• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Discoveries

After a time Arc turns to Scootaloo.

“We should get moving. There’s nothing more to do here.”

Scootaloo nods sadly. “Yeah.”

The pair turn to walk away. Heading into the forest Scootaloo looks back just in time to see the cottage’s roof collapse into the inferno. Sighing, she falls back into step behind Arc. Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Sereb, Tempest, and Moonlit Dusk meet in the Main Hall of Light’s Hope. Moonlit Dusk looks around.

“Is everypony ready?”

Sereb growls. “As ready as one can be.”

Tempest glares at him. “This had better not be some wild goose chase, Listener!”

“I assure you, it is not.”

Moonlit Dusk reaches into his cloak and pulls out an amulet.

“As you can see, I have the All-Seeing Eye right here. And I’m sure you know I wouldn’t remove it from the vault without a VERY good reason.”

Tempest frowns but says nothing. Moonlit Dusk turns to Dinky.

“Are you certain you still want to do this?”


Apple Bloom sighs. “We kinda have to.”

Sweetie Belle grimaces. “If somepony else has a better idea I’m all ears.”

Cherry groans. “I’ve been trying to think of something. But so far nothing’s come up. Sorry.”

Moonlit Dusk gestures with a wave of his hoof. “Well then, let’s be off.”

Moonlit Dusk’s horn glows. The world around them fades to darkness as they all vanish. A moment later the group reappears on an ancient looking sigil in the middle of a dark forest. Everyone looks around nervously as Sweetie Belle speaks.

“Can somepony remind me why exactly we came here at night again?”

Moonlit Dusk chuckles. “This is why.”

Opening a portal, the Listener calls forth several large creatures. They stand before him waiting for orders.

“Form a perimeter around our group.”

The shadow beasts noiselessly obey as Moonlit Dusk turns back to the others.

“The spring is this way.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Spring?”

“Didn’t I mention that earlier?”

Apple Bloom shakes her head. “No. You didn’t say anything about a spring.”

Dinky grits her teeth. “Right. Just that we had to take the All-Seeing Eye to a place of great dark power.”

“First we need a new crystal to power it.”

Tempest grunts. “And you wanted us to come along and watch your back.”

Moonlit Dusk chuckles. “Well, it certainly wasn’t for your dry wit, Tempest.”

Sereb growls. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Very well. The spring is roughly a day’s walk from here. This way please.”

Moonlit Dusk takes the lead. The next morning, Twilight’s friends, Derpy, and Rose continue their journey through the Southern Hayseed Forest. Rainbow Dash moans.

“This place is the PITS!”

Applejack sighs. “I’m with you on that one. But we have to keep going.”

Rarity nods. “Right! Sweetie Belle and her friends had to come through here!”

Derpy turns to Rose. “Are we sure?”

“It stands to reason that since they were not in the woods we’ve checked they must’ve taking this route.”

Fluttershy looks over her shoulder at yet another sound. “Well, I hope we find them soon!”

Pinkie bounces along. “Me too! This place is just so DRAB!”

Rainbow Dash squints. “There’s something up ahead!”

Applejack gasps. “What is it?”

“Another one of those creepy statues.”

Fluttershy shudders. “Can’t we go around that please?!”

Applejack frowns. “There’s something on it though.”

Rarity gasps. “Why, that’s…!”

Running toward the statues Rarity grabs the item hanging from it and looks it over as the others run up. Pinkie is the first to speak.

“Is that what I think it is?!”

Rarity nods fervently. “Yes! The other half of Sweetie Belle’s saddlebags!”

Derpy smiles. “That means she and her friends DID come this way!”

Rose looks over the statue. “Interesting.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “You find a clue?”

“Something like that. Based on your earlier description, this statue is identical to the one you claim to have found in the Foal Woods, Applejack.”

“Is that noteworthy?”

“Yes. In addition to it pointing in the general direction of the other one, I’m detecting some latent magical energy.”

Rarity appears confused. “What does that mean?”

“That the statues are somehow magically connected to each other.”

Derpy frowns. “Why was the bag tied to them though?”

“I can only surmise that Dinky and her friends were somehow able to activate them. As to why the saddlebags were left behind, I can only assuume that they did so intentionally so as to leave evidence of their presence at both locations.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “But why?”

“In case someone came looking for them I would imagine. A proverbial breadcrumb trail, if you will.”

Fluttershy looks around. “Which way did they go would be the next question though.”

Pinkie points with a hoof. “How about that-a-way?!”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”

Pinkie shrugs. “Just a feeling I have!”

Applejack sighs. “Pinkie Sense?”


Rarity nods. “Very well. Let’s go, everypony.”

They walk in the direction Pinkie indicated. Meanwhile, Arc walks through the forest. Scootaloo follows closely behind him. She lets out a large yawn as Arc turns back to her.

“Maybe we should stop and rest.”

“What for?”

“Well, for starters, we’ve been walking all night.”

Scootaloo looks around. “When did the sun come up?”

“About an hour or so ago.”

“I… didn’t notice. Being able to see in the dark has that effect on a pony.”

Arc nods. “We changed back to our original forms too. Um… that is normal, right?”

Scootaloo nods. “Sunlight turns me back to my pony form. I can imagine the same would happen to you. Even if you are a… whatever you are.”

“Let’s pitch the tent and get some sleep then. After all, we should travel at night whenever possible.”

“Why’s that?”

“A couple reasons. First, we’re less likely to see others.”

Scootaloo grins. “Or they’re less likely to see us.”

“That too. Second, we’re stronger in our… other form. Should something come after us we’d stand a much better chance of taking it down.”

“Did you have wings?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not that I saw, no.”

“I wonder why not. After all, you had fangs and your voice was kinda raspy like mine. You sure they weren’t under your clothes?”


They find a clearing and set up the tent. Arc holds the flap open as Scootaloo walks inside and looks around.

“It’s really dark in here.”

“Maybe that was intentional.”


“Think about it. Shadow made the outside a mix of browns and greens. It’s pretty well camouflaged. That and since he was a Crimson, it stands to reason he would like a dark place to sleep during the day if need be.”

“Makes sense.”

“You hungry?”

Scootaloo nods and yawns. “I am. But I’m too tired to eat.”

“Me too. Let’s get some sleep.”

Removing the sleeping bag from his backpack Arc unrolls it.

“Why don’t we sleep on top of it? That’ll make things a bit more comfortable versus a single layer between us and the cold, hard ground.”

“Good idea. It’s too warm anyways.”

Unzipping the sleeping bag, Arc lays it flat on the floor of the tent. Scootaloo grins.

“Perfect fit.”

“Maybe Shadow had the same idea as…”

Arc stops talking and looks at the sleeping bag. He clutches his head as he envisions fragments of his camping trips with Derpy and Dinky.

“Big Brother?!”

“I… just had another memory.”

“What about?”

“A tent and sleeping bags. There was a little filly in one image. And creatures that looked similar to me in others.”


Arc nods. “I felt that, yes. But let’s get some rest.”

He removes his magic cloak and wads it up into a makeshift pillow. Lying down, Arc yawns and closes his eyes. Scootaloo curls up on the other side of the tent. She fidgets and fiddles for some time. Eventually Arc looks over to her.

“Can’t get comfortable?”

“That’s not it. I just… don’t feel right.”


Scootaloo shakes her head. “That’s not it. I think everything that happened is kinda catching up to me.”

“Your parent’s deaths?”

“No, I mean literally everything. My dad hurting mom. Him being short with me. Everypony in town treating me like dirt. All the bad times are just crushing me right now! Kinda have been for a while, I guess.”

“You won’t have to deal with those things ever again.”

“Thanks. But… I just realized something.”

“What is it?”

“Sleeping’s been hard for the longest time. But ever since you and I started sleeping in the barn… I don’t really know how to describe it.”

“Good or bad?”

“Calming, I guess. When I’m with you, I sleep really well.”

“Do you want to sleep with me like you did back there?”

“Could I?”

Arc holds out a hand to her. “Come over here.”

Scootaloo stands and walks over to Arc. She lays down and nuzzles his side as he puts and arm around her.


She nods happily.

“Good night.”

“Big Brother?”


“Um… I just wanted to say… thank you.”

“What for?”

“Being… you, I guess. I’ve never really felt like this before.”

“Like what?”

“Safe from my troubles. It’s like they’re just gone when you’re around.”

Arc smiles. “I’m glad you feel better. But I’m really sleepy. We can talk about this more while we walk tonight, okay?”

“Yeah, I’d like that.


“Good night, Big Brother.”

The pair fall asleep together. Meanwhile, quite some distance away, Rainbow Dash turns to the others.

“Does anypony else smell that?”

Applejack turns to her. “Smell what?”

“Something cooking.”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “All the way out here?”

Pinkie sniffs the air. “I smell it too!”

Fluttershy flaps her wings and gets some altitude. Sniffing the air, she turns to the others.

“It’s stronger up here.”

Derpy looks around. “But where is it coming from?”

Rose looks up at Fluttershy. “The most logical conclusion would be from the direction the wind is blowing.”

“Let me take a look.”

Flying upward, Rainbow Dash hovers for a moment as she looks into the wind. Returning to the others she points a hoof.

“There’s a clearing in the distance. I saw what looked like some houses there too.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “A town?”

Fluttershy gasps. “Way out here?”

Rainbow Dash points with a hoof. “Want me to fly over there and check it out?”

Derpy shakes her head. “That would take quite a while for a round trip though.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Not as long as you think!”

Rarity sighs. “We should stick together and just walk.”

Pinkie nods. “Strength in numbers!”

Rose puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “Prudent, yes.”

Applejack turns to Rainbow Dash. “Agreed. Now then, which way was that village?”

“This way!”

The rainbow-maned pegasus leads the group toward the scent. Several hours later they arrive at the edge of the village. Rose looks around.

“This is a good sized town for something not on any maps.”

Derpy turns to Applejack. “Where should we go first?”

“Let’s head for the largest building. That should be the Town Hall or something similar.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “What makes you so sure about that?”

“Think about any town you’ve ever been to. Ponyville, Canterlot, Baltimare, Cloudsdale, and so on.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Makes sense, I guess.”

Derpy nods. “Then that’s our destination.”

She points to a large building in the center of town. Everyone leaves the foliage and walks towards it. Several ponies spot the group but go about their business. Entering the structure, which is really just a large single room, they spot an elderly mare sitting on a large cushion. As she appears to be sleeping, Rarity walks over and loudly clears her throat. The mare does not stir. Doing so again yields the same results. Applejack shakes her head.

“Out. Just like Granny Smith at nap time.”

Rose turns to the others. “Should we come back later?”

Rarity sighs. “That may be prudent.”

Pinkie grins. “I have an idea!”

Rainbow Dash looks to her “What is it?”

Turning around, Pinkie pulls out a large helmet and a yovidaphone. Taking a deep breath, she blows into the instrument. A loud noise is expelled, causing the mare to jump to her feet anxiously.

“What the…?!”

Applejack removes her hat respectfully. “Sorry about that. My friend here is a bit… impulsive. We just wanted to talk to you.”

Rarity nods. “Yes. You see…”

Pinkie bounces up and down. “We smelled something really good cooking this way! Was that you?! Is there any left?! Can we have some?!”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Calm down, Pinkie. Let her get a word in edgewise.”

The mare appears confused. “Begging your pardon, but… who are all of you?”

Derpy steps forward. “Sorry about that. My name is Derpy and these are my friends Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rose, and…”

She looks around, confused.

“Where’s Fluttershy?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “I don’t know.”

Applejack frowns. “Didn’t she follow us inside?”

Rose shakes her head. “No. She’s still outside.”

Rarity turns to the elderly mare. “You’ll have to forgive her. She’s a bit shy around strangers.”

“That’s fine. I’m sure you’ve already gotten the cold shoulder here in our town. We don’t get many visitors. Now then, was there something you wanted to ask me?”

Applejack nods. “We mostly came here to say ‘howdy’. But I suppose we did have a few questions.”

Derpy looks to the elderly mare. “For starters, where are we?”

“This is Safe Haven. One of the few truly secure places in the Southern Hayseed Forest. And I am the Chief of this village.”

Pinkie grins. “What should we call you, chief?!”

“Just ‘chief’ will do. But I’m a bit curious as to what all of you are doing all the way out here. We’re certainly off the beaten path.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “We’re looking for some missing fillies actually.”

Applejack nods. “Right. My little sister and her two friends.”

“Rarity and I are the mothers of the other two. We know it’s a long shot, but did they maybe come this way?”

“Can you describe them?”

Rose clears her throat. “Dinky. Unicorn. Light purple coat and blonde mane. Apple Bloom. Earth Pony. Yellow coat and red mane. Sweetie Belle. Unicorn. White coat and mixed mane of purple with pink.”

Rarity smiles nervously. “Did anypony see them?”

The chief nods. “Oh yes.”


“No need to shout. I can hear just fine.”

Applejack gasps. “Are they still here?!”

Rarity trots in place. “Are they okay?!”

Derpy appears hopeful. “Can you take us to them?!”

“Calm yourselves. They’re not here anymore, no.”

Rose looks out a window. “Which way did they go? And how long ago?”

“A day or so, I think. Time is a rather strange thing when you get to be my age. As for which way they went… that’s a bit complicated.”

Applejack groans. “Just point and we’ll head that way!”

“That’s just it. I’m told they used some strange metal device to teleport away and then back again a short time later.”

Derpy gasps. “Arc’s gauntlet!”

Pinkie grins. “Dinky’s using it!”

Rarity looks to the chief. “Did they say where they were going?!”

“You’ll have to ask Doctor Lighthoof. She was the one looking after them at the clinic.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Clinic?!”

“Well, we don’t have an inn. So it’s the only extra beds in town.”

Derpy breathes a sigh of relief. “I’m glad they weren’t hurt.”

The chief sighs. “Oh, they were.”

Applejack eye twitches. “What?!”

“Follow me. I’ll let the doctor explain.”

Standing, she leads the group across the town square and toward a building with a red cross over the door. Entering, she heads toward a door and knocks. A few moments later a mare answers.

“Yes, chief?”

“Doctor Lighthoof, we have some guests here who say they’re looking for three missing fillies. They match the little visitors we had the other day.”

“Yes. Please come inside, everypony.”

Lighthoof steps back to allow them to enter her quarters. They sit around a large circular rug in the middle of the room as the doctor walks to the head of the room.

“Some of our guards found them in the woods nearby. They had been attacked by a poisonous snake’s barbs.”

Derpy gasps. “How are they?!”

“Doing alright. They were brought to me in time to administer a counter-poison. I did have to operate in order to remove the barbs though. But they all regained consciousness the next morning.”

Rarity appears relieved. “Good! Will there be lasting effects?!”

The doctor shakes her head. “None. Even their pet was greatly improved the next day.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Pet?”

“That talking gray wolf they were traveling with.”

Rose looks confused. “That sounds like Sereb. But I thought he went back to the Dragon Lands after Arc’s funeral.”

Derpy turns to Pinkie. “Did he?”

“Yup! Him and Ember left together!”

Applejack sighs happily. “In any case, it’s a good thing he returned. I don’t think any of them would’ve gotten this far without his help.”

Doctor Lighthoof sighs. “He had two barbs in him. I can only assume he had been protecting the fillies. Unfortunately, you missed them.”

Rarity trots in place. “Did they give ANY indication where they were going next?!”

Rose nods. “Even a guess would be good right now.”

Lighthoof sighs. “They didn’t say.”

“Is the strange symbol still on the floor?”

“Yes. It’s unchanged, but there.”

Applejack turns to the doctor. “Can we see it?”

“Of course. Right this way.”

She leads them down the corridor. Entering Dinky’s hospital room, they see the sigil. Rose looks it over.

“No doubt about it. This is indeed identical to the sigils Arc used to travel around the world in the past.”

Rarity looks to the android. “Can you track which way they went, Rose?!”

“The magical essences point to the northwest.”

Applejack grimaces. “Can you narrow it down any further?!”

“Sadly, no. Had I been here when they used this sigil, maybe. However all I can say for certain is that they must’ve gone somewhere Arc had previously placed a sigil.”

Derpy frowns. “Can I see the map?”

Rainbow Dash reaches into her saddlebags. “Sure.”

Pulling out the rolled up paper she gives it to Derpy. Unrolling it, she lays it on the floor and looks it over carefully before pointing to a spot with her hoof.

“They’ve gone to the Winsome Falls!”

Applejack gasps. “How can you be so sure?”

“Arc once placed a sigil there the be somewhat close to an abandoned town called ‘Stableton’.”

Rose nods. “I know it’s location from our previous visit. But why would they go there?”

Rarity gasps. “You don’t suppose they went to talk to Tempest, do you?!”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “No way! Dinky and the others are WAY too smart to do something like that! Right, Derpy?”

“I would hope so. But Dinky’s a brave filly. If she thought Tempest knew something, she’d go there in a heartbeat.”

Pinkie grins. “So we’re heading to the falls?!”

Rose nods. “Yes.”

The chief clears her throat. “I recommend staying the night here and getting a fresh start in the morning.”

Rarity shakes her head. “Thank you. But we need to get moving! Our fillies may be in danger!”

Applejack nods. “Right. Tempest isn’t exactly what I would call trustworthy.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Yeah! She might hurt em!”

Derpy sighs. “I don’t think she would.”

Rose appears confused. “Oh?”

“She’s certainly a bad mare. But I don’t think she does things out or anger or spite.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “What other reason would she have for…!”

“Arc trusted her in the past… to a degree. She’s bound by what she believes is right. At least in her eyes.”

Rose nods. “Yes. After our initial meeting at her home, we were allowed to spend the night there without incident.”

Derpy groans. “So were we. While I want to catch up with Dinky and her friends, I don’t think we’ll do it by not resting when we have the chance.”

Applejack sighs. “Fine. We’ll spend the night and get an early start.”

“I can have a couple guards escort you to the western border of the forest. From there it’s only a short walk to Dodge Junction.”

Rose turns to the others. “We can take the train to Vanhoover. From there we can head to the Winsome Falls and Stableton.”

Rarity sighs. “Very well. While I don’t like the delay, I also admit that I’m too tired from all this walking to argue.”

Doctor Lighthoof turns to the chief. “We should get started on lunch soon.”

“They should have already begun.”

She turns to the others.

“All of you are welcome to join us in a communal meal, of course.”

Applejack smiles. “Thank you. But can we help?”

“I suppose you could. But I recommend you use the time to clean up and rest. We’ll call you when the food is ready.”

Derpy appears relieved. “Thank you. We’ll do that.”

Lighthoof and the chief nod and step out into the corridor with the others.

“All the rooms are empty at present. Feel free to use them as you see fit.”

Rarity smiles at Rainbow Dash. “I can’t wait to take a shower.”

“Me too. And I don’t usually care all that much.”

Applejack heads for the front door. “I’ll go get Fluttershy and tell her the plan.”

The chief smiles after them. “We’ll let you get settled in then.”

She and the doctor leave the clinic and walk down the street together.

“What do you suppose this is all about, chief?”

“I don’t really know. But it’s obvious that Dinky and her friends are in over their heads.”

“Should we act?”

“No. Their family and friends don’t appear overly concerned by this.”

“Not concerned?! But they came all this way!”

“I believe Dinky and her friends are more than capable of looking out for themselves. After all, they got this far on their own.”

“But with life threatening injuries!”

“True. But somehow I get the feeling their story is not yet over.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“When you’ve been alive as long as I have, you just know some things.”

Doctor Lighthoof sighs. “I hope you’re right.”

“So do I.”

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