• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Founder's Day Treats

Arc, along with Derpy, Dinky, Ember, and Frank sit around the dinner table that evening. Dinky appears excited.

“Is it time to go yet, dad?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not yet, sweetheart.”

Derpy looks to her daughter. “That and you haven’t finished eating yet.”

“I’ll hurry!”

Frank laughs. “The little one is just anxious to go.”

Arc nods. “Do as your mother says, Dinky.”

Ember grins. “Arc’s right. You want to grow up big and strong, right?”

“Yeah! Just like dad!”

A short time later they finish eating, clear the dishes, and put them in the sink. Derpy turns to Arc.

“We can do these tomorrow morning.”

“Frank, you and I should probably get changed.”


They stand and head for the bedroom together. Dinky turns to her mother as they close the door.

“Mom, why did Miss Rarity make dad and his friend special clothes for this? Nopony else is dressing up.”

“Because this is a special night, and your father has to set a good example due to his position.”

Ember nods. “Right. It wouldn’t do to have him show up in his normal, everyday clothes.”


Ember shrugs. “At least that’s what he told me when I asked him the same thing.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Frank get to work putting on their new outfits. Frank sits down on the bed and grunts. Arc turns to him.

“Having some trouble there?”

“A bit, yes. The old leg injury is flaring up tonight.”

“Let me give you a hand.”

He helps Frank put the pant leg over his straightened leg.

“There you go.”

“Thank you, my friend.”

Arc sighs and turns away.

“All things considered, it’s the least I can do.”

Frank stands and hobbles over to him.

“You need to let that night go.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

Arc frowns. “You know why.”

“Are you still blaming yourself?”


Frank turns back to the bed and picks up his dress shirt.

“You shouldn’t. After all, I made the choice not to go to the hospital.”

“Yeah, but you didn’t really have much of a choice.”

A few minutes later they step out of the bedroom. Derpy is sitting on the couch brushing Dinky’s mane.

“We’re ready to go anytime.”

Frank nods. “Indeed.”

Derpy sighs. “Just give me a few more minutes. Dinky’s mane is almost as difficult to work with as my own.”

“Sorry mom.”

Arc chuckles. “No need to apologize, sweetheart.”

Derpy nods. “Right. After all, we have the same mane problems.”

“Well, I think you look very pretty, mom.”

Derpy giggles. “Thank you, sweetie.”

Ember looks to Derpy. “So, what sort of get-together is this?”

“I’m told it’s supposed to be the annual telling of the town’s origin story.”

Dinky grins. “Yeah! Along with lots of sweet treats!”

Arc chuckles. “Which is why I insisted we eat a good supper first.”

Frank nods. “That was probably for the best. But how should I act? Truth be told I’m rather lost in this new land in terms of etiquette.”

“Just treat the ponies of Equestria like you would humans and you’ll get along fine, my friend.”

“I will try that.”

Derpy puts down the brush and hops off the couch.

“We’re ready.”

Arc gestures to the door. “Alright. Shall we be off?”

Ember grins. “Thought you’d never ask.”

They leave the house and walk down the street toward the Town Hall. Dinky turns to her father.

“So how was the town founded, dad?”

“I don’t actually know, sweetheart.”


Derpy shrugs. “No idea.”

Ember chuckles. “Looks like we’re all going to learn something new tonight.”

Frank nods. “It must at least be somewhat interesting. Why else would they organize an annual re-enactment?”

Derpy sighs. “Either way, it’s a nice way to be social.”

Arc turns to her. “You don’t get out much, do you?”

Derpy shakes her head. “My job keeps me pretty busy. But at least it allows Dinky and I to spend quality time together.”

“Yeah! We get to cook together all the time!”

Ember sighs wistfully. “Family…”

Frank turns to her. “Did you say something, Ember?”

“What?! N-no, nothing!”

Arriving at the Town Hall, they find what appears to be the entire town gathered. There are tables with sweet treats and various drinks lined up. A small orchestra plays on a stage nearby. Ember grins.

“Mayor Mare certainly went all out on this.”

Derpy grins. “I’ll say.”

A familiar voice rings out behind them.

“Nah! This is pretty normal!”

They turn to see Pinkie bouncing behind them.

“Hi everypony!”

Arc laughs. “Hello again, Pinkie.”

“I see you’ve brought the whole gang with you tonight! Derpy, little Dinky, and even another human!”

“Yes, this is Frank.”

He extends a hand. “How do you do… miss?”

Pinkie takes his hand in her hoof and shakes it enthusiastically.

“Pinkie Pie! Great, thanks! This party is one of the biggest events of the year! Have all of you paid your respects to our guest of honor yet?!”

Derpy shakes her head. “No. We weren’t even aware there was one.”

Dinky appears confused. “Who is it, Miss Pinkie?”

Pinkie points a hoof toward a large temporary stand off to one side of the square.

“You’ll see!”

Arc chuckles. “Okay. Let’s go see, everyone. We’ll talk later, Pinkie.”

Pinkie waves after them.

“Okay! Have fun!”

She sighs as they walk away.

“I mean that, Arc. Please have fun.”

Meanwhile, Frank turns to Arc as they walk.

“She’s certainly… energetic.”

Arc chuckles. “That she is. Pinkie seems to have a permanent sugar rush.”

They make their way over to the stand. A large number of ponies are gathered around a rocking chair and a very proud looking Granny Smith. They step aside respectfully as Arc approaches.

“Good evening, Granny Smith.”

“Hello to you too, youngins! My, don’t you and your friend look handsome! Enjoying the festivities?!”

Dinky nods. “Yes ma’am.”

Derpy looks around. “It’s certainly busy.”

“Like our stand, I suppose.”

She points a knarled hoof to the temporary structure next to her. Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Babs Seed are busy selling apple-based goods. Arc grins.

“We’ll have to buy some goodies.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Saw that one coming.”

Derpy giggles. “Me too!”

Frank clears his throat loudly. “Arc, we should let your friend here get back to socializing.”

“Agreed. Thank you for your time, Granny Smith.”

“Enjoy the festival, you hear!”

Arc and company get in line at the stand. Frank looks to Arc.

“Quite the display ahead.”

“That it is.”

Derpy flaps her wings to hover a few feet about the ground. “I’ll say!”

Dinky jumps as high as she can. “I can’t see.”

Arc picks Dinky up and set her on his shoulders.

“How’s that?”

“Much better!”

She looks over the spread before them.

“Wow! It’s going to be a tasty night!”

Ember laughs. “I’ll say.”

A short time later they reach the stand. Applejack smiles at Arc.

“Hey there, sugarcube.”

Apple Bloom grins. “Hi, Dinky! Hey, Arc!”

Dinky waves happily as Arc tousles Apple Bloom’s mane. Applejack looks to Arc.

“What can we get for you today?”

Arc turns to the others. “Go ahead, everyone. My treat.”

Dinky grins. “Can I have an apple doughnut, please?”

Ember points a claw. “I’ll take some of that rock candy.”

Derpy looks to Babs Seed. “Do you have any muffins?”

“Just a few.”

“I’ll take one, please.”

Frank smiles. “The strudel looks good. I’ll have that.”

Applejack nods as she turns to Arc. “What about you?”

“How about a dozen apple cupcakes and a pie?”

Big Macintosh chuckles. “How many slices?”

“No, no. A whole pie, please.”

Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow. “You sure, Arc? I don’t think even you could eat a whole pie along with that many cupcakes.”

Arc pats his ring. “Maybe not. But I’m sure I could find room elsewhere. Oh! And we’ll take five bottles of apple juice.”

Applejack laughs. “Coming right up.”

Babs Seed bags the order as Big Macintosh pulls a pie from the display case. They set it on the counter as Arc gives Applejack the bits.

“Thank you kindly. I hope you enjoy the show.”

Dinky giggles. “We will!”

Arc waves. “See you later, Applejack.”

“Take care.”

Applejack watches the group step about twenty feet away as Arc begins passing out everyone’s treats. She is suddenly snapped back to reality as an unwelcome face pushes past the other customers and up to her. He taps a hoof on the counter.



Diamond Tiara frowns. “Not a good time to be spacing out, farm pony.”

Applejack sighs. “Sorry about that.”

Silver Spoon sighs as her sister continues her tirade. The other ponies look on nervously.

“After all, it’s not every day you have the chance to serve your betters.”

Babs Seed glares at Diamond Tiara. “Hey! We don’t…!”

Applejack waves a hoof at her cousin. “It’s okay. What can I get for you?”

Filthy Rich smiles smugly. “That’s more like it. I’ll have a dozen caramel covered scones.”

Silver Spoon smiles weakly. “I’ll just have an apple, please.”

Diamond Tiara looks down her nose. “Give me a cider.”

Apple Bloom shakes her head. “Cider’s not in season. We just have juice.”

“First rule of business. The customer is always right! I want a cider, so you should be able to accommodate me!”

Babs Seed grits her teeth angrily. “Get out of here, Diamond Tiara! Like my cousin said…!”

Diamond Tiara glares at the Apples as she jumps onto the counter. Ember looks over at the scene and frowns.

“Why that little…!”

The angry dragon moves to walk past Arc, but he stops her.

“Let Applejack handle this.”

“But, dad…!”

“I don’t want to embarrass the Apple family by interfering. Remember, Applejack is a proud mare. She doesn’t much like others trying to help her.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Fine! But I have limits on how much crap I can watch with punching someone!”

Diamond Tiara looks around. “Let me see if you haven’t misplaced them.”

She knocks over a stack of boxes containing extra pastries. Apple Bloom gasps.

“Hey, now cut that out?!”

Diamond Tiara looks to her with a smug smile. “Stop what? I was just looking for some cider and accidently knocked those over.”

Babs Seed points an accusatory hoof. “Liar! You did that on purpose!”

Filthy Rich clears his throat loudly. “Now, now, little one. Like my daughter said earlier. The customer is always right.”

Applejack frowns. “Well, tell her to get back to the front! She doesn’t belong back here with us!”

“Very well. Diamond?”

“Yes, father.”

Jumping back onto the counter she walks past a cake carrier, knocking it over as she passes. She smiles wickedly at the Apples.

“Sorry about that. It seems like I’m all left hooves tonight.”

Ember takes a step toward the stand. “I’ll show that little…!”

Arc narrows his eyes as he hands his bottle to Ember.

“Hold my juice. I got this.”

He walks over to the counter past the Rich family to stand between them and the Apples.

“That’ll be enough of that. Filthy Rich, you’re going to have to pay for all the food your daughter ruined.”

Filthy Rich shrugs. “Very well.”

He sets a bag of bits on the counter before turning back to Arc.


“Not quite. You also need to compensate them for the time it’ll take to clean up the mess back there.”

Diamond Tiara gasps. “But that was an accident!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Are you arguing with me?”

Silver Spoon shakes her head. “No, sir. Father, please pay the Apples and let’s go.”

“All right, Silver Spoon.”

He sets another bag of bits on the counter next to the first as Big Macintosh gives him their order.

“Let’s go, girls.”

They turn to leave. Arc clears his throat loudly.

“One more thing.”

Filthy Rich rolls his eyes. “What is it now? If you want to write me a citation just send it in the mail, or whatever.”

“You didn’t pay for your order.”

The stallion scowls and reaches into his jacket again. Pulling out yet another bag of bits he tosses it on the ground before dropping his bag of scones onto it. With a few stomps of his hoof he crushes the pastries and bits together into a sugary mess before looking up to Arc, angrily.


Arc frowns at him and nods. The family turns to walk away. However, Diamond Tiara stops as she passes the pile of bits and pastries on the ground.

“Aren’t you forgetting something, father?”

“Am I?”

Diamond Tiara nods. “Yes.”

Silver Spoon appears confused. “What is it?”


Diamond Tiara plants her front hooves firmly in the ground as she bucks the pile at the stand. The bag and pastries hit Applejack squarely in the face. Frosting and sugar cover her mane and coat. Arc glares at the Rich family.

“Why you…!”

Apple Bloom gasps. “Sis! You okay?!”

Applejack wipes the pastries from her eyes. “Y-yeah.”

Filthy Rich chuckles. “Feel free to add this to my citation… hero.”

Arc clenches a fist angrily as the family again turns to walk away.


Filthy Rich grits his teeth impatiently. “What is it now?! I’m a very busy…!”

“I never said you could go.”

Arc turns to the stand as he pulls the pie from his ring.

“Big Macintosh, there appears to be something wrong with this pie.”


Babs Seed looks it over carefully. “It looks okay to me.”

“Yes, well… it appears to have a worm in it.”

Big Macintosh frowns. “What? I don’t see any…”

Arc turns back toward the Rich family. He Blinks behind them and drops the pie on Filthy Rich’s head.

“Right there.”

Filthy Rich fumes as he tries to wipe the apple filling from his face. “You…!”

Diamond Tiara sneers incredulously. “What do you think you’re…?!”

Arc removes the package of the dozen apple cupcakes and dumps them on Diamond Tiara.

“Oh, I’m SO sorry! Let me help you with that!

Pulling out his handkerchief, Arc smears the cupcakes deftly into her mane before stepping back and shrugging.

“Sorry. It was an accident.”

He turns his gaze back toward the counter.

“Great pie. But it’s missing something.”

Babs Seed grins. “Try this!”

Jumping onto the counter, she kicks a large can of apple preserves toward Arc. He grabs it and deftly removes the guardanium knife from his ring. Blinking above the pair, he cuts the bottom out and watches the contents fall. Blinking back to ground level he quickly casts a Barrier Spell over Silver Spoon as the preserves splash Diamond Tiara and her father. A number of onlookers applaud as Arc grins and looks down at the pair.

“There. Now you can go.”

Seething, Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara walk away. Silver Spoon approaches Arc.

“I’m sorry for the trouble sir.”

“You didn’t do anything, Silver Spoon. Now why don’t you go help you dad and sister home?”

“Yes sir. Sorry again.”

Arc walks back to the counter and over to Applejack as Big Mac does his best to clean his sister up. The rest of Arc’s group hurries over to them as he kneels down.

“You okay, Applejack?”

“I think so, yes.”

Ember looks around. “What a mess!”

“How about I run you over to Light’s Hope to get cleaned up?”

Applejack nods sheepishly. “Sure. Just let me help the others get the stand back in order first.”

Dinky giggles. “We can do that, Miss Applejack!”

Ember nods. “I’ll help too.”

Frank hobbles over. “As will I.”

Derpy smiles at her. “Yes. You just leave it to us.”

“Thanks everypony. I really appreciate this.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal as he turns to the others.

“We’ll be back as soon as we can.”

They step through the portal together. From across the square Rarity and Sweetie Belle look on.

“That was quite the sight to behold.”

Sweetie Belle wrinkles her nose. “Yeah. That Mister Rich is too stuck up for his own good.”

Rarity nods. “Agreed. He’s certain one of my less desirable customers.”

Sweetie Belle suddenly gasps as her hooves fly to her mouth.

“Oh no!”

“What is it?”

“Didn’t you hear?! Arc’s taking Applejack back to his place!”

“She certainly needs a shower after that.”

“Don’t you get it, Rarity?! Everypony’s here!”

“What are you…?”

“They’ll be all alone! We have to stop them!”

Rarity shakes her head. “No, we don’t.”

“But aren’t you afraid she’ll turn Arc’s head?!”

Rarity giggles. “Maybe. But she and I have already discussed that very matter at great length.”

“I don’t get it. How you can be so casual about this?”

“You’ll understand when you’re older, Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle sighs. “Well, if you’re not worried, how about we help them clean up that mess?”

Rarity nos. “That I can do.”

As the pair walk over to the stand Rarity muses to herself.

“This is your chance, Applejack. Just be brave and say what’s on your heart.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Applejack step out of the portal in his Living Room. He leads her toward a door.

“My bathroom’s over here.”

“Thanks. I’ll try to be as quick as I can.”

“How about I work on getting your hat cleaned up while you’re in there?”

Applejack gasps. “What?!”

She reaches up and pulls the hat off her head. Looking it over she spots frosting and crumbs all over it.

“I guess it too was a casualty of pastries.”

Applejack gives it to Arc before heading toward the bathroom.


“No problem.”

She closes the door behind her and heads for the shower. Turning it on she steps inside and smiles broadly.

“Showering in Arc’s personal bathroom. This was worth the trouble earlier.”

Meanwhile, Arc takes the hat over to the sink and wipes off as much frosting as he can. Wetting a nearby dish towel he wrings it out and begins carefully cleaning the old hat. When he is halfway done he hears the shower turn off.

“That was pretty fast.”

A few moments later the water turns back on. Arc shrugs.

“I guess she missed a spot.”

As he finishes his task the water again turns off. However, as before, it turns back on a few moments later. Confused, Arc heads for the door and knocks lightly.

“Applejack? Is everything okay in there?”

“I… uh… you see… it’s just…”

“Can I come in?”


Arc opens the door and steps inside. He walks over to the shower and looks inside. Applejack is looking at the tile floor nervously.

“Sorry I’m taking so long. These crumbs don’t seem to want to wash out.”

“Can I help?”

“Um… that’s okay. I’m sure I’ll get them all eventually. Why don’t you head back to town? I can walk there when I’m done.”

Arc sighs. “You can’t see what you’re doing, can you?”

Applejack silently shakes her head. Arc removes a magic robe from his ring and quickly puts it on over his new suit. He then picks up the shower nozzle and kneels down next to his friend as she lies down on the warm tiles.

“They’re coming out pretty good now. I think we just needed to get the nozzle closer to your mane.”

Applejack watches the crumbs snake toward the drain. “Y-yeah… probably.”

A few minutes later Arc works his way down her back.

“At least nothing got in your tail.”

“Yes. But it seems to be everywhere else.”

Running his fingernails down her back a dozen or so times, Arc watches as the trail of crumbs ceases.

“I think I got them all.”

He notices Applejack’s eyes are closed and a strange smile is plastered across her face.


Hearing her name, she quickly opens her eyes and raises her head.

“Huh?! What?!”

“I just said I think you’re all cleaned up.”

“Oh! S-sorry about that.”

“It’s okay. How about we get you dried off though? I’m sure the others need you back at the stand.”

“Yeah, I suppose.”

Arc grabs a towel and pats his friend dry.

“You’ve been working too hard again, haven’t you?”

Applejack smiles nervously. “What makes you say that?”

“In the shower just now you were practically falling asleep.”

“Oh! Well… it was just really nice in there. Warm and… uh… secure. I think I can finish up myself though.”

Arc nods. “I’ll wait in the other room then.”

He leaves as Applejack finishes toweling off before turning to see her visage in the mirror.

“I couldn’t tell him. A perfect opportunity, and I blew it.”

Applejack sighs and does her best to fix her mane.

“Some Element of Honesty I am. Arc’s better off with a mare who can be honest with him. A mare like… Rarity.”

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