• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Hard Decisions

Cherry gasps. “We have to help them!”

Arc grits his teeth. “I agree. However, we can’t.”

“But they’re right there!”

“I know that, Cherry. But first of all there’s a card reader on that door. Second, I can’t imagine that room doesn’t have extra security features inside.”

“They could be dying!”

Arc frowns. “If I start messing with those computer consoles I could do more harm than good. That and I can’t imagine my sigil magic works all the way down here.”



Arc raises his gauntlet in an attempt to open a portal. But nothing happens.

“Same as back in the mine. We’re just too deep.”

“What should we do?!”

Arc sighs. “I hate to say it, but we have to leave them here for now. Someone with a firm understanding of the technology in there would have to release them properly.”

Cherry groans. “Well, it just doesn’t feel right though. Being this close and walking away.”

“I know what you mean. But it has to be this way.”

Cherry sighs as Arc turns and moves on. Unbeknownst to the pair General Mustang sits in his darkened office overlooking the room watching as Arc continues on his way.

“Yes, Arc. Keep investigating. Learn all you can. It will make our meeting that much more interesting.”

He stands and chuckles as he puts a glass to his lips.

“And at that time… we’ll come full circle.”

Meanwhile, Arc muses on their situation as they pass numerous other laboratories containing strange machines of all different shapes and sizes.

“This must be some kind of research facility.”

“You mean they’re experimenting on those humans?!”


“That’s horrible!”

Arc grits his teeth. “Agreed. Frank won’t be happy to learn about this.”

“Do you suppose it has anything to do with that strange chemical the Shards were producing?”

“I guarantee it. The question I still have is what they’re planning to do with it.”

“Originally, like you said before, you thought it might have been a matter of building an army. But we haven’t seen nearly enough soldiers to be much of a threat. Even if they added the Shards to their ranks.”

Arc nods. “Right. But who’s to say this is the only facility?”

“That’s a frightening thought.”

“I hope I’m wrong. But as long as we’re here I want to see what else these labs hold.”

“Are you sure that’s wise, Arc?”

“We have to map out as much of this place as possible. That and it would be a great help to know more about what’s going on here.”

He looks around a corner.

“Now then… let’s see what they’re storing.”

Cherry sounds confused. “Storing?”

“I would assume supplies for the labs would be kept in a storage room nearby. Out of the way, but close enough they could just step down the hall for more.”

“And if you’re wrong?”

Arc shrugs. “Then we just wasted a few minutes.”

“Let’s hurry on then. The longer we stay the higher the chance we’ll be discovered.”

“This way then.”

Cherry giggles. “I’m in your head, remember?”

“Oh… right.”

Meanwhile, General Mustang watches a screen. He presses a few buttons on his keyboard before sitting back and taking another sip of his drink.

“Now then… let’s see if you take the bait.”

Rounding another corner Arc comes to a steel door with a card reader. Cherry sighs.


Arc shakes his head. “Oddly enough, no.”

“What? But there’s a card reader right there.”

“Yes. But the light next to it is green.”

Grabbing the handle, Arc pulls the door open and quickly steps inside. Mustang nods and grins as the door on his screen appears to open and shut all on its own.

“I knew you would figure it out, Arc.”

Changing the feed he watches the room’s interior. Meanwhile, Arc and Cherry look around to see themselves inside a decent sized storage room. Different chemicals sit on numerous shelves. Arc frowns as he picks up a vial. Cherry calls out to him.

“Isn’t that…?”

Arc nods soberly. “Yeah. It looks like that stuff the Shards were making down in that mine.”

He puts the vial in his ring as his eyes come across a large steel drum.

“If this is more of that chemical, we could have some very serious problems on our hands.”

Cherry groans. “There’s no label though.”

Arc grins. “No problem. I brought a can opener.”

Reaching for his magic ring Arc pulls out the guardanium knife. He effortlessly slices a small hole in the side of the drum near the top before looking around.

“I know I saw some a minute ago… there!”

Reaching over to a drawer labeled ‘syringes’ Arc opens it and grabs one. He turns back to the drum and inserts the needle into the hole. Pulling up on the plunger he extracts a small amount of the liquid within before holding it up for a visual examination.


Arc narrows his eyes as he looks at the syringe. “This is something new. We’ll have to get it analyzed in Canterlot.”

He puts the syringe in his ring before looking around.

“The rest of these chemicals are probably nothing special.”


“Yeah, I recognize quite a few of these names from high school chemistry class. Now I wished I’d paid better attention.”

“I’m sure your armor’s cameras are picking them up. Rose can probably tell us more later.”

“Or Sunburst. Assuming there’s something she doesn’t know.”

“Why not just shrink that shelf down and take its contents with us?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not a good idea. This mission is supposed to be all stealth. I could take a bottle or two and it probably wouldn’t be missed. But they’ll start asking questions if furniture starts vanishing.”

“You’re right. But what about that hole you cut in that big metal can?”

“That couldn’t have been helped. Usually those things have a machined hole in the top from the manufacturer. For some reason this one didn’t.”

He grabs the drum and slowly gives it a quarter turn.

“There. At least now the hole is facing the wall. It won’t be found unless they go to move the drum.”


He turns back toward the door. “Now then, lets…”

Arc stops talking as he spots a folder on a cabinet next to the door. He walks over and picks it up.

“Hello, what have we here?”

“Hopefully some kind of manifest for the contents of this room.”

Arc frowns as he scans the contents of the folder before removing the small stack of papers. Shuffling, he looks at them one at a time slowly before putting them back in the folder. Grimacing, he puts the folder back in its place and turns to the door.

“We’ll definitely need to look into that stuff more closely.”


Leaving the room, Arc and Cherry spend the next hour exploring the rest of the base. They discover a large maintenance bay, more labs, another large storage room on the other side of the base in addition to a large office with numerous cubicles. Arc looks around before musing to himself.

“This must be where the rest of the staff works.”

“Do you think Stingray, Hammer, and Mio might have desks here?”

Arc reaches down and grabs a nameplate. Turning it to catch the light from the hallway lights, he reads it aloud.


“Should we search her desk?”

Arc shakes his head as he looks around. “I don’t think it would do any good. Every desk here is neat as a pin.”

“They must put everything away before leaving every day.”

“Yeah. Into those filing cabinets.”

He walks over to a large bank of drawers built into the wall. Cherry gasps.

“We could spend years reading all the files in here!”

“Probably. But if they have sensitive data in them, and I believe they do, opening these drawers at this late hour might set off an alarm somewhere.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Considering how few guards we’ve seen in our tour, there’s got to be alarms.”

“So maybe next time?”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe. That is, if the stealth part of the mission ends prematurely. But I think we’ve seem pretty much everything I wanted to.”

“Other than that guarded door.”

“And the barracks wing. Can’t imagine there’s anything there I need to see anyways.”

Cherry sounds hopeful. “Time to go?”

Arc heads for the door. “Time to go, yes.”

General Mustang smiles and nods as he sees the office door open and shut.

“That should do it for him. He’s been everywhere I knew he would go. Or at least everywhere I’ve allowed. Now then… there’s just one more string left to pull and this phase will be complete.”

He picks up his phone and dials before speaking into the receiver.

“This is General Mustang. Move the next shift change to ten minutes from now.”

Without another word he sets the receiver down and smiles.

“I’ve laid out the path and you’ve walked it perfectly, my boy. Now you just need to follow it to completion as I know you will.”

Meanwhile, Arc heads back to the massive elevator that brought them inside. Spotting the lift through the doorway he steps inside. However instead of heading for the elevator Arc turns and sits down on the floor.

“Arc? What are you doing?”

“Waiting for my ride to show up.”

A short time later a squad enters the room. As they pass, Arc rises and quietly follows them. The group stands on the elevator together as the leader presses a few buttons on a datapad in his hands. Slowly but surely the elevator rises. Arc grins as he muses to himself.

“That went well.”

“Better than I thought it would.”

“See, Cherry? I can be inconspicuous when I need to be.”

Cherry sighs. “I know you can. It’s just that something usually comes up that forces you to change your plans.”

“We were bound to get lucky eventually.”

Sometime later they reach the top of the lift. The familiar hanger comes into view as the elevator again becomes one with the floor. Arc watches as the soldiers step off and walk toward the door. Their leader presses a button on his pad and the overhead door slides open. Arc follows them closely outside into a warm breeze. He waits patiently for the door to begin sliding closed again before looking up and Blinking onto the roof. Looking to the east he spots the faintest rays of dawn beginning to peek over the horizon. Cherry calls out to him.

“You were really cutting it close, Arc.”

“Yeah. Let’s call for extraction.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Ember.”

“Where are you?!”

“On the roof of the building. Everything’s fine.”

“So get out of there!”

“I will. But I need to do so without setting off any alarms.”

Ember grunts. “Got a plan?”

“Yeah. Fly up above the clouds over the base again. Let me know when you get there.”

“Sure thing.”

A few minutes later Ember’s voice rings out in his ear.

“Okay, I’m up here. Now what.”

“Stay above the clouds and get ready to catch me.”

Rose smiles. “I don’t believe even you could jump that high, Arc.”

Max grins. “Unless there’s a spell for that.”

Viktor puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Even if there was, the force required to achieve it would certainly break every bone in his body.”

Xenos shrugs. “I’m thinking the commander has something up his sleeve to prevent that.”

Hugh grimaces. “I sure hope so.”

Frank sighs. “Have more faith in your commanding officer, gentlemen.”

Sereb growls. “Agreed.”

Arc takes a deep breath and looks up.

“Well… first time for everything.”

Casting a Blink spell, Arc appears about a hundred feet above the roof. As he starts to fall he casts the spell again, this time adding more power. Looking down he sees himself over a thousand feet up. As he slowly begins falling yet again Arc closes his eyes and focuses. The crystal in his forehead begins to glow as he casts the spell a third time. Reappearing, Arc suddenly feels a cold chill. Opening his eyes he looks down to see the clouds far below him and gasps for air. Cherry screams.


“Okay, that was too high!”

Allowing himself to freefall for a few moments he decloaks and touches his earring.

“Get ready, Ember!”

Ember looks around. “What?! Where are you?!”

“Look up!”

She gasps as she spots Arc hurtling toward her from high above.

“What the heck…?!”

“Slowing down now.”

Casting a spell. Arc’s speed lessens considerably. Before long he falls gently into Ember’s arms.

“Are you okay?!”

Arc nods. “Just fine. But get us back to Rose as quick as you can. We need to go over what’s down there right away.”

Rose calls to him over his earring. “Down there?”

“I’ll explain when we get home.”

A short time later Arc, Ember, and Rose appear on the sigil in Arc’s basement. He goes immediately to Viktor’s computer and removes his armor.

“Download whatever footage is on here right away.”

Viktor nods. “Yes sir.”

Frank hobbles over as fast as his legs will allow.

“What about my men, Arc?! Did you see them?!”

“I… yeah.”


Arc sighs. “They were in some kind of tubes filled with green… something or other.”

“Were they at least alive?!”

“No idea. I made a sweep of the control readouts though. Hopefully Rose can tell us something.”

Rose nods. “I will certainly try my best.”

Viktor calls out to him. “Sir, I’m ready over here.”

“Good. Everyone sit down and we’ll start rolling. All of you might want to take notes.”

Ember chuckles. “Come on! How much could they have in that one building?”

“You’d be surprised how roomy it was in there.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “I somehow feel that we all missed something.”

“Yeah, well… you’ll see.”

Sitting around the computer screen they watch the footage. At the end Arc turns and looks to the group.

“So what do you… um, guys?”

Everyone appears completely dumbfounded. Ember is the first to be able to speak.

“Wha… HOW?!”

“How what?”

Sereb frowns. “I believe Ember is in a state of shock over literally the entire contents of that video.”

Max nods. “Us too, sir.”

Xenos sighs. “None of us expected anything remotely close to what you saw in there, sir!”

Hugh grimaces. “That place is totally fortified inside and out!”

Viktor backs the footage up. “Those computer panels were something else!”

Rose looks over the screen with Viktor. “I’ve never seen anything like it myself. It was rather… stimulating to watch.”

“We have to go back for my boys, Arc!”

“And we will. When the time is right, and we have the necessary gear.”

Frank grits his teeth. “But…!”

Ember points at the screen. “You saw all that! If we go in now we’ll just get caught!”

Sereb sighs. “At best, you would join them in a capsule.”

Arc turns to Rose. “Did you understand what any of the data on the capsule viewscreens meant?”

“Yes. They were brainwave readouts along with other pertinent technical data.”

Frank appears hopeful. “Brainwaves?! So they’re alive?!”

Rose nods. “Yes. From what I could tell they were in perfect hibernation. However I didn’t see any breathing tubes, methods by which they were fed, or excreted.”

Viktor puts a hand to his chin as he muses. “If we could get a sample of that green stuff in the capsules…”

“Remember, I got a syringe-full of it in my ring. It isn’t a lot, but should be enough for Sunburst to analyze back at the castle. Then there was this…”

Backing the footage up Arc returns to the scene in the storage room. He points to the folder.

“This was sitting on a table next to the door.”

Frank frowns. “Very convenient.”

“I’m guessing someone set it down to get some supplies and forget it.”

Ember shrugs. “Did you bring it?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I was afraid its disappearance would look suspicious. But I did look at each page individually.”

Viktor turns to him. “I can take screenshots of them, sir.”

“That’s the plan. They were mostly testing data for the missing Shards. While it won’t exactly help us in our upcoming assault, at least we might be able to figure out what’s happening to them.”

Sereb nods. “And perhaps how to counter it.”

Max watches as Viktor gets to work. “Right. There’s no such thing as too much information.”

Rose joins Max and Viktor at the screen. “I’ll look it over and compare the data to what we saw on the computer readouts.”

Frank appears relieved. “Please do!”

Hugh turns to Arc. “Any idea why Diva couldn’t see you, sir?”

“I do have to admit, that moment she turned the corner I nearly had a heart attack. But that whole moment just didn't feel right to me.”

Xenos shrugs. “Well, it was pretty late. Maybe she was just too tired to notice you, sir?”

Viktor turns to look at him. “Yes. Or perhaps she doesn’t have the ability to sense you like Mio does.”

Arc frowns. "She had to. I mean, she looking right at me! As to why she didn't do anything, well... that's even more disconcerting."

“Either way, I’m glad we didn’t have to fight. Reinforcements would’ve been on my tail in moments.”

Frank raises an eyebrow. “My former lieutenants?”

Sereb growls. “At the very best. More soldiers at the worst.”

“Right. That and it would have made our future attack almost impossible.”

Max sighs. “I suppose the real question now is where do we go from here?”

“Rose can start analyzing those computer screenshots as soon as Viktor gets them printed up. I’ll send that syringe to Canterlot for testing before lending a hand going over that footage again.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “You believe there’s more to see?”

“Every single kernel of information was acquired at extreme risk. I don’t want any of it going to waste.”

Ember frowns. “Um, Arc?”


“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

“I don’t think so. Which part of the video are you asking about?”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Uh… how about the part where you get some sleep?”

Arc looks confused. “Sleep? But it’s morning.”

Rose sighs. “That may be. However, you’ve been up all night.”

Max nods. “She’s right, sir.”

Xenos gives him a thumbs up. “Yeah. Let us handle this.”

Viktor stand up from his computer. “You can count on us.”

Hugh picks up the papers from the printer. “We can come get you if there’s something big.”

Frank nods. “I’ll help them, my friend.”

“Maybe in a few hours. I just need some breakfast to get my second wind. Xenos, you and Hugh…”

Frank shakes his head. “Arc. Please… get some rest. You look like hell.”

“Fine. But first let me…”

Ember turns to him angrily. “Are you coming to bed, or am I going to have to drag you there myself?!”

“Can’t I just…?!”

Ember grabs him roughly by his collar and drags him toward the stairs.

“Okay, okay! I’m coming! Sereb, take this!”

He removes the syringe from his ring and holds it out to the wolf. Sereb picks it up with his magic and pulls it to himself.

“I’ll see to it this gets to Canterlot, Arc.”

Arc holds onto the railing as Ember pulls harder. “Thanks. See you guys in an hour or so.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Not on your life! Now, come ON!”

She continues dragging Arc up the stairs as Frank turns to the others.

“Is she always like this?”

Rose giggles. “Only where Arc’s personal health is concerned.”

Xenos grins. “I wouldn’t worry about that. She’ll take good care of the commander.”

Max blushes. “Yes, she will.”

Frank turns to Hugh. “Lucky fellow to have such a lovely lady interested in him.”

“Agreed. However, the commander does have an inordinate amount of marefriends.”

Viktor looks over from the computer. “That he does. But I don’t hear him complaining too loudly about it.”

Sereb chuckles as he pulls the portable recall unit from its place on the shelf. “If only we all were so fortunate. Max, can you notify Sunburst of this syringe?”

“Sure thing. Just give me a moment before you send it through.”

Sereb grins to himself as Max talks into a radio.

“You’re a very fortunate male, Arc. Ember is completely smitten with you, as are numerous citizens of Ponyville. I do hope you are able to raise a suitably sized brood of your own from the potential mates.”

Meanwhile, Ember pushes the bedroom door open with her foot. Arc tries unsuccessfully to escape her grasp.

“I can walk, you know!”

“So can I!”

She roughly tosses him onto the bed before pulling off her leather jacket, tossing it aside, and continuing to glare at him.


“Well, what?”

“Don’t just sit there! Get that robe and boots off! That is, unless you’re planning to sleep in them!”

“Oh… right.”

He pulls off the magic cloak and stores it neatly in his ring before reaching down to untie his boots. Yawning, he sighs.

“I guess it is time for a nap.”

Ember scowls. “You’re darn right it’s time! Are you going to sleep in blue jeans AGAIN?!”

Arc shrugs. “Well, you know I’m not much for pajamas.”

“That can’t be comfortable.”

“I get by.”

As he puts his boots aside he turns to Ember.

“Hey, could you go downstairs and tell the guys to wake me the moment they hear back from Sunburst?”

Ember growls. “Fine. But while I’m gone I want you to change into some real pajamas!”

“But I don’t even remember where I…”

Groaning impatiently, Ember walks over to the dresser and pulls out a pair of gym shorts. She tosses them to Arc before heading out the door.

“There! Now get changed!”

She slams the door. Cherry calls out to Arc.

“What’s gotten into her?”

“I have no idea.”

“In any case, you’d better do what she says.”

Sighing, Arc stands and removes his pants. Tossing them into a corner he steps into the shorts and heads for the dresser.

“Might as well put on a more comfortable shirt.”

Pulling off his tunic Arc tosses it onto his jeans as he digs through a drawer. Ember returns and looks to him angrily.

“What are you DOING?!”

“Just looking for a fresh shirt.”

Ember seethes. “You’re fine! Get to bed already!”

“Alright, alright. Sheesh.”

He flops down onto his side and sighs.


“Are you?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um… what kind of question is that?”

“Just… just rest, okay.”

“Sure. But…”

“I said REST!”

Arc closes his eyes. Ember walks over to his clothes lying on the floor with her jacket. She thinks for a moment before taking action. A few moments later Arc feels the mattress shift. Groaning, he sighs.

“Ember, I thought you wanted me to…”

He stops talking as she reaches him and snuggles up to his side.

“Hey… are you…?”

Arc turns his head and puts a hand on her upper back. Feeling nothing but skin he slowly raises the covers and looks underneath.

“I’m still wearing my bra and panties.”

Arc blushes. “Um…”

Ember looks up at him, starry eyed.

“Unless you want me to take them off, that is.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, it’s fine. I… wouldn’t want you to get cold.”

“You could just do a better job of warming me.”

She puts a finger in the elastic of his shorts as Arc rolls his eyes.

“Is this your idea of me resting?”

Ember sighs. “Kinda.”

They are silent for a time before Ember speaks.

“I… I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. This mission was stressful on all of us.”

Ember shakes her head. “No, no. I mean…. I’m sorry for what I did… before the mission.”

Arc blushes. “Oh… that.”

“It’s… I mean, I just…”

She continues, refusing to make eye contact.

“That was probably the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done. I… I felt like that could have been my last chance to… you know.”

“Kiss me?”

“Right. Sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

Ember sits up and puts her palms on his bare chest. “No, it’s not!”


“I did it knowing full well about you and Rarity being a couple!”

“Wait, what?”

“You and her are an item, after all.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, we’re not. Well, not yet anyways.”

“Um… what?”

“I admit that I’m really interested in her. But she knows I can’t have a girlfriend until after I retire.”

“Oh… so… so you DO have feelings for her?”

“Um… yeah. Yeah I guess so.”

Ember sighs. “That’s good, I suppose. Tell me, is she interested in… sharing?”

Arc blushes. “I think you need to talk to her about that yourself.”

“Sure. But do you think she’d be upset with you and I being in bed together?”

“I… don’t think so. Like I said, you’d have to talk to her about it.”

“Trust me, I will. After all, I wouldn’t want to accidently sabotage you two’s relationship. When it happens, that is.”

“Thanks. I’d appreciate that.”

They lie there silently for a time.



“Did you think…”

She pauses.

“N-never mind.”

“What is it?”

“Promise you won’t laugh?”


“I was just wondering… how I did.”

Arc appears confused. “On the mission tonight?”

“No. I mean… how was my kiss?”


“It was my first real one.”

“Um… it was fine.”

“Was it your first time too?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. My first was with Cherry.”

A pained expression spreads across Ember’s face. “Um… is she here?”

Cherry calls out. “I am, Ember.”

“There’s something I really need to ask you.”


“You know all about me trying to get with Arc. And now there’s Rarity looking to do the same. I just have to know how you do it?”

“Do what?”

“Put up with watching Arc get hit on!”

Cherry sighs. “Because I’ve let him go.”


Arc nods. “Cherry told me to move on and find someone else quite a while back.”

“Yes, I can’t be there for Arc the way a living mare could.”

Ember gasps. “How can you say that?! You’re LITERALLY in his head!”

“That I am. However a living wife could be there for him… physically.”

Ember frowns. “But you’re…!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Sexually, Ember.”


“She means a living wife could bear my children.”

Cherry giggles. “Yes. Arc deserves a future with foals that can carry on his name.”

Ember sighs. “I… I see. That much I do understand.”

She looks him in the eye and puts a hand on his cheek.

“Just remember that my earlier offer still stands, Arc.”

“To become a human?”

Ember nods. “I’m totally willing to do that. Even if it means sharing the bed with another female.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

“Just do me one thing.”

“What is it?”

Ember climbs up on top of Arc. She puts her hands on his chest to push herself up. The blanket sits draped over her shoulders as she smiles down at him lovingly.

“When it comes to sharing the duty of giving you offspring, I’d…”

She lays down on his chest and whispers into his ear.

“…I’d like to go first.”

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