• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 11 - Trying Her Best

Arc and Rose return to his quarters as the sun begins to set. She turns to him and smiles as they sit down.

“Thank you for taking care of that, Arc! I was really worried the princesses wouldn’t understand our love!”

“Um… about that, Rose. You see…”

The door opens and Ember walks in.

“Hey there, you two. Can I assume things went well in Canterlot?”

“Yes. I had to get a bit… creative though. But I was able to convince the princesses of my point of view.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest “Why does that make me nervous?”

“Rose was much more nervous than you were.”

“That I was!”

Ember looks out the window at the sunset. “Arc, shouldn’t you be getting home now? Derpy and Dinky will be making supper soon.”

Arc nods as he heads for the sigil. “You’re right!”

Rose looks at him sheepishly. “What about… me?”

“Would you care to join us?”

Rose nods happily. “I would!”


Ember shakes her head as she walks toward the bedroom. “Nah! I think I’m going to turn in early tonight. It’s been quite the day.”

Arc shrugs as he and Rose step onto the sigil. “Suit yourself.”

Rose waves. “Good night!”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and powers up the sigil. A moment later the pair find themselves in Derpy’s small house. Dinky looks up happily from her chores.


She runs over and leaps into his arms! As Dinky hugs her father she looks over at the stranger behind him.

“Did you make a new friend, dad?”

“Uh… kinda.”

Derpy walks over to see what the fuss is about. She looks at Rose.

“Oh! Hello there!”

Rose waves shyly. “Hi.”

Arc sighs and introduces her. “Derpy, Dinky… this is Rose. Now I know this is going to sound crazy, but… she’s an android that Twilight created.”

Dinky turns to her mother. “What’s an android, mom?”

Derpy shrugs. “I really have no idea, sweetie.”

“An android is a humanoid shaped robot.”

Dinky thinks for a moment. “So… she’s a machine?!”

Derpy walks over to Rose. “That’s really impressive!”

Dinky looks the newcomer over. “She kinda reminds me of Miss Cherry.”

Arc sighs. “Well…”

Rose smiles. “The administrator designed me to look just like a human version of a mare named Cherry Jubilee. I’m supposed to replace her as his fiancé!”

Derpy blushes. “Oh… what?”

Arc shakes his head. “Rose. Would you please stop saying that?”

Rose looks confused. “Why? It’s true, isn’t it?”

“Just the part about you looking like Cherry!”

“Oh… but I… um…”

Dinky trots over to Rose. “Would you like to help us make supper?”

Derpy nods. “We can always use more help!”

Rose looks over to Arc. “Is… that okay?”

“Sure. That is if you want to.”

She walks quickly to the kitchen with Derpy, Arc and Dinky. “Okay! Let’s do this!”

Dinky smiles. “You even sound like her!”

“Like who?”

“Miss Cherry!”

Derpy sighs. “Now Dinky…”

Cherry giggles. “It’s okay. She really does, you know!”

Dinky leads Rose over to the counter. A cutting board is set out with several vegetables next to it. Derpy gives her a knife.

“You could cut these up for our salad if you’d like.”

Rose looks over the blade and smiles. “I can handle that.”

“I’ll leave you to it then!”

Derpy turns around to face Arc as the sounds of vegetables being sliced fills the air

“Arc, could you help Dinky set the table while I look after the stove?”


Rose walks over to Derpy with the bowl. “All done!”


She smiles as she shows Derpy the bowl. “I’m really quite good with a knife!”

Arc and Dinky walk over to see for themselves.

“That really was fast, Miss Rose!”

Arc frowns. “Maybe a bit too fast.”

He reaches into the bowl with his magic and pulls out a couple carrot tops, unpeeled cucumbers, the core of a head of lettuce and several onion skins.

“Did… did I do something wrong?”

“Well… kinda. Let me show you.”

He leads her back to the counter and carefully dumps the salad back on the cutting board. Picking though the pieces he picks up a cucumber.

“Before you slice these the outer skin needs to be peeled.”

Taking the knife, he demonstrates.

“What about the skin? Can’t that be eaten?”

Arc shakes his head. “It’s kinda bitter. You CAN eat it, but most don’t.”

He then picks out the pieces of lettuce core and tosses them in the trash.

“The center of a head of lettuce is really hard and doesn’t taste all that good. Next time I’ll show you how to properly core one of these.”

Arc then tosses the onion skins in the trash.

“These bits are also inedible. The onions have to be peeled before chopping them up.”

He pulls aside a few of the larger pieces of lettuce and chops them more finely.

“These need to be chopped a bit more finely. As things sit they’re too big to fit in our mouths.”

Rose looks embarrassed. “I’m so sorry! Did I do anything else wrong?!”

Arc picks up the peeler from next to the cutting board. “The carrots are usually peeled with this before being chopped up and added to the bowl.”

She takes Arc’s hands in hers. “I’m sorry Arc! Please forgive me!”

“It’s okay! Really! We’ll make the salad together next time.”

Rose nods her head fervently before she and Arc go back to fixing the salad. A few minutes later the sound of clopping hooves can be heard coming from the stove. Arc looks over.

“Derpy? You okay over there?”

Derpy steps side to side as she stirs a pot. “Could you take over, Arc? I really have to use the bathroom!”


Rose hurries over to Derpy’s side. “I’ll do it!”

Derpy trots away. “Thanks! I won’t be long!”

Dinky snickers. “That was funny!”

Arc turns to her. “Now Dinky, we all have to go sometimes.”

“Yes, dad!”

Arc chuckles as he turns back to the cutting board. “…but you are right!”

Rose stirs the pots one by one. She mutters quietly to herself.

“I can do this! I won’t let Arc down!”

She stirs faster and faster.

“I’ll be the best helper there is!”

A moment later both pots fall to the floor! Their contents spilling out! Dinky casts a simple barrier spell just in time to deflect the boiling hot food!


Arc whirls around. “Dinky, Rose! Are you two okay?!”

Rose looks confused. “I… I am.”

Dinky walks over to look at the pots on the floor. “What happened?!”

“I have no idea! I was just stirring them as best as I could when suddenly they fell!”

Arc picks up on of the pots. “Did you perhaps stir them too hard?”

“Is that a problem?”

Arc looks down at the food on the floor. “You tell me.”

“I’m sorry!”

Derpy comes trotting out of the Bathroom.

“Did something happen? I heard a… oh my!”

Arc kneels down with one of the pots and begins picking up the larger pieces of food

“Dinky, would you please get me the mop?”

“Okay dad!”

Rose rushes over to Dinky. “I’ll help!”

In her haste Rose slips on the food and crashes into the table, knocking it and the dishes onto the floor. Derpy trots over to the distressed android’s side.

“Rose! Are you okay?!”

Rose gets up slowly. “I… I am!”

She slowly turns her head to look at the mess before her before sighing and turning to Arc. She appears ready to cry.

“I’m so sorry Arc. I… I just don’t know what went wrong!”

Arc walks over and puts a hand on her shoulder.

“It’s okay. This was all just an accident.”

“How can you say that?! I just ruined our first supper together, and worse, almost horribly burned your daughter!”

Derpy walks over to join Rose and Arc. “You really tried your best, Rose. I’m… not the most agile mare myself.”

Dinky nods. “And I’m just fine! Really!”

“But what about the food?!”

Arc thinks for a moment before snapping his fingers.

“I have an idea.”

Dinky looks to her father. “What is it, dad?”

“Let’s get this mess cleaned up first.”

The group spends the next half hour cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. Derpy tosses aside a dish towel with a sigh.

“I didn’t realize food could get in such a myriad of places!”

Dinky giggles. “Me either!”

“I’m sorry!”

Derpy smiles. “It’s okay, Rose.”

“What now dad?”

“Let’s head back to my quarters at Light’s Hope.”

He looks over at Rose’s stained dress.

“I think Rose here needs a change of clothes.”

They walk over to the sigil as Arc calls forth his gauntlet. A moment later they find themselves back in Arc’s Living Room. As they step off the sigil Arc walks to his room.

“Wait here. I’ll grab some of my clothes real quick.”

Sereb’s voice rings out from in front of the fireplace.

“Be careful not to wake Ember. She seemed especially tired.”

Arc nods. “Thanks for the heads up!”

He slips into his room and back out in a flash. Handing a fresh pair of pants and a shirt to Rose with a smile.

“Here you go, Rose. Sorry I don’t have anything more feminine. We’ll get you something nicer to wear tomorrow from Carousel Boutique.”

Rose accepts the clothes. “So, these are yours?”

Arc nods. “Yes. They might be a bit on the big side, but at least they’re clean.”

Rose smiles happily at him as she holds the clothes to her face. “I don’t mind! This makes me feel that much closer to you, Arc!”

Derpy takes Rose’s hand. “I’ll help you get changed. Would you please follow me?”


The pair disappear into the Bathroom and shut the door behind them. Dinky follows her father to the couch.

“Busy day, dad?”

Arc sits down as he breathes a sigh of exhaustion. “That it has been!”

Dinky jumps into his lap and looks up at him with her luminous tan eyes, smiling. “Want to talk about it, dad?”

Arc strokes her mane and chuckles. “Well… maybe at supper, sweetheart. I kinda just want to rest for a few minutes.”

Dinky nods as she lies down next to him. “Okay!”

“Dinky? Do you think you could do me a favor please?”

“Sure dad! What is it?”

A short time later Derpy and Rose emerge from the bathroom together. Rose happily runs over to stand in front of Arc.

“So, how do I look?!”

“Um… nice I guess.”

Derpy looks around the room. “Where did Dinky run off to?”

“I sent her on a little bit of a mission.”

Rose’s eyes grow wide. “Nothing dangerous I hope!”

Arc shakes his head. “There’s no danger. However it is of vital importance.”

There is the sound of a door opening. Dinky walks into Arc’s Living Room pushing a cart containing several covered dishes with her magic. She salutes playfully.

“Mission successful, dad!”

Arc stands up. “Good job, Dinky.”

Derpy grins. “Supper?”

Arc nods as Dinky pushes the cart over to the kitchen table. “You know it! I asked Dinky to head over to the Cafeteria and ask Saffron for some leftovers.”

Dinky nods. “I got there just in time! She was just about to throw them out!”

Arc smiles as he picks up the plates of food and puts them on the table. “Well that’s a lucky break. It’s a bit late to be starting over now.”

They sit down together around Arc’s table together. Derpy looks at their surroundings.

“It’s still amazing just how close Hard Hat got to making your quarters identical to my house, Arc!”

Dinky nods as she munches away happily. “Yeah dad! I sometimes wake up in the morning wondering which place I am!”

Arc grins. “Me too.”

Rose sits with them. “You have a lovely home, Arc!”

“Thank you. But aren’t you hungry?”

“I am not, as I don’t need to eat. Remember, silly?!”

Arc chuckles. “Sorry. I forgot you were an android.”

Dinky nods. “So did I! I wondered why she was just sitting there!”

Rose laughs happily. “I believe I already explained this. Was there something you didn’t understand?”

Dinky shakes her head. “No ma’am. It’s just… you’re so lifelike!”

Derpy nods. “Dinky’s right, Rose! I’d bet you could pass for a real human any day!”

“A… real human?”

“The realism is striking!”

Rose turns to Arc. “I am a bit confused now. Am I not real?”

Arc thinks for a moment before speaking. “Well… you ARE real inasmuch that you’re here talking with us now. But at the same time you aren’t, as you’re a robot.”

Derpy frowns. “Is there something wrong with that?”

Rose bows her head sadly. “I… I don’t know. It makes me feel… sad, I guess. Although I understand what you’re saying. I was not born like a normal human to a normal mother to have a normal childhood after all.

She sighs.

“I don’t eat, breathe, require sleep, need to urinate or defecate. So in that regard I suppose I am NOT real.”

Arc smiles at her. “Well… I’m sure there are some things you can do that I can’t.”


“I can’t turn my hand into a cannon, for starters.”

Derpy looks confused. “Wait, what?!”

“It would probably be better for you to think more about what makes us similar than our differences.”

Rose tilts her head, clearly confused. “But aren’t both sides of that argument true? I mean, we really are quite different!”

Arc shrugs. “I suppose we are. But let’s look at the differences between Cherry and I.”

Derpy smiles. “Not much to talk about there, Arc.”

“Yeah dad! You two were made for each other!”

Cherry giggles. “I agree!”

“As do I, Cherry. But let’s take a look at it anyway, shall we Rose?”

“Of course!”

Arc stands up. “Would you please help me out here, Derpy?”

“Oh! Um… okay!”

Derpy stands up and walks over to Arc.

“Now for the sake of argument, let’s just pretend Derpy was Cherry Jubilee. How are the two of us the same?”

Rose looks them up and down. “Well… both of you are living creatures for starters.”

Dinky nods. “You both have eyes, a nose, ears and mouths.”

Cherry giggles. “And manes! Kinda, I guess!”

Arc nods. “Right. But we also both have feelings. Not to mention likes, dislikes, favorite foods, preferred activities and things that bother us. Wouldn’t you agree, Derpy?”

“Yes. And many of those things are the same for you and Miss Cherry.”

“That’s right. She and I are very similar along those lines. But now let’s look at how she and I are different. Can anyone point out some ways that Cherry and I are unlike one another?”

Rose nods. “You are a human and she is a pony for starters.”

Derpy puts a hoof to her chin. “There’s the size difference. You’re much taller than us.”

Dinky giggles. “And you eat both meat AND plants!”

Cherry sighs. “That and there’s the strength difference. While I may have been an Earth Pony, you’ve always been MUCH stronger than I was, Arc!”

“Very good everyone. So to summarize, Cherry and I are different species, vastly different in size, our diets and nutritional needs are quite different and I hit like a truck. There are a few more differences I’d like to point out though.”

Derpy looks confused. “There’s more?!”

Arc kneels down. “Yes. Quite a bit more actually. Let’s start at the top, shall we?”

He puts a hand on Derpy’s mane.

“Ponies have manes similar to how humans have hair. But, unlike human hair, a pony’s mane stretches partway down their back.

Arc points at Derpy’s face.

“A pony also has much larger eyes and nose. Although their teeth are flatter due to their diet, I suppose.”

He puts his hand on Derpy’s back.

“Ponies have fur all over their bodies. I have hairless skin for the most part.”

Dinky looks her father up and down. “Funny. I never really noticed that before, dad.”

Derpy smiles. “Sorry, but I’m with Dinky on that one, Arc.”

Rose looks confused. “How did you two not notice something so obvious?”

Dinky shrugs. “I don’t know. It’s just not really that important, I guess.”

Arc points to Derpy’s tail.

“I guess it goes without saying, but I’d also like to note I don’t have a tail, wings, a cutie mark or a horn.”

Dinky puts a hoof on her small horn. “Does that feel weird, dad?”

Arc laughs. “Probably as weird as it feels for you to have one, Dinky.”

Derpy shrugs. “Makes sense.”

Arc holds out his hand to Derpy. She puts her hoof in it.

“Ponies have four legs, while humans have two along with two arms.”

He taps her hoof gently.

“And we have hands and fingers versus hooves. I still don’t know how ponies get so much accomplished without hands though.”

Derpy giggles. “Me either!”

Dinky laughs. Her horn aglow. “We manage!”

Rose nods. “You make a strong case, Arc. Ponies and humans, by all logical reasoning, should be thoroughly incompatible!”

Arc chuckles. “I thought so too at first. But I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong.”

“What changed your mind?”

Arc turns back to Derpy. “Let’s go over what we have in common, shall we?”

Derpy nods happily. “Yes! Lets!”

“Our physical anatomy may be quite different on the outside, but we work about the same on the inside! A brain, two lungs, a heart and various other organs keep us alive.”

Cherry giggles. “That and they’re in roughly the same places inside us I would reckon.”


Dinky walks over. “And we both feel the need for a family.”

Derpy blushes. “Not to mention love and friendship.”

“And out race’s pasts. Both are filled with fighting, bloodshed and war. The only difference is humans haven’t learned to play nice with one another like the three pony races have.”

Dinky sighs. “What about the rest of our world?”

Arc looks over at his daughter. “We’re working on it, sweetheart. Someday I hope to leave this world to you and the next generation a bit better than I found it.”

Cherry calls out to them. “Our bodies may look very different, but our hearts and minds most certainly beat as one, Arc! At least they did before, I… you know…”

“Still do, Cherry. Nothing in that regard has changed.”

Arc turns to Rose.

“The way I see it, we can either bicker about what makes us different. Or, we can unite on some common ground. While other humans might have looked at ponykind and thought of ways to control or enslave them, I chose to befriend them instead.”

Derpy smiles at him. “And we’re certainly glad you did, Arc!”

“Yeah dad! I don’t think anypony could have stopped you!”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m sure they would have. After all, I’m only one person.”

Rose stands up and walks over to him. “You mean two.”

“Really? You would help me conquer this world?”

“If it made you happy, yes! When should we start?!”

Arc shakes his head as he and Derpy walk back to the table and sit down. “Uh… how about never?”

Rose giggles. “That works too!”

Cherry sighs. “We know you wouldn’t ever do that, Arc.”

“Not my style. Besides… what’s the point of having at the wealth, power and prestige if you don’t have someone to share your life with?”

They finish eating and return the dishes to the cart.

“That was great, dad!”

Derpy smiles. “Yes. Thank you for supper.”

Arc chuckles. “Thank Saffron for that.”

“So dad… want to talk about your day now?”

“Well, it wasn’t exactly the best day I’ve ever had.”

Derpy puts a hoof on Arc’s knee. “From what you’ve taught me, those are the days that need talking about.”

Rose nods uncomfortably. “Yes. Things… certainly went every which way but right!”

Dinky bounds over to the couch. “Well, I for one still want to hear about it!”

Arc sighs as he gets up slowly and walks toward the couch with the others. “Okay. If you want to hear about it that badly.”

Arc recalls the earlier events of the day. From Twilight revealing her creation, Rose’s awakening, the revelation that she had been made just for Arc, Twilight’s intention to dismantle Rose upon learning of his displeasure in her gift. He then moves onto how Twilight was forced to give him all her research after which he had destroyed it along with how the meeting ended with them parting on less than friendly terms. Derpy looks at him, her mouth agape.

“Wow… that really was quite a day you two had!”

Arc sighs. “Yes. And I’m not too happy with how it went either.”

Dinky puts a small hoof on Arc’s knee and looks up at him with her luminous, but sad eyes. “Dad? Does this mean you and Miss Twilight aren’t friends anymore?!”

“I… don’t really know right now, sweetheart. A lot of things were said that will be… difficult to move past.”

Derpy frowns. “But isn’t it worth TRYING to patch up?! I mean, Twilight was the first friend you made when you came to Equestria after all!”

Arc sighs. “I went back to the library earlier today to try and talk to her.”


He shakes his head at Dinky. “Auriel said she was asleep. That didn’t really surprise me. After all, she looked like she had been up all night.”

Derpy nods. “That does sound like something she would do. When she gets a goal in mind, nothing really slows her down.”

Cherry sighs. “Perhaps she just wasn’t herself. A little rest, a bit of time to cool down and you two will be able to talk this over like level-headed adults.”

“I sure hope so, Cherry.”

Rose turns to him. “Begging your pardon, Arc, but what exactly… set you off? I mean, from what the administrator programmed into my memory banks not much really gets to you.”

“It’s… complicated.”

He looks over at Rose and smiles.

“The best way I can think of to put it is… you, Rose.”

Rose looks confused. “What about me?”

“Well, I know you aren’t Cherry, as no one could truly ever replace her.”

“I can try to! Just give me a chance!”

“Please Rose… let me finish.”

She is silent as Arc continues.

“You… look so much like her! When Twilight said she was going to dismantle you… something inside me snapped! It felt kinda like…”

Cherry sighs. “…like losing me again?


“Well, now you know how I feel.”

Arc frowns. “Come again. Cherry?!”

“Listen, Arc! I feel the exact same way every time you go out and do something dangerous! Now I understand WHY you do it! However that doesn’t make it any easier on me!”

“I’m sorry. But there’s just some things I have to do.”

Cherry continues. “Don’t you understand Arc?! Why do you think Twilight did what she did?!”

“To replace you.”

Cherry sighs. “You really don’t see her ulterior motives, do you?”

“No. What are you…”

“She built Rose, not just as a human companion for you, but also as someone to watch your back!”

“Wait, what?!”

Cherry laughs. “Why else would she have so heavily armed and armored her?”

Arc shakes his head. “I… I never thought of that. Twilight… she was trying to protect me. And all I did was get mad at her.”

He looks up at all assembled.

“I think I need to talk to Twilight about this.”

Rose looks out the window at the rising moon. “Maybe you should wait until tomorrow. It is pretty late after all.”

“Yeah… maybe you’re right, Rose.”

Dinky yawns as her mother looks to the clock.

“I think it’s time for somepony to be in bed.”

“What? But I’m not even tired! Back me up here dad!”

Arc yawns himself. “I would sweetheart, but I’m too tired.”

Derpy giggles. “Come on, Dinky. Let’s get moving.”

She turns to Arc.

“Are you coming, Arc?”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry, but I think I’ll stay here tonight. I want to make sure Rose is okay on her first night.”

“It’s okay, dad.”

Derpy nods. “Right. We understand.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow after you get home. Now how about I teleport you two home?”

Derpy nods. “Thank you, Arc. I think we’re all a bit tired after today.”

Arc kneels down to give them both a hug. He then calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal back to Derpy’s house.

“Good night you two.”

Rose giggles. “Sweet dreams!”

Dinky turns back as they walks toward the portal. Bye dad!”

Derpy giggles. “Don’t stay up too late!”

They enter the portal and are gone. Arc closes the portal behind them and turns to Rose.

“I think I should probably show you to one of our Guest Rooms.”

She looks down, sadly. “You don’t want me around?”

“No, no! I just thought you would be more comfortable there. My quarters aren’t exactly spacious. That and Ember is sleeping in her bed at the moment.”

Rose looks up at him, pleadingly. “Can’t I please stay here?! I don’t want to be away from you right now!”

She looks over at the couch.

“I can just sit here until morning!”

Rose grabs onto Arc’s shirt and looks up into his eyes desperately.

“Please don’t send me away!”

Arc nods. “O-okay. You can stay here.”

Rose rests her head on Arc’s chest, clearly relieved. “Thank you…!”

Arc sighs and steps back after a few moments of silence. “Well… I think I need a shower before bed.”

Rose looks confused. “A… shower?”

Arc nods. “It’s been a long day. I need to put some thought into what exactly I’m going to say to Twilight tomorrow. There’s just something about getting cleaned up that helps me think.”

Rose nods as she sits down on the couch. “Well, all right then. See you in a bit!”

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