pick it up and wear it proudly.”

Arc touches his magic ring and focuses. Eidolon’s Ward appears in a flash of light. He places his helmet upon his head before picking up the insignia from the pedestal. Looking at it in his hand for a few moments before taking a long look around at the others who came before him, Arc presses the insignia to his right shoulder. It magically adheres to his armor. Cadance bows her head to him and smiles, clearly relieved.

“Thank you, Arc. May you always defend these lands and those who reside in them.”

Arc nods. “I will. That much I promise. But I suppose the question is... what do I do now?”

Luna takes a deep breath and sighs. “Most of Equestrian’s believe that the Hero of Light is merely an extension of the princesses’ authority. However, nothing could be further from the truth. You see... the Hero of Light must be allowed to act independently and as they see fit. While it is true that we may appear to ‘send’ the Hero of Light on certain missions occasionally, their real task is the safety of this country and its inhabitants well-being. Even... even if that threat comes from royalty.”

Rainbow Dash’s head snaps forward at this revelation. “Wait a second! So, you're saying... that can't be!”

Cadance nods her head sadly. “Yes, Rainbow Dash. The main reason Princess Celestia first created the Hero of Light position was to be a final defense in the event that a princess should go rogue and try to usurp the others. As such, the Hero of Light has full legal authority to take whatever steps they deem... necessary... to bring such a situation back under control and restore order. The title and position were coined in response to the Nightmare Moon incident so many years ago.

Luna shudders as Twilight looks over to Cadance, wide-eyed. “Are... are you saying that Princess Celestia created the Hero of Light as a warrior to... KILL PRINCESSES?!”

Cadance puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder as she nods soberly. “Twilight… the three of us all know of this truth and agree that the safety of Equestria and its inhabitants must be of primary concern. Even above the life of a princess.”

Twilight begins to tear up. “But... that can't be!”

Turning to her friend, she looks to him pleadingly before continuing.

“Arc, you wouldn't really hurt a princess, would you?!”

Walking over to his friend, Arc kneels down in front of the purple mare in an effort to meet her gaze.

“Twilight, listen to me. You know that I would never hurt anyone who didn’t truly deserve it. If it came right down to it, I would of course do what needed to be done. But only after exhausting EVERY other option available to me. We all know that it’s not always easy to do the right thing. So, to answer your question, let’s just say... I would do what needed to be done to protect the innocent.”

“I... I know. Thank you, Arc.”

He helps Twilight up as the pair turn back to Luna.

“Arc, as the Hero of Light you have many responsibilities. However, you also have many powers now at your command. First, in the course of your duties, you may ask any question of any citizen at any time. And as per the law, you WILL receive an answer.”

Cadance steps forward to pick up where Luna left off. “Second, any order given by you carries the same weight as if it came from a princess herself. All ponies are taught from an early age about the Hero of Light. They know that to defy them is to defy the Royal Sisters themselves.”

Luna nods. “And third, you have the right to a small personal cadre of soldiers placed under your direct command. While they will remain a part of the Equestrian military, they will take orders ONLY from you.”

“You mean, like reinforcements?”

“Yes. Should you need assistance with a task in the course of your duties, they will be there to render whatever aid you need. There is only the question of what kind of soldiers you would like assigned to you.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “What kind?”

“Each princess has their personal preference. My sister has Royal Guards whom shine in their defensive capabilities. I have Lunar Protectors whom excel in stealth and subterfuge. And Cadance has Crystal Defenders whom are above all others in magical combat.”

Arc thinks for a moment before speaking.

“In that case, I choose to take on Lunar Protectors to compliment my already sizable offensive and defensive capabilities.”

Cadance smiles. “A wise choice, to be sure. We shall see to it that you are assigned the desired troops shortly.”

Luna looks to the others. “In any case, you are all welcome to stay the night here in the castle. The guards will show you each to your rooms. But in the meantime, there are still a few things the three of us must discuss in private.”

The Mane Six and Ember leave the chambers with some guards. Cadance uses her magic to close the doors behind them as she turns to Arc.

“Now we can talk in private.”

Arc frowns. “Is something wrong, Princess Cadance?”

Luna sighs. “There is always something amiss in Equestria. Now more than ever it seems.”

Cadance instinctively lowers her voice. “Luna and I have done our best to keep it under wraps, but...”

Luna cuts her off. “Arc, you must not breathe a word of this to ANYPONY! Not to your friends! Nor to your guards! Not even to your priest! Do you understand?!”


Cadance nods and looks to him soberly. “Arc, what we are about to tell you is our most closely guarded state secret. Tell us, what do you know of Princess Celestia?”

“Well, I have heard from several others that she is off on some diplomatic mission somewhere or other. That's not the case though, is it?”

Luna shakes her head. “You are very perceptive. The truth of the matter is that Princess Celestia... my sister, is... missing. In reality, we have absolutely no idea where she could have gone.”

Arc frowns. “How did this happen though?”

Luna looks to a window. “One morning, when she failed to raise the sun on time, I took care of it myself. At the time I assumed that she had merely overslept. However, when I went to her room to check on her, I found it empty.”

“What steps are being taken to find her?”

Luna sighs. “Our greatest sages have put their heads together and have used their considerable magical powers to create a device that can amplify their scrying abilities over great distances.”

“The only thing we have learned is that Aunt Celestia is definitely not in Equestria. The search is being extended to the neighboring countries, but that will take time to do via magical means. And at this point we have no clues, no leads, and no idea where to turn.”

“Is there anything that I could do to help?”

Luna shakes her head sadly. “I wish there was. This land is greatly imperiled without my sister here to maintain order.”

“Luna and I are doing the best we can. But we don't have the faith of the citizenry like Aunt Celestia does.”

Arc sighs. “Then I guess all I can do is try to keep situations that sow dissent and unrest under control. If I come across anything in my travels, I will of course pass it on.”

Luna nods. “I am sorry to throw all of this at you so soon, but I fear time is a luxury we don't have. But right now, we should see about assigning you your support troops.”

Cadance gestures to the doors. “The guards are currently training in the yard. Would you care to follow me to observe them and choose your squad, Arc?”

“Yes, I need some time to digest all of this anyways.”

As he turns to leave with Cadance, Luna calls out after him.



Luna appears nervous as she uses her magic to levitate a small but rather ornate looking wooden box over to Arc.

“Please take this and keep it safe at all times. Inside is a note explaining its purpose. It is my hope that you will never have need of it, but... this is a burden that the Hero of Light must carry alone.”

Arc accepts the box and puts it in his satchel. “Um... okay. I'll take good care of... whatever is in here.”

Luna appears relieved to be rid of her burden. “Thank you, Arc. Please do.”

Leaving the room together, Cadance and Arc make the long walk upstairs. They make their way over to the observation post overlooking the yard. As they arrive the pair find the Lunar Protector commander about to start some training exercises. He bows respectfully as Cadance approaches him.

“Princess Cadance? What brings you to our training exercises?”

Cadance gestures to Arc with a hoof. “Commander, I would like you to meet our nations new Hero of Light.”

Arc nods cordially. “Name’s Arc.”

The commander snaps to attention and salutes him as he should “Sir, it is an honor to meet you!”

Cadance looks toward the yard. “Hero of Light Arc has just informed me of his intention to use Lunar Protectors as his personal squad.”

The commander grins. “I shall see to it that he receives the finest we have to offer then!”

Arc looks out at the innumerable Lunar Guards all lined up and standing at attention. “Thank you, commander. But may I first see your troops in action?”

“Of course! We were planning on some drills today!”

“Any chance of some war games?”

The commander looks a bit confused. “Our troops are used to working silently and independently. It is quite rare for us to run such maneuvers, sir.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Perhaps Arc merely wishes to see how they adapt to changes in itinerary.”

Arc smiles as he continues to look out the window. “Something like that, yes.”

Saluting, the commander nods. “Very well! It shall be done at once!”

The Lunar Protector commander turns to the loudspeaker and barks the new orders to the troops as Cadance steps over to the window to join Arc. Arc immediately notices that the Lunar Protectors all have dark coats, elongated pupils similar to lizards, and wings that look like they belong on a bat.

“All right listen up troops! We have a last minute change of plans! Today we’ll be running war games! Give it your all, as Princess Cadance herself will be watching the exercises along with our new Hero of Light whom is looking for candidates for his squad! I don't need to tell you how great an honor it is to be assigned to such a post! So, don't mess up!”

Training weapons are passed out to the troops who stand at opposite ends of the training grounds. When all is ready, the commander calls out the command.


As the two sides charge, each soldier engages an opponent in one-on one combat. The commander shakes his head as he turns to Arc and Cadance.

“This is why we don't usually do things like this. As you can see, Lunar Protectors are trained to fight independently. They do poorly in a group setting.”

Arc points a finger to a group of soldiers who seem to be supporting each other in battle. “Well, what about those four over there?”

The commander groans as he facehoofs. “Them again?! I'm sorry you had to witness this disgraceful display sir! Those are some of the worst Lunar Protectors I have ever had the displeasure of instructing!”

Cadance appears confused. “Oh? What’s wrong with them?”

“They just don't take to their training! But not to worry, your highness! I will personally discharge them as soon as these maneuvers are done!”

Arc looks over the field one last time. “Yes, well… you can stop the exhibition now. I've seen enough.”

The commander shouts over the loudspeaker. “All soldiers, hold position!”

He then points a hoof at the a fore mentioned group of soldiers.

“You four, get your flanks up here!”

Arc looks to the officer as he again turns to them. “Commander, I would like to speak with these four before you discharge them.”

“By your command, sir!”

The four arrive shortly and line up before their commanding officer. He paces in front of them angrily for a few moments before speaking.

“I think you all know why you're up here! But before I say my peace, the Hero of Light himself would like a word with you!”

Arc steps forward and looks the four over before turning to look at one of them. “Tell me, what is the basis for your training?”

“To work independently to accomplish the objective, sir!”

Arc nods. “Uh huh… and what did you do down there?”

“The four of us supported each other in the fight, sir!”

“Might I ask why?”

“Because it was the most efficient way to complete the objective, sir!”

Arc turns to the other three. “Do the rest of you agree with what your companion just said?”

They look at each other a moment before nodding. Arc continues.

“Good. As long as it’s unanimous.”

Arc turns back to the Lunar Protector’s commander before continuing.

“Sir, I don't think you need to waste your time lecturing these four. It's obvious to me that they will never adapt to doing things your way.”

“I agree, sir!”

“That’s why I want them as my guard.”

The commander gasps. “Sir? Are you serious?!”


Cadance turns to the four soldiers. “That settles the matter. You four are hereby permanently assigned to the Hero of Light’s command. Go and see the quartermaster now about requisitioning new armor and report back to him for further orders.”

The four salute and leave to carry out their instructions as their former commander grimaces and looks to Arc.

“Sir, I must protest! Those four are a disgrace to their uniforms and to all that which the Lunar Protectors hold dear!”

Arc turns to leave. “Not to worry, commander. For you see, I have... plans for them.”

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