• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Big Problems

No one speaks for a time. Eventually Luna breaks the silence.

“Arc? Is that…?!”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes. That’s Lord Gestal’s daughter, Lady Ashe.”

Rose appears horrified. “Arc, you were fighting HER?!”

“Well, obviously I didn’t know who it was!”

Flash Sentry turns to Luna. “This is bad, your highness! The Griffon Kingdom will certainly want revenge for THIS!”

Rose frowns. “For what?! It was clearly a case of mistaken identity!”

Arc sighs. “They won’t buy that. All Lord Gestal will see is his only daughter beaten and bloody.”

Rose turns to him. “Perhaps we can just explain she was wearing a rebel uniform and…”

Flash Sentry interrupts. “He’ll never believe that!”

“But it’s the truth!”

Luna sighs as she approaches Rose. “This isn’t really a case of truth versus untruth. But of what is plausible and will be believed.”

Arc frowns warily. “What are you saying, Luna?”

“We may just have to accept the fact that there really isn’t a good way out for us, save one.”

“I don’t think I like where this is going.”

Luna gestures toward a window. “The Lunar Destiny is currently flying over the Celestial Sea. Should she be lost here, nopony would be the wiser.”

Flash Sentry’s eyes grow wide. “I can’t believe I’m hearing this!”

Rose frowns. “That’s not fair!”

Luna bows her head sadly. “I know. While it’s reprehensible, I have a duty to protect Equestria and its citizens. Many of our forces would perish in the war that follows. Not to mention many griffons.”

She turns to look at the unconscious Rebel Leader as Redhead continues her examination.

“Sacrificing one life to save thousands. It is certainly a logical choice.”

Flash Sentry turns to Arc. “Commander! Please say something!”

Rose joins him. “You’re not going to let this happen, are you Arc?!”


Arc turns to Luna.

“Luna, I understand what you’re saying. But we need to know why she did this before we do something irreversible.”


“I know why you think this is the best course of action. And it may very well be. But she deserves a chance to explain herself.”

Arc looks down at Lady Ashe.

“That and… I’d hate for Lord Gestal to lose his daughter forever.”

Luna sighs. “Very well. Against my better judgement, I will allow her to live… for now. However she is to be restrained whenever possible.”

Rose breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Princess Luna!”

Flash Sentry nods. “I’ll order around the clock guards, your majesty.”

Luna turns to Redheart. “Do what you can for her.”

“Yes, your highness. I’ll need to take x-rays to know the extent of the damage though.”

“Carry on then.”

Luna heads for the Infirmary door.

“I need to inform the captain of our unexpected visitor.”

Flash Sentry follows Luna.

“I’ll accompany you, your highness.”


Arc turns to Rose and shakes his head. “I’ll stay here and keep an eye on our… friend here.”

Redheart nods as she sets up the x-ray machine. “That’s probably for the best, sir. I haven’t had a chance to examine you yet.”

“Very well. I leave you in Redheart’s capable hooves.”

Luna leaves with Flash Sentry as Rose sits next to Arc.

“I can’t believe the princess would stoop so low!”

Arc sighs. “Luna has the fate of Equestria to think about. I know it’s hard, but she has to do what’s in the best interest of the many.”

“You don’t really accept that, do you?!”

“No. But it’s the truth.”

A short time later Luna and Flash Sentry return. Redheart is looking over the freshly made x-rays.

“How is she, Redheart?”

“Not good, your majesty.”

Redheart points to the x-ray.

“It appears her intercranial pressure is rising.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “That doesn’t sound good.”

Rose shudders. “Is her head going to explode?!”

Arc chuckles. “No, Rose. Can you relieve the pressure, nurse?”

Redheart nods. “Yes. It’s a fairly simple procedure. However I should contact her primary care physician before operating.”

Luna shakes her head. “Sadly that isn’t an option right now. Proceed with the operation with what you know, Redheart.”

“Yes, your highness.”

Redheart turns to Arc.

“I’ve looked over your x-rays, sir, and there doesn’t appear to be anything wrong with you. Other than your current poisoning situation, that is.”

She turns back to Luna.

“Has there been any word from Canterlot on that, Princess Luna?”

Luna shakes her head. “There has not. Little was understood from my own case. Less so than Arc’s.”

Redheart sighs. “That is unfortunate. Well, I need to prepare for surgery now.”

Arc nods. “I know you’ll do your best, Nurse Redheart.”

“I will.”

The nurse heads to her office to wash up. Arc sits up.

“Help me up, Rose.”

“Are you sure you should be doing that, Arc?”

Arc winces in pain. “No, but I have to move around.”

Flash Sentry chuckles. “Getting antsy, sir?”

“That I am.”

Rose sighs. “Very well. Lean on my though.”

Arc slowly rises with Rose’s help. She smiles at him.

“There you go!”

“Thanks Rose.”

Luna sighs. “You really should get to bed, Arc. “

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes, sir. It’s been quite the day.

Arc turns to Redheart. “What are her chances as it stands?”

“Very good. Get some rest, sir.”

He rubs his forehead. “I… think I will.”

Rose helps steady him. “I’ll take you to your room.”

Luna frowns as Arc and Rose pass her. “We’ll have to decide what to do in the morning, Arc.”


Rose and Arc leave the Infirmary. Flash Sentry turns to Luna.

“Please, princess! Think about what you’re suggesting!”

Luna’s ears droop as she heads for the door. “I am. Believe me, this is not easy for me either.”

Meanwhile, Rose helps Arc into his bed. She sits down with him.

“There you go.”

“Th-thank you, Rose.”

“You’re upset.”

Arc sighs as Rose slowly removes his boots. “Yes.”

“I don’t think I have to ask why.”

Arc sighs as he removes his cape and tosses it aside. “Lady Ashe attacked me. I… I had no choice, right?”

Rose smiles at him as she helps remove his royal tunic. “I believe not.”

Arc puts his face in his hands. “Then why do I feel so… guilty?!”

“Arc, I…”

He suddenly stands.

“I… think I need to take a bath.”


Arc heads for the bathroom. “Yes. I… I’m feeling a bit achy after all this.”

Rose nods as he closes the door behind him. Arc fills up the large tub with hot water and gets in. He sighs as he soaks in the hot water.

“That does feel good. Not that I deserve it right now.”

A few minutes later there is a small knock at the bathroom door. Arc looks over at it warily.


The door opens a few inches.

“Arc? It’s Rose. I have something here that Princess Luna asked me to give you.”

“She’s here?”

“No. She just dropped this off.”

Rose’s hand sticks through the partially opened door. In her palm is a small, white ball.

“She said you should just drop this ‘bath fizzy’ into the water. It should help you to relax.”

Arc reaches out and levitates the sphere over to himself. “Th-thanks…”

As he does so the water begins to bubble and foam. Rose smiles as she hears the sounds from within.

“Is it working?”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda. It turned the water dark purple and made it smell nice in here.”

Rose smiles. “Can I… um… come in and talk to you?”

“I… suppose.”

She opens the door, steps inside, and kneels down next to the tub respectfully.

“How are you feeling right now?”


Rose’s eyes grow wide. “Shall I call Nurse Redheart?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. It’s… not that kind of hurt.”

He puts his hand on the edge of the tub as he lays back and sighs.

“I’m feeling guilty is what’s wrong.”

“S-so am I.”


“Your condition is my fault. Had I protected you back there…”

“You were only doing what I told you to, Rose.”

“But your safety should always be my top priority!”

“I thought your primary objective was my happiness?”

Rose puts a hand to her chest. “But I should have done SOMETHING!”

“Don’t live in the past, Rose. The what-if’s will only hold you back.”

“Then what about you, Arc?!”

“What about me?”

“Well, you’re upset about Lord Gestal’s daughter.”

“That’s different! I might have just started a war!”

“Does worrying about it help anything?”

Arc sighs. “…I suppose not.”

Rose smiles at him as she leans forward and puts her elbows on the edge of the tub. “I guess we’re pretty much the same then, huh?”

Arc nods as he pats her hand. “Yeah.”

They are silent for a time.

“Say, what’s that smell?”

“That ball you gave me was something we call a ‘bath bomb’ on Earth.”

“A what?”

“They’re mostly citric acid and baking soda with a scent. This one is apparently lavender.”

Rose smiles. “A very appropriate gift from the Princess of the Night.”

Arc nods as he sighs contentedly. “Yes. I’ll have to thank her tomorrow.”

“We should get you to bed soon. The hour is quite late, Arc.”


Rose stands up. “I’ll wait for you in the bedroom then.”

She walks to the door but stops at the threshold as she puts a hand on the doorknob.



“Just… keep doing your best, okay?”

“You too, Rose.”

She nods and leaves the room. Arc stands up and towels off before putting on fresh clothes. He looks back over to the tub as he mutters to himself.

“That bath bomb really did help.”

Arc thinks for a moment before leaving the Bathroom. Rose is waiting for him on the bed in her undergarments. She smiles nervously at him.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t bring any clothes with me.”

“You just wore your armor, huh?”

Rose sheepishly nods.

“I think I have something here for that…”

He reaches for his ring and pulls out one of his tunics.

“Try this on.”

Rose does so.

“It’s… kinda big.”

“Yes, well… it makes a nice nightshirt for you. Now you don’t have to sleep almost naked.”

“It doesn’t bother me.”

Arc sighs as he walks toward the bed. “I’d rather you stay covered.”

“I’ve noticed your heart rate does go up when you see me like this.”

Arc blushes slightly as he gets under the covers. “Yes.”

Rose nods as she joins him. “It is not my intention to make you feel uncomfortable or attempt to seduce you.”

“That’s why I put up with it.”

Arc turns off the light, rolls over onto his side and closes his eyes. Rose puts a hand on his shoulder.

“You’re very tense.”

“You already know why.”

“Let me take some of that tension from you.”

Rose pulls herself over to Arc’s back and puts an arm around his midsection.

“I’m here. Go ahead and fall asleep, my dear.”

Arc yawns. “Good night, Rose.”

“Pleasant dreams.”

A short time later Arc falls asleep. Rose continues to hold him. She sighs.

“You deserve much more than I can give you, Arc. But I get the feeling you believe the same.”

They sleep peacefully through the night. As the first rays of light stream through the window Arc opens his eyes and sits up and sighs.

“Another day. Great.”

Rose nods. Her arm still around his waist. “Good morning.”

Arc shakes his head and sniffs the air. “Did all that… really happen yesterday?”

“The fight?”


“It did, Arc.”

Rose sniffs the air as well.

“It still smells wonderful in here.”

Arc nods as he stands up. “I left the water in the tub after my bath yesterday.”


He stands and walks into the bathroom to pull the plug. “I just wanted that smell to linger. It reminds me of Earth.”

Rose stands up and pulls the oversized shirt off. “Does it now?”

Arc returns to the room, but turns around to give Rose some privacy. “Um… yes. Lavender is a very nice smelling flower back there.”

Rose puts her armor back on. “You mean, that plant exists in both places?”


“That IS interesting!”

“How so?”

“Think about it. Two plants exactly the same in two different worlds. I have to tell mother about this!”

Arc shrugs. “I’m sure that will only send her into a tizzy of theories and speculation.”

Rose sounds confused. “So I should hide it from her?”

“No, no! I just meant that Twilight has a nasty habit of blowing things way out of proportion. You should always be able to talk to her about anything.”

Rose picks up her helmet and puts it on. “That’s a comfort to me. Now that mother accepts me, that is.”

Arc walks over to Rose and puts a hand on her shoulder. “She just needed to get to know you. In the beginning Twilight just saw another machine before her. Like a coffee maker.”

Rose nods as Arc continues.

“But now she sees that you have complex emotions, your own thoughts, and… and even feelings.”

Rose turns and takes Arc’s hand in hers. “I understand. Mother is quite different from the mare I met upon my first activation. And I owe that to you.”

“Twilight is a mare of logic and reason. She just couldn’t wrap her mind around a machine feeling things.”

“Thank you.”

“What for?”

“For convincing her and the princesses to spare my life.”

“You deserve a chance just like anyone else out there. But we should be getting over to the Infirmary. I want to check in on Lady Ashe.”

Rose nods. “I understand.”

They leave the room and head for the Infirmary. Upon entering they find Luna and Flash Sentry speaking to Redheart. The pair join them.

“How is she doing?”

“I was just going over Lady Ashe’s condition with the princess, sir.”

Luna nods. “We just started, so you didn’t miss much.”

Redheart smiles at him. “I’ll start over.”

She clears her throat.

“The operation was a complete success. Her inner cranial pressure has returned to normal and I was able to stabilize her condition.”

Arc shudders. “I’m sure I already know the answer to this, but what was the cause of the cranial pressure?”

“A tumor.”

“Wait. What?!”

Redheart leads the group over to a display. “Let me show you.”

She points a hoof at the screen. There is a strange looking bubble on the display.

“Right here at the base of her spine. “

Luna nods. Was it painful?”

Nothing that would have sent her to the hospital. None of her nerves had been affected yet. A few more weeks and she would have been in agony though. But by then it probably would have been too late.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Is there a need to operate?”

Redheart shakes her head as she turns off the screen. “I already have.”

Rose smiles. “That was fast!”

Redheart walks over to the bed and picks up the patient’s chart. “Yes, I finished a few hours ago.”

She gently turns Ashe’s head to show them several stitches. Rose frowns.

“I’m not sure how I feel about this. Her family should have been notified before such a procedure.”

Arc sighs. “It couldn’t be helped.”

He turns to Redheart.

“What are her chances?”

“She will recover nicely with proper rest. However…”

Flash Sentry interrupts. “That’s good!”

Luna frowns. “I should be happy about this. But…”

Arc nods soberly. “But you’re worried about her telling Lord Gestal about what I did to her.”

Luna nods. “It is a very real danger to our nation.”

Rose glares at Luna. “So is killing her!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Agreed! That’s not what Equestria stands for!”


Luna sighs. “What would you have me do then, Arc?!”

“There’s really only one thing we CAN do.”

Rose looks to him, hopeful. “Take care of her until she’s better?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. We have to take her back to the Griffon Kingdom.”

Luna’s eyes grow wide. “We can’t do that!”

“Luna… we HAVE to!”

“Yes… you’re right, Arc. But this doesn’t make my job any easier.”

Arc walks over to Luna and puts a hand on her shoulder. “Our jobs are not always easy. As you know.”

Ashe begins to stir. Redheart turns to them

“The patient is regaining consciousness.”

Flash Sentry looks to Ashe. “That’s impressive.”

Rose nods.” Yes. She must really be strong-willed.”

Ashe slowly opens her eyes. She speaks groggily.

“I… what happened?”

Redheart puts down the chart. “Take it easy, miss. You’re safe and sound in the Infirmary.”

Ashe looks around slowly before attempting to move. She quickly notices her restraints.

“What…? Why am I tied up?!”

Arc frowns at her. “I think you know why.”

Her gaze quickly snaps over to him at his voice.

“My father won’t be happy to hear this!”

Flash Sentry’s eyes narrow. “Hear what?”

“About how you kidnapped me and held me prisoner aboard your ship! Release me…!”

She winces in pain for a few moments before continuing.

“Untie me this instant!”

Luna shakes her head. “I think not.”

Ashe looks over at Luna. A withering look on her face.

“You have no authority here! I demand you release me at once!”

Rose folds her arms over her chest. “You’re pretty demanding for someone who tried to kill Arc!”

“What are you talking about?! I’M the victim here!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Oh really?”

He reaches under the bed to pull out her rebel’s cloak.

“Does this look familiar?”

Ashe looks away. “Never seen it before.”

Flash Sentry steps forward. “Look, miss. You’re in a lot of trouble here. I suggest you start cooperating with the commander!”

Ashe rolls her eyes. “Please… just call for my father and I’ll be off.”

Arc sighs. “That could be a bit of a problem.”

Ashe shakes her head with a smirk. “You can’t just send a messenger?”

Luna chuckles. “Do you have ANY idea where you are?”

“A couple hours outside the city at most. Now as a citizen of Griffonstone in the skies of the Griffon Kingdom, I hereby DEMAND that you contact my father at once! If you do so, perhaps I can convince him not to retaliate for this act of violence against me.”

Flash Sentry grins. “Not quite, miss.”

Arc nods. “We’re only a couple hours from Canterlot Castle by now.”

Ashe laughs. “How stupid do you think I am?! There’s no way I was out THAT long!”

Redheart looks to Ashe. “He’s right. I operated on you in the early hours of the morning.”

“OPERATED?! What have you monsters DONE to me?!”

Arc glares at her. “Saved your life for starters.”

Redheart walks over to the x-ray chart on the wall again. “Yes, miss. There was a tumor growing on your spine. It was causing some intercranial pressure. Have you felt ill lately?”

“Just some headaches, that all! Why?!”

“Any dizziness, numbness, or loss of appetite?”

“A bit. But what does that have to do with my spine?!”

Redheart points to the chart again. “That was the tumor wreaking havoc on your senses. It threw your body into light chaos. Tell me, how is your…”

Ashe glares at Luna. “Are you trying to say you HELPED me?!”

“We did.”


Flash Sentry frowns. “It’s what we do.”

Rose nods happily. “Yes! Arc was very insistent that you be returned to health! You should thank him!”

“Hmph! After what he’s done?!”

Arc clenches a fist. “You’re upset that I helped broker peace between our nations?!”


There is silence for a time as Ashe calms herself. Eventually Ashe speaks.

“So where are we really?!”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Miss, we REALLY are flying through Equestrian airspace.”

“Not too bright. When word of this gets back to my father…”

Arc interrupts her. “How?”

“How what?!”

Luna smirks. “Nopony knows you’re here.”

“I’ll be noticed soon enough.”

Flash Sentry laughs. “Somehow I doubt you will. You’re not the only griffin in our land, you know.”

Ashe moves to say something, but stops and sighs instead.

“So what happens now?”

Arc turns to Luna. “Yes, princess. What should we do with her?”

Luna turns to Ashe, soberly. “We will land at Canterlot Castle soon. I will disembark and the Lunar Destiny will ferry you home, miss.”

“Good! The sooner the better!”

Luna turns to leave the room. She looks to Arc momentarily.

“As per your… advice, I’ve decided to show leniency. Hopefully I don’t regret that choice in the coming days.”

Arc nods understandingly. “So do I.”

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