• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Honesty

The next morning Arc awakens at dawn. Looking down at Sunshine he sees her face still pressed against his chest. Sitting up, he puts a hand to the mare’s forehead.

“Feels normal to me.”

As he unwraps the blanket the unmistakable scent of the mare’s nocturnal secretions greets him strongly. Arc sighs.

“Kinda figured that’s what that was.”

Slowly and carefully Arc unties Sunshine. Soon her hooves are free from their bonds. Arc cautiously removes the gag. Not surprisingly, he finds it soaked with her saliva. Standing up, Arc makes his way back to the house for a thermal bulb. Returning, he fills the tub behind the barn before heading inside to get Sunshine. Picking the mare up, she groans and slowly opens her eyes.

“You okay?”

Sunshine nods groggily. “What… happened?”

She sniffs the air as her eyes widen.

“It wasn’t a dream!”

“What wasn’t?”

“Me… um… wanting to be bred.”

Arc shakes his head as he walks out the barn door. “No, that really happened.”

Sunshine covers her face with her hooves as she blushes deeply.

“I… don’t really know what to say.”

“Let’s get you cleaned up. Don’t want anyone seeing you like this.”

“Or smelling.”

“That too.”

Carrying her around to the back of the barn, Arc carefully lowers Sunshine into the large tub. She winces in pain as she touches the bottom.

“What is it?”

“My fetlocks!”

She lifts a hoof from the water. Arc sees bruising all around it.

“Sorry. I must’ve tied you up too tight.”

Sunshine shakes her head. “No… that was from me struggling so much.”

“Maybe. You were really… active last night.”

Sunshine sighs as she lowers her chin to sit just above the waterline. “I… do remember that, yes.”

They are silent for a time. Eventually Sunshine breaks it.

“Big Brother, I… um… need to apologize for what I said and did.”

“It’s okay.”

“No, it really isn’t!”

Arc shrugs. “What’s done is done.”

Sunshine leans back against the wall of the tub and sits on her haunches. Looking down at her belly, she puts her front hooves on it and smiles weakly.

“I… suppose that’s true. Now, I want you to know that Shadow doesn’t need to know the truth about this.”


“That he isn’t the father of my foal.”

“Wait, what?”

“Believe me, it’s for the best. If he knew that you were the one whom impregnated me, I’m sure he’d be quite upset.”

“But I didn’t!”

“Didn’t what?”

“Have sex with you last night!”

Sunshine looks up at Arc, clearly confused. “You… didn’t?”

Arc shakes his head. “No! After I tied you up I held you to try and keep you from squirming so much and getting hurt!”

“So… you didn’t… give me what I asked for?”

“You weren’t yourself back then.”

“I… thank you.”

“No problem.”

“Look, I need to say something.”

“What is it?”

Sunshine sighs. “The things that happened last night… they were completely and one-hundred percent my fault.”

“Not exactly. You were under the influence of the potion, weren’t you?”

“Yes. But I… I chose to add it to your food.”

“We all make mistakes.”

“I did that knowing full well what it would do to me. And… to you.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“That potion increases fertility, of course. But one of the side effects is a dramatic increase in hormone levels.”

She looks away before continuing.

“I… was hoping you’d be so overcome with lust that you wouldn’t think twice about impregnating me.”

“What about Shadow?”

“The things I told you last night weren’t lies. He really is impotent.”

“Then why is he trying to get you pregnant every night?”

“Shadow is in denial on that subject. He thinks that if he puts his load in me enough times it’ll work.”

“But it won’t I’m assuming.”

Sunshine shakes her head. “Not a chance.”

“How did the first time happen then?”

“A miracle is all I can come up with.”

She turns to look at Arc as she rests her hooves on the side of the tub.

“I really do want another foal though. If you’d be willing, I’d still like you to mate with me at some point.”

Arc sighs. “Look, I don’t feel right taking someone else’s wife like that. It just feels so… wrong.”

“He’ll never know. And I’m sure Snowflake would like to have a little brother or sister.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Sunshine.”

“Why not?”

“Because… for some reason I feel as if there’s someone out there waiting for me.”

“Did you get your memory back?”

“No. It’s… just a feeling I have.”

Sunshine smiles at him. “That’s very noble. If you ever change your mind, please let me know and I’ll put some sleeping potion in Shadow and Snowflake’s food again. You won’t have to worry about us being discovered that way.”

“Um… thanks. I think.”

Meanwhile, Dinky rises with the sun and makes her way to her friend’s rooms to tell them of her discovery.

“And that’s what we found.”

Sweetie Belle frowns. “So you’re saying you saw some kind of weird bat/pony hybrid outside last night?”


Apple Bloom raises an eyebrow skeptically. “Are you sure you didn’t just dream it?”

Dinky shakes her head. “Sereb was there too.”

“Indeed. Everything transpired just as Dinky says.”

Sweetie Belle groans. “So let’s just assume that’s true. What do we do now?”

Sereb growls. “Move on before they can do anything about it would be my suggestion.”

Apple Bloom turns to Dinky. “We probably should. I mean… we’re pretty much healed up now.”

“Right. And I don’t feel good eating all their food.”

Sweetie Belle nods as she turns to Dinky. “So when do we go?”

“How about right now?”

Apple Bloom sighs. “I guess we should probably leave before we eat another meal here.”

Sweetie Belle puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Now then, do we just walk out the front door? Or maybe leave somewhat more covertly?”

Sereb smiles toothily. “Subterfuge would be best right now.”

Dinky nods. “Agreed.”

Apple Bloom frowns. “But we can’t leave without doing something for them in return!”

Dinky smiles at her friend. “And we will, Apple Bloom. We’ll use my dad’s gauntlet to teleport to Ponyville. It’s still really early, so nopony should be around.”

Sweetie Belle raises an eyebrow. “But where will we get food from? Sweet Apple Acres?”

Dinky shakes her head. “No. There’s a bunch of supplies at my dad’s old base that’s just sitting there.”

Apple Bloom gasps. “You’re suggesting we STEAL the food from Light’s Hope?!”

Sweetie Belle shrinks back, clearly nervous as she looks to Dinky. “But… isn’t that a really big crime?!”

“Stealing from the military is, yes. But I think this is a prime example of extenuating circumstances.”

Sereb nods. “Yes. Were Arc here I am sure he would authorize it.”

Apple Bloom sighs. “I agree. But what do we do if we get caught?”


Dinky shrugs. “There hasn’t been any soldiers stationed at Light’s Hope since my dad became Lord Regent again.”

Sereb nods. “That is true. As far as I know there has not been any movement whatsoever from Canterlot to either permanently close the facility or reclaim its supplies.”

“Right. They’re just sitting there waiting to be used. So, are you three with me or not?”

Apple Bloom nods. “Sure! Let’s help these ponies!”

Sereb grins. “Such would have been the will of Arc. I too will aid you.”

Sweetie Belle groans. “Fine. But if we get caught, I’m blaming you three.”

“Okay! Let’s get moving!”

Dinky walks over to the saddlebags with Sereb. The large wolf uses his magic to pick them up and fasten them along with his saddle. Removing Arc’s gauntlet, Dinky uses it to make a sigil on the floor before stepping onto it.

“Let’s go everypony.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle walk over to stand with Dinky and Sereb. Powering up the sigil, they are transported to Arc’s quarters in Light’s Hope. Dinky sighs and looks around.

“I… sorta hoped he’d be here.”

Apple Bloom puts a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “I know what you mean. Some days I think my own parents are going to walk right through my front door.”

Sereb nods soberly. “Indeed. You must not give up hope, Dinky.”

“Can you three give me a few minutes alone please?”

Sweetie Belle looks to the door. “Want us to wait in the hall?”

Dinky shakes her head as she heads for the back door. “No. I just need a few minutes alone.”

Leaving the building, Dinky closes the door behind her. Looking around the field she sighs and walks over to her father’s memorial. Reaching it, she puts a hoof on the shiny marble and sits down.

“Your scent still lingers in your quarters, dad. It… kinda feels like you’re just on a faraway trip somewhere and that you’ll come back to me someday. I still believe you’re alive though, and hope you’re doing well. This journey with my friends… is this what it’s like to go on a mission, dad?”

Smiling, Dinky pauses to gather her thoughts.

“It hasn’t been easy. We all got stung by a really big snake and were hurt pretty bad. Just like you were during that trip to Griffonstone for the treaty signing. I wish I could have come with you. Have come on all your adventures actually. You wouldn’t have had time to spend with me, of course. But I’d be happy just being by your side. Even if things were dangerous, I promise I wouldn’t be afraid.”

Taking a deep breath, Dinky clears her mind and remembers her father for a few minutes before speaking again.

“I’m going to find you again, dad. Whether that means bringing you home safely… or burying you here properly like you deserve. I’m sorry I had to run away from home and leave mom behind. But… but this journey is just something I feel like I need to do. The problem right now is that I don’t really know where to go from here. If you can hear me… can I get an idea?”

Silence ensues as a warm breeze blows through the trees. A very slight clattering is heard. Dinky looks up at the marble monument and spots a small piece of her father’s armor. Standing up she looks at it for a long moment before nodding soberly.

“Thanks dad. Now I know where to go next.”

Turning, Dinky heads back toward the base. Returning to her father’s quarters she looks to her friends.

“Sorry to keep you all waiting. Now let’s go.”

They nod. Dinky leads them out to the corridor and toward the cafeteria. Entering the empty room they make a beeline for the kitchen. Apple Bloom turns to Sweetie Belle.

“So what should we grab?”

“Probably nothing in the refrigerators are good anymore.”

Dinky nods soberly. “Right. Now then, let’s grab everything in the pantry. Sealed packages and canned goods will be best for long term storage in the village.”

Sereb looks around. “I can push the table aside to give you room to place a sigil, Dinky.”

“Good idea. We can set everything down on it and teleport it all at once.”

Apple Bloom grins. “Now that we have a plan, let’s do it!”

Sweetie Belle nods happily. “Right! Those ponies over there have suffered long enough!”

They get to work passing the food from hoof to hoof from the pantry to the new kitchen sigil. As they reach the halfway point, Sereb’s ears prick up as he turns from his place in the pantry.

“Someone is coming!”

Sweetie Belle gasps. “What?!”

Apple Bloom appears confused. “But there’s nopony here. Maybe you…”

She is cut of as the kitchen door opens and Arc’s squad walks in. Dinky casts a spell and the pantry door slams shut behind her. Everyone stands there for a moment silently. Max is the first to speak.

“Um… hi, Dinky.”

Hugh looks at the food on the floor. “You, uh… you hungry?”

Viktor smiles nervously. “We can cook you and your friends something if you want.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. Um… what they said.”

Apple Bloom sighs. “We’re in trouble, aren’t we?”

Xenos looks away. “What for?”

Sweetie Belle groans. “Trying to steal food.”

Apple Bloom gasps. “Sweetie Belle!”

Max nods soberly. “Dinky… I need you to tell me exactly what’s going on here.”

“We… came here to take the food from the pantry with my dad’s gauntlet.”

Hugh frowns. “That doesn’t make sense.”

Viktor groans. “Not in the least. There’s plenty of food over at the orphanage for you to eat if the need arises.”

Xenos walks over to Dinky. “I know you miss your dad, Dinky. But he taught you better than to steal.”

“We’re not really stealing it, Mister Xenos.”

Apple Bloom nods. “Right! We’re… um… what would you call this?”

Sweetie Belle shrugs. “Um… borrowing?”

Hugh frowns. “We’re you planning to return it?

Sweetie Belle sighs and looks down. “Are we under arrest?”

Max shakes his head. “No, but I’m surprised at you three. Why in Celestia’s name would you even consider…?”

He is cut off as the pantry door opens and Sereb walks out.

“Our need was great.”

Xenos gasps. “Sereb?!”

Hugh frowns. “What are you doing in there?!”

“Assisting Dinky and her friends in their efforts to remove the food from the panty.”

Viktor gasps. “You were HELPING THEM?!”


Max grits his teeth. “Why?!”

“There is a village of ponies in need of proper nutrition.”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“We were taking the food from the pantry, as we believed there was no longer anyone stationed here.”

Sweetie Belle nods fervently. “Right! They need it!”

Dinky sighs. “We were trying to do what my dad did for Abyssinia.”

Apple Bloom gestures with a hoof. “Just on a smaller scale.”

Hugh turns to Max. “What should we do?”

“This is against regulations.”

Xenos frowns. “Yeah. But we can’t let others starve!”

Hugh nods. “Xenos is right. The commander wouldn’t want us to sit on food stores if others needed them.”

Max looks to Dinky.

“We’ll help you stack this stuff up so you can take it.”

“Thank you, Mister Max. We’ll leave enough for you and the others though.”

“No. It sounds like you need it more.”

Apple Bloom gasps. “But what will you eat?!”

Xenos sighs. “We’ll start doing writs to make ends meet.”

Hugh nods. “Yeah. We don’t need much, what with housing already covered.”

Viktor grins. “All of us will be like the commander when he first came to Equestria.”

Sereb’s horn glows. “Let us get to work.”

With the aid of Arc’s squad they quickly transfer the entire contents of the pantry to the kitchen sigil. Dinky turns back to the squad and smiles.

“Thanks a lot. We need to get back there now though so we can deliver this food and continue our journey.”

Sweetie Belle grins. “Right. Can you tell my sister I’m doing okay?”

Xenos nods. “Sure. What’s with the bandages though?”

Apple Bloom grimaces. “We had a run-in with something kinda big and mean in the forest.”

Dinky cuts in. “We’re doing okay though.”

Sereb nods. “Right. I will stay with them until this matter is resolved.”

“Tell Applejack I’ll be home when I can.”

“And let my mom know I’m okay too please.”

Max gasps. “Wait! Your mother hasn’t been at work lately.”

“Huh? Where did she go?”

Hugh shrugs. “No idea. We went to check on her one day and she wasn’t there.”

Apple Bloom groans. “Maybe she went to Canterlot to look for us?”

Sweetie Belle sighs. “Probably. She’ll come back when she doesn’t find us there though.”

Xenos turns to Dinky. “You should leave her a note at your house though.”

Hugh nods. “Right. I’m sure she’d appreciate hearing from you when she gets back.”

“Okay. We’ll run down there so I can leave her a note. Thanks for understanding, everypony.”

Xenos grins. “It’s cool.”

Hugh smiles. “Right. You just stay safe out there.”

Viktor salutes her. “We’ll be here if you need anything.”

Max pats Dinky’s head. “Take care.”

The squad listens to the sound of their small hooves running down the corridor. The front doors open and click shut as they turn to one another. Xenos is the first to speak.

“Did we really do the right thing?”

Viktor sighs. “You mean letting them go?”

Hugh shrugs. “What else could we do?”

Max frowns. “Right. Those three have powers we can’t even begin to understand. I’m just glad they’re using it for good.”

Xenos shakes his head. “Equestria help us if they ever did otherwise.”

Viktor chuckles. “The commander did his best to instill proper morals into her. When he had time to do that is beyond me though.”

The others nod in approval. Meanwhile, Dinky and the others hurry down the path toward town. Reaching the small house they run inside.


There is no answer. Sweetie Belle looks to the dark fireplace.

“It doesn’t look like she’s been here in a while.”

Dinky trots over to the kitchen table. “Well, just let me write a quick note letting her know we’re okay and we’ll be off.”’

As Dinky sits down Apple Bloom spots something nearby.

“Hey, what’s that on the sigil?”

Walking over to it, she picks it up and trots over to Dinky.

“Looks like a note.”

“Let me see.”

Dinky takes the note from Apple Bloom and unfolds it.

“It’s from my mom!”

Sweetie Belle gasps. “She must’ve had the same idea!”

Apple Bloom grins. “What’s it say?!”

“Let’s see…”

Dear Dinky,

I hope this letter finds you well. If you’re reading this then I guess I’m not back yet. Twilight and her friends left town with me to try and find you. Hopefully you’re alright. But I guess if your reading this you’re doing okay. We’re going to Canterlot to try and meet up with you, but somehow I doubt you’ll be there when we arrive.

Reading over that last part, I’ve found that I’m not very good at writing letters. So I guess I’ll just say a few things I wish I had said when you were here. I’m so very proud of the young mare you’re growing up to be. You’re strong, honest, brave, and smart… just like your father. All of us know you’re doing the best you can to find him. We’re working on investigating things here in Canterlot too. Hopefully together we can figure this mess out and bring your father home. Just stay safe out there. You know your father and I wouldn’t want you to get hurt over this.

Rarity and Applejack are worried about Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Please remember their safety too before acting. Listen to Sereb, and be sure to think through a situation before things get out of hoof. I really wish I had some better advice for you, sweetie. But as you know… I’m not a smart mare. Which is why I’m so very glad somepony like Arc took you in and saw to it you were raised to be such a good filly.

I’m looking forward to the day when we can all be together again.

Stay safe,


Dinky folds the paper back up and lays it down.

“Mom… is supportive of my decision to… look for dad?”

Apple Bloom appears confused. “I thought she’d be telling you to come home.”

Sweetie Belle sighs. “Rarity would have for sure.”

Sereb smiles. “Perhaps it would be best if you wrote your own letter so we could be off, Dinky.”

Dinky nods as she picks up a pencil with her magic. “Right. And I think I know exactly what I want to say now.”

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