• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Missions on Missions

Later that day Arc returns to Griffonstone with Ember, Flash Sentry, Sereb, Natalya, General Blackbeak and his daughter, Gilda. The general looks around.

“Where are we now?”

Ember pushes the gurney toward the door. “The Grand Aviary. Lord Arc’s Bathroom.”

Natalya frowns. “How…?”

Arc sighs. “Sorry. Maybe not the best place for a sigil, but it was out of the way.”

“I’m going to escort my daughter back to the Infirmary. After that I’d like to see you in my office, Lord Arc.”

Natalya turns to the general. “I’ll escort him there, sir.”

“See that you change out of the uniform first.”


Blackbeak points a talon at her armor. “You’re a lieutenant! It’s unbecoming for you to wear anything other than a lieutenant’s armor now!”

“Yes sir!”

He nods as he follows Ember out of the office. “Your new armor should have been delivered by now!”

Arc looks to Natalya. “Shall we?”

“Yes sir! My room isn’t too far out of the way. Is that okay?”

“Fine! Lead the way!”

They make their way down the corridor toward the Living Quarters. Natalya stops in front of a room and opens the door. Flash Sentry and Sereb stay in the corridor as they enter. Arc looks around the spartanly furnished room.

“Do all Footpads have such rooms?”

Natalya closes the door behind them and shakes her head. “No. I hadn’t yet been reassigned to the Barracks. These are typical lieutenant quarters.”

She walks over to the bed to find a new set of lieutenant armor which she quickly puts on.

“Feel better, Natalya?”


She notices a large bag of bits and a note on the table.

“What’s this?”

Arc chuckles. “I’m told you get a portion of the bits from the bets placed on you. That must have been your share.”

Natalya opens the bag and looks inside before turning her gaze back to Arc. “How much did you bet on me?!”

“10,000 bits.”

“That’s so much!”

He shrugs. “I knew you could do it.”

“Thank you for putting such faith in me, Lord Arc! I’ll do my best to live up to your expectations!”

“I expect you will.”

She quickly looks over the note in her claws. The blood drains from her face.

“Is something wrong?”

“This… this note! It’s from the rebels!”

Arc frowns. “What?! How did they get in here?!”

“I don’t know! The Aviary is supposed to be secure!”

“Apparently not! What does the note say?”

Natalya reads it over quickly before giving it to Arc. “They… they saw me fight during the promotion ceremony and want to recruit me!”

Arc looks over the note and frowns.

“What are you going to do?”

“I… I don’t know! Tell the general?”

Arc sighs. “For all we know, he might be in on it.”

Natalya sits down heavily on the bed. “It’s scary knowing enemies of the state were here in my room! Who do I trust to confess this to?!”

“It’s up to you if you want to tell General Blackbeak about this or not.”

“I’m scared to do anything right now!”

“Stay with me for the time being. They come after you, and we’ll teach them a lesson they won’t soon forget!”

Natalya breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Lord Arc!”

“Whatever you decide to do, we should be getting to the general’s office soon.”

She quickly composes herself. “Yes. He doesn’t like to be kept waiting. What should I do with that letter?! I certainly don’t want to leave it lying around!”

“I’ll hold onto it if you want.”

“Thank you, sir. I’m not really sure what to do about it right now! “

Arc puts the letter in his ring. Together they leave the room and head for General Blackbeak’s office. Natalya knocks before entering. Ember is waiting for them with the general. She approaches the desk and salutes.

“Lord Arc here to see you as requested, sir!”

The general stands up from his desk and walks over to shake Arc’s hand. “Good! Both of you please have a seat.”

They walk over to the desk and sit down as the general returns to his office chair.

“I wanted to thank you again for what you did for my daughter, Lord Arc. It really went beyond what I thought was possible!”

Arc nods. “It was my pleasure, sir.”

He looks over to Natalya. “I also wanted to say that your improvement was nothing short of miraculous, lieutenant.”

“Thank you, sir!”

“What happened?! You were like a different griffon out there!”

“I sparred with Lord Arc and his Honor Guards. They taught me many things about myself!”

“Oh? Such as…”

“How to be confident and balance my emotions.”

Blackbeak turns to Arc and nods. “Very impressive, Lord Arc. It appears I am in your debt again! Again I’ll have an aid I can be proud of!”

Natalya looks up, happily! “You want me to be your aide again?!”

“Yes indeed!”

“Pardon me, general. But she’s been very helpful to me in the past. Might I keep her? At least until after I meet with the Council of Lords.”

“Very well. She’s yours as long as you need her.”

The general looks at Natalya again.

“Be sure to learn all you can from Lord Arc! Perhaps you can pass his teachings on to the other troops!”

“I’ll do my best for him, sir!”

“I know you will. Now then, Lord Arc, what’s next on your agenda?”

“I spoke to the princesses last night about my progress here in Griffonstone.”

“Were they as impressed?”

Arc nods as he removes the papers from his ring and hands them to the general. “They were indeed! In fact, I received their blessing to go ahead with official diplomatic talks with your government.”

Blackbeak accepts the papers and looks them over. “They wish to be allies?”

“Maybe not allies. But at the very least on friendly terms. Opening a dialogue will be the first step in that process.”

The general nods. “Agreed. However that decision is not up to me. The complete Council of Lords would have to discuss it and then vote on it. If it passes, they issue will go before the king for a final decision.”

“Can I address them?”

“I will put through a request for a meeting at once. However, they are abroad at the moment. They should be back in a day or so though! I’m sorry, but that’s the best I can do for you right now, Lord Arc.”

“It’s more than I could have hoped for, general. Thank you.”

They stand and shake hands/claws.

“By the way. Lord Gestal told me the other day that Lord Goldstone recently went to Abyssinia.”

“Yes. He goes there once a year or so in an effort to maintain our relationship with them. Does Equestria do the same?”

“Not until recently, no. I myself was there not long ago to address the monarchs.”

Blackbeak chuckles. “We heard about that. Truth be told, I thought for certain war was inevitable. We had no idea about that pirate who was terrorizing the land! What was his name again?”

“He called himself The Storm King.”

“Well, you certainly showed him! And without an army at your back, no less!”

Arc nods. “One should never underestimate the will and resolve of a few good warriors.”

“Well said!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I’m in the neighborhood. If there isn’t anything to do for a couple days while we wait for the other lords, maybe I should go see how they’re getting along.”

The general nods. “Very well! Give Lord Goldstone my regards if you bump into him!”

“I will. Might I take Natalya with me?”

“Very well. She can learn how diplomatic missions are conducted.”

Natalya breathes a sigh of relief! “Thank you, sir!”

“Shall I have one of our transports take you to Abyssinia, Lord Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Thank you, but I have a sigil just outside the city.”

Blackbeak nods. “That magic is extraordinary and serves you well!”

Arc nods. “Teleporting around Equestria is one thing. Between countries tires me out a bit!”

“I wish you luck in your travels then!”

As they turn to leave the office, Arc looks back. “Thank you, general. I’ll be back in a couple days.”

They walk out the door and proceed down the corridor back towards Arc’s room. Ember grins!

“That went well!”

Flash Sentry nods. “That it did! You really impressed him, sir!”

Natalya smiles at him. “He does care about his daughter, after all!”

“All parents care for their children deep down. Some just aren’t very good at showing it.”

Ember chuckles as she looks at Arc. “While some are VERY good at it!”

Flash Sentry nods in agreement. “Yes sir! Your daughter is growing into quite the lady!”

Natalya frowns and mutters to herself. “I thought he was the only one of his kind! How can he have a child?”

They return to Arc’s room. Ember holds the door open for everyone.

“When do we leave, Arc?”


Flash Sentry raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, sir?!”

Ember looks worried. “Flash Sentry’s right! You remember what happened last time you did that!”

“I’ll be fine!”

Natalya looks over. “What DID happen?!”

Ember frowns. “I had to help him to bed… AGAIN!”

“It was to save lives, Ember!”

“Well, your life is important too, Arc!”

“Duly noted. Twice in rapid succession is my limit as far as I know. For now, at least.”

Flash Sentry grimaces. “Are you sure, sir?!”


Arc levitates a short distance off the floor as he powers up the crystal in his forehead. A moment later a portal opens.

“Go ahead everyone!”

Sereb, Natalya, Flash Sentry and Ember step through the swirling energies. Arc Blinks into the portal as it collapses. A moment later they find themselves standing on the outskirts of Abyssinia Natalya looks around.

“So this is Abyssinia?! It’s so warm here!”

Ember shrugs. “It may not be as pretty as Equestria, but the residents here are nice!”

Flash Sentry turns to Ember as they walk toward the city gates. “Really? We’ve all heard they’re a rather crafty lot!”

Arc turns to him. “How many Abyssinians have you met?”

“None. They don’t really come to Equestria much. Ever, actually!”

Ember chuckles. “Give them a chance! They might surprise you!”

Arc mounts Sereb flanked by Ember and Flash Sentry. Natalya takes up the rear as they make their way toward the Palace. The streets are busy with commerce and other various activities. Ember smiles.

“This is a welcome change to the way it was last time!”

Arc nods. “That it is!”

Many of the town’s inhabitants stop what they are doing and humbly bow to Arc as they pass. Natalya looks to Arc.

“You’re pretty well known around here, Lord Arc.”

“Yes, well… the first time I came here, I was expecting quite a bit of trouble.”

Ember shudders at the memories. “As was I! Little did we know the true horrors that awaited us!”

Natalya looks confused. “Oh? Like what?”



Several guards run up to the group and surround them! Their weapons at the ready! Flash Sentry draws his blades!

“What was that about the inhabitants being friendly, Ember?”

Ember levels her spear at their assailants! “Most of them are! These guys… maybe not so much!”

The Abyssinian Guard’s commander quickly steps toward him!

“Hero of Light, please let us help! You’re in grave danger!”

“I am?”

The commander points a claw at Natalya! “As per royal decree, griffons are not permitted within Abyssinia!”

Ember frowns! “What?! Why not?!”

“At the moment, they are our enemies!”

Arc raises an eyebrow, surprised. “When did this happen?!”

“Since this morning when King Felix declared war on the Griffon Kingdom!”

The guards fan out and make their way toward Natalya.

“Please come with us, miss! Fear not! You will have a fair trial!”

Natalya backs away nervously. “What? Trial?!”

Flash Sentry grips his blades tightly! “On what charges?!”

Ember steps forward! “Yeah! For being a griffon?!”

The commander looks to Arc. “Please, sir! Our quarrel is not with you or Equestria!”

He looks back to Natalya”

“I hereby order you to drop your weapon and come with me, griffon! If you do not, we will be forced to take action against you!”

Arc shakes his head. “I can’t let you do that, commander. She’s here with me as my aide!”

“Please sir! We… we don’t wish for this to get out of paw!”

Arc calls forth his Spear of Righteousness and points it at the guards as he loses his patience. “YOUR actions will determine how ‘out of paw’ this gets!”

Neither side moves. The guards appear terrified! After a few moments, Arc puts his spear over his shoulder.

“I’m a fair man, commander. My group will come with you to see King Fenix and Queen Fiona about this matter. That is the furthest I’m willing to go on this. What do you say?”

“V-very well! Please follow me!”

Two guards slowly make their way toward Natalya, but are stopped by Ember and Flash Sentry!

“Where do you think you’re going?!”

Flash Sentry nods, swords at the ready! “The Palace appears to be in the other direction!”

The commander looks to Arc again. “Forgive me, sir! But regulations state that prisoners are to be properly escorted by guards!”

Arc looks over to her. “Come over here, Natalya.”

She cautiously walks toward Arc. He pats the saddle behind him.

“Up here!”

Natalya nervously gets into the saddle behind Arc and puts her claws on his shoulders. Arc recalls his spear as he turns back to the commander.

“I will escort her myself. After all, she wouldn’t try to get away from me.”

“Very well, sir. Please follow me.”

The guards escort them to the Palace. A large number of guards patrol the grounds. Arc whispers over his shoulder.

“Stay close to me.”

Natalya fearfully nods her head but says nothing. Before long they reach the Throne Room.

“I will inform the King and Queen of your arrival. Please wait here.”

Arc nods. “Very well, commander.”

He enters the Throne Room while his guards stay with Arc and his party. Natalya looks to Arc, fearfully!

“What’s going to happen to me, Lord Arc?!”

“Nothing. You’ll be fine!”

A few moments later there is the sound of angry voices coming from beyond the Throne Room door! A moment later they open as King Felix and Queen Fiona themselves rush out to greet them!

“Lord Arc! It is a pleasure to see you!”

Queen Fiona looks sternly at the commander. “Please forgive our guard’s reception!”

Arc dismounts with Natalya as the monarchs approach. “It’s alright. He was only carrying out his orders, after all. I’m sorry for barging in here unannounced, but I was in the neighborhood so to speak.”

The queen nods. “It’s no trouble! You and those with you are welcome here anytime!”

King Felix waves to the guards.

“You may go!”

They bow and hurry away. Queen Fiona bows at the waist.

“Again, please accept our most humble of apologies! It won’t happen again!”

Arc chuckles. “It’s fine! Good to see your guards on their toes! “

He gestures to Natalya to approach.

“I suppose introductions are in order! This is Lieutenant Natalya of the Griffon Kingdom. She’s traveling with me for the moment during my visit to her land!”

Both the king and queen nod stoically to Natalya.

Arc turns to Flash Sentry.

“And this is my lieutenant, Flash Sentry. When last I visited, he was commanding my base in Equestria.”

The monarchs smile and nod to him, happily.

“Now then, what’s this about you going to war with the Griffon Kingdom? I’ve been there for about a week and haven’t heard anything about the friction between your two nations!”

Queen Fiona suddenly looks pained. “Why don’t we go somewhere a bit more private to talk about these matters? Perhaps over refreshments? “

Arc nods. “Sounds wonderful! Lead the way!”

The king and queen lead Arc and his group to a very posh room with many large cushions on the floor.

“Please make yourselves comfortable! Our home is your home!”

Arc recalls his armor. “Thank you, King Felix. That is very kind!”

They sit down as a servant enters through a side door. The Queen turns to them.

“Bring the finest refreshments for our guests!”

The servants bow and leave the room.

“Really, that isn’t necessary! I mean, don’t go to any trouble on our account.

King Felix nods. “Oh yes it is! We haven’t yet paid you back for the Kindness and Generosity your showed us and our citizens not so long ago!”

Queen Fiona smiles at him. “To say nothing for paying your country back for all the food you gave us!”

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. Our nations are allies now.”

The queen nods. “That we are! And for that reason we MUST pay you back!”

“You see Lord Arc, we’ve been sending regular payments ever since that time. It may take quite a few years, but rest assured we will pay back every bit!”

Arc smiles. “Yes, well… just be sure not to overextend yourself. Your citizen’s well-being must come first!”

Queen Fiona looks out the window toward the city. “Yes, Lord Arc. Thank you for understanding our precarious financial situation!”

King Felix nods. “When we first heard you were here, we thought you had come to speak to use about repayment!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all! I was visiting the Griffon Kingdom on a diplomatic mission and had a bit of time. The Council of Lords is dispersed right now and can’t see me yet! I wanted to see how you and your citizens were getting along.”

“Very well! The blueprints you sent have been invaluable!”

Ember looks confused. “Blueprints?”

The king nods. “We had one built here in the Palace Gardens! Would you care to see it, Lord Arc?”

He stands up. “I would!”

The king and queen lead the group out of the room and down the corridor.

“To be honest, we were quite skeptical of your design when we first saw the plans.”

“Yes! But we knew we could trust your unorthodox ideas! No offense mind you!”

Arc laughs! “None taken!”

They soon make their way to a lush outdoor garden. In the center sits a large glass building with plants growing inside it. Natalya looks confused.

“A greenhouse?”

Arc nods. “Yes! But oh so much more!”

They step inside the greenhouse to the sounds of running water. Several large tanks sit in the center of the building. Flash Sentry looks around.

“Quite an impressive collection of plants you have here, your majesty!”

King Felix nods. “We’ve taken to calling them Fish Gardens!”

Ember chuckles. “Why? Do you grow fish here?”

“Actually, we do!”

Natalya looks to them, confused. “What? How?!”

Arc points to the large tanks. “Look in there and tell me what you see.”

She does so. When she looks up there is a strange look on her face”

“Fish? But why?”

Arc chuckles. “They’re here to feed the plants.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “The plants eat the fish?!”

“Not exactly. But they do use the nutrients the fish… excrete.”

Ember grimaces. “You mean…”

Arc nods. “Fish poop. Nature’s fertilizer.”

King Felix laughs! “Yes! I’ve never seen plants grow so fast!”

Queen Fiona smiles as she touches a large leaf. “Or so well!”

Ember looks all around. “But how does it work?!”

Arc steps over to the tank. “The fish are fed regularly and well! They metabolize their meals and do their ‘business’!”

King Felix points to several pumps drawing water out of the tanks and discharging it near the ceiling. “The water is pumped to the top of the system where it flows steadily through these large pipes. “

Queen Fiona pulls a small pot out of a hole in one of the pipes. “You’ll notice these slotted pots are filled with clay balls to allow the plants roots to take hold, while still allowing the water to flow freely! They’ve been placed every twelve inches or so as to not crowd the plants!”

Flash Sentry looks at the mesh container. “Those pots look like there’s very little holding them together!”

Arc nods. “That’s the point. They need to allow the water to keep flowing.”

He points to the large pipe as it zig-zags back and forth in front of the windows before returning to the fish tank.

“The pipe has those round holes cut in the top to perfectly nest the pots. We don’t want water leaking all over the floor now!”

The king nods. “Indeed! Water is precious to us here! We can’t be wasting it!”

“For that reason, agriculture has been impossible for us! That is, until now!”

King Felix dips a finger in the tank. “Using this system, we can grow our own food AND raise our own fish!”

“Less dangerous trips into the ocean!”

“Precisely, Lord Arc!”

The king looks up at him! “That reminds me! Thank you again for giving us some fishing gear, Lord Arc!”

The queen sighs. “Yes! The Storm King really did take EVERYTHING of value!”

Arc sighs. “I’m only sorry I couldn’t recover any of your property from his stronghold.”

Queen Fiona shakes her head. “Things can be replaced. Living creatures… not so much!”

“We were just glad you made it out of there alive!”

The queen reaches up and removes one of the pots from its place as she approaches Arc.

“Would you care to sample some of our goods? These strawberries are our favorite!”

Arc nods and takes a few off the vine. Ember looks to him, suspiciously.

“How are they?”


Flash Sentry looks amazed! “What?! But how?!”

Natalya glances at the berries before looking to the monarchs. “No disrespect intended, but they were grown from fish droppings! I would have thought they would taste terrible!”

Arc gives Natalya a strawberry. “Try one! I think you’ll be impressed!”

She cautiously does so. Her eyes light up!

“They’re the best strawberries I’ve ever tasted!”

King Felix looks around with a wave of his paw! “We’ve had innumerable copies of these Fish Gardens built all around our country!”

Queen Fiona nods! “We estimate by the time the supplies you gave us runs out, we’ll be completely self-sufficient in the food department!”

Natalya smiles! “That’s wonderful! Maybe the Griffon Kingdom can import some of you excess produce!”

Both the king and queen suddenly appear angry.

“The Griffon Kingdom will never get so much as a single strawberry from Abyssinia!”

Arc turns to the king. “You said earlier you were going to war with them. What happened?!”

Queen Fiona sighs. “It’s a long story.”

King Felix takes the pot from his wife and puts it back in its place as he nods. “Why don’t we return to the Sitting Room? I’ll explain everything there over refreshments.”

Arc nods. “Sounds good!”

They retrace their steps and reenter the Sitting Room. Several large trays of various produce and fish dishes are lined up. The king gestures to the food.

“Please, enjoy yourselves!”

Arc takes a handful of grapes, Ember picks up some peppers and Flash Sentry enjoys some of the strawberries. The queen looks at Natalya.

“Nothing for you, miss?”

Natalya shakes her head. “No thank you, your majesty. I’m not very hungry right now.”

Arc puts a plate of sushi on the floor for Sereb as he turns back to the monarchs. “Now what’s this about war?”

King Felix gestures to Natalya. “Forgive me, Lord Arc, but is it safe to speak in front of your friend?”

Arc looks to her. “I don’t know. Is it… Natalya?”

“Yes sir. I promise to keep whatever is said here to myself.”

“Very well. As we told you on your last visit, up until now, Abyssinia has had to import most of its food. The other day, Lord Goldstone of the Griffon Empire came here for his regular visit.”

The king frowns.

“It’s not my favorite time either, dear. This time less than usual!”

King Felix nods. “He’s been coming here for years to sell us what we can’t catch from the ocean!”

Ember nods. “Forgive me, but what kind of things?”

“Vegetables and fruits mostly.”

The king nods. “Since The Storm King raided our land and carried away everything of value, we haven’t had the bits to purchase food for our citizens!”

The queen sighs. “He knew this, yet he came anyways!”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Why?”

“To… strike a bargain of sorts.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “What kind of bargain?”

The king grimaces. “We will get to that in due time, Lord Arc.”

“Of course! Go on.”

“When he got off his transport, he appeared quite surprised! I think he expected to find us still starving!”

Ember clenches a fist, angrily! “That pig!”

The king chuckles. “I must admit, I rather enjoyed telling him of our new found sustainable Fish Garden technology!”

Queen Fiona sighs. “He insisted that we would never be able to grow enough food to feed our land with such gardens!”

King Felix nods. “We’re still learning how to grow what we want. It’s been quite a process.”

“Yes. One that we’ve enjoyed immensely, as have our citizens. They’ve taken to these Fish Farms like a newborn kitten to warm milk.”

"That they have, my dear. It’s really brought our land and its inhabitants together. While not your original intention, I’m sure, we’re more united as a nation than ever before."

Arc nods. “You’re right. I never dreamed such a thing as growing food would unite anyone.”

Ember frowns. “I bet Lord Goldstone didn’t see it that way.”

Queen Fiona shakes her head. “He did not.”

“The more we showed him, the more irate he became. Our failure to buy food from him certainly harmed the griffon economy. However, I believe he now sees that we don’t need him or the Griffon Kingdom to feed our land anymore.”

Arc frowns. “He saw the starving citizens and did NOTHING before!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “I believe he sees bits instead of citizens!”

Queen Fiona turns to Arc. “You may be getting a nasty letter from him soon, Lord Arc.”

“Oh? Why me?”

“When he asked where these contraptions came from, we told him the plans were sent to us by the Lord Regent of Equestria.”

The queen looks to Arc sadly. “We apologize if he causes you trouble in the future due to us.”

“Not to worry. You were just being honest.”

King Felix sighs. “As usual, we gave him a room in which to spend the night.”

Queen Fiona nods. “When he saw he couldn’t sell us fresh crops as usual, he tried to find another way to weasel into our treasury."

“He pointed out that another emergency could befall our land again! And that we were ill-prepared to deal with it!”

“My husband is correct. Lord Goldstone offered to sell us fruit and vegetable preserves only. Apparently they stay edible for quite some time!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Like the jars of cherries I gave you before, they won’t spoil as long as the jars stay sealed.”

The king shakes his head. “Sadly, we know little about such technology. We all knew he was right, and tried to broker a deal.”

Natalya looks up. “Maybe he was just trying to help? I mean, you should have reserves on claw in case a bad harvest or two hits the land.”

Arc looks to her. “Natalya is right. It would certainly give you and your citizens peace of mind.”

Queen Fiona grimaces. “I agree! However, his asking price was far too high!”

Flash Sentry sighs. “He couldn’t have worked out a payment plan of some kind?”

King Felix nods angrily! “Oh, he had a plan all right!”

Queen Fiona looks to his entourage. “Forgive me, Lord Arc, but the details of what led us to this point are very… sensitive. We don’t mind discussing them with you, but we insist on doing so privately!”

Arc nods to his friends. “We understand.”

Ember stands. “We’ll just take a walk in your Palace Gardens, if that’s okay.”

The king nods. “Yes indeed! Please feel free to partake in whatever fruits and vegetables that catch your eye!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Thank you! We will!”

Natalya stands up and bows to their hosts. “I don’t know what my nation did to make you so angry at them, but I’m sorry for whatever happened!”

The queen looks away. “It’s… not your fault, dear! But this matter is still ongoing.”

“We don’t hold you personally responsible for the actions of your leaders, miss.”

Natalya sighs as she leaves the room with the others. “Thank you. But that doesn’t make me any less sorry. “

Natalya, Sereb, Ember and Flash Sentry leave the room. They close the door behind them as the king turns back to Arc.

“We can talk now. Forgive the element of secrecy, but I don’t want what we are about to tell you to become public knowledge.”

Arc nods. “I’ll do my best to keep the circle small.”

Queen Fiona smiles at him. “We trust you to act judiciously with this information.”

“I shall.”

King Felix breathes a sigh of relief! “Good. As we told you, Lord Goldstone wanted to make a deal for a shipment of preserves.”

“A very large shipment, I might add!”

Arc nods. “But there was the detail of payment.”

“Correct. We still have very little to speak of as far as tangible goods or money goes!”

The queen looks uneasy. “He knew that from his previous visits! So he made us a very ‘generous’ offer.”

Arc nods suspiciously. “What kind of offer?”

The king growl angrily! “A bad one!”

“He would send us a transport filled with various preserves at no charge.”

Arc looks confused. “An act of goodwill? Why wait until now?! Your citizens were starving earlier!”

King Felix nods. “There was a catch.”

“I’m not surprised.”

Queen Fiona looks down. “He… wanted a very special favor.”

“A favor?”

She nods. “He would only give us the preserves if… if…”

The queen is silent for a time before looking back at Arc with a pained look on her face.

“…if I spent the night with him.”

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