• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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*Chapter 4 - Half-Baked Plans

Several hours pass for the pair as they sleep. Around three in the morning though there is a frantic pounding at Arc’s bedroom door. Groaning, he sits up sleepily.

“Oh for the love of… come in…”

A mare bursts through the door and calls out to Arc.

“Sorry to wake you, but...!”

Ember rolls over sleepily and peeks over Arc’s shoulder at the visitor. “Huh…? Arc… what’s going on?”

The mare's face suddenly turns as red as cherries and her pupils shrink at the sight of the pair lying together in the bed. Arc turns to her and speaks as he rubs his eyes.

“Look, I know this must be a bit awkward for you right now, but please continue.”

She shakes her head as if to clear it of what she has just seen as she slowly begins to speak.

“I, uh… you see, several townsfolk just came to the house with identical fliers inviting them to a wedding between Cherry Jubilee and Buffalo Bull! I went to tell Cherry about it, but she's missing!”

The mare gives Arc a flyer as she continues.

“That and I found this slid under our front door!”

Arc takes the piece of paper and reads it aloud. “Hear ye, hear ye. All citizens of Dodge Junction are cordially invited to the wedding of Buffalo Bull and Cherry Jubilee this morning at dawn. The ceremony will take place just outside town to the north.”

Ember looks to Arc. “What do we do?!”

Arc sits on the edge of the bed thinking before he turns back to the mare.

“So, what’s your name?”

“My name is Ruby Jubilee, Cherry's sister! I just arrived late this evening for a visit!”

Arc smiles at her. “Happy to meet you, Ruby Jubilee. Tell me, did Cherry save the leftovers from supper last night?”

Ruby appears confused. “Yes. I mean, Cherry always leaves me something in the fridge when she knows I’ll be getting here late. But why do you ask, sir?”

He swings his legs over the side of the bed and stands. “It's all part of my plan. Ember, follow me.”

Arc and Ember walk past the mare whom appears to be quite confused. Together they enter the kitchen as Ember turns to Arc and frowns.

“Okay, care to let me in on your plan now?”

Arc opens the fridge and, after rummaging around a moment, pulls out yesterday's supper leftovers. He sets them down on the table and turns back to Ember and Ruby.

“Alright. Phase one of my plan is... to sit down have a healthy breakfast.”

Ember’s jaw drops. “I’m sorry, what?!”

“We can't rescue Cherry on empty stomachs. That and the next part of my plan won’t be ready for about thirty minutes. But at the same time, we have around three hours or so until it's go time. So we might as well eat.”

Ember facepalms. “I just don’t get you sometimes.”

Arc holds out a dish to Ember. “Cherry Cobbler?”

Ember shrugs as she steps forward. “Sure, why not.”

Sitting down together, pair eat as Arc goes over his plan with Ember. As he finishes, Ember glares at him.

“Wait! THAT'S your plan, Arc?!”

Arc nods. “Yup!”

“You’re sure that there isn't more to it than that?!”

“It's simplicity itself. Less steps, less chance of failure.”

Ember groans. “You know, there is such a thing as something being TOO simple!”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder and looks the young dragon in the eye. “The only thing I have to ask of you right now Ember is... can you pull this off?”

“Yes, but…”

Arc interrupts her. “Are you absolutely certain you can do that?”

Ember looks over at Arc, irritated. “Of course I can! I could do that blindfolded! It's just... what if something goes wrong?! Or if Buffalo Bull has some kind of backup plan!”

Arc shrugs. “If that happens I guess we'll have to improvise. Just make sure your part of the operation is done. Then double back and make sure I'm all right.”

“I just want to go on record as saying this is the worst plan in the long, sad history of bad plans!”

Arc nods. “Duly noted.”

He turns to Ruby before continuing.

“Were you able to get ahold of the individual in question?”

Ruby nods as she points a hoof at a package on the counter nearby. “Yes, I spoke to him and he understands. He sent this over as requested.”

Arc stands and grabs the package off the counter as motions for the pair to follow him into the living room. As they do so, Arc points to the sofa as he speaks.

“Good job, Ruby. As I said before, your package is over there on the couch. Now then, let’s move out.”

Arc, Ember, and Ruby all leave the farmhouse together. Ember turns to Ruby and sighs. “You ready?”

Ruby looks at her nervously and nods.. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Ember spreads her wings and flies up into the air with Ruby in her claws. The pair fly off to make their way to their positions. Arc watches as they fly out of sight in the cool night air before looking down at the package in his hand.

“Guess I better get a move on too.”

Arc opens the package Ruby gave him and sighs as he continues.

“Sure hope this works.”

Meanwhile, just outside the town limits to the north, Buffalo Bull's gang had been busy all night getting ready for the impromptu wedding ceremony. Setting up benches, decorations, the altar, and even a pulpit for the priest. Sad looking ponies walk toward them and sit down on the a fore mentioned benches. There numbers appear to be that of the entire town’s population. Buffalo Bull himself arrives shortly thereafter dressed to the nines along with Cherry who is wearing an extremely fancy while wedding gown complete with matching leg shackles. Buffalo Bull looks over at Cherry happily as he smiles to her warmly.

“I've looked forward to this day for longer than you know Cherry Jubilee.”

Cherry just glares at her captives as Buffalo Bull puts a hoof on her cheek. Eventually she finds her voice and speaks.

“Please don't do this to me, Buffalo Bull! I already told you that I don't love you!”

The stallion grins widely. “In time you will my dear...oh, believe me, you will.”

Grabbing her hoof, Buffalo Bull pulls his bride along as they walk up to the priest whom is waiting for them at the pulpit. He is wearing his most formal black robe for the occasion and leaning heavily on the pulpit. Buffalo Bull looks around as he speaks.

“I’ve very sorry for the short notice, father. But it would appear that everything is ready for the ceremony. Can I assume that you’re ready to begin?”

The priest nods as he speaks in a raspy voice similar to that of someone with a cold.

“Yes, I am. Remember, this is just one of my many duties to the town and its inhabitants, my son. However, I do have quite a busy day ahead of me, so if you don't mind my getting the ceremony underway...”

Buffalo Bull laughs. “Certainly! I like a pony of action. Proceed, Father!”

The stallion looks down at his bride to be and whispers to her.

“It won’t be long now, my dear!”

Cherry just stands there quietly with tears in her eyes as she whispers. “Somepony... anypony... please help me.”

Buffalo Bull looks to the priest. “Uh oh! Better hurry and start, father! My blushing bride is already tearing up!”

The priest opens the book on the pulpit and begins to speak.

“Very well. I will give you the short version then.”

Buffalo Bull grins. “Father, you read my mind! Heh, heh, proceed...”

The priest looks down to his book as he clears his throat and begins the ceremony.

“Dearly beloved… we are gathered together here today in the sight of God and in the presence of all these witnesses to join together this stallion and this mare in holy matrimony… which is an honorable estate, instituted by God and his Church. It is therefore not to be entered into unadvisedly or recklessly. But instead reverently… discreetly… and in the eyes of God. Into this holy estate these two ponies come now to be joined now and forevermore. However, if any of you gathered here today can show just cause as to why this couple may not lawfully be joined together, let them speak now or else hereafter forever hold their peace.”

There is nothing but silence among the ponies in the audience. Only the sound of the wind rustling through the prairie grass is heard among those assembled. That is, until a loud voice rings out somewhere overhead.


Ember, whom was waiting on a nearby rooftop with Ruby, swoops in and grabs Cherry by the back of her wedding dress. Getting some altitude, Ember flies away with the young mare toward the chapel deeper in town. Buffalo Bull looks after them as they fly away, stunned at this turn of events.

“What the…”

He is unable to finish his sentence however before a blow from the priest connects with his head. Buffalo Bull is knocked toward the audience to land on his flank unceremoniously. He quickly gets to his feet and glares at the priest.

“Father?! What is the meaning of this?!”

The priest begins to laugh at Buffalo Bull. “NOW!!!”

Ruby throws a spear to the priest. He reaches up, catches it, and deftly throws away his robe to reveal a pure white armor and one very angry human. Turning to Buffalo Bull, Arc levels the spear at him as he smirks.

“Now then, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice.”

Buffalo Bull turns to his gang. “Neither! We do it... MY WAY! I want this freaks head on a platter! And I mean NOW!!!”

Hearing this, the entire gang rushes toward Arc as he moves into an attack position. Arc smirks as he prepares to engage them.

“Oh, this’ll be fun!”

Doing his best to keep moving and avoid being overwhelmed, Arc engages the horde of stallions. Many fall to the butt end of his spear and his fists, but the odds are certainly not in his favor. Meanwhile, Ember drops Cherry off in front of the chapel where the real priest is anxiously waiting for them and calls out to her as she hovers.

“Cherry, get inside with the priest and bar the door behind you! I've got to get back there and help Arc!”

Cherry shouts after the young dragon as she turns to leave. “Ember! Thank you!”

Ember smiles back as she flies away. The priest helps Cherry inside the chapel as told as Ember makes the short flight back to the rooftop Ruby is hiding on. As she approaches, Ember calls out loudly.

“Now, Ruby!”

Ruby holds up Ember’s Spear of Courage point up. Ember flies by her and grabs it without stopping as the young mare runs down the stairs to join the rest of the townsfolk. Meanwhile, Arc looks around as he sees that he has been backed into a corner by Buffalo Bull and his gang. He mutters to himself as they close in around him.

“Well… that could have gone better.”

Buffalo Bull looks at Arc angrily. “Any last words, runt?

Arc looks up. “Actually, yes... you should have brought more help.”


Ember lands in front of Arc and breathes fire in all directions. The surrounding stallions scatter and the pair re-engage their assailants together. They catch up as they fight.

“So, how is your plan working out, Arc?!”

“Actually, better than I intended!”

“You do realize we're still outnumbered at least fifty to one, right?”

Arc glances over at the townsponies. “I have a feeling that is about to change!”


“Human intuition! Just keep fighting!”

Ruby runs over to the townsfolks whom are watching Arc and Ember fight a seemingly unwinnable battle. She runs to the forefront of the group and turns around to address them.

“Everypony listen to me! These heroes... they do not know us, yet they fight for us!”

Ruby turns and bucks a large bench at a group of stallions, knocking them down as she continues.

“We cannot let them fight alone!”

The townsfolk are roused to rebel against the gang. They literally throw everything that isn't nailed down at the stallions in an effort to drive them away. Buffalo Bull's gang, distracted by this turn of events, quickly finds themselves much too busy defending themselves against the townsfolk to even think about helping their boss. His mouth agape, Buffalo Bull looks out over the scene before him and gasps.

“This is impossible!”

Arc walks towards him. “A lesson to you Buffalo Bull. Never underestimate the power of one.”

Ember points her spear at him. “Or two!”

Arc chuckles. “I'll accept your surrender now. Come along quietly and no one else has to get hurt.”

Buffalo Bull laughs. “HA! You don't get this far in the business without being able to think ahead, runt!”

The large stallion smacks his lapel and drops a dozen or so strange looking canisters out of this suit. Smirking, Buffalo Bull escapes as they all go off filling the air with thick gray smoke. Ember looks all around as the smoke clears a minute or so later.

“Great! Where do you think he went?!”

Arc grimaces. “I can think of only one place.”

Meanwhile, Cherry and the priest have barricaded the door behind them and sit in front of the altar. A simple stained-glass window above it glows with the morning rays of dawn. Cherry looks up at the window and sighs.

“I hope Arc and Ember are all right...”

The priest nods. “Perhaps you should say a prayer for them.”

Cherry puts her front hooves together and bows her head. “Thank you, father. I think I will.”

There is suddenly a pounding at the door. Buffalo Bull calls out loudly from outside.

“Cherry Jubilee! I'm here for you my dear! Come on out now and join your new husband!”

The priest looks over at her and grimaces. “Better hurry with that prayer.”

Buffalo Bull has begun bucking the door. After a few good blows the wood gives way with a sickening snap. Seething, the stallion looks at the mare before him.

“Alright, Cherry Jubilee! The game is up! Come with me!”

The priest approaches him. “Buffalo Bull, do not do such a thing! You can't force somepony to love you!”

Buffalo Bull wordlessly knocks the priest away with a hoof to the head. Returning his gaze to Cherry, he smiles slyly.

“Now there is nopony to keep us apart, Cherry Jubilee! Come.”

Cherry does not move. Eventually Buffalo Bull frowns and calls out again.

“I said COME!!!”

Cherry shakes her head vehemently. “No, I will not! Nor will I marry you! Now or ever!”

A strange noise is heard behind the chapel. Both Cherry and Buffalo Bull look at the stained-glass window, confused. Meanwhile, Arc stands on a high ledge behind the chapel with Ember. She turns to him and frowns.

“Are you sure about this, Arc?”

“No. But that's never stopped me before. You go in the front and make sure no one comes to help Buffalo Bull alright?”

Ember takes flight and hovers between Arc and the chapel.

“Aright. Ready?”

Arc gives himself a running start. “No, but here I come!”

He runs and jumps off the ledge at Ember. She does a three hundred and sixty degrees backwards somersault in the air. Using centrifugal force Ember literally throws Arc toward the chapel. He cries out loudly as he careens toward the building.


Arc comes crashing through the stained-glass window, landing squarely between Buffalo Bull and Cherry. He looks to the gang leader and points his spear at him angrily as he speaks.

“Now… where were we?”

Buffalo Bull lunges at Arc. The young man takes the blow full force but turns and body slams his assailant into the floor. Standing, Arc sighs and shakes his head.

“Can you just surrender already? I really do have quite a full day ahead of myself.”

Buffalo Bull quickly get to his feet. “Never! Cherry WILL be mine! And nothing will stand in the way of me getting what it is that I want!”

The stallion lunges at Arc again. This time he is able to knock Arc to the ground and get a few good hits in. Eventually Arc is able to throw him off using both of his legs. Buffalo Bull is violently thrown into a wall and lands near Cherry. As he stands and looks at Arc, the stallion seethes.

“Playtime is over now, runt!”

He is about to charge again when Cherry jumps in his way and calls out desperately.

“Buffalo Bull, please stop this! Don't you see?! You can't win here! Arc is just too powerful!”

He sneers at the mare before him. “Stay out of this!”

Buffalo Bull slaps Cherry so hard that she falls to the ground. As she rolls to a stop some distance away she quickly sees that her lips and nose are bleeding. As Arc gets up he points a gauntleted finger at the stallion and calls out loudly.

“HEY! Your fight is with ME, remember?! Leave her alone!!!”

Ember shouts to Arc from the doorway. “Uh, Arc? Things are getting dicey out here!”

“Use your fire breath! Whatever you have to do to keep them from getting in here!”

Arc charges into Buffalo Bull. Using the side of his spear, he slams the stallion into a nearby wall. However, Buffalo Bull does not seem to be feeling any pain from Arc's attack as he uses his rear hooves to throw Arc across the room. Arc clangs against the far wall as the blow knocks the spear out of his hands. The stallion smirks menacingly as he speaks.

“That's how it's done!”

Buffalo Bull is about to charge at Arc again while he is down. Suddenly, Cherry jumps on Buffalo Bull's back and hits him in the head with her front hooves. Try as she might though it's not very effective.

“Stop this! There's no reason for you to keep fighting! I already told you that I DON'T LOVE YOU!!!”

There is a faraway look in Buffalo Bull's eyes as those words echo in the chapel and in his head. Suddenly something in Buffalo Bull snaps. He screams at her like a wild pony.

“GET OFF!!!”

He tosses Cherry off his back and uses both rear hooves to buck her as hard as he is able. His blow hits her squarely in the chest. Cherry flies through the air for a long moment. As her limp body hits the wall it does so with such force that even across the room Arc can hear the blow. Cherry lands on her side and does not stir. Buffalo Bull stands and points an accusatory hoof at his opponent and speaks with such madness in his voice.


Arc stands, furious at the sight before him. “This ends NOW!”

The two lunge at each other once more. Buffalo Bull lowers his head and charges with everything he has. Just before the two connect though Arc drops to the floor on his back. As Buffalo Bull passes over him Arc uses both fists to precisely hit both of Buffalo Bull's shoulder's simultaneously, dislocating both of them. Buffalo Bull falls to the ground, unable to rise with two dislocated shoulders. Arc stands back up and walks slowly over to Buffalo Bull as he speaks.

“You have nothing left. It's time to give this up. Besides, I really need to get Cherry to the hospital.”

Buffalo Bull just lies on the ground fuming silently. As Arc gets within range, Buffalo Bull uses the last of his strength to buck Arc with both back hooves. Arc sees it coming in the nick of time and sidesteps around the attack, missing his neck by mere inches. The young man counters by bringing his arm down on Buffalo Bull's back legs are hard as he is able, shattering them both. Ember again calls out from the doorway.

“Are you two quite finished in there?! I can't hold these guys back much longer!”

Arc turns and calls out. “Let them in, Ember!”


“Trust me! Just do it!”

Ember stands to the side and allows the gang to rush past her. Shaking her head, she mutters under her breath.

“Alright. It's your funeral.”

The gang charges at Arc, whom does not move. When they get about halfway to him, he moves one step to the side, bringing Buffalo Bull's broken and battered body into full view. The gang screeches to a stop, afraid to approach the one who bested their strongest. Buffalo Bull rolls over on his back and looks up at the ceiling as tears roll down his face.

“Why... Arc? Why did you have to interfere? Can't you see that I love Cherry Jubilee with all my heart and soul?”

Arc looks down at him, suddenly furious. “Wait! What did you just say?!”


Arc reaches down angrily and grabs Buffalo Bull roughly by his mane and drags him across the room, throwing him the last few feet.

“Raise your head!”

Buffalo Bull does not move. Arc gets down on one knee next to him and again grabs him by the mane to raise his head, forcing him to look forward. The stallion looks ahead, his eyes wide, as he takes in the sight before him.

“What?! Did... did I... what have I done?!”

Before them lies Cherry Jubilee's bleeding and broken body. Her mane is dirty and tussled along with her wedding dress being torn to shreds. Blood drips sickeningly from her nose and mouth and a massive welt on her chest from the blow makes a sizable bruise. Buffalo Bull turns to look away as he cries out loudly.

“No... NO! Oh, Cherry! I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!”

Angrily, Arc turns Buffalo Bull’s head to look at Cherry. “Take a good look! I want this image burned into your memory forever!”

Arc forces Buffalo Bull to look at the mare for a full minute before releasing his head and allowing him to collapse into tearful hysterics as Arc stands and faces the gang. Pointing at two of them he calls out.

“You and you! Get your boss to the hospital!”

He points at another stallion before continuing.

“You there! Follow them and carry the priest! And be gentle with him!”

The stallions move to carry out their instructions as ordered. Arc walks over to Cherry and very slowly and carefully picks her up and carries her in his arms. As he moves toward the door the mob of stallions silently moves away to let Arc pass unharmed. As they pass her, Ember looks down at Cherry as they step out onto the street.

“Is she… really okay?!”

Arc sighs. “I'm no doctor, of course. But I think she'll be all right with the proper medical treatment.”

Ember falls into step behind Arc. Together, the pair make their way toward the town hospital in the glow of the dawn’s light hoping it will be a new beginning for all concerned.

Author's Note:

This was my wife's favorite chapter!

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