• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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*Chapter 9 - A New Identity

The next morning around the breakfast table Arc, Ember, Derpy and Ruby talk about the day's plans. Arc turns to Ruby and smiles as he addresses her.

“Did you sleep well, Ruby?”

“Yes Arc. I think I’m finally caught up on sleep now.

Derpy giggles happily. “Glad to hear it!”

Ember nods to Ruby. “I hope you sister will be stronger today. That and I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about.”

Ruby looks around the table. “You’re all welcome to join me. I'm sure Cherry would love some extra company.”

Ember nods. “I’m in!”

Derpy stands and begins clearing the table. “Dinky and I will come too. And you, Arc?”

“I’ll stop by later. This morning I was planning to see about getting some of the enchantments from this book imbued into my armor.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “There’s an Enchanter in Ponyville?”

Arc stands up. “Sort of… well, I’ll let you know how it goes.”

Arc puts on his armor minus the helmet, which he carries at his side in one hand. He grabs his satchel with the magic book and strange ring in it and heads out the door toward town. A short time later he arrives at the blacksmith's shop. Entering, he spies Steel Hammer at the counter and walks over to him.

“Arc! I see you brought the rest of your armor today!”

“Yes, as promised.”

Arc removes his armor and places it on a nearby armor display. Steel Hammer walks around Eidolon’s Ward to study it.

“Exquisite craftsmanship! I don't mind admitting it, but this is well beyond my abilities!”

Silver Hammer enters the shop. “Oh, hello Arc! Come to let my husband admire the full suit today?”

Arc nods. “Yes. The other day one of you also mentioned being able to bring it up to military standards as well.”

Steel Hammer nods. “Certainly. Just a moment though.”

He walks over to the shop door, flips the sign to closed, and locks the door. Silver Hammer walks over to Eidolon’s Ward with her husband as she speaks.

“Now we can talk about this in privacy. There are quite a few tricks installed on our own armor that we could transfer over to yours.”

Steel Hammer nods. “Most of them involve subterfuge and stealth. But we do have several more offensive options for when things go south.”

Arc frowns. “South?"

Steel Hammer nods soberly. “Not everything you do will always go according to plan. Sometimes a large amount of good old fashioned force is needed.”

Arc nods soberly. "I hope to never have need for such things, but... if recent events are any indication...”

Silver Hammer walks over to Arc and looks up at him. “Listen to me, Arc. Since the beginning of recorded history, Equestria has always needed heroes. Up until a hooffull of years ago that would have been my husband and I. However, that road is long and hard. Filled with dangers and pitfalls. It can be lonely at times, of course. But the good of Equestria must always be at the forefront of your mind.”

Steel Hammer looks out the window overlooking the town. “Silver Hammer is right. The ponies of Equestria will also sleep better at night knowing somepony is out there watching over them. That and tensions have been high lately what with Princess Celestia's sudden departure from Canterlot.”

Arc frowns. “I heard that from someone. Where did she go exactly?”

Silver Hammer shrugs. “Supposedly she’s on a diplomatic mission of some kind. But that’s only the official statement. My gut tells me there’s more to it than that.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Are you saying that Princess Luna and Princess Cadance are hiding something?”

Steel Hammer sighs and nods. “Yes, we are. What it could be though still eludes us. We have both met the princesses on numerous occasions and, while we certainly trust their motives, there is no doubt in our minds that something is greatly amiss.”

Silver Hammer shudders. “Think of it this way. If something should befall Princess Celestia and she was unable to protect Equestria panic among the populace would quickly ensue. To say nothing for the neighboring countries, who would most certainly take the opportunity to invade.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin as he considers this. “So, assuming Princess Celestia is indeed missing, who would you suspect?”

Steel Hammer taps the floor with a hoof. “There are quite a few whom would benefit from such an event. Let's see... the Changelings would be first in line to invade from the Badlands. Partially for revenge, and a source of... food.”

Silver Hammer chimes in. “You see, changelings literally feed on love. So Equestria would most certainly be a smorgasbord for them.”

Steel Hammer grits his teeth. “Then there are the dragons. While they are not truly interested in taking more territory, their greed for possessions could lead them to sack Equestria.”

Silver Hammer appears to agree with her husband. “Let's not forget the Yaks of Yakyakistan to the northwest, the Bugbears to the northeast, and the griffons to the far east. And those are just the countries whom have a potential to profit. There are many other country-less factions who would love to try and seize power.”

“Right, Silver Hammer. There are the Nightborn, whom revere the night and unofficially follow Princess Luna. I'm sure they would love to dethrone Princess Celestia and see Princess Luna rule the land alone. Then there’s the Followers of Chaos. Now there's a strange bunch! They look to a mythical creature whom supposedly ruled over Equestria centuries ago called a draconequus. Never a dull moment when one of them is around. However, I would hate to see all of Equestria plunged into chaos. They reside in the far west mountains. Even the denizens of the Everfree Forest have become restless as of late.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You mean the attack on Ponyville some time back?”

“Silver Hammer and I don't believe it was happenstance. Even they understand the absence of power in Canterlot right now. I fear dark days are ahead for our nation.”

Silver Hammer looks to her husband. “As long as we’re talking about mythical threats, don't forget about King Sombra to the north. He once ruled over the Crystal Empire and enslaved all who resided within. Should he ever return, he would most certainly invade Equestria post haste.”

Arc considers this for a moment. “So basically what you’re telling me is Equestria is completely surrounded by enemies. Very real ones, potential enemies, and even mystic and mythical ones?”

Silver Hammer nods soberly. “To put it negatively, yes.”

Arc rubs his chin thoughtfully. “I guess my peaceful days are numbered then.”

“Most likely.”

Steel Hammer sighs. “While we are sure that the remaining princesses do have Equestria's best interests in mind, we were hoping to come up with a backup plan. Originally, Silver Hammer and I were thinking that we would have to come out of retirement. But...”

Arc nods at him, understanding. “...what about Platinum Valve?”

Silver hammer smiles. “When Platinum Valve was born, my husband and I decided that it was time to settle down. It would have to be the task of somepony else to protect these lands and its inhabitants.”

Arc points to himself. “I understand that. But why me? From what I’ve gathered in my time here, ponies don't exactly have the highest regard for human kind.”

“My husband and I have seen you commit many selfless acts in the defense of others. Sometimes at extreme risk to your personal safety. You also have the uncanny ability to rally those around you to acts of greatness.”

Steel Hammer steps forward and puts a hoof on the armor. “Equestria needs a paragon of virtue for the ponies of this land to rally behind in times of trouble and a paradigm of good to be looked up to in times of peace. My wife and I became the Heroes of Light for the general populace in order to keep this land safe. Now we only need to know one thing, Arc. Will you... will you become Equestria’s next Hero of Light?”

“Are you certain of this? Perhaps another would be better suited to rally the public? You know, like a pony?”

Silver Hammer shakes her head sadly. “We did spend quite a bit of time searching the land for such an individual long ago, to no avail. Although we are ashamed to admit it, we gave up the search and settled here in Ponyville when I became pregnant. Sadly, it never resumed.”

Arc looks to them soberly. “As long as you’re certain of your decision to put such faith in me, I will do my best not let you down. I accept the mantle of being Equestria's protector. This land will not fall!”

Steel Hammer looks back at Eidolon’s Ward. “Thank you, Arc. A great burden has been lifted from our shoulders. We shall aid you as much as we are able, of course. Starting with making the necessary modifications to your armor.”

Arc reaches into his satchel and pulls out the magic tome. "About that. Do you think you can help me with some of these enchantments?”

Silver Hammer looks the book over. “Let me run this by Platinum Valve. She should be able to follow the tome's instructions and enchant your armor.”

Silver Hammer leaves the room and returns a few minutes later with Platinum Valve who promptly runs up to him.

“Mr. Arc! Is it true?! Are you going to be Equestria's next Hero of Light?!”

Arc smiles at her. “So it would seem. I hope I can count on you to enchant my armor for me.”

Platinum Valve grins widely. “Really?! You mean it?!”

“Of course. Let's go over what I need.”

Arc and Platinum Valve go over the enchantments in the book together. After settling on what he wants, he turns to her.

“So, do you think you can do this?”

Platinum Valve nods earnestly. “Sure! It's simple when you know how!”

Arc reaches into his pocket and pulls out the ring. “While we're on the subject, what can you make of this?”

Platinum Valve looks the ring over, excitedly. “Wow! I've never seen a magic ring before! Don't worry! I have just the idea of what to do with this!”

Arc smiles at her. “Okay. I'll leave it to you then.”

Silver Hammer leaves the front of the shop with her daughter. “Come back tomorrow morning. We should have everything ready by then.”

“Thank you, all of you.”

Arc leaves the shop and heads over to Ponyville Hospital to see Cherry. Upon entering her room, he sees Ruby, Derpy, Dinky, Ember, the Mane 6, and even Lyra have come to check on her. Ruby looks up as he enters.

“Arc! You made it! How did it go?”

He turns to the bed as he closes the door. “My armor will be ready for pickup tomorrow morning. But more importantly how are you feeling, Cherry?”

“Much better! My sister says I have you to thank for that.”

“It was nothing.”

Cherry look over at Arc, astonished. “I don't call ten thousand bits nothing!”

Arc shrugs. “Alright. A small price to pay then.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah! Arc's awesome! He never leaves anypony behind!”

Pinkie Pie hops up and down excitedly. “He da man!”

Ruby looks back to Arc. “Your friends were keeping us entertained with some stories of your past glories.”

Lyra saunters over to Arc. “Yes, and I'll be sure to chronicle them all in my continuing research on humans! But I have to ask, did you really take on an entire army of demons?! And is it true that you took them all out with only one attack?! And if so, why didn't you use that move sooner?!”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, to the first two questions. As to why I waited so long, it was for the general safety and well-being of my rescuers. Had I used the Dragon King Slice earlier I could have indeed stopped the battle right then and there. However, many ponies would have been caught in the blast and injured... or worse. With the barrier back up I knew it would contain the destruction to only the demon army.”

Lyra puts a hoof to her chin as she considers this. “Wow... I guess I hadn’t thought of it that way. It will take many years, but I believe we can change the pony views of humans. As long as you keep doing what you have been, ponies will take notice.”

Arc looks a bit sad. “I sure hope so. There are dark days ahead in Equestria’ future. Human intuition.”

Twilight stomps a hoof with conviction. “Whatever comes our way, we will face it... together!”

Ember laughs. “Evil doesn't stand a chance!”

The Mane 6 cheer as Arc looks around the room.

“Thank you… all of you.”

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