• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - Deal Making

Later that morning Arc and Ember walk toward a large building cloaked and clad in their armor. Ember hisses at him.

“This isn’t much of a plan, you know!”

“I prefer to think of it as simple, or streamlined.”

She rolls her eyes. “That’s putting it mildly.”

“You didn’t have to come, you know. I mean, what could possibly happen to me in there?”

Ember narrows her eyes. “If I recall correctly, you went to a peaceful summit in the Griffon Kingdom not too long ago.”

Arc sighs. “Here it comes…”

“You were shot at numerous times! Poisoned! Attacked by rebels!”

“Actually I think I DID the attacking if what Rose and Luna said was true.”

“Whatever! The point is you attract misfortune like a MAGNET!”

“Can you keep it down, Ember?”

“No one’s around! Why are we invisible again?!”

Arc sighs as he facepalms. “So as not to bring unwanted attention to ourselves. Look, can we please just get on with this?”

“I wish we would!”

“Fine. Follow me.”

Arc leads Ember into the building. The entryway is devoid of anyone other than a single security officer. They keep their voices low.

“We can take him, Arc.”

“I don’t think we have to.”


“Take a closer look.”

Ember turns to look at the guard. He is fast asleep. She shakes her head as they walk right past him.

“Too easy.”

Arc nods. “I hope the rest of the plan goes as smoothly.”

He walks over to a large board. Ember frowns.

“What are you doing?”

“Looking for the office’s directory.”

“Really? Like it would be that easy to…”

Arc interrupts her. “Here it is.”

“Wait, what?!”

He points to a listing on the board. “Minerva Moore. Room 301. This way.”

They walk over to a locked pair of double doors. Arc Blinks them to the other side.

“Now what?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well, we could take the elevator.”


“I’m leaning more toward the stairs.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Paranoid now?”

“Like you said, trouble seems to find me. That and I haven’t quite gotten over the whole mine shaft ordeal.”

The pair walk over to the stairs. Arc Blinks them through the door and they begin climbing.

“You really think this is going to work?”

“No idea. But we don’t really have any other leads. Worst case scenario, I look foolish for asking.”

“I don’t like that!”

“You can stay invisible if you want.”

“No. I mean I don’t like it when you look bad!”

“I don’t mind.”

“I DO!”

“Calculated risk then.”

Ember sighs. “That makes it sound a little better. But I’ll be happy when we’re out of here.”

“Onward then.”

Arc and Ember reach the third floor. A man hurries out the door into the stairwell. The pair step aside as he passes and duck through before the door closes. It is a busy place with reporters scurrying around and camera crews getting assignments.

“Watch yourself in here, Ember. We could get run down.”

Ember nods as she dodges a secretary. “This place is busier than back home when my father gives an order!”

Arc nods as he looks at a sign on the wall. “The office we want is this way. Better stay close to me.”

Ember grins. “This plan isn’t so bad after all.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You sure changed your tune.”

“I’m very flexible in these matters.”

They come to an office door with the name ‘Minerva Moore’ on its nameplate. Arc Blinks them inside. They look around but see no one. Arc chuckles.

“A corner office.”

“Is that important?”

“It means she’s pretty good at her job. People on Earth value a corner office as a sign of status.”

“Kinda like a dragon and their horde?”

“I… guess.”

Ember frowns. “Well, I suppose it’s obvious she’s not here. Should we go now?”

“Not just yet.”

“We’re waiting, aren’t we?”

“You guessed it.”

Ember plops down in a comfortable looking chair. “Of course.”

“You’re not very patient, Ember.”

“Dragons prefer to be on the move.”

“Doing what though?”

“Eating, gathering wealth, training, um… a few other things that I won’t mention.”

“And you?”

“What about me?”

“I don’t see you adding to a horde or eating any more than I do. Training certainly, I suppose.”

Ember nods. “That’s true, yes.”

“You and I are together often. But I suppose not nearly as much as we could be.”

“You’re wondering what I do when you’re not around, right?”

“Not if it’s private and personal I’m not.”

“I’ll tell you. But only if you promise to keep it to yourself.”

“Sure. I promise.”

“It’s not very dragon-like, but… I…”

Ember sighs.

“I spend a lot of time… thinking.”

“Thinking isn’t dragon-like?”

Ember shakes her head. “We’re creatures of action, not deep contemplation. You understand, right?”

“That would explain a few things I saw in the Dragon Lands. But what exactly do you think about?”

“You mostly.”

“How did I know you were going to say that?”

“Well, it’s true!”

“I might regret asking this, but what exactly do you think about?”

“Remember your promise!”

“I will.”

Ember is silent for a time. Arc can almost hear her blushing as she speaks.

“How… how many eggs you and I should have.”

“I… um… when you get an idea in your head it doesn’t leave easily, does it? Ember, I’m pretty sure I couldn’t give you a single…”

Ember interrupts. “I imagine it as a human girl, okay!”

The silence in the room is suddenly deafening.

“How often do you think about this?”

“Several times a day.”

“Even I didn’t think you were THAT dedicated to me.”

“Hmph! Well, I am!”

Arc walks over to Ember and puts a hand on her shoulder. “To be honest with you, I’ve been thinking a lot about… something similar.”

“You have?!”

“Well, about settling down, that is.”

Ember chuckles. “Is that all?”

“I mean buying a home of my own. Planting a garden there with Derpy and Dinky. Putting down roots.”

“In Ponyville?”

“I… don’t know where yet. Truth be told, I’d really like to move to Dodge Junction and help Ruby keep Cherry Hill Ranch going.”

“I didn’t know you had a thing for Ruby.”

“What?! I… I don’t!”

Ember chuckles. “Really?”

Arc sighs. “I want to do it for Cherry. Keep her family’s legacy alive.”

Cherry smiles inwardly. “Thank you, my love.”

Ember gasps. “Cherry?”

“I’m sure Ruby will manage. But you should go where you’re the most happy, Arc.”

Arc looks down at the floor and sighs. “And it would be nice to be closer to you, Cherry.”

“You mean my grave?”


“Arc, while that really is very sweet, my decomposed form isn’t exactly getting any prettier down there I’m sure. I don’t want you worrying about me or the ranch. You just make yourself happy, okay?”

“I’ll… give the matter some more thought.”

Ember nods. “You do that! There’s so many in Ponyville whom care about you! Would you really be willing to pack up and leave all that?!”

Arc sighs. “I… suppose not. But you see…”

They are interrupted as the door swings open and Minerva walks in. She struts over to her desk and sits down heavily in her chair.

“The day’s only just started and already I’m in hot water!”

She swivels around to look out the window and sighs.

“I need a scoop. But not one that almost gets me killed again!”

Arc clears his throat. Minerva swivels back around quickly.


“I need your help, Miss Moore.”

Minerva looks around. “That voice! Are… are you…?!”

Arc decloaks in front of her. Minerva falls over. He peers over the desk.

“Sorry about that.”

Minerva gets up. “I’m fine. But how did you find me?!”

“We just followed the signs.”


Ember decloaks. “Yeah, along the hallway…”

Minerva dives below her desk. “AH!”

Arc sighs. “Again, I apologize.”

Minerva peeks out from behind her desk yet again.

“A-anyone else?”

Ember shakes her head. “Nope. Just us.”

Arc reaching a hand across the desk. “Need a hand?”

“Thanks… I think.”

He helps Minerva stand up before continuing. The young woman appears rattled.

“Wha… what do you want?!”

Ember sighs. “It’s okay. We come in peace.”

Arc facepalms. “Where did you hear that?”


Arc shakes his head and sighs. “Okay… I’m going to pretend this is going well and continue.”

Minerva nods. “P-please do!”

“Why don’t we start with introductions?”

He turns to Ember.

“This is my partner, uh… Dragon.”

Ember waves. “Um… hi.”

“And who are you exactly?”

“Like I told you before. The Hero of Light.”

Minerva warms to her task. “Sorry, but it’s a bit long.”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“How about just the Hero then?”

“Is that really your name?”

“No. But it’s important for me to maintain a secret identity.”

“Yes, well… I suppose I should thank you again for the other day.”

Ember turns to Arc. “What happened?”

“You remember the fight from the news, right?”

“Which one?!”

“The one at the pizzeria. You were… busy that night.”

“Oh… right.”

Minerva nods. “A motorcycle was about to roll over me. He somehow leapt to my aid and pulled me to safety.”

“Just doing my job.”

Minerva pulls out a notepad excitedly. “I have to interview you! What a story!”

Ember frowns. “Story?

Minerva nods excitedly. “Our viewers have been requesting more on you since that day at the apartment fire, Hero!”

“I can’t imagine why.”

Minerva grins. “They’ve been more insistent now than before. Ever since that pizzeria story broke, they’ve been ringing our phones off the hook!”

Ember nudges Arc. “You’re famous!”

Minerva nods. “Like a real Superman! Now then, how about you answer a few of our viewers questions?!”

“Um… truth be told, I actually need YOUR help.”

Minerva looks confused. “My help?”

Arc nods. “Yes. It’s about that biker gang from that day.”

“The Riders? I’ve been investigating them for some time. But why…?”

Ember interrupts her. “The Hero needs to find them.”

“Yes. I’ve scoured the internet looking for information on them to no avail I’m sad to say.”

“They’re a rather shifty lot, yes.”

Ember sounds hopeful. “So, you know about them?”

Minerva nods. “Yes. It’s my job to research and discover the truth, after all.”

“I was hoping you would say that. You see…”

Minerva holds up a hand. “Just a moment. You’re going after them, aren’t you?”

Ember nods. “We have to!”


Arc sighs. “It’s complicated.”

“How so?”

Ember chuckles. “You wouldn’t believe us if we told you.”

“Try me.”

Arc frowns. “Well, let’s just say we suspect The Riders have some sort of connection with the Shards.”

Minerva nods. “Yes, I agree. I only wish my editor was as open-minded on the subject.”

Ember sounds confused. “He doesn’t share this idea?”

“Not really. However, I think I could convince him if the Hero of Light was somehow involved.”

“Define ‘involved’.”

“You scratch my back, I scratch yours.”

Ember sighs. “I don’t like where this is going.”

Arc frowns as he turns back to Minerva. “So you want something from me?”

“I do, Hero.”

Ember muses to herself. “What could he possibly…?”


Arc frowns. “You want to know what I’ve learned about the Shards?”

Minerva laughs. “I doubt you know anything about them I don’t already.”

“Then how…?”

“I want a very special interview! With both of you, of course!”

Arc sighs. “For my safety, as well as yours, I have to keep a great many secrets.”

“A good reporter is used to taking risks!”

“Like at the pizzeria?”

Minerva grimaces. “That might have been pushing it, but yes.”

“So if I grant you an interview, you’ll give me what I need?”

Minerva nods. “Everything I know about the Shards and The Riders, yes.”

Ember glares at the woman from inside her helmet. “Don’t you care that we’re trying to help people?!”

“I do. However, I want to be one of those ‘helped’! An interview with you two will be a real ratings spike for the channel!”

“And you as well, I suppose.”

Minerva shrugs. “Everyone benefits here. You, me, and the innocent. Help me help you.”

Arc sighs. “Very well. What do you…?”

“Not here. Like you said, we need to maintain a certain level of anonymity here. Besides, my office isn’t the best site for an interview.”

Ember and Arc look around.

“It isn’t?”

“Looks fine to me.”

Minerva shakes her head. “Remember, I’m the best at what I do! Trust me when I say the setting is VERY important!”

“Fine, fine. So should we meet you somewhere, or what?”

“It should be a public place. Perhaps over coffee?”

Ember turns to Arc. “What about that pizzeria, Hero?”

“Yes. It does have a private dining room.”

“Perfect! Privacy and a nice atmosphere! I love it! When can you…?”

“How about this afternoon? Say, at one o’clock?”

“I’ll be there with my cameraman. Now then, was there anything else?”

“I don’t think so. We should let you get back to work though.”

Minerva nods. “Yes. Until this afternoon then.”

She reaches over to pick up her phone.

“Now them, this is actually a fairly secure facility. I’ll call security and let them know you’re heading out.”

“That will not be necessary, Miss Moore.”

Minerva looks to Arc, confused. “It won’t?”

Arc holds out his arm out to Ember. “Dragon…”

Ember puts an arm around his midsection. “Ready when you are, Hero.”

The pair step around the desk and walk toward the large window overlooking the town. Arc Blinks himself and Ember out onto the ledge. They turn around and put up their hoods. Arc nods to Minerva before Blinking the pair safely to the ground. He and Ember walk across the lawn and disappear as they reach the street. Minerva gasps.

“H-how did he…? It’s just like at the fire! What… what ARE those two?!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ember walk down the street toward a familiar alleyway.

“We’re not REALLY going to tell that woman anything, are we Arc?!”

“Nothing that could lead anyone to us, no. But we need whatever information she has to find The Riders.”

“You do realize this interview will probably be in the top spot on the news, right?”

“I do.”

“And that Guy Smiley’s going to have a field day with it.”

Arc sighs as the pair decloak. “I am aware of that.”

“So you don’t care if he turns everyone against you?!”

“It’s not necessary for others to like me. No matter what, I’m not going to stop.”

“Stop what?!”

Arc raises his gauntlet and opens a portal. “Doing the right thing.”

Later that day, Arc and Ember drive to Roberto’s Pizza. Ember turns to him as they pull into the rather full parking lot.

“We’re well over an hour early, Arc. Was there something you wanted to do?”

“Yes. Follow me.”

They get out and walk around the building to the back. Arc looks around.

“No one in sight.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Great. And?”

“Armor up.”

“Uh… okay.”

She and Arc call forth their armor. He hands her a Magic Cloak.

“There. Now we can go.”

“Go? Go where?!”

Arc raises his hood and holds out an arm to her. “Just follow my lead.”


Ember puts an arm around Arc. He concentrates and Blinks them back to the pizzeria’s drive. They walk slowly toward the building together. As they enter several customers back up to allow them to pass. The pair walk over to the counter. Roberto looks confused.

“S-something I can do for you, sir?”

“I have your dining room reserved for the afternoon.”

Arc reaches for his magic ring and pulls out some cash. He sets it on the counter.

“Here’s the fee.”

Roberto takes the money nervously. “Y-yes sir. Everything is ready and waiting as you requested.”

Arc nods. “Thank you. Please see to it we are not disturbed.”

Roberto nods. Arc turns to Ember and motions for her to follow him. They head for the door and enter the room. On the nearby serving table are a couple pizzas keeping warm under a heat lamp. A couple two-liters of Coke sit in a tub of ice next to them. Ember and Arc remove their cloaks.

“What’s all this?”

Arc heads over to the serving table and picks up a plate. “Lunch.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Really?”

Arc puts a slice of pizza on a plate and hands it to Ember. “Can’t give an interview on an empty stomach, can I?”

Ember sighs as they head to the table. “I suppose not.”

Arc removes his helmet and sets it down on the table next to him. “Glad to see you’re come around to my way of thinking.”

Ember removes her own helmet as she sits down. “Well, this does smell pretty good.”

Arc nods as he takes a bite of his cheese pizza. “I know how much you like meat lovers.”

“Dragons like meat. It’s just how we’re built.”

She looks to the door.

“Uh… what if someone comes in here? They could see who we are!”

“You’re right.”

He sets down his pizza for a moment and reaches toward the door. Using his magic Arc turns the lock and goes back to eating.

“There we go. Safe and secure.”

“Looks like you’ve thought of everything.”

“Not quite.”


“I haven’t yet figured out what to do about The Riders when we find out where they are.”

“We’ll come up with something, Arc.”

“Yes, we have to. I don’t want to see any more incidents like the other day.”

Ember nods fervently. “Agreed.”

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