• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 9 - Being Subtle

The group stares at Arc, dumbfounded for a few moments. Eventually Ember breaks the silence.

“So let me just make sure I have this clear in my mind. You want Twilight, whom is now a bona-fide Princess of Equestria, to deliver a message for you?”


Sereb raises an eyebrow. “How would we even get the message to her?”

Hammer grimaces. “Right. That place is like Fort Knox.”

Cherry calls out. “And how much information would you be giving her?”

Auriel sighs. “Right. Twilight isn’t one to not ask questions, after all.”

“I’ll have to send a messenger to give her the message.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “You want to send a messenger to Twilight… to deliver a message… and then she’s supposed to deliver that message to somepony… to deliver to Celestia?!”

Hammer frowns. “It sounds complicated when you put it that way.”

Arc nods. “Something like that, Ember.”

Sereb looks to Arc. “But how could we be certain the message would not be lost or altered along the way?”

“It has to start with someone very dependable. And I know just the one.”

He turns to the monarchs.

“I’ll need to head back to my ship in order to speak to the others. We’ll let you know what we come up with.”

Felix nods understandingly. “Very well, Lord Arc.”

Fiona smiles at him. “We’ll do our best to help however we are able.”

“Before I go through… how are relations between Abyssinia and the Griffon Kingdom?”


“Hence the military guarding that shore. We feared of an attack by Equestria to the west.”

“Or the Griffon Kingdom to the northwest.”

Sereb grins. “A strong defense would give the nation time to defend itself.”

Hammer nods approvingly. “It’s a good plan. See the enemy coming from a long ways away, that is.”

Fiona sighs. “The political tone may shift regardless.”

Felix grimaces. “Yes, it is likely your ship registered on the Griffon Kingdom’s radar on the way here.”

Auriel groans. “So they’ve probably already notified Canterlot of your complicity in this matter.”

“What is done is done.”

“We’re still willing to house and provide for the citizens of Ponyville though.”

Arc appears relieved. “Thanks. But I won’t take up any more of your time.”

They stand as Arc opens a portal.

“We wish you luck in this endeavor, Lord Arc.”

“May things go well for you from now on.”

Arc nods to the monarchs. “And with Abyssinia as well.”

Entering the portal, Arc and the others reappear in his room aboard The Equinox. Ember turns to him.

“Do you think Abyssinia will be safe when we leave?”

“Probably. I don’t see the griffons invading them unless provoked.”

Sereb frowns. “What makes you say that?”

Hammer shrugs. “They’re already stretched thin enough as it is, what with sending forces to Equestria already.”

Arc looks out the window at the sand dunes. “Right. Invading Abyssinia would leave their land even more vulnerable than it is now.”

Ember raises a claw. “Hey. Crazy idea here, but…”

Arc cuts her off. “We are not invading the Griffon Kingdom, no.”

“Come on! You know you want to!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Oh, yes. I’m interested in ruining the lives of everyone in that entire country just to get what I want.”

Sereb chuckles. “I sense the sarcasm in your words, Arc.”

“Well, I would hope so, as I’m laying it on pretty thick. But right now we need to speak to the citizens and see if they’ll be willing to relocate here temporarily.”

Heading to the Bridge, Arc orders Lemon Hearts to page Mayor Mare. She enters along with his friends.

“You wanted to see me, sir?”


Rainbow Dash appears hopeful. “Are they going to help us?!”

Applejack glares at her friend. “Rainbow Dash!”

“What?! I’ve been waiting all morning for an answer to that!”

Pinkie bounces happily. “Me too!”

Fluttershy clears her throat softly. “I’m sure Arc will tell us when he’s good and ready.”

“Well… to be honest with everyone, the meeting didn’t go quite as planned.”

The mayor grimaces. “Bad news, sir?”

“Yes and no. It’s good inasmuch as they’ve offered food and shelter to all the displaced ponies of Ponyville.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “But they’re not going to help us fight, right?!”

Sereb nods. “That is correct.”

Arc sighs. “And I’m just as happy as they are about that fact.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “But I thought we came here for just that reason.”

“We did. But the more I talked to them about this, the more I realized that this will take a delicate touch over strongarm tactics.”

Hammer grins. “So what’s the plan then?”

“First, Mayor Mare… I want you to spread the word to the others that I’ll need them to stay here where it’s safe.”

“I think I can convince everypony that it’s for the best.”

“Lemon Hearts, inform Hard Hat of the need to build some bunkhouses and a temporary Town Hall here in Abyssinia”

“Yes sir.”

“Wrangler, you and my squad will run him over to the palace as soon as possible to get started. When he’s ready, have every able bodied set of hooves that can be spared go over there and start building.”

“Aye sir.”

“Thunderlane, head down to Engineering and get Sunburst. I need a consultation with him regarding my plan.”

“On my way.”

Arc nods and turns back to the group.

“Now then, where was I?”

Rainbow Dash groans. “I dunno. You haven’t really told us much since we got here.”

Applejack grits her teeth. “Whatever you do though, we want in on it.”

Fluttershy shudders. “Not sure how we could help, but…”

“Um… I… actually was going to ask you to stay here with the others.”

Rainbow Dash narrows her eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

“It’ll be safer.”

Pinkie gasps. “We’re fine by your side, Arc!”

Applejack nods with conviction. “Right!”

Fluttershy appears suddenly serious. “That and if this has anything to do with Twilight, we’re in!”

Hammer turns to Arc. “Don’t think you’re talking them out of this one, Arc.”

Sereb chuckles. “Indeed.”

Arc sighs. “I guess not.”

Rainbow Dash takes flight. “Right! Being part of a herd means doing what’s best for everypony! Not just letting them run off and do whatever!”

Auriel nods affectionately. “We will stand by your side as long as it takes, Arc.”

Ember grins as she makes a fist. “Me too! But I figured that went without saying.”

“Thanks everyone.”

A short time later Hard Hat, Sunburst, Thunderlane, and Rose step onto the Bridge. Rose is the first to speak.

“I hear we’ll be staying here for a while.”

Ember shrugs. “Just the citizens.”

Hammer nods. “Right. The rest of us are helping Arc with his plan.”

“Hard Hat, I need you to help build some living quarters for the citizen and a Town Hall here. The monarchs have agreed to help with that.”

Mayor appears hopeful. “Is there ample food and water for everypony?”

Rose nods. “I’ve scanned the city using the ship’s sensors and found ample water supplies throughout the area.”

Arc chuckles. “Those must be the aquaponics systems, Rose.”

Ember licks her lips. “That and they’ve got TONS of food for everyone!”

Sereb nods. “It would be much safer for everyone than following us into battle.”

Cherry calls out to them. “Right. While I have faith that Arc will emerge victorious, we shouldn’t endanger everypony else.”

Mayor turns to Arc. “I’ll inform everyone of this change, sir.”

“Thank you. Just make sure they understand that it’s for their own good, and that I don’t exactly know just how long this will take.”

“Yes sir. Thank you for protecting the townsponies from harm.”

She bows respectfully and leaves the Bridge. Arc turns to Hard Hat.

“Take Wrangler and my four personal guards and head to the palace. I want the housing project started as soon as possible.”

“Yes sir. I’ll see to it.”

“And make sure everything’s perfect. They might be here a while.”

Ember nods. “I’ll go with him.”

Hammer grins. “Me too. Need something to get my hands dirty anyways.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “Maybe I can be of help too.”

“Fine with me.”

Hard Hat motions with a hoof. “Alright. Off we go.”

Bowing, Hard Hat leaves the Bridge with the others as Arc turns to Sunburst.

“And now we come to the meat and potatoes of my plan.”

Sunburst appears nervous. “S-sir?”

“Sorry. That was just a human expression. Please come with me.”

He leads Sunburst down the corridor and to his office. Closing the door behind them, Arc turns to the stallion.

“Now then… here’s what I want you to do.”

“Whatever I can do to help, sir.”

“Good. I want you to pick up my telephone and call Spike.”

Sunburst appears confused. “My assistant?”


“Very well, sir. Um… what shall I tell him?”

“Just get him on the line and keep him talking for a few minutes. I’ll tell you what needs to be done.”

Sunburst does as he is told. Arc concentrates and calls out.


“Hey, Big Brother! “

“Everything going well over there?”

“Pretty much. Decimus is still looking for new ways to increase the castle’s security. I mean… I know it’s supposed to be top notch, and all. But how much is too much?”

“Are the griffon airships still there?”

“Yup. And they’re not going anywhere if Decimus has his way.”

“Kinda figured you’d say that.”

“Sorry I don’t have better news.”

“It’s fine. How about the princesses themselves? Any movement?”

“Negative. Both of them rule from their rooms most of the time. Occasionally I walk one of them to the Royal Office just off the Audience Chamber. They meet there once a day, you know.”

“Other than that the castle’s still locked up tight, eh?”

“Right. Nopony’s getting in here without being detected. Not even you, Big Brother.”

“That’s fine.”


“I’m working on a new plan.”

“Do I have a part in it?”

“Probably, yes. But for now here’s what you need to do…”

A few days later there is a knock at Princess Twilight’s door. Opening it, she finds Spike standing there smiling up at her. He calls out to her.

“Hey, Twilight!”

“Spike! Well, this is a surprise! Come in!”

The baby dragon trots into the room as Twilight closes the door behind him as she speaks.

“So how have you been doing?”

“Oh! Uh… just fine, Twi… I mean… your highness.”

“Oh Spike. You don’t have to call me that.”

“What should I…?”

“Just ‘Twilight’. Nothing’s different between us now that I’m a princess.”

Spike nods nervously as Twilight walks over to a nearby cabinet. Pulling out a few gems, she levitates them over to him.

“I’m sorry I don’t have much more to offer you. But I didn’t expect you to drop in like this.”

He accepts the gems and sucks on them for a moment before continuing.

“So… what’s it like being a princess?”

Twilight sighs. “In all honesty… it’s pretty dull. Considering all I’d read about Princess Celestia fighting against evil forces throughout history, I thought it’d be at least a little more… interesting.”

“Well… how about you and I hang out then?”

Twilight grins. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

“What do you wanna do?”

“How about you and I read together. Remember how much you used to like doing that?”

“I… guess so.”

She walks over to a large bookshelf nearby with Spike.

“Go ahead and pick something out. And if you don’t see something you like, I’ll have it brought from the Royal Library.”


Looking over the shelves, Spike pulls out a book and gives it to Twilight.

“This one!”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “You want to read about trees?”

Spike nods. “Uh huh!”

“That’s fine. But why?”

“I’m just… trying to broaden my horizons.”

“Alright then.”

Sitting down on the rug in front of the fireplace Twilight and Spike look over the book together.

“Do you want to start at the beginning?”

Spike holds out his claws. “Let me see.”

Flipping to the Table of Contents, he looks it over for a few moments before turning to a specific page.

“Let’s start here.”

Twilight giggles. “Okay. Here we go.”

She clears her throat before starting.

“In botany and horticulture, deciduous plants, including trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials, are those that lose all of their leaves for part of the year. This process is called ‘abscission’. In some cases leaf loss coincides with winter especially in temperate or polar climates. In other parts of the world, including tropical, subtropical, and arid regions, plants lose their leaves during the dry season or other seasons, depending on variations in rainfall.”

She looks to Spike.

“This is pretty general stuff. Are you really sure this is what I should read?”

“Well… I suppose you’re right. Let me try looking for something a bit more… specific.”

Taking the book from Twilight, he turns the pages again. Coming to a specific page, Spike returns the book to his friend and points.

“Try this.”

Twilight clears her throat and speaks. “The ’Quercus alnifolia’, commonly known as the Golden Oak, is an evergreen oak species of Cyprus. Its common name refers to the golden colored lower surface of its leaves. Quercus alnifolia belongs to the endemic flora of the island and it is confined to the igneous geological complex of the…”

Twilight looks to Spike, quizzically.

“You’re awfully interested in trees all of a sudden. Is there something you want to tell me, Spike?”

Spike shakes his head. “No, no. I just… thought it’d be a good thing to study. After all, Equestria is just covered in trees.”

Twilight laughs. “Well, you’re right about that. I’d bet that there’re more trees in Equestria than ponies.”

“Maybe. How about you skim the pages and let me know if you spot anything interesting.”


She reads silently for a time before calling out.

“Did you know that oak trees don’t produce acorns until they’re at least twenty years old?”


Twilight nods. “And an oak usually lives for around two hundred years.”

“Do they?”

Twilight gasps. “Listen to this! It says here that the oldest oak tree is called the Two Sisters Oak Tree at an estimated age of over a thousand years!”

“How did it survive this long?!”

“It says here that Princess Luna and Princess Celestia planted the seed together as a tribute to the beginning of the newly formed country of Equestria!”

Spike grins. “Where is it?!”

“Just south of Canterlot in the town of…!”

Twilight gasps.



Twilight nods fervently as she turns the book to him, revealing a picture. “Yes! The Golden Oaks Library was formerly known as the Two Sisters Oak Tree!”

“Wow! I knew it was big for an oak tree, sure! But this is beyond what I was expecting to find!”

Twilight grins. “It’s incredible! You and I lived there for so long studying and doing tests on so many different things! All the while the most interesting specimen was around us the entire time!”

“Yeah! We really were living in a science experiment!”

“I could have been running so man tests on it! Was it allowed to grow naturally, or magically enhanced to grow faster?! What’s it’s exact age?! And why did the princesses convert it into a library?!”

“We could just ask them.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, we can’t. Princess Celestia is always so busy with paperwork and the day to day activities of ruling that her and I don’t have time for idle chatter.”

Spike turns and trots over to the patio doors. “Well… I suppose the only other way to find out would be to go down to Ponyville and run some tests.”

“That’s a great idea! We could…!”

Twilight’s ears droop as she sighs.

“I forgot myself there. We’re not supposed to leave the castle.”

Spike raises an eyebrow. “We?”

“Princess Celestia and I. Decimus insists that we remain under heavy guard at all times for security’s sake.”

“Oh? What for?”

“He still thinks Arc’s a criminal, and that he’ll come after us if given the chance.”

Spike scoffs. “That’s silly!”

“I know. But Princess Celestia believes that the danger is real.”

Spike narrows his eyes. “She might be a bit biased in that matter.”

“Yes, well… I’m trying to humor her until the truth comes out.”

“Well we know that Arc’s not a threat to anyone who doesn’t deserve it, right?”

“Yes, of course.”

“So let’s go!”

“But security has to be…”

Spike interrupts her. “Before this whole mess with Arc, Princess Celestia used to be flown all over the country in her chariot. Nothing ever happened to her, right?”

“I suppose not. But that was before the castle lockdown.”

“You admitted that Arc isn’t a threat a few moments ago. So there isn’t any reason for you to be afraid to travel.”

“That’s true.”

She puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully.

“I wonder how I could convince Princess Celestia to let me go back to…?”

Spike rolls his eyes. “You’re a princess, Twilight! Nopony can tell you what to do anymore!”

Twilight trots in place nervously. “Oh, I know! But… I really need to ask permission!”

“From whom?”

“I… don’t really know.”

She thinks for a few moments silently before continuing..

“At the very least, I need to notify the somepony to organize an escort. After all, Princess Celestia is never unaccompanied.”


Twilight groans. “I don’t really want to tell Captain Decimus about this though.”

“Anypony else?”

“Well… Luna used to have all of her affairs handled by a stallion named Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage.”

“He could probably organize something.”

Twilight smiles. “Or tell me who to contract. It’s perfect!”

She hurries to the phone and waits for the operator.

“Yes, Princess Twilight?”

“I need to see Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage in my quarters right away.”

“It will be done, your highness.”

“Thank you.”

Hanging up the phone, she grins.

“That was easy enough.”

Spike frowns. “You thought it wouldn’t be?”

“I kinda believed they’d ask for a reason.”

“Does anypony ask Princess Celestia why she does things?”

“Well, no. But I’m the new princess here. You’d think there’d be a warmup period, or something.”

A few minutes later there is a knock on the door. Spike opens it to find a stallion standing before him wearing a sergeant’s insignia.

“Won’t you come in?”

“Uh… thanks.”

Entering, Spike closes the door behind him. Approaching Twilight, he bows respectfully.

“What can I do for you, Princess Twilight?”

“I’d like to quietly visit a nearby town.”

Sandstorm Mirage looks up at her, confused. “Your highness?”

“There’s some very important scientific data that I need to take, and time may be of the essence.”

“But, Princess Twilight…!”

Spike frowns and point a claw at the stallion. “Hey! That’s the princess you’re talking to!”

“Yes, I understand that, but…”

Twilight continues. “You will prepare transportation for me and my friend here along with a hoofful of guards to keep us safe.”


Twilight glares at him. “Have I made myself clear?!”

“Yes… Princess Twilight. When would you like to leave?”

“Oh! Um…”

Spike pipes up. “How about in three days?”

Twilight frowns. “What? Why such a long…?”

Spike counts on his claws. “We need to make preparations, gather supplies, look over maps, make lists of everything we’ll need out there, organize security, reserve a ship of some kind…”

Twilight groans. “Yes, I suppose that will take some time. After all, we’ll want to be prepared to perform any number of experiments. I’ll need quills, parchments, saddlebags…”

The princess continues making a verbal list as Scootaloo listens in along with the guards in the corridor. Smiling under her hood she muses to herself.

“Sounds like it’s all going according to plan. I just hope you know what you’re doing, Big Brother.”

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