• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 16 - Second Dates

That evening Arc steps out of the shower and dries himself off. Wrapping a towel around his midsection he opens the bathroom door. Listening for a moment, he hears the guest room shower still going. Walking the few steps to his room, Arc closes the door behind him and tosses the towel aside as he chuckles.

“Time for this again.”

Spread out on his bed is the formal attire he arrived in. Stepping into his pants he sighs as he talks to himself.

“Sure wish Cherry was here to give me a pep talk.”

Frowning, he grabs an undershirt.

“Not sure why though. I mean, I really shouldn’t need it. It’s not like this is the first date I’ve gone on.”

Thinking for a moment, he grabs a dress shirt and puts it on before continuing.

“She always knows what to say to put my mind at ease though.”

Sighing, Arc buttons up his shirt.

“I’ve been doing pretty good without her in my head constantly. Does that mean I’m finally moving on?”

Picking up his overcoat, Arc throws it over his shoulders.

“I know I have to. And that she wants me to as well. But… why do I still feel so… so terrible for trying to do so?”

Thinking for a few moments, Arc shakes his head as he buttons up the coat.

“No. Cherry’s right. It’s not wrong and I do need to move on.”

Picking up a pair of socks laid across his shoes Arc sits down on the bed and smiles wistfully.

“The chance for Cherry and I to have a happy life together has passed. But it’s not too late for me to make the others happy.”

Completing his outfit, Arc walks over to the vanity and sits down. Picking up a comb he runs it through his hair and chuckles.

“Still a bit surprised by Applejack’s request. I mean, I knew she wanted to understand human culture. But this was more than I thought she’d be into.”

Finishing his task, Arc sets the comb down and looks himself over. Returning to the bed, he sits down to wait. Sometime later there is a knock at the bedroom door. Standing up quickly he composes himself, picks up the gifts, and walks over to the door. Opening it, Arc sees Applejack standing there in the green dress she was wearing on their original date. She smiles at him nervously.


“Hi. Um… sorry. You looks great!”

Applejack looks away nervously as she twirls a finger in her hair. “Sorry for not having my mane done like I did last time. Princess Celestia’s Hoof Maidens did it up for me last time.”

“I still think you look amazing.”

“You really mean that?”

Arc nods. “I do! That blonde hair really pulls the outfit together, no matter what style it’s in.”

“Thanks. You look really handsome too.”

“So do you.”

Applejack giggles as Arc looks away nervously.

“Sorry. I guess I already said that.”

“You as nervous as I am?”

“Guess so.”

“Wonder why though.”

Arc shrugs. “Not sure.”

“After all, this will technically be our second date.”

“Yes, well… um…”

He holds out the box of chocolates and smiles.

“This... is for you.”

“What is it?”

“Assorted chocolates.”


Arc holds up the small box before continuing.

“And this is also for you.”

Applejack smiles as she puts the heart-shaped box down on the nearby dresser. “You’re gonna spoil me with all these gifts, Arc.”

Accepting the box, Applejack opens it to expose a corsage. She picks it up and smiles.

“This is beautiful, Arc!”

Sniffing it, she looks up at him.

“Smells nice too!”

Taking a small bite out of one of the leaves she grins.

“Tastes good as well.”

Arc chuckles. “No, no. You’re not supposed to eat it.”

Applejack appears confused. “I’m not?”

“It’s a corsage. You wear it on your wrist. Like this.”

Taking the corsage, Arc puts it around Applejack’s wrist. She appears suddenly embarrassed.

“Oh… sorry! Didn’t know that.”

“It’s fine. After all, I should have told you what it was from the start.”

Applejack admires the corsage. “So what’s this for anyways?”

“A corsage is a human tradition. It’s given to a girl by her date when he picks her up. Usually for prom though.”


“A school dance at the end of the last year of primary school before graduation. Not really sure what the corsage is for exactly. Probably just to look nice and show others that you’re taken.”

“I’ll hold it up if anyone tries to get me to dance with them.”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, well… I have a matching one.”

“You’re going to wear a corsage too, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, mine’s called a ‘boutonnière’. Look…”

Reaching out with his magic, Arc pulls the single flower pin from the vanity to himself.

“It goes on my lapel.”

“Now we’ll be all matchy!”

Arc grins. “That we will be. But how about we get moving? You hungry?”

Applejack smiles nervously. “Very.”

“Then let’s go.”

Holding out his arm to her, Applejack puts her hand on it and allows Arc to escort her down the stairs and out the door. Reaching the garage they get into the Jeep and begin driving. Arc turns to Applejack.


“What is it?”

“Are you absolutely certain this is what you want to do?”

Applejack nods nervously. “I am.”

“Might I ask why?”

“Because I want to fully understand what it means to be a human.”

“You don’t have to do this though.”

Applejack puts a hand on his arm as she speaks. “I feel that I do.”

“Why this though? I mean… not everyone does.”

“Yes, well… I also want to be able to understand you better too.”

“Fine. I won’t try to stop you. But I do ask one thing.”

“And what’s that?”

“That if you change your mind at any time that you’ll tell me right away so we can do something different.”

“Sure. I can do that.”


Applejack frowns. “But I don’t understand why you’re so averse to me doing this.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry. I just… don’t want you to do something that makes you uncomfortable.”

“And I appreciate that, Arc. But my mind’s made up.”

Sometime later they arrive at their destination. Putting the Jeep in park Arc turns to Applejack.

“Here we are. You sure about this?”

“I am.”

“Fine then. Let’s go.”

Opening their doors, the pair get out and head toward the building before them. As they approach Applejack walks slower. Arc turns to her.

“Second thoughts?”

“Not… exactly.”

“Should we leave?”

Applejack shakes her head soberly. “No, I want to see this through.”


Approaching the door, Applejack takes a deep breath as Arc holds it open for her. Stepping forward she enters the building with Arc by her side. Approaching a woman behind the counter she smiles at the couple as they approach.

“How many?”

Arc smiles. “Two.”

“Right this way.”

Leading the pair over to a booth, she sets the menus down as they slide in across from one another.

“Your server will be with you in a few minutes.”

“Thank you.”

Arc turns to Applejack as the woman walks away.

“How you holding up?”

Applejack smiles nervously. “Okay, I guess. Not really sure how I’m supposed to feel right now though. Or do for that matter.”

“For starters… what do you think about the smell of this place?”


“Yes. How does it make you feel?”

Applejack sniffs the air. “Um… it’s very… interesting, I suppose. What is that?”

“The scent of beef cooking.”

“Beef is… cow meat, right?”

Arc nods. “Yes.”

“That’s something I’ve never smelled before, of course.”

“Does it bother you?”

Applejack sighs. “A bit, yes.”

“I thought it might.”

“Is that why you were so hesitant to take me here?”

“More surprised than anything. After all, I never thought you would ask to go to a steakhouse.”

Applejack grimaces. “Like I said, I want to fully understand what it means to be a human.”

“But not all humans eat meat.”

“I understand that. However, you do.”

“And you want to understand me better?”


A young waitress walks over to them with two glasses of water. Setting them down in front of the pair she turns to them.

“Good evening. My name is Tia and I’ll be your server tonight. Can I start you two off with something to drink?”

“I’ll have a Coke.”

Applejack sighs. “Um… same, I guess.”

Tia nods as she writes it down. “Alright, I’ll get that while you two look over the menus.”

Turning, she heads for the kitchen as Arc opens his menu.

“Would you like to start with an appetizer, Applejack?”

“I suppose. But what should I get?”

Arc opens the menu and points. “Anything from this side here is an appetizer.”


“Might I suggest a small salad?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Nah. I came here for a different reason, Arc. To try things I can’t get in Equestria.”

“Alright then. Just read them over and order whatever strikes your fancy.”

Looking over her menu, Applejack calls out.

“How about the French Onion Soup?”

“I think you’ll like it. But just so you know, it’s made with beef broth.”

“That’s... okay with me.”


Tia returns with their drinks and sets them down.

“There you go. Now then, how about some appetizers?”

Arc points to the menu. “I’ll have the Caesar Salad.”

“And I’ll take a French Onion Soup.”

Tia nods as she writes down the order. “Very good. Now then, would you two like to order entrees now or later?”

Arc shakes his head. “I think we still need to look them over first.”

“Alright. I’ll put these in then. Won’t take long.”

She leaves as Applejack grins.

“Gotta admit, that soup does sound good. But why did you order a salad, Arc?”

“Just felt like one.”

“Was that the only reason?”

Arc chuckles. “That obvious?”

Applejack smiles. “I could tell you were holding back.”

“Yes, well… I was just trying to put you more at ease.”

“While I appreciate that, you need to remember why we’re here.”

“True, true. But I won’t order any meat until you do.”

Applejack gasps. “What? Why?”

“If you’re not ready for something like that I’m not going to push the issue on you.”

“That’s appreciated. However I’m ready.”

Arc smiles. “Very well. In that case, turn the page.”

Applejack does so. Gasping, she looks at the pictures of the various cuts of meat before her.

“There’s… just so many!”

Arc nods. “That there are.”

“And these are all from cows?!”

Arc points. “This section is, yes. They also have chicken here as well as some seafood.”

“What should I get?”

Arc shrugs. “Anything you want.”

“Which one’s the cheapest…?”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll pay for whatever it is you want.”

“Then how about you make a suggestion on what to order?”

“Well… that’s really a personal preference. That and I’d hate to order something and find out you don’t like it.”

Applejack sighs. “Remember, I have no clue what any of this even is. So it’d make it a lot easier if you were to order for me.”

“Alright. How about Ribeye Steak then?”

Applejack looks at the picture. “Sure, I guess. But isn’t that kinda big for one person to eat?”

Arc shakes his head. “Don’t worry. The weight there is before cooking. It’ll shrink a bit.”

“Okay, then that’s what I’ll have.”

A short time later Tia returns with their appetizers. Setting them down in front of their respective owners she looks to them.

“Here you are. One French Onion Soup and one Caesar Salad.”

Applejack grins. “Thanks!”

Arc smiles. “Yes, this looks very nice.”

“Now then, have you decided what to have for your main courses?”

Arc nods. “We’re going with the Ribeye Steaks.”

“And how would you like those cooked?”

“Medium for me.”

Tia looks to Applejack. “And you, miss?”

“I… uh…”

Arc speaks up. “How about medium-well for you?”


Tia nods as she writes down the order. “And for the sides?”

“Mashed Potatoes for me.”

Applejack grimaces. “Make that two.”

“Great. I’ll put that in and be back with refills.”

Applejack waits until the young woman leaves before turning back to Arc and speaking.

“Well, I guess this is it.”


“I’m really going through with this.”

“With the meal?”

Applejack nods. “Truthfully, I was kinda skeptical on whether or not I could go through with it.”

“Remember, you still don’t have to.”

“But we’ve already ordered.”

Arc smiles at her. “I know. However if it gets here and you can’t go through with eating it, I’ll ask for a takeout box so you can get something else.”

“I appreciate it. By the way, what exactly did the waitress mean when she asked how I’d like my meal done?”

“She meant how long to cook it. Medium is still pink inside and has a lot of red juices flowing out of it.”

“And medium-well?”

“Cooked longer with less pink and the juices will be brown.”

Applejack breathes a sigh of relief. “Good. Don’t think I could stomach eating something that still looked like it was bleeding. Uh… what does blood taste like anyways?”

“Not to worry there, as the red stuff isn’t actually blood.”

Applejack looks confused. “It isn’t?”

Arc shakes his head. “It’s actually a meat protein called ‘myoglobin’ mixed with water.”

“So… no real blood.”


“That’s a relief. Does it have a taste? That myoglobin, I mean.”

“A bit, yes. But cooking it less contributes to a better flavor. At least in my opinion.”

Sometime later Tia returns carrying a large serving platter. Setting their meals before them she steps back.

“Two Ribeye Steaks and two sides of Mashed Potatoes.”

Applejack smiles nervously. “Th-thanks.”

“Yes, this smells great.”

“Can I get you two anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, thank you.”

Applejack forces a nod. “Yeah, we’re okay.”

“Very well. Enjoy your meal.”

As she walks away Applejack looks the steak over nervously before looking up at Arc.

“Um… how… exactly… how do I… you know...?”

“Eat it?”

Applejack grins sheepishly. “Right.”

“You hold it in place with a fork, like so.”

Picking up his silverware, Arc puts his fork into the meat as he continues speaking.

“Then you carefully cut it with your steak knife.”

Slicing the meat with a knife, he cuts off a small piece and puts it into his mouth. Chewing and swallowing, Arc turns his attention back to Applejack.

“That’s about all there is to it.”

Slowly picking up her silverware, Applejack attempts to do the same. Eventually she is able to cut off a corner piece. Eyeing it suspiciously she holds it up to carefully examine her meal.

“Strange looking stuff.”

“The texture is also a bit different from what you’re used to, I’m sure.”

Applejack sniffs it. “Smells… okay, I guess.”

“Good or bad?”

“More… different, I guess.”

“Well then, all that’s left to do it try it.”

Applejack nods and takes a deep breath. Carefully raising the fork to her mouth she holds it there for a few moments and gives the meat as few small licks before drawing back and sighing.

“Flavor’s a bit… odd too.”

“Since you’ve never had meat before I suppose that’s natural.”

“I guess. But… this is really hard.”

“You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to, Applejack.”

“No, no. I… I want to do this.”

Looking at the meat again, she grimaces and looks to Arc.

“Um... could you… do me a favor?”

“What is it?”

“Do you think you could… feed me this?”


“Put it in my mouth for me.”

“I suppose so.”

“Thanks. I’m still a bit nervous.”

Arc takes the fork from Applejack and holds it as she extends her other hand.

“And… do you think you could… um… hold my hand while doing it?”

“If it will make you feel better, sure.”

Sliding her hand across the table, Applejack takes Arc’s hand and squeezes it tightly as he moves the fork toward her mouth. She closes her eyes tight and slowly opens her mouth part way. Putting the meat to her lips, Arc gently pushes past them to put the bite into her mouth before pulling out the fork and looking Applejack in the eye.

“You okay?”

Applejack nods. “It… has a very… unique taste.”

“Try chewing it now.”

Applejack slowly does so. Eventually she swallows and looks to Arc.

“That’s… actually pretty good.”

“Care to try another bite?”


Carefully cutting a slightly larger piece, Applejack eats it quicker this time.

“The flavor’s a bit different with this piece, as is the texture.”

“That’s because it had a bit more fat on it.”

Applejack puts a hand on her stomach. “Not sure how I feel about having a living creature in my stomach though.”

“Like I said, you don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to.”

Applejack shakes her head. “That’s okay. I think I actually like this.”


“Um… could I make a bit of a request though?”

“What is it?”

“Can I try some of yours?”

“I suppose so. But just bear in mind that it’ll have a bit more red liquid than yours.”

“That’s okay.”

Slicing a chunk off his plate, Arc holds it out to Applejack on the tip of his fork. Opening her mouth wide she takes it in. Chewing happily, she grins.

“That’s amazing!”

“Less cooking time makes for a more flavorful cut of meat.”

“Now I wish I’d ordered it like yours!”

Arc chuckles. “We can trade if you want.”

Applejack shakes her head. “No thanks. I think I’ll just stick with what I got.”

Cutting again, she holds up another piece of meat on her fork and grins at him.

“But next time I’m DEFINITLY going to order it cooked like yours.”

Arc smiles. “Next time?”

“Next time we go out, I mean. Um… I mean… sorry that sounded kinda pushy when I said it out loud.”

“No, no. I… it’s fine.”

He takes a bite of his steak before looking back at Applejack.

“Want to know how to make it even tastier?”

“How’s that?”

“Try this.”

He cuts a piece of steak and plops it into the Mashed Potatoes, covering them. Applejack appears confused.

“What are you doing?”

“Mixing flavors. Try it.”

Applejack does so. Putting the meat and potatoes in her mouth, she grins.

“Delicious! When’d you figure that one out?!”

“My dad showed me that when I was a kid. But it was with Roast Beef, not steak.”

“Different kind of meat?”

“Same meat, different part of the cow I believe.”

Applejack puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Roast Beef, huh? If it’s anything like this I’d like to try it!”

“How about tomorrow night?”

“You want to come back that soon?”

Arc chuckles. “We could, yes. But I was thinking more along the lines of cooking it for supper with you.”

“Fine with me. I think it’d be really interesting to see how meat is cooked, after all.”

“It does take a long time though. Several hours actually.”

“Why so long?”

“Something my mother taught me. Roast Beef is low and slow to make it tender. She used to make it in a slow cooker. It’d start cooking early afternoon and would fill the whole house with wonderful smells all day.”

“We have the same thing when baking a pie. It’s hard to wait for it to cool during the meal so we can cut it. Not quite as long as what you’re describing though.”

She grins hugely before continuing.

“I have an idea! How about I bake an Apple Pie for dessert tomorrow?!”

Arc chuckles. “Sounds good to me.”

“That and we could have Mashed Potatoes along with Mixed Vegetables!”

“You’re talking about a full-on banquet there, Applejack.”

Applejack blushes slightly. “Sorry if I got carried away. I sometimes do when talking about cooking or food.”

“No, it’s fine. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s dinner now. But right now we should probably focus on the important issue at hand.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “What’s that?”

Arc chuckles as he gestures to their food. “This meal.”

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