• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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*Chapter 3 - Road Trip

Early the next morning, Arc and Ember put on their armor and board the train from Ponyville Station to Dodge Junction. As they find a place to sit and get comfortable Arc turns to Ember and speaks.

“So exactly how long will it take us to reach The Dragon Lands?”

Ember leans back in her seat and puts her feet up. “With luck, we should arrive at my old house tomorrow night.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad. But can you show me the route again?”

Arc pulls out his map of Equestria and the pair look it over. Ember taps the map with a claw as she speaks.

“As you can see, the shortest and quickest route would be to take the train directly to Baltimare and see about hiring a ship to take us across the Celestial Sea to the Dragon Lands.”

“Wait! If this route is so much better than the one you laid out at Derpy’s house over breakfast then why aren’t we taking it?!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Because shortest and quickest doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best.”

“I suppose that’s true, yes. However, I get the feeling that there’s more to it than just that fact.”

“And you’d be right. Do you recall when we met back in Tartarus?”

Arc nods. “Of course. What about it?”

“Remember what I told you about why I was sentenced to Tartarus in the first place?”

“Something about a murder that you were blamed for if I remember correctly.”

Ember frowns. “Exactly. So let’s just say that I would like to keep my distance from both Baltimare and Captain Decimus if at all possible. That and if the past is any indication, I don't think he would take too kindly to seeing a human in ‘his city’. Much less accompanied by a dragon whom he already banished to Tartarus.”

Arc grimaces at this. “Good point.”

Ember traces their route with a claw. “I thought so too, yes. In any case, my plan is for us to take this train to the end of the line, which just happens to be Dodge Junction. From there, we can take the north road out of town toward the Rambling Rock Ridge. Before we get there, however, we’ll run into a river that empties into Horseshoe Bay. At that point we will follow the river east to the bay, completely bypassing Baltimare in the process. Once we get to Horseshoe Bay we can follow the coast southeast.”

Arc nods approvingly. “Quite the plan you have there Ember. But then how will we cross the Celestial Sea?”

Ember lowers her voice as she speaks. “Sorry Arc, but that's a well-guarded dragon secret.”

“Then how…?”

“I'll tell you more when we get there.”

Arc folds up the map and puts it back into his satchel. “All right, Ember. After all, I do trust you in this matter.”

Sometime later the train reaches the end of the line at Dodge Junction. The pair exit the train together and step down onto the platform. Arc looks around as he speaks.

“That was quicker than I expected.”

Ember points toward town. “If we need any supplies, now is the time and place to buy them. Remember, this is going to be the last civilized stop on our journey.”

Arc nods. “Understood. Then let’s take a walk through town and see if we can think of anything.”

“Uh… why?”

“Just for the sake of exploring mostly. That and I've never actually been outside of Ponyville. Well, other than Tartarus, that is.”

Ember groans. “I don't think that’s such a good idea, Arc. After all, the last time I went into a pony town, well… I already told you what happened!”

Arc holds his helmet under his arm and grins at her. “Well, this time you’re with a friend. Uh… should I be wearing this?”

Ember nods. “I would. It makes you look a lot more intimidating. Hopefully no one will bother us that way.”

Arc puts his helmet on and his eyes immediately begin to glow. “On it is.”

“Not that you really need to be any more intimidating than you already are. Wearing your hydra scale armor and holding that spear Derpy lent out, you already look like a force to be reckoned with.”

Arc points ahead with the Spear of Hope. “Onward then.”

The pair enter town and walk down the main street. Ember looks around as she speaks.

“Not much to look at, is it?”

Arc chuckles. “Are you kidding?! This is awesome!”

Ember turns to him and raises an eyebrow. “Come again?”

“I remember reading about towns like this in history class when I was just a boy! This place, it’s kinda like Earth's wild west was! Never thought I would see anything like it in person though!”

Ember shrugs. “As long as it makes you happy.”

Arc points to a nearby building. “There's what appears to be the saloon over there. You thirsty, Ember?”

“Now that you mention it, yes.”

“Let’s get something to drink.”

As Arc walks toward the saloon Ember follows behind slowly shaking her head and muttering under her breath.

“I have a bad feeling about this.”

The pair enter the building together. The inside appears to be your typical wild west saloon complete with a full bar, ponies playing what appears to be a card game similar to poker, and someone playing a slightly out of tune piano. Arc and Ember approach the bar and lean against it silently. The bartender looks up at them nervously as he approaches the pair.

“What... can I get you two?”

Arc smirks under his helmet. “Non-alcoholic cider for me, please.”

Ember raises a claw. “Make that two.”

The bartender quickly fills the tankards with cider and sets them on the bar in front of Arc and Ember. Arc pulls out a few bits from his satchel and puts them on the counter.

“Thank you, sir.”

The bartender tosses them into the cash register and quickly finds an excuse to move to the other end of the bar. Arc raises his helmet to take a drink.

“That’s good stuff!”

Ember frowns. “I’ve had better.”

Arc shrugs. “Can’t please everybody.”

A few moments later, a half dozen rather rough looking stallions walk through the swinging doors and make a beeline for a table with a few mares sitting at it. One of the stallions are carrying a rather large bouquet of flowers in a fetlock. He walks over to one of the mares and holds up them over to her as he speaks.

“The boss sends his regards, ma’am.”

Gritting her teeth, the mare recipient glares at him “I already told your ‘boss’ that I’m not interested in him!”

The stallions close around the mares as the one with the flowers smirks wickedly.

“It's really not healthy to ignore the wishes of the boss!”

A couple of the stallions with him take a sudden liking to the mares at the table as they leer salaciously at them. Seeing this, that stallion with the flowers waves them away.

“Back off you idiots! Remember, you lay so much as one solitary hoof on the boss' marefriend and he'll have your heads!”

The mare seethes at this. “I am NOT his marefriend!”

One of the stallions looks to the other mares. “Yeah, yeah. But he didn't say anything about her friends, did he?”

Smirking, the flower carrying stallion nods. “No. I guess he didn't.”

As the group moves in closer to the mares and start toying with their flowing manes, everypony else in the saloon looks the other way. Arc hands his spear to Ember and turns around.

“Hold my spear. I got this.”

He walks over to the group and stops a few paces from them before speaking.

“Howdy boys. I think you may be having just a bit too much fun over here. Now then, why don't you all head over to the bar and have a drink and leaves these mares alone?”

One of the stallions turns around as he speaks. “Now look here pal...!”

He stops, looks Arc up and down, and cocks his head to one side, clearly confused. “WOAH! Just who are you?! WHAT are you?!”

Arc shrugs. “Just a traveler passing through town. Now like I just said, why don't you boys move on and leave them alone?”

“Is that a threat?!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Think of it more like a suggestion...

He clenches a fist before continuing.

“One that should not be ignored.”


The stallion tosses the flower bouquet onto the table before him and charges at Arc. As the pony nears, he does a half-turn in order to buck Arc in the chest. However, Arc anticipates this and sidesteps the attack. Grabbing the stallion's rear hoof in midair, he uses the momentum to slam him to the floor. Grunting, the stallion looks to his companions as he loses consciousness.

“Get him…”

Two more of the stallions charge toward Arc side by side in an effort to tackle him. But Arc takes a step forward and knocks their heads together. They fall to the floor unconscious. Arc picks the pair up by the scruff of their necks and throws them out the door into the street. He then proceeds to ‘take out the trash’ and literally kick the first pony out after his friends before him. Arc turns to the other stallions around the table of mares and narrows his eyes.

“Now then… which of you is next?”

They run out the saloon door and help the others up. Rousing the first stallion, he shakily stands and glares at Arc.

“You'll pay for that!”

Arc shouts after them as they run away. “Oh yeah?! I think you got that backwards!”

Stepping back inside, Arc turns to the bartender who is visibly shaken by the whole ordeal and throws several bits to him.

“Sorry about the mess.”

He then turns back to the table of mares whom are also quite shaken. “Apologies for that. I’m really sorry that you girls had to see such a display. Are you all right?”

The mare in the center looks up at him and nods. “Yes, thanks to you! Oh where are my manners?! My name is Cherry Jubilee.

Arc nods to her. “Name’s Arc. But if you don't mind me asking, what was that all about?”

Cherry looks toward the door in disgust. “They were part of the local gang of bandits. You see their leader, Buffalo Bull, has set his sights on me for some reason.”

Her companions turn to look at Cherry as they speak.

“Don't sell yourself short, boss!”

“Yeah! You’re the best-looking mare in these here parts!”

Cherry blushes a bit. “Thank you, girls. But that doesn't really help my situation right now. Buffalo Bull has been sending messages lately saying he wants me to marry him.”

The mares gasps and call out in tandem. “WHAT?!”

“I don't even like him! All he does is take what he wants from whomever he wants! I run an honest business and can’t abide such things in a stallion! Even a rich one like him!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Could it possibly be your business he's after, miss?”

Cherry shakes her head. “I don't think so, no. You see, I own Cherry Hill Ranch, Equestria's main supplier of cherries. We do all right financially, yes. But we’re not exactly rolling in bits. Now then, do you mind if I ask you something now, Arc?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“What exactly brings you to our little town? Not to be rude, but you look a bit... out of place here. No offense intended of course!”

Arc waves Ember over. “None taken. You see, my friend here and I are just passing through on our way to the Dragon Lands in order to meet with the Dragon Lord.”

Cherry seems a bit taken aback upon hearing this. “Oh... well, are you planning on staying in town long?”

Arc shakes his head. “We were just in here to have a drink before continuing with our journey. Sorry if we caused you any trouble though. But in any case, it was nice meeting you three.”

Arc and Ember turn to leave. But Cherry quickly stands up and runs to stand in front of the pair.

“Wait a moment!”

Ember sighs. “What is it?”

Cherry points to the setting sun through a window. “It will be getting dark soon. Now then, I’m not trying to suggest that you two couldn’t hold your own. But the roads aren't exactly safe at night, what with the creatures that come out from the Hayseed Swamps. And that’s not even mentioning Buffalo Bull's gang that roams the countryside.”

Arc sighs as he turns to Ember. “Guess we’d better see about finding the town Inn.”

Ember shrugs. “Fine. Lead the…”

Cherry interrupts her. “You’re are welcome to spend the night at my ranch though, sir.”

Cherry looks over at Ember as she continues.

“You too, miss…”

“Just call me Ember.”

Arc looks over at Ember for assurance. She wordlessly nods as Arc turns back to Cherry.

“Thank you for your kindness, miss. We accept.”

Cherry smiles widely and motions to the saloon door with a hoof. “Good. This way then.”

The small group walks to Cherry Hill Ranch and enters through the front gate together. They proceed to the main house where the smell of cherries cooking is everywhere. Arc and Ember sit down at the kitchen table while they wait for the food to finish cooking. Cherry walks over to the stove as Arc looks around at their surroundings and chuckles.

“This place kinda reminds me of Sweet Apple Acres.”

Cherry turns around quickly. “Sweet Apple Acres?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, I worked there with an Earth Pony named Applejack for a time when I first came to Equestria. Before my... uh... change of career you might say.”

“You know Applejack?!”

“Yes, ma’am. In fact, she was one of the first friends I made in this land.”

Cherry smiles and turns back to the stove. “It sure is a small world then. Applejack worked here for a time in the cherry orchards. But you were saying something just a moment ago about a career change. What is it you do now, exactly?”

Arc tells Cherry Jubilee about Applejack and how she introduced him to the Writ Board in Ponyville. Cherry thinks for a moment.

“So, I guess you could kinda say that you’re a Bounty Hunter then?”

Arc shrugs. “I never actually gave it much thought before. But yes, I suppose that could be the case. Although admittedly I always thought of myself more of a Problem Solver. Ponies write their problems on the Writ Board and I take care of them.”

“If you had been planning to spend some more time in our town I would have suggested taking a look at our own Writ Board. At the moment it’s positively overflowing with unfulfilled writs. “

Cherry sighs before continuing.

“Although I would have to say that ninety-nine percent of them involve dealing either directly or indirectly with Buffalo Bull and his gang or their antics.”

She looks over at Arc with a hopeful look in her eye.

“Whoever takes him down could certainly claim all those writs, their bounties, and have the undying gratitude of an entire town.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Is he really that dangerous?”

Cherry groans. “Not exactly. I mean, Buffalo Bull is certainly a troublemaker and a thief. But so far nopony has been hurt... yet. When he first came to town a while back, he got a job here at the ranch. Quite the hard worker he was. He quickly took a shine to this place, and... to me, I suppose.”

Cherry suddenly looks sad. Ember looks her over hoof to mane before responding.

“I can understand that. You are quite fetching... for a pony that is.”

Arc gasps. “EMBER!”

Ember shrugs. “What? I meant what I said. She really is pretty. Again, for a pony.”

Cherry giggles. “It's alright, sir. I know what Ember meant.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well… what exactly happened that changed things between you and your former employee?”

“One day after work I was relaxing under a tree in the orchards when he walked up to me with a bouquet of flowers. Buffalo Bull then said how much he loved me and wanted me to become his bride. I told him I didn't exactly feel the same way and that things were moving much too fast for my liking. He... didn't like that very much and swore he would build a bigger business empire in order to make me his. He then ran off into the sunset and never returned to work. Sadly, he did indeed build a business empire as he had promised. But unfortunately one based on crime.”

There is a knock at the door. Cherry looks away from the stove and walks toward the living room.

“Please excuse me. I’ll be right back.”

A few moments later Cherry runs back into the kitchen, terrified. She looks to Arc and points a hoof fearfully.

“It's the ponies from the saloon! What do I do?!”

Arc quickly stands. “We’ll handle it. Ember, you answer the door.”

“Sure, but what will you be doing?”

Arc grabs his spear and runs out of the room as he puts his helmet on. “Getting the drop on them.”

Ember looks after him and shakes her head. “Whatever that means.”

The young dragon walks through the living room to answer the door with Cherry following closely behind her, shaking. As she opens the door, Ember greets the stallions with a bored expression on her face and tone in her voice.

“Something I can help you boys with?”

The stallion raises an eyebrow. “A dragon?!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Yeah?! What of it?”

“We want to talk to Cherry Jubilee! The boss has a message for her!”

Cherry cautiously steps forward. The stallion hands her a piece of paper which she looks over before looking to the stallion, confused.

“But… this is just a wanted poster of him.”

The stallion grabs the paper, turns it over and gives it back to her.

“Oh, sorry about that! Wrong side!”

Cherry reads the letter aloud…

To my Sweet Cherry Jubilee,

I have done as I said I would and have built a business empire worthy of you, my love. Come to me at once and we shall be wed at sunrise tomorrow. This very night my gang will deliver wedding invitations to everypony in town inviting them to the ceremony. Be a dear and don't let your fellow townsfolk down.

With all my love...

Buffalo Bull

The stallion extends a hoof toward Cherry. “Come with us miss. We'll see to it you get to the boss safe and sound.”

His hoof is stopped by a blow from the butt end of a spear. Ember bares her teeth at them as she takes up a battle ready position.

“Tell your boss if he wants Cherry Jubilee, then he'll have to go through me!”

The stallion smiles back at her menacingly. “I guess we're doing this the hard way then.”

There is a terrific crash behind the stallions. They all turn to look and see that Arc, having just jumped out a second story window, now flanks the group of gang members. He levels his spear at them as he speaks.

“AND ME! Your move, small ones! Better make it a good one!”

The group immediately recognizes Arc as the one whom so easily took them out earlier at the saloon. They flee in terror back down the road toward town. Arc shouts after them as he hefts his spear over his shoulder.


Ember and Cherry let Arc back into the house. As she does so Arc can plainly see the fear of the event still fresh in her eyes,

“I'm sure glad that's over!”

Arc sighs as he looks at the plume of dust from the departing stallions. “Not sure that it is though.”

Cherry appears hopeful as she looks Arc over. “You're a Bounty Hunter though! Do you think you could take Buffalo Bull down for us?!”

“Our business in the Dragon Lands is incredibly pressing. However, we should be coming back this way in a day or two. Ember and I can take care of your town’s gang problem then.”

Cherry appears relieved “Thank you, Arc! That's quite a load off my mind!”

Gesturing to the kitchen with a hoof, Cherry continues.

“Well, the food should be about ready now. Let's head back to the kitchen and eat.”

The three dine on cherry-based dishes of every imaginable type before pushing back from the table. Arc looks up at their host and grins.

“That was a mighty fine meal Cherry Jubilee!”

Ember nods approvingly. “I'm not much for pony food, but that was some good eating!”

Cherry smiles at the pair as she turns to head upstairs. “I'm glad you both liked it, but we should probably get to bed now. Morning around here comes very early.”

Arc stands as he and Ember follow her up the stairs. “Do you want Ember to stay with you? Who knows when those ponies will return?”

Cherry shakes her head. “Thank you, but I'll be fine. Please let me show you two to your rooms though.”

Being shown to separate guest rooms, Arc and Ember part ways. Arc lays down on his bed and stares up at the ceiling as he attempts to sleep. A few minutes later however there is a knock at the door. Sitting up, he calls out.

“Come in.”

The door opens and Ember walks in. She closes the door softly behind her as she speaks.

“Hey, uh… can we talk for a bit?”

Arc nods. “Sure, what's on your mind?”

Ember sits down on a chair next to the bed. “A couple things actually.”

“I’m listening.”

“First… about meeting my father, the Dragon Lord. I'm suddenly very nervous about this! What if he doesn't approve of you?! What if he wants to get rid of you?! What if...?!”



“You said that your father is a wise Dragon Lord. I would hope that you would have more faith in him, not only as the Dragon Lord, but as a father whom probably just wants what is best for his daughter.”

“I suppose you’re right.”

“What else is bothering you then?”

Ember looks over at him slightly embarrassed. “Please don't tell anyone else this, but... I... I think there’s something wrong with me.”

Arc appears confused. “Can you elaborate?”

Ember fidgets with her claws folded in her lap. “Well, ever since you and I... you know... became close... I have this strange feeling whenever I’m apart from you. Just now when I was lying down in my own room it was unbearable! What's happening to me?!”

“That sounds kinda like loneliness to me. It's an emotion humans and ponies alike share. We feel it when we are apart from those we care about deeply for too long.”

“But what should I do?!”

Arc pats the pillow next to him. “Why don't you stay here with me for a while? At least until you feel better, that is”

Ember stands and steps toward the bed. “Thank you, Arc. I’ll try not to stay too long.”

As she lies down, Arc pulls the covers over them and lays back himself. Ember quickly latches onto his arm and smiles as she presses her face against his shoulder. Arc looks down at her and smiles.

“Comfy, Ember?”


“Well, good night then.”

Yawning, Ember smiles sleepily as she responds.

“That it is, Arc. That it is.”

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