• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,576 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 1 - Misunderstandings

Arc, Twilight, and Silver Hammer awaken. Twilight looks up to Arc, wide-eyed!

“Was that... real?”

Silver Hammer sits up slowly from her place at the end of the bed. “I... think so.”

Arc nods. “Trust me... that happened.”

Steel Hammer wakes up at the sound of his wife's voice and quickly walks over to her.

“Silver! Are you okay?!”

“I'm fine dear. Princess Luna and Princess Cadance are okay for the moment. But they still need help to escape the Lunar Realm.”

Ember stretches and looks over. “So how did it go Arc?”

“This experiment was a success. We... had a nice chat after talking through a few matters.”

Arc looks at the clock

“Looks like it's about time to raise the sun.”

He does so and looks back to the others.

“Why don't you guys head over to the dining room and have some breakfast?”

Twilight nods. “Sure, but what will you be doing?”

“Sandstorm Mirage came in here last night to tell me that Judge Hawthorn had escaped. I'm going to...”

Ember interrupts him! “HE WHAT?!”

Sereb frowns. “How?”

Arc shrugs. “That's what I'm hoping Shining Armor can tell me.”

He walks to the door and opens it to see a very surprised Shining Armor, his hoof is raised to knock. Trixie is waiting behind him.

“Oh, good morning sir! I...”

Shining Armor looks past Arc to see everyone. He enters the room along with Trixie as Arc closes the door behind him.

“Um... what's going on here? Twilight? Did you forget to brush your mane when you got up this morning?”

Twilight looks at her disheveled mane. “What? Oh, sorry! No, I just haven't had time yet! I just got up a couple minutes ago. You see I spent the night with Arc here and I...”

Shining Armor's horn suddenly glows as a blast sends Arc careening across the room! He flies through a table, through a vanity and its mirror and into the wall. Arc sits in the wreckage and shakes his head.

Trixie grimaces. “That's gotta hurt!”

Ember rushes to Arc’s side! “Shining Armor! What are you DOING?!”

“Protecting my sister!”

Arc slowly stands, holding his side as Ember helps him up! “Not fully sure why, but somehow I feel like I deserved that.”

The Royal Guards from outside rush into the room!

“Sire! Are you all right?!”

Arc nods. “Yeah. We just had a little... uh... magical miscalculation.”

“Is this part of your experiment from last night sire?”

Steel Hammer nods. “The tail end of it, yes.”

Arc grimaces. “I'll go with that. You are dismissed sergeant.”

The guards leave the room as Shining Armor walks towards Arc. He appears angry! Ember steps between Arc and Shining Armor!

“That's far enough!”

Trixie runs over to Shining Armor! “Please stop! I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for all of this!”

Twilight hurries over to her big brother! “Shining Armor, stop it! Last night was MY idea!”

Trixie gives Twilight a wicked smile! “Really Twilight?! Trixie didn't think you had it in you!”

Silver Hammer joins Ember. “It's not what you think lieutenant! I was right there the whole time! We all were!”

Shining Armor looks around the room, his mouth agape. “You all...”

His face is crimson with rage as he charges toward Arc!


Shining Armor gets about halfway to Arc before he's stopped dead in his tracks by a lightning quick two-way attack from the Hammers which knocks him to the floor! In a flash Shining Armor is pinned down by the pair as Sereb leaps between the furious stallion and his friend! Sereb bares his teeth angrily to Shining Armor!

“I would stay down if I were you.”

Arc hobbles toward Shining Armor while holding his side, aided by Ember. “Now listen Shining Armor. I didn't violate your sister, or anyone else for that matter!”

Trixie frowns. “Really?!”

“Yes really! Twilight, Silver Hammer and I slept together last night so the three of us could enter the Lunar Realm and talk to the princesses. The others were here to make sure nothing else happened!”

Twilight nods feverishly! “It's true! Arc was a complete gentlepony last night!”

Arc turns to the Hammers. “Let him up.”

They cautiously do so. Twilight walks over to her brother and puts a hoof on his cheek.

“Big brother, Arc once taught me not to jump to conclusions. I think you need to learn the same lesson.”

Shining Armor nods. “Yeah... sorry about this sir. I'm... I'm in pretty big trouble right now, aren't I?”

Arc winces. “...yeah. I'll think of a proper punishment after you help me to the infirmary.”

Ember looks to Arc with concern! The infirmary?!

Arc takes his hand away from his side. There is a sizable amount of blood on it!

“Somehow I think this warrants more than just a Band-Aid.”

Twilight gasps! “Arc! You're hurt!”

“I'll be fine.”

Ember walks forward with Arc. “Come on! Let's get you some help!”

Shining Armor steps forward quickly! “I'll help too!”

Ember glares at Shining Armor. “Haven't you done enough?!”

Arc winces! “Ember, let him help. This is his fault, remember?”

“But... fine. I'm keeping my eye on him though!”

Ember moves to allow Shining Armor to take her place next to Arc.

“Okay... let's go.

Shining Armor helps Arc to the infirmary. Twilight, Ember, the Hammers, Sereb and Trixie follow them. As they near the infirmary they see Doctor Whooves coming out.

“Good morning everypony! I was just about to make my morning rounds and... good heavens! What happened?!”

Trixie looks embarrassed. “Shining Armor, he...”

Arc interrupts her! “Just a little accident from a magical experiment this morning.”

Doctor Whooves motions for them to enter! “We’ll let's get that taken care of!”

The group follows Doctor Whooves to the back. Shining Armor helps Arc onto the examination table

“This is quite the wound! What exactly happened?!”

“There was a bit of a... magical explosion this morning. I was thrown through a table and a mirror.”

Doctor Whooves helping Arc remove his tunic. “And what could possibly be so important that you're experimenting at this hour of the morning?!”

Twilight looks away. “We... we were trying to make contact with the princesses!”

He cleans the wound to get a better look. “Oh? And how did that work out?”

Silver Hammer nods. “Mission successful.”

Doctor Whooves drops his gauze. “WHAT?! HOW?!”

Arc nods. “We entered the Lunar Realm and discovered that the princesses' consciousnesses are trapped there!”

Ember frowns moodily. “I never get to go anywhere...”

“Twilight will bring you up to speed after you finish patching me up. By the way, my insides REALLY hurt right now! I think there might be a piece of something in there.”

“Looking forward to the conversation, miss! Let me take a quick x-ray of your midsection and we'll see what's what, sire.”

Arc is wheeled into the next room where he is x-rayed. A few minutes later he and Doctor Whooves return to the Examination Room with the pictures.

“Well Lord Arc, it looks like you have a few cracked ribs along with a piece of glass in there. I'm sorry, but I'll need to contact your regular doctor and consult with him on how much painkiller to give you.”

“...pull it out.”

Doctor Whooves looks to Arc, confused. “I'm sorry Lord Arc. What was that?”

“I said just pull it out! Doctor Horse probably won't be in his office for a couple more hours. There's no time to waste!”

The Hammers looks to Arc, confused.

“What's the hurry Arc?”

“Yes indeed! That looks painful enough as it is!”

Arc winces as he clutches his side. “I... have a lot to do today! You have your orders doctor! Carry them out!”

Shining Armor looks down at the floor sadly. “Arc...”

Doctor Whooves nods and pulls up a surgical tray. “Very well, sire.”

The doctor looks toward the assembly as he walks over to a nearby sink to wash up.

“Please wait outside. This shouldn't take long.”

The Hammers, Sereb and Trixie leave the room.

“I... I should stay! This was all my fault after all!"

Arc turns to Shining Armor and shakes his head. “No. I want you to go see the quartermaster and requisition a new suit of armor for yourself and an armor rack.”

Ember looks to him confused. “Arc, are you feeling okay?”

“Yeah. Your armor... take a good look at it, captain.”

Shining Armor looks down. He sees his side covered in Arc's blood where he leaned on him.

“Take your armor back to your room and put it on the armor rack as it is! I want it to serve as a reminder of this incident. Now go.”

Shining Armor nods and hangs his head. “Yes sir... I'll do as you say.”

As he walks out of the infirmary, Shining Armor looks over to Trixie.

“Stay here and assist Lord Arc with whatever he needs.”

Trixie nods. “Yes sir. But what will you be doing?”

“Learning a valuable lesson.”

Meanwhile… Doctor Whooves turns to Twilight and Ember as a nurse comes in to assist him.

“Are you two sure you wouldn't rather wait outside?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. My friend needs me right now!”

“I'm his bodyguard. I go where he goes!”

Doctor Whooves nods and picks up a pair of forceps. “Very well. Shall we begin, Lord Arc?”

As Twilight moves to the opposite side of the bed to watch Arc raises a hand. “Give me a claw, Ember?”

Ember takes Arc's hand in her claw, soberly. “Sure.”

The nurse uses her magic to pull back both sides of the wound with forceps while Doctor Whooves carefully reaches inside to take hold of the mirror shard. Ember continues to hold Arc's hand as he grits his teeth in pain and tightens his grip on her claw!

“Go ahead and squeeze as hard as you need Arc! I'm here for you!”

Twilight puts her hooves up on the side of the bed. “You're doing great Arc! Stay strong!”

Doctor Whooves slowly pushes the forceps in deeper. “Almost... got it...”

A moment later Doctor Whooves holds up a sickeningly large and bloody piece of glass.

“It's out sire!”

Arc looks to the doctor covered in sweat and breathing heavily. “Thanks...”

Ember smiles at him. “You did great Arc! I'm really proud of you!”

Twilight nods. “Me too! That was quite impressive!”

Another nurse approaches with a fresh tray. Doctor Whooves picks up a needle and surgical thread.

“I'll start sewing you up now sire.”

Doctor Whooves quickly gets to work. A short time later he puts his tools back on the tray as Trixie and Shining Armor enter the room along with Sereb and the Hammers.

“All done sire! Considering how deep that glass was, your wound isn't too bad. Now your ribs will be tender for a while but should heal just fine on their own. However, you really should take it easy today.”

Arc nods. “Thank you Doctor Whooves, but I can't.”

Twilight gives Arc back his blood-soaked tunic. “You really need to rest Arc! Please! Listen to the doctor!”

Ember nods. “Twilight's right Arc! Besides, a day off won't kill you!”

Arc shakes his head. “Yeah. But it might kill others! I have a war to avert today!”

The Hammers look over, taken aback by Arc’s statement.

“A war?!”

“Surely you're over-exaggerating Arc!”

Arc sighs as he puts his tunic back on. “Later this morning I was planning on heading over to Yakyakistan to meet with their leader Prince Rutherford.”

“As your doctor I must advise against this trip sire! But I do understand the urgency of this matter.”

“Thank you, doctor.”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his forehead. “I'm very sorry sir! This is all my fault!”

Ember glares at him! “Darn right it is!”

“Let it go, Ember. I think Shining Armor has learned his lesson.”

“Let it go... LET IT GO?! You have a hole in your side along with cracked bones, AND YOU JUST EXPECT ME TO LET IT GO?!”

“I do.”

Ember does not take her eyes off of Shining Armor as she seethes!

“Why would I do something dumb like that?! Sereb, back me up here!”

“If that is the will of Arc, then that is also my will.”

Arc winces in pain as he moves to sit up. “Because Ember... it would make me very sad to see my friends fighting one another. So please... for my sake?”

Ember sighs.

“I can't really say “no” to you. Fine. But as your bodyguard, I'm keeping my eye on him!”

“Fair enough.”

Sereb looks to him. “Arc. I am confused. You have taken on three of my tribe’s strongest warriors, as well as that strange looking pair at your party. Tell me, how did that blow do so much damage to you?”

Ember nods! “Yeah! I mean, you took quite the beating when you and I fought so long ago!”

Shining Armor looks sadly at Arc. “Not that I'm trying to make excuses for my actions, but I figured you would be fine as well! What happened?!”

Doctor Whooves walks over. “I think I can answer that!”

He pulls another set of x-rays out of a file and puts them next to Arc's.

“Both of these were taken from roughly the same distance. Do you see the difference?”

Trixie looks the x-rays over carefully. “Trixie is confused! Arc, for a creature of your size, why do you have such small ribs?”

“I don't. They're normal by human standards.”

Doctor Whooves nods as he looks over the pictures. “From what little I have learned about human physiology, their bones also appear to be noticeably less dense. Frankly sire from all the stories I've heard about you I'm surprised you haven't broken every bone in your body!”

“That thought had crossed my mind. I can only assume that my armor is taking more than its fair share of the blows!”

Steel Hammer frowns. “So, let me see if I'm understanding this. You took the job of Hero of Light knowing full well that you were so... fragile?!”

Silver Hammer nods. “Why, Arc?!”

“I... just feel this is what I'm supposed to be doing right now.”

Ember turns to Arc, suddenly furious! “IDIOT! You could DIE!”

“So could anyone who takes this job. Pony... human... dragon even! None of us is truly invincible.”

Twilight frowns. “Are you TRYING to get killed Arc?!”

“No Twilight. I'm trying to see to it OTHERS don't get killed.”

Trixie looks to Arc, fearfully! “But... this job is so very dangerous! Eventually, you'll... you'll...”

Arc nods soberly as he turns to look at everyone.

“Yes. I will die... and this is where I wish to be buried. In my new home... Equestria. Now, if it's all the same I'd rather not talk about this any longer. It's beginning to make me a bit depressed.”

Doctor Whooves nods. “I think I'll let all of you finish talking this out amongst yourselves. If you'll excuse me sire, I need to check on the princesses now.”

“Sure. Go ahead.”

Doctor Whooves leaves the room. Ember turns back to Arc, a pleading look in her eyes!

“Arc, can I at least convince you to take it easy for just ONE DAY?! I've heard about these yaks! They're no pushovers!”

Trixie nods! “She's right Arc! You really should be at your best before you fight them!”

Twilight looks to Arc, fearfully! “Fight?!”

Shining Armor sighs. “Yes Twilight. That is how their culture works... or so we think. There really hasn't been much contact with them in generations!”

He removes his helmet and walking over to Arc.

“I'm really sorry for what I did, sir. In light of this, I think it's probably best that you find another Captain of the Royal Guard.”

Arc uses his magic to put Shining Armor's helmet back on his head. “Nope. I'm now convinced more than ever that I made the right choice!”

Ember quickly turns toward the corridor! “I'll go get the doctor!”

Silver Hammer looks to Ember confused. “What for?”

“To give him a CAT scan! Arc clearly hit his head much harder than we thought! He's delusional!”

Arc shakes his head. “No Ember. I'm serious.”


“I want... no... I NEED a captain who's not afraid to do what's right! I understand that you thought I had violated your sister, and you felt the need to keeps her safe! Just… please try to get the full story next time.

Shining Armor salutes him. “Thank you, Arc! I'm sorry for not giving you time to explain! At the time I just thought... you had... you know... done things to my little sister.”

Arc nods. “I understand your point of view, Shining Armor. Now, can someone please help me up? I need to head to my office to interview someone.”

The Hammers help Arc off the examination table.

“Are you sure this is wise Arc?”

“The yaks aren't going anywhere!”

Arc winces as he stands. “Don't worry. I'll be careful.”

Ember protests! “At least ride Sereb as much as you can!”

“Wouldn't that look a bit... odd? Riding inside! I mean… I’ve done it before, but…”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. But I am willing to do so.”

“Well, okay.”

Ember helps Arc mount Sereb. He turns to Shining Armor.

“I need to talk to you before I head out. As soon as this audience is concluded, I'll head to your office.”

“Yes sir.”

Arc, Sereb, and Ember make their way toward his office. Silver Hammer turns to her husband.

“Dear, we should call Platinum Valve and let her know we'll be gone a bit longer.”


The Hammers leave the room.

“Big brother... can I talk to you about something a bit... personal?”

Shining Armor nods. “Sure Twilight. Follow me!”

He leads Twilight to his office and closes the door behind her.

“So... what's up?”

Twilight looks nervous. “Can we sit down please? This is... really hard to talk about!”

Shining Armor nods and gestures to the couch. “Um... okay.”

The pair sit down together. Twilight appears agitated!

“Twilight? Is... is everything okay?”

She shakes her head. “No... it's not! Can you please keep this conversation just between us?”

Shining Armor nods! “Of course! Now then, let your B-B-B-F-F know what's wrong! Maybe I can help!”

“I really need some advice... for a friend of mine! You see, she has her eyes on this stallion! She really likes him and all, but he doesn't know she likes him. He just thinks they’re both good friends!”

Shining Armor nods. “Are they?”

“Y-yes! But she wants to be more than just friends! She's... had her eyes on him for some time now!”

“Why doesn't she just tell him? You know, be honest about it!”

“Well, you see... she's... worried that he doesn't feel the same way!”

Shining Armor smiles at his sister. “But if she doesn't say anything, she'll never know! What's the problem?”

“Um... I guess she's just... afraid of rejection?”

Shining Armor shakes his head as he looks at her. “Twilight? Do you have a crush on somepony?”

Twilight blushes heavily! “WHAT?! NO!!! I told you, this advice is for my friend!”

Shining Armor puts a hoof to his chin and considers to himself.

“Your friend, huh? Hmmm... I wonder which of your friends it could be.”


“Let's see... Fluttershy's too shy to have a stallionfriend. Applejack's too busy. Pinkie Pie is... Pinkie Pie. Rarity knows more about love and feelings than you do. And there isn't a stallion alive that's cooler than Rainbow Dash, so that leaves her out. So... which friend is it Twilight?”

Twilight blushes an even deeper shade of red. “I... I... I...”

Shining Armor leans in close to her. “It's you, isn't it?”

Twilight looks up half screaming, half sighing! “YES!”

“Was that so hard?”

“Yes! Yes, it was!”

Shining Armor laughs! “Now that we have that out of the way, tell me about this stallion you have a crush on! He must be REALLY smart to have caught your eye!”

Twilight clops her front hooves together nervously. “Um... yeah! He is!”

Shining Armor smiles mischievously. “Does he run the Canterlot Library or something?”

“Brother, please!”

“Okay, I'm sorry Twily! Go ahead and tell me all about him!”

“Well... he's really strong. And smart! Very smart! Part of the military actually!”

“Just like your big brother? What branch?”

Twilight looks nervous. “B-Branch?”

Shining Armor nods. “I mean, what does he do?”

“Oh... I'm... not always sure. He does a lot of clandestine stuff!”

“So, he's part of the Lunar Guard?”

Twilight fumbles for the words. “Not... exactly.”

“Well, what do you like about him?”

Twilight thinks for a moment. “Hmmm... well, he's nice. Really nice considering how deadly he must be! He's handsome, strong, funny, and Kind!”

Shining Armor nods happily! “Sounds like the total package! So, does he like you?”

“Yes. I mean, I know he likes me, quite a bit actually! It's just... I know there's somepony else who has feelings for him!”

“I see. Does he love her?”

“I... I don't know! This is all so confusing to me! Please big brother! How do I get him to love me?!”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “You can't FORCE somepony to love you Twily! It has to come naturally! Now listen to me... just get him alone, tell him how you feel, and if he doesn't feel the same way then you both should move on.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide at the thought! “WHAT?! I can't do that!!!”

He sighs. “Look, you said he was part of the military, right? If it would help, I can pull some strings and have him transferred here for temporary duty or something. Just tell me his name and I'll find a way to make it happen.”

“You... you can't.”

Shining Armor laughs! “Sure I can! I'm the Captain of the Royal Guard!”

Twilight shakes her head! “No, no! I mean you can't because he's... um... a higher rank than you are!”

“Wow, really?! You interested in a general or something?! Now that's what I call shooting for the stars, Twilight! Now as your big brother I can't wait to meet this stallion!”

“W-what's the rush?!”

Shining Armor smiles! “I want to make sure he's worthy of you, that's all. After all, if you gave him such a glowing review he must be quite the catch! So tell me, what's his name?!”

“I... um... don't really want to say just yet. Thank you for the advice though!”

Shining Armor smiles and narrowing his eyes. “It's Arc, isn't it?”

“Yes... NO!!! I mean... how did you know?!”

Twilight blushes deeply yet again.

Shining Armor nods. “Well, he certainly matches your description. That and you WERE in bed with him less than an hour ago!”

Twilight looks away nervously. “Yes... well... about that...”

Shining Armor interrupts her. “You already explained this Twily. That and I'm sorry for flying off the handle earlier this morning. You're not a filly anymore, but a full-grown mare! So, if you want to get into bed with somepony...”

Twilight falls off the couch with a sudden nosebleed!


Shining Armor laughs! “I know Twily! You had your reasons! Now listen to me...”

He puts his hooves on her shoulders and look Twilight in the eye.

“You're my little sister, and I care for you more than you know! While I would hate for you to do something... something you couldn't take back, I understand that you're an adult now! Capable of making your own decisions... and mistakes. Just... please think before you act, okay?”

Twilight nods. “I understand. Can I confess something to you, big brother?”

“Of course! Anything!”

“Do you remember when I was a filly and I had a bad dream?”

Shining Armor sighs. “Yes. I would often find you curled up next to me in the morning.”

Twilight appears embarrassed but continues to speak.

“Well, last night when I snuggled up to Arc, I asked him to put his arm around me. I said it was because I wanted to be sure this would work! But... that wasn't completely true. I know this might sound silly, but if felt like I was a filly again! Laying there with my head on his chest... I felt so... secure!”

Shining Armor nods approvingly! “Please understand Twilight, I just want what's best for you. So if you want to go out with Arc, then that's fine with me!”

Twilight looks to her brother, surprised! “Really?! Then why did you... you know...”

“It was more of a reflex than anything else. A big brother's prerogative to protect his little sister.”

Twilight gives Shining Armor a hug. “Thanks, big brother. You're the best!”

Meanwhile Arc, Sereb and Ember make their way to Arc's office. Entering, Sereb crouches down next to Arc's chair.

“There you are Arc.”

Ember helps Arc down. “Easy there! Let me do this!”

Ember lowers Arc into his chair as Kibitz enters the room. “Thanks you two.”

Kibitz sees Arc wince as he sits down. “Lord Arc! Are you alright?!”

“It's just a scratch. I'll be fine.”

Sereb shakes his head. “The chunk of glass the doctor removed would disagree.”

“Well, I have work to do. Did you get that file I wanted, Kibitz?”

Kibitz nods. “Yes sire! I have it here!”

He levitates a folder over to Arc.

“Let's see what we have here.”

Ember walks to the desk to stand behind Arc. “What do you have there?”

“It's a file on the candidate Duke Carleon recommended. I wanted to know her background a little better before I interview her.”

Kibitz looks at his pocket watch. “Then you had best hurry Lord Arc. Her appointment is in an hour!”

Arc nods. “I will! Ember, why don't you and Sereb go have breakfast now?”

“What about you?”

He does not look up from the papers. “Bring me back something quick, would you kindly?”

“Um... okay.”

Ember and Sereb leave the office and head toward the dining room. Sereb turns to Arc.

“I'm a bit concerned about Arc.”

Ember sighs. “You too?”

Sereb nods. “He is working too hard for his condition.”

“He's working too hard regardless! I think we may need to do something about that.”

“Such as?”

Ember shrugs. “I don't know. Let's think about it over breakfast! I don't think that therapist is doing their job!”

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

Meanwhile back in Arc's office, Kibitz approaches the desk.

“Lord Arc? Forgive me if I'm overstepping, but I think you may be working a bit too hard!”

Arc does not look up. “I know Kibitz. But there's just so much to be done!”

“I believe some down time may be in order, lest you suffer a nervous breakdown! After all, you've been going non-stop since taking the throne.”

Arc nods as he continues to read. “I'll consider it when things are a bit more peaceful.”

Kibitz sighs and mutters to himself. “That's what Princess Luna always said.”

“Did you say something Kibitz?”

“Nothing sire!”

A short time later Ember and Sereb return to the office with a place of muffins. Ember sets the plate on the desk.

“We brought you a little something Arc.”

Arc picks up a muffin as he continues reading. “Thank you.”

“You... should really take a break sometime Arc. Ember and I are concerned for your sanity.”

Arc shakes his head. “Believe me, I would love to do that Sereb! But I'm just so busy right now.”

Ember sighs. “Can we at least help then?!”

He looks up. “Sure. Now, here's what I want you and Sereb to do...”

A short time later Arc proceeds to the Audience Chamber with Kibitz.

“I must say, this is a bit unorthodox sire!”

“Agreed. But if I get what I'm after it will be worth the effort. Now please let her know I'm ready to see her.”

Kibitz nods. “Very well sire.”

He leaves the Audience Chamber. A moment later he returns with a rather nervous looking mare! She has a light green coat and immaculate mane. Her cutie mark is a gavel, she bows respectfully.

“Thank you for coming here miss. I am Lord Regent Arc. And you are...”

“M... my name is Lady Gaval.”

Arc nods. “Do you know why you're here?”

“I... I was told you were looking for a new judge! Is... is that true?”

“Yes. Do you think it should be you?”

“I... I hope so!”

“You hope so?”

“Forgive me Lord Arc. It's just... I've always been just a simple Councilor.”

“Really? What were your duties?”

“I spoke on behalf of those who didn't have anypony to be their voice.”

Arc nods. “That sounds very lucrative.”

Lady Gaval shakes her head. “Not really sire. Those who don't have anypony to turn to are usually quite poor.”

“The occupation of Councilor is your primary job, correct?”

“Yes sire.”

“If they cannot pay, how do you make ends meet?”

“Equestrian law says that in such extreme cases a Councilor may be appointed by the court and a small stipend awarded upon completion of the case. I made enough from that to make ends meet, but not much more. I'm sure you're aware of the current state of the economy.”

Arc nods. “I am. Although I'm not sure how to go about remedying it.”

“Well, due to that, there seems to be an increase in the number of cases these days.”

“That should help your bottom line, eh?”

Lady Gaval shakes her head. “Not... really. With all the caseloads, Judge Hawthorne may not have been as... thorough as he should have been. Cases that once took several hearings were being done in one sitting!”

“And how long did it take?”

“Sometimes as little as twenty minutes! I... I couldn't bring myself to collect on cases where I wasn't even given time to SPEAK!”

Arc nods. “Very praiseworthy!”

“Thank you sire, but I was only trying to do my job. If... if you will allow it, I promise to do my very best to see to it that everypony who comes before me is given a chance to defend themselves! Not just shuttled off to jail!”

“Lady Gaval... would you like to be made Baltimare's new judge?”

“Very much so sire! Please give me a chance!”

Arc thinks for a moment. “I believe a test is in order then. Right now I have two individuals in my office who are in need of judgment. If you can tell me who is the criminal, I'll appoint you High Justice of Baltimare. Fail, and I suppose this meeting is over. Do you accept?”

“Yes. I will do my very best sire!”

“Very good! Kibitz... bring them in.”

“Yes sire!”

Kibitz opens the office door. Ember and Sereb walk out to stand before Lady Gaval.


“Is something wrong, Lady Gaval?

She shakes her head. “Not... really. This is just very surprising!”

The startled mare turns to face the accused.

“Forgive me, but I was expecting ponies.”

Neither say anything.

“Do you believe they are somehow less worthy of justice?”

“No sire! I've just never spoken for another race before! I promise I'll do my very best though!”

Arc nods. “Good. Now you may ask them anything you wish. Remember now... you only have to discern who is guilty. Bear in mind that the guilty party WILL be imprisoned at your say so alone, so choose wisely!”

“I will.”

She turns to the pair.

“What are your names?”



“Where are you from?”

“The Dragon Lands.”


“Are either of you guilty of a crime?”

Ember and Sereb respond together. “No.”

Lady Gaval thinks for a moment. “Since you are both from the Dragon Lands, did you know each other before coming to Equestria?”

Again, they respond together. “No.”

Lady Gaval turns to Ember. “Do you think Sereb is guilty?”


She turns to Sereb. “Do you think Ember is guilty?”


“Hmmm... Ember, tell me how you came to this land.”

“I was banished from the Dragon Lands for disobeying a direct order from the Dragon Lord.”

“What order would that be?

Ember frowns. “I interfered in a competition to determine who would be the next Dragon Lord.”


“To prove I was strong! A dragon's reputation as a warrior is prized above all else!”

“What have you been doing since coming to Equestria?”

“Learning about pony customs all the while trying to become stronger!”

Lady Gaval nods. “Thank you Ember.”

She turns to Sereb.

“Sereb, why you did you come to Equestria?”

“I was the weakest of my tribe in the Dragon Lands. A powerful warrior came to my village and challenged me to one-on-one combat. Needless to say, he defeated me and as per our customs he is now my master. Therefore, I am honor-bound to follow him into battle and carry out his orders.”

“Any order?”

“Yes. We only follow the orders of those who are stronger. Regardless of any moral shortcomings.”

“I see. Did this warrior ever order you to do anything... immoral?”

“I do not understand. Immoral?”

“I mean, were you ever ordered to hurt or kill anypony?”


“Did you ever do so of your own free will?”


“What have you been doing since you came to Equestria?”

“Serving my master while learning from him the art of war.”

“Art of war?”

Sereb nods. “I have watched him fight and in doing so have learned how best to approach a number of battle situations.”

“I have no further questions.”

Arc looks to the mare. “Have you come to a verdict?”

“I have.”

“Very good. Tell me then... who goes to the dungeon and who walks free?”

Lady Gaval looks down at her hooves. “I... don't know.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You don't know?”

“Forgive me sire, but I honestly can't figure out which one of them is guilty!”

Arc leans forward on his throne. “Look at it this way. You have a 50/50 shot. Those are pretty good odds! Why not just pick one then?”

“I can't do that! I might send the wrong suspect to prison!”

“Come on now, Councilor! Use your intuition! Pick one!”


Arc interrupts, pointing to Lady Gaval angrily! “Pick one or I'll send YOU to the dungeon!”

Lady Gaval looks at Arc with determination! “Fine then! I'll go to the dungeon!”

Arc nods and looks at Lady Gaval. “Let me see if I understand this correctly. You would rather be sent to the dungeon yourself than potentially send an innocent to jail?”


He smiles! “Glad to hear it!”

Lady Gaval appears confused. “Sire?”

“This was merely a test of character. And you have passed it with flying colors! The truth of the matter is NEITHER of them is guilty!”

Ember laughs! “We're actually Arc's bodyguards.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. Arc is the warrior whom I now follow.”

Lady Gaval looks to Arc. “So... what happens now?”

“I want you to return to Baltimare and serve the citizens as their new High Justice.”

“REALLY?! You want me?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. You're just what they need right now. There's a temporary courthouse set up in the Town Hall. Kibitz here will give you the necessary papers.”

“Indeed I will sire!”

Lady Gaval bows low, respectfully. “Th-thank you sire! I promise I won't let you down!”

“Very commendable. All I ask in return is that you do your best to see justice done!”

“I will, sire! You can count on me!”

“Thank you. The fates of countless ponies rests with you. Now go.”

Lady Gaval leaves the Audience Chamber. Kibitz turns to Arc.

“Was that really necessary Lord Arc?”

Ember grins. “Maybe not. But it sure was FUN!”

“While I'm glad you were sufficiently entertained Ember, I just wanted the best for Baltimare!”

Sereb nods. “Are you sure that's all you were after?”

Arc grins and shrugs. “Eh, I like to mix a little business with pleasure when I can.”

Kibitz facehoofs. “Celestia help us all...”

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