• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 20 - Rest Stop

Sometime later Arc and the others step out from the portal back onto the Observation Deck. Shelly smiles from ear to ear.

“That was amazing to see!”

Lily nods. “Yes, Hero. Thank you for showing us that.”

Minerva grins. “I’m sure the folks back home will love it too.”

Ember chuckles. “That’ll be a fun story to watch.”

Arc smirks. “I’ll try to go back to Earth to see it.”

He turns to Shelly before continuing.

“Now then, would you like to rest while we fly on?”

Shelly nods sleepily. “I would, yes.”

“I can offer you one of our VIP suites.”

“No, thank you. That’s too much.”

Ember chuckles. “Really? After all, you loved the bed.”

“I don’t really want to be a burden.”

Arc chuckles. “No problem at all. Really.”

“Well... would you happen to have one with a large window? I’d really like to fall asleep looking out at the scenery.”

Ember nods. “There is one that fits the bill at the end of the hall.”

“I believe you’re right, Dragon. “

Arc turns to Lily before continuing.

“Would you like to join her? There’s only one bed, but it is extra-large.”

“I would, yes.”

“And you, Minerva?”


Ember frowns. “The Hero’s asking if you’d like a room too.”

Arc nods. “And Dave as well.”

“Thank you, yes.”

“I’ll take one too.”

Arc motions with a wave of his gauntlet. “This way everyone.”

Walking down the corridor, Arc stops at a room and opens the door. Gesturing to the large window near the bed he turns to Shelly.

“Will this do?”

Shelly giggles. “Oh yes! Thank you, sir!”

Lily pushes her friend over to the bed. “Let’s get you situated, Shelly.”

Arc steps forward. “Allow me.”

Holding out a hand, Arc casts a Telekinesis Spell to pull back the covers. He then carefully picks Shelly up and places her gently in the bed before allowing the covers to slowly fall over her. Lily smiles as she pushes the wheelchair into a corner and listens as Arc speaks.

“I’ll come get you two when we’re close to our destination.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Shelly smiles sleepily. “We’ll be waiting.”

Arc motions for the others to leave the room with him. Closing the door behind them, and shutting off the lights, Lily turns to Shelly and gets into bed with her. Shelly looks out the window as Lily speaks.

“It’s so soft!”

“Yes, it is.”

“Maybe even more so than the other bed we tried out earlier.”

“I’m just happy to be here.”

Lily sighs. “You always did want to fly. To travel the world and see other cultures.”

“But it was never an option for me. Either from lack of money or a lack of time.”

Lily puts a hand on Shelly’s arm. “But we’re here now. Flying on an alien aircraft in another world.”

Shelly smiles. “It doesn’t feel alien though.”

“But it’s not on Earth.”

“There’s more to it than that though, Lily.”

“How so?”

“Remember, those creatures whom we saw on the deck defending the ship on the news. They certainly weren’t human.”

“Right. They appeared to be small horses.”

“Which means that the crew isn’t what they appeared to be.”

Lily gasps. “You’re right! They must have a way to shapeshifting!”

“I imagine that the Hero told them to do that.”

“But why?!”

“Probably to make us feel more at ease here. After all, I’d be kinda nervous riding on an airship crewed by ponies. And while I’m sure they could do the job, it would certainly be stressful for us.”

“I guess I didn’t really think about it like that. But if that’s the case, why did you ask for this trip from the Hero?”

Shelly smiles sadly. “Because I knew it would probably be my last chance to do so.”

Lily groans. “Shelly...”

“It’s okay, Lily. This is honestly what I wanted. To fly with you. After all, you’ve always stood by my side.”

“That’s what friends do, Shelly.”

“And we’ve had some good times together. But it’s coming to an end soon.”

“Please don’t say things like that.”

“But it’s true. We both know it.”

Lily looks away. “I don’t like thinking about that. Losing my best friend isn’t something I can easily face.”


“What is it?”

“Do you remember when I was first diagnosed with this disease?”

“I do, yes.”

“Remember your reaction?”

“It involved a lot of crying.”

Shelly nods. “Partially because of what the doctor said. But also due to the timing.”

Lily bows her head. “It was your last night at the orphanage before you aged out of the program too.”

“You were worried that I’d die before you could join me at Arc’s house.”

“I was really scared for you back then, yes.”

“Remember what you did that night?”

“How I got into your bed like I did when we were kids?”

Shelly smiles. “You fell asleep in my arms crying.”

“I’ve always felt bad about that.”


“You were the one whom was sick. If anything I should have been consoling YOU!”

“We all do what we can, Lily. But can I tell you something?”


Shelly sighs. “Now that my time is running out and the end is near, I can’t help but be a little scared.”

“It’s normal to be afraid of dying though, Shelly.”

“No, Lily. I’m fine with that. What frightens me is you, Arc, and Frank having to go on without me.”

Lily smiles sadly. “We told each other we’d be together forever.”

“But neither of us knew just how short ‘forever’ really was.”

“We’ll all miss you, Shelly. And I’ll do my best to be there for Arc and Frank when they need me. Just like you always did.”

“That’s what a big sister does.”

“You were everyone’s big sister though. How did you manage the stress of such a thing along with what the doctors told you?”

“I’ve always felt the need to put on a happy face for the people I care about. Even when it hurt to do so, I knew it would give you and the others hope.”


“If I could smile, you could too.”

Lily hugs Shelly from behind. “And we all tried to stay positive so you would too.”

Shelly sighs. “It seems we’ve been supporting each other for longer than we were willing to admit.”

“And I wouldn’t trade that time for anything in the world, Shelly.”

“Could you do something for me though, Lily?”

“Anything at all!”

“I never really had anyone bigger to comfort me back then. Could you... do for me what I did for you back at the orphanage please?”

“You mean...?!”

Shelly nods. “Yes, Lily. I... I’m hurting inside. Now more than ever.”

“Of course, Shelly.”

Turning toward her friend, Shelly leans into Lily’s embrace and hugs her tight.

“I don’t want to leave you, Lily!”

“And we want you to stay too.”

“You and the boys... you’re the best family a girl could ever ask for!”

“We love you, Shelly. Now please... I know you’ve been holding a lot in for a long time now. Just let it all out.”

Shelly buries her face in Lily’s shoulder and sobs as her friend whispers words of encouragement in her ear. Meanwhile, as Ember escorts Dave to his suite, Minerva turns to Arc as he does the same for her.

“Hero, might I speak to you privately?”


He steps into her room as she shuts the door behind them. Turning to him, Arc gestures to a sofa nearby.

“Why don’t we sit down?”

“Good idea.”

She walks over to the posh couch and sits. After appreciating the comfort of the sofa for a few moments Minerva turns back to him.

“Won’t you join me?”

Arc nods. “I will. One moment.”

Eidolon’s Ward opens up to allow Arc to step out. Clothed in his black magic cloak and mask Arc sits down next to Minerva as his armor reforms. Cherry calls out as she finishes.

“Would you like me to leave you two alone, Minerva?”

Minerva shakes her head. “No, Cherry. In fact, I’d love it if you joined us.”

Nodding, the armor walks over and sits on Minerva’s other side as she speaks.

“First I’d like to thank you for giving me this opportunity, Hero.”

“It wasn’t my idea though.”


Cherry nods. “Shelly asked for you to be invited.”

“She felt you would be the ideal person to do this interview.”

Cherry giggles. “After all, you did such a good job covering the Hero on his flight from the military.”

Minerva sighs. “That story made my career.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You don’t sound too happy about it though.”

“At the time I didn’t think any story could ever top it.”

She gestures to the room around them before continuing.

“And here I am flying around in a luxury warship, which is crewed by aliens, and flying through another world’s skies.”

Cherry giggles. “It sounds like something out of a science fiction novel when you say it like that.”

“That it does. But this... this story will make me a media legend. The woman whom showed the world proof that they were not alone in the universe.”

Arc nods. “As already stated, you’re the perfect one to air such a story.”

Cherry puts a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Right. “

Minerva sighs “But is this really the correct course to take?”


“When this story airs a lot of people are going to refuse to believe it. Those that do though may fear or even revile this land and its inhabitants.”

Arc shrugs. “They won’t be able to do much with their beliefs. Other than to let them simmer, that is.”

“But that won’t last forever, mind you. After all, your scientists were able to find a way to send you here. There’s no guarantee that ours can’t do the same with enough time and resources.”

Cherry calls out. “Would that truly be so bad though?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “It depends on whom came here.”

Minerva looks down at her hands. “Right. Am I really doing the right thing here by outing your land as real though?”

“I think so. After all, knowing something exists and being able to get there are two different things.”

Cherry nods. “And the Hero did tell you during an early interview of him being here from another world.”

Minerva shrugs. “With no proof though. So no one really believed it. Myself included.”

“I agreed to Shelly’s idea for an interview not in spite of the exposé, but because of it.”

“But why, Hero?”

“Because everyone whom watched your story on us fleeing from the military knows that we vanished through a wormhole. “

Cherry nods. “The secret is already out as it stands.”

“I’ve already cleared this with the princesses and they agreed to this course of action. Well, three of them did.”

Cherry sighs. “I’m assuming Princess Celestia dissented.”

“She did, yes. But the other three were able to convince her that it was best to slowly make our presence known.”

Minerva appears conflicted as she looks to Arc. “So you’re sure this is the right thing to do?”

“Yes, Minerva. It’s part of a larger plan though.”

Cherry nods. “Your nation needs to know what’s going on at Damocles Base.”

Arc clenches a fist. “We can’t just pretend that none of that stuff happened. That one of our nation’s leaders didn’t suffer at their hands. But for anyone to listen to us we need to first start a dialogue.”

He looks Minerva in the eye before continuing.

“And that dialogue begins with you.”

Cherry giggles. “Looks like you’re going to be even more famous, Minerva.”

“Believe me, I’ll do my very best. But please understand that I’m still only one woman.”

Arc nods. “We aren’t expecting miracles here, Minerva. All we’re looking to do is make a statement that Equestria exists and to show some footage of it as proof.”

“As long as that’s the extent of what you need of me I can accommodate.”

Cherry sighs. “For now, yes.”

“Eventually they’ll be more to release, of course. But we need to take baby steps here.”

“Of course.”

Arc stands. “Well, we have a few hours before we reach our destination. Why don’t you get some rest, Minerva?”

Minerva smiles sheepishly. “As much as my journalistic adrenaline is pumping, I don’t think I’ll be able to do so.”

Cherry moves to join Arc. “Please try, Minerva. I’ll come get you when it’s time.”

“Very well.”

Arc nods. “Rest well.”

Arc and his armor leave the room together. Sighing, Minerva removes her clothes and lays them out flat on a nearby table to prevent wrinkles. Getting into bed she closes her eyes and muses to herself.

“What a story. Before I met the Hero at the apartment fire I never would have believed any of this to be possible. Much less that I would be reporting on it from another world.”

Giggling, she continues.

“If not for Cherry’s vote of confidence, I don’t think I’d have the courage to go through with this anyways.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Cherry return to his quarters together. Closing the door behind them, Arc sighs and walks over to the couch. Sitting down he leans back and groans. Eidolon’s Ward walks over to him.

“Arc? Are you alright?”

“Do you really think we’re doing the right thing here, Cherry?”

“Yes, I do. Earth needs to know that Equestria exists if they’re going to be able to disband The Organization.”

“That would be nice. Them going down without so much as a shot or spell cast.”

“But you don’t think they will, do you?”

Arc sighs. “Considering how long Mustang has been working on this project it stands to reason that he’s personally invested in it. At best I’m hoping to be allowed by the governing body here to help in taking them down.”

“And at worst?”

“They’re pushed into a corner and do something... drastic.”

“Like what?”

“That’s what’s got me worried, Cherry. We still don’t really know the capabilities of Mustang or The Organization. But at the same time I can’t imagine he doesn’t have at least one trump card up his sleeve at all times.”

“So what’s the plan?”

“Gain the trust of the population and start building credibility. All this sneaking around isn’t helping in that matter.”

“Was that Princess Twilight’s idea?”

“The trust part, yes. However the idea to build credibility was Luna’s.”

“Being over a thousand years old does lend one to the long term goals mindset I would think.”

Arc nods. “She wants this to happen. I’m just involved to make sure it’s done correctly. That and being a human myself as well as having dual citizenship in both worlds makes me the perfect individual to do this.”

“And the fact that they already know and recognize you doesn’t hurt.”

“True. But it’s too late to change representatives now even if we wanted to.”

“So you’ll simply have to yield to the wisdom of an experienced princess.”

“I don’t actually have to, you know. They can’t actually order me to do anything.”

“But you want to, yes?”

“It’s not so much that I want to inasmuch as I’d like to see The Organization toppled. This plan, along with fulfilling Shelly’s wish to fly, just happen to coincide with those goals.”

“We both know you would have granted that even if she hadn’t asked for Minerva to join us though, Arc.

“True. But that was the icing on the cake.”

He looks down at the scenery before them before continuing.

“And if it would make Shelly happy... all the better.”

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