• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 17 - New Destinations

Arc and company head for the castle hanger and approach the Lunar Destiny. Brightwing almost falls over backwards as she looks up at the ship from Sereb’s back.

“Woah! Big bird!”

Arc nods. “This is probably the fastest way to get there, Brightwing. Also the safest.”

Twilight turns to her friend as they board the ship. “Are you sure you want to come along, Auriel? This probably isn’t going to be very safe.”

“Yes! If I can help in some way, it will make me feel better about this whole situation!”

Ember shakes her head. “It wasn’t your fault. Neither of you knew what you were doing was illegal!”

Sereb nods. “That and you were trying to be helpful.”

“I do appreciate being given life, mother.”

She looks up at Arc and grabs his arm affectionately.

“Besides, if Arc is with us we can’t lose!”

Ember sighs. “I just wish we knew more about this temple we’re going to.”

Arc nods. “As do I. I’m not a big fan of going in blind like this. And I know you’re happy about that change in me Ember.”

Ember smiles. “You know me so well.”

The group makes their way to the Bridge. Captain Tight Ship is waiting for them. He salutes as Arc walks over to him.

“Welcome aboard sir. Where can I take you?”

“A temple in the eastern part of the Forbidden Jungle.”

Tight Ship looks confused as he looks at the map on the wall. “I don’t believe I’m familiar with that.”

He studies the map on the wall quickly.

“There doesn’t appear to be anything out that way, sir.”

Arc pulls the map out of his pocket and unfolds it. He points to the spot Luna indicated.

“The princess says it’s here.”

“Very well, sir. Well get underway shortly. If you don’t have anything else to take care of, that is.”

Arc turns to the others.

“Anyone want off?”

Everyone shakes their heads as Arc turns back to the captain.

“I guess that settles it.”

“Yes sir. We’ll take off as soon as the rest of the crew arrives.”

Ember frowns. “They’re not aboard?”

Tight Ship shakes his head. “Sadly, no. Princess Luna mentioned a nice restaurant in town. They went to check it out.”

He puts a hoof on the radio.

“Shall I recall them?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no! Let them finish their lunch.”

Twilight turns to the captain. “Why didn’t you go with them, sir?”

“Somepony has to be aboard at all times. Besides, the crew has been training hard lately. I thought they could do with a diversion.”

Arc nods. “We’ll head over to the Cafeteria then for a quick bite.”

Tight Ship nods. “My apologies, sir, but I don’t think there’s anyone over there at the moment.”

“It’s okay. We can just make some sandwiches or something simple.”

Arc and company leave the bridge and head for the Cafeteria. As they walk down the corridor, he smiles.

“This is kinda nice.”

Rose looks confused. “What is, Arc?”

“Going somewhere with so many friends.”

The group makes a plate of sandwiches and takes them to the Observation Deck. Ember frowns.

“Not much of a view.”

Twilight laughs. “Give it time, Ember.”

They sit down to eat at the biggest table. Twilight turns to Arc as she eats.

“So how are things going on Earth, Arc?”

“Okay. We’ve gotten my old house pretty well set up for when Princess Celestia is found. After that it’s just a matter of coming up with a plan.”

Brightwing frowns. “Friend missing?”

Sereb nods. “You could say that.”

Brightwing flutters around the room. “Brightwing help you look!”

Arc chuckles. “She’s not here.”

“Is friend sure?”

Ember laughs. “Pretty sure!”

They go back to eating while Brightwing continues examining the room. Auriel looks to Arc.

“Thanks for letting me tag along.”

Arc nods. “Thanks for coming.”

Auriel sighs. “Twilight’s been telling me I need to get out of the lab more often.”

“This isn’t exactly what I had in mind!”

Sereb nods. “You do not go out much, do you?”

Auriel shakes her head. “I don’t. It’s very hard being the odd one out. I mean, there aren’t any other demons around for me to talk to.”

She sighs.

“Not that it’s much different from Tartarus in the regard.”

Arc chuckles. “I can understand that.”

“Oh? But you have so many friends Arc! How do you know what it feels like to be lonely?”

“Think about it. I’m the only human in this entire world.”

Ember nods. “I’m the only dragon in Equestria. Other than Spike, that is.”

Sereb chuckles. “My tribemates are across the sea in the Dragon Lands.”

Rose smiles at her. “There are no other androids that I know of.”

Twilight sighs. “I’m the only bookworm in Ponyville. Other than you, that is.”

Brightwing flutters over happily. “Brightwing is Brightwing!”

Auriel shakes her head. “I just don’t understand how we all get along.”

“You see Auriel, all of us are unique. Special in our own ways so to speak. That’s what holds us together.”

Ember looks skeptical. “Differences, Arc?”

Arc smiles. “Right! Differences are what we have in common.”

Everyone enjoys a good laugh other than Brightwing.

“Brightwing no get it.”

A short time later the ship lifts off and heads south. Arc and his friends stay in the Observation Deck watching the scenery and chatting until evening. As the sun begins to set they head over to the Cafeteria for a nice supper before retiring to their quarters for the evening. Ember grins as they leave the room.

“Now THAT was a good meal!”

Sereb nods. “You said it.”

Auriel burps. “It’s been a while since I ate food that good.”

Rose looks to her, confused. “Don’t you and Twilight know how to cook?”

Twilight sighs. “Not really. Most of the time we just eat something quick and easy.”

Arc frowns. “Like what?”

Twilight looks to him sheepishly. “Soup. A lot of soup.”

Rose looks confused. “Couldn’t you read a book on cooking, mother?”

“I suppose we could. But there’s always something new to research and experiment on.”

Ember laughs. “Well, couldn’t you do some ‘research’ on how to cook?”

Auriel shrugs. “I suppose we could after figuring out the whole artificial sun problem.”

Twilight sighs as her ears droop. “Yes. That’s going to be quite difficult without the Dragon Fruit.”

Sereb nods. “I am certain you two will think of something.”

Arc grins. “As am I.”

They reach the VIP quarters and each head to their rooms. Twilight turns to Auriel.

“Want to stay with me?”

Auriel breathes a sigh of relief. “Yes! I don’t think I want to be alone on this flying machine.”

Sereb frowns. “Is something wrong?”

Auriel looks away. “I’m actually afraid of heights.”

Brightwing looks confused. “Pretty demon girl afraid of highness? But you have wings!”

Arc turns to the baby dragon. “Everyone has their own fears, Brightwing.”

Ember grins proudly. “Yeah! Except me!”


“Yes Arc?”

He leans in close to Ember and whispers in her ear. “Vegetarianism.”

“Woah! Now that IS scary!”

Rose looks confused. “What did he say?”

Ember shudders. “I’m sorry, but it’s just too terrible to repeat.”

Sereb turns to her. “Shall you and I share a room, Ember?”

“Sounds good to me.”

They take a room together. As Ember closes the door behind them Sereb turns to her.

“I actually meant with the three of us.”


“You, me and Arc.”

Ember sits down on the very posh bed. “Yes, well… I think he needs some time with Rose.”

Sereb nods. “Does he now?”

“Yeah! I mean, he really seems to care for her and all!”

“Why shouldn’t he? She is a very polite young lady.”

Ember lies back and looks up at the ceiling. “Whatever makes him happy.”

“Jealous, Ember?”

She bolts upright. “NO! What makes you say that?!”

Sereb snickers. “You just did.”

“That’s cheating!”

There is a small knock at the door. Ember stands up.

“Who could that be?”

She opens the door to find Brightwing hovering expectantly.

“Room for Brightwing?!”

Sereb looks up. “You don’t want your own room?”

“Brightwing having trouble! Feeling lonely on big bird!”

Ember sighs and steps aside. “Fine. Come on in.”


Meanwhile, Twilight and Auriel settle into their room. The young demoness sits down on the large bed.

“This is a very nice room.”

Twilight closes the curtains. “That it is.”

“Twilight? Do you think we’re all really that different?”

“On the surface, yes.”


Twilight continues. “But when you get right down to the core, all of us have one thing in common. We’re all friends!”

“That’s not all.”

“What else could there be?”

Auriel smiles at her friend. “I see how you look at him.”

Twilight sighs. “You noticed, huh?”

“Why don’t you just say something?!”

“Like what?”

Auriel shrugs. “I don’t know. Just strike up a conversation.”

“How?! We never have any time alone!”

Twilight sighs.

“He’s always so… busy protecting Equestria!”

“Then why did you come on this trip?”

“Because somepony needs to look after him once in a while!”

The pair are silent for a time. Eventually Twilight turns back to Auriel.

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

Twilight smiles at her. “Is there anypony YOU have your eye on?”

Auriel blushes slightly. “N-not really!”

Twilight leans over to Auriel slyly. “You do! Come on! Who is it?!”

“I… I’d rather not say.”

“Is it Arc?”

Auriel smiles and shakes her head. “No. I mean… I do respect and like him very much. But he already has several admirers.”

She closes her eyes and smiles.

“You really want to know who?”

Twilight nods. “Of course! We’re friends after all!”

Auriel sighs. “Okay.”

She leans in close to Twilight and whispers something in her ear.”

“Really? Him?!”

Auriel puts her claws to her face and blushes. “We do have a lot in common.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “I guess that’s true. Have you talked to him about it?”

Auriel shakes her head sadly. “No. Like Arc, he’s always busy with something.”

Twilight sighs. “You and I… we’re like peas in a pod.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Rose head to his room. Rose’s eyes grow wide as they enter.

“This room is beautiful!”

“It’s really supposed to be for the princesses. But they insisted I use it whenever I come aboard.”

Rose takes Arc’s arm happily. “That sure was nice of them!”

Arc leads Rose over to the window. “Yes. Why don’t we enjoy the view before the sun finishes setting?”


The pair sit down on the couch together. Arc smiles.

“The sunset really is beautiful from up here.”

“Yes it is!”

They watch the sunlight reflect off the clouds for a time. Eventually Rose turns to him.

“Arc? Why are you doing this?”

“Because I don’t want to see an innocent person killed.”

Rose smiles. “That’s not the only reason though is it?”

Arc looks confused. “Why else would I…”

“If something were to happen to me, it would be like losing Miss Cherry all over again, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes. I mean… I know you aren’t her, but… but you are a very nice person nonetheless.”

“Thank you, Arc. You have no idea how happy that makes me feel!”

She looks back out the window as she continues speaking.

“Tell me… what was she like?”



Arc closes his eyes. “Well… she was beautiful, honest, caring, trustworthy, kind…”

His voice trails off.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is, she was the most wonderful individual I’ve ever met. Still is actually! We used to talk on the telephone at night, as I was too busy during the day with ruling the land.”

Rose looks over to him, confused. “Why didn’t you just go see her?”

“I wanted to so badly. But I couldn’t leave the castle.”

“Why not? You were the Lord Regent and could have done anything you wanted.”

Arc sighs. “If something had come up while I was gone… any number of bad things might have happened to a great number of innocent ponies. Back then I did think about it, many times actually. Almost did it a few times. But…”

He shakes his head.

“Now I can only see Cherry in my dreams.”

Cherry giggles. “I’m always here for you, Arc. No matter what.”

“Thanks Cherry. But I do still miss you.”

“And I miss you as well, my love.”

Rose looks over. “Miss Cherry? Can you tell me more about yourself?”

“I sure can. What did you want to know?”

“Well… your personality, your likes and dislikes and how you speak for starters.”

Arc frowns. “Those are odd things to ask. What’s this about, Rose?”

“I just want to be the best companion to you I can be, Arc. If I can learn how to be Miss Cherry, you won’t be so sad anymore.”

Arc sighs. “That’s… really nice of you, Rose, But that isn’t what I want.”

“What is?”

“All I want is for you to be… you.”

Rose frowns. “I don’t understand.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Listen, Rose. You may look a lot like Cherry. But the fact of the matter is, you’re not her. You are you.”

Rose is suddenly frantic. “I can change! Be anything you want!”

He smiles at her. “Fine. Then you just worry about being Rose.”

“Just be… Rose?”

Arc nods. “What I’m trying to say is, just be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, and don’t think that by acting a certain way you can replace Cherry. She, like all my other friends and you, are one of a kind.”

Rose puts a hand to her chin. “I… think I need some time to process all of this.”

Arc stands up and stretches. “Well, you can think about that all night if it pleases you. But I need to get some rest now. One of the down sides of not being a machine.”

“Yes! Please get some rest now!”

Cherry suddenly calls out to him. “Arc? Would it bother you if I borrowed your armor and kept Rose company tonight?”

“Not at all.”

Arc calls forth Eidolon’s Ward as Cherry lets him out.

“There you go.”

Eidolon’s Ward helps Arc get into bed. “Thank you. It does feel good to get out and stretch my legs once in a while.”

Arc leans back on the plush pillow and closes his eyes. “Have a nice talk you two.”

Rose and Eidolon’s Ward leave Arc’s quarters and head down the corridor toward the teleporter.

“Where should we go?”

Eidolon’s Ward points a gauntlet down the corridor. “There’s a Rec Room on the Mid-Level of the ship. We could play a game while we talk.”


They step onto the teleporter.

“Rec Room.”

In a flash they are teleported to the ships Rec Room. Rose looks around at they step off the pad.

“I didn’t know such a place existed on this ship. Did Arc bring you here?”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes its helmet. “No. The only other time I was aboard this ship was when Arc and his friends were flying to the Griffon Kingdom. Sadly we didn’t have time to enjoy the ship. Say, would you like to play a game of Ping-Pong?!”

“I don’t know how to play.”

“I’ll show you.”

They walk over to the table and each pick up a paddle. Eidolon’s Ward bounces the ball on the table in front of her.

“This game is simple. You hit the ball across the table. Like this!”

She lightly taps the ball. It bounces across the table past Rose.

“The object is to get the ball past your opponent while at the same time letting it bounce once on the table first.”

“Sounds simple enough! It will certainly give me a chance to test out my targeting and muscular response skills!”

Eidolon’s Ward laughs. “Me too! I’m still getting used to having hands and walking on two feet! So go easy on me, okay?”

“I’ll try.”

The pair bounce the ball back and forth as they continue talking. Rose is the first to speak.

“So if Arc never took you here, how do you know about it?”

“It’s in his memories.“

“You can see that?!”

“Yes! Arc lets me have access to everything in his mind.”


“That he does. Everything he’s ever done or thought of I can see.”

Rose smiles. “That sounds wonderful! Being able to get inside someone you care about!”

“It’s not all that. For example, I can only feel or see what he does.”

“What about right now? Can’t you feel anything?”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes its helmet as the ball sails past. “I can’t. Without nerves and a real body, I’m only a mind inside a metal suit.”

Rose sighs as her opponent fetches the errant ball. “This is a new sensation for me. On the one hand I’m envious of you for being able to get so close to Arc. But on the other… I pity you.”

Eidolon’s Ward returns with the ball. “You’ve been able to get close to him as well, Rose. I’m aware of the shower incident, you know.”

Rose blushes. “Oh… um…”

“It’s okay You didn’t understand human modesty at the time. If it makes you feel any better, Arc doesn’t hold that act against you. And neither do I.”

Rose sighs as they go back to playing. “How can you say that?! I mean… you two were engaged after all!”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs. “Life doesn’t always go the way you want it to, dear. My current state is proof of that.”

“If you could come back as you were before… would you?”

“You mean be alive again?”


“In a heartbeat! Why do you ask?”

“Because you and I are the same right now. Neither one of us are ‘alive’ like the others are.”

Eidolon’s Ward nods. “I know. But such is life. You never really know when your time is up until it is. After all, I didn’t PLAN to get killed when I did. It just… kinda happened.”

“My mother programmed me with everything she knew of… everything, I guess. But what happened that night?”

“I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, dear. Although I took no pleasure in watching Arc kill my assailant, it did make me happy knowing that he would never harm anypony else ever again.”

Rose frowns. “That makes me feel… conflicted.”

“How so?”

“Knowing that Arc willfully killed a pony. While now he’s working very hard to save my life.”

“It’s different, Rose. You haven’t done anything worthy of such a punishment. While General Wind Rider on the other hoof was a very bad stallion. He was also the one who threw me under a cart so he could get away.”

Rose catches the ball in her hand and setting it down on the table. “I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand. My programming tells me that all life is worth protecting. But your words and Arc’s actions say differently.”

Eidolon’s Ward walks around the table and puts an arm around Rose’s shoulders. “I think if you hang around Arc for a bit, you’ll understand.”

Rose sighs. “That would be nice.”

“I have an idea! Why don’t we sit down and I can tell you what I know about Arc?”

Rose smiles. “I’d like that! While I already know so much about him thanks to my mother’s programming, I’m aware that there is much more for me to learn.”

“Why don’t we sit down and I’ll tell you some of what I know?”

“Thank you.”

Eidolon’s Ward turns to her as the pair walk over to the game tables. “Would you please do me one favor though?”

Rose nods as she sits down. “Of course!”

“Just… use what I tell you to make Arc happy.”

“I can do that.”

“No, no! I mean… don’t try so hard to please him. Like he said himself earlier, just be yourself.”

Rose tilts her head to one side, confused. “But… I don’t understand how to do that. There is no ‘me’. Only that which my mother programmed me to be.”

“I don’t believe that for a moment. You’ve shown yourself to be more than just a machine several times already.”

She puts a gauntlet on Rose’s hand.

“You are more alive than even you yourself know, Rose. You’ve shown compassion, fear, anger, and happiness in spades.”

Rose sighs. “But where do I go from here?”

“Your next job should be to figure out that very thing. And I’m going to help you.”

“But why?! Aren’t you afraid he’ll fall for me?!”

Eidolon’s Ward sighs contentedly. “Nothing would make me happier than knowing he had somepony to share his life with.”

Meanwhile in the corridor, Wiseman chuckled to himself.

“Cherry. You’re going to such lengths to help Rose become all that she can be. Very commendable. I do wonder… just how far she can really go.”

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